The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 09, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of tfae World.
Imoortont but Not Less Inter
esting Happening from Points
--Outside the Stat.
Many infant arc dying in Chicago
as the result of too intones beat.
A itaiian walla ara being rank in
Cape Colony at tba rate of 1,400 a
year. I
Seismologists have figured oat that
eerthquakea travel at rataa varying
Iron 470 to 620 feat per second.
Grand Duke William, of Luxem
bourg, is seriously ill. Hla successor
to the crown is bis daughter, 16 years
A farmer and his entire family of
wife, three daughters and a son drown
ed while fishing near their noma at
Wellington, Colo.
The American Geographical society
baa accepted Mrs. Collie P. Bunting
ton's gift of a 9860,000 site for new
building at New York.
. At the 60th annual commencement
of the University of Wisconsin one of
tba class of 1869 was present and gave
tba elaaa yell of that year.
The two battleehips authorised by
the last congress will carry heavier
batteriee than any other warships
afloat or ordered by any nation.
The United States Steal corporation
will endeavor to prevent ita employee
from using liquor, especially while on
. tba property of tba corporation.
It baa been demonstrated that tba
blue raya from mercury vapor lamps
kill bacteria and sterilise water in
which the lamps ara placed without
appreciably iocreeaing Us temperature.
kf any British offlcHU fear an upris
ing in India, -
Fire has destroyed the greater part
of Cobalt, Out. One man ia dead.
A landslide at Newport, England,
resulted to the death of SO laborers.
King Alfonso, of Spain, baa emder
gone a slight operation, which proved
A thief In London grabbed a handbag
wontalnlng $600,000 In Jewels and made
bis escape. -
While the temperature in the Bast
baa greatly moderated, there la Still
touch suffering.
Russian and Chlneee officials have
slashed because tba latter weiata on
bar treaty, rights.
A prominent Australian merchant
aaya nil country would help the United
btatee ngnt japan.
The greatest American fleet ever
assembled ia to engage to maneuvers
on tba Atlantis coast.
Tba Western Union Telearranb
pany baa bean indicted at Cincinnati
for helping a backatobop to do buel-
Germans are greatly en th need over
the proposal of Ceent Zeppelin to at
tamnt to reach the sola and will fur
nish all naeeasary money.
Under Taft's orders the White Bouse
la to be greatly enlarged.
Count Zeppelin, tba German aero
naut, wlU try to reach the pole by bel
The suras trust and six of its offi
cials have been Indicted for violating
the antitrust law. .
Cholera still prevails to 8t Peters
burg to an alarming extent, and many
deaths have occurred.
A Chinaman found
New York ia believed to be Leea Ling,
asardererof Slate ttlsgai.
A. M. Cos baa been earned chief of
polk and J. W. Morris city engineer
af Portland by Mayor Stoma.
The doAHt at the and of the
swi mi will reach ft0.000.000, bat
it had been expected tereeoh U4,-
German exnlorers have returned
from a tear acaong the eennibeia of
Bismarck talanda and report
straage sights.
The hot wave to the Beat baa
' Ex-Preaktoat KIms, af Harvard, baa
boost made prsaldsat emeritus saw gtv
aa 100,000, ,. .
The government will star salt
agatoat tba Aeaartoaa Sugar stoBninf
It to repsrted abet Leea XJag. the
CbsxcawBaMrdarea State SigeJ at
Mew Yeah, baa bee aaaght to Mextoa.
i t as alas maa baa n i" to
miUm eaaissBB seassaaato ab
arto -
a wtoch h
f eaiwaa. u iA j-i
Harrlman Must Not Labor So Stren
uously as m Past. ;.
Vienna, Austria, July idwlfid
H. Harrlman. the .American railroad
wizard, most not work again ao bard
or so continuously as he baa done Ki
th peat This to tba edict of Dr.
Adolf Stroempcll. tba noted Vienna
specialist, who baa diagnosed Harri-
man's ailment aa incipient paralysis.
In obedience to this edict m Uarri
mao's only safety.
ftrw the' nresenL declares Professor
Stamen pell, Mr. Harrlman must have
complete quiet. To this end bis meats
are now being served in- his room, and
be only emerges therefrom one a day
to take the mild exerciss which baa
been prescribed aa a part of his ours
of treatment. '
The course of treatment through
which Mr. Harrlman Is now being put
is intended to ear bis nervous trouble
nd nt him Into aa rood physical con
dition as possible, after wbicb an en
tirely new course of treatment win do
Inaugurated in an effort to relieve the
paralysis which is affecting bis limbs.
This cannot be cured, Mr. Harriman
baa bean Informed, but ita acute sympt
oms can be relieved and its -progress
Mrs. Harriman la remaining con
stantly by bis side, and her ministra
tions form ao important feature of the
course of treatment being given him.
German' Invents a New Game Much
Leu Dangerous to Play.
Parts, July 5V A new game of the
diabolo type ia springing into favor
bare, and aa the American patents have
been taken out, "to funds" will no
doubt be seen before long to America.
"La funds" is a new form of sling, as
its name shows. A little bsg on a
wooden framework Is fixed on a swivel
Into a sort of tennis racket without
strings or top. The bottom of the bag
la open, and two strong India rubber
bands prevent tnS ball, a tennis oaii,
from failiner throus-a. Tba same to to
sling tba ball from one player to an
other or op Into the air, to be. caught
by the same player at will.
It nawla a certain amount of skill
and to certainly leas dangerous and jOst
aa health aa dtaboto. ine mveasor
ia a yonng German named Seeger, who
in s demonstration which be gavetnA
other afternoon threw tennis ball
higher than the chimneys of a seven
story house Mid caught It ftgetn etthi
oat apparent effort, -
' r v
Two Pleasure Launches Imperilled,
k.. n k. - mml
Rait Lake. Juhr 67 A whitf'storm.
swept over Great Salt lake tost even
ing, dashed the heavy water to huge
broadeidoe against the Saltair pavilion
and threatened the existence of two
small pleasure boats cruising off shore.
After a stress-Is with the wind and
the waves to which the voyagers' were
drenched with eatv water, toe launenao
regained the pavilion.
In making a landing, one ex toe
boata was dashed agatoat tba pier and
badly damaged. No one, son ever, was
in lured. Tba tale, tbouah of brief
duration, waa on of tba moat violent
in the history of the lake. Rumors
that one of the boata bad gone down
with 60 passengers reached swr and
there waa crest anxiety on tl! the out
come waa known.
Ship FwH by Auto Ncwi
London. Jolv 6. Aa experiment
which la being watched with much in
terest by the wholesale dealers to fruit
and vegetables at Covent Garden and
other markets to tba aastroeolls la be
ing made a connection with the con
veying of fruit and vegetables from
lone? distances bv motor, yesterday
a motor van containing almost a record
load of graven and other fruit, eaeem-
bers and vegetablea, am red at the
market from Worthing, the Journey
being ever 40 mites. No damage what
ever waa den to tba eoatenta af the
package, and the asotor arrived fully
an hour before the merchandise which
bad been dispatched by train.
Man rails tot Asphalt,
Los Angetos, July .Buried almost
ap to his nose la a barrel af liquid
asphalt, Salvador Talsmantaa, a la
borer, wee found early this asornlng
alsssst suffocated. It raejaired four
mea to get him oat Tatomaataa-fell
into tba barrel while araosing a rail
road treetto. Trying to extricate him
eelf be ptonged both ansa lata tba
asphalt and sank deeper. Ha waa
rsandhv Deewtv Coaetabto Mwlaaa-
hato, who, wreoehed hie bask trying to
save the mea. The exieaa was ae
allly axtrieated.
' f Unto to me atoMghiT '
Capetown, Cape Colony, July C Ii
to reaorasi frees BaeJawey. Redeeaa,
that Gsasral Lwsto SHha, aramtor of
Ifct Tieeeiaal sa the rooaast af the
Am ifrtos aattsaal .aaaveattoa will !
oa?er toe oaartered Soath Afrtesst cobs-I
any gioaaoa.oao for sac ereaias ar.
KitwkK bp Usawid Saatb AJrtoa. -
Congrtssmai tashmauVol Wasb-
IngToovit Pofnl ol Deatb.
4 for 8li
Operation and While. Ba
"'lha; Pneumonia Seta to. ,
New York, July I. Congressman
Francis W. Cosh man, who baa been 111
In Roosevelt hospital for 10 days, waa
to a critical condition last night, and
at midnight tba sntboritiea of the hos
pital held out little hope of bis recov
ery. They in fact said be waa ao low
it waa doubtful if be woudl survive the
Mr.-Cnabman sntored toe hospital on
Jane 21 to undergo aa operation for
the removal of an sbcess to his neck.
The operation, which waa a alight
one, was aucessafal, but before no re
covered from It pneumonia devaloved.
The disease reached the critical stag
yeeterday, and, contrary to the expec
tations of ail, it took a rapid tarn for
the worse. . -
Francis W. Cushmsn was born May
8, 1867, at Brighton, Ia., and waa edu
cated at the local hiarb school and at
Pleasant View academy. In order to
aid to paying bis tuition there ha work
ed during the summer vacation aa
"water boy" on railroad construction
work. On eomnlsting his education at
tba academy the future congressman
worked for some time aa section hand
on local railroads, until at the an of
16 be moved to Wyoming. There he
remained for Ave yeara, being a cow
boy on a ranch, a "handy maa" to a
lumber eamp, and also a school teacher.
Daring this period be took up the study
of law, reading by himself, with bat
little outside sid.
At the erase of this time be moved
to Nebraeka, and wss admitted to both
the District and 8upreme bar. He
mained there ustil 1891, when be went
Weat again, settling ia Taeoma, which
baa sines bead, fcia permanent home.
Prior to1 hie eteotion to congress be held
no offices of -any kind, and made his
living eatfrisly. by his legal practice. -
in lean ar.' uusnwan waa notnioataa
by the- Itepeoana-for-taMtaaefe Since
that time be bat neea without opposi
tion to bis owtr party, and baa been
elected by overwhelming majorities at.
each succeeding alcetioa,
and to bow
serving his sixth term..
, . Bret rhms' tsftd Shaken.
Downicvllle, Cel., July i. Almost
ovary night for more than a wee
earthquake shocks have been experi
enced hers, and their frequency has
caused eoncidrable ameeaineas. Sine
the rather severe trembler of Jane SI
there - have beea frequent lighter
shocks, most of them sufficiently per
ceptible to awaken people. People
living at Poker flat say Mount rUmoro
ia the seat of tba disturbance. That
country baa reported some of these
quakes aa being aaito severe, Earus-
quaksa ara rare to Sierra eounty.
Clergy to Appealed To.
Victoria, B. a, July A, A. Canon
Hsndon, of Westminster abbey, alee
rector of toe British House of Coov
mona church. Id a pohlie ad arise bare
today, urged the clergy to preach sacri
fices everywhere to as sari immadisteto
needed army and navy fond. Men-
don declares England to unarmed and
defeeeeleea, and en the verge af a eoa
test for her national ajalstsnaa. j
' Johnson Pavare Women.
Jackson. Mien.; July fc Governor
Job neon, of Mtoneeota, delivered aa
addrcaa here last Bight and said: "I
hope to see the time when woman will
jobs with then baebaada to political
affairs. Where woman to, the
pber is Utter aad polittoa weaM
bettor whore refining tonoaaca to p
vatont." . '-
' Rescued After Tan Dave.
St. flalL Switsertond, July . A
young woman wba toadayaagowaa
eauaht to a eava-to af a railroad toa-
mI, waa dag ant aire Boday. She
offered agonies at seed and hangar
daring this period, hat managed to
sustain life bv saekiag moisture from
bar clothing, oa which water lewssioa
ally trickled. "
mBemaaBawBBteBSMBBasaBsm h
PltcKed Batsto to Srrewt.
Gaayaonil, July At a sslibraMea
yostesdw to hoaor of St. near ana at
PaeL a satSk attacked aha poliea.
Troepe were eattad aa. sesaanysf
the eeUiera totosd bbo
pitched hettle waa foaght to which too
pereaaa were InUtod aad sa
Uaaoa. Jasv a. Tba coat
CaJeaa saitoa from Leadoa today
l.iOO mites af oaaee aa beard to toy
the Case cssaaaay'a asto
Maw toaa mep
.-and Oorri Hlgho .
New York, July R. The' beef true '
baa again ordered the price of its pro-
uoct raiseo. s-ouneen oenui wuuu
for pot roast to 28 cents for porter
bouse and sirloin steaks ia the pries.
Thirty cents will be demanded for tb
latter cuts to a few days, while aver
age beef will cost the dealer 10 canto
a pound, aa against the hitherto pre
vailing price of 10 cents. ,
The high price af corn and the scar
city of cattle are the raaeone assigned
by tba trust for the Increase to prices.
As to why cattle ahoold be any scarcer
now than at any other time no answer
is forthcoming. -.- ------
Retail butchers explain that toe
working people are too poor to buy
beef; that there to a Isascning to the
demand and consequently a raising in
tba price. It Is pointed out. that Pat
ten's corner to wheat bee increased the
demand for corn as an srtiele of human
consumption, and that therefore tba
price of that grain has so increased
that it Is no longer profitable to raise
corn-fed cattle.
The officers of the beef trust to the
Bast arc very reticent to discussing
the condition of the beef market.
When an expression of opinion was
sought from the representatives of the
big Isadora in tba trust, such as Ar
mour's and Swift's, the inquirer was
referred from one official to another.
Finally a vague statement wss made
to the offset that the market waa nor
mal and that existing prices were due
to natural trade condition.
Work Suspended at Messina an Ac
count of Hot Weather. .
Rome, July 6. Thousands of bodies
of the vtetima of the December earth
quake that devastated Messina are
atill to the ruins of that city and will
not be dug out to receive burial until
winter. In an effort to convince King
Victor that it to doing every possible
thing toward tba code desired to Mes
sina, tba Interior department today
submitted its Srst comprehensive re
port. It is uaderatood tonight that the
king, though not doubting the bonecty
of the officials, was-angry that there
In reply to the aceasattoa that do
excavation 4iad been made in the ruins,
tba Interior department declares it baa
bean 'found necessary to saapend sll
work of thui nature during the warm
weather. Up to that time 80,000 bod
ies had bee recovered. An average
of 800 bodice wees removed daily in
April and' 900 bodice were awaiting
iburial for lack of grave diggers. '
Santo Fa Road Bed Rich to Precious
Chicago, July 6. Offlciala of the
Santa Fa road or inclined to believe
that through tho accidental discovery
of gold and copper to tfae ballast need
oa the Bclen cut-off a now rich mining
dtatriet will be developed to the Man-
sano mounts ine to Torrance county.
New Mexico.
A fact that adds romantic interest
to the gold discovery is that the region
is adjacent to the deeerted eity, which
ia supposed to have beea Spanish and
which is known sa Gran Quivers.
There ara legendary stories of old Span-
toh mines which are supposed to have
beea productive hundreds of years ago.
bat which were abandoned. Now that
gold has been discovered to the region
thee Stories sre being revived and
many are nocking Into the moan tains
and are stsaing oat claims everywhere.
The discovery of gold to largely duo
to. on of the engineers of the com
pany, who to located at tba general
offices ia Chtoago. Net along ago thia
engineer waa walking track between
Bctoa and Willard and while to a deep
eat he picked up b chunk of ballast
which bad a efaemtoel atato upon it
The stone waa brought to Chicago, aad
H wee found to be highly m fused with
cold. Soma of the ballast which waa
betog seed on tba Be lea cutoff waa then
sent for and waa found to assay about
$S wartbwf gold to the ton.
Fear Kitted to Cvctone.
Winnipeg, Man., Jury B. Reports
reeerred toaierbt from Southern
kascaawan show that feat peiauna were
kilted and more than 60 hurt, and that
Immsasi damage waa doaa by tba cy
clone which swept ttmt dtotrkt kite
tost algbt and early thia mssatog.
tb Geinsbesa district three
were killed and nearly SO Injured, while
a child was kilted Bear Oarrtevale. Tb
ojrilsaa streak first at Bsdvera, toraed
south toward Cantovato and Gatoa
boro, and toast waa saat to Peareoa,
Maaltoba. ' -
!? Treat to too Daiauw. . '
New York, My Thee la
probabflitg that chess wiS aa wsy
eatfaa af tb aaaw trust aatil A
whoa Oslaad State Dtotrsft Atoevaef
Wtoa. aweseaUed OalasSaj tor Faieaa.
reaaraasaiMW Terk. - The faa-o eg
sv to Fa
tba FeeVeJ ei
" r4v-
x '
StrOOfllS IS UD BetWe6S TlRDlatB
Hills ud Union Employes,
Four States Ara Affected afid Almost
7.000 Men Arc Idle Trust
WIH Make Fight.
Pittsburg, July 1 Fifteen plants
were crippled or entirely tied ap at '
midnight by the strike order that went. .
into effect to the union sheet and tin
plate mills of the United States Steel
corporation, according to the claimav
made by the offlciala of the Amalga
mated Association of Iron, Steel eV '
Tinplato workers. The number of men ' -on
strike to estimated at 7,000.
Tba strike la the outcome of the open :
shop order posted four weeks sgo by
the American Sheet A Tlnplate com
pany at all its mills throughout West.
Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and In
diana. Defeat for tfae Amalgamated aasoei
atlon, it ia said, virtually means thai
taking away of ita power in the affair -of
the United Statea Steel corporation,
of wbicb the American Sheet A Tin
plate company Is a subsidiary. ,
A wage agreement baa been1 reached
by the Amalgamated Associattoa of
Iron. Steel A Tinworkers and repre
sentatives of the independent sheet and
tin plate manufacturers
Two Hundred and Twenty New Once-. , .
effective...! mineta.
Chicago, Jay 1. Two hundred and 7: "
twenty new lawa passed by the last
Illinois legislature went into effect to--- -
day. Some, of the big meaaaraa ara
not operative before next. January,"
notably the- hasaidoos machinery act ,
and the board of opntool, which takea
overall charitable institutiona. Tho . '
.Forbidding ' women to work to fac- f
tor lee, or anyvpleee where machinery j Jv J?
is employed, more thaa 10 boors a da, i i f
Thia -ydece apt apply to mercantile aa- .
toWumnta. .
Permitting aatoiaoblle drivers to de-w'
fend IhetBsslvcs. to neUri onder tow - ,
permitting "reasooable epcad;"
Authorising the city ,ef Chicago to " '
add I Is, 000,000 to Its hooded todebtod- . t
Permitting "white slaves" to testify-
when their hosbanda "are Involved."
Making It a felony to detain any
woman to a resort on charge of debt.
Providing for the examination and
licensing of barbera. .
Inheritance tax law, which will add
cailliena to atato revenue.
Punishing Isodlords who bar children
from flats.
Creating forest preserves.
Pawnbrokers required to boh) all ar
ttolcs a year and cutting interest to S
per cant a month.
S300.000.0O0 FOR NAVY' .
Expenditure Necessary to Save British
CmpIre, Bay BataeforeV
Lor don, Jnly I. Advocattos: a plan
of naval expanaton, already submitted
to the admiralty, which practically pro
video the doubling of Great Britain's
Immense sea fore, .Admiral -Lord
Charles Bereeford today declared tb
national situation waa. snore serious
than waa generally known. He said
there waa no nee to precipitating a
Dank, bat it waa heat to be an the sal
Tea dreadnaegfato to addition, to tba
four previeional ships already provid
ed for, will be baUt before March 81,
1914, under the admiral 'a plan. Tba
scheme ateo tocladaa. IS- Second atosa
cruisers. 18 commerce protecting cruis
ers and 10 chips of a new. type similar
to torpedo boat deetiuysia, hot larger.
Bis estimate of the cast of tfatoplaa
taa aI aVMb aUasm
Black Blahapa Lews Out.
Waahington, July l.Five blebop
of the African Methodic Eptoeopal
, etonvkv who declared to tba Interstate
Ccaunerss eommisatoa that they
diecriminated afainet by Soetbera rail- ,
reade and by tba Pullman company to
latrancportauon, dtobag racilites, and .
ateeping car acaasassodatmna, bava w
bean Informed by tba eammtostoa that
their esesplaiBt waa aot warranted.
They charged that asgrees were denied '
steeping car aeeomascrtstton and thsaV
they were lefaasd feed, to the dm tog ,J.
ears solely sera nee ef their cuter.
WaT aaTxaa O0wtwJflw, ,
Carsto, Jury 1. Herbert Iilhaw,
Oaaont da Lambert sad Heart
are at arsssat sa. the coast
awoittog favarabto weatto
to attempt aa Biiiplmi tight aemaa
taw Bnoeb eaaaaeal feri prtae ef '
aa iSjH, t baa Lsamto-ar.- I
seats sre beeng b id 1st t