Lebanon Express. THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 1897. Curpets, Matting, Rugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloth, Linoleum,' Curtain Net, Lnce Curtains, Sash Curtain Materixl, jChenilie, (Tapestry, Portiers Window Shades. S. E. Young & Son, Albany, Or. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Send for Metropolitan W. F. Read, of Albany, is in the city. The ExfRLSS does all kinds of job piiniing. Cut lii i. -ui ds printed a! the Kx Pl.KSS flirt . Kt. O'Neill 1 ft last nU;hl ft.r Pwrl lamt on iuiiiess. Kd. Umpbrey has pure 3sed a new Craw lord's bicy cle. l)r. W. H. Booth wasl'i SaU-m last Milid: o t u-im . Umveriea itia.iiy exit'llei.t pi ices Tiw t Bitch A Buhl's- Hon Jiiiiti .Vi Stutters K'ft tin.- u n. k fi Prin- vi tie on business 3N. W. Smith ld three new "97 Columbia biccbs this iek.- We fcieghad ion port E.'M. Dini'aea in. proving and Is how able to U- up Yuo rfll make nice soft soap with Soap Fam. Irirecihms on each pack age. Be suie and see the bargains in mandolins. or $3, at Will 1UUIC store Hie t'afce -o;.p w niM" r are worth a eeid apieve in valu-.nle pPfiH-'Ml. tsave I hem. License w as i sm d yesterday for llu oiariage of T. J. Co ie and Mrs. Eva Mtrristm. ' Call at the St- Charles hotel, in this cit. and see the grand display of millinery. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, is the way they are selling at Read, Peacock A. CoTs big sale. Jack Ralston, of Portland, was visit ing for a couple of days iu Lt-Uanon this week. Roht. Montague, of Albany, and J. W. Furras, of Salem, spent Sunday in Lebanon. Kx-ci.unty Treasurer B. Walbtee speii' Sunday and Saturday in Lena non with relatives. A. Umphrey, G. W. Crustm, G. M. Westfall and K. Klrkendtll ail visited Cor vail is on Tuesday. No preaching at the M. E. eliunh. South, next Sunday Epwortli League aud Suuday schuol at usual hoars. Are you looking for an engagement or wedd ng ring? French the jeweler, Albany, has wmie handsome ones. Atty. C. H. Watson, of Albany, spent last Friday night in Lebanon, the guest of Atty. Garland and family. Boyd's photo tent at Sodaville will m .! . E-X. -i i nr. Reopen l'r nusmraa j day f each week, May, One-half wsd tlress gtwls reuueva io 10 cts., and tdeached, all linen tame; cloth for 35 ct. a yard. ihe Racket The -R intlecrs' held .lieir regular j me-, ting WetineMlay i vin ug iiistuc iug a stranger into thei mystic ie treat. v The R Ih en team of the AH'a,ty 1 .dg.- H1 ill ;.kv Ihe Rte.-ca IimU- f t os city a fruleinal VIS.t t- iii.M Tort night. When you want iui iler, either ro iKb or dresse.l, call it J- J. Sawyer, proprietor of the Lch: P.aiier. High grade se ing mac lines tr $25 at E- U. Will's music score, APmiiy. Semi for descriptive cicuiai-. OIl machines repaired. A hou-e d or ke was found in ihe depot thi-week; the owner can have the same by cabin t th s affice and payiug lor this uoLice Pianos hiid organs sold on closer maruius than ty ulter ornate house in the Mate, l K. U. Will. Call or w rite 'for pi ecu Money to loan. A bunted amount ot money to loau ou gmnl farm occur-; hy. Call upon or write to S. N. 1 Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon. Rev. J. H. Cornwall uid wife, -f godaville, were visiting in Let.auon this week. Kev. Cornwall says he ; thinks his health is improving. ! It will pay you to lake the entire , family to town and get them a new outfit w bile the big sale is going on at Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon nur We understand a geinleiua-: of Al bany is talking of op uiofi a ph.ee in Lebanon and keeping bicycle- to rent. We ielieve such an e-siai.lUhment in this city would pay well. The choir of the M. E. church will give a Lilao social at the residence of of Mrs. F. M.Miller on Friday even ing, May 7. A goid programme will be rendered and refreshments served. The Ht vec months old son of E. E. Montague died of spinal meningitis Wednesday morning, in Albany, after a brief Illness. The funeral will oc- cur ftotn the family residence at 2:30 J- J. Sawyer, proprietor of the. Lela uon Strain Plnm?r. carrits a cniiinM line of all kitnls ot luiuU r, both riu-l. and dressed. All binds oi planing doiio on short notice. Moulding aspeei My 1. K. Solomon, representing "The Wonder Millinery Hoiiet,? of Port land, is at the St. C'bai lii hotel In this city with a gruud display of millinery guodn, which he is Bulling at agu-ut bargain. Luiits call and see hint. The Cumltei lund Pit-sb teiiau Bab hath school art-all going to tSuduville rtaiurduy on a May-day picnic. Kvery bidy is invited to aiteiid. Bring your baskets well tilled with eatables. The crowd U to gether at 9 o'clock on the e-quare. JLast Thursday the farm residnet of T. W. Tilliuau near Kock Hill, known as the old R. V Miller resi dence, was destroyetl by (he with most j f the contents, 'the house was In sured in the -Euia Insurance Co. for 800 ami the Contents for $200. Dr. Hill aud Mr.jXeil, of the Lawler mines went to Sodaville yesterday, where Mr. Neil clearly traced a well demitd ledge in the Haupert hole. He declares i be re to be iluh looking, but cannot speak with confidence until i some reliable assays arc matte. Demo-i erat . Malarial prolines we Uuess, general dibllitx, titlitiu.-nes, loss of nppt lite, iudigestioti aud tn tipaiion. Grove's: .a-teless Chill Tonic removes the j e use which pmdut-es these troultles. j Try it and you ill le delighted. 50 cent?. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by N- W. Smith, Lebanon, Or. The tiiird quarterly meeting for Leian ii, M E.i'hun-h, i"Mmh, w ill mlira-e XI Sa urdiiy aod Sunday, I Spn-t l'. BusitMv me. ling !" ltli fel- itc at 2:30 p m. Saiuidiij. PreaehinK i Fridav nighi, Satm-iiuy .md Sun momittg and evening. Communion ftillow ing sermon at 11 a. m Suminj. H S Shan le, P E J V Craiu, pastor. j When shfpping in Ah any be sure I and call at the Ladies' huzaar, t In y have tl- targ-st antl flues! line of late 1 Mj le got-ds for ladies and children ever j sli ti here. They carry ready made ; dress skirts from $1 75 t- $9. and a ! grand line ot the newest in t-hirt wuists j from 60 cents ti , and all the up-to-date sador hats and hed wear fir children. Call aud set us. No trouhle to -show gIMlds. . The farm residence of A Settle neir, four miles south f Albany, ..-aught fire esterday about noon from a de fective flue and was destroyed, together with marly all the emtents. The loss was about $10iM An insurance policy of $500 in the jEtna on the house ex pired at noon, very close to the time the fire occurred, which m.-ty raise an interesting question as to the payment of ihe Insurance. Herald. WOi'Lt WOOL! C . E I u h W: i its your w l aud will pa yu the highest market price Special Notice. P. v req net I Ii a ve telegraphed to Portlana fr wine new trimmed hat: and sailors, whic will he here in LeS.n- mm Thursday (today ) afternoon Call . and see them THK Wom.ErMiLLIM j eky House, of port bind. B ; C. P Church. Sunday school at 10 ol,lik a. m. At 11 o'clock there will be preaching. The V. P. S C E will hold its Uleet intr at 6:30 oVl.wk p. m Everyl.ody welc 'iue. J. H. LoGnT(JM, Pastor. Ladies' Take Notice. lht. 22od of he Wonder Mi-miery ti use or uniil the z-uu mPor!laIuns Uerv uitn a rttlld Hlte of : nilli:eiy at hnrd time prices. Call and s their gMnls on display to-duy, at St. t liarler- notel, in i.c-o.toon. Died. Will Cowan, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cowan, died at ;he home of his parents in Portland Sunday morn ing. April 2Y 1897. of rtrihts disease, :! Mt- ..tre - f 25 er- Th de. :. - i W;1?- b n. hi I.tlulM I-, Ma:. Ii 1872 . with bis parents !ivd in this cpj the itH'Ni ot the time um il he was 14 years of g", wheti tllev -'ii ive l to h:iuyt it whi- ii - ii ii- Ii etl unit! ill ut f.-nr J : S lit: w b II he W ell I t PolM hind Up I" the a-p mill.' i.i of T. J I'.l-.ck Mi- co let-tor of 4-osl. in- :t P it'atll, W ill was cb-sen a- - t f ' b c v in rh IH hi h I- s t ' i. b b ''1 I Hie tiieeofhisd Hth Tib d t a- d w :.s a a unir mat ii r pleasing iddn ss and ver generous, . d his death isjs'etl ivgn t'ed by a t;!g- cireb -f ftieuds. His leinaiiis wcie bn ugh to Aliity on Tuesday where they ere laid t re-t in the family lot in the Albany -eneiery Mr and Mrs. Cowan have the s in pat hy of all of thei Id friends of this city in thU, the r sad bereave ment. Ladies if von want a gra id bargain i. i sumni' r millinery. caH at the St. Charles hotel. In Lebanon. Thursday or Friday, Apitl 29 and 80, and get votir summer hat at one In If price. The Wotcpek Mij.linkiv Houe, of Portland. Are heic, want new . Y.:U Will Wearinfr Apparel Such as x Shirt Waists, Belts, Shoes, Hosierv, Corsets, Vests, Kib - bons, Laces, Etc You will find the Viest and prices the lowest at T. Wandell's Cast Store, First Door East ol Cutsick's Bunk ALgy. . OREGON. DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Very Interesting and Profitable Meet ing Held in Lebanon. it The District Ep worth League ('otl vvnllnu Tor the Hfclem District con vened in Lebuiion, at the M. E. church on Thursday evening, April 22nd, at 7:30 o'clock. The church was artistically und beautifully decorated for the oc casion with hunting, eyergreens and flowers, and presented a very pleasing appearance. On Thursday afternoon, the opening day of tne convention, the members of Bi.'Ulah Chapter, of this place, and a large numb r of our citizens assembled at the dVpf.t to meet the expected dele gates, thus giving them n hearty wel come and extended to them the hospi tality of our city. In due time the tnil.i arrived, having on hoard ngondly nu liber of delegates; led by the recep tion comittee and others, they nro cceded to the church, wherv they were assigned places of entertainment. On Thursday evening a large audience leathered at the church, ex pecting to be entertained, and they were not disappointed, but uprn the other hand were highly entertained an edified by a song service of 13 iiiinut'9 duration, followed by an ai.l address on, V ;ic -ti on ami its Oppor iui it !," U livered by R-v. Irtaac Pea n , of H a Ise y . This add ress for Iteautiful language, depth of thought, and eloquence could hardly be but pased. The speaker showed the necessity of every min rich or poor, whether he le a laboring man, busi ness man, or a professional man, tak a vucattou every year, aud the adv nt ages to In dTve'l from the same. In oneliMon Rev. P-att, in ver U rcll'le language insisted llint eveiy pfrsti who tabes the advantage if a vacation sllUld take their religion with, them. whet her at the sea hie or in the mount ains At the dose of t hU able addrew. Mi-s Geisendorfer, the president, made a f well clniseu remarks, after which the congregation wasdi-mied The busines session if the cmiven- veiition assembled at 8:30 Friday! morning, with Miss Gieiidorfer pre- Mding. After a sho:t devotional meei-' itig. let! by Dallas chapter, the routine j business of the con ventinn was taken j up. After bearing the reports ot the! officers, an 1 f the vari us chapters, an ailjournnient was taken until 1:45 P m. i The convention opened at 1:45 with a devoti 'iiaL meeting led ty Turner : chapter. 'During the afternoon many S suhj-cts -oiinected w ith the League work were ahly discus.-ed by the dele- gates. Cue r the pleasant Features of the afternoon session was a "business meeting fpr illustration" by the Leba non League, w hich ws very much ap preciated by the audience. In the evening several papers were read on ''Fathers of Methodism' which were very instructive aud entertaining. Rev. Ahhet, of Eugene, also delivered a stirring ad'lres on missions. After a song, the audience was uismissed with the benediction by Rev. Harmon. Saturday whs spent In transacting mis'"eII:oet,us business uch a re- po.-ts of committees, elect bus ofotttcers, eu. jM tl(. uf!ernHtii a Cabinet M ( b , h Illin,sters waB helt, ... 1 l . . which w as instructive tc the delegates land amusing to the sjiectators. The i subj-ct for the evening session was f l-At Hhers of Methodism." Several ) well prepared papers were presented i by some of the ladv delegates, eulo gistic of 1 lie fmi"Us women, that have, '-. in former day, been so promineut in ' Mithtnlism Sunday was the Ust day of all At G o'clock a sunrise prayer meeting was . held which was well attended and r much ei Joyed by those present. At ; 91) a. m. a love feast was held at the j M K chtireh, which was well attended !:iim1 all present had a joyful time. At II a. in. Dr. Parson i reached an able sermon, which v. as listened to with intense interest by the vast audience present. D tint llis . reached a i excellent ntr-riiHx. in the .M E church. South, and ttc Oould filled toe pulpl. in the C. P. church in a very acceptable man-; tier. i In the afb moon a consecration e t vice was -held. This was a j y u meeting m Iritu- llv, and all seemed I" i.alize thi.t ii -s o d i. be there. iittd:t t-vt nil Lh M- .ln.tli-t church v. .s tilieO H IIS U CHpa b Al'lel '. u S'ng service, an aole address was de ivcr- d by Picsitleid W. C. Haw ley, of the Willamette University, ou "The i oil- ge an-1 toe Epworth League." Addresses were also delivered by W. J. Gardner and McDanit I, president of the Portland District League. Resolution! were passed thanking the citizens of Iebatiou for their kind ness aud hospitality shown the con vent ion while assembled here. The following officers were elected for the nsuicg year: President, 8. Margrct Gciseiidorfer, of Albany; First Vice-Pres., Rev. Isaac Peart, of Halsey; Second Vice-Prrs., Miss L. L. Culver, if SaJeut; Corresponding Secretary, E. J. Maples, of Cregou City; Recording Set rclar, Aggie G. GoUld, of Dallas; Treasuri r, Aduie Simpson, of Lebanon. McMiuuviile was chose u as the place for holding the next convention. Laxative iimmo Quinine Tablet do t ati'-et the head t.r priKtuce nervous hb t(t Kn(iiioti ff O.uhiiue. Mr N vv ymitll is authorized to re fund money in every case where it ; fails to cure Coughs, Colds and LaGrippe. Prii-e, 25 cents. Wash your white c'othing with So;.p Fimiu, and they will never turn ye 1 lo w. IE. & li. are the iudials of Bach Bulu but i heir groceries are A. 1. llipani Tabules. " Waterloo Public School. The Waterloo public school which has been so well taught by Prf. J. C. Booth with Miss Annie Morgan as assistant will close Friday, April 30. There will be eight graduates this year w hich will be the first that Waterloo school has ever turned out. Following is the programme. Exercises will com mence at 8 p. ru: M usic. Invocation. Music. Claud Klum Oration Education. J. B. Gross Oration The First Century of American Republic. C. Ayers - .Oration American Industries. John H. Turpin, Jr., Oration Influence ot the United States upon Other Nations. Music. Nelson Bailey Oration American Anthers. Alice Randolph Class Poe;n Music. Owen J. Foley Oration Modern Inventions. Leila Butler Valedictory Music. Presentation of Diplomas. Music, The graduates are: Alice Rudolph. Owen J. Foley, Claud Klum, John II Turpin, Jr., Leila But lea, Sessie C Ayers, Nelson Basley, J. B. Gross. A Linn County Girl. Miss Etta Levis of Harrlsburg is the deserving subject of a pen picture from the Salem correspondent lu the Eug ene Journal of last week: Mfew Etta Levis, a young lady who Is now one of the teachers lu the Salem public schools, is one of the best Latin frcholars in Oregon. When In college she ranked with Mr F. S. Dunn, now professor of Latin in Willamette unl versify, and either of them eould read Latin almost as easily a English. Misa Levis Is also one of the licat matliemeliciaiis in the a ate. Higher a I ire bra and calculus were quite simple to her and when finishing her cntlege course she won highest honors in com pssitioti, and elocution and oratory. For several years she has been devot lug her time and energy to public school work and has been seeu very little in public outside of the school room. She ranks high in that group ot clever, educated women of Oregon who are quietly yet surely buildiug up the state. A Refutation. En. Express: Sin Twister In a recent issue tif the Express, declared emphatically, that the Tennessee literary is dead. We desire it known that the Temie&seans do not allow any enterprise for the public good to die. We are grieved to know we bave such a traitor in our camp, but gaiu con solation from the fact that every new effort for good has opponents. Our great republic, in its infancy, had such an enemy In the person of Benedict Arnold, who was willing to sacrifice his country for personal gain aud de- desire of revenge, but who gained, as Sin Twister bus done, the contempt of everyone who had a spark of patriot ism in his make up. You are,evidenily, too giMid to reside longer within our enterprising assembly, Sin Twister. Call around, and we will convey you hence on a eonveyence befitting your dignity a Tennessee fence rail. "Patriot.' Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets move the IkiwcIs ifetitly, relieves th couuh, cures the feverish condition and headache, making It the best aud quickest remedy forCot.gbs, Coles and LaGrippe. Cures in one day. "No cure, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For sale by N, W. Smith. Use Hoe Cake soap. Good clothing at a low price at Bach & Huh IV Hoe Cuke soup is pure, and will m t destroy clothing. I he Iiest dressed men in Linn county those who buy their clothing from Bueh & Buhl. Good suits for low prices. The finest line of dress patterns in the citv is to be found at the Racket tore. fall ami see Miller's new stock. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Absolutely Pure, Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum aud all forms of auulteratiou common to the cheap brands. ROYALBAKINO POWDER CO.,NBW YORK You run no risk. All druggists guar antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do ill that Is claimed for it. War ranted no cure, no pay. There are njuby imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by N. W feniUH XffUfrUoj Or. fill llil! POWDEB W, C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. Edited by the Lebanon W. C. T- V. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. President Mrs. W. A. Banders 1st Vice Pres Mrs. Kennover 2nd Vice Pres , ..Miss Alice Gatchell 3rd Vice Pres 4th Vice Pres . . .Mrs. Mossholder .Mrs. J. N. Crandall ...Miss Alice Ambler Mrs. Hattle Walters Miss Liza Booth Recording Sec't'y., Cor. Sec Treasurer The next repular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Ambler, Tuesday, May 4, at 2 p. m. The ladles of the W. C. T. IT. will give a Gospel Temperance Meeting on next Sunday evening, May 2nd, at 7.30 in the M. E. church. There will tie a colectioii taken for the temperance work. Everybody Invited. The class of men called "commercial travelers" are su posed to be anything hut proliihs, yet, it is a fact, that there is an order among them which in- culucates total abstinence. We have been told by many that "commercial men have to treat, it is a part of their business." I personally interviewed tie on the subject and he assures me that not only is it not necessary, but that the total altstlnence men are hold ing positions, while the one who treats and takes treat is being discharged. The same man was recently in a roup f men and was offered a cigar, "no thank you, I don't smoke." Well, let us go and get a glass of wine or beer? "Thank you, I don't drink." What, a commercial traveler and don't smoke r drink? "Yes, a commercial traveler that neither smokes or drinks, and one that says his prayers every night and cm u get up and sells more goods than any of you who smoke and drink" Who says such a temperance sermon as that is not leading on to victory? On with the work of anti-treat. L. Hi A. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the under- Mf-tied has been duly appointed, by the county court of Linn county,' Oregon, and is now the duly qualified ard acting ad ministrator of the estate of Peter B. Calkins, deceased, late of said county. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned a'iniinistrator at his home near Foster, in said county, or to Sam'l M. Garland, at Lebanon, said coun ty, with proper voucners, within six months from the 29th day of April 1897, the same being the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Ixibanon, Linn county. Oregon, this 29Ui day ol April, lttTT. Wm. A. Calk i ss, Sm'l M. Garlaxd. Administrator. Atty. for Administrator. Bids Wanted. The undersigned, reserving the right to re ject any and all bids, will receive bids un til 6 o'clock on Friday, April the 30th. 1897, for furnishing th undersigned thirty cords of old, dry, firm body red fir wood, and ten cords of old, dry. firm body oak wood, -iixteen inches long, split in sizes ready for rdinary stove, all of which must be piled neatly and compactly in tiers in the base ment of the public school building or in any other place in Lebanon. Linn county, Oregon, that may be selected by the un dersigned . not later than the 18th day of September, 1S97, separate bids for each kind, at the office of the undersigned. By order of the Board of Directors, School District No. 10. Sam l M. Gabi.asd, Dist, Clerk. Save your Hoe Cake soap wrappers, they are worth a cent apiece. Overalls with aprons or without, 50c a pair at the Racket Store. Also have just received a large amount of new calico. Don't fail to see them. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. "Hov can Schillings Best tea cost so little and be so good ?" Easy. It is roasted every day in San Franciscolike fresh coffee and peanuts. Other tea is roasted once a year in Japan, etc like stale coffee and stale pea nuts. PROFESSIONAL. W. M. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. . . LEBANON, OREGON. Sam'l M.. Garland. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, LEBANON. ORKGON Weatfcerford & Wyatt, ATTORN EYS -AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.R BILTEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Read, Peacock k Co., LEBANON, OREGON. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiii iiiiii.i.i.ii.ji iiilllllll'IMllfnlll''111'1'' "TTITtTTTTTTTttTTTTTTTTT TTTTT'T 'fi F""TTT?TTt TTYYtTYTTT'ttttttt t fTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI HHP TDtTATQAT C "as commenced. UUK IjKCA 1 OilLCWill only last a short ti Boots and Shoes, Hats and Pants, Jackets and Capes, Groceries, .' . . Men's GloYes and Furnishing Goods, Are the Items we Include. Oar prices on these goods will surprise you. We havj cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so that they may go at once in order to close these lines ' Read, Peacock. & Co., LEBANON, OREGON. ? Oliver c ? Superior c V Chilled ? V stes. I Plows. I Ranges. y These Plows are A 1. v ) Superior in every way. C Hopkins Bros. Clothing ... . Excellent in quality and at low prices. All sizes men's, j-ouths' and boys'.' We manu facture these goods, and know that 3-ou cannot find better bargains anywhere Dress Goods. A fine line. We have made the quality "A 1" and the prices "Zi 1" that means the quality is the best and the prices are the lowest. The patterns are the latest Blankets ... Any weight, size or color you want. The quality is all right and the prices are all right. They will please you, and that will please us, for we want your patronage COME AND BUY Any of these goods you need. On sale at the office of the Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed administratrix of the estate of Alonzo Ames, deceased, has liled her final account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the County Court of said county lias set the 8th day of May, 1897. at the bonr of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room of said Court, at Alba ny, in Linn county, Oregon, as the place for the heariue of objections to said tinal account and the settlement thereof. All parties are notified to make their objections known, if any, to said final account and settlement at said time and place. Dated April the 8th, 1807. Hester Ahs Ames, 8am' i, M. Oakland, ' Admrs. Atty. for Admrx. Feed Sheds. I have erected in Albany (on Baker street, between First arid Second) new feed sheds. My prices are: Team, 10 cts.; single rig, 10 t'ts.; saddle horse, 5 cts. Horses kept nights at a rea sonable rate, also by the week or nr.onth. Feed always on hand. This was built especially for farmers, but all are invited to patronize me gLa1ie&' toilet and waiting roomn iu connection D. Bussard, Albany, Or. JVhen Babj was rick, v gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When abe became MJsa, she clung to Castoria. When aba bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Oi"oiii. Waterloo Woolen Mills, Waterloo, Oregon . . . The Champion Mills, ro a.. General Exchanee and Mill Business. Flour 21 in I 1 1 ol Xill Feed Fop Sale at the Lowest Prices. We are prepared at all times to pay Albany prices for wheat to those who store with us. Call and get sacks and learn further particulars. Very Truly, G. W. Aldrich & Son. J. 1M. RALSTON, BROKE JR. , Xaston Block A-lbany. Or Mot ey to loan on farm security, also ai; all loaim made on erson&J security. dry, comity and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of tb largest companies la thm worI4 to1r