The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, June 25, 1909, Image 5

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    Jone Proclaimer
lone, Oregon. June 23, 1909,
loot Town Offfceni' '
lUyor. i j... I. L FJbrf
Recorder ,,C.v, ISuiningttei
TreMurer ..V.. 4- Wier
Jlnriniui...... x.j. i4rl
cnuitbla W. (J. Cuii
SapkLlibtkBd iMrplul'v- . L Miliar
F. I Knot
M1 IlalrorMB
B. 8 nerrr
ntnem or kbool diitxict
Clt ,rtt,..,,...,.,.,... T. Pcrklm
iC. JT. Pennine Ma
Dimtan .!
IS. I irmott
orncuu at Taa BAfcLst Ll otficb
Rr.vt.wp ... 'a 15. W. Ma,
BeoeUr iouli U. A ration
LedftM Httt at FaHmft
Mmo wednrtdaj n if fat m or rrNdb.
His llmt rnll moon OI nrn moum
(hll Ftllowl Kfery 8IHrdT nlfht.
(eni'li inonlh.
t'KClL I.OLMil W. O. W.. We. TVk nwi Brit
ml third Sniuntv vBlif of eh moolh.
vt 7 1 hvriy nif Bt At Norfaft.
."All communication!, m far as
ossible, should reach us not later
n Tuesday nigut. Plena bear
na in imnu ami navo commumca
tions in on time." Editor.
Mrs Arohie Cox wont to the
Junction Tuesday to see Mrs Sham
hart started on her trip . to meet
lier husband in New Mexico. Up
on her return on Mrs Cox tubscrib
cd for the Proclaimer before going
on to her homo mi Rhea Creek..
(ilenn Burrotighp, the boii of Mr
and -Mrs French Burroughs, is
home from Walla Walla where lie
CEAdunted from Whitman College.
- - t
Mr II n mouth lua specialized in
mathematics and the sciences,' and
will teacli these branches when he
has recovered from his Ions stu
dent life, by rusticating spoil hi
futhor't line ranch on Ithe Creek
for n time.
. D H Andrews has Volney Ray
and Poke Judy helping him with
his first dlfalfa cutting.
Mrs Burroughs hat 300 little
chicks. Many of thein are frying
size now.
Chicken dinner, with all'iho
"Bain" at the Hotel Sunday. ' "
Lax ton McMnrry lias a crew of
Born to Mrs Lutie Knopf, June
24 a 10 lb toy at the homo of her
father, Mr A TKing. Mrs Jordan
was in attendance and reports a
fine, boy and a happy healthy
mother. '
Ed Fuilrpauda biot her, brother
unlaws of Gf oCalkins arrive J from
Minnesota Tuesday to make their
home in lone. ' .
F II Wilson sayt his wheat will
go 20 bushel to the - acre. From
the sample he brought in tire oth
er day we bclive it will.
Movilig picture 1 ahoxr at
Walker's Hall every Thurs
day, Friday, and Saturday
eyeing fit 7 30. Two films
Mayor-Pad berg is getting ready
for a trip to the Cascade Monul
nins, and will take his family over
land, staying until scfiool commen
Mr and Mrs A Younc arc eating
the fliie strawberries they raise in
their yard,
Johnny Bryson has moved into
the old Wood home and has clear
ed away the old ' shrubbery- and
commenced raising a lawn.
Mr Howard is building r-t ftm
a bungalow on hisjjlaoenear town
as ono could wish lo see.
.French Burroughs is cutting hay
And he has any amount of it.--- -
Mrs Willard Blake is bi:sv with
those boys of herV.
Mrs Oscar Cochran, as usual the
busiest woman iu town. And the
one with tlie. most responsibility,
the small children are all well tak
en care of. Mr CJothran U home
from the hospital and ii about on
his crutches -
TaiIo Jordan hat returned from
Mrs I.6ren Hale ; i rit:ilnly
busy. Th'vy have mpvi'ttmhi their
tlue home on second street mu! xh'ft
is overhauling and making - nicr
'the whole thing from gnru-i t. cel
lar and the Yard too.
Frank Parker M cutting f"t"
wood, thinking: of the- wh'i'.'r
mand. ' . , ' v.
Mrs Ganger ia cooking 'W lots
tt weoptf in her hoteU- Militv
good cooking oo
Mrs Walker bat Mit - U
new Administer cnet dtm i".
stain and her home is simply diHr
U r Carle hua been bnrni
ilk- ' ."ii .
C T;
Me t
the weeds by the side of hi
so it won't get seeded, .
D C Ely U a ill sadly
weeds, and wishing tin y
'ot so far ahead of him.
considering giving the Aid S'irty
a job of linivliiiig ihem, nftil - hxl
ies takelfi all ctassca of wnk
twice each month. But I V is
afraid it would not be lirnin r t.
ask them to do this work. i
Mrs Waters is busy with nU.ui I
125 little tliorotighbred clii kens'
she has ralsvtl. She has t In- full
blooded a neon as and these she int
el incubators and raisrd in lroi' J'
ts this One tot of young oinck.-its j.
It is worth a visit there l-i - :
them. "
Mr an'd Mrr Frank Uoliiiit
on tlieir way to Imo RockHivTif
Ux.ltoliiitron's father. - - I
General Merchandset
Oreg( n.
Walt tmith has Ms wiixl iTiil!
ritniiirg in iJie lot by the title !
Iiis houno and we wnlr till
timo lo raicc snio alhtlfa fur. f' nl
for hf horse so it it will be iirfj
to tahe the girls riding.
Bert Mason ia enjoying riling
in the itwellest rfg Iu town. And
irtore than one girl' hMking nnx
imisljr after him aa be goes ilnrc-u
fftreeL ,
A Complete Stock of
darpets and Window .dhjdos
New 1989 Wall Paper. All Kinds of Furniiuie
repaired and Rellolshed. rcn Beds feeirendef .
Any t hing not curried In stock will be ordered al a Reduction
s r. Al 1 1 1 1 LI r.
- V U- I I J J YJ
an eastern triD and will irotohonM
keeping the JobtiBlflkeliouierteart Mr Engclmaii It ml ml ring the
tlie rink. r " -
Mr flaco it loo basr to jnlk to;
telling the farmoit that Ihit it the
time of the year to haul their whit
er wood and eoahto tlia farm.
prelty new dreises
she - got in
. - ,JJ
Mrs It u fug Cochran, is fts iisnnl
iontertaining company, lhousti
(is alware fcttraelire,"
Mra Knappenberg made a busi
ness tiip to Heppner Monday.
Mr Chat Sptrrj hat returned
from a basinet trip to tlie Valley.
He hat hit fence painted tnd it in
a generally progressive mood.
QMr Arron Agee brought in n
9y nice sampleof rye. It looks
etty good and Tie says Tie plant
ed it on the outside- of hit wheat
Held to feed the squirrels.- v
Dummy brought in 37 racks of
wheat Wednesday and told 27 to
Joe Waters. Come again Dummy
Chat Dickey Is busy at odd timet
white waslting the trees iff frorit of
his Pastime. - -
Suits cleaned and pressed for $1
extra pant 40c and -ladies- akirta
1.50 at the barber shop. Ralph
nyroer rrop. aiso get your snort
tinned. " ,. ...
CChe Hotel it pufttlng op aa Ana
I as can be found out tida of
rtland. If yo want a good
dinner, go there and get it Yoa
will be pleated. J
Doo'toook dinner at bSM Soft
day. GatoUe ImuI anal n)oy
good dinner, withowt lha trouble
oieaokincit, - , 4-t--
Walter Btekat and - Theodore
Anderson watt is Inn bopping
Wednesday. , , -
Picnic Friday, July 2
. . . I- ' - '
A Basket picnic will tc given
in Stratton's Groye, Friday July i,
under the auspices of the lone Band
Everybody is invited to come ;and
bring a well filled lunch basket
bles andseat will be furnished all.
A-wellelected program-willbe
given, during the forenoon, consist
ing of speeches, songs and music.
The afternoon will be spent ? in
races, Jtugbf-war, sports and base
ballf fof which prizes will be given.
In the evening there will be a
concert given by the Band, assisted
by i)iir Vocal and Instrumental
talent, also fireworks; and last a big
dance at the skating rink. -
We invite everybody to come
and have a goodjtime. .
Ione Concert Band.
lone Proclaimer & Oregonin $2.
Mrs Jordan has had her porch
alt closed in with wire netting and
the bouae painted. It looks fine.
Mrs Ilube Sporry is ndmirin
Mr and Mrs Jcfso Mnfon t baity
girl. ,
Mrs Chick, tlie champion house
keeper of lone, is charing (he infl
speck al dirt away, when she Isn't
runniwg the telephone office.
Mrs Eil Moore is earing U.r tin
prttliett kind. of a rard. .
II rt Caaon it retting from a hard
winter of keeping a iMiitefiil of
boardera. i' ' '
Mrs Stratton b pregwrlitg ta go
to G rente Paaa where Mr Stratton
hat taken a homes ad.
R T Perkhit It busy aa newel
wila tlta several duties ad Post
master. Clerk al an active teheed
board and Jnstk thn Peno .
Be rare and to at tlie ball game
ftandaj between lone and Eight-
Mile. It trill to an lb - Jowe
diamond na to OUT ON TUil.
poktland 1 oaioon
The Leading Magazine
1 llf.Br UtatUefJ -Timdr
Artfchw Rateable 8lrte.
Aril, fa. MBfclSlfc
- k b I
Wc km 1 Spcdal QM cflcr
asel Tmbkma, far -.0 UM