The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 08, 1897, Image 3

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    Lebanon .Express.
Door Mots,
Oil Cloth, ;
Curtain Net,
Lace Curtains,
Sash Curtain Material,
Window Shades.
S. E. Young 4 Son,
Out Great Clubbing Offer.
Exi'BiH and Weekly Cincinnati En
quirer 41 80
" and ToMo Weekly Blade 126
" ' N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 25
" ' W'kly National Kecorder. 1 25
" " New York Tlirlce-a-Weok
World 1 80
" and Weekly Oregonian 2 00
'" " Leslie's Illutd Weokly 2 76
i ' " Modes Monthly Muaaiine 1 26
Use Hoe Cuke anup.
J. Waseoni la quite 111.
Mtt. Scott la In the olty.
Mrs. (iutchell hat moved into the
Cyrus hnUHe.
Ed. O'Neill returned last Monday
from California.
Hoe Cake anup la pure, and will not
destroy olntblng,
Rev. Laiuar lias tuoved Into S. 0.
Wallace's Kaideuoe.
Jon. Buhl has moved luto J. K.
Charlton's residence. ,
Groeeritw quality excellent prices
low at Bach 6 Buhl's.
Mrs. Frank Tlvey has been quite III,
"but is now convalescent.
Mm. M. Lonsberry, of Eugene, la
visiting her parents here.
Gen. Handle has been engaged to
teach the sellout abeve Foster.
Mrs. Ella Merrill, ot Albany, was
visiting In Lebanon this week.
B. A B. are the Initials of Bach 4
Buhl but their groceries are A. 1. .
You can make nice soft soap with
Soap Foam. Directions on each pack
age. Mrs, H. M. Garland Is In Albany,
visiting the family of Atty. H.C. Wat
eon, Be sure and see the bargains In
mandolins, for J3, at Will's music
Hoe Cake soup wrappers are worth a
Oeot apiece In valuable presents. Have
Dr. J. P. Wallace, of Albauv, was In
our city on professional business last
Chtap, Cheap, Cheap, is the way
they tire selling at Bead, Peacock &
(Jo's t Ig sale.
W. F. Head, nr Albany, lain inecny
looking after the Interest of the flrniV
tore at this place.
The bridge across the canal at D. W.
Hardoii's has lawn repaired, and Is
now in good shape.
E. L. Thew lert yesterday for his old
home in Ni w York slate. He went by
way of San Francisco.
Malt, and John Craft each bought
a line saddle of Frank Settle, the har
ness maker, lust Saturday..
W. H. Worrell went to Albany
Tuesday, hta sister being dangerously
111. Her death occurred last night.
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedd'ng ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
The "T and Vest social," given last
Friday night at the residence of Mr.
Meiiales, was a very pleasant affair.
Kev. C. li. Harmon a d family left
Tuesday for a two days' vlalt with
Mrs. Harmon's parents, at Tangent.
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 eta., and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 85 eta. a yard, at the Racket
Store. .
Willie Booth left yesterday morning
for Sclo, to deliver a largo number of
copies of Bryan's book, "The First
The bestdressed men In Linn county
are those who buy their clothing
from Bimli & Buhl. Good suits for
low piiees.
High grade sewing machines for $26
at U. Will's music store, Albany.
Bund for desorlptive circulars. Old
.machines repaired.
Pianos and organs sold on oloser
margins than by any .other music
house In the state, at E. U. Will's,
. CUWtHorBit. i
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity. Call upon or write to S, N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon. '
It will pay you tn take the entire
family to town and get tlwoi a new
outfit while the big sale Is going on at
Read, Peacock A Co'a Lebanon store.
Remember the social to be given by
the ladles of the M. E. church, South,
to-morrow evening, at Mrs. Klepper's
residence, Cake and ooflee will be
Webb Wljht commenced teaching
the spring term of school In the Foster
district last Monday. This Is Mr.
Wight's second term in that district,
and be Is well liked by the people
Preaching at the M. E. church,
South, next Sunday morning and
evening, by the pastor. Sunday school
meets at 10 a. m. Epworth League
devotional meeting at 6:80 p. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening.
We notice boys shooting robins with
target guns the last few days. Would
It not be well for them to know that
there Is a ata w law for the protection
of birds, als an ordinance against
shooting Inside the corporation.
The farm of Joseph Nixon, deceased,
Is to be sold to-day by the administra
tor of the estate, John Denny, to the
highest bidder, at the court house In
Albany.1 Tlx farm Is situated 2 miles
east of this city, and onutaine 560 acres.
F. S, Price, the eleotrlclan who bas
been assistltg Mr. Hughes In the
Lebanon eltotrlo light and water
works, left Tuesday for his former
home, In California. Mr. Hughes and
son will hereafter run the plant alone.
You run no risk. All druggists guar
antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Toulo to
do all that Is claimed for It. War
ranted no cure, no pay. There are
many imitations. To get the genuine
ask for Grove's. For sale by N. W.
Smith, Lebanon, Or.
Orln Martin has gone to the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Elliott, near Boise,
Idaho. Mr. Martin bas lived here for
several years; and during all the time
be has bad the respect and friendship
of all persons. We hope foi him many
years of restored health and happiness
in bis new home.
The entire stock of merchandise of
the L. E. Blain Clothing Co. was sold
last Saturday at public sale. It was
bid iu by Wm, Vance, for $12,000.
Since then a company has been formed
and incorporated, with W. L. Vance,
A. P. Goodtnau and E. W. Latigdun
as lucoporators.
It was quite an amusing sight Ust
Monday morning to see Atty. Brown
chasing bis cow all over town, through
the mud. Lawyer Browu swore be
would make the eow go where he
wanted her to or kill her. As the ani
mal Is still alive, we presume the law
yer carried bis peiut.
Dr. Maok J. Denny, son of Mr. John
Denny or this city, has oo.iipleted bis
studies at the medical department of
the State university at Portland and
received his diploma. He is a young
man of sterling worth and ability and
will make a name and a place for him
self. Albany Herald.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
move the bowels gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverish conditiou
and heartache, making it the best and
quickest remedy for Coughs, Cole's atid
LaGrlppe. Cures In one day. "No
oure, no pay." Price, 26 oents. For
sale by N. W. Smith.
Bev. M. D. Davenport, D D., who
lias accepted the call to the pastorate
of the Presbyterian church in this city,
arrived In lebanon witli bis family
Inst Friday. They will soon move
Into the Wilson house. Rev. Daven
port Is an al le preacher, and will uo
doubt do a good work here.
At the city election In Brownsville
Monday the following officers were
elected: Maj or, C. F. Stauard; record
er, Geo. A. Dyson; treasurer, J. H.
Glass; marshal, T. B. Tycer; oouncll
men, Wm. Chrlstensen, J. 0. Vernier
and I. N, Warmoth, The entire anil
saloon ticket was elected, except the
Johnny O'Neill, of this city, won the
$185 shotgun that was raffled ott by
Mr. O'Malley, in Albany, last S.lur
day eveulng. Jack Howard threw the
dice for Johnny, as the latter was uot
present. The whining throw was 45.
The chance that won I he gun only
oust Johnny one cent, bul he had tak
en three other ehanous.
Last Thursday night some of our
young men undertook to lick-tack a
window of a certain house iu town.
A young man of the bouse heard them
and started out in pursuit, and It Is
said that a certain hotel bouncer and
cook, together with a counter juniper
and several others, almost broke their
necks (letting out of Ihe way.
To morrow Is Arbor day for Oregon.
The day will be observed by the Leba
non schools by giving a short literary
program In the public school building,
and tree planting on the school
grounds. No organized effort has here
tofore bten made to Improve and
beautify the school grounds. Let the
citizens of the town attend the exer
olses and be in In earnest this most
important work. Exercises will com-UMtHIkisM
A letter received this week from Los
Angeles says that Claud Crusou and
Billy A r. let I are now In that city, and
Billy Is drummer for E. B. Crouch's
boarding house.
Atty. Frank Sklpwnrth went to
Junction City last Monday, and closed
his business affairs there, his poor
health necessitating this change. He
returned to Lebanon yesterday.
The following advertisement Is tak
en from an Eastern newspaper: "A
good looking Chinese gentleman who
does not wear a queue would like to
write tn a few American girls. Has
lived In this country a long time;
writes and speaks good English. Ad
dress Chin Wing, Marshfleld, Oregon,
oare Bear Creek Coal Co."
The passenger coach that is now used
on the Lebanon branch is the coach
in which Sheriff Bogard was killed by
a train robber, in northern California,
about two years ago. Our readers will
remember the incident, and the fact
that the brave sheriff bad killed one
of the train robbers before he was
himself killed by the other robber. In
one end of the coach are several bullet
holes, showing plainly where the
shooting was done.
It Is learned the Silver Imprint, the
weekly populist paper of this city, bas
been sold to J, S. Sniltb, who was last
June elected on tbe pouplist ticket as
representative In the Oregon legisla
ture. It is said he will take charge at
once. Bepreseutstive Smith will now
have abundant opportunity to explain
to tbe people of Linn county through
bis own columns why he refused to
perform tbe duties of the office to
which be was elected. Albany Herald.
Mrs. G. H. Bland died at her borne,
just south of this city, last Sunday
night, after a short illness from blood
poisoning, at the age of 48 years and 9
months. Mrs. Bland crossed the
plains with her parents In 1853 and
settled In Oregon. She married in
1866. She was the mother of six chil
dren, four of whom still survive her.
Rev. Harmon conducted the funeral
services In the M. E. churjh Tuesday,
after which her remains were laid to
rest In the Lebanon cemetery. Tbe
family have the sympathy of all.
Tbe supreme court of California has
again denied the application of Theo
dore Durrant for a rehearing of his ap
plication for a new trial for the murder
of Blanch Lamont, tbe supreme court
having previously refused the appli
cation lor a Pew trial. Chief Justice
Beatty alone dissented from tbe ruling
denying a rehearing. Tills settleB Dur
rant so far as California courts are con
cerned, but he will now endeavor to
have the federal courts pass on his
case. Failing to find relief there, be
will appeal for executive luterfereuce.
The Albany Herald has the following
regarding Ben Dodge, a former citizen
of Lebanon: "We learn that Linn
county has an applicant for tbe posi
tion of messenger in the house of repre
sentatives at Washington, and hope
that be may Becure the place which
his energy anil enterprise in applying
for fully evince bis capability to fill.
Tbe young gentleman spoken of, who
we are Informed is a poor but most
worthy boy, is Ben. F. Drdge, of
Browusville. We shall be glad to see
hint secure the place he Is pluckily
Korklug for."
Oregon fanners will probably profit
Ibis year by the misfortunes of others,
saya the Times Mountaineer. The
shortage In the wheat crop in India
and Australia will cause prices to
range high here next fall; the heavy
Lies of stock In the Dakotas, Montana
and Wyoming, will cause advance
prices for beef and mutton to prevail,
and the damage that was done fruit
trees by the November freeze In the
sections to (lie east, will make fruit In
demand. All Ibese things combined,
while they are misfortunes to others,
will be beneficial lo the people of this
Archie Bridges, aged 79, committed
suicide near Parker's station, on the
West Side, at 11:30 a. m. last Thurs
day, by sbnoliug himself t .rough the
head with a shotgun. The muzzle was
placed close to tbe left side of the neck
and the abot ranged backward aud up
ward, causing instant death. Bridges
lived alone iu a cabin 100 yards from
the home of his sou. He had been ail
ing with asthma for a dozen years, aud
recently was worse than usual.
Bridges lived until reoeutly in Corval
lls, where two daughters now reside.
Ill health was undoubtedly the cause
of the act. Albany Democrat.
Hope Assembly of United Artisans
was instituted In this oi;y Tuesday
night by C. H. Fleming, Dlst. Dept.
M. A., assisted by T. S. Coleman,
Dept. M. A, The following officers
were elected and Installed for the re
mainder ot the ensuing term: G. W.
Wheeler, Muster Artisan; Frank
Seltle, Superintendent; G. L. Alexan
der, Inspector; W. E. Lewis, Secre
tary; J. F. Hyde, Treasurer; Ed.
Uninhrey, Senior Conductor; Joseph
Mujer, Master of Ceremonies. Ap
pointed oflltvrs: Alice A. Hyde,
Instructor; Ida Mayer, .fuulor Con
ductor; George Buhl, Warder; Mrs.
Frank Settle, Past Master Art san
Rloana Tannics mr Indication.
Kipana Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Rlnans Tubules cure cnnstlnstfin
RlpaAt bbute iwu Uvr twuUsa.
Attempted Robbery.
P. V. Hickok, the S. P. Co.'s depot
agent at this place, was greatly sur
prised yesterday morning when he
opened the di pot, to find cement scat
tered all over bis office. However, he
was not long in finding the cause. Dur
ing the nlgbt robbers bad entered by
breaking out a window glass, and had
attempted to blow open the company's
safe with dynamite. Tbe robbers bad
drilled through the outer casing of the
safe door, and putting In a charge of
dynamite, blew the outer casing open,
atao blowing out a lot of the cement.
Tbey then attempted to drill through
the Inner casing, but either it was too
hard or they did not have time.
Nighi-watcbman Carroll said he
beard some one walking around out
there between one or two o'clock in
the morning, but thought It was only
bys, and did not pay any attention to
Very few persons heard the explo
sion and those who did hear it thought
nothing of It, as tbe sound was Indis
tinct, aud therefore the attempted
robbery was not discovered until the
next morning.
The safe door is probably ruined, but
otherwise tbe safe is not damaged.
Mr. Hickok says the robbers would
not have secured over $50 or $60 If they
had succeeded In opening the safe.
Tbe safe was shipped to Portland
yesterday evening.
The work was undoubtedly done by
inexperienced men, and they probably
live right here io Lebanon.
There is no clue as to who tbe guilty
parties are.
The robbers used an ax and crowbar
that was kept at the depot. They left
an old brace and chisel, which upon
inquiry by Marshal Carroll, was found
to have bi en taken from R. H. Bode's
wheelwright shop. Tbe other tools
used by tbe robbers were taken away
by them.
The Writer "Croaks" to Some Purpose.
In the north end of town, lying on
both sides of Main street, Is a region
paralleled by few other spots on the
face of the Willamette valley. There,
if the phraseology may be pardoned, la
a place instinct with death. A huge
basin, whose rim is enclosed by a beau
tiful valley on one side and ancient
hills on the other, is stricken with bac
teria ot death; whose treeless and al
most shrubless bosom is blasted with a
green scum containing ague, chills,
typhoid and all kinds of malaria Imag
inable; yes, and even the germs of tbat
ever dread disease, diphtheria, of
which our town baa just bad a siege.
Situated as It Is almost In the very
heart of our beautiful little town, with
mountain peaks tbat tower hundreds
of feet above It, as pure as nature can
make them, it is a very "Gehenna" a
place of death and bones. Birds and
animals hardly dare come near It.
Vegetation that even goats will not
eat grows in and arouud it undis
turbed. The hot sun adds tn its fury;
rouses Its Ire as an angry beast; then
sweeps oyer our little town seeking
whom it may devour. Sometimes a
cloud hovers over, then the trogs cease
to croak, or a boy throws a pebble into
the soft green scum, and It sinks almost
to a fathomless abyss. Soon all is
quiet, the clouds again scatter, the
little frogs venture to the surface; a
faint sound is heard, a low rumbling
as if in the far distance; a warning sigb
on tbe wind; the earth almost trembles,
a leap into the pond; a splash half
water, half mud and scum; away go
germs of bacteria to find lodgement in
the corpuscles of our fellow man. Soon
we hear of ague, typhoid fever, etc.,
aud all because our town council would
rather see such diseases carry off a
dozen or two of our citizens than ven
ture a few dollars in filling it up or
draining it. Croakek,
In Memory of Jessie B, Allen.
Over the river the boatman pale
Has carried another, the household pet;
She crossed on her bosom her dimpled
And fearlessly entered the phantom bark.
We felt it glide from the silver sands
Aud all our sunshine grew strangely dark.
We saw not the angels who met her there,
The gates of the city we could not see;
But we know she is safe on the farther side
Where all the ransomed and angels be.
Over the river, the mystic river,
Darling Jessie is waiting to welcome me.
By oke who loved hbb.
travel tor resixjusiule eBtablihlied house in
Oregon. Salary S7S0 ami expenses. l'osiUun
permanent. Kelereuoe. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. Tiie National, Star Insurance
nldg., Chicago.
Call aud see Miller's new stock.
The best way to buy any
thing is to borrow it first
Get a package of Sel
ling's Best tea of your
grocer. , He pays you your
money back if you don't
like it
That's our way of lending-
Read, Peacock & Co.,
lllllllllUll.llll li
WU1 uJDn 1 OnLD
"Boots and Shoes,
Jackets and Capes,
Men's Gloves and
Are the Items
Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We
have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so
that they may go at once in order to close
these lines , ".
Read, Peacock 4 Co,
? Oliver ? Superior (
Chilled Stoves 1
i Plows. I Ranges.
These Plows are A 1. C Superior in every way. C
Hopkins Bros.
The place to buv
of good quality
lowest possible prices is at
the office of the ...
Waterloo Woolen Mills
When You Want
Shirt Waists
Do not forget I have the Latest
Styles, with Detachable Col
lars and Cuffs, at
$1.00, $1.25, and $1.50.
Yours for good goods and low prices,
T. Wandell's Cash Store,
First Door Esst of Cuslck's Bank
Feed Sheds.
I have erected in Albany (on
Baker street, between First and
Second) new feed sheds. My
prices are: Team, 10 cts.; single
rig, 10 I'ts.; saddle horse, 5 cts.
Horses kepi nights at a rea
sonable rate, also by the wefk
or month. B'ed always on
hand. This was built especially
for farmers, bui all are invited
to patronize me
Laities' toilet aud
looms in connection
D. Bussard, Albany, Q.
pHas commenced.
Will only last a short time.
Hats and Pants,
Groceries, . , .
Furnishing Goods,
we Include.
at the
Never before have prices
and quality been made so
satisfactory as at the pres
ent time, and by this com
pany. Give them a trial.
Of all kinds done, at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work nuaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co.,
J. 8. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr.
Have your Hoe Cake soap wrappers,
they are worth a cent apiece.
The finest line of dress patterns In
the city is to be found at the Racket
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets do
not affect tbe head or produce nervous
ness like the Hulphate of Quinine,
Mr. N. W. Smith is authorized to re
fund money in every cuse where it
fails to cure Coughs, Colds and
lutCWppe. Prli, !fi ouuU,