.1 - -I ! r i- Lebanon Express. THUliSDAY. Al'RIL22, I S57 Curpets, Matting, Rugs, Dour Mats, Oil Cl.vth, Liimlfum, Curtain Net, Lace Curtains, Sash Curtain Materi.'l, Window Shades. S. E. Young k Son, Albany, Or. Aj-ents for Buttertck's Patterns. Send for Metropolitan Decora1lin day next. The Exi'RKSS does all kinds of job printing. The rain lias put a slop t farminjr for a while. Catling-cards printed at the Ex press nttiit-. W. A. Zander has Rt-M life birycle p Wii! Biiytu. M'-s WalktT has neiimd its ';wife nt tlu Si t'harit-s. J- F. Dell left yfcu-rday on a bui ut"S trip to Salt in. tirewn-ri ijua!i;y t3f?l!fi;t prlot-s low at l;a 1. & Bulil'c. C. H. Urtlan.n, of Poitlmd, fpm Tutsday niht hi Lebanon. H-n. J. M . Si un is iii-J v ifr . i'f At Ims.y , zm vir-ui" (i in thi-ity. J A 11 i.e.'i- -iii'l s hi It- n .id spc:i' Kri'l.iy in L.r:.n.n vit-iti?. eld fi'tt-n-i. Yu f.iu iiiti'u- niw Bitft "tt with ruap Fnui. liirffiions on fh p;u-K- Kt- suit and st-e tht 1 nraains in nmi iloiins, or f3, ii! ill's, musir store Hn Cake oup ivrappi-r- ire wr!ii a -fnt apifi-e in viiiu -i-li- pri."se:n.-j. !-:iVt- Pn-f. W . AbiKblu.nt -iH. -d will, fri -nd- i;i Albany lat S:.u iia and Sund:iy Having raint d uii Eut'-r Sunday ii may now fXp -tfd t ra. ii on -evn (Sundays. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, is the W; J ttiev art- selling at Read, Pecck & Co'u fi ttale. J. M R. 1st on. wife and son R-tiia of Albany, ient Saturday i;. Lelmnoii with relaiies- E . AtrhiMt, the lomlfrtiMie niiin of Alln. was in our Hi v lr a shoii . time Mi iiday .MifS Fannie Grhg.- pent last Satur day and Sunday in Alttaiy visiting with hei parents. Tin- i A R. of this c-ity have ntrt-;id eonimeneed makii g pn para imis for D.frati-a da 3. LiCf list; was iss uh! Tuesc'.ay for the marriage of J. C Keller and I.. Hit Englerg:t of near Watt-rbto. K. W. Smith has purchased a new 797 C'olutiihia bieyele. Hf s-"ld bis JGQ wheel to J. Ii. Thompson. H. J. Terrill, of Brii'ge Water, South Inknta, is in Let moon looking around with a view of locating. Are you looking for an engagement or wedd'ng ring? French the jeweler, Albany, has some handson-e ones. Rev. Mr. Cross, Coburg, preached two excellent sermons at the .Southern Wl?NW!fclethodiPt church here last Sunday. Boyd's photo tent at Sociaville will be open for busiuess Friday and Satur dav f each week, until the 22id of May. One-half wool dress goods redm-ed to 10 f'ts., and bleached, all linen table cloth for 35 ets. a yard, at Khe Ra-ket Store. When 3-ou want lu:n ler, either rough or dressed, call n J. J. .Sawyer, proprietor of tile Li'haiiou Steam Piaiitr- Mrc Privet t, of Water op, iicii through Liboiuinoti her 'vay lo Al bany this wek, where adie will visit fr a short time. High gr,du s-ewiny tit:tch nes fr at 15 XJ Wilt'a nui.-iie snue, Aio.-iny. Send f-r deoeriplive circulars. Old machines repaired. Pianos and organs sok on closer margins than ly any o her music (touse in the state, at K. U. Will's, i'all or write for prices. The school board will elect teachers sooner than heretofore. Those desir ingtofcppiy would d. well ti pn in their pplici;ioii'. ear y. Money to loan. A limit d amount of money to dm 11 on uood farm Mrur it 3-. t 'all upon or write to s. N . Steele & Co , Ab-any, Oregon. fcv. S. Mi3 ieir returned home Satuiday from Eugene, where l)e had be' 1 1 vii.il inji with relative, lie weiU and returned 011 bfs bb-elt. Ii will pay you o lake the entire famii to town and g I t'i in a lu-rt outfit lltle ' he oig -.ill- i- Jioit.g on at ReMd, P. hcim K & t ' L ' a toll store Re-. D T. .Sumiuerville and wife, ot McMinnvlile, arrived In Ljl anon last njght- They came yer t attend the convention a well as ( viit w it'1 rieutjs. V. L Pry who baa been a-orkhig in tbe KXPKKSS office for tlie past i-ix months, left Monday for Med ford. He expcu to spend (he sunnier in the J. J. Sawyer, proprietor of t he Leba mn Ft am Planer, cMrrb s complete line vt all kinds of lumber, both rough :ind dressed. All kinds of planing done on-short notice. Moulding aspect liy Linn couidy has four new native physicians, by permission of the state of Crtgon, to-wit: Dr Denny, of Al bany, Dr. Jones, of Soda vi lie. Dr. Hawk, of Harrisburg, Dr. Cable, of Brownsville. S B t o le left Monday with his son Eherl for McMinnville. Kiert has been in poor tienlth for some time and Mr. Co-le thought by taking hhu over to his brothers near MoMinnville, that the change might do him good. Dr. Mack Denny, who recant 13 graduated in Portland, with his wife have been visiting his wifts parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Reed, in this city j for several da3-s. Drs. Denny have j not yet decided where they will locate. : Ex Sherill J. K. Chariton, was in j the city tod3T. He reports hia boii ; ! James, of Denver, as doing an increas- j j inglaw business, and enj3'tngspleiidid j health, all of which his many friends ; j are glad to learn- Saturday's .Demo-; j erat. i ! Mr. Cian'Uce Dubrnille and Miss, I Nettie Niekerson were unittd in mar-j I tinge on Sunday at 4:3!) p. m., in the , : t'athotie church, in Aibuii3', by Re v. Louis ileta3 er, in the presence of ' atut twenty-live relatives and invited j ' guests. An item in the Oregon la ti nient.ong; tha Will Cowan is very sick with ; ; Blight's disease. It is k-arued that his ; father, James L. Cowan, who is Indian ( ag--nt at the Warij; Springs, has tweu : i called to Portland on am tjiit of liis son's sickness. The Di-triel Lca:ue Convention 'which niet-tftii tbi ciiy i!l holu their j tisst nitctti: tonight and; on Friday, ! i .s:liurda3 and Sumiay iti hoh three ; meetings a da3 morning, afieruoon j uiiil evening. Ever;, one ii eordial!3" : iiivst 't t aHeud these meetings, j The lpuoi-th 1, a'fjo of I'm city - hae ! ell UtuUiilg extensiv-j prepaia-' ion f;,r their convention wiiich mels ; in ill's city toda3" Ttiey expect aooilt one tiundrt d and t he!i--f vt- delegates. tThis ili u' a tig tldng f--r Jjebanon ; and our citizens sbuld ec ! Iat t he- , i delegates are entertained well. The pulpit of the M.E. ehureh,Sou:h, : will t tiibd next Sunday morning by unu ef ibe ttitntsier in ittemlam . ' up n ilir Eporth Lei .lie -'invention. ; Pa tor will prea b for R v. :tt ! C--t'ur; Prayet ine- lio aiid Siiiiday ; sebiMil ul uual hiui-. Thtf il! Ie ; no leugue or pi"ea"hing serv.ee in the ' evening. j Malarial produces weakuts, general 1 debility, Iilitus!)ess, loss of appetite,; intiigestiou and eon-- tipatioti. drove's i Tasteless Chill Tonic removes the i-nuse which produces these troubles. ; Try it and 3"ou will be delighted, ort ! cent.-. To get the genuii e ask f-r ; Grove's. For sale by N- V. Smith, : Lebanon, Or. I B M. Donaea had a paralytic stroke' atioul 110011 011 Tins lay. It came on i very suddenly and in a bad form. H's whoTe rijiht side ij paralyzed but ii :s;-eii!8 to ie worse in bis arm sA'd stioulder th:in any where -Ue. He is .'getting aloiig niiely at this writing. : and if he contiirjrs to improve will in- ; out in a few da3'S. j The members and friends of the . : Preshyterian church gathered at the home of iti;ir new pastor, R-v. Daven ! port, on Tuesday evening ami gave : hi 111 and bis fati;it3' a irurm reception. A large crowd was present and a most pleasant evening w as sje;it in C-)ti- ' : versation, games, etc, after which re freshments were servexl. The entertainment given hy the : Homers family last Monday eveliing in this city was first-cias.- in every re-; spect. Every memlier of the company are ariists. The childred both the ; little ghis and bo3s wereenceptionally ' good and the test for their ags that we ever saw. Should this company ; ever return to Leb:iion they will -be. greeted with a full house. When shopping in Aba"iy be en re and call at the Ladies' B izaar, the- have the largest and finest line of late sty le goods for ladies and children ever shown here. 1 hey c:irry ready made : dress skirts from SI 73 to 9. and a t:rand line ot tbe newest in ?-hirt waists : from 50 cents ii , and all t;-- up-to-date ; sailor bats and hesd wear for children, j Call and -.ee us. Ko trou pe to show j g-.U. ! Rev. A. S. Worrell, D !., of Louis vi'le. , wifl arrivt- in Leoanon m m j ' Sanirday uiorning. and will pr.-ach in : the Baptist t bun-It Satur ay at p m. i timl 8 p in.; also Sunday noinh-g, , afternoon and evetdmr, aii l Monday ntornittg and evening Hi thme w'" Ik - The Higln-r Life," or "Bible Hull '. Hess.1 Dr. Worrell coim s highly reccommend'-d, a:id all -should n-1 ! denvtr to iiear 1 iin ! Dr. Folev of th's citv ami Dr D-.viv, ; f Alliany pi-r formed an operation, npon J. R Smith ;it his home in tbinl : i t y last M -iiday to remove a eat;cer from his left lund The Drs fotin 1 j ; up-'ii 'Xamintio-i it wou'd b ne-es- i saiy to remo e si me of the fi Hirers o j he sure and get nti f Hie ;:a!nvr and they removed tbe first :rnl second! tii-g-r up to tli wrist joint. Mi. ! : Smith s ood ttie njn-r :it ion well and is j now up and around j 1 The f.-II 'Minu Trom the Oregouian ; i indiea'es fivelv times in the Kmrene ; IsehnolB: "The bool bot.td ll-ld a j speeial meeting '.oday. ApptlcatioiiH ! for positions are souring in In large ; i nuirihers. Two l ew appt i alions for f soperinrendeht were reielved today.) ! After the meeting, then was h lively j I ei ntroversv between Siipe'-jntonfjent : i Reid atid Direct nr Giii;eti, tfheu Heid j hri'uuhl tilb rr t. ta- k for circulating j reports dero gstoi ,-to t he sup4'i iiitenii- j ; cut's chsracter C ilhi-rt admitted bav-j ing snid Reid had been seen in a-doons, i j but Reid defied uny man 10 produce! i vvid'-nce that be I ail ever lteii seen iu 1 A Tramp Killed. (Albnny Herald, April 17,) The south bound overland Southern Pacific train when leaving the statlou at Salem Thursday night killed a tramp on the trestle 2-0 feet south of the depot. The body was found by the men on a freight train which pulled in on the track a few minutes tater. The deceaied was a Sveed about 35 years old, weighed about 160 and md light hair and mustache. His right arm and It ft shoulder were orokeii, his right leg was cut off aud iiis head crushed. The railroad men explained that he aad evident1 attempted to board the passeng r train when it left tbe station, had slipped, missed his hold. and gone down under the wheels, 1 being dragged a distance before falling j ut of the way of the train. This1 theorv is supported by the fact that j he man's hat was found about fifty I feet north of the bod 3' and one shoe about thirty feet in the same direction, and by the fact that the loose earth be tween the main line and switch, recently put there 03 a work train, mowed marks of a body having been drugged along. Tbe body was dressed in dark pants and c -at of cheat- goods, but' nearly new; the hat, while covered with dirt ' and dust, was also found to be nearly j new, and the strong, serviceable lace j shoes had been but little worn. In the j dead man's pockets were found a j lumber of articles, among them ai dirty white haukercUief having a halfj dollar, four dimes and one uickle tied up 11 one of lis corners, a packa-je of; smoking tohaeo, a packagee of cigar- ette paper, a comb, a new spool of heavy, coarce 'bread, a small wheat-i stone, a pair of la t Hirer a heavy wool .nitidis covered w iih leather (such as j are used in c.ld regions by railroad j and farm laborers), and an O. R & N. C'o.'s draw-back chrfilj. good for JO. vents -d-owing that the holder had ' oiid Tire on.th-it eomp.in-s train, the; iHi'itiut pdd being shown (by t he i punch marks) to t f9 cents. Tbe : iraw-oack check was Issued b3 Con-i doctor C. S Carter, and bore no date, not bad the ap-arance of being newly ' issued. ! Tbe unfortunate man did not look ; like the ordinary hobo, but more likej a 1 dstring man, who was trying to get i to s-mc place where lie expected to; nnd work Canductor Shan Constr, who was in ! eharire of the overland train which j ili-d the stranger, whs not appraised: of the accident until he reached Al-; lany, when he received a message from Conductor Nash, of the freight ; train, notifying him of tip? fact. Weeding Bells. : Mr. George Eiklus and Miss Edith ; Wallace were united in the holj- bonds ; f matrimony, Pt the residence of thei ;ooms parents. Sir. and Mrs Joe. ; El kins, lat Tuesday evening ic the iresence of relatives and a few invited j quests. Rev. C. G- Harmon orHcating. j Vir. Elkins is the second son of Mr. j Jos. Elkins. be is Ltbd-ioij lwy hav- ; ng been born and raised in this city j and is well known ly everyone, is an ' ndustrious and energetic young man. Vliss Walime is the daughter of H- O- '. Vuiiace aud is an accomplished aud highly resj ected young laly and will nake GiHrge a good helpmate through ife. They have already commenced -muse keeping in the cottage recently vacated by B. F. Kirk. The Express with their many friends In wish ing them a happ3' journey through life, i Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet do not affect the head or produce nervous-: noss like the Sulphate of Quinine. Mr. N. W. Smith is authorized to re fund niouey in every case where it . fails to cure Coughs, Colds and j LaGrippe- Price, 25 cents. i Send the Express to 3'oitr friends in I be East for the next four months; . only 25 cents. j Wa.-h 3'our white e'othing wit h Soap Foam, and they will never turn 3'ellow. B. & B. are the initials of Bach & Buhl but iheir groceries are A. 1. Rlpani Tabules. Uip-.ns falmlos cure dizziness. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given, that the nnder ed administratrix of the estate of Alonzo Vines. de-eased, has (iled her final account ii. s-ai'I estate with the county clerk of Linn eoutity, Oregon, and the County Court of nuid comity has set the 8th day of May, IH97, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room of said Court, at Alba--y, ia Linn county, Oregpn , as the place :'or thq hearinp of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All narties are notified to make their objections known, if any, to Paid final account and settlement at said time and place. Dated April the 8th, 1897. Hester Akis Ames, Sam" 1. M. Garland, Admn. Atty. for Admrs. A re he: e. You will want new Wearing Apparel Such aa- Shirt Waist, Belts, Shoes, Hosiery; Corsets, Vests, Rib b nRj Laces, Etc. . . . . , . . . , W will find the best and prices the lowest at T. Wandell's Cash Store, First Door East of Cusick'a Bank Tennessee Items. " Tbnnbrsgk, Apiui 18, 1897. John Swiuk has succeeded at last through the efforts of his neighbors and an all wise providence to have his farm plowed and sowed. Now he can look with pleasure upon the laboring farmers and laugh. Bah! Who said we should not have rain for seven well there It goes, we only meant to 8:13 who predicted a clear day for Easier. We are not af fected with superstitlousness, neither do we beliove in perpetual motion. O-'car Davis embarked on a hazard ous expedition last week. We aresoro to hear of his departure and hope he will soon return. We hope some wild beast of the forest will not take a fancy to him and devour the fair lad of Tel. nessee. The first attempt at Sunday school was very good. The beautilul sun shine which we didn't see and that Oregon mist, with which we are all acquainted, prevented aa outpouring. But weather permitting we will have Sundav school in the future. It the first chapter and first verse of the scriptures according to Aunt Sail, we find we will have a social at the school house next Sa turd 83 evening. Better all come. There will lie fine songs aud dialogues. A fine time la ey pected. The record has been brrken for once. Listen to me. A family of a few suc ceeded in getting outside of fifty-four eggs in less time than it takes to descrite It. Those concerned do not wish their names connected with this article for reasons we will leave to the public. The Sis -Twisters. Another Populist Hold-up. Representative J. S. Smith, who fig ured conspiciously in the recent legisla tive hold-up, experienced a bold up of his own Monday. Recently Mr. Smith, together with several of the populist county officers, purchased of J. A. Pinch, the Jmprnt, the populist paper of this city. It teems that all of the purchase price ad not been paid, and yesterday at noon Mr. Finch, who had not turned over th bill of sale on the kejs of the building, upon which he holds a lease until July, proceeded to take possession of the office. When Mr. Smith arrived he found, the floor hacked. He kicked out the glass door and went In, and then trouble began. He threatened to throw Mr. Finch out, but the latter stood his ground, and it is said a big six shooter, while not lmugh: Into actual use, was a per suader against a physieial encounter. Mr. Finch in the meantime has pur chased a new plant and will soon start another populist paper. A general airing of some of the populist maneuv ers behind the scenes may be looked for.-rHera(L A Warning. Tuesday evening while helping the trainmen do some switching at the depot, Harley Crandall caught his foot under a car wheel aud had it badly ma-bed- This should be a warning to the boys who are (n the habit of doing the switching for the trainman, besides the parents of such boys should see that they keep away from the train. We are informed the trainmeu are in the habit of making the boys believe that If they will do the work for them and learn the busi ness they will get them a job. It such is the case as it is reported these men should be reported to the superintend ent, for if they are not stopped they will yet be tbe cause of some one being a cripple for life and possibly a charge upon the county. Possibly our city authorities could do something in the matter if tbe would. X. V. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tub lets move the bowels gently, relieves the couph, cures the feverish condition and headache, making it the best and quickest remedy forCoi(ghs, Coles and LaOripe. Cures iu one day. "No cure, no pa3'." Price, 25 cents. For sale by N. W. Smith. Use Hoe Cake soap. Good clothing at a low price at Bach A Buhl's. Hoe Cake soap la pure, and will not destroy clothing. fI he best dressed men in Linn count3' are those who buy their clothing from Bach & Buhl. Wood suits for low prices. Tbe finest line of dress patterns Iu the city is to be found at the Racket tore. Call and see Miller's new stock. m rrr m Absolutely Pure, Olpliratt-d for il great leavenlOK strength and healt lifulnesa. ABKtire the food uKtttiiBt alum and all forwtt of aitulteration coatnauu to , tbe cheap lirandH. Jtgv UAlitus rwu srKpV W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. Edited by the Lebanon W. C. T. U. OFFICIAL President . DIRECTORY. Mrs. W, A.Sanders 1st Vice Pres , Mrs. Kennoyer and Vice Pres 3rd Vice Pres 4th Vice Pres Recording Sec't'y. Cor. Sec Treasurer. ..Miss Alice Uatcliell . . .Mrs. Mossholder .Mrs. J. N. Craridal! ..Miss Alice Ambler Mrs. Hattie Walters Miss Liza Booth Maine people claim that theirs is a state of good men aud good morals and the following statement would seem to favor thin idea. The jury of twelve men (who are drawu and not selected) before whom the cases of the superior court are being tried, all are total abstainers but one, and he occasionally drinks cider. They all believe in pro hibition except this one and he favors the Gothenburg 83-stem. Nine out of the twelve never use tobacco in any form. Science is forever providing us with fresh facts about alcohol. It has been shown that a stimulated nerve sets up an electric current of its own. Pro fessor Waller has demonstrated the possibility of measuring the degree of stimulation by that current, and that the more a mucle Is stimulated, the It bs is its electricity. A little tobacco smoke or a little alcohol are shown by him to stimulate the nerves slightly; a strong dose, especially of tbe latter, immediately ceased from exciting the nerve, and begins tostupify It. The experience Is old enough, but guaging it by tbe electricity act up is new. BCFKES. See a young man leaning against a store window, too far gone to walk; teside him standing his little three. 3'ear-old girl, crying bitterly because he would not come In num. He too be sotted to be conscience of her sorrow. Her tears, as they splashed upon the cold street, sounded In the ears of God. A working man who often cute home the worst of what he had taken, when warned by his wife, would say: 'Oh, if God only gives me two or three days to repent on my death-bed, I shall be all riitht!" He en rue home on Saturday night, went up at airs, reeled backward at the top, fell to the bottom and broke his neck. j A pilot said: "You may lecture me as you like It's no use unless you do away with the whole trade of drink.: If yA oould I would slgu for It with both my hands." And a carpenter: I can come home fasting, and then bear to put off with my dinner if my wife is busy with the baby, when it is there ssuofciug before mej but when that thirst comes, I must have It, nothing can stop me." Bids Wanted. The undersined, reserving the right to re ject any and alt bids, will receive bids un til 6 o'clock on Friday, April the SUth. 1897, j for furnishing the utidersiKned thirty cords ; of old, dry, firm bod' red tlr wood, and ! ten cords of old, dry, tirra body oak wood, . sixteen inches long, split in sizes ready for i ordinary stove, all of which must be piled neatly and compactly in tiers iu the base ; ment of the public school building or in ; any other place in Lebanon, Linu county. Oregon, that may be selected by the un dersigned, not later than the 18th day of September, 1S97, separate bids for each kind, at tbe ottiee of the undersigned. By ofder of the Board of Directors, School District No. 16. Sam l M. Qaruiq, Plat, Clerk. Have your Hoe Cake soap wrappers, they are worth a cent apiece. Overalls with aprona or without, 50c a pulr at the jacket Store. Also have just rt-celved a large amount of new calico. Don't fail to see them. "How can Schilling's Best tea cost so little and be so good ?" Easy, It is roasted every day in San Francisco like fresh coffee and peanuts. Other tea is roasted once a year in Japan, etc like stale coffee and stale pea nuts. PROFESSIONAL. W. M. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Will practice tn all tbe ( 'ourts of the State. . , LEBANON, OREOON. Sam'i, IvI. Qarland. VTTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREOON Weatbsrford & Wyatt, TTO RNEYS-AT-LAW . 4kRA,Jf . OBEGON. . IT. Ii BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Read, Peacock Go., LEBANON, OREGON. IliHllllllllllll lllllll)"""" Li T 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTrT YTttTTTTTTTTTTT? ? HTTD PDttAT QAI PHas commenced. UUK llKllil OALCWill only last a short tii Boots and Shoes, Hats and Pants, Jackets and Capes, Groceries, . . . Men's Gloyes and Furnishing Goods, Are the Items we Include. Oar prices on these goods will surprise you. We have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so that they may go at once in order to close these lines iiniiii ii,. i i . i . Read, Peacock Co., LEBANON, OREGON. ? Oliver c ? Superior c Chilled ? Stoves j l Plows. I Ranges. ? These Plows are Al. ( ) Superior in every way. Q Hopkins Bros. Clothing ... Excellent in quality and at low prices. All sizes men's, youths' and boys'. We manu facture these goods, and know that you cannot find better bargains anywhere Dress Goods. A fine line. WTe have made the quality "A 1" and the prices "Z 1" that means the quality is the best and the prices are the lowest. The patterns are the latest Blankets Any weight, size or color you want. Tho quality is all right and the prices are all right. They will please you, and that will please us, for we want your patronage COME AND BUY Any of these goods you need. On sale at the office of the Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has been duly appointed, hy tbe county court ot Unn county, Oregon, and is now, the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Martha B. Powers, deceased. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to the under signed, at Sod a vi lie, i.inn county, Oregon, or to Sam'i M. Garland, at Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six months from the 13th day of March, 1897, the same being the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Lebanon, Or., this 13th day of March, 1897. A. P. Floet, Sam'i, M. Garland, Administrator. Atty. for Administrator. Feed Sheds. T riAvn prficteH in Albanv fori Baker street, between First and Second) new feed sheds. My prices are: Team, lOcts.; single rig, 10 ots.; saddle horse, 5 cts. Horses kepi nights at a rea sonable rate, also by the week or mouth, Feed always on hand. This was built especially - for farmers, but all are invited to patronize me Jiay-I.iKlles' toilet aud wuiting rooui in couueclion , , Bussard, -v- Albany, Or. When Babjr u sick, w gave her CMMtiB. When she was a Child, she cried for Caseorla. When she became Htss, she clung to Castoria. WbAatobadC3uldren,ahegavethem Castoria, 1 1 1 i 1 1 lum iiiiii mi ilUllJ k L i 1 1 , 1 1 f j 1 IU1IH Oregon, Thos. Kay Woolen Mills, Water loo Oregon . . . The Champion Mills, ic a ; General Exchanee and Mil Business. Flour ii iKi 1 1 Kinds of Mill Fcot For Sale tit til 45 Lowest Prices. We are prepared at all times to pay Albany prices for wheat to those who store with us. Call and get sacks and learn further particulars. Very Truly, G. W. Aldeich & Son. J, ISA. RA LSTO N . BItOKKR, Maston Block, Albany, Ori Money to loan on "farm security, also small loans made on personal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written- in three of th largest companies in Uis world, ssav i 1 to - , 4 .:t: