The Great Tontine HAWLEY SMART Aalliar J "BnU Bwida." "BuJ U Vb." Eta. CHAPTKIt XXII. (Continued.) Ilemmingby was right hi tlii prediction about the nurse. She kept her fat- an ttnioh an poaaihle turned own; from him. and addreascd herself to (logwood in tow, BMiuwl tone, whii'li ntruck 111" manager as having bwn deliberately adopted, lie waa disappointed, fur In- hid nK-hoimd upon her vou-e to riull thU woman to hli memory. An yet it liuil tM him noth ing, and hi- felt pretty iure Unit nhe would allow Ii J in to In-nr an little of II an might be. 'Jcarly, if nmtiie, lie must fori' her l t h I k . "No," dIihitvih! tlu mimaeer ; "the old cr'ttur ilmi't recollect me H lil : ami yt, pour old i-h ip, he u nil I h:ivi Ihhmi friendly Iir lie In m( twi-nly yi-iirn; lint I supi)", uw'nii, there n n- riLiny nf his old friends b don't rei-ogiiiz-'f" "lli rpi'iigiNzcH very fi'w uf them now, air," rejoined ili- uiiih.', in c hi imiiii- low, Biei'lifiiiii-al lone. "lie kli'ivvn Mr. I'fgra ru, of courv," ill ill I l-iiiiiiiiil.v inrelenly, "Who Mil hi anything il In -lit Mr. IVg- raw V" ()inil i In' oi'ini-.'iiiiiiiiii, from I lie deplll Of lllH 'IIMllillllH. "Eli- III'M-r l-UIHe War iim- imw ; wily shuuM lie 7 Wlnit due fc wint Willi a worn o;ii ) fellow like Bie? Hut IM like to nee him, I'd like lo aee liiiii.'' A gleuiii of HiirpiW DiisIiimI for a mo Blent acruNM llie uuimijpT.i fiuv; hill, tran sient ax It win, die woiniiii, who from Under her dou iicHt lids whs Nlciidily wuli'liiiiK him, hiiw il, uikI fidgeted nerv ously with her spron in i-iui-iiieuei'. "It strikes me," iviiit iiiuml llt'uuniiighy, "Mint my nht friend I here In not ipiite so d.-af ai you nuike him out to be, .Mm. Mr-..- " "('lurk. sir," hIh replied. "Kxcuxe me; I told yuti jtinl now that, though lie really is very deaf, lis exaggerates bis deafness a good deal when out of humor. The nnme of I'egrnni would, of iuur, at' Irart his attention." "IVprraiii .'" unnvcred tin- Invalid again ; "I want to see him about that right of foreshore In front if Ityilland Terrain. If be don't liuy It, smiielioilj else will, and build on It, likely ai mil. It will send fa la rents down In the Terraeo If h tela Kny one builil bclwii'ii him anil the twn." 'I'lieri wua a I winkle In tlemmliiRliy'a ye, whii-h did uol etii'H Mra. (.'lark, an he riilled ; , "Why, your ln'inl i na climr for huni Besji, Mr. Ki iiIiIh-, an evitr it wai ; if yon would only taki- to an car-trunnw't, I h IIcvp, wlu'ii you have got throiiKh the win cr, you mi(lit nun mi1 your old olace In rbe iiiHi-o. J on't yon iliink, nia'ani, hp will itime round with the Miring a hit?" 'Hie ntiriu nhook Ix'r hend, hut uiade no further renly. "Wi'll. KiiikwimxI," iiaid the tnatiaenr, rialng, you were nenl down lnw to iee Hr. Kruhlie. mid ho pill an end to a fool tah rumor : 1 miiiinw you are atiiitii-l Bow, atnl ijiiite reaily lo vou. h lhal he In alive, and ill tol'Tatily good cae, for his Bge." llf wan. aiiimintiiil ly Uingwoml. bout ti Ii-bvm th room when, to llie in ter! so antoniirtiiiienl of I lie latter, he turn d nwiflly round, oromeil to the deaf ninn'a rhalr, ml hU hand tiehrly on hi nhouliW, and whin-wr-il Inio hi ear. Ituigwood aaw the invalid atart a if the mnnager kad hit him : hut In-fore he .-ould olmerve lore. Ileinmlngliv hurried him into tht tune, and lil the w av rHjiidly Iwrk til Itydland. "Well."" aald Itlngwood. n th'-y turnml Into the high mini, "what do you mnk4 of it all? a ml whjt. In heaven'a name. BOHnemed you lo whiaiH-r into a -leaf bmii'i Mr?" "I mti't explain matters more hrietlly." rejoined Hetiimitighj, laughing, "than by letting you what I aaid. Il war merely (hia 'A leetlw ovenlone, lloh ; hut you eari have twenty jioutiil a week at the 'Vlvae llj' whenrvtT you like tu Join I be prof ion." " "Whj, you din't mean lo uy " rlainied It lug wood. "Yea. I do," liitarrupted the manager. "Boh I'egrani playa old Krablte, and well fea doe It. Aa for rtia nuraa, I atlll ran't pat a name to her: hat would bark ber lao to be theatrical," rilAITKR XXIII. Aa the fnntnteia of the vlnitora died ay I -oh IVgram apraug from hla chair, and. dirowing hU rug nnd wranpera ujion Ihe gro I, exhIWted the onii.1 pleture of a young man n tally uiaile up to repre arnt an old one. "It ail up, Kitty." he exclaimed. "1 told the rivrnw tt waa niadneaa to con tinue ihe deration ; but Kr waa oontlnate dud refuaed lo admit that he waa beaten. VH ouurae. neither ke nor I ever reekoned Vnin lleinmlngliy turning un In thla war; I wiah I had taken your adTW. Yoa aald ffce mlnote ymi aaw your old manager that II waa heat to aay old Mr. Krabho waa too III to receive vlattura, that If w once played our IllUa comedy hefor kin ko waa certain to dotart no. If not both of but I had batahooaled ao aany, that 1 waa aaa anoug to think I rould deeolTa klnv What do yon think ho whlaporad la. fc aay aar hofbr loarlag, Kitty?" -I 4't hwr," nho rapltad: "hot ft m not aaork aaattor. I on that ha hnal reoacnlaW yo mm link bafor that: aaian aaa aat nia 1 aaaiat ay; tmt that, I auppoM, la not of much con nag u en ce now." Lo you know vrtiat all Una mehna, girl? lh you know that thia aieana penal wrvitud for me? Why Ilemmlngby ahould turn against ua In thia faahion I oau not I mag hie; h could not have come here wlri that barrister fellow by acci dt-nt. At all event a. It la too rinky foi me. and I mean to be out of HydJaud to night." Hub 1'egram, aa, having reaumed hli own clothes, he walked quickly bait to Midland, rapidly turned over In hia mind all the detail of hla projected flight. There was but one difficulty that he aaw in the way of hla stealthy retreat, and that waa hia father. To draw a good big aum from the bank, and alip unlet ly away from Ityilland, waa easy enough ; but the bidding good-bye to hta father was a dif- fcrwK matter. Influenced entirely by hla own ael(tnh fears, he determined toHpare hit oiu lawyer mat ceremony. He kept carefully out of hla father' way, but employed a part of hla time at "Tito Crown" In writing a short note to him. In which, after explaining hla own flight and hia tenuous for it, he ntrongly m-o in mc tided the old to follow hia n ample. Ho further remlndml him that he had already oblained I wo ili t-idenda from the "Tontine." tiy the Iramtulent representation that old Kmlihe waa alive, and, coime-iiienily. plai-ed hi nice If at the rnircy of Iird Iikltigtun, or anybody I'lne who i to denounce him. Kurd an old regram wnx, he a little broke down under IiIh hoii'h iucc. dt hn hi'i-ii ni id that every hutniiu being nnmt have miini-ihiiiK to love, I hut it in a hp v of our exinieiici', anil such love aa 1hhv"T l'ii;raui wan i-npiihle of (jiviiiR he Imd ivtiti'icil on hi Hon. However. I he old hnvrer iiii-k ly recov ered hinm-lf. mill after tlie lirn half-hour, fiici'il Mie hitinitiou fiH undauntedly an ev,T. In I tie course of the afternoon there uiin n rumor ntlofli in the town lhat old Kin I die was tic-id, and iniiiirent at Mr. f 'I'tTiiiii'M otlice were tutil It wan true that tin- old umii had din) very auddi-uly and iinexpectiHlly, -CHAITKIt XXIV. It jaa iiiite open to i-uiwtiiHt whether lord Ijikinicton wan not km much diamav- nt ihe i-iioKiou of the greiit legram fratiil un the olil lawyer himxelf. He was graleful lo bin nephew, no doubt, for p re nting hi fatting a prey to a iiioh! ati- dflcloiiK linHltiun ; mill the fact remain ed, that he. Viscount I.ikinglon, waa left in just an precarious a poult ion regarding Ir.iiiine an ever. Although the Viscount might argue to hiinnclf tlial It waa Iiih npphew'H liounden duty to marry money, wherewith to prop up ihe coronet that would eventually fall to him, yet he hail an Inward conviction that Jack I 'hi Hi mora would please him self nliont choosing a bride; and though he might talk of apeaking la) hi dauglKer concerning the palpable love-affair going on bet ween bnraelf and her coualii. yet he knew that he had trii-d Item rice'ii obe dience to its uttermost limit w hen she ivnaetited to marry Hubert 1'egrHm. Hia lordship wan now thinking Tor himself; mid now ni-ciirreil to him lhat Idea which had flashed acro"i Kotmld ItingwiKMl on Ihe diwovery of t'innigan. "Why." he exi Ininied, "I can marry Miss tiiirhciter and netile ihe "Ureal Ton line' lhat way. 1 wilt do It, ami wifh as little delav as iHiwible. 1 had better, per- hnpa. take flealrice into my confidence at once; it would Ih' aa well to liave her on my side, and she can. If ah chooses., aid me materially, liirls uhje't at times to youthful stepmothers, but ahe and Mlas I'tiicHrsier appear lo get an well togeth er. Itesldes. If she means realising her present love-dream, wlio the second Ijidr jtkiiurtliu is cau be uf little conaetiuenca to her " Alum! two or three daya afterwards the Vtscoiiitt, rather lo hia amanement, was Informed by his daughter that Miss ( 'hlchenter was grateful to him, ami all of them, for their kindness: she thorough ly appreciated and thanked lord liking ton for the honor he had done her. and she was willing lo meet his vit ws about the "Tontine" In any way, but thai ar r mine merit could never Is? ; and the Vis count cimse-(tiently had to once more pon der In hi Study over that, to him. stu liendoiis problem of "What la to become of me?" It speedily occurred to him lhal the neit thing to try was lo effect j com pro mine. Mlsa t'hlcheater had stated her readineaa to fleet his views In any way bat matrimony, and he would therefore write to Carbuckle, and pmpoae a division of the big lottery, stipulating further, as part of the arrangement, that there should ha no proaecutioa of Ihe Ffraasa. aa Mian I'hlllltiKire'e name would he almost aure to be m I xed up In auch a trial. When the servant one day an Bounced Mr. Hi r.g wood, there waa no little flutter In the drawing-room in the Victoria Road. Mary felt that from that in l err lew she should be able lo decide as to whether Itingwood really cared for her or not. "I have come. Miss t'hlcheater, I regret to any, to break had news to you." said Itlngm nod : "and it Mrs, Lyme W regis will excii-e na, I should prefer that yon alone heard my evil tiding In the first place. Terence Finn Iran la dead." "Poor Terence!" replied the girl, 1 am orry for him ; though when eitatence- baa heconie so merely mechanical aa hla waa, one cannot but feel that death la deprived of all lis terrors." "Hy hla death yonr share In the T on line" becoaiea raid: and I am sorry to In form you and It- la thia aaora eaperially that Mr. rarbtickU wished aw to polat oat to you that the agreement between yoa ana? lrd laiktngtoa b4af slill na si gned. It la not wotth- tha pa par It la writ ten aa," "I onderatand." replied Mary, qnfetty. "Ton naeaa to any that Lord Laklagtaa takaa kha whota Toatlna,' anal That my aroapar. at haUaf aa hairaaa aaa aaWtasl lata thla atr." "Taat, I Ngrat ta aaj, tt aaaat atava J of the case ; and very, very h.iH luck for yon It la," "Well, Mr." Itlnswood. I am not going to pretend to yo:i tint 1 a n wholly Indif ferent to the lor uf fun tliu.isaiid a ytar; but after nil. r"nieiiilr, I only stand In the sani" j-"n i In t I did three or four wi-.-k us": and never hav ing had the, Nf m-1 1 ! i n d Mich an income, I very partially n-iilif i tie 1i" of it. I shall always feel that I " never be auf ficiently grateful to .vo.i lur ml the tima and trouble yon hue' wa-rtnl. tirst on my aunt'a bjdialf, and ili.-n mi my own." "I have ometliiiiK nire ' "y lo vfu of little mo men i. ii im to you, but a very great matn-r to tin-. I have loved you sincerely, ami liuiu'd lo uiake'you my wife, almost from the beuinuiug of our acquaintance. If 1 have never ventured to tell you so b-fore, the Tontine' must b my eicuao. I nlwaya in powieit aion of rhe factH of tin1 caw, while you were not; and 1 dreaded not so much what the world niijlit nay what you might think, when, supposing I had the good fortune to win you. jou should dis cover that I had known of the possibility your being an heiress all along. 1 tould not face t Im r : and I worc to keep aloof from you until tlii lottery was de cided one way or ilie oilier. I tould have even dared to put my -fate to the test had you won the whole mid become a great heir lie. There undid, at all evemts, hove hern nothing underhand about my wooing then. Wli.ili-ver answer you may give me now, you iini-i. iit-iill events, ac ouit me of mercenary motive, and feel sure that 1 love i--n fur v"ifHl''f- 1 'ove you very dearly, ; do pm iliink you I'oiild love me iinuxh lo be my wife?" "Vou havo tnk"ii aic so by Mirprlse ' I'.illered the girl; one inn more thor delicncy of your id it is which le. Your wife, Mr. a woman who not but can enter fully that I hardly kin,' "but, believe me, tin oihly appreciate iln conduct that 1 do. " mokes me now lirn;i Itingwood, ought io ) inly loves you dc:ir' into the career which 1 nm sure is before you: and unless I t -I nitain 1 could lie all this to you, I wn-ild -ny you 'nay,' whatever my own fe-'im- uiii;lit lie. Will you give me a little time to think over it? I'ome and see im1 to-morrow, nod 1 will honestly answer juir .ju-'si ion." "It is more than I ilinvd Id hope for," replied Itingwood. .i he raisiil her hand to hia lipa; "pleiw miike my adieu up- slaii-s, and (ill to-uinrrnw. gixHl-bye.'' That the finish in if of ihe "llreat Ton, tine" resulled In a double wedding it is almost superfluous to mid : but that Ixird Ijikington, uniht- ihe .ireiinoua pressure of his nephew and ilniij:li:er, was Induced to settle ten thousand j-.nnd ujion Mary Chichester as a we.lding gift is a fact that deserves to lie reinrded, the Viscount,-, after Ihe somewhile inauiier of those who hava been spendthrift in (heir youth, de veloping a laudable ambition for the ao cumulation of rich's in hi mature age. (thk emi. I PIPES THAT OHOW OS VINES. Meerschaum .alal lo llnie a Rival Im m nlh African lioard. Since flic dt'inrtuieiit of Agriculture. through It bureau of foreign plant In veatlK'ilb'ot. broil gilt to I lie notice of the stiiiikcis uf this mimtry ihe fact that ptH- i.nild lie grown that would wear well and smoke sweet ninl cool, grent Interest has teeti in mi I tested In the enterprise L.. ... . " Thla aonderful plant, known as tht'"' T ? " V" MmPar"tlTe ,.,r,. v. ,l,e Dallas. Tex., .w.thB f nnlDOCulated P.rm i.n-1 H h. I. a native of South ! ,'ft 'l'" ,b",le,i,n Just Africa, nnd pr.nU.cet, In the form of " , t''e fruit. ..ihnal...a which are being made tt. fl09 at . price ilf 2fl rents fnr eseh hntriA mniinin. in to til hihe-t quality of pipe bowls. I Annually ninny thousands of pipe ginjnls are exerted, hoth In the rough ntirt In the flushed pipe. The plant trow very fast, one plant producing from 100 to 200 bowls. It Scientists hare discovered that the la aJmuj rive month from the time the , 'oweat sol temperature at which the seed Is planted until the fruit can be process of growth begins in moat cul gathere.1 tlvated cro Is 45 to 48 degrees Fah- fonftant nitcntlon must be giren to,r"lt. hut theuiaxlmum reaults are the plant '.en nnder eultlTBtlon. ao sttaim-d only after the soil has resch ns lo iriMire n crop of suitable shapes , temperature of t!8 to 70 degrees, for pipes. Many fartnera of South Af- Tb-e germlnntlon of wheat, rye. oats rlcs make a special study of growing "ax go forward most rapidly at the correct "hHjiea. I 7" 87.8, and corn and pumpkins ger- The gonnU require a hot, dry soil, initiate best at 92 to 101. Corn will with ruin at the proper sesson to bring grow st a temperature of 51, requiring them to perfection. The curved at em 1 eleven days to come through, while it of the catiitwitth forma a light and ap propriate shape. Thla la tba gourd of commerce. (.'urlmisly enough these gourda bear a reeemhlanc to tba caps dons bowled meerschaum ao popular In Oannaaj. The cnlaltaah pip act only ylelda ft very sweet ami coal smoke, but It col ors lieanttfuilv. It life la about aa long na that of n brier pipe. It makea a vcrv high n .llak. These plpea are usually Unci! Itsr rommerctal meer- NcliHiim. iiltli-mirh toe ctieaper gradea are lined with tin. In Snath Africa they m4t for io $00, according to the finish and stvle. I he present market prlea of thee ple la rather htRh. awing to tba fart that no two of tnesn are of toe seas alie and ahe. tw sanitating the mak ing of the mount Imm by band. The in dustry In South Africa la anrn that there are shipped amnaally froas IMXnO to StHl.U'O ntfaaa, f The' esse with which tbaae gosjrda can he grv.wn is m that N hi tbtsagtet . . 7 ' l i.l " ai lai a ans W IabW Jmt lanaaaal M anaat meerachsnw. A Snaw alarm. "Wan It a bad pMTT -It anat hav bean had. Meats f ths dehntantea wonld Mt ao.aUrnUaWai A4-maa. 1 Inoenlattoa oC iC 1otp. Oorers do not ulwaya grow as read Ily or as vlgoroualy as might be ex pected from the richness of the soil. In recent years It litis been discovered by scientists that the growth of plants of this class (clovers, teas and beans) la deM?iulent to some extent on the presence of sum II nodules or bunches jii the roots. These nodules contain bacteria which In some mysterious way issist the roots In taking up food from the will. If these bucterta are not present In the sdl the clovers will be likely lo make poor .growth Indeed, alfalfa may not make tiny growth. If the proper kind of bacteria are sup plies) ami the Inoculation nf soil and root Is stim'ssful the plants will show eitru vitality. Cultures containing these bacteria have been sent out to farmers from the Ontario Agricultural College for the past four years, with directions IKOCt'LATIO AI.FA1.FA, UlfTBEATEV ALFALFA. for" applying -to the fields that are be ing seeded with clover. Last season JOU fanners" reported that their alfalfa ?ropa had been benefited by tha appli cation while 140 reported that there was do gain. With alalka clover tba reports were equally favorable over (W per cent of the experiments finding that the culture hid Improved the rriip. With red clover the results were not so favorable, only 05 per rent bar ing noted a gain. Pchs and beans ibowed still leas benefit from the ap plication. As the work Is still In Its Infancy It 1s probable that better re mits will be obtained Aa the methods tf n iint 1,4 1 Inn km lull.. .,n,iut i tnough for 00 pounds of aeed. Mon treal 8 tar. all Teaaralare aad Oar lat win germinate In three days at 8B.3 degraea. Oats require seven days to germinate at 41, whereas they will ger minate In two daya at 06 degreea. These facts em phasic tha Import ance of ao cultivating tba sol as to develop beat at tba earliest poaalbls period. Our aeep soils where trrlga Uon baa played bob can not warm up became they moat first evaporate the water. Sandy aolla warm more quick ly than adobe for reasons which every body understands. The depth of plant- "v ' aa a great deal to do with tb termination, od we are hoping ,M IBW "pring will not linger long In tba lap of winter aa was the case with the last two or three seaaona.DniTvr Field and Farm. aHs Far. rt. There haa baao racentlmade an In teraatlnit report of Inraatlntlona ear rfctd on cMparativaly batweaa tha De partment at Aartenitnra and farmers In Swltaerland m ta th ... . r4nrB, otad ameer a i iterant sraaasaa hi liva, tha Mm, WiM i ... pared with than saonisd caring tha Ptee-iaf ten ynar. . The avaraam arnflta aa aaeertausad freaa ia hold anmi wnrnt On ramaa w ta u acraa hi atan. ttt par aarsu fraan itu ta aa MlJdt trnm H ha tTU lUTi tflh an It HU and from farms of mora than 75 acres. $10.25 per acre. Nearly 80 per cent of the products raised on' Swiss farms consisted of animal, dairy and poultry products, an enormous quantity of buci products being annually export ed. This shows tha result of culti vating a small amount of land -Well arlr Plevrlagt. The value of early plowing as a -mesas af dostsoying weed, especially rag weed, wild oats, artichokes, etc., Is not appreciated fully by farmers, sim ilar weeds grow In a most discouraging manner, especially on low, moist laud, during the suiunler. and In many "in stances take jiosseaalon of the fields. They will appear on the scene next year, in multiplied numbers. If an ef fort ts, not made to destroy them this aummer, which can best be done bjt early plowing. - The plow should be started In these weedy jwtches Just as soon as the fields are cleared. Itag weeds are rank growing soil robbers which should not be permitted to ripen seed on any farm, but are now seen in corn fields, pastures and small grains In many sec tions. They are a special pest on soma farms where careless methods of han dling the soil have been employed. If auch fields are plowed as enrly as pos sible the plants will be prevented from going to need. Ktngbeads are now In possession of some very product! va flelda, and we believe this is due to spring plowing or no plowing, as such fields are often disked Instead, of plowed. Tfw Metha of Keealwsj Potato. A German publication, the Practical Adviser In Fruit Raising and Garden ing, states that a new method for keep ing potatoes and preventing sprouting consists In placing them on a layer of coke. Dr. Schiller, of Brunswick, who has published the method, la of tha opinion that the Improved ventilation by means of coke Is not alone responsi ble for the result, but believes that II Is due to the oxidation of the coke, which, however. Is a very slow fine. Coke always contains sulphur, and It U very possible that the minute quan tities of oxide of carbon and sulphur, which result from the oxidation, mix ing with the air nnd penetrating among the potatoes are sufficient to greatly retard sprouting. Potatoes so treated are said to keep in good condition an'H the following July. When one has corn, corn fodder, en silage and clover bay. It Is considered the best practice for one to procure s food rich In protein, such as bran, cotton-seed meal or linseed meal, with which to balance the ration. If ons mixes bran, corn and cotton-seed meal In th proportion of 5 parts bran, 9 parts com meal, 2 parts cotton-seed meal, and feeds 10 pounds or the mix tore each day, with 80 ponnda of en silage and TTJ fjounda of clover bay, be will get very good result a Molasses It ordinarily fed by sprinkling over ths hay or ensilage. Country Gentleman Oaaaral Aaje ( Traaa. Inquiry as to the general age of trees being put to an authority at Washington, tt was found that the pine treea attained 700 years na a max imum length of life; 428 yea ra waa tba allotted span of the sliver fir; tha larch lived 273 years, the red beech 345, the aspen 210, the birch 200, tba ash 170, the elder 146, tba elm 180. Tha heart of the oak begins to rot at a boat the age of 800. yearn. Of tba holly, tt Is said that there la a specimen 410 years old near Aacbaffanbnrg, Germany. Wawama 1st OsjUs. For Intestinal worms) In eolts tha following mist ore la saved by soma veUrlaarlaM! Mia toavther aa a bnaa 1 pound each of salt nnd granalated mgar; In thla nix H poaad at wane on dust ef Una cut tobacco, a- aamaaa of ralphate of Iron bow dor, aameaa of powdered worm Band, Give a heap ing teaspoon ful In tha feed at Irat once a day, than twlea a day and keep up for three weeks. . OwtBM a-ewla. The flash of gain aaa la fafMrally dark colored, lead sr. fa key and ta fl vor equal to Ua ring-Deck Engl tab pheasant. Many think It nara aalntar bis, for tha flavor la not aa jrosiBunein, and there la considerably snare of K. Tha flash of the white guinea ta light la ealor. nnd If they are eroasii with U pearl variety the meat af tha nUef wlU saner nanrty aa Ugh. It la anil that aado thatr is i ana eerrtos; and Btsahat with a hens snmnlty ansa sateen thaw are tea aid fa whan am afarr ta gated gmda af an a rase, ha aw