rT' r-V.-""..- T" ' 7" . J ' ' 1 v. Morrow County Is the Richest County PerCaplta In Oregon j . ; ; . ,' .," te h Pest City In Morrow QojMnt Vol. X. Xo M). -: '. ' " IONE, OREGON, 'FRIDAY, JULY tit , 1900. Z. V" : ' Whole No. Wd. v; i ' ! '"' .. -J J-iUJl-V-L--! LL i ' 1 1- '- - !-i"r.-i-L!UL'lJlt---i -4 r o Header bed Lumber - -. .. . . . . 1 ; ; and ; FLOORING ; 1.1. Fact. THE OFFICE :PA5TIME.Ti Across the street from Post Office. ; i '. r; Tla p'lacotogi't nice cool drink. ; Give us a Mir. we will treat you tight. S-s l-;.A.:I Barbar (Next door to woolcrys office.) -r,j 1 Twr rtwly tftm tflth ttfmicv H.nir Viittinffaaavnootli Slinvlng. CALL ONCE, AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN. Sfcarp rcr$, net sar Summer Rates East Durin j thiScdson 1909 - ; i Oregon Railroad V . OREGON SHORT -LINE AND " " UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ' ; !Y . .from"'-:- '.j7, :.; tortland, .Seattle, Spokane, Tncoma, Walla "NValia ' . . and all points on the O. R. A N. line - To OMAHA Atid Return $60." ; To KANSAS CITV , 60. So ST LOUIS , , V 7.50 ; To CHICAGO M ?1.5(V and to othW avtiwlpk) HUM ta M katt, UkMl Wett u Hooit. . CorreapewlUlr Ww lam, . , V S Or taie Jm1.S.MtU. ACHt . -i To DENVER and Return $55. Or ' . JDU tllRM nnm l WJi w w. mHii vimv m Tbeee uefcMe preaMit mm rwry aitraetlre feaiaraf fa, tfca way M toyww privtlecM, a4 ebiee ol mtM ; thervbr mU1ii( peewiigen to Maka akto tripa Roatloff m tlie retara trip Ikreacb Calilrtila may b had at a etigM aavsMa vartheralMaacad. i ' ' i Fall particalare, tko ear rMerratlDiM and ticket vlA be taralebed kyny o. turn . lean aceaii w j HftTICE FOK PP-W.tCATIOS MCmII4 niUMU) SrrUl MaiM iarTaiwTorTn iHTMaroa U, S. Una Ofl.ce at Tl PmIim. Jim Kllr ! hrbr rln OialClara II 7,nnil. ratte, rMvol, M ViiflM. Hwn. (Oljiplii. W.li ingtaw. bn, U ACnl It. HWJj laartc HiwlMil Ein rr, !( IIM. tar w.twit nr. . a fr HTwp. is. rm M BmI, W. Mri4l kM aid NMlM of -taa Mbe taM lrw vm4. mmuUMi taia tm Um Im4 iw 4Mnik4. Mm tW ainm WinHir m Tlw BattM, OtepM Ika Mth MT f aitM, MX OjaaI ia lun iia . . 9. . Jhai D t a4 Immi r HMaMVf am Mwif a4 4Jm rtarM ef Up D H R&xon Honest l. M ' - " i wms, is wr Mm. & Navigation co HHKI Wb .-JUUOt , , Last Friday venitiR aHi-r Hit poople At ilia lone Hotel went to tlie tlnnce nt (H,'l!ittincrink,ChM Enrhrt, wlio linn 1kiu; vlerk- fti th hotel linco Airs Gingi r tnnk I angered nliottt f:unily.tifrerpiicett ofopinion, rtllil jinukrtook to lf Mrs Ciunger b(lilv hiirnt. She wnn ftltlp, Willi lltti nid of Mr Wuhf. Aiiditnr tf tlto 11 iver Lumber Company, wlio w;t in litit rnon lip Htnirx, In wnnl off Kjirlmrt. Jlrr (Miigr-ttt Eafliart tlifit went to tlic ilniK'tf, nnU ii.rifr n iln ni-o- to getlittr, TDnrlmrt liet-nme qunrelBoin anil laid Mr (utiiguraml tlie I'hiln rcn to go hiinio, - Tiii-y Mim-d nnl lie left tlx lniildiiijE in grout nnp r rihI liifDling Hwirt' (Mirrk, jon -inlaw o( Air's (ittitjjer, xtnrted to cut 111 in with tiliiiife. . . Mrn (Stni(((t arrived rn ttini lu ruxtt InilwefM ttientliuT Tw'olvi7f- Clurk drew, who ft rl Avn iliotn nt Kni hart, M ofwIHet) C).t wihl Ka r- hart tlien tiroko Jhlti (tie etnre of the C T TMkcT evtnto, and turned oil tin llglita ami fflcuml niipplv nf ammunition ami a fthot'jtmi, H teH tli roil 11 iMvlt Ufwr and intercepted fit Qangurt krtd Ihi nan neucr so immrv, aim a iim Kint of Ik eltotcun forced tlieeu ti go top tlrt rail mud. truck and acre to the Hotel. Tla meiiltlK)towit waM aeiMluiiy atoufml and 'aw Karhnrt had iiinny tfmra unid h yad it In for a timnlw o? litem for iaBt eoiiditHtttiv there was it grcHf inn ny ill thent ''Jitliiting hnii-f." However after a time a tiumlwi entered Waikvr' nnd the Woolery Hardw.iru ntorea it ml gut reviilve guitfi nnd'ttiumunilieii, arid ow went to their honi-t for gun, nitil a m.ni hunt began ineiiriieH. Kiir hnrtvAme ttown town and tfpitt! himself heftire theChick Plmrnmr.v nhd called H;irrr Riotl to hjrn and iisi'd litHi an a "hitld frmit ti'r crowd.. Kd Dail rtnd Jeo Crooan went into thoB-mL: and llall firnl three times at Karhort acroea Uie atreet and through tlie window, hraakiiig the larpe ita(e glat. All three aliote went wild Wl canaed Earhart to more and at b went toward tht l'lack-mltlt ihorJ a fuel I Me ef aiiote followed) bim titer being orer 8(tf tliota Bred in the one brock.. All went wild and he tnrled for the hi'lla Mid aa he paaaed tho warebooaa, an M man, who, wae ileepiag there, la the grate, raieed ot hia elbow to toll tlie meo Barbort bad) gotW) aod onoof Uwpartaere tboteght H waa the aian tbjr wanted andahot aim in the bonnier, the ehot lodging under the left alioalder blado. Ea hart aafelr eecum) hitnaeif 1b the hUU and kept off tha men uatil daybreak, wlieit foe aonto reaton hit nerve failed him, and faa oaaw Hit and enr rendered and plead for merer " the eititeni ehowad blm tlie re waa great danger of a lynch ing party. Deputy Sheriff Caaon, iteeiited by throe other mon harri ed him Into a baggy nd started to Heppner bat at Leiingtoa met Sheriff Hhott, who had beea notifi ed bf Walter rnytw aad H L Jonee, who made the drlro im aw lionr and f fteen mi note. There are many reporta abowt, many of thorn aa rtdtealoaa that tbo Ioa poapkt are fnlloflawghter ; : ti: bainli ttWE ; Has served the -community rxi lone with hnk ing facilities for several years. ' In doing ' ; inis we, nave nap jneco-opcranon ct - our locar people We are bet- r - . ter prepared than ever to1'X';.v'"' v; 4 ; "S take care of the bank -. - ing business of t ' , . " '. . w . , , this 4 "munity- .. y- ' ,i ' Conservative bosincS is Invited 1 'Capital - T JW Surplus and Undivided Profits $4,690. v . J. E. jCronou; Tresitlcnt, ; ;' . T.J. Mahoney, A'ice l'cguloiit. -J. JXCrohah, IINSE-H mmmmJmmmmmmAmtmmt I fcrnir hrwre oa mmmm T. . ao.eoi MX roHf ' ;. -u st' t.v- J feMki1, O.e. 8PEITRY SPERRY1& WILT :. ilACKS'Hll6!SKS '5 6 a S t-S i) C E I K Quick Service and to make Earhart en r render, while in foot Mr Bhatt had not hern in our city for many week, until lour davi after tho hooting; that the injured itton1 ol whom there aroeix oreerett, withafliolor two from Karhart'i thot-gnn, and the man who laaeripiwly injured, were all taken to Heppnea for eare. Not one man waa removed from. lone and tho aitisaat and Dr Chick are coring for the badly Injured man at the home of Mr Carle. - Mr and Mre Jack Hynd and Mr Ooff andtOD apent the fourth jo Heppnoiv . : Willie Ahalt and Herbert Kver ett wart lone anil Heppner Helton daring tbo 4th. , . Cecil O W Mook of AlberU, Canada,)" waa interview! nc tome 01 our ciii- . . ... . gens, mivm PureuMivv wnum, try ing to inducothem to go there- , 1 8 Rogers who baa baonroabing aroamory battor the past throe yeore baa docided to ehiphia cream heoee forth to Portland and began thta voehv tit 1 W Uhmrm baa ahdaf oon- atrwotion a largo barn, tho dekhtn- com - t - Cashier. w-.jOHfiH. WILT G. ft f ? I.ii U57 o 1 All Work 'Gjarafltee. WaTMaffaiVTBTWIir'eT iff Kholtrr 100 lirnd of stock Wfii'en largo o,rt:mlily of hay. .. It Im a driveway 30 fart whle, Uith on tha, gfi)Und.flimraniLaJoita-anil w I'gi'r oompleted will bo ample for hia prevent nei'dn. Neighbors galliered from differ ent direction, nt what ft known as the Kintxley place, iaw bwnril by B 8 Kwiag, and had a pleaeant' 4tb of July picnic under tlio laria fruit trees in tho orchard All rtT port a most enjoyable time. Mr Chat Depipaey moved hl family from tlio Unedy ranch lo thit place, K rider, where they wili romain nntil after harvest. ' I Among the Cecilitee who spent tlie 4th in Portland were Ir K Me Bee, 2ennett tognp, 1'oj'tl Jgan, wife and daughter. ,' John Miller' met with quite a painfnl accident last work whir moving two homestead eahlna on wagon together with a eookstom !Ttn aoine manner ha beea mo over balanced awd fell' beneath the wagon tho store ahto falling. The front wheat passed oter hit left shouldirr, which .luckily waa at broken but Indicting injuries from which ho irao aonlnod to bit bed Mal1 aUva. . ' ' - I 'lowi'roialmcf "UtA i - a amoa thone ar the ktory that tiooaaW ly 90 4tat aa- wUI, 7 k.