The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 29, 1897, Image 1

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NO. 9.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting Collection of Item From ;
the Kew mnd the Old World In a ;
Condensed and ComprahenitT Form
Two boys were drowned in a slough
near Marietta, Wash.
The 3-year-old child of Frank Floyd, j
who lives in Aroyo valley, California, j
was killed by the bite of rattlesnake. j
Edward Neill was mangled to death ;
at Wallace,. Idaho, by a line shaft in
which hia clothing became entangled. '?'
Two elderly women were knocked
down and robbed in their home in Cin-)
- cinnati, O., by three men, who escaped :
with jewelry valued at $5,000.
Governor Adams, of Colorado, has j
vetoed the bill regulating the manufae- j
tu re and sale of oleomargarine passed j
at the recent $ 5ion of the legislature. I
The veto nit sa :3 is sensational, as the I
governor shows in his message that the j
most barefaced briber- ever attempted '
was employed to secure the passage of j
the bill. f
At a meeting of prominent Parnell--
ites in Dublin, Ireland, a resolution .
was adopted providing for the forma- ;
tion of an independent Irish league, in ;
which agrarian interests are not to be
dominant, and which will be founded j
on the "broader and sounder basis of j
independent political action for the i
benefit of the whole Irish nation." The ;
object of the lytgue will be "civil and ;
religious liberty, and absolute inde-j
pendence of all alliances with any En- j
gliah party."
The famous "hat-trimmings case,"
which indirectly invovled between $20,- j
000,000 and $25,000,000, and which
has been postponed from time to time)
for the past three years, ha been
finally decided in favor of the govern-1
ment by a jury in the United States
circuit court in Philadelphia. The suit '.
was brought as a test case by an im-
porting firm, who sought to recover !
from the government a difference of 30
per cent in customs duties. The firm's
contention was that the importations
in qnestion consisted solely of hat trim-
mings, on which the duty, under the -McKinley
tariff act, was only SO pet
cent, but the federal officials proved
that the merchandise was used chiefly j
for dresses, and dress trimmings, on
which there was a duty of 50 per cent-:
A number of Japanese have left San
Francisco for Mexico, where a colony ;
will be formed on land granted them by
the Mexican government.
The body of Captain Evan Davies, oi
the British four -map ted ship Delcairnie,
who drowned over four months ago in
the harbor at Astoria, has been picked
tip by a fisherman. The remains were ;
positively identified by papers found in I
the pocket. I
The great coon and varmint hunt on ;
Fox island, Washington, in which sev-;
eral hundred hunters participated, was j
anything but a success as a varmint-
killing bee, though' all who attended
were well satisfied, as the courtesies oi ;
the inlanders made the on ting a most
enjoyable one.
Seth L. Mil liken, representing in the
house of representatives the third dis- :
trict of Maine, died at Washington. ;
For some time he had suffered from
a serious affection of the bronchial
tubes, which last week developed '
alarmingly, and was accompanied by :
kidney and liver complications.
Bernardino Asseuro, a Mexican set
tler on the tract of land near Hollister, '
Cal., claimed by a Portuguese, was
found murdered in the charred re-1
mains of his hut. Investigation shows :
that Asseuro was murdered with an ax,
after which the body was laid on the
bed, and the hut fired, to conceal the
crime. !
The first wool of the season has been '
delivered to a warehouse in Heppner, .
Or. It is said the wool is lighter and
of better staple and brighter than the :
clip from the same sheep last season. ;
The rain has greatly delayed the shear-'
ing in that section. Few sheep are be-
ing sold, owners holding firmly for a !
email advance, about 10 cents a head,
more than buyers are willing to pay.
A dispatch from Baker City, Or.,
says that Powder river is higher than
it has ever been known to be, and ie
doing great damage. Only one bridge
remains in the city, and if the warm
weather continues, it will go out. The
Sumpter Valley railroad is flooded foi
miles, and trains will not be running
for weeks. The northern residence por
tion of the city is inundated.
Chief Justice Fuller, of the United
States supreme court, has refused a
writ of habeas ocrpus in the case of EI
verton R. Chapman, a broker, who re
fused to testify in the sugar speculation
investigation as to whether senators
had speculated in sugar stocks while the
Wilson tariff bill was before that body.
The sentence of the supreme court oi
the District of Columbia to 30 days in
jail and $100 fine was affirmed, and
Chapman's application for writs of cer
tiorari and habeas corpus were denied.
As a result of a terrible accident in
a mining camp near Rossland, B. C,
six men were killed and several others
injured. Twelve men were asleep in
the camp when a landslide, 800 feet
long and six feet deep, and fifteen feet
wide, overwhelmed them. j
A train near South Lyon, Mich.,
struck a vehicle on a crossing and in-;
stantly killed Harry Clark and Miss :
Sarah Fisher. Miss Ethel Just was 1
seriously injured. Clark was a student
At Ann Arbor, and Miss Fisher attend
d the state normal school at Ypsilantx. !
Harry Riffle, of Walla WIU, Probably
Fatally Cat.
Walla Walla, Wash., April 27.
Harry Riffle, a prominent young man
of this city is lying at the point of
death as the result of a knife wound in
his left side, inflicted by William
Howard, at a late hour last night.
Riffle, in company with a friend, was
riding along Alder street, when his
horse became unmanageable. The
shaft of the buggy ran into the seat of
a wheel cart standing in front of Lot's
barn. Riffle ran into the barn and
asked a boy named Howard for a
wrench. The boy replied that none
was at hand, when Riffle began abus
ing him.
The boy's father, residing across the
street, witnessed the affair, and went
over. Riffle and the father engaged in
a tight, and the latter drew a knife and
stabbed Riffle in the side, four or five
inches below the left nipple. The knife
struck the seventh rib and glanced up
ward penetrating the thoraic cavity.
Riffle was taken to his rooms, in the
hotel, and Howard was placed under
arrest. When seen today, Howard said
he was very angry when he saw Riffle
striking his son, and went to his assist
ance, when Riffle struck bim. He had
a knife in his hand, and, being excited,
used it without thinking. Riffle is
resting easily tonight, and . there are
faint hopes of hia recovery.
Woman Talked From Her Coffin After
Being; Prepared for Burial.
Kendrick, Idaho, April 87. The
people of the village of South wick, lo
cated fifteen miles from here, on the
edge of the timber, were horrified last
Sunday by the apparent returning to
life of Mrs. Fred Wendt, who was pro
nounced dead on Friday morning from
a severe case of hemorrhage of the
" The body had been prepared for bur
ial, and was lying in the coffin, when
the seemingly dead woman opened her
eyes and began conversing with those
about her. She was in an extremely
weak condition from loss of blood, and
managed to show signs of life for eight
hours, when she was again pronounced
dead, and was buried on Monday. The
case has excited considerable comment
on account of the short time in which
she was buried, some believing she
might have been in a trance, and was
buried alive.
Oregon Punchbowl.
Washington, April 27. Senator Mo
Bride had quite a long talk with the
navigation bureau of the navy depart
ment, the other day, urging that orders
be issued to the battleship Oregon to go
to Portland, so that the presentation of
the silver service to the ship might be
made at the metropolis of the state.
The officers of the department, how
ever, said that they feared the vessel
might strike something and be injured
in going up the river. The Oregon
will go to the United States buoy sta
tion at Tongue point, and the probabil
ities are that the presentation will be
made at that place.
Seattle Cyclists Excursion.
Tacoma, Wash., April 27. Five
hundred members of the Queen City
Cycling Club came to Tacoma on the
steamer Flyer this morning for a spin
over the prairie roads and bicycle paths
to American lake, ten miles distant.
They were escorted by over 1,000 Taco
ma wheeelmen, which gave the" affair
the appearance of an immense picnic.
Lunches were spread at the lake. The
Columbia River & Puget Sound Navi
gation Company donated the use of the
Flyer to the Seattle club, resulting in
raising over $250 toward extending the
Lake Washington bicycle boulevard at
Kaw River at Hicb Mark.
Topeka, April 27. The Kaw river
at this point is at the highest stage to
night that has been reached in eight
years, and is still rising at. the rate oi
two inches an hour. Two bridges at
this point are in imminent danger.
The Union Pacific and Itock Island
roads report washouts north and west
of here, but repairs have been made
during the day, and traffic is again
Rose Nine Feet.
Maryville, Mo., April 27. One
Hundred and Two river rose nearly
nine feet last night, and is now a mile
and a half wide, flooding a large num
ber of farms. Traffic through here, on
the Burlington and Wabash roads, is
suspended, and three miles of the Bur
lington's track and a mile of Wabash
track is washed out near here.
Episcopal Convention.
Milwaukee, WTis., April 27. The
biennial convention of the Episcopal
.church will be held here, commencing
'Tuesday, October 10. Bishop Nichol
son has been notified that the invita
tion which he extended to the board to
meet in Milwaukee when the semicen
tennial of the diocese is to be celebrat
ed, has been accepted.
Gold Ordered for Export.
Washington, April 27. The secre
tary of the treasury today received a
telegram from Assistant Treasurer Jor
dan, at New York, stating that $997,
000 gold has been ordered for export.
This is the first withdrawal of any con
siderable amount since July 22, 1896,
when $2,000,000 was withdrawn.
Earthquake in Illinois.
Cairo, 111. , April 2 7. A severe
earthquake was felt here at 10 o'clock
tonight. It lasted about twenty sec
onds. The largest structures were
shaken with a swaying motion, and
people rushed in terror out on the
streets. No damage has been reported.
In Bangkok, the capital of Siam,
there are about seventy-one thousand
bouses, and each floats on a bamboo
Greek Forces Obliged to Give Way
Before the Turks Osinan Pasha's
Plan or Cr am pal gn Details of Retreat.
Athens, April 27. Larissa has been
completely evacuated by the Greeks,
who spiked their guns and carried away
all the moveable cannon and munitions
of war.
All telegraphic communication with
Larissa ia interupted, but it is under
stood that the retreat ot the Greek army
was conducted with the best of order.
The excitement and disquiet at Athens
because of the sudden abandonment of
Larissa continues, but the tranquility
of the city is unbroken.
The foreign warships have been sig
naled off Phalerum. A special dis
patch received from the frontier asserts
that the Turks, while attacking Mati,
were repulsed several times yesterday.
At 6 o'clock in the evening, the Greek
forces were obliged to give way. The
Greeks retreated in good order on Ka
racles, where they are intrenched.
The wounded remain at Larissa un
der protection of the Red Cross flag.
The evening papers counseled the
people of Athens to receive the bad
news with patience and sang froid, con
sidering that the army fought coura
geously in defense of the national hon
or, paying the price by heavy sacri
fices. A Semi-Official Announcement
Athens, April 27. The semi-official
announcement was made this after
noon: "In a fierce engagement - at
Mati yesterday the troops fought hero
ically until 6 o'clock in the evening,
and compelled the Turks to retreat,
whereupon the Turks were heavily re
inforced, and our poations were shaken
and a retreat ordered. It is not yet
known if the retreat was general."
A second dispatch from headquarters
of the staff says: "Our troops are con
centrated along the line of Pharsalosia,
and in consequence of these operations
the abandonment of Tymavos and La
rissa is considered inevitable."
The Retreat From KoH-tssa.
Athens, April 27. About 4 o'clock
yesterday, the official in charge of the
telegraph office at Larissa, observing a
clond of dust raised by the advancing
cavalry of the Turks. asked leave to dis
mantle the office. He was directed to
ieave it. Since 8 P. M- Saturday, the
Larissa office had made no response to
calls from Athens.
A Reveni dispatch says Ed hem
Pasha, on learning that the Greeks had
been ordered to fall back, attempted to
deliver a crushing blow with consider
able force, which had been resting
thirty-six hours, and succeeded in
breaking through the Greek lines in
several places.
A report has reached here that a
Turkish force of 13,000 men, having
pushed- its way through the passes at
Viodendros, Analipsis, Jvezeros and
Rapsani, has descended on Derili. The
Greeks have retreated to Makrychori.
It would appear, however, that the
position at Reveni itself, and at Bough
azi is unaltered. The Greeks, as a re
sult of the orders of Crown Prince Con
st an tine, stopped just short of seizing
' Details of the Retreat.
London, Ajril 27. A dispatch to
the Times from Milouna says:
The Greeks abandoned Kritiri during
tthe night and fled. The Turks are now
marching on Larissa. E1 hem Pasha
will not allow his troops to enter the
town, which, but little damaged, is sur
rounded by a cordon of cavalry. An
officer with a squadron of horse has
been dispatched for the protection of
the Greek monastery in case of any dis
order. The Greeks, in their hurried flight,
forgot to cut the telegraph wires be
tween Milouna and Tyrnavos. The
Turkish cavalry has reached the envir
ons of Larissa and has taken several
Greek soldiers captive. These say a
perfect panic prevails in the town.
Edhem Pasha makes his headquar
ters in Greece tonight. The sultan has
ent him the Immiaz order in bril
liants. The coast road between Elas
sona and Milouna has been cleared,
and thus a supply of provisions and
ammunition is assured. The discipline
of the army is excellent. Today it is
rumored here that the Crown Prince
Const an tine has fled. The Turkish loss
so far has not been great, only about
400 at the most.
The Post's Athens correspondent
says: A terrible panic took place on
Friday night during the retreat, which
became a miserable rout, the Turkish
cavalry using rifles, bayonets and re
volvers indiscriminately. The corre
spondents of the London Times and the
Reuter Telegram Company were nearly
killed. Mr. Williams, who represents
the Daily Chronicle, remained at Tyr
navos. Other correspondents lost their
sketches and their baggage.
The Daily Telegraph's Elassona cor
respondent says that Edhem Pasha'sor
ders with respect to the inviolability
of private property are strictly respect
ed by his troops. The Greek villages
are not sacked, and only a few "spirit
stores" have been burned.
The Standard's correspondent at Mi
louna says the Turks captured large
stores of provisions and ammunition at
Canadian Detective Shot.
Detroit, Mich., April 27. Charles
Mahoney, a government detective from
Windsor Ontario, was shot and fatally
wounded today, while attempting to
capture two negro robbers at Bel le
River. Ontario-
Larissa Evacuated by
stantine's Army.
fbe Ronif Provides That Corporations
Shall Not Get Them.
Washington, April 26. The house
today completed the consideration of
the senate amendemnts to the Indian
appropriation bill, and sent the bill to
conference; The main contention cen
tered about the senate proposition to
open the Uncompahgre Indian reserva
tion under the mineral land laws.
Finally an amendment was recommend--i
ed to the effect that no corporation
should be allowed to obtain possession
of the gilsonite deposits, but that the
government would lease the lands in
limited areas, and for limited terms of
years. The senate amendment strik
ing from the house bill the provision
for the ratification of the oil and gas
leases made by the council of the Sen
eca Indians last December after a sharp
debate was disagree, to.
Bland attempted' early in the ses
sion to secure action on a resolution re
lating to the Union Pacific mortgages,
which he tried to offer last week, but
the speaker ruled that the resolution
was not privileged.
A resolution was adopted bv which a
j committee of twenty-fonr was appoint
ed to attend the dedication of the
Grant tomb in New York.
j Paid IVItb His Life.
New Whatcom, Wash., April 28.
i Richard H. Straub paid the life penalty
i today at Friday Harbor, San Juan
I county, for the murder of Leo Lanter-
man, on Blakeley island in Auugst,
I 1895. The execution took place at
I 11:15 A. M., immediately after the ar
rival of the mail steamer Lydia Thomp
son from Seattle. She brought no re
prieve from the governor, and the mur
derer's last hope was gone.
About twenty-five persons witnessed
the execution, which was within a
! small inclosure outside the jail. Sher
j iff Jones adjusted the noose and sprung
- the trap. Straub's neck was broken
instantly. The two physicians in at
1 tendance report that death resulted in
! nine minutes. The coroner took charge
i of the body, which will be buried on j
; the military reservation of the adjoin- j
ing town. - j
I Warships In Itenerve.
Washington, April 26. The navy
i lepartment has perfected hs plans for :
I ;he creation of a reserve list of war '
; ressels. The first vessel to be made j
j Jie nucleus of the reserve fleet is the j
I Columbia. She will not be taken out j
! af commission, but will be laid on re-
', serve at League island as soon as she '
returns from the New York celebration j
next week. Of her crew of 400 men, f
only seventy -seven will be retained on ;
the ship. They will be commanded by j
four commissioned officers and three :
warrant officers. The small crew re- j
tained on the ship will be sufficient to
' frain the men assigned to her, being
thoroughly familiar with all her pecu
liarities. The 300 odd men saved from
the Columbia's crew by the reduction
will be transferred to the battle-ship
Will Hit r Hard.
i Ottawa, April 26. The new tariff
announced by the government will hit
the United States pretty hard. In that
regard it is popular here, but doubly
: so on account of the preference it
1 makes in favor of British goods. These
; preferential terms for Great Britain
; and other countries disposed to receive
: Canadian products at favorable rate,
! the finance minister explained in par-
; Hament, would be in the form of re- j
' ductions from the general list at one- i
j eighth for the first year, and after that ;
; period they would be one-quarter of
the rate in the general tariff. These j
i reductions would apply to all schedules ;
! except those imposing duties intended ,
for revenue on such articles as wines,
tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. '
lens' Alleged Murderers.
j Washington, April 26. United ;
: States Consul Borgehor, at Erzeroum, j
Turkey, has reported to the state de- j
partment that the Turkish court that
has been trying by default the Kurds
and Armenians charged with the mur
der of young Lena, the Amercian bi
cyclist, while on his tour around the
world awheel, has acquitted the ac- (
cused. The magistrate found that :
there was not sufficient evidence to ;
warrant the conviction of the accused '
and dismissed the charges, a matter of ;
small moment after all, considering '
the fact that none of the accused had '
been held guilty by the authorities. j
A Matter of Time.
Murray, Idaho, April 26. In the ;
little town of De Borgia, just over the
Montana line, a most peculiar suit has
commenced. Last November John W.
Connel was injured by a falling tree, so
that his leg had to be cut off. He was :
then the holder of a paid-up accident
policy, which expired at noon the day
the accident occurred. It was precisely
11:30 A. M., mountain time, when he
was hurt. The policy was issued in ,
Iowa, and the company issuing it take j
the stand that its life must be meas- j
ured by the time at the point where it i
was issued, and that, measured by the
Iowa time, it had already expired. Thf i
suit is for $2,500. !
" New Postmasters In Oregon.
Washington April 26. Fourth
class postmasters in Oregon were ap
pointed today as follows: W. J. j
Clarke, Gervais, Maiion county; J. H.
Hiatt, Lyons, Linn county.
San Quentin Prison, Cal., April 26
Frank Cooney Kloss was hanged
1 promptly at 10:30 this morning for the
murder of William Deady, over two
', years ago. Neither the brother nor
: mother of Kloss has been at the prison
,' Bince yesterday, and the execution was
, witnessed only by prison officials, phy
. Bicians and newspaper men. As Kloss
had boasted he would do, he died game
i for his brutal and cowardly murder of
J his victim. He was cool to the last
j Death was almost instantaneous.
Weyler Will Attack Cubans
by Land and Sea.
Pour Americans In Cabanas Have
Contracted the Dreaded Disease
One Already Intervenes.
New York, April 26. A dispatch to
the Herald from Havana says:
Smallpox has made its appearance in
Cabanas prison. Owen Melton, an
American correspondent and a member
of the Competitor crew, contrived to
send a note to friends here under date
of April 18, in which be says:
"Smallpox haa appeared in cell No.
4, in which there are four Americans.
One prisoner has died and three others
have got the disease. I nursed a friend
named Gonzales, not knowing he had
smallpox, and so I suppose I will have
it. I can only hope for the best."
This information was carried to Gen
eral Lee and he promptly informed the
United States government of the state
of affairs, also wrote Acting Captain
General Ahumada inquiring if there
had been smallpox in Cabanas, and
what steps had been taken to guard the
health of the Americans imprisoned
there. A reply was received making
no statement of the prevalence of the
disease, but stating that the Americans
would be vaccinated at once.
It is thought here that the appear
ance of smallpox will make the Amer
ican government press fortbe release of
Melton and others, as it is understood
Spain has practically decided to liberate
them. General Weyler is an obstacle
to the release of any Americans. He
said last week in Santa Clara that
Americans were set at liberty without
good canse.
General Weyler's recent declaration
that Santa Clara is pacified means that
newspaper fighting there will be meager.
Nevertheless he admits that within
three days, of his declaration of tran
quility more than ninety rebels were
killed in the province. He says he will
no longer require any troops to fill the
places of his kiited and wounded, which
means simply that he has been told to
expect no more soldiers from Spain.
The situation in Banes, a seaport
town in Santiago de Cuba, now com
mands much attention here. The gun
boat Galicia and the cruisers Nueva
Espana and Reina Mercedes are waiting
outside the narrows'nntil threeeolumns
sent by General Weyler have had time
to move on the rebels by land. The
insurgents have held the town since
Roloff s expedition landed there on
March 25. The harbor is one naturally
capable of easy defense, and it is said
the insurgents have placed torpedoes in
the channel. It ib most difficult to
learn any definite news of the recent
operations there, but it is plain that
the Spanish recognize the necessity of
moving in force against the town and
attempting to attach it simultaneously
by land and sea, for the purpose of pre
venting the rebels from continuing to
hold the port
General Gomez, according to the last
reports, has left Arroyo Blanco district
and moved nearer Trinidad. There is
a rumor that he may be elected presi
dent of the republic to succeed Cis
neros. Another idea is that he has
decided to contest the possession of
Banes, and many who thought his siege
of Arroyo Blanco was a ruse to entice
Weyler into the country where moder
ate force might be attacked to advant
age, now believe that Weyler's move
ment toward Banes will meet a steady
resistance which will add to the evi
dence already piled up to disprove Gen
eral Weyler 's declaration of pacifica
tion. Expectorated on the Floor of a Car.
San Francisco, April 26. W. B.
Bradbury, the millionaire, was before
Police Judge Low yesterday on a charge
of expectorating on the floor of a street
car. He was arrested about two weeks
ago, but in deference to the request of
his attorney the hearing was postponed
until yesterday.
The conductor of the car testified
that he had requested Bradbury to re
frain from spitting on the floor of the
car, and called bis attention to a placard
on which was printed a copy of the
ordinance prohibiting public expectora
tion. He said that the millionaire re
plied by requesting him to tell Mr.
Vining that he (Bradbury) had paid
his fare and would do as he liked. The
conductor's testimony was corroborated
by Mrs. P. C. Jenkins, who was a pas
.Beer on the car.
Judge Low found the millionaire
guilty, and imposed a fine of $5, with
an alternative of twenty-four hours'
imprisonment. Bradbury's attorney
gave notice of appeal.
Presidential Nominations.
Wash ington , A pri 1 26. The presi -dent
today Bent to the senate the fol
lowing nominations:
Harold M. Sewall, of Maine, to be
minister to Hawaii.
Thomas H. Phair, of Maine, collector
of customs for the district of Aroostook,
James S. Harrimon, of Maine, col
lector of ustoms for the district of
Belfast, Me
King Humbert's Escape.
Rome, April 26. At 2:30 thia after
noon, while King Humbert was on his
way to the races, a man named Pietro
Acciarito, an iron-worker, out of em
ployment, attempted to stab his majes
ty with a dagger. The man was seized
before he could carry out his purpose,
and the king proceeded to the Cam
penelle race course, seemuigly unmoved.
Arriving at the racecourse, hia majesty
was greatly cheeied. Acciarito appears
to be a political fanatic. He says he
i had no accomplices.
Downing, Hopkins A Company's Review
of Trade.
The past week has been a very active'
one in the wheat market, prices ad-,
vancing materially and substantially.;
Liquidation by the long interest has;
ceased and the speculative short sellers '
have been liberal buyers to cover pre
vious sales. The principal causes for;
tins reversal nave been tne renewed eiJ
port demand and the un precedented'
large sales of flour, mostly for home!
consumption. In addition, crop pros-;
pects in American are much less favor-;
able. The winter wheat crop nowj
promises no important increase com
pared with that of last year. The ex-;
cessive moisture has generally retarded
the seeding of spring wheat, particular
ly in the Northwest, where severei
floods in the Red river and Jim river
valleys promise to seriously delayj
spring seeding, and is .certain to pre-j
vent any large increase in acreage sown!
as compared with last year. '
Hot winds in California have caused)
extensive damage and advanced prices
in San Francisco markets equal to 12c
per bushel
The total crop yield now promises not
to be sufficiently larger than that of
last year to meet the increasing demand
for American bread stuffs by importing
countries. In th is connection it should
be remembered that since the war with
China, Japan has subsidized her mer
chant marine with the war indemnity.
The consequent reduction in ocean
freight rates has led to large sales of
wheat and flour to Japan and China,
amounting to 28,000,000 bushels during
the present crop year. The opening
up of this new market for our wheat is
certain to have a stimulating effect on
values. Nothing but the lack of specu
lation prevents an advance in prices.
The export demand, if continued, with
our present small stocks, may lead to
increased speculative activity and fur
nish the market with that support the
lack of which caused the recent de
cline. Market Quotations.
Portland, Or., April 27, 1897.
Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia
and Dayton, $4.00; Benton county and
White Lily, $4.00; graham, $3.40; su
perfine, $2.75 per barrel.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7374c; Val
ley, 75c per bushel.
Oats Choice white, 88 40c per
bushel; choice gray, 37 39c.
Hay Timothy, $14. 00 15.00 per
ton; clover, $ll.5012.50; wheat and
oat, $12. 00a 13.50 per ton.
Barley Feed barley, $17.50 per ton;
brewing, $18(3 19.
Millstuffs Bran. $14.50; shorts?
$16.50; middlings, $26.
Butter Creamery, 35c; dairy, 25
27; store, 17M30c per roll.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,5565c;
Garnet Chilies, 60 g 70c; Early Rose,
80 85c per sack; sweets, $2.76 per
cental for Merced; new potatoes, So
per pound.
Onions $2. 50 2. 75 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2. 759
8.50; geese, $4. 00 (r 5.00; turkeys, live,
ll12c; ducks, $6.00(3 7.00 per dozen.
Eggs Oregon, 940 per dozen.
Cheese Oregon, 1 1 c; Young
America, 12 c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12c per pound; Eastern
Oregon, 6(8c.
Hops 5 8c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50;
cows, $3.253.00; dressed beef, 4
6c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3. 50 (3. 75; dressed mut
ton, 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00
4.25; light and feeders, $3. 50 (S3. 00;
dressed $4.50(9 5.25 per cwt
Veal Large, 3,1,(2 4c; small, 4,
5 per pound.
Seattle, Wash., April 27, 1897.
Wheat Chicken feed, $37 per ton.
Oats Choice, $23 24 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, $30 per
Corn Whole, $20 per ton; cracked,
$3021; feed meal, $19(3 20.
Flour Jobbing) Patent excellent,
$4.80; Novelty A, $4.50; California
brands, $4.90; Dakota, $5.65; patent,
Millstnffs Bran, $14.00 per ton;
shorts, $18.
Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton;
middlings, $23; oilcake meal, $30.
Hay Puget sound, per ton, $11.00;
Eastern Washington, $15.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 20c; ranch, 1415; California,
Cheese Native "Washington, 12c
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $15.50
(? 1G; parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets,
per sack, 60c; turnips, per Back, 60c;
rutabagas, per sack, 60c; carrots, per
sack, 40 50c; cabbage, per 100 lbs,
$1.50; onions, per 100 lbs, $3.25.
Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, $4.00.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; ducks, $6 6. 50.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 12 4, 18c.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 7c; cows, 6 c; mutton, sheep,
8 He per pound; lamb, 5c; pork, 6c per
pound; veal, small, 8c
Fresh Fish Halibut, 4i4$&c;
salmon, 6 8c; salmon trout, 7 10c;
flounders and soles, 34c.
Provisions Hams, large, 11); hams,
small, llc; breakfast bacon, lOo; dry
salt sides, 6c per pound.
Fru i ts Lemons, Ca 1 if orn i a, fancy,
$2.50 3; choice, $; Cal fornia fancy
navala, $33.50.
San Francisco, April 27, 1897.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 90c
$1.10; Early Rose, 60 70c; River Bur
banks, 50 65c; sweets, $1.601.75
per cental.
Onions $2. 50 3. 00 per cental.
Eggs Ranch, 10 C 12c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 13c; do
seconds, 1212c; fancy dairy, 12c;
seconds, 10llc.
Cheese Fancy mild, new, H7c;
fair to good, 5S6c; Toung America,
7 8c; Eastern, 1414o.
Nelson's Substitute Is Passed
by the Senate.
Hows Considers Senate Amendments
to the Indian Appropriation Bill
Without Reference to Committee.
Washington, April 24. The session
of the senate today was one of the most
eventful since congress assembled.
S Allen offered a resolution providing
: that the chief executive express the
. sympathy of the American people to
; the government of Greece. The sena
j tor declared the contest was one be-.
'tween Christianity mnd Paganism.
: During the debate, Davis, chairman of
the committee on foreign relations, to
j whom the resolution was referred,
promised speedy action.
J The debate on the senate committee
; aroused Morgan to a speech of unusual
; severity. He spoke of "dictatorships"
! and of the subordination of public bus
; iness to politics. He characterized the
; condition of inaction in the house of
I representatives as the most gigantic
! and unheard of filibustering ever at
! tempted. In conclusion, Morgan said
; that the speaker of the house, who
; had been known as the "great white
: czar, would be hereafter known as the
1 "great white filibuster."
( Another stirring chapter on the same
j subject was added by Allen, who pro
posed a complete cessation ox senate
business, except to consider appropria
tion bills, untiL committees were filled.
The resolution led to another heated
! debate, in which Chandler and Allen
participated. The resolution finally
went over.
The bankruptcy bill was passed by a
decisive vote of 49 to 8. The bank
ruptcy bill as passed is the substitute
offered by Nelson of Minnesota. The
success of this substitute in displacing
1 the committee bill was a great surprise
and d isappointm nt to the judiciary
committee, which bad reported a com
prehensive measure, known as the Tor
rev bilL It was regarded as a personal
triumph of Nelson. The Nelson bill
as passed provides for voluntary or in
voluntary bankruptcy.
The "free homestead" bill was made
the unfinished business of the senate.
A committee of fifteen senators was
! named to participate in the Grant cere
! monies.
The announcement of the death of
Representative Holman was made, and
j the senate adjourned as a mark of re
j The house today adopted a special
order for the consideration of the sen
ate amendments to the Indian appro
priation bill without reference to a
The Democratic dissensions again
came to the surface. Bailey and his
followers joined with the Republicans
on this proposition, after the special
; order had been modified so as to cover
j the other appropriation bills. Bland
! protested vigorously against the course,
j but only had a following of twenty-
four, not enough to get a second vote,
j Simpson is out of the city, and there
j fore was not in evidence,
j The senate amendments of minor
' importance were concurred in, except
1 ing that providing for the removing of
the Indian supply depot from Chicago
I to Omaha. The amendment relative
j to the opening of the Uncompahgre
j reservation was not acted on today,
j While it was being debated, the
aeam 01 jaage ouiman was annouawti,
and as a mark of respect, the house ad
SynrrairafrBph la Expected to Aeeosa
pllsh tbe Transition.
New York, April 26. At a meeting
of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers last night Albert Gushing
Crehor, professor of physical science,
of Dartmouth college, exhibited an in
strument designed to revolutionize tel
egraphy. "By the use," he said, "of the syn
cronograph, 3,000 words a minute can
easily be telegraphed, and what is, of
course, equally important, can easily
be received and recorded. A duplex
line will carry 6,000 words a minute."
In Chicago last night Professor Cre
hor' a collaborator in the invention of
the syncronograph, Lieutenant George
Owen Squier, United States navy, was
describing the remarkable machine to
another branch of the same institute.
It may be here stated that these two
gentlemen, Crehor and Squier, in
vented the polarizing photo-chronograph
with which tbe most successful
experiments were made at the electri
cal laboratory of the United States ar
tillery school at Fortress Monroe. The
photo-chronograph is a machine to
measure the velocity of projectiles.
The receiver of the syncronograph
that will receive 3,000 words a minute
is a development of the principles of
the photo-chronograph.
Shearing In Morrow County.
Heppner, April 36. The weather,
while cool, ia not interfering with
shearing, which ia now in full blast.
Wool is coming in slowly, and is in
much better condition than last season.
Tbe Arch of States.
Omaha, Neb., April 26. Amid im
posing ceremonies the corner-stone of
the trans-Mississippi exposition arch
of states was laid this afternoon. There
was a long parade of military and civic
societies. Grand Master Phelps, of
the Nebraska Masons, officiated, as
sisted by officers of the grand ledge.
Addresses were made by Mayor
Broatch, Lieutenant-Governor Harris
and ex-Secretary of Agriculture Mor