The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 08, 1897, Image 4

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1 I
, .DliiiT jK.i.'uLMi. ,
Osvloos and il'tfimans of Debtors
to Avo.J Collontors,
The People Thar Take Their
Time at Everything.
ii'mitiiiiiiil'iiilliimiiiiMiiiiiimi,!, ,
1 r r 1
The Burning Fluid Falls all Over Mrs. Nora E. Hill.
She is Fearfully Burned-Inhales the Flames
and is Seriously Injured, but Proper
Medical Treatment Saved Her Life.
Pnhapi In HO mm U yt recorded bu the
fflcienoy of a popular remedy been found
o clearly ai In that of Mn, Norn E. II 111.
While her tradition, cund by a frightful
and diitreMing accident, placet her beyond
the pale of perfect reooYcry, ehe hu received
luch marked relief that the itory of the ac
cident and the sufferings resulting from It,
will be of more than ordinary interest to
thousands of invalids.
Mrs. NoraE. Hill, before September 1893,
was a hale, hearty and strong woman, past
the middle age of life.
Bhe tells the following story :
"September 1, 1693, while attending to
my duties about the house, a gasoline stove
which I had used for some time, suddenly
exploded, throwing the burning fluid over
me. Before my clothes which were on fire
ould be torn off, my right arm and hand
were fearfully horned, This however, was
not my most serloua injury, aa I hnd inhaled
some of tiie flames, aud I found the inside of
my mouth blistered, Myhnml and arm to
the elbow were burned to the boue, and my
Ehyaician bdteved amputation necessary,
ut after weeks of grvat suffering, 1 was
pared the operation, and I have fairly good
use of my hand and arm now.
"Shortly after the process of healing of
arm and haw), my stomach commenced to
K me trouble. I did not then realize what
meant. After each meat I was seized
with a crumping sensation, and then in a
few d lys (here were frightful paius, whieh
threw me into clammy perapi ration. For
eight montlis I wu tinder the care of my
fihyeicUn, battling hard with death. I had
oat 03 pouiuk was becoming a mere skele
ton, my appetite was gone, and my nervous
system completely shattered.
"I lout confidence in everything, was
totally discouraged, and determiued to go to
my former home, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
and have my old phynician make an examU
nation of my condition. He did so and
found that putric ulcers of the stomach had
formed, which he said were incurable, and
were liable to produce cancer at any time.
While in Grand fiapida the ulcers which
had formed in the stomach broke, which
produced vomiting of large quantities of
blood and pus. inia confirm, me to a siok
bed for several weeks. When I became
sufficiently strong to get up I came back
here , to die, as the doctor told me I might
last one week, powibly one month. But I
determined to make as strong a right as I
could, and get all the medical aid there was
ha Chicago.
14 1 was tabm before a clam of one of the
most noted and celebrated medical ooliegea
here for examination. This examination
E roved what my physician in Grand Rapids
rid me vis, that there were gsatric uloers of
the stomach. The opinion of the college
physicians was that my chances of a cure
were not one In one thousand. This wan in
May lftM: in Jnne I was taken down with
raJrtric fever, earned br fresh ulcers form hie.
and I lay tn bed nine weeks. From June to
Hfntember in that year I also tiillrml art
nationally from thirty abscewes forming on
my arms and shoulders, produced by tin con-
atuon or the stomacn and blood circulation.
After this I trot a little better, and this im-
provement huted during the full end winter
till January 1895, when I had another ni-ire
tf gastric fever. .1 took a great many ilriijrs
and opiates under the physicians directions
regon Central
& Eastern,
Yaquina Bay Route.
Connecting at YaijuiitH Bav with the bun
rrniicwco ami Yuiima Hay 8tuiinlii
Steamship "rarallon"
Siiflx from Yaipiinti Bav every eight Hnvfl
fur Shu KraniiM-n. t'niw hay. Port Orford,
i riiiiiltt't and tluii hohll Ibty. f
1 'assim-jof Aceom moda
ti m.s Unsurpassed
H ifirtc-' '!iflh' (t"t vn the Willfllnette
Villi- , Mi'- i
ar ,f ' .) t ; t tit Han
:;.)i i ii''n: .
c .j. ' , ., , ; t
hULTHrft ... w
t. Tn Coon l!av onrt Port Orford :
(.'aliin. t 0 00
Cabin I 8 00
Round Trip Good for 60 Days Special.
Menmcr ALBANY, eleiiantly fiiriilnhed.
llieln.tif iff new pinno. will run between
(lurvallh and Portland on the following
schedule:, river: Tuesday, Thumlnys and
Hr iin s l-ave CnrvalliH 0 a. in. and
Uhu iy. 7 a. hi. Arrive Portland, 8 . in,
Up river: .MondHVM, VVednemlayH and
Frhlavs. Leave Portland, 6 a. m, and
Albany, 0:20 p. m. Arrive (Jorviillis, 11:20
p. in. ' J. C.Mavd,
Euwin Htokb, Bup't Hiver Divlnion.
SlanaKer, H. B. Bachy,
H. L, W'auibii, Ag't. Opp Hevere House
Aii;nt, Ile)K)t Albany.
travel for reiMJuHble ttHitibHMitMl timiw1 in
CreKOi). Hillary $7W and ox(jihb. P. tuition
nmiunAnl, Utrferewe. EtiPlone R-lf-HildrtiwH-'d
-titiiH'I I'ltveiupe. Ttio National, Star liwurance
BMi?,, Cliifiiyn. .
during all this time, which had the effect of
completely upsetting my stomach and nerv
ous system.
"From January to July 189J5, I in tiered
frightful agonies, resulting from the trouble
In my stomach, and was again thrown into
gastric fever, which kept me in bed three
"A vear ago last October I commenced toj
take fr. Williams' Pink Pills for 1'ala
People. After 1 had taken two boxen they
broke the gastrin lever and enublcd me to
get up, I found also that they gave me
strength, and my appetite enuio hack, 1
found that I wild diuest the food I ate, and
the paiui disappeared. I alto noticed that
j brrmue leas nervous; in taut my general
condition improved verv much.
"The following March (in 1890) I was
agaiu troubled with the abscesses, nut to a
much Ices deirree than formerly. This waa
one to tne enictency oi tne puis, which nn
doubtedly had brought my blood to a much
better condition. I want to explain here that
the doctors said that thecauie of the appear
ance of absentees was due to the ulcerated
condition of ttio stomach, which vitiated the
blood through my entire system.
"The pill have allayed my nervoumeN,
they ore putting my blood into better condi
tion, thry have cleared my bruin, and have
given me an appetite which 1 can gratffy by
eating light food without causing the terrible
riiu which formerly almost drove me liwana.
he pills are doing for me more than nny
medical aid I have ever received, and they
have stopped my suffering to a very great
extent. I do not think nor do 1 expect
that they will cure me, because all physicians
are agreed who have examined me that it is
impossible. Past experience however has
shown me that they will to a great extent
make my life bearable. This I believe is
doing wonders, mid i feel that if they have
done Una much fur me, there must I many
people who are suflcring whom they can
surely cure.
"I was born and raised in Michigan, and
came to Chicago some ten years ago. I
know quite a mini tier of people on the west
aide, mid have told them of the marvelous
relief I have earned by takimr Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale people ; and If any one
1,1 lit.. tn I..- f !.. I
my in Bering and more of the details of
the relief gained by the Pink Pills, I nhal lie
glad to have them call at my home, 40 Wal
nut Htreet, Chicago.
(Mignetl) Mrs. Nora E. Hijx"
flubwrilml aud sworn to before me this
twelfth day of Jannarv, lfcW.
A. F. Porthah, Notary PubUe.
The proprietors of Dr. William' Pink Pills
for Pale lVopiestate that they are not a patent
medicine hut a prescription uml for immy
yearn by an eminent practitioner who prodncwl
the mott wonderful reaulta with tlitm, enring
all forms of weaknen arising from u watery
condition of the blood or shattered nerves, two
fruitful enures of almost every 111 to which
flesh in heir. The pills are also a specific for
the troubles peculiar to females, m li as np
prewionn, all tomtit of wet knees, chronic eon
st i pat ion, bearing down pirts. etc., and in the
case of men will giv apeedy relief and eflvt a
permanent cure in all cases arbim- iW-m men
tal worry, overwork, or nrrwv of wl ntever
nature. They are entirely Hn mid sand can
bo (riven to weak flfd h kly children with
the fmat et jroivl and without the slichhst
dnnw. Fink Pills are sold by nil (balers,
or will be sent post paid on rc ipt of price,
ffiOeenisa box. or six boxes for I2.JW the?
I are never nob! in bulk or by the mi) by sd
' drawing Hr. Williams' Medicine Company,
i tfehenectody, N. Y.
Do on H rlmrtrpil bv iiIIiiHimp rtTpr'I'nntitiMi(l
think Jti i. uau Kt tiui btt tuiuiu, liiiiiBt ilulrli itml
(or a mere tmar. liuyfrom lvllnhl" nmunUclurfi'a
tli, it litive iminnt n i t-tJHl.ili'ni tiv hiit l nm1 mvan
liitiUna. Iii'-to in itonn In Hid rt(,tt, that rcr tonal
lu unvlnnl'ial nnmtructlnn, rftunltllHy of wnrhlntf
pt rto,tlfM'iH::uiof Hiildti, iMUlilty In nMicarndci', if '-Ml
: flinty Improvement u tlje StEW HOME
The Hew Homo Sewing Mnchine Co.
OUM"itJm, &Jr3TOW,MArH. J!fi pMHK (WlMHB, N,Y.
Cuic-n,itL. fii'.l-ouia.Mo. lM.iituuM,
Saw A'tuvciiKMi Oil. Ml.sma.Oa.
Anyone iernllnsf i nketoh and description may
DuluilyuMurtalii, fruo, whetbtsr un invtiiitloii !
pntlmbly patetirnhlc. ComiauiihialioiiB itrlctly
cuntlilvntlal. UliluH awunity furenvurlnit pntonti
111 Arnrlca. We liavu a Wtwljiit(Ujn olllce.
I'ittfiu titkon tliroutrti Muuu St Co. xtmln
pedal notice in tHo
besntlfull. Illii,tmtl, tnrpe.t ctrenlatlon of
any M-lnntlfln journal, wenkly, Utrtiw WWI u Teari
il.cO S1JC lUUIlfliH. HIH-elineii cuiiUi. Mild UASD
liuun on IMTHKTs win rreu. AUareu
3(11 lii'uiolivnv, New York.
Rlpans Tahnles assist ingestion.
Klnans Tsbitles mf Indlires'loa
Ripans Tabnles: gentle cathartlo.
Rlnans Tfthulss cure ennstlpntlnn
Hlnaw Tabulst UK llvW troutllN,
II' '
hinaK ( :TS ' , -"j1
Km I
4. '
tlumnra at A ri'nllar I'hupn of Llfs In tlx
VltySWKllii Whn Put oa Fine '
AppMran 'e at t)ip IUiiabm
ot l luilr Tnltora.
l'Uoro is now and thon a margin of
i:al litimor, If of a doulit fnl iloaeription.
'.ffwl about Urn shlflu nnti duvico.
! "ail by pnrotaw to paying their
loots. Ho il.iulit, such deht.oi'B uiiht
(llntlttgui:;!u'd nmirlil;.-: Thaw who
:rm'";i rii ijiji'luno cannot cope with
ndr l!:iii!lHI'-'.i, istul tliosa who uyHte
xttltvlly ! Ufo tholrorndi.'orsbeeninie
t la not iu them to tlo thu othor Hilar;
-pny) lrat, suy.'i tho lioston Tmvelef,
liny nvc itlontlral In tho sotwi that both
ry U oacH1 coni'Hiiirtnei?i! by the exor
jine of a mtriotiH hind of wit.
An indignant fui'iiltimidtmlorracotit
ly ttckled tho rlnlhlo ftumltleg Id a po
lice eourt by bin stutemcut of how In
credibly he hod been trHcod by a debtor
if lnnp standini!. lLn'inp obtained a
rit for (llt.v:iint. upon I ho rfoodii snp
Uod and not. i:iid for, lu atid hl lofs-n,l
'rout rcnalied tho debtor's houau, to
ind H oppnrcntly abpnilound. Tho
owcr windows wore, blotelied with
.vhltowiwh, ami upon ono of them wan
U'twud tho letfoiid: "To Lot." Natural
ly conelndlny that Ida bird had flown
the uelrfhhorhood to avoid him, h
prnmptl.v oxiiended qnlteaconHidoriible
mini In fruit taualy tr.vliiR to traue the
dollnqnent's whoveaboutH.
Finiilly It niKiirred to hltn that his
debtor's hit o lundlord tnljrht be able to
supply a hint, and to him he went. Im
agine bin amar.oinont when he wuh
coolly Informed that the bonne In queu
tinn had norer lieen "to lot," unit Unit
tho debtor wna eertultily Htill within it,
ae lii-' (!hv luniUord'H) npeiit had ealt, d
for ami received his rent only a few
diiya prevlmmlv They went at onoc to
holve tho protdeiu, and thon'theele
tienluf niy.ttory dliporsed. Itappearec':
.hat the wily oecupi'.ut, having tiuiel,
wnrniniT of Ills oreditor's coming, hud
diif tod hu family and his goods to the
',op rooms, snudfed the windows and
impartial a irenoral nir of emptiness tr
.he hotiHo, un4 remained smigly ulof
intil, tin he imagined, his erediloi
;mild (five np the debt as a "bad" one.
"liiitHT eni uerml, he hud to pay, and wu .
low sued for tile costs of Uie hunt-
. hiiih. as un uttcmpt at fraud iu a lepi
nne could be proved, he managed U
lenp-!. , .
IhUhor neat, too, was a trick of a di"
) iixnt kind played recently by a swel.
i 'hu w;ia "wanted" in the mutter of a,
iitiiliiiiiliiiff tnilor'it debt. Tupped Oi
no slioulder nil he wuut to enter a oil;
sUiinnt with a party of friends, h"
as hirunneil that a vehicle waited at
:iud for his safe conduct to durance
ile, .The situation was awkward, but
"fin wit anil o.tporlunea made him equal
0 It. Ho left hin friends with a cool
slide to the ehiectthut he would return
.r.d dine with them in a fuw minutes
ml wan ns"d as his word.
Ilii rjinpiy riiqiieuted his captor to
Irlve to "lii.s father's nrlloo," whore, he
"iftily wtid. the trumpery debt would
-i Mettled to full sut.iiifaction. Accord
!:;ly tlmy drove to the ollhw indieled.
ihe entered with the warrant
.ud his ntyr.imtou remained at the en-'.nn'-e
to guerd iigaiust surprises. Hut
.lie debt wua not settled on that occa
ion. 'i'iio di fmilter ciKjllyopeiied the
.oor of the II rat room he came to,
ilinred the other in. whipped ontthe
:y from the inside. Slipped out, locked
ic doer, qnuted the building by an
.lior e.-iU, and drove off to keep his
Vim objcctluu, to 1 put it mild
ly, Unit some people evineo to squuKng
pecuniary uucouuts until the law steps
in and compels them is sometimes in
comprehensible. One man of this class,
well known to the writer as a person
able to piiy for his extravagances,
spent half his time in dodging and
balking creditors to' whom he owed
comparatively trilling sumspurely, It
seemed, fur the love of such dodging.
Home time back severul writs were out
for the arrest, of this person, but for
weeks he succeeded in eluding the
holders by all manner of unexpected
It so happened that one day, how
ever, while leading one warrant uffl
oor a dance In the network of streets,
hu ran into the arms of another, and
was immediately chipped into a cab
aud driven to jail. On the way thither
he begged to lie ullowed to got
somo light refreshment before tasting
prison fare, and as ho himself sug
gested that his emit sleeve should be
iecurely fastened to that of the officer,
the latter consented, and accompanied
iiiin Into a hotel for that purpose.
The seque!, iu some rospectB, was a
highly farcical one. Ono glass (ap
parently without design) led to another,
and the defaulter speut almost as much
money in making both cab-driver and
oapturer intoxicated Upon whisky as
would have enabled him to settle the
debt in the first place. That done, he
out the fasteuings aud quietly walked
To ft very considenible extent people
make for themselves the conditions of
Even with the most carefully pro
pared food the greater portion digested
goes to supply heat and energy. .
llecause poor sheep have light fleeces
is not proof tlt fat sheep have heavy
flood etock, crops, fertility and in
dustry are 'essential itms In good
fanning. '
Whcu animals are allowed to run
down there Is a weukening of vitality,
and espceially of the digestive organs.
- As an animal grows fat it consumes
less In proportion to size, digestc loss
bliut is consumed and gives a loss re
turn. (.'onftnlng any farm animal in dark
iUurter is injurious to it and, there
fore, more ot Isai damping W the
nr. ... .. ...... .
AmerleiiM Are u aetiree of Wondnrmeut
to the Nlow.l''fl'iif NsttvmAo Bx.
ewKlluirly (.'04,'leuiiH and Hof
p:tuli!u I'ooi'ls.
These Norf.'e,"mns are a wonderfully
patient people, Hi-ys A correspondent of
the New York Post. They never hurry;
why 'should they? There is alwuys
time enough. We breakfast at nine.
Monsieur gneii to business at ton or no,
and returns to his dinuer, like all the
rest of tho Hciindinavian world, at half
past two. We reach coffee and cigar
ettes at about, f uir, and then monsieur
goes back to ) i.i ofllco, If he likos, for
two or three lours. We sometimes see
blrn again nt r-imporat half-past eight,
but initially lhti. is n game of whist, or
a geographical Kivlely lecture, or a con
cert, or a friend's bieiliday foto an oc
casion never overlooked by your true
Norwegian), or some ono hat received
a hurrcl of oystora, and would not,
could not, drctith of opening them with
out ohampngeo and company mascu
line company only. It. scums to me that
there are entirely too many purely male
festivities hore. In fuet the men say
so thomselvcB, and that they would en
joy many of the occasions much more
If the ludles wore present. Hut "It is
not the custom of the country" (a rock
on which I am alwuys foundering) to
omit or to change lu such matters.
Monsieur only does as do nil other men
of his age, which Is elderly, aud condi
tion, which is solid.
1 have nevor accustomed myself to
the fact that one Is expected tosLop and
wait for all approaching enrts or vehi
cles of any class to puns before attempt.
iny to oross a street lu town. 1 am al
ways holug stopped Biiwt on the curb
Btone by a frantic pull at my arm, unci
some strange but agonized friendly
voice at my side begging to know if i
don't see that sledge coming, a sledrre
half a block off I l'erluipo it is became.
th" street trutlic Is comparatively suiuli
tln.t the vehicles always have Uierlf;"!.;
of way. And certainly, too, becuuim
there la so much time. You uer.d not
fancy that tho driver will hustcn the
jog of his stocky little yellow pony,
vhen he sees you wailing. Nothing of
du sort. That is as it bus been. It Is
qu'to meet thai you wait.
There is a curious feeling eoncomlur,
America over hero, in 0110 way and an
chor. MorgenbheJol, the chief eon
.ervutlve paper, an nriiau lojally of the
;rtt importsuee, kjepa a sort of horror
;iu.mber of Americana. There.a iou is,
I suppose, that lu tliouo very dark aud
troublous political times, when only
he union, but the inou.irehy iUiulf, ii.'
'ireatoiiedand tottering, the conKeri-a-.V.'
interest thlnkn I. (len.vcrous to ul-
.V any virtue to appear iu a rep-b;i;,
u 1 eipeeliilly iu ours, the most Uour-
.liiig and thorefoio the most per-
-iijus example of that Invention of
i: bred.
Day after day they seem to rifle the
.ible dispatches fur dreadful tules of
inures, erttne and disaster, but it a
ord of good or neutral Import appcan,
. is only hecaus'j It i too important to
.10 overlooked; It Is very briefly ox
rc&Budand usually gloomily eoimneut
d upon.
1 have often thought, in reading over
uese dismal mitttein. that our papori-
urniuh us with far too much of such
material on a large scale to make i;
iceessary fur a hostile foreign press t
.take itself, as Jlorgonliludot ofteu
loes, to aee.iiuitsof ob;ieure barber ulioj.
afniys when it wishes, tn represent tin
rue inwunlness of American dally life.
Ono result of the persistent inculcation
of this doctrine is that 1 have mot sev
eral most cultivated gentlemen who
are remarkably veriied iu the ways and
maimers of Tammany hall, but whoBC
study of America otherwise has con
vinced them that it is a common cus
tom among men of the butter classes in
New York to wear pistols in their belts
whenever they go into the streets,
Although so mauy Nonvegiana have
emigrated to America aud are loyal and
prosperous iu their adopted country, I
should any that the general mental at
titude toward! Amurlca of tho solid
portion of the population here Is one of
distrust. They arc n ex jceilhurly hos
pitable and courteous people, aud they
;ire glad to make you truly welcome
und to like you. Hut if you win their
esteem, as you trill if you deserve it,
and are well bred, it will nut be as an
American representative of America,
but ns a white crow.
On tho whole, when impressions have
had time to formulate themselves one
tuuls thut A'l'.ii'lea Is here regarded as
,.Ue land 01 InlUtiim; of pine.ibejk aud
meretricious luanumgtur luitruav
worthy stuu doctors inutlu in a min
ute. souUeiis hurry for wealth, disre
gard fur mental and spiritual pleasures
.ind ends, 01 ruptnosn 111 tne pursuit and
worship of the, dollar; the country
where wealth is more than principle,
mind or br;iciung, aud mm':;r
thirst for titles remains, other anibiUon
having boc ii ;n"iitilled. It made me
rather Indignant when one of i.he boys
came home. Hoi"! school the othor day
with the uew;.i i.iiiit one of Ids tflsstor
had been irser; 'uig us a ree-i;;niaed fact
that every Aiiierieau girl of foi' is
provided vith a lilt of tao eligible
titles of Europe, wllh no' cs i :;;!rduig
tli :'r tioverul merits and ucimc iUi, and
thiit slie learns it ns tv pr.vt of her regn
lur buslnei:s. Yet It is too to
be seen whetiei such iile;i.i udc. ! 0u
etinuot, in the face of the fuet 1, nerl:; :-,
diet them as liundsotnuly ns nuo hjii,
to do.
'i of i iie venaon'i iy n.miy r..
.lal.c i'ai'Hiing na piMiiliihlc as t,
.light is boeauso of lack of attiiilit
0 details.
lu nearly nil cases It is nnwisr t
liseard all of the old sows atone til;.
nil supply their places with youiii
untried ones.
The cow which will profitably con
re.rt the largest amount of food into
rich milk or orenm i the most profit
ible to keep. Farmit!' Uniooi
slmllalln'; ihcT odandRcgula
Img the Sli much 1 ond Dowels of
PromotesDi slion,Checrful
nessand llestC ontains neither
Smim.MDrphli nor Mineral
Pmfli Sri -jlixJltuna
jtlmmtuHt -
CLvihiiSuMt .
Way,? m
Apcrfccffleme ly forConslipe
tion, Sour Stoiiach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convul iions,Fevcrish
ncss and Los of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
exact copy cr wrappeb,
1 Ssrrl'!WfS IWIjiPB
85- 1
No. l) Top Ivaai
J8 in.
Bprlnffii of b-tnt iaaltty Body la 2BH in- wide by r.u in. loitir. made tf bwt nvnmneil lumber.
ahIi frame and in pturi auelB, tliorouutily xiu(l, Horowed and pinpiitid. 1'oubif rerch. uoncd
full lontrtli. A) furim , olipn. uolu, t'tc, made of bent Norway iron, 1'aiiitlnp snd bmt-b
nrnt-clUHrl UirDf;liuui. Houiuh jiaiutea a nnu
bundHumuly Htniind. fiaob. Imutiy tiomplcLe
carpet, auti-ratllurii, 'o. A written warranty
Oimpun Mo. tfl4
aoofc ott
It lent with Oidor
No. 120 Top Suggy
No. 348 Road Wagon
10 oimjIuu. iui niiauiai iinue.
ROAD WAOOHn w iiavo an acyies, oni
tlila one la tiit inoHt i Dpular. Any dealer
Will AHK VOH 1 it. vur wni!MTnn;
price is JMi.oa. H'Hid hi J'io.oo and eouptm
and Jt h your. Ouarn-iteed to be made of
aelented materl il tb rouithly Beaconed,
bi-Ht mid or Hid i apH i(t, Burven putent
wlmeia. olothor Evai.' leather triniminufi,
double reach tinned f ill lenxth, ir-16 in.
drop axlea, pa1,;nt lei ,her daHh, paiuttne
bod v blu'k, Kar Hrewf .er urewi oroarmiue
niuely Hlripcd, and tine ly finiHhed tlirouirh
out. A writl-en warriM tv with each wauon
and monev reiunaeu n not m reprcnuuiea.
Order at ouce. trieea will be higher next
aeaaon. Addreu in full,)
f58 W.
tor bweet Peas
....TUB ONLY Sjuurter poumi IS cents.
NEW DOUBLE SWEET PEA Bride of K'lagara
True to name. Packet 25 cents, half Packet 15 cents.
The . .
iiiti riUHlitIK i&&B CATALOuVE.
.') Clu-oino-litliogrni lis of Double Sweet
n rcn, Koses, ruc:ism vviute rneuome-'-rx
nal, Blackbervieii, Raspberries, Kew
xl Lender Tomato, Vegetables.
J3j i'ltied with good aings old and new,
fe Full list of Flowers, Vegetables, Small Fruits, etc., with description and prices.
v-J Mailed on receipt of 10 eta. which may be deducted from firit order really
J9J FKK or free wilii an order for any of the above.
!2f lit ROCHESTER.
Albany Furniture Co.,
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets,
Pictures and
Undertaking a Specialty .
1atnU t n Km mijAlt. KflM,W IHltv. Ti
1, sot told In talk. limit silo uyau to tell
yon tnythijg tin 01 t it fn or promlte tint it
It "jutt si good" si "v.111 Mwr evtry pm.
pout," " Sot that yon frt 0-A-S-T-O-S-H.
aniwtnr to tnyotw it WHOLESALE PRICES.
MID ECt'.lMirTIOtt Cl?iJ .
Piano ot Oorning Bori. Khi i t RitEWflTEii Kpriiif r..
8 or 4 bow Leather Qt'AlirEB lop, l'atent ctirmia
f&ntenern,heaU llnitiir of best wnoi iy-U i-lolh, coriicd
icaiiiH unil oloHed duHtcittli: qnnrttfru, Bolid PaMiX
Bi-HINO Hack, cloth or fanty Icntlic- trimmlnts.
wtuit cohIiIoub, Sarven wlivelH, with )fi spobee, or
trtiau. 1 ft-in in. aouoie cotiar uttti nxi B,
Bwcdced uad fantail bed, 4 ad b leaf oil-t( unmnd
nnirs. peiirs iircwvier bp en. vibch ut cnnnit,
with Hliarts, ltaiher dafb, boot, ntnrm Rpron.
with each Utiucy.
Kevpr before Hold for vm, but tu our work in your
locality wn bare ileoldcd to mater it k-cIb; no upon oflr. triTinfc
every reader of tble paiwr an opportunity m gut a Htrlctlv fliBt
oluHa nri.iw bniciry at the lowest priw cv r oered. On revt-ipt oi
f 40. 00 and ooujioti we will ubip this h! bugiry, eectirely
packed and orated and delivered on ) oaid ci rs, Io not mtss this
opportunity to bbL a thorouKbly iJlirit Grade Jp-to-D&te hnruv at
the loweat prioe ever olTered. Ttcrrn'inber we do not offer it as a
"cheap buniry," but ut a strictly hiirli-imtde vehicle. Jf von want
a cheaper lnmny or Horai'-otbt'i' atylt. wi'itefci'oiirlBrjreilluKT.iatf d
eat ft 1 Dime ahowius li different, stvitiof Y-'hirita. Unrnens. ete
Wo can tiell you a top blltrv an low ao m.W, bvtter ones for $.17. no
and upwardi). Money refunded if not bh rep'fyemetl ttf rT atriral
and examination. Coupon must pouithely aoeouipimy the order
Thli Elegant Road Wagon
No. t4l Bou Wacom
Van Buren St., Bx. 2S94, Chicago, IIL
Miiod Varieties per paund 40 cent,
Haif puni -8
Rambler Rose ceAt,.
Tried and True Novelties.
Fuchsia double white Phenomenal
Blackberry, The Rathbun.
Tomato, Vick's Early Leader,
The EarUtst Tomutg known.
Linoleums, matting, otc.
Picture molding.