The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 22, 1897, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Kdltor - and - Proprietor
Jae y ar. ......
;if p:iil in advance
rfix months
Taree months .
liable copies ........
The mayor of Astoria has vetoed
the gambling ordinance recently
passed by the city council.
A large ship load of barley ar
rived in Portland last week from
California to supply the Jucal
market?, the demand being great.
No place in a town is of
interest than a postofnee. Some
member of nearly every family
visits it trora once to several times
s day. It is an interesting fact
'.h: of those who get their mnil at
the general deitvery only about one;
m five gets anything. Ex.
Congress very promply ' re
ennnaed to the call tor aid iron
the flood suffers. The Mississippi?" ,V.V -
section was granted $2G0,0U0 and
the Red river district 150,000. In j
view of the fact that the damages)
in the Red river district were iiot j
so great as at- first reported govern-!
ment aid was not accepted. !
; nreno i niTeninsr taxes -nv
Tlie Kentucky legislature found ; that the revenues to sustain thenji will
time, in spite Ci it, deadlock, tojJ-TS? h'Ih,.,
pass a bill redaeiug the salarv of: hut-den is put up:n the hacks of the
the adjutnt-nera! from l"-200 1 Xm, tWgS
to $1 a year. Colonels and judges ihe t;!r:.',
have each other hv the ear down The expenditures of the ever?. mem
over the senatorial c.-.r.le.-t.
.d there is an excel ent prospect
tt bloodshed btfore the animosity
wl.ich has been engendered by this
bitter fiirht for a political plum,
has subsided. Ex.
The A. O. U. W. people are in
danger of hiinr tlcir mafrr-itic-ierit
temple at Portland, dedicated in
1892. Of course borrowed money
was nsed in its construction and
the town did not continue to prow
as fast ae the appearances of I -SO 2
indicated, consequently the reve
nues da not come to the expecta
tions and there is a shortage.
Heroic efforts will be put forth by j
the membership to save the temple
of the order. Ex.
m, ; ,
tne worKnifflnen wno are noca-
it:"- to Rosclrnd seeking employ-
rt -! will be badly disappointed,
It is said that there are at least ;
10.000 laboring mea there now,
And most of them are in ?eetitte
circumsstancc-5, bein enable to find
w orfc. Of course the railroad com
panies hold out fiat'ering induce
ments, but if jx ople are wise they
will keep away from that country
unless they have plenty of money.
A i . d a man who has pie n ty of
money has no need of going to
etich a God-forsaken country as
British Columbia. Junction City
Pifty-tbree of the sixty six ;
United States judges are corpora
tior attorneys, the Standard Oil -Company
furn shing sixteen or i
nearly one fourth! Is there any;
v tider about government hy '
trusts? The people curse monop ;
olies but vote for them just the
same. JLnese judges are appointed.
It would never do to have the peo
ple elect the higher judges. The
people are little children and must
be governed. The judges must be
free from the people and attached
only to the corporations. When
the king made the judges, the
judges always served the king, and
when corporations make the
judges, the judge? f.ill naturally
serve the corporations. Epigram.
Everything taken into consider
ation it is n idle boast to say that
in all probabi'ity Oregon's gold
.mines are equallv as rich as those
of the Kootenai or Alaska findings i
At !est it is worth something to; Will in future go down river on
take it consideration that in i Tu.Uy, Thiimdaya ai d Saturdays
, li:nd up tiver tut KimiiB. Vetined;ia
Oregon the miner and prospector: , ' . . '
reed not suffer the hardships one. : . . s 1 ... . ... .j . ,
hears of in other distant eori.ti irs, I ff r
and also, that here he is within j PrOT. A- STARK
reach of civilization. All these i
items are worth considering, and j
although the storJes about Oregon's j
wealthy mines are not ijuite so;
alluring as those of Alaska and
Kootenni, the real chances are!
iifcot c?en for finding gold, and j
very uneven when it comes to !
t mdship. Oregao State Journal. !
The tat penteral committee pf i
me -copies prty at romann ;
reccnUy adopted a resolution de-1
elaring against any fusion or anion
iof the three elements of the reform
Ith" acii" wi
reform forces from v
ill revcut the j
working in har-
! mtny
i year.
n i he Ft ate election next!
The rank and file of the'
j PopulUt, democratic nnd silver ru-
publican parties are anxious to
i throw thip etrnnutli tnoi'ilini- in tn
efiort to prevent further legislative
fiaecoea such a? has been given as j lodging ben. furiikshcd fie. He U
by the majority party during anxious to employ many n;ore und
recent years. They understand llHrt agents throughout the Mate in
th;it a common opposition to the I dllclS "on logo to win k there.
i j , , , .1 lie even proposed t;. the "-virU'r thai
gold standard policy uaturalv ; . . , .
. . . " i-onvivts m the penitential v here he
unites them into one political clan, ; liVeil om to him llt lhe rale if -G lvms
and that m trivial or selfish eon- '. per day eiudi, lit to furnish the neei
sideratxond should scatter their 0 " feuanis, inthms and ImlgU.x dur
eiiersies or crhurie their elinnees inS llie timti tfaey were eiiipl.o ed.
for carving a great principal into
effect. They must know that the j
power of the opposition, which
i aotuallv defe: ted them until last
fall, is sure to utter lv ronto them ;
divided next jear. These thina
appeal to the good sense f the'
masses of each of the reform ele-1
ments and m ive them io desire to
v,nite linger one standard. They
j worked together harmoniously last!
I iSl" 1,11,1 11 ,s Lnut
efforts of a few men or many men
.;n l tt .
Lkuanon, April 20, 1S07.
Kr. KxriiRSS: The Oivgoniau of
Mnniay, April 10, says:
Th- tantf debates and the popular
for i'.ie f:.;e:i! yi-a
were si.:y-f.iirti
alum ti;;,'-tiir.;l:
t t-dinjr June 30. lS;fl
iui!ltiti dolhirs, ja-t
f the Hvi'msi' annual
:;ppropi inCioii made ly the 54:h eon
eress neently mljourned whieh wns
a!iijost unatiimouly rfpu!lic;tn. In
1S60 we were a na'hm ot 31.0(H) OX) po
jlf. T day we are twice as many, hut
Mir iiafioiift! txix'jiditurt-s are neaity
t. n times ; s treat.
t 'oi'g:-is t;on aiproj-ri;'.:it.(r as a
rrt:h:r a h-.ijrcr Mini ihrtn w a
cxpnided in uny year of lhe eivil war. .
T'.iese are hard times and the hurdens
will he felt.
This thiny of pulling a tari?roti 'trs
to make them liiuh and u tarltt" cn
! mauuf.ietuied gK)da to make them :
: cheap is a humbug antl the people nre ;
I beginning to see it. tiood times can
u,,t Uo nmrte ny inereastng tne price or
the volume of money as we have been
There will I
jrreat revolution in
lie' it ics in this cniititrv hi;-t f:ift S
,.111,3 mvur from now on and woe
hr unto cold standard and hi;! tarifT:
advK-ater. Rkadkk.
Monthly Schccl Report
The following is the repot t f the
Ij'-tmtii'-n public schools for th' mo jt-i
end ins April IS, 1897:
. Xo. re;naiid!ir ! Ei f; S t J i
No. new pnj.ib : I
Nj. rca bititred j : : -- 3i
Xtirnlwr c -:! 11 id J : : : : : :
jSumlicr sniper dtii.. ,':;::
i Number tlroppjt! f " H
Av. daily r.tea a; ice .; Z ?i ?
' Av. No. U-l.iiff-t... ? ?
Total ND. et'TolIed... j Z ?i S Jz S
' No. pirls erii-oUeil..., i 51 5 ?i ?i 5
: No7boy7enr7dtcd... " 31 ' " ?J g
' Ti"'elMnVinmeg""j ' " " '3 36 g
i Xo. times tardy " " -1
: ; j ' r
: No. tiavs absence g J r
, ' i "
So. days 3ttendiice j S rj S s g
No. days taught. ... f$ pt
: n i rT"
j l j M ; J
I j j I J j I J!
No. Toon i TTT. "1 LlT
L. II. Baker, Principal.
A prominent Oregon hopgrower ;
sayH: "At. pret-tifc everythiin? hwdis :
favorable for a pood crop of hops in
On-gon this year, and we will protmhiy ;
have 75. OX) Labs. I do not believe the
priccx will e hih, hut think the h ip
growers of America have jrotie through '
tliecf's I Mill be much lispp ioled j
if hop- are not worth 2C a nb r.fir '-,
next harveat." i
O. C. & E. Steamer "Albany
pf Will & Stark.
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the Chicago Op'thal-
mic College.
J am prennred to examine ecien- !
tifically and accurate, hv the;
jatest "and improve methods of!
modern science, any who desire to !
have their ves tested.
Railroad Work.
Archie Maou w nt to Goble jester-
Uii l look after the work King done:
ttv his on the tnndini? of the 1
j Astoria and Goble railroad. He has
I aliout 200 lHbm-rti employed ami .y j
! there is work fur ruuiiy others. He
j pay a $J 50 a day U tavli man, who is ;
tSaiem fcituf euuiuii.
Deafne.-s t'&rmot be Cured
j by lucal ap.h-aiiotit
us they cannot reach I
of the ear. There is t
; the diseased portit
: only one way t- cure doafness, ami that is
1 by const it mutual remediej. Ieuftiess is
I caused by an inflamed condition ot" the
i n;tu-oi:3 li!ii:i of the Eustachian Tnlie.
! When this tube gets inflamed yon have a
i rumbling; sound or imperfect hearing, and
i when it is entirely closed deafness is the
i result, and unless the intis. intuition can be
' tnkcii out and this tube restored to its
- I'.imihiI Pf.Ti.Hi-" KB,-i,. -,)! l a ,lu..i..
ed forever: nine cases out often are caused
by catarrh, which is woliiins but an intiani-
i ed cotimiioii ot the mucous surfaces.
We will Rive I'lie iimuire.1 lollar5 for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send fur circ.'hvrs, Tree.
F. J. CliKNKY ,i CO,., O.
tf.dd by Druptrfsts. 7"k.
Jlall's ran.iiv I'lils are lhe best.
Admiriisiia tot's Notice.
Kotiee is herely given, that the under- 1
sierncd has been duly appointed, by the :
county court of I.ina eoimty, t.)rcjnn, and :
is now-, the duly appointed, qitalitiit) and ;
active admtiusirator of the estate of J. J. j
Kozelle. deceased. All parties having claim- !
against said eiHtc are hereby re-piired to :
presort the same to t -e niiiicrsinc!. at -davilit.
Linn co;;uly. Orciroa. or to SaT.i'i
M. Oarlaad, at l-t-ha::o:2, l.inn c-::niy. .ro
gon, with pnv: cr voULhcr:. -.vitbin
month? from the ISr-t -lay uf Man-h. t'jT.
the same bei::g the da!c or the tirt pubiii a
tion r.f tin? notice.
Dated at Lebanon, Oregon, this lth day
of March. 1897.
J. S. Ma HON.
Poi't M, iai.Ni, Adr.ihiUtrator.
Any. for Adini:!-traior. - ,
La ml tiiiU-e at Cr.-sr 'n Ctv, r . t
".March IT. 1&7.
Notice is hereby pivfi thai t'je foKouir.g
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal j--roof in support ot bs
claim, and that r-ai-i -roof nil! be made
before the count v clerk of Linn county, at
Albany, On., on May S. 1S7.
H. E. mif for the 1gx 1, N. E. of N. AV.
H of See. 24. T. Vl S . R. I West.
He names the fullowinw to
prove his eontitiuivis residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Ros V.
Hamphroy, (ira::t TV.--! linger. L. Td. Taylor.
.Toh ii St.nons. aU ot Wawnoo,
lioBEBT A. A!n.ra. :cii?tei-.
Hoe Cake (soap. ii:t 011 e:;r?ll.
Jhiraios in clothhij; at Wn-erhwi.
A. Miik-r ha :i full and com pi re
' line of eouii ; up?.
To:ii5ojrs So;i) Fo:iii uiii no;
tiurn or rtojh.t-it the kin.
The hi-, sa? h:;s Ci'HiiiMl't-.i ;i-lU-ad.
IVaint k & C"'s Leh ;;',:tu t re.
j,'.- styS, ur to dale. ;ui!;ir?; I'.tf
' tone, for $4.5, t I.:. U- W ill; mu-i.-st-re.
Look at Kcd, Pi ce ck & Co's nev.
display ad. I? w ,li pay y-di, as thi
ilic.iil i'U-illtr.
You can huy a ni-e, laro arm, hand
eai ved roUcr tti (he AManj- I-'uni ittire
Company for i-2 3-5.
Bargains ii, iiion', y.iu:lisT and
hoy-' chthiiir, ut the otViee of lh
Waterloo Woolen Mills.
A got,d assorinii'itt of men's, youths1
and boys' chthing is now on eale tit
the Woolen Mills dti:;e at Waterhw.
You can yet jrreat bargains.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size in feet and inches with you. ;
It costs yon nothing to have your car
pets sewed hy hand by the Albany '
Furniture Co., Albany, Oivgon.
Patronize limine Industry, hy buying
our clothing from the Waterloo i
Wixdeii Millri. It wili he doubly to :
your advantage it will keep I he
money at home, and will gave you '
money a3 the prices are ery low.
Elocd is absolutely essential to ben 1th.
It is secured easily and naturally by
taking Hood's Saraaperilla, but fa im
possible to get it froiiiBo-called nerve
tonies, and opiate compounds, ab- :
eurdly advertised as blood puri
fiers." They have temporary, eleepiiifj
affect, but do not CURE. To have puro
And good health, take Hood's Snraapar!!!a,
vhich has first, last, and aU the time,
Leen advertised aa just what it is tha
best medic!q.a for the blood ever pro- j
daced. Its bucccss in curing Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Dyspepsia, Nervoua Prostraiioa aud
That Tired Feeling, have made
1 1
55 !
SarsaparllSa j
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $t.
h w . n.. cropure'y TKctaMo. re- :
riOOa S rI US liable antl bcneclijl.c.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria. !
Ripans TnbTilea cure nausea.
Ripans Tabulea care biliousness.
Ttlrmnn Tnbnlp put tnrpiri liver
l m m
f Changed Every Week.l
Wheat 67c. '
Oats 40 t-i .:0r
Jhiy $10 to $12 per tot).
Klotir 31 15frt!" peraaeU
thfi l 'Jo perewt.
Pmn OtK; pi-r ewi.
Middling s 1 io pur cwt
Potatoes 3e.
Apple Dried, 6ts per lb
ritioiH Dried, 8v
Onion? I lu.
Jee. Dressed, 41 to oe.
Veal iSi(Ue.
Pot k Dressed, 4.
Lard 0.
J (?nn 12 per lb.
8iinutd(ra he.
f-ides Sc per !b
(leese j:;t ;"( (7?, $5 pt-r doz.
Ducky (s $4 p.-rdoz.
fhiektns 50w;3 00.
'I'm-keys c'10 per lh.
Kkk Kir doz.
ii -tier 15 ,) o()c n..r 0t
. I'ivs- t ireen, iie; dry, 7t.
A Clubbing Off-r.
A great many of our n-adt rs in I.ini
county like to take the Vv'ec!:ly Orc.n
ian. We tiuve uiude iilTatictmiitri
vticely tve can furnish it at a reuu--lion
from the rcj.;idi:r price to tho-c
win want both the ICXMtKtfn mtd tti
Or. goniaii. The rcu!nr ptiej- ol
Oi 'I'liuii i ;? per year, and i tt.
E.:tttt:ss ?l 0 uiieii in advarn-e. vw
w:U furnish hotii f r t-. 'er year in
ad vat iev, u itu-ving if on.- tolt:i"r to t lc
siJifsu. iljtl. 'I'iic Urt-troiiia'i ivt P
tile gei-eral ik- v. s of ti.e cm ?i t r one-1
v.ct-k, unit the Kxi'ltJ-as hii'cs all i
local iit-u-c once a ttwk, which will
uiiiUe a. most vxri-lk-ut new seivn
tar the moderate sum of 4-. per yerr.
i'!ioe v. ho are at present nh.crt
- t toe Kxi-Kfs inu:-! pay in ail urivni
a i.'s ami on-.- car in advance to ol-iatt.
ids special ptiee.
The Waterloo Wo den Mills me i i
the from rank sellii; menV, yfjutht.
and Itoys el tiling at exceedingly Jov
pricfc. Buy your i-r-the there.
We still have b:tri(iio9 iu-hof-fi.
You Can't
W r Wh;te P'ume from a g4
S Crow's Taii, nor a good s
SlrOik Bicycle from Castings.
Look CJ5w-
Under the
We want bright
business men
to represent us
i?ry !iy
, Iteccivers.
rnvj 111 v-
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
R. R.
M ii; n-: icl Ih
4t :.iii Foi l- n
I? -iMlfl aii1
N'ew V lis nml nil
i u I li
For j ;(iTitiatio;i, time cards, mnj.p a:u!
tickets, eall on or write
W. C, PETERSOH, Agent,
lebanon, - - oregon.
D, CHARLTOU, Asst. Genl. Pass. figt.
Portland. Orecron.
Children Cry for
A Lucky Girl.
A yomiB lady of this city was tin j
recipient of very welcome itewri thin t
mornhijLr, MissKdith reining, u Hlep-
daughter of J. ft. 1'ark, was hiior.jied j
h y a lii-Tiiaphie dispateh that there
was thcKtim of $10,(:00, Kuhjcct to htr S
elneh. on deposit at the 1'iist National
Han k of Eugene. j
It appears thai h.i uncle of Xii.-s
Fleming'M, who resides hi the fUimaiH
lUuidl nig niinhi diHtru-t, bought a j
mine in Sllfl Flendn's Uutue &om- I
time inee. V,y f.mie eh-inctf the
Keno mine, s it was named, turned
o::t to he vidunhle property, and the
uuclcRohl ti for 10,000 which he r
tnltti d to hi niece.
Mti-H VU lllio, vh(,i?i ;do;it tuelit;
years of ajre, iHeuipl(ted in Mis SaJz
mati's milifiery ciiabiilitnent o
Ninth idieet.
The H:tttabttrr mi imsjrdi.-irirt is si hi
atf d in ,S an her i California, ne-ir the
botiudry htdween that s-ta'e and' Ari
asouhi Ku'cne Guard.
Land t.Ulica at Orepou t'irv. Or.,'
April io, lfttfT- i
N'otii-e is hereliy given that the foliov, inp;
named settler has tiled otiee ot Ids iuten
tkiu to make final t roof i., stiniiort of" h:s
chd;n, and that mu1 pr-wil '.-.i'l Ik? nfaie i
before lhe ciininy clerk of Linn county, j
r.t AIi-!j-,Ur;';'ii;i. mi May iifd. 1?7-
1L lv. P77T fur (he N. i:. y of Sec. ft. Tp. 1
S., IE. 1 Ka.t. j
He names ihe folhnytrg witnessis to j
prove ids contiguous residence npon and
cultivation of, trid hu, viz: Jason lireed, !
(f Larontii. Or?.. Mac lierrieati. of Tanp-ent.
:c, Jyeub i''it ?w atcr. of I.cSjaiioi), Ore., f
Julia Situons, :f Waterloo. Ore. I
llOBKMT A. MltLEfi. j
licjjister. j
I have money to lorn at 8 per ee;d
iuterc.-t oti Q.-d farm or iersiial ;
security. J. M. Raij;TO',
Mastoti Blo;-k, Ali any, Or I
Chicago New York London-.
reffon Central
I a stern
xs. 00.
Yaquina Bay Route.
Connect inp at Yieinhia Bay with the San
hniticisco a;ul Vliipmia Day fceanifhip
f'.r yuti
from Va-jnina Vuv every eifilit days
l-'raMcin, 'nos iSav, i'ort OnW-J,
(I and ISav.
tions Unsurpassed.
.Shortest Ilonte lletween the Willamette
Valley ami California.
Fare ttotn Albany and Tninls West to San
Cat. in $ 6 00 I
til ecru 4 10
Ttf Coos liuy anri I'urt Orford: J
CuLin v $ e 00 j
To HuinhohU bay i j
Cahin f 8 00 !
Kouiul Trip tlooil fort?) Days Special
M-ni.:er .U.I'.AXV. clt-
tnlly fnridf!ed.
lin'iu. . mi: in-
I'liiiii", will run l.ctwi-i.'!i
1'urtlaiitt on Ihn foil.. iv i. n.
I Ii- niul
H'liuluk': m
Iiowi river: i uc-d.iv, Thnrsiluvs ar.fl
f?n in' lays. Leave CorvalHs a. n,. ai.,)
All.utiy, 7 a. in. Arrive IWtlmid, op. m.
I'p rivi-r: Mopiduy. UV-lnesdavs and
Fridays. L-ave Fortldmr, H a. 'in. ;,n-i
Albany, 0:'1.t p. m. Arrive Cnrvallrs. 1 1 :1'0
1'- mi, J. C. Mayj,
linwiN intone. Mil.'! liivet I'ivi.iou.
Manaji'.-r. If. If. fc?A hy.
II. Li. Wai.dkn, Aprt, Oj.p Kcvcre House
Afji-nt, IH-pot All-anv.
Save lhe Wrappers.
Tl.ey ure worth n cent apiece if taken
from Hne'Caki noap
travel lor resiKiiisitiii- ftnbli.-hcfl linnf in
stair.vnifl Mivt-Joiie. 'J lie IiUio;iuI, Ktur
ni'iy., nu::u;u.
IV & I
Children Cry for
Pltohr!$ Castoria.
B .:::I::-v--v:V
J5N'-ge!rt lePreparationforAs
slBiCatinf IheroodandReguia
linglii2Sti machsandBov.-eisaf
Promote e THgestion.Cheerrul
nes: anti Est.Contains neither
Opium.Mi rpliine nor rlicaraL
r-Ja-r KacoTic.
Ajxrfec' temedy forConslipa-tioi-..
Sot r Stomach. Diarriwea,
Worois,-; mvulsions.FeMcrisii
ncsE anl Loss OF SLEEP.
TEacSiiiile Signature cf
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoki:! is, mattinpr, etc.
Pictures and Picture moMing.
I "iMlert;llviiio i Specially. .
and South
t)F THF.-
Ssnltern PaciSc Co.
i leave l'or;!:i;.: daily:
'.I'orllaMd.!.. Xr. 8 : fo a7m
...AM:uiy.. Ar. 4:ft0 . M
.Sa:i Francisco Lv 7:00 p. m
p. n. i
12:10 A. M. J i
U:i' ft. j .1
T'ie :iii"Vj tnii- s stop t Enst lort-
I-ili'l, Orj ;on City, Wood burn,
Ssi! in. T i iH-r, Marion, Jefferson,
A 1 1. any, V; tificnt, i.hedd, HaNey,
Harris urn J miction City, Ku
setie, (!tsv 1! CotiMtje Grove. Drains
.Hid all -tat it from XJosthiup south to
and inehid t a Ashlaud.
HoseV :ir n: til daily :
X-.5Q a. m. .Portland ...Ar. 4:0 P. M-
12-.:V e. M. t ...Alhanv Ar. 1 :15 P. M-
5::0p. M. ! A r-...Uoseh'urp.. hv. H-00 a. m-
f hrcal
; Sunday
pass- riper trains daily
! 7: EM A." V
...Albany Ar.
'...Lebanon hv.
...A lhany Ar.
...Lebanon ...Lv.
8:10 a. M.
4:Imi p.
4:40 p. t.
Din ii$ ( 'ars on Ogden Haute.
Pi r.L5i, N Bi:ff3t Sleepers
Secmi Cla -s Sleeping Cars At
iav ed t.) all Through Trains.
Hr.'. res Portland and Coi;
I ail i-ain daily (exeepJJ?nndi)y ) :
V " '.' VL. 1 . ... rorll a i u I ... Ar. "f (i: 20 a . M.
1" p. . 1 . r...orvallis. ,l,v. 1 ::t5 e. M.
At AM.anv
trai is e O. t
Corvaihs connt-et with
: F. railroad.
sss t-.'ain tiailr (except Sunday):
4:4S P. .
7:!i3 p.
I I,v... Portland ...Ar. !
Ar.MeMinnvillp Lv '
8:2ft A .
fi:50 A.
Iinvt connTtitn ar San Fianeisco "jti
i Occidental ard Oriental atnl Paci'c Mud
ftiep nib-hip linos for .TAPAIf aiul CIIJNA.
PailiiiK lates n application.
Kate.'i and t ckfts to Fastern point nnd
.VX md y.USTIt ALIA, can he obtained
from I1. IT. II ckok. Agent. Lenanon.
It. K(KHLEU, Manager.
K. P. 'tOfiPKM. Asst. ti. V. X I'bk, Airi
ftv re.-iiotiJ-iiilR e.-taTiHslffd h.niw in
Sali' ; $i- and cxppnsi--, Po-iMon
tt. It IVrenfe. K'U'lie ct-lf-uliin.'.-d
I'livcli o;. The Naiiun il, Star In. t-e
1 ur5'.
lanted -An Idea E;
"Who can tlitnk
of some BTitiie
tiling i,i i,n.,.f.t)
Pmwt ;-our ,i tan; thfT nitty Iti-lug y- n vfithn.
Writ .Ii Hl-f 4UD?,lynRN 'ft Co., Patent Att
aPL,-iPla 'r D- C., fur thfr ;:rls uuar
m K 3! iii ESS
is net e:-U :a ttIk. Doa't allow axyesa to sell
yen snytL'i g elss a tfes p:aa or premse that it
is jbs: E3 gcod" ma enswer tztj rnu
pose." 3 B3 ii .1 yen get C-A-c-T C'-S-i-A.
The kj- , -
2 xa
1 j
i t. -A
tataiy jucsag EiHlwct
i t a in -re sonar, if
. . Galatia. Ills., Not. K, 1383.
GKOV ?! a TAG :i!I.ES3 CHILL TONIC and havo
cough L i ore a ct.jss nlrondy this roar. In mi ohpi.
perloace ol li yenrs, ia tho drug btisinea. hnra
caver sold i n r.i.i-rlo thAt
?lo;a as j-uar Tonic
;oum trulr.
iv auca universal UtUi
Pll3 1 1
03 ti0 s
i f
iiury i lit
' mjrer M as fc r V
Teb 1 i B -"i S "1 r-.
I Fan 6ALZ :
mm m
ts?- rail m