MARGARET A ROM AUNT- Blip of parchment, dim and old Yet a tale it doth unfoid; "Farewell, lover; you'll regret This was all, and "Margaret.' Yellow Wt of gossip! for Ninety years the escritoire Hath Its secret kept and yet , X would know it, Margaret. I can see the lovers now He hath curls about his brow Powdered; rings with rubies set All his thoughts for Margaret. She with garments of the Bow, Of a century ago; Sweet of disposition yet, - How your heart ached, Margaret I How your heart ached as you saw Him some other beanty draw In the reel or minnet While yon flirted, Margaret! For a lover's quarrel came. And yon thought your passions flame Out; but then your eyes were wet, Bays this parchment, Margaret. Fellow feelings bind ns; sc I am curious to know If he ever felt regret? Well, I hope so, Margaret! -Boston Globe. WINNIE. Within 100 miles of my town there hres ft girl. Her age is somewhere be tween 13 and 19 years. She is not teaetly pretty, though she comes very tear being so when she smiles; neltn- rr Is she exactly homely whe" she is tot smiling, though none of her fen tares Is classical and she is slightly heckled. She does not dress in the leight of fashion, nor, on the other and, does she ever look shabby or old- , fashioned, though she does sometimes wear made-over dresses and trimmed iver bats. She cannot really be called iccompllsbed, thoigto she can sing In differently well, play a very little on ifae piano and write an interesting let ter. In company she quite often can tot think of anything to say, though when with the girls she is sometimes tecused of talking too much. She is tot a brilliant scholar and she Is not by any means a dull one. In short, the s just ft common, everyday kind f ft girl, like dozens you see every time rou go where there are many girls to M seen. Perhaps I should not give the Im pression that she is exactly like other rfrls, for she does have one peculiar rift, and yet, after all, the only pecu Bar thing about it Is that she chooses use it right along, while a gool many Kher girls and boys and grown peo ple, for that matter though they have me same gift, keep it locked up most f the time, and use it only on very par ticular occasions. The only thing I can compare this rift to, at the moment. Is a bit of the ran, and It might be called a pocket nmshine generator, though a pocket is ihe worst possible place for it. To show how useful this little gift nay De made in cloudy weather is my reason for Introducing you to Winnie. for that is the name of this everyday etna or a girl Winnie Smith. Winnie's life has not been marked by my startling events, and a certain win ter day, not long ago, will serve my purpose as well as any other. She rose, then, a little later than usu al that morning. It was cold in her room, and she laughed to hear her teeth shatter together as she made a quick toilet, and then ran downstairs to breakfast. Breakfast wasn't quite ready. The baby was crying, his fists doubled up, and very red in the face; Mrs. Smith. with an anxious brow, was trying to pacify him, while Mr. Smith was re reading the last night's newspaper with t moony expression of countenance. The instant Winnie appeared on the cene there was a change, though all Ihe said was "Good morning." The baby stopped crying and held out his arms to Winnie, who took him and be- ran talking to him; Mrs. Smith's brow oecame smootn and tranquil as she rose to finish setting the food on the table, and Mr. Smith smiled over the top of his newspaper. In less than five minutes the baby was sitting in his high chair pounding the tray with bis two little fists and crowing, while the rest of the family were laughing at his energy and good spirits as they ate taeir urea mast ana cheerfully dis cussed their plans for the day. At about 8 o'clock Winnie started to school for there was an errand to be done on the way at a store. The girl at the counter had sat up nearly all night nursing a sick brother and looked and felt as cross as two sticks. Before Winnie had fairly told her errand the ftrl looked pleasanter; before the par cel was done up she smiled and as Winnie disappeared through the door the girl really looked as though she thought the world a very nice place. And all that Winnie bad done was to make a few pleasant remarks about the weather and prevent the girt from taking down a lot of unnecessary boxes from the shelves, because she saw the girl was tired, and to smile and nod a good-by when she turned to go. As Winnie came out of the store she caught sight of a little ragged boy sit ting on the curbstone. A large tear was rolling down his grimy cheek, snd he looked the picture of woe. Winnie stopped and spoke to him and ques tioned him, and found out that he was cold, yes, and hungry. "Dear me, this will never do-" sa?d Winnie. "Come with me, my little man." and she led him across the street into the grocery store. As her retool was at a considerable distaneo from her home, Winnie usually rode n the cars one way. and so she had just 5 cents with her. With the 5 cents she bought a puffy mince turnover and a shiny bun, and when she had asked the storekeeper to let the boy sit beside the radiator while he ate these delicacies, she went on her way rejoicing. The little boy gazed after her, his cheeks distended with pastry, and a grin of perfect content ou his dirty lit tle face. The storekeeper, too, who had been scolding his chore boy In a frightful manner when Winnie opened the door, now looked as mild as any lamb, quite benevolent, in fact, and the chore boy was whistling softly to himself as he wiped the dust from a shelf. Winnie walked briskly along, for It was getting near school time. A good "uaoy of the people she met glanced at i her at they passed, and the glance seemed somehow to hare a cheering ef fect on them, for their eyes brightened and they stepped more quickly and held their heads a little higher. When quite near the schuolhousc Winnie overtook one of her classmates. There was a cloud on nfs face, but the Instant she spoke to him ft disappeared, and he actually smiled as he turned to ward her, though the tone of his voice was still somewhat lugubrious. "Have you done those two problems In algebra?" he asked. "No," laughed Winnie, "have yon? "I sat up half the night trying and I don't believe they can be done," said the boy, bitterly. "Oh, yes," answered Wnnle. "v:il, Bailey told me last night that he had done one of them and t mean to get a them in good earnest as soon ns 1 gel the history lesson off my wind. 1 think we can do them." "Perhaps we can," said the boy, more hopefully, and by the rime they reach ed the scboolhouse steps he was nc only convinced that he could but resolv ed that he would do them, and was quite cheerful in consequence. As I said before. It was a cold morn Ing, and the schoolroom felt the effect of it. The heat didn't come as it should and the teacher and all the scholars had blue noses and their shoulders were drawn up. Winnie and the boy were two sec onds late, and Miss Miller frowned us shi heard their footsteps In the hall. but when she saw Winnie her frown faded out. Moreover, as Winnie .Talk ed to her seat nearly every pair of shoulders In the room went down trifle, as though her coming bad. in some mysterious way, temper! the prevailing frigidity. Nothing of particular moment hap pened during the forenoon, unless It was the falling out of Nellie Patterson and Julia Davis at recess. Their eyes were flashing and tbey were making the most ill-natured remarks to each other, when Winnie chanced their way, I don't know whether she said any thing or only looked In tbelr eyes till they couldn't help laughing, but I do know that two minutes later Nellie and Julia were pacing the hall arm in arm and on the best of terras. There were seven scholars who lived so far away that they always brought their dinner, excepting when they for got it, as did Annie and Frank Carroll on this particular day. Wlunie spied them standing apart from the others. staring disconsolately out of a window, and Immediately divined the trouble. Almost before you could say "Jack Robinson" she bad gone to tbem and before you could count fifty the three were seated, with Winnie's lunch bas ket In their midst, making merry over the shortness of their commons. Then the other four joined the group and di vided their lunch also, and as the moth ers of some of them had been particu larly bountiful in the matter of food that day the whole seven fared well enough, and I dare say ate all that was good for tbem. On the way home from school at night Winnie saw two boys on the side walk ahead of her slyly npset a fruit stand, behind which sat an old Irish woman. A policeman who bad come op onperceived seized one of the boys, the other took to his heels, and the old woman gesticulated and stormed with rage and righteous Indignation. Winnie hastened her steps, and, lay ing her hand on the policeman's sleeve, asked him very earnestly if he would not please let the boys go, just long enough to help pick up the fruit, which was rolling about the sidewalk and out into the street. In an Incredibly short time, if you had been there, you would have seen the policeman walking serenely down the street, a strange gentleman right ing the fruit stand, Winnie and the two boys picking up apples, oranges, bananas and peanuts, as - if for a wager, w n tie tne ota woma n was laughing to see so many working for her while sue sat still, and saying, leniently, that "b'ys" would be 'bys" she supposed, as long as the "wurruhl"' held together. rue ooy tne policeman bad let go came running after Winnie when she had started on her way agalu, and thrust a tremendous big apple, which he bad just bought of the woman, into her hand, and then sped away with an ear-splitting whoop to join the other boy. When Winnie came within three doors of her own door she saw the tel- egrapn messenger leave a message with Mrs. Alden. Mrs. Alden stood In the doorway after reading it, with perplexed and troubled expression. and glanced at Winnie as if she bad half a mind to say something to her. Is It bad news, Mrs. Alden?" ven tured Winnie, sympathetically. Then Mrs. Alden spoke quickly enough. "Yes," she said, "my sister Is 111, and I ought to go to her on the very next car, but I let my girl go away for the afternoon and evening, and father isn't feeling well, and I don't dare leave him alone Why, I will come In and stay with him," said Winnie heartily. "I'd just as lief as not I'd like to." Would you?" said Mrs. Alden, the troubled look vanishing. "I should be so much obliged." "I'll run home and tell mother, and be back In a minute," said Winnie, hur rying r'ong. When she returned Mrs. Alden was coming out of the gate with bonnet and cloak on. "You won't have to stay more than an hour she said as she put on her gloves, "for Mr. Alden will come home at 6," and, giving Winnie a few directions, she hastened away. Old Mr. Alden was in one of his mel ancholy moods and Insisted, in spite of Winnie's protestations, that he had outlived his usefulness; that he took no comfort in life and was only a bur den and an expense; that everybody would be better off and happier if he was out of the way; that he ought to have died years before, and the Lord bad surely forgotten him. Winnie knew the old gentleman was fond of telling stories of his younger days, and so, when there came a little pause in his lamentations, she artfully led up to the subject of those same younger days, and it was hardly any time at all before the old man was tell ing with great gusto the story of a fa vorite horse he. had once owned, and Winnie was listening as interestedly as though she bad not heard Iready the same story at least three times. j It was long In the telling, and when the end was reached and old Mr. Alden was laughing In great glee orer the cli max It was time tr get his tea. Win nie toasted his bread and made the tea by the sitting-room fire. Ihen, when young Mr. Alden did not come, old Mr. Alden said Winnie mi st eat something, so she toasted more bread and ate It while he started a new story, which she had heard only once before. This was a longer one and It branch ed off Into so many other stories that It was almost 8 o'clock before It was finished. Just then young Mr. Alden came. He had been delayed and was exceedingly tired and dispirited, having been sorely tried by a foollBb witness and lost his case for he was a lawyer. He bad dreaded coming Into his own house to see his father's mournful visage and bear his querulous complainings. When, therefore, be found bis father fairly radiant with cheerfulness, with a smlllng-faced girl sitting beside him, he sank Into a chair and drew a deep breath of relief. When Winnie explained why she was there and rose to go he rose also to go with her, though she told him she wasn't the least bit afraid. Indeed, she would have preferred to go alone, for young Mr. Alden was so polite and dlgnlded and knew so very much that she stood a good deai In awe of bltu. As tbey walked along she wished she could think of something to say to him. The stars were shining and it suddenly occurred to her that she had forgotten the names of three very bright stnra that were always close to gether In a line, and so she asked him j timidly about them. Now It happened that astronomy had always been a favorite study with young Mr. Alden and be nor only an swered Winnie's question gladly, but stood for several minutes after they had reached the gate, telling her about the different constellations. Then he thanked her courteously for staying with bis father, bade her good night and went back, looking up at the stars and feeling rested and refresher). Winnie tripped up the walk and Into, the house, also thlnkiug of the stars. After she had bad a little talk wllh her mother and gone to look adoringly at the babr sleeping In his crib Winnie lit a lamp and went upstairs to her room to bed. So ended the day for Winnie Smith, and she fell asleep, never suspecting that she bad a gift or dreaming that she was otherwise than a most ordl nary, commonplace kind of a girl. Outlook. New Inventions and Oda Conre't. There have been many novelties In vented for ocean navigation, but one of the most extraordinary of these, and the latest. Is the so-called roller steam er which Is being built by M. Basin, a French engineer. The steamer Is In the form of a lanre raft, sunoorted liv hal low iron wheels which revolve In the water and support the deck some twen- ty to twenty-three feet above the sur- face. M. Bazln claims not only enhanced 1 need, hut ir renter Ktahllltv. Ho moln. tains that the surface friction will bo I minimized by the boat's rolling over the water Instead of cutting through it. The trial steamer for service on the British Channel is now being built, and the first test Is eagerly looked forward to by the inventor and his friends, who are confident that the vessel will mark the beginning of a new era In naval construction. The boat which Is now being built will be 131 feet in length, and will have ft breadth of 39 feet. She is to consist of platform having on eacb side four enormous wheels, and these will be re volved by the engines, which are to be centrally located. The first trip Is to be made from Newhaven to Dieppe, a aistanee or snoot sixty nines, and a j calm day will be selected. There Is ' usually a choppy sea at this point, with little, short waves, which the roller ; steamer will. It Is expected, easily ride. The inventor claims that an ocean steamer built upon this plan would rock but little, even in the stormiest weather, and that the hollow wheels which sup port her in the water will give her great stability. He expects to be able to at tain a high rate of speed with the roller steamer. i A water bicycle has been built upon j somewhat similar model, but Its wheels were fitted with nius that caught j the water as they revolved, and thus pushed the machine forward. M. Bazln j does not seem to have thought of this : expedient, as the wheels of the boat he j Is now engaged In building are smooth , iron with sharp edges. The axles of these wheels are to be heavily con- ; structed and the wheels will be her- j metically sealed. The boat is to be steered by a rudder . between the two sets of wheels. i There are some people who maintain j that this remarkable boat will be able j to steam out of the water onto dry land j wbenever a shelving beach may be found, and that if properly constructed she may be made quite as available for locomotion over country roads as on j sea or river. Club Women Cannot Smoke. Two of the women's clubs in London, the Writers' and the Pioneer, have pronounced against their members) smoking. The Writers' Club, thai membership of which Is exclu sively composed of women nalists or authors, taboos Jour? tobac- ! altogether. Some of the mem- wblch is exclusively composed of worn- en Journalists or authors, taboos to- solid and open laced stitches. Huge or bacco altogether. Some of the mem- : namental monograms are also conspic bers accustomed to cigarettes or cigars ous in napery and bed linen, as well openly indulged therein, after remon- as on tea cloths. Three letters are a st ranee. A meeting was recently held good rule in case of house linen, one and a great majority decreed that "any ; for the respective initials of the Chria lady found smoking must resign mem- tian name of the bride and groom and bership." j the third for the family name. At the Pioneer members may smoke upon retirement to a sort of crib, into which non-members are not allowed to penetrate, and would soon quit If they got there. There are other ladies clubs where the cigarette Is under the ban. In t h most select nrivnto flrvloa in London cigarettes for ladies appear simultaneously with cigars for men. KecardleM of Coat. A country couple, newly married. went to a Boston restaurant the other day and the groom called for some wine. When asked what kind, be replied: We want that kind of wine where the cork busts out and the stuff begins to bile and keeps on billn till you get the worth of your money." Boston Post. TENNE8SEE HORSE TRADERS. Their Devlon Ways of Maktna? Poor Horses Bell Well. The first Monday of every month Is horse-swapping day In Tennessee. There are thousands of men who gain their livelihood by their wits in this business. The tricks of the Tennessee horse traders are legion, and unless a man is accustomed to horses it Is folly for him to depend upou bis own knowl edge In dealing witb the tricksters In the horse markets of the State. WhenaTenuessee horse trader wants to make a true-pulling horse balk, so he can purchase him at a low price, be mixes cuntbarides and corrosive subli mate, and bribes the stable boy to bathe the horse's shoulder with the mix ture. One of the greatest frauds Is to make a good horse appear lame. The professional trader takes a single hair from the tail, puts It through the eye of a needle, lifts the front leg, and presses the skin bet wen the outer and middle tendous. Then he shoves the needle through, cuts off the hair at eacb end and lets the foot down. The horse goes lame within twenty minutes. When he desires to make a horse stand by bis food and not eat It, he greases the front teeth and the roof of the mouth with beef tallow, and the horse will not eat until Its mouth is washed out. A horse Is made to appear badly foundered by the fastening of a fine wire tightly around its fetlock, between the foot and heel. The wire Is never left on over nine hours, or the horse would become permanently lame. Many men buy nice-looking animals. but by the time they get the horses home find these to be badly afflicted with the heaves. The trader has sim ply to force half a pound of small shot Into a horse's stomach to disguise the heaves.. A small quantity of melted butter poured into the ear of a horse will make the owner think the- horse has the glanders. When a horse goes dead lame In one shoulder the defect Is always disguised by a similar lameness in the other shoulder. This Is done by taking off the shoe and inserting a bean between It and the foot. A lame horse Is nerved to appear at Its best by a small Incision about half way from the knee to the joint on the ! outside of the leg. At the back part of , the sbtnbone Is a small white tendon i which Is cut off and the external wound j Is closed with a stitch. The horse will then walk on the hardest pavement j and not limp. White horses are beautl- ; fled with black spots often by the ap- ! plication of powdered lime and litharge ; boiled together. When a professional , trainer finds a man who wants a band- j some horse he often produces a star in f Its forehead by spreading warm pitch on a piece of coarse towel of just the size of the star and applying It to the part shaved. The pitch is left on for three days, and then Is washed away j w!th of Stroll until the wound Is j welL 1 ne na,r tnat (trows out is wnite. An oW horse is made to appear young i by nling down the teeth and removing the dark markings with a hot iron. Tbe : oppressions over ns eyes are removea bv puncturing the skin over the cavl- ties and filling them with air from the mouth, forced in through a tube. New York Sun. What His Goo a Intentluns Cost. There was just one vacant seat in the Wabash avenue cable-car when a wom an carrying a large basket and leading a small boy by the band came In and took the seat. She placed the basket carefully In her lap and let the boy stand leaning against her an arrange ment that suited everybody except the boy. "I ant to sit there," be bawled, try ing to push his mother aside. "Look out, Johnny! you'll break them eggs," remonstrated the woman. Don't care If I dot" sobbed Master Johnny. "111 make you care!" answered his mother, sharply. Five dozen eggs, an every last one of 'em fresh!" His answer was a kick aimed at the basket. A man sitting opposite here interposed. "Come, my little man, and sit on my knee." "Ain't a-goin to sit on your knee," and the youngster kicked the eggs again. "I Just wish I had you home. Wouldn't I lay It on!" Bald his mother. "I'd trounce you right here If I knew what to do with this 'ere basket. "I'll bold the basket, ma'am," said the man opposite. He reached over and took It, Every body hoped to see Johnny get his deserts, and a bush of expectancy fell on that car. But what that scheming woman did was to pick up the boy, cuddle him In her arms, and give him a comfortable seat In her lap. And the little wretch smiled at the general discomfiture, while the man opposite let the basket of eggs jounce as they would, and glared with murderous ferocity at Johnny and his mother. Cbciago Tribune. Marking 1,1 n en. The marking of linen is quite a busi ness In these days of sumptuous trous seaus. In stores which make a special ty of fine napery orders are taken for the working of letters when the linen is selected, so that it can be sent home in boxes ready for use. One fiancee will choose two unpretentious initials placed side by side and worked In plain raised satin stitch. Another chooses larger letters, to be Intricately Interlac- ed and elaborately worked with both ' Smart Girl Mr. Nieefellow, this Is my little sister, Miss Ella, What do you wish, pet? Why are you regarding the gentleman so Intently? Little Sister I was looking for the trinss, that's all. Strings? What strings?" "Why, mamma said yon had strings to your beau.' Foster. The Last Btatre. "Is Miss Oldly out of the matrimon ial market yet?" "No, but she's on the remnant coun ter. Detroit Free Press. 1 am as lonesome as Canton, Ohio, said a man at the depot this- mora log, after seeing bis best girl off on a train. CITY OF GOOD MANNERS. Polltenea a General Characteristic of the Inhabitants of Florence. If I wished to teach an awkward child, youth or girl good manners by example I should send him or her to Florence. There may be 111-manuercd persons there, but I never saw om. Poor people behave witb the Stiave dig nity which need In England to stamp the lady or gentleman. Most persons are brainy, but cleverness Is not eagtr to shine. It Is very subdued and more oily than corrosive. The charm of Florence steals on one like the wit of Its clever lubnbltunts. The senses are soothed In all directions by harmonious manners and objects. Architects un derstood chiaroscuro not less than the great painters and sculptors. One never wearies of the streets and public build ings; tbelr aspects constantly and strongly vary, according to the course of the sun. Lights and shades at 10 in the forenoon are wholly different from what they will be at 4 In the afternoon. The Florentine women have Interest ing, though not beautiful faces. But one has only o walk Into the market to see country girls who would have done for models of Raphael's virgin mothers. One Is struck In the galleries with the nice judgment with which the pictures are bung. What more lofty In sentiment than the tomb of Lorenzo De Medici? Loftiness Is an attribute of Florence architecture, palatial or domestic. The doors of private houses might pass in England for portals. One feels them to be great facts In their way. Talking of harmonious things re minds me of the Boboll gardens. Is there a spot In England, the land of stately and lovely seats, that at all ap proaches tbem? In situation and tran quil, generous loveliness, I can only think of one the Duke of Northumber land's terraced gardens at bis place In Surrey. The Boboll Eden, where the Prince and Princess of Naples still court seclusion, has the advantage over the Surrey paradise of being under a revealing sky. Every shade of green ery, every floral hue Is well brought out. One sees the faultless texture of statues and fountains mellowed by time. In so strong a light a well-ordered design Is required, and one has it, the marbles are the climax. They are to the horticultural beauties as bril liants to the lace and satin of a fine woman's dress. Florence Is not what It was In the grand ducal days. Still, It retains the air of a capital with a long and illus trious history. The ladies dresses are only provincial when measured by the Paris standard, to which Italian wom en above the peasant class generally submit more's the pity Paris fashions only suit French women, unless ap plied by French hairdressers and fem mes de chambre. An English or a Ger man face under a Paris hat or bonnet is at a dreadful disadvantage if the hair has not been first dressed by a French artiste capillaire. He places the hat, through the medium of the hair, In harmonfoffs relation with the face. I fancy these French coiffeurs are not much employed by Italian ladies. London Truth. Producing Rain. A simple experiment In producing rain may be made by the use of a cylin der of glass, about four Inches In di ameter and eight Inches high. This is to be half filled with 92 per cent, aleo hoL A china saucer is placed over the cylinder, which Is then put Into a hot- water bath and heated quite hot, but not to tne boiling point for alcohol. Then the cylinder, still covered. Is care fully and quickly placed upon ft table in a cool portion of the room. Very soon vapor will be discovered on the under side of the saucer, clouds will form and from them little drops fall upon the alcohol. This miniature shower may last for an hour or more. The top part of the cylinder clears di rectly so that the condensation is seen midway between the alcohol and the saucer. It Is a curious and Interesting sight, the water below the clouds and the clear atmosphere above. If im mediately after removing the cylinder from the hot-water bath a cold saucer replaces the hot one. storm currents are discernible. Often the currents will as cend upon one side of' the cylinder and descend upon the other. Conducted up on a somewhat larger scale, this ex periment would be of great interest to classes of students. It Is not an ex pensive one, and Is very easily man aged even by amateurs. She Was Cremated. Mrs. Massingbred, who recently died In England, waa a woman whom all American club women that went abroad were esecially desirous of meeting. As founder and president of the well known Pioneer Club of London her fame ha d cb iefly crossed t he water, though at home she was distinguished for much other progressive work. She was a powerful leader, from her wealth and zeal. In the temperance cause, and u coming into an extensive heritage about 10 years ago, she turned all the public houses of her estate Into coffee taverns and social clubs. She was an Itnti-vivisectlonist, an ardent worker for women's suffrage, and withal a 4-harming and companionable woman. pier remains were cremated, an odd oc currence at the service held over the ashes being the prayer of Canon Wil berforce, imploring God to tell the de ceased how much she was loved and missed here below. la wyer'i Levity, First Attorney You don't look hap py. Did the judge hand down his opin ion to-dny? Second Attorney Yes second hand. He affirmed the lower court. Cincin nati Commercial Tribune. Very Much in Doubt, Laura Mr. Willis said 1 looked just like a poster girl. Flora How complimentary! "I don't know whether it wan or not. He strikes me as a man with too much sense to be an admirer of poster girls." Vhf Should It? Counseling Father But you must re mem ber, my Bon, that one swa How doesn't make a spring. Young Hopeless Why should It when It has wings? New York Trib une. An Up-to-ltote Maid. "Are you the new girl?" asked Mr. Wheeler, coming down to breakfast. "Yes, sir," replied the maid. "What make wheel dp yoa ride?" Youkers Statesman. ii;miuitinmiiiiiiiiiiiuiimmiitminuiiim .Vegetable Preparation for As similating the food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigesUon.CheeTFur nessandRest.Contains neither Opmtn.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. YSAMUnjZUUItH Aoerfecf Bemedv forConstiM- tion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Worms . Convulsions. feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YOHK. - I You Can't -Zt S Make I m jjtV fS-f " WWte Ptame from a S jgjfL f Crow's Tail, nor a Rood 5 mEr JtrW Bicycle from Castings. SJ T V'V X The MONARCH - 0 V Jlr jood all through. A J Look XWlv I II Under the ..1 5 V Enamel ! I a V We want bright S jRjSP 5 5 business men $Qi&'&!jjiy O represent us J a 9 0 Vl everywhere. 0 MONARCH CYCLE CO., 0 Chicago New York London. 0 ALBANY FURNITURE CO. (INCORPORATED) . Baltimore Block Albany, Oregon. Farnitare, Carpets, Linoleums, MATTING, ETC. PICTURES AND PICTURE MOLDING. Undertaking ....J. J. SAWYER ... -Proprietor of- LEBANON STEAM Dealer in and Manufacturer of All Kinds of Hoagh and Dressed hamber MOLDINGS A SPECIALTY. LEBANON THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OR IS ON THE WRAPPER OF ETEBY BOTTLE OF DASTOEilA O&stori ia not w la iras-siz bottles only. It is not sold ia bulk. Dent allow anyon to stll yon saytbiag else oa the pies or promise thai it is just as good" sad wiu answer mry pap pose." " Be that yoa get 0-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Thsfw- a Specialty. PLANER - - OREGON. V