The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, June 25, 1909, Image 7

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Governor Selects Cltiene to Attond
Trans-Mississippi Congress.
: Balem Governor Benson has ap
pointed the following citisena of Ore-
.gon delegates to the Trans-Missiasippi
Development congriss, to -bo held at
Denfer, August 16 to 21 :
H. L. Corbett, E. W. -Wright, W.
C McBride, Henry Hahn, A. H. Dev-
tm, I. N. Fleisehner, J. B. Eddy, Big
Sichel, John F. CarroU, JuliuaMeier,
H. C. Wortroan, Edward J. Wajtng,
Portland; W. H. SneWfoff, Clifford
W. Brown; -Salem ; U. 8. Laughary,
Dallas; Herman Wise, Astoria; John
H. Bartog, Eugene; E. U Smith
Hood Rim, W. U Thompson, Pendle
ton, Walter M. Pierce, La Grande;
J. H. Dobbin, Joseph; W. A. Messner,
Independence; A. H. Millar, Medford;
Alex Martin. Jr.. Klamath Falla: P.
'P. Light, Lakoview ; O. A- Barrett,
Athena; Jesse Edwards, Newberg;
W. H Ragedale. Moro; P. A. Soufert,
Tha Dalles; Phillip Knowles, Dufur;
A" B. Thompson, Echo; T. J. Don
nelly, Baker City; Herman Rothchild,
North Powder; Ger Small, Baker City;
-Clark Wood, Wee too; A. C. Mentors,
Roseburg; Warren Freed. Gardiner;
W. G. Gila trap, Eugene; P. W. Wa
ter, Salem; G. V. J oh neon, Corvallis;
Ales McNsir, Tillamook; W. T. Sebol
fleld, Astoria; G. C Huntley, Oregon
Mty; J. A. LaCocH, Canyon City; T.
C Taylor, Pendleton; L. A. Wright,
Union; Walter L. Toots, Falla City;
John D. Olwel), Central Point; Percy
K. Kelly, Albany; W. T. Maeey, Me
Minnville; Ed RsdcliffeLaagloUi M.
Whaaldon, The Dalles; Dr. Frank
Kistner, Heppner; A. W. Hope, Vale;
S. A. Kendall, Roseburg; I. J. Simp-
on, North Bend; K. U. Fiagg. at.
Helena; H. L. Truax, Grants Pass;
-Charles H. Fisher. Eugene. .
Rumor Say Harriman WW Not Stop
. at Klamath.
Klamath Falls According to reporta
Klamath Falls m not to be the terminus
f the terminus of the California North
eastern for any considerable length of
time. It is stated on good authority,
bow ever, not officially, that a contract
hu haan let for the construction ng TCt
milaa of mad northward from this city.
The roadbed is now oomoletod U upper
.limit! atool Sin miles north
f the depot site. The track will be
comoletod during July and direct eon-l
section made with the boats on the
lake. The large steam dredges used In
building the dyke across the marsh are
to be moved to the lake and will be
-need in but Id Ins- the Southern Pacific
loek. This work will take bat a abort
time. It is generally believed that as
soon as the docks are completed we
, dredges will be used in constructing
the arade for the extension. . It -will
be necessary to cross Bereral miles of
marsh in attending the road northward
and it (s likely that thia work will be
began In the near tutor. .
Local venresentatives of the- South
rn Pacific will not eon firm the report
-that a eontraot has been let for ft 86
mile extension. Erickson at Peterson,
contractors, who hare been building
the spar, say that they cannot give oat
information in regard to future- won.
Klamath Welcomes Visitors.
-Klamath Falls With f.000 visitors
hi the city, Klamath Falls celebrated
-Railroad Day." in token of the
Diction of the new railroad from Weed,
which will open op this section af the
state to full common icatton with the
rest of the world. Special trains
brought visitors from Portland and
from California towns, even as far ss
Sacramento. . From the coma try
round inr this eitr.-eame haudrsds on
horseback, by wagon, carriage or any
other eonveyaaos tost woo w serve. ,
,. r -, i
College Catalogue Out, i
University of Oregon, Bugsns The
vnivereibr of Orsm estalageo, onto
amnooncementa for 1909-10, has tad
been oublisbed. It contains a
nlt nanais af the work dons hi tbe
eiveaaite and of that whscb hi
uired for enarsase; gives a I let of the
instrwetors and students, outlines the
enuinment of tha different eol leges.
sd tolls of tha life of the otodento In
their different branches of activity.
Strike Ripsrtad Near Gatoa.
- Albany President R. P. Shier,
the Black Fawht Mininc A MiilmaT ei
nanv. baa left far the mines near Gates.
Ha reported that as had Just seeeived
weed of a rich strike af copper i
Tha en la a, eonrite. aansiatinaT of 90
nor cant eoooer. with seaae gold and
silver, and ha claims will assay at $200
" Laoks Good to Wlmlir,
MitehellCloadT. on
with heavy shower at totorvnls during
the naeft weaar. sano been fa ret ah U to
- theeroDS. la some localities fall so
gram failed to rally, bat a big hey crop
and) a heave viced af sswtosr sew groan
Believe Umatilla County Trolley Una
Would Help Shippers.
, ., . .
rsnuinui miWTUif nut wiw an
indepandent electric railroad extending
serosa tha wheat -belt of Umatilla
county, and connecting with the boats
on tha Upper Columbia river they
would be able to sell their wheat to
better advantage, tha farmers of the
county are again talking of building
the proposed lins. Though no plans
have vet been worked out. tin nrooo
sition is to be folly diacuasd at a meet
ing of the County Farmers union,
which is to be held in this city June M.
Two nlana for tha buildinc of tbe
road have so far bean proposed. One
is for the farmers to duim ana operate
tha lino themselves, while too other is
to Indues someone who ia in the rail
road building business to construct it.
If undertaken, this will be the second
co-operative movement fostered by too
Farmer' anion, the baildinff of a StrinaT
of warehouses in the northern part of
the county being toe nrsv , .
Would Arouss Interest'.
Salem Governor Benson has an-
minted Jobu H. Lewis, state engineer.
Jav Bowerman. mresident of tha state
senate, C. N. IfcArthur. speaker of toe
house, F. 8. Stanley,, of too roruana
chamber of commerce, and Tom Rich
ard son. of tha Portland Commercial
dub. as an executive committee of
five to arouse interest in tbe National
Irrigation congress at Spokane on
Anirnat 11 to la. It Is the OUTDOSO of
this committee to interest commercial
clubs and other organisations entitled
to representation at tne congress.
Governor Benson will soon announce
the names of the twenty honorary dalo-
sates from the state at large, uom-
marefal oNanisations. Sountv courts.
inanmnratad cities and irrigation com
panies are all entitled to representa
tion. It is the DUTDose ox tne execu
tive committee to arouse state wide
interest in the Sookane congress to the
anH that Onsra mav have the Isnrest
and most representatlva delega,tioa. in
sttondnnes. Tbe committee will bold
a meatine in a few davs WDSB It will
organise and adopt plant for its work.
Sumptor Extension Announced.
Runnier That the Sumntor Valley
railmari will be extended to tha Thomas
ranch, and perhaps to SumavHle this
summer is announced nractieallv offi
cially. The route will not bo from
Austin to Prairie City, as Bat been
nlanned far some "Mtha. but will be
down tbo middle fork of tbe John Day
river, a distance of 28 or Si miles.
Congress Committee Named.
Salem Governor Benson has ap
pointed C. N. MeArthur, State Engi
nes Uva. Fred S. Btan'ov. Jav Bow
erman sod Tool Richardson ss a com
mittee to wVnrfc up onthusiasm for the
National Irrigation congress to bo bald
at Spokane from August t to 14. ,
Wheat Bteeetem mllHrnr. Sl.ftOO
1.S6 ;etub, 1. 2011.22 ; valley, $1.17.
Com Whole, S& per ton; stacked.
Barter Feed, f 844MB nor ton.
Oats No. 1 white, $41341 per ton.
tl Titnnthv WUIamatte vallav.
1720 par ton. Eastern Oregon, $20
Fruits Apples, lz.M per box;
strawberries, IWcffi per erste ; cherriee.
llnl.U nor box: gooseberries, ec
per pound.
Potatoes Harxp par hundred.
Vegetables Aatmragus. 76ea90e
par doseaj lettuce, bead, 26c par doo
an; on ions, lSH4b)lbt Pr desen; par
slev. S6c nor doseo: Desa. 6M nsr
noond: radishes, lfio par dosen; rhu-
herhu laSM nsr OounC
Butter City cresmey,extras,W ;
fane oatoido ereamerv. IMfNe:
store, 18c Batter fat prices avsrago
1 seats per pssmd wader regular bat-
tor prices. - w-f , j
fai am laaili U7V.
' Poultry Heos, l14Hc; sprtogt.
lSAtOe: roosters, S 42 9c; docks,
young, 17IR18c; geese, 10011c; tor-
keys. 18400s; sonaba. f8X.U par
dosen. . i
PortPsncv. lOc per pound.
Vsal Cxtras. 848 c : srdinary.
tmt lua ii Ac.
Hons 1909 eon tracts, ISAf 14e; 1908
crop, 01Oei 1907 crop, 6j$6ic; 19M
crop, fcf zc
Wool Eastern Oregon, Vl&nt',
valley, fine, zs; eoasse, flat ssobsir,
ebetos, SlolMe.
Cattle Steera, top, S4.7S; fair to
good, 4-25y4.s0; common, 4pi.ti;
cows. tan. 94; fair. U Mats. 79; oon
moo to sssdMMS, XLoOtJS; calves, top,
toMkBO: heavy. $.S0a)4: bolls and
stags,; eoemmoa to Ssdi-
oxs, SZtVX.9. - v
Hnae Bast t8A.l: fair to mi
It7.90s47.79; stoefcara, 944.90; China
fata, 9- 77.
Sheep Top wethers, $4; fair to
goed. tOsM.79 owes, H mjso on all
grades; yeorimgs, host, 14.19; fair to
swsdV 9K.7syswrtog fcssb 94.79
Unable to Reeeh Verdict fh Calhoun
Case at San Frondico.
San Francisco, Jane II. Terminat
ing is a disagreement of the jury, with
ten men determined on acquittal and
two steadfastly resolved upon oonvie
tha rril of Patrick Calhoun, ores-
Went of the United Railroads, came to
an onu aw w . " "w
monUts ana a wees: nan ipeu sino
the wealthy streetcar magnate made
his first appearance In oourt to answer
to the charge of offering a bribe of
$4,000 to a supervisor to obtain a privi
lege for bis corporation, and a period
of 24 hours had been consumed in fruit
less deliberation.
Net until snob-juror bad pronounced
as hopeless the prospect of a verdict
was the order for their liberation made
bv Judm William P. Lawknr. Prose
cution and defense gsve assent to the
discharge and toe proceeding ended
ithin 16 minutes. ,
After oniarino the discharge of the
Inrv JmiM Lowlor drew his chair to
the edeo of the nlstform nearest tbe
inrv box and addresssd to the IS men
an ma informal remarks severely criti
cising the lawn and usages that made
noaaibla the exMDditoro of three
months in the empanel of a jury and
oongratolating and thanking them op
en their worth as citisana.
He declared the courts wen utterly
halnlaaa to nrevent such occurrences
and recommended that toe legislature
be influenced by tbe people to mens
uration in tha laws that governed
court procedure in the empanelmeot of
jurors. Under tbe orders 01 tne court
the attorneys will bo expected to fix a
data for another trial upon the same
Indictment at this morning's session of
court. ,
"I am ready to try this ease again
and I will go ahead tomorrow if neces
sary," said Mr. Honey an boar after
the adjournment. -
In a long statement Issued by Mr.
Calhoun last night be said :
"Of course I am disappointed at the
failure of the jury to acquit mo of on-
biased charges that have bean brought
against me. I should have liked my
vindication by tha jury to nave nan
Vd CoiHslon on Trolley Road injures
' 1 Tun
Twenty-ftve Others.
Chesterton. Ind.. Jons 21. Fifteen
are dead and 26 injured as a result of a
wrack on the Sooth 8 bore Electric rail-
war. two and a bait miles west ox nors
last night. Nine bodies have been re
covered and bmso oae-nDectod to be
found in the wreckage in tbe tops of
tha wrecked ears.
A weathonnd car was coming at high
speed down a Jong bill and at tha foot
met an oastboond ear also going at a
terrific speed. '
It is estimated that at lout seven
bodies are still under the debris. Tbe
motovman on the westbound car.- who
was killed, was pinned between the two
vestibules of tbe ears ana could not be
plainly seen and his position was sacb
as to make escape impossible.'
Most of tbe passengers on tbo oast-
bound ear were re turning from the
Crown Point automobile races. t
It is believed that the motorman of
the east bound ssxisost havs seen the
on rushing west boned ear, as bs bad
thrown off his power and brought the
ear to a standstill before being struck.
bonabrucnon to Start Within SO Days
on Dooemrtas Hoed. f . ,
Portland, June 21. Barring unox
neetod delays in securing a continuous
right of way, bids for the construction
of tbo Deschutes lins into Usntral Ore
gon will be asked by Harriman within
80 days. Tha only obstacle that pre
vents tha Immediate oonotrmrtion of
the Central Oregon rood Is the adjust
ment of right of way ooeetions with
power com ponies operating on the
Deschutes river. The railroad com
pany baa alroadyfsscured righto of way
to 70 per coot of the 120 miles to be
traversed by the proposed road. An
early and satisfactory adjustment of
ponding righto of way problssas eoves
lna tha resBsindsr of the distance hj
believed more than probable without
reporting to usudamsstion- prsciiaings
in theeourto.
I : ; . ? i
Celebrate roJttvFM. 'v J
' St, Peteisbuig, Jons . Tho whole
country is watching with nrtoreot the
preparations for the Poltava bicente
nary celebrations, which will extend
over fear dan snd be in tho nature of
great patriotw military pageant
M. Massmevskv. the bottle painter.
and Const Monraviefl, also an artist
historian, will orepare the
enacting en the spot tee battle f ought
200 years ago. Part of tbo troops
will isuimat 4ns swemsn
am. Tha culminating scene Will DC
based Kotchohey's sWtore.
IrW Jeneti. Ths British srwts.
Rajmhok which Was resorted tost
aiaht to e eelllatoa off Dansjansst. ST-
Harf to Dave thw OWWI SB O SIOX
tog mii.II lias Aon barof
I If
Monday, done Bl.
Washington. Juno 21. The tariff
bill amendment of the finance commit
tee taking bides from' tbo free list
and restoring tho Dingley rata of 16
per cent od valorem was before toe
senate all dav and it probably will not
bs disposed of before lata tomorrow.
Warren, of Wyoming, and Carter, ox
Montana, supported tbo provision snd
in vigorous language attacked tho atti
tude of the free bide advocates, whim
Page, of Vermont, defended the action
of tbe bouse to placing hides on the.
free list. . .
Washington. June 81. -Availing
themselves of the presence of a quo
ram., tbe house losders today obtained
action on several important matters.
Principal among these was tho confer
ence report on the bill providing for
the taking of tha 18th contua.
Saturday, Juno Nr.""'
Washington. Juno 19. Tho senate
today covered a multitude of subjects
in connection with tbe tariff, bat made
final disposition of nothing of Import
ance. The income and corporation tax
questions received attention for some
time and were postponed until after
the tariff nrovUions nrODOr shall bo
finally settled. -
Aktrlch, from tbo mmlttoo on
finance, brought In the ' committee's
amendment to tho wood palp para-
v.nh arhlok nnwarf tft ha DTOVision
for doubling tne duty on wood pulp
coming from countries whteb unoeruics
t nmhihit the exportation of logs to
this enonbrv. Beveridge presented an
amendment for tbe cutting in two of
tbo house ad valorum duty on cash, reg
isters. Aldricb also presented we n
nanos committee's hide provision. 4
Friday, OuneTB.
Waahlnoton. Juno 18. The senate
lata tadav adonted bv a vote of 44 to
82 an amend met of tbo ssnato eommlt
teo on finance fixing s duty of $4 a
tan on nrlnt naner -in olace of tbe
bones rata of 12 ton. Tbe other
amendments to tha wood pulp and
nrlnt naner schedule bad not been act
ed upon when tbe senate adjourned at
I o'clock.
Tha Rallav income tax amendment
will be pending when tho ssnato con"
wanaa tomorrow. If a unanimous
agreement in accordance with a motion
mads by Aldricb today is not toon oo-
ta nad. he nrobablv will move to Post
pone consideration of tbo subjsect to a
certain day.
Thursday, Juno IT.
Washington. June 17. Tbe fight to
place wood pulp and print paper open
tha free list was onened 00 in IDS son
ata today under tbo leadership of
Brown, of Nebraska. Going over to
the nortion of tbo chamber in which
Aldricb. Hale. Frve. Lodge, Galllngor,
Rmoot and other loaders have their
its, the Nebraakan stood In tho midst
of tha opposing fores and with good
.Inn Mrriarf thrnata that COmO to
him from all onartors as be delivered
a tolling speech in behalf of tbo cause
ho had espoused.
The debate began when Aianen pro-
Maad an amendment increasing tho
duty on print paper from one-tenth to
twa-tkfitha af a cent nor noond. wnicn
ha ea(d eaaawd 94 a ton.. The Dingley
law placed tho doty at 96 a ton and
too house reduced it to f s ton.
Wednesday, Juno 16
waahlnvton. Juno 16. The senate
today finally adopted tho Philippine
W tMria nmv aion of tha tannT 0111
aftav voting down several amendments.
Ibe vote on final aooptloo was x so
28. Six Republics-is, Root, Bonn,
Bristow, Clapp, Crawford and La
Pallette. voted with tbe Democrats
against tbs finance committee propo
sition '
Aldricb presented tbo Onanos eonv
.Ittaa'a anhatitoto for tha boose sine
schedule and it received a large share
of tbe attention of tbs ssnato oaring
h. aftatnaa-4. . The OsmmtttOS SHWl-
ment provided for a grsdnatod seals of
duty on tbs sloe in sine ore to pines
ftHa Avart rata of toe hOQSS Dill.
AH of tbe finance committeexeco
mondations as amended were adopted
Aaalra. ' 1 . ' - ; '
Tha erMmnlttoe's sorfsstion - for
fcanM to tha silk ocbeduls hiss
arinntad. A number of ether commit
tee amendments of a minor character
were presented lost before odjoorn-
montand some of
Titooawy, own IS
Waabtoe-ton. J one lfc Vigorously
denouncing tho committee on finance
haaanae af Its Change Of
nUM an tha subtest of tobacco Im
portations from the Phuippmes, Bor
kett of Nebraska, to tbo senate; sbor-
setarhwd this action os "so effort to
Aaaa tha aaaotor from Wlsiansm op m
(ha ah-." and finally declared that that
even "afforded senators a good oppor
tanitr to vote a took of ssnnnsnr.s to
the rosmfttoo."
Tkla ialUSrad Aldrleh'S
veokl seeept tbo
Itiast too ssssmltlii
redoes tbo number of cigars to be ad
mitted free of duty from tbo ratltppine
lalandarmm 160.000.000 to70.000.000
and the quantity of filler tobacco front
1,900,000 to l,000,noo pounds, to
gether with a provision, that tbo wrap
per ' and filler tobacco should bo un
stommod whoa reosiving this ooaoss-
An interesting feature was n deeier-
stioo by Borah that he proposed to
vote for loosening tbo bond which tied
tbs Philippines to toe United Btotea.
Ho declared himself In favor of giving
the islands an independent government.
Wand nolo and nrint nanar wore con
sidered today by Republican members
of tbs finance committee. No vote. was
taken: Ths duty on paper wilt no nxea
at $4 a ton, which Is a compromise be
tween the boose rets of tf and tbo $6
rate of tbo present law.
- None But Tllmsn Opposes,
Washington. Juno 19. Opposition
on the next of Senator Tillman is tbo
only obstacle to tbo way of tho nomina
tion . of Robert T. Devlin to succeed
himself ss United States district at
torney for tho Northern district of Cal
ifornia, according to a report current
hero today. Tillman has expressed a
desire to go mors fully Into ths Psrrin
eass. though tbe sub-committee of tbo '
judiciary committee of tbo ssnato ia
apparently convinced that Devlin can
give no information that would sub
stantiate suspicion of subornation of
perjury in tho .Perrin trial. It hi
thought Devlin's nomination will bo
reported favorably Monday, -
May Not Oom Wsst.
Washington. Juno 22. For several
days there have boon Increasing Indi
cations that Presdisnt Taft might.
after all, decide not to make that
Western trip this summer. Now it
i me to bo almost certain Wat be baa
abandoned it. For one thing, then it
no certainty that Mrs. Taft will bo
able to take such a long and fatiguing
trio. Unless she can go. Mr. Taft said
some time ago be would not care to go
either, as bis wire's abesnoo would roo
him of half his plessore.
' Whits House for Taft.
Washington. Juno 22. President
Taft has concluded bo will not bs able
to leave Washington for ths summer
on July S. Accordingly it was an-
nooneed at tbs White House today that
on that date tbo president would toko
Mrs. Taft and tha children to Beverley,
Ifaaa.. and then after filling several
engagements that bs has made would
return to Washington snd remain alone
at tbs White House until oon grass ad
Restore Bluo DeHvsry Stamp,
Washington. Juno 2. Postmaster
General Hitchcock has decided to dis
continue tho new grsja special deliv
ery, stamp and return to too familiar
blue stamp showing a boy mounted on
a bicycle. In the rash of handling
malls. - manv tetters bearing tho now
stamp have escaped treatment as spe
cial delivery matter Decease ox its
similarity to also anf solar to too
cent stamp.
New Documents In Sugar Oass.
Washington. Juno IS. Formal an
nouncement was mads at tbe Depart-
documents relating to transactions be
tween Adolph Segal, the Real Estate
Trust company and the American Sugar
Refining company bad boon obtained
and were being examined. Attorney
Genera Wiekersham is personally at
tending to tne
bliss Hood of Cottage.
Waahlnetan. J one 19. Br! end lev
General Taskor H. Bliss, recently de
tached from oommand of too army to
tho Philippines, baa notified today of
hla eaaianmant to dntv as nrastdeot .
of the army college, Washington bar
racks, to succeed Brigadier Ueneral
W. W. Witbersoom. tranef erred to
doty as assistant ehlef of staff.
Ptochot Posing as Author.
Waahtoaton. Juno 19. Gtfferd Pf-J
cost, chief of tho forestry service, who
mysteriously disappeared from Wash
(ni has tornad no at the Ohio homo
of ex-oecrotaryof tbs Interior GarAaid,
where be and Garfield are eoliabotattog
in writing a historical review of tho
ocbtevemonto of tbo Itoossvelt adminis
tration. . ,
Povttonw Men Oommlsslonor.
.Wsobrnrton, June IS. J. K. Jenk
tna. af Oklahoma City. Ok I a., brotbov
of W. H. Jenkins, of tho Southern Pa
cific at Portland, It to believed, will
sooeesd Franc 14 ft, Loopp as oommhv
ianar mi Indlaa affaire. It la ondafw
stood tho Poeiftc Northweot delegsl I aim
will support his.
PowoN la Ooofiymos).
Wsohmgton, Jons 19. The ssnato
this evening confirmed tbo nomination
of T. Coder Powell so United Btotea
sasrsbal at Nome, Alaska. There was
no epposftton.