TRAIN SCHEDULE LINK eaves 1 ienniiur - - ":lo a. m. - 8:.VJ a. ni. - lOil'.Vn. . - - - 1 ;l.3. m. . - :; p. in. - - 4 :! p. m. ' rri.TC' ;it Junction - - ; itnvi'.j Junction HI'S I:" ------- .1 i'.t iJei'F'uer - )IIS LINK iVcst -1joiiihI kiivett Jinx-lion Hi a. '.:.t Hill le.iven Juin:li"H i"l" " i',. J. Pennington, Aai-iit- hceri ol Morrow County, Oregon .-. . II. J. Ti- Hit , 'i J. !! W. II II. (' . 'I - -I. i' r.uuri S 4i I ! ) f.;. n . , . . i Vm-..: I. I.. V""-- lir-l ( hi- M l: i" . n. iut ll.y iti Uy nun V 111 N'V-I. i In ill if tin- the Pi;ri.nmi. Exposition is ivi' l :.i wide attention :tnd 'roiu Si-.i 1 1 If diow tli:il this tly f'-i-vin; the :if li-i ; i r tori tin. lie ci i cu ' I 1 iti:it -d r.-ii! i l?--s? i i ri'l-s iif 1 he cuiiiil i "that i i' will i' is i iii'-U mabh lio run tin, should attend. I ) i M I !- nca i ly here, a i ; th prcpiinitg In ph r I I ' on that will au.ikt n put- lin- in tin: heads of ill Uili tolic, w hi le I hose who .1 wilh loval idenc, will 'lytbinj; lo their liking over lone has rteieved a bearl ti to )oaiid be one of, them - no doubt eertain that II accept the invitation. i' eastern atatort are now lillei li." horrors of ft "vellow .an ;ii I' !:.!!' mesalliance. The termina :.oi of ! his association bad been i ' Pita! murder, Ilia bowing of a !:ot ht i ami father to the dust ' ! mi illation and sadness, and the mm,; of mikkion schools in New Nork. When will the churchei .iMikii to the truth of necessary ini-i-'Ti work among our own nation and lop meddling with n race who do not want to be chr tinnixed. W'o have ferioun double ns to wtietlier t'hrit wished bin religion proiunhjatcd lo these yellow and hi"wn i.ieef, ns they no doubi lit- ti (Mi al.d tor a purpese ;u il lli ir en v iron men w ndjiiFtrtl to cury imii liiat purpose, lilhis is ii'l f o 1 1 V 1 1 id not. or lines not 1 '!ni -t a it, i nj;i' a supernatural plan f-M their hai.j;e, as he did tin tone I'rociaimer . !!. VVAKU, Editor and Proprietor. -.'ubli-hed every Friday at lone, M-jrrow County, Oregon. ' th't 1'rofliiinicr Publishing Cu. INSCRIPTIONS 1.60 PER YKAR 'Knt red at the lone postoftVc aw ..x class matter. hite-.' In the mean time, mother' a "i (at In is would show umidsen-t ii (bey would retain their ehildren within the confines of (heir - -mvn countrvtnen. Hurrim Eir Eisicn itioi. It is the unirersa! opinion ol very old timer in Cotidon that the weajher for the past wttk has been the beat lor crop tm rem em be red since the first bladea ol 'wheat forced llieir way thro Gil. liani County toil. On Monday and Tuesday H sprtukled and all Wedneeday and night the rain Hst poured down. Kot only farm ira hut tveiy man hi CodQ!, had a smiL on his faco a yard - long and no wonder (or it rained twenty dollar gold pieces, ko to spenk, for iieiirly 2i hourc. It linn been an unxiot; year for i beat raisers. Lant March 1 1 to prooclH were good and a line stand o( wheat was m be seen evory where Then unmo n Jong dry spell with cold winds mid no growing weather for over six week nud prospects began to look blue. Just in tbc nick of time came a rain two weeks age which hoiked, .materially and this last rain has made n miraculous change for the better and nil farm ers we have seen nre jubilant. Tliev exiicct nil the wav from 20 mi :H) btibclg to tbc acre and in sonic case?-more. If w heat opens ii i, h.!i:ii , as expected, f-onie pco- 1 ( will biiv more money than, they know what to do with. Con it in '1'inirs. i splendid strawberry Country. A tnmi'i ! of localities are be gining ti f- "l I In-"drops" in straw lerry m.-irki't, bul it doesn't affect hh a parlicle. and it never will, for wJjjuii llie market breaks ours are all gone at the top price too. Ir- rigon Irrifiahir. WOMEN GAMBLE. Mttn -.vhii are in the mercantile iii-ii.r-ss make jutt complaint of the wide extent to which people indul'.'e in lheum:iil orih-r habit". It is cliai'i:,.,; that Indies lire esp ecial I v prone in become victims of ni - en Mm' j. The woi d "victim" s a ;:uril one to use in this eon uecttoti li'Ciuie the niail i.rdcr it ihit is no(t:i:i; m ie or lets than a ii"is of gambling. - People u lio patronize mail order houses do so in hopes of fretting Homelhiny; at lefotban the regula tion price. They nre willinR to "take n chance" at netting a bur gdn. As in otticr gnmeH ol eliauce the plnyern lose more often than they win, yet they nre sofneinnted iv the Kamo tlint they forget their ninny disappoiiftmewt H now hen they win something. Hut the fterimis thing about this matter is the fact that those who patronize the mail order establish ment ire not the only people who suffer. Local bueinesshouseHthal are rightfully entitled to the trade that goes away are losers. Indirect ly the entire community is injured wben peopleindulge to aliy extent in the mail order habit. The ladies of this city and of the county as welt have a well earned reputation for being public spirit ed. They have done much in the way of advancement for the city and county. They can work work very effectively for the welfare of the community it they will but down thjs tendency lo putronite outside biisinesn concern rather than lov'al stores. The mail older ii ibit i- a lea! evil. Help stop it. lias I Oreyonian. FOREIGN INVESTORS INTERESTED IN OREGON. Portland, Oregon, Juue 22. Reprsenting large sums of Dut ch capital and collecting informa tion that will lead to the establish ment of direct trade relations be tween Holland and lh PiR Coast upon completion ol the Pan- ama Canal, iGScholrick, presM-i ant of Whwman'a hank. AmiUr. I dam and G J M Simona. editor ol i the "TtUgraar. the great Holland newepaper, wara visitors to Part land during tb week. In an in terview, Mr Simmon laid that the trip irai to get in touch with inveetaaent eportonitite In Uk elaw whan mean Holland capital ooiuea at preteiil Cluti ngcucim in theKast. ileaUuwdd Hint us soon us the l'aiuuiia Canal is built a line of Dutch btemnships will he establidieil (ruin Hoind to ibis Const ports that is isp' ttcd to br ing this section in de . toucl wrth that country and Iiur pQp!e Orirnn tu nintrinL' SO fast til at c the land marks lire lulling one by ono an Lbnv annul in the WAV f progress. The lateii't illustration is the fejling of a historic old oak treo at fit llvlcns (luting the past week that sheltered the Lewis and Clark RxnMlilinn oil its faiUOUS exploration, over lOtf" years ago The location of a big new nawmill oil-the river bank nunie it necess ary to remove the old tree. The tijunk wb 61 inclira in dinmetcr a(id a count the riiifis indicated the age of the tree was 1 lit yeais. 1 he. first rni i-oud ram ever equipped with wirelc-s t-b-jriaphy apparatus passing thin the stittt was brought to Portland dining thepaitweek In- t'alifomiu Promotion Committee, carrying an excursion of H-0 prominent business men of California. Tin visitors were eiilwUHird by tin Commercial Chin Willi a rule ale out the city and'uinucr and the Ulub. Speeches were made by the Californiaus ar.d the friend I v hent- imenls exprcBFcd wtre responded lo by Portland business men. t he visits of tlie excnrsioinsls re suited in crentim a closer common interest between t he two notions f the 1'nciiic Co:n-l. The Oregon criMineiy men met with Slate Dutry and Food Com uMssioiter lltiiley lust aluidny al I'orlliUid where they nut the ntw inspectors njipointul by MrPiaih-y Plans of co-operatitMi to improve the state's dairy product were dis cussed and agreed upon. The meeting was held nt the Commer cial Club. CARUON-HARRISON UtrC E Carlson of (looseberry and Mies Mnry Harrison of (iervois Oregon were united in marriage at home ot t he bridn? parents. Mr and "Mrs ITarrifon in Cierrois, Oregon. A number of friemlsand relatives were present and, in Ljit evening about twenty of tJieh; young friends bid them adieu with their differ ent, made-to-order, musical instru ments. They tbea started for their home in Gooseberry where they were met with the same spirit Mr and Mrs (far ton are-now at home and we wish them much suc cess and happiness in their future life. SCHOOL MEETING. On last Momhy afternoon there was a fair attendance at school election at the school house, and loe Wait is aid K I. Pad berg were iecled tn lake I be oflice of direc tors made vacant bf the . expira tion of a term of oflice by Wallet1 V aon and tin rignation of S 1 f ration, u the later Is moving to ; train-. ras to , on. a homesiend Mr Perkins 4nccdi himself as clerk' . The people here are again sun of a firxt class school when such e flic ient and progressiva men are in charge. , , CARD OF TIANKS. W ' w,,h to U,tt,,-HL lritnda. neighbors who vara so kind ' us during Iha rtcanl ill- ;M ,nd d"ln oI "Wthar, Mrs Julia Baker. Tie Children. Mr IntkeepechiloVen are having the maenpa. ' I . . Pern Moraan called wn Etta Brown Friday. . FIRJT IONE Mrs H,Y. GANGER .... Proprietor. Clarence M. White LAWYER Heppner Oregon P. G. Balsiger DEALER IN CHAMPION Mowers & Headers Ulcers CkaspIeB DISC PIIWS Case steel Plows and Mitchell Vehicles fitKril WHsrkni3 lone - Oregon P. M. Christenson Dealer In Wheat Lands and Town Property. I also handle Thoroughbred Poultry P. H. Christenson, Propri etor Swede Canyon Poul try Raneh, Lexington, Or. DR. C. C. CHICK l'hyslcian and Sorjeon SIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY AT TENDED Office in the lone Pharmacy, lone, Oregon. The Proolairner for $1.60 a year. HOTEL THE b. P. D. - PASTIME - Where Every one gos to have a good time. HARRY L REED Mgr. lone - Oregon Look Here! A nice fresh line of all the leading brands of tobaccos both smoking and chewing; aIsojL fine line of LUNCH goods just arrived. Any thing from Sardines to Limberger cheese. HOT g, COLD son Drlnhs i Spcclalte. M SHAMROGK. FRANK ENGELMAN, PflOP, C. H. WARD. Ward & Ward WHEAT LANDS TOWN PROPERTY; awaaw, OregtB. The Portland Journal CLASS ACCOMMODATION 3 Commacul Trade Especially Sofidtied $ Rates $U00 and" $2.00 the Day Special Rates for Room and Board by Week A W...I "'uuuui Batchelos. TEACHER OP Voice Culture. Singing AND .Sight Reading IONE, - OREGON R "We Hickok - Grain Buying a Specialty. Lands Bought and Sold Life Insurance Collections made. , HEPPNER, OREGON. x k - - Will buy in any amount Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks Veals and Hides. "m Kwsfers Ml WaiM at. the MEAT MARKET. W. R. COCHRAN, NOTiCF. Will all pei-oiii who artrenddbt- e(i to the .1 ( KiiicitiinMate please settle with out dtday us wo are auxin-,!:; -) wind up tho whole matter a ?oni .i ios.ib!i. E I. I'adberg, Trustee. H X m X 3 o L. t. WARD. and Proclaimcr Jaoo