The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, June 25, 1909, Image 3

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"I have been using Caacareta for In
somnia, with which I hare been afflicted
for twenty Tears, and I can lay that Caa
carete have riven me more relief than any
outer remedy 1 Have ever tried, I ahall
certainly recommend them to my friendi
aa being all that they are represented. "
Thoe. Gil laid, Elgin, 111. .
PW eaat Palatable, Patent Tut Ooo&
Do Good. Never Sick, Weaken or Grip.
He. ZSc. 30o. Never told in bulk. The eeu
ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
inn or roar moony back. Ml
"I aappoaa you know, barber," aald
Percy, with a wink at the man in tbe
-ether chair, "that tbe hair on a' man'a
bead grows at the rate of three-mill tooths
of a yard in a second."
"No, 1 never heard that before," aald
the barber, beating a tattoo on the strop
with bis rasor; "but I know then
.spot on tbe back of your head
hair wouldn't grow as much aa
million year."
thera a
where be
that m
Wlllla te Help tbe Caaee.
Philanthropic Person (with subscrip
tion paper) We are raising a fund to
prosecute the white slavers. Can yon
assist us 7
Baseball Magnate Sure! I've just dis
posed of two of my players aud got a
good cash price tm tuw. Hundred dol
lars be enough ? Chicago Tribune.
Mothers will And Mrs. Window's Soothing
ojrupmeD si reined r tii use tot UMlr onuoiaa
during the teething period.
HI Tins to Be Alaae,
"Come sway, children,1' said their
mother. "Run out in tbe yard and play."
"But we're watching papa lay the stair
carpet, mamma," they answered.
"1 know it, but he's going to lay it
around tbe bend in the stairway pretty
soon, and I don't want you to bear ths
Jaoguage be will use." Chicago Tribune,
1 i
Cam venation! Opoortaalttee.
"So your wife is a suffragette T Why
does she want to rote?"
"She doesn't want to vote," an
swered M. Heekton. "She wants to
make speeches." Washington Star.
Little children are Buffering every
day in the year with sprains, braises,
cuts, bumps and bum. Hamlins Wia
ard Oil ia banishing these aches and
pains every day in the year, the world
How the Tremble Started.
Estelte I don't suppose you have
beard of it, but George and 1 are going
to be married some time next June.
May belle Glad to know it, dear. Has
George heard of it yet 7
Proof Cost ola aire.
Lawyer (cross examining) Ton testi
fied that Miss Smyths was walking in
her sleep. How do you know she was
Witness Well, a mouse ran across the
Boor right In front of Tier and she never
even batted an sye. Chicago Tribune.
' " to rraf 4a New Sfceea.
Always ihake In Allen's Foot-Xaae, a powder.
It euros hot, sweating, orbing, swollen leek
"urt rorns, Ingrowing nalli and bunlont. At
illdrnggiiii siid shoe Here, 25e. Dont accept
nymtwtitute. Harm. I p mailed FREK. Address
Allen a. O United, Le Roy, N. Y.
Get the Ail
"Tea," said tbe retired auctioneer,
"that boy of mine is a chip off the old
block, with all tbe original bark on Mas;
he's a spieler for a 5-cent theater."
Chicago Tribune.
VaeeuloB Dare,
"Yon fay Grinder worker last sum
mer Juxt for fun 7"
"Ob, no ; Just for fundi !" Harvard
Immf nerannt of social standi nr sea.
rally the world throat bout, the average.
age oi marriage at at present, man at
and women 28.
i.n .. i i uii mil .ii .
Tats Leader fa FaraUas Doste)
Week as Fottatad.
Oot-of-Town People
beafcf fwaraabsr that oar foree Is as arranewl
that wk un wun wi 1
HEN the agitation, for woman suffrage began to grow strong
In England In tbe nineteenth century, lawsuits were brought
by women who claimed that they bad the right to narlleraentary
suffrage, Inasmuch aa In the curly days when parliamentary
boroughs were belnK created women were recognized aa bur
gesses and bad the right to vote. -.The Judge held that the non
use of a privilege for a long time waa In Itself an argument
against Ita existence, and all the world knows that tbe English woman of the
nineteenth century who brought the case was not given the parliamentary or
national suffrage. r
Several State have recently seriously considered measures extending tbe
sphere of woman's political rights. The active work and subst initial accom
plishment of woman suffragists in other States, notably Australia, New Zea-,
land, Norway, Finland and Tasmania, where women have full suffrage xigliW,
aa they have in the four States of Colorado, Utah, Idaho snd Wyoming, have
undoubtedly spurred the worker for the cause In this country to stronger
For many years they were few in number, though unwearying In spirit
The first woman's rights convention, called in 1848 by Mrs. KliEabetb Cady
Stanton to meet in Seneca, N. waa attended by herself, Lucretla Mott and
a few Quaker women. The abolition movement and the civil war diverted
to the cause of the alave the energy that might otherwise have been devoted
to the woman's cause which Mrs. Stanton then espoused. It was not until
the close of the war that the movement for suffrage waa really organised.
The great civil contest, calling upon womeu to combine In societies aud con
ventions, taught them the value of organised effort, and the arguments pre
sented, for the liberation of the stave and for his right to the suffrage cer
tainly led to tbe Interrogation, "If tho suffrage be a good and desirable thing
for the Ignorant negro, wjiat about women 7"
At the presidential and congressional election In 1872 Suaan R.Anthony and
several other women, claiming tbe right to vote among the privileges and
Immunities secured to them aa citizens by the fourteenth amendment, offered
their votes to the Inspectors of election In Rochester. The insiiectors received
and deposited the ballots. For this act the women, fourteen In number, were
arrested and several of them were Indicted under an act of Congress which
makes It an offense to "knowingly vote without having the right to vote."
The Inspectors were indicted under the sniue statute for "having knowingly
and willfully received tbe votes of persons not entitled to vote."
Recently there has been a significant change In the attitude of women
of the leisurely and wealthy classes toward the movement Bryce, In bis
chapter on "Woman Suffrage," from which Dr. Abbott quotes, comments:
"It la remarkable that tbe movement has In America found little support
among -what may be called the Tipper classes,' - Woman suffrage has been
though perhaps less as now than formerly, thought 'bad form' and supposed
to betoken s want of culture nnd refinement. The same reproach attached
forty years ago to abolition ism."
Were he writing now, tbe ambassador would have to qualify the state
ment measurably. The movement ba passed tbe stage where it would at
tract only those whom tbe more conservative mam hers of tbe community re
gard as radical and visionary. The labor organisations Indorse woman suf
frage In the belief that with the ballot In their bands the woman laborer
would strengthen the cause of labor. Bo all classes, professional, working,
wealthy, are enrolled in the movement, based on tbe belief tbat to woman
educational, Industrial, social and civic work of every nature should be open.
Menoaarr. rITJVSLT f AI N LIDS
TRACT i NG FUBB wh.a plate or brHa-ee are or-
FAIN. sgnuwNia asauawioji iu.
For th Nsrtt rtftoon Days
We wut aw rssaaswasa ww fc
Molar aim
BUrer Units
DtseMieaw o( tho Stomaea.
Ths stomach. tike all the other or
gans of tbe body, is subject not only
to varlpua forma of organic trouble,
but also to many kinds of functional
disorder, or rosea.
In these nervous disturbances of tbe
stomach, pain may ba hut as severe
and the list of symptoms just as long
and as trying as In true organic die-
ease, and It Is often Impossible to eon-
vinos the victim that he la not suffer
ing from some terrible local disorder
calling for Immediate operation.
Tbe stomach Is usually a somewhat
abused organ. It works hard, gen
erally overtime, and often at tasks
extremely distasteful to It Small
wonder, then, that It sometimes goes
on strike.
When It decides to do this, tbe
weapons It control! with which to boy
cott and Intimidate tbe rest of 'the
system as most efficient. In times of
normal health wa are no more con
scious of the tremendous commotion
anal toll going ea la the stomach than 1
the passengers on sonny deck axe
eenseioBS of tbe trials of tbe engine
room below than; but when the
stomach has stood all U ts going to
for ths present. It telephones the
brain I that effec. with the kn me
diate result that the whole conscious
ness-Is deeded . with, ths- misery re
otJtlng rretn H rebel lion.
Tho visible-alga ef this Babel lion
are myriad, sainsjej ,tts raost aaaal
ef thsea may Honed
ansa vomiting, erartatieits
but In many cases of so-called "nerv
ous dyspepsia" etre tronble will h.
found to be a fault of the nervous svs-
tem, the stomach Itself showing no
sign of aisease, but simply suffering
from faulty nervous control. Just as
any other organ of the body may.
This diagnosis, however, will . be of
little comfort to the patient so long
as his stomach Is made the vicarious
culprit for the guilty nervous system.
When tbe troubles arise from eauaas
that can be easily controlled, such as
Improper food, hasty eating, Irregular
meaia. Insufficient mastication, the
cure Ilea largely In tbe bands of the
patient himself.
The small boy who heard his father
pronounce a eulogy on a statesman,
said, ."Father says Mr. Blank has In
telligence, tact and honesty, and also'
abdominal courage." This Is a form'
of valor far too prevalent, and Is the '
Arabic- iTtpwaion fa-As
ting tit Senacfe niiiowriisf
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes DittonQwrfia
ness and rtaXMUuniman-
OnuwlarphiiK nxHKnL!
.si iwwt i
Anerfrrt RenHoSr rorCtRBfipV
HomSour Stotnach.Dlarrbua
lacSiraat SuanreoT
Bears the AX
Signature Jtf
of AKv
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thirty Years
yum esato speav. aaw Teas er?v.
Amon as oae,t laar.
First Passenger Pardon me, but
would you mind loaning me your spec
tacles a moment?
Second Passenger With pleasure.
lr. i
First Passenger Thanks, awfully.
and nowr aa you can no. longer read
your newspaper, would you kindly
It over to met
he"fc", or Irtsads 11 -
will Toltavo thm, awl ell Ja are UN w
"-WrEsVlJleld. C-s. .
i StS Me h dirUoa-. I. pr-. Prepaid.
C4 roarl atsoet. Wew lark Oltv
wkare. atrHa
SaahllUaU Slee
M, cleu. nru.
monMl, eoata.
let. HW, LaMe
kI I HiHi. Hade
of aieu), euiiss
pill or-iB orw.
will aet aoSt or
In are earlfalna.
trn, efaUaaaienarertHialdtTStBuu.
HAROLD BO HERS, HO PtKalk am., rseklia.ll.r.
Tin Gblim Doctor
This wondefat man has
made a Itfeetudr of tbe
properties of Roots,
Herbs and Bark, and
la giving- tbe world the
benefit of MeeerrloM.
r Dvoss UseS, N
Ossr atiii er Colt lag
OuarantoM to cure Catarrh, Aetfeaie, Lmaf.
Btonacb and Kidney troubles, and all Private
ri I of at n aoa Women.
a autre can cat cum
Jut received from PAK Ctiaassfa, Sure
nJ reliable. U.:faillD lolta work.
If 70a cannot call, writ for aymptnai blank
and circular. Inclose 4 eente In rtampe.
The C Gee Wo Medicine Co.
, .
Ho. as-ot
TTrKKlf writing- to edvMllsssa pie o
VV BOBlla thla paaar.
Tfce be ra reb afcss...a-era
V f. W, A. Wise
Tke Wise "Dental Co.
. pSO Wslawi WsaaasSai aea, I
si in Mi im p fo arsid thsrt Tit -rry
inrest fft -esMMl aassgasishie
oosbb aXtsr eaUng, thai range frogs
slseamfort ta agoay; end asaratlf tk
ttsse geweraj "lau-darwa seaiiuiuai"
ef the syetess, - - - -
Wnesi tt esa he arwvag that thai
sassars ts bsMesMe t Mm
of the steKrrach, Uw rreatcsssit
oseass ssanttTi7 aissaae ssatter;
Her Laekawt.
- "I must tell you the Joke on me,"
said a business woman who "keeps
bach" In a cunning lUtls apartment.
"Lat week I lnrlted two friends for
luncheon. As I bavs Just an hour at
noon I got everything ready before I
left in the morning that could be pre
pared and set on the lea. I mads a
lovely salad, a dessert, prepared for
toasted muffins and tea and set my
table In all Its glory, sven buying
some Bowers for a osntsrplec. My
guests met me at the office and we
went to the apartment. What do yon
think I bad done? Left my keys in
side and locked tbacdoort
"There was ebeorhtely no war for
ns to get fa. Th janitor had a pass
key, but he was swan All the win
dows en the Are s scape were locked,
and bo ether key In th building fitted.
There was notbfDg to do but take my
gneats to a restaurant. ' Then I found
that 1 bad not even brooght my nurse
from tho offlce, never dreamJag that
I should need It I had to ask my
gneats for money to pay for' th
Isseheoa. and, as tt lravpewjoaV they
nry nssl a quarter each above their
carfare. W went, to th elteapest
ptao we eovls nnd tod had sand
wiches and coffee. Wasn't that fttnasr
--Philadelphia Ledger , ,
aTrery Ume yon toll g had etery on
ywar Betghbors. It's s pity soaM oa
lisafl say to roa: rWell, ya nars
m mag to tolkl-
Wm I wu do ah
RMkavkwH! fWDei ni
aggeT? DQ-.I eaTPB
Get H from
your Groovr
vs. Quality
In the matter of food you can't afford to .
aacrifce Quality for Cheapness, Economy
Is right and good but inferior food products
are dear at any price.
h ecoriOm taU-not Cheap. , Try '
it The best at any price or
yoor money back.