The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, June 25, 1909, Image 6

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts et the Worm
Leee Important but Not Less Inter
esting Happenings from Point
Outside th Stats.
Firs moil snd 98 horses wsr burned
to dssth in a Duluth firs.
The mill Ion sirs son of Cyras Field Is
clerk in a lodging boas.
Harriman Is HI end hss gone to Vi
enna to eonsalt a physician.
New York is experiencing s record
breaking cold wav for Jon.
President Reyes, of Colombia, baa
resigned rather than lace a revolution
Taft may riait President Dias this
fall. The two presidents plan to meet
t toe border.
A burglar in Prussia has secured
damages because be broke a leg while
robbing -a bouse.
On of (he trials' of Indian railway
men is set forth in a report telling of a
train striking a wild elephant.
Cuba refuses to assum a share of
the Spanish debt Incurred when the
Islands gained their independence.
A new dirisrible balloon built In
France has made two successful flights,
each time carrying nine passengers.
The French budget for 1910 shows a
deficit or szi,ouu,uuu.
A nrosDsctor has bees shot In the
mountains of Arizona by Mexicans.
The government la Investigating the
charges that meat inspectors are lax in
weir amies.
In his closing address to the jary in
the Calhoun case Heney talked 12 hours
and wss still not tired.
A steamer baa Just arrived at 8eattla
from Alaaka with six and a naif tons
of gold, valued at $8,200,000.
Japanese, who claim to be agents for
the Tokio government, are endeavoring
to secure oil lands in California.
Hawaiian Japanese have preferred
ehargea agalnat the sheriff who mad
the recent raids, alleging burglary.
Chicago surgeons nave sobbiss fully
grafted a section, of bone from the leg
of a Iamb into the right lag of
By a traffic agreement between
Milwaukee and Herri man roads the
former can enter Portland en theO. R.
ft N. linaa.
The lanrest amphitheater in the
world is to be erected at Chicago.
The bug structure will have seats for
46,000 and With the site will cost $8,-
If one. the aonvlcted bank wrecker.
aevs be will repay ovary dollar be
Cardinal Oibbona
to be
iful about taking
op woman sf
- Air amendment to ties Illinois pri-
maxv law may restore Harrison to
power in Chicago.
The Japanese government treats the
Hawaiian incident lightly end puts the
blame on agitators.
A Rrittab steamer was fired on by a
Russian warship for approaching too
near the eaar'i yacht.
Tsn persons In Austria took shelter
from a storm in a barn and it wea
struck by lightning and all killed.
Los Angeles police deelare that
UiniuMli of aun eirla have been
shanghaied from Pacific eoact eltlee
and takes to China to live a lite el
As a remit of the obeervanee of the
battle of Bunker Hill, M persona were
treated at hospitals for Injuries and as
mmi man received treatment, at
Fireworks and toy pistols were
The fleet victim el excessive
for this year was reported from SI
Centre, CaU
After six months of sard work smto
eight fathoms of water six bags of Arst
elaes mall have bees is sawed from
the wreck of to Panama steamahto
Ftnano. - -
A feud at Mcsdrflfts, Miss., resulted
Is tw deaths ami torn fatal injur ica.
Two Mg Eastern steel stoats have
Ordered a; 10 pet toot testes Is wagsa
el eeapioyeet -
Two Mlssssrl towns .won wrecked
by a torsade snd three parson killed
sad s seer fcjsre.
California wholeeeJe-'peepl are mak
ing s diassisto esTsfi tosseafets
XlesMth Fails toads.
An eminent Hollaed phyvklea aav
Awsrlsaa shytoto give toe assess
ssekr ttsas to peliUsa.
Wants Mikado to Interfere In Labor
Trouble In Hawaii -
Honolulu, Jane 22.- In an editorial
appearing in today's issue of the Nippn
Jiii. the omn of the leaden of the
Japanese strike awvanjent, an appeal
for interference in tbeHawslian strike
situation is. made to the Japanese gov
ernment The article alleged that the
Japanese have been accorded unfair
treatment by the court snd by the
Federal and territorial officials of the
The Jiji has supported the leaders of
the higher wag movement ever lines
the strike of the Japanese sugar plan
tation hands waa called. The offices
of the paper were searched on June 11,
and numerous papers were seised by
the territorial authorities which, it is
alleged, contained evidence of a wide
spread conspiracy among the Japanese
on the islands.
Y. Soga, editor of the Jiji, was in
dicted twice by the territorial grand
jury, following the leisure, once on a
charge of conspiracy to incite riot and
once on a charge of conspiracy to com
mit murder. He was released on fur
nishing 12,200 bail bonds to cover both
-The effort of certain of the Japan
ess to give the Hawaiian situation an
international aspect are apparently
concentrating here, as evidenced by the
Jijl's special to the Japanese govern
ment. -
Canadian Manufacturers- Plan Meas
ures of Retaliation.
Ottawa, June 22. Canadian manu
facturers declare the American tariff
revision will force Canada to , make
some radical changes in her customs
tariffs also. That the adoption in Its
present form of the Akhich tariff bill
must result probably hi a widening of
the British preferential tariff by Cans
da la the opinion freely expressed by
the officers of the tariff department of
the Canadian Manufacturers associa
tion, who are now hers on business
with the government.
That important tariff changes will
be announced next spring is the opinion
held-by many, but the extent of them
is depending much on the developments
at Washingon. There may be no gen
eral increase aa affecting the Importa
tion into Canada of American commo
dities, although in many linos it will
be vigorously urged, -but s widening of
the British preference at least is al
ready being prsessd upon the govern
ment and plans are being laid for mora
actively and aggressively agitating
aneh a noUcv.
Hopea for Early Adjoumnekrt Con
gress wiBappxaaejfi:
Washington, Jane 22. Although the
senate mads much progress daring the
week In considering the tariff bill, the
date of the final vote Is as indefinite ss
it wss s week ago.
The possibility of sending the bill
back to the boos by Jaly 1 Is now con
sidered remote. The discussion of a
dutr as hides will occupy the senate
for possible s day sr two. The wood
palp amendment offered by the finance
committee, which practically doubleo
the duty on wood pulp, will then be
taken up. "
After these two schedules have been
disposed of It la understood the tea on
corporations, proposed by President
Taft, will occupy the attention of the
senate for several days. The lumber
schedule and the rates on pig and scrap
iron and wire nails remain to be dis
posed of. - "
The question of free cotton bagging
and ties and binding twine are certain
to result Is an interesting discussion.
Peary May Be At Pols.
Washington, Jan fx, Friends of
Commander Robert Edwla Peary, who
left laat July for the fraaea North,
said today they believed Peary, by this
time, baa planted the titers and Stripes
at the North Pole. No sew has been
received from Peary since be left Stab,
North Greenland, Aogust 17rI908, far
a dash as far into the lee bosnd sesa ss
his vessel weak) snrry him before be
ing frossn Is If he hss bees success
fal the sews of hie discovery will not
reach a paint of telegraphic commas i
cstioB sntil Aagsst or September.
0 MwMl 9totfn Mtt) vftuH1
New Ortenss, Jews IE, A severe
pessed over the Mississippi
today. The waters of the gulf
reached s height of from S to feet
afawvs the normal tide Inflow. A saw
bar of steamboats were bsarbsd snd
property stonf the
sUg Floe do mm IsthwwisV
Jane ts. Heavy
tsrswghsst the past week have
floods ell over tt totems.
Is SMS ptoses the steps s vetoed.
TV Cssgrss river see even It
basks, to withistfrmiatog taacsssi
Taft Farors Corporation Tax and
Income Tax :
Urges Sensts to Adopt Provision as
House Hss Already Don
In Tariff BUI. . '
Washington. Jane IT. President
Taft yesterday sent the following mas
sage to congress:
"To the Senate and House of Reptv
senatlves It is the constitutional duty
of tb president, from time to time, to
present to the consideration of congress
such measures ss he shall judge neose
aary and expedient
In my inaugural address, immedi
ately preceding this present extraordi
nary session of congress, I invited at
tention to the necessity for a revision
of the tariff at this session, and stated
tb principles upon which-- thought
the revision-should be effected. I re
ferred to the then rapidly Increasing
deficit, and pointed out the obligation
on the part of the framers of the tariff
bill to arrange duties so ss to secure an
adequate income, and suggested that if
it waa not possibls to do so by import
duties, new kinds of taxation must be
adopted, and among them I recommend
ed a graduated inheritance tax as cor
rect in principle and as certain and
iy of collection.
lbs boss of representatives has
I adopted the suggestion and baa pro
vided in the bill it passed for the col
lection of such a tax. In the sensts,
the action of its finance committee
and the course of the -debate indicate
that it may not agree to this provision,
and- It-is now proposed to make up the
deficit by tb imposition of a general
income tax, in form and substance al
most exactly the same character aa that
Whi ta 2V"" Pllock ,arm -
T IA.Tnist company, 1B7 U. 8.
wIDa Dy "" supreme eoartto
dc uuki tH, enu uwniwvnw wiui-
in the power of ttw Federal govern
ment to Impose unless apportioned
among the states according to popu
"This sew proposal, which I did not
discuss in my inaugural address or my
message at the opening of the present
session, makes it appropriate for me to
submit to congress certain additional
"The decision of the Supreme court
in the income tax eases deprives the
national government of power which,
by reason of aveveoas deeiitone of the
court, it was generaly supposed the
government bad. It la ondoubteedly a
power the national government ought
to have. It might be Indispensable to
the nation's life is great crises.
"Although I hav sot considered s
constitutional amendment aa necessary
to the exercise of pertain phssss of
this power, a mstass e Ideratton has
satisfied me that an amendment I tb
only proper coarse for its establishment
to its full extant. -I therefore recom
mend to the congress that both houses,
by a two-thirds veto, shall propose an
amendment to the eeneti tattoo - eonssr
ring tb power to levy as Income tax
upon the national government without
apportionment smnng the states hi pro
portion to population.
"This course k noes to 6s preferred
to tb one proposed, of re-enacting A
law one judicially declared to be un
constitutional, for congress to assoms
that the court will reverse itself and to.
enact legislation snob assnmptien
will not strengthen popular confidence
is the stability of the judicial ooiietroe-
Moo of the eoosti tattoo. - It is much
wiser policy to accept the sonstltation
and remedy the defeat in das and regu
lar course.
"Again, It la clear that by the enact
ment of the proposed law, the congress
will not be bringing money Into the
treasury to meet the present deficiency,
hot by patting ss the statute book s
law already there snd sever repealed
will simply be saggesting to the execu
tive officers of the government their
possible duty to tasofcs litigation.'
If the court should maintain- Its
formar view, n tax would be collected
at all. If it sbeald sltlmately reveres
itself, still no taxes would have bees
collected until after protracted delay.
'ttlsssid the difficulty sad daisy
in seemUc approval of Uwe-fwsHbs
of the states will destroy all chance of
adopting the amendment. .Of.ssors.
' Bonitta stay.- Lead Revolt.
New Orleans. Jws) lT-Dtspatebas
received by local hsalmsa bouses say
La Ceiba snd too Nortters aosst
provinces mi H cottars are to open re.
volt end save sent emlsssriss to New
Ortosss to sussed Manuel Benilto to
ernsssnt. Deri la baa applied to the
Usitod States, snd tbs United States
wheat Padoeah to sexrelltng Cstos'fer as erpewrMsars efl tt,aoe far a
harbor to srevent ssmgstosry out-1
breaks. Geeal Bsnille to to ' ftew.Tb sswsrssr saM the
a i st i ssi its . Orion sew. He ssstos toe Maws to sssssy sssrs far srtsmttag tto as
gtacsssi.astog sigaiiasot to sis diaesfa. mwrn 9-rttessss.
! no one can apeak with certainty tpon
I .LI- .! k U L a.i.ut
that a great majority of the people of
this country are in favor of vesting the
national government with power to
levy an income tax.
4 'Second, the decision to the Pollock
cess left power In the national govern
ment to levy an excise tax which ae
eompliabes the same purpose as a cor
poration income tax, snd is fro from
certain objections urged to the propos
ed income tax measure.
"I therefore recommend an amend
ment to the tariff bill imposing upon
all corporations and joint stock com
panies for profit, except national banks,
otherwise taxed, savings banks and
building and loan societies, an income
tax measured by 2 per cent of the net
income of such corporations. This is
an excise tax upon the privilege of do
ing business as an artificial entity and
of freedom from a general partnership
liability enjoyed by those who own the
"I am informed that a S per sent tax
of this character would bring into the
treasury of the United States not lass
that 926,000,000. ' "
"The decision of the Supreme court
In the case of the Spreckles Sugar Re
fining company against McClatn seams
clearly to establish the fact that such
a tax aa this is an excise tax upon priv
ilege, and not a direct tax on property,
and is within the Federal power with
out apportionment- according to . popu
lation. . "Tb tax on net Income la preferable
to one proportionate to a percentage of
the gross receipts, because it is a tax
upon success and not failure. It im
poses a burden at the source of the in
come st s time when the employer is
well sbls to pay and when collection Is
"Another merit of this tax fa the
federal supervision which most be ex
ercised in-order to make the law effect
ive over the annual accounts and busi
ness transactions of all corporations.
White the faculty or assuming a cor
porate form baa been of the utmost
utility in tb business work), it is also
true that substantially all of the abuses
and all of the evils which hav aroused
tb public to tb necessity of reform
will be made possible by the use of this
very faculty.
"If now, by a perfectly legitimate
nd effective system of taxation, we
C incidentally able to possess the
and .toekholders snd
the public of the knowledge of the real
business transactions and the gains arid
profits of every corporation in the
country, w hav made a long step to
ward that supervisory control of eor-
porationa wbica may prevent s further
abuse of power.
"I recommend then, first,- tb adop
tion of s joint resolution by two-tfairds
of both bouses, proposing to the states
an amendment to the constitution
granting to the Federal government
the right to levy and collect aa meorae
tax. without apportionment among the
states, according to population; and
second, the enactment as part of the
pending revenue measure, either ss
substitute for or an addition to, the in
heritance tax, of an excise tax upon all
corporations, measured by 2 per cent of
their net income.
Russian Police Probe Sect That Wor
ships Blood-Stalned Idol.
St Petersburg, Jane 16. Dispatch
from Perm, Bmopeaa Ross to, say the
local pence have begun an Invest ige-
ttos Into the sect f tb Crimsos God,
the members of which are scenssd of
bumaa escrificsa .and other horrible
practice. - i'
Repeated disappearances of
In tt district where the sect dwells
throw suspicion on the organisation,
which worships a red wooden Idol, sol
ered, it m said, with human blood.
The police bare located a secret
grave ssateuilng the mutilated body
of a man supposed to hare bees sacri
ficed, and they expect to find others.
The rural region, of which Perm to
the center, i a breeding ground for
many fanatical cults. It Is s meeting
pises for tb pagan tribe of Asia, aa
well as of peraono who flee from Rus
sia en account of reiigkms peceeeution.
Refugees of this type have lived for
eaaturice in the donee forests of tb
district, and their beliefs have devel
oped along the swat fanatical lines.
Tax Unearned Increase
Berlin, Jane 1. The reiehetag re
assembled today. Among the official
communications laid before the hoses
waa one from the ejrreramsnt csmums.
tog the propooal to tax the unearned
mersaesmsnt to real estate value.
The goveraBieat he decided that- it l
Inexpedient to dVtfcis far unparia) pur
poses, toaamoeh aa there aa seemingly
wisajistosUsto dtfscoitic 1s the ensy
of an equitable adjnstmsnt f the taxes
es city and county satoes, set it ap-
ss jest tbs taxing of tfcees-
t for local
f NasVy Turn Dews Mr.)
Ksssss City. Jsas IT
HadJey tossy vetoed the bill pieviMin
M I exhibit st tbs Seattle
feir. i
Deschutes light of fay Approved
bj Secretary Balllnger,'
Protect of Power Company Fails andV
Harrwnan Hss Accepted Condi
tion About Dam STfiRL
Washington, Jon 19. Secretary
Bellinger will not reconsider his recent,
decision dismissing the protest of the
Deschute Power ft Development com
pany against granting right of way un
to Deschatoa river to the proposed
railroad. Be today denied a motion
for review of that decision, which mo
tion was filed by tb above-named com
pany. Simultaneously be approved all
remaining mops of location filed by E.
H. Harri man's Deschutes Railroad
company, aa well as maps of the Ore
gon Trunk line, which slap sought s,
right of way through the Deschutes
This action removes the last govern
ment obstacle in the way of. construe
tion of these two roads, it having pre
viously been agreed by both companies
to use the same right of way through;
narrow portions of the canyon which
will not accomodate two tracks.
The secretary's action today put an
end to all protest agaiast railroad
right of way by private parties, and,
if they hereafter seek to interfere with,
railroad construction, they must do so
through the Oregon eonrta.
Toe right of way contemplates con
struction at water grade. The railway
company agreed to elevate the tracks
if in the future it becomes necessary
to do so to avoid interference with any
irrigation work tbs government may
build along this river. The railroad
company has accepted this stipulation.
Claims Right lb Fix Rail Rates Acrossi
Ottawa, One., June 19. The Cana
dian Railway commission ruled today
tbat it had jurisdiction over the rates
charged on through traffic originating
in Canada and destined to a point In
the United States, or originsting lo
th United States snd destined for
The ruling was msde in the ease of
an application by the Dawson board of
brads for an order declaring that rates
charged by tbs White Pass ft Yukon
railway Were too high. The railway
carries traffic by boat to Skagway and
by rail aerosa part of Alaska to Daw
son, traversing both American and Ca
nadian territory. No decision on the
rate question was rendered, but tbs
railway waa ordered to file a schedule
of its through freight tariffs for ap
proval or modification.
If the ruling is sustained on appeal.
all through traffic across tbs United
States and Canadian international
boundary line will be under the juris
diction of tbs Canadian railway
Tokls Papers Make Meet of Strik
rHcutty In Hawaii. -
Tokio, June 19. Special dispatches
from Sea Francisco to Japanese news
papers are so worded ssto indicate
that condition obtaining in tbs Hawai
ian islands, growing est of tbs Japan
see sugar plantation strike, are ex
tremely serious. They declare that tb
japan ass on snunisno, as wen as
those is tb islands, are deeply incens
ed over the treatment accorded their
twuiitiiinsu by the Hawaiian planters,
and they say that relatione are strained'
almost to the breaking point.
The publication of these faffamma
tory dispatches Is sgsin arousing an
an t American feeling among tbs Jap
anese lower eJaseea. The sensational
ist papers are seising the opportunity
at com men ting editorially to a manner
calculated to toersaas this fssltog of
' Piles ef OoW en Shew.
Seattle, Joss 19. Tbs Alaska bolM
ing st the Alaaka-Yukon-Pacific expo
sition will opes its gold exhibit today.
with a display of K4OU.0O0 worth of
dust, nuggets and bars. In a few days
dust and nugget veined st 600,000
w on the way from Alaaka will be
edded and the United State assay office
snd various Alaska miners havs press.
id nosgh gold to sjsks the yellow
pile worth 9 1.600, 000, la tbs exhibit
sbrasdy iislitl la Jsfst Lindeberg'a
$8,000 Nosas easgst, the Isrgsst ever
fesod to Alaska.
Russtos Thuge Stay She.
Kmt, stassto, Jess 19. A bamf ef
as whs vtaited today tb es-
take ef a leeal
fsssd s smrgsNasas