Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK.I Editor - and - Proprietor An Eastern paper says the Din gley bill ought to be entitled "An act to compel those who do the most work to pay the most taxes." San Francisco has adopted the anti-spitting ordinance, and now under severe penalty, forbids spit ting nn the sidewaks, in the street cars and on floorB of public halls. We do not wish to be irreverent iu reminding those who are laud ing McKinley'B intentions, of the place said to he paved with good intentions. Good intentions are all right but it will need some sub stantial good accomplishments to save Mr. MoKinley und bin party from the wrath of the people. Coos Bay News. Jlr.H. W. Scott, editor of thej Oregonian, is what might be called a "Palmer Democrat" in politics judging from the editorials that have lately appeared in that paper. It is a fact to be regretted by his many Oregon republican friends, that so able a writer prefers the Indianapolis platform to the St. Louis platform. P. C. Itemizer. Congressman Greene asked a question about the tariff a few days ago. He wanted to know how the people ho could not buy the goods made by mills now running could buy the goods made by the mills that are to be opened by the Ding ley tariff? We are informed that this question was greeted with deri sive laughter from the republicans. But there is nothing strange about that. The republicans have been giving the producers the laugh for many years. Portland Dispatch. Some tens of thousands of "of fensive partisan" postmasters in this country bless the McKinley administration for a newly issued order that prohibits their dismissal except where neglect of official duty by reaBon of "offensive partisan ship" can be shown. But, if abroad, conditions are like those at home for each fullblown smile that il luminates the mug of the '.'offen sive partisian" dewy teardrops will, be shed by the round dozen fellows who want something done right away. Corvallis Times. As the Dingley bill is being dis cussed oy the papers and statesmen of the country, it is becoming more and more apparent that it is wholly deficient and will not meet the re quirements of the trade, and is un equal in its demands and unjust to the importers. It appears to have been drafted witb an eye singly to the manufacturers alone, at the ex pense of every other interest of the country. As an improvement on the Wilson bill it is a signal fail ure, and will not be as beneficial to the country as a whole in the long run. Some of its provisions are prohibitory, some oppressive and nearly 11 unjust. As a tariff maker Mr. Dingley is no improve ment on Mr. Wilson; hp is too radical, as much as Mr. Wilson is lenient. They both appear to ex treme in opposite directions. Portland Dispatch. Deafneas Cannot be Cured by local applications, they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, anil that Is by constitutional retnediw. Deafness is caused by an .inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gen inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirety closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever: nine cases nut of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the mucous snrlaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for liny cate of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cum) by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Betid for circulars, free. F. J. CHUNKY & CO,, Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Hoe Cake ecap contains no free al kali, and will not burn the hands. WANTKO FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN rn travel for resfsnisible established lioue in Orceon. 8alarv S7S0 aud -0T-neB. Position per manent. Kefert-nec. Incus sclr-aiiriresscd stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bidg., t'hleaiso. Kipaa Tubules cure head toh. We Deeply Sympathise. Mary Scott Bnrkhart was born near St. Clalisville, Ohio, August 16, 1834, and died, at ber home near Lebanon, on Sunday, April 4, 1897, aged 02 years, 7 months and 18 days. At an early age she removed with her parents to Iowa, when- she lived until her marriage with B. H. Burk- hart, whloli occurred In 18134. Boou alter this she oatue with her husband to Oregon, and located near dpiuer, In this county, where the resided for 12 years, and then reniovea to the ) law now occupied by the family, at Hie foot of Petersnu'a Butte, where she has re aided continuously for more than 23 yean, having been a citizen of I his community for 35 years. As a friend and neighbor, she was universally respected and beloved "She was a true, uoble, good woman," was the verdi-it of ber neighbors. Blie wax of a quiet, gentle dispoel lion; rather reserved In manner, but generous, sympathetic aud hoaplluble. She was fond of home and lis attrac tions, and tenderly attached to her family. Her influence as a christian mother is felt In the community, and is a precious legacy to her children. She was a true and faithful friend, a kind neighbor, and firm and steadfast in her religious life and character. For the last four months she con tended with the disease which resulted in her death! At times she was a great sufterer. The last lew days of ber sick ness her sufferings were extreme. Though, at times, she expressed anxi ety for the Master's coming, yet she was resigned aud patient through the entire ordeal. Bister Burkhart united with the M. E. church, South, under the ministry of Rev. T. B. White, many years ago, and has lived a consistent aud faithful member ever since that time. Sue was ready and willing to go when the summons Anally came. As a true mother, her heart clung tender ly to ber children, and her only regret was the necessity of leaving them be hind In this world of sin and sorrow She leaves three daughters aud one son of her own family, and seven mem bers of ber husband's family, to whom she seemed equally attached, to mourn ber loss. Farewell, mother: We shall see you again in the resurrection at the last day. J. W. C. Entertained the Dept. President. John F. Miller Woman's Relief Corps had the pleasure of entertaining the Dept. President of Oregon, Mrs. Met'owan of Oregon City. Hhe is a very pleasant woman aud very enthusiastic about the grounds of the Andersonville prison, which was given to the Na tional W. R. C. by the Dept. of Geor gia, ou condition that tbey would im prove the property and keep the grounds iu order and forever hold It as a sacred trust in memory of the heroic loyal men who suffered imprisonment there. "By a vote the National Con veiition accepted the gift and assured the obligation required. There are aluut 112.000 women in the W. R. C. and they have expended $1,371,832 In relief. May we always be found with nur lamps trimmed and burning ready for the responsibilities that stand awaiting us in the future. A. A. Hyde. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas: The All Wise Ruler of the universe haa called to Himself our well beloved sister, Melissa Bland, lie It Ri solved. That .Pearl Kelieckah Lodge No. 47 extend to the family of our deceased sister, our beartleit sym pathies in this great sorrow: and that we shall ever cherish ber memory as a member of this lodge, and honor her for those traits of character that she manifested in the home and with those with whom she associated iu this life; and be it further Resolved. That the charter be draped for thirty days, and that a copy of these Resolutions be presented toe family and spread uhhi the mlnuies and also turulsliea me local papers mr publication. Fraternally submitted, (M. Belle Elkins, (,'laka Boyle, dobetha moboan, Despite the pleadings and protesta tions of the morally Inclined people of Astoria, the common council, by a vote of five to four, passed the ordinance licensing gambling. Before the meas ure came up for third reading and filial passage, several petitions against It were read. All were promptly placed on file without comment. The strongest petitions were from 'he Christian ' Endeavor society and the W. C. T. U, The council chamber was crowded with ministers, church people and gamblers, all anxious In see the outcome of the much discussed meas ure. At Harrishurg last Saturday evening Frank Hay, son of Jerrv Hay, in at tempting to jump upon a freight train fell beside the track with his right arm across the rail, The arm was run over crushing It in a tearful manner, so that it was necessary to amputate it. This was done by Drs. OeBry and Maekey. The young man is local agent for the O. R. & N. Children Cry for Prtohri Oactortau Circuit Court. Maria Miller etalvs D V Miller et al; partition; report of referees con firmed. Assignment of Ousenne Malasi-e final amount approved aud assignee uiBcnargeo, The I u vesture MtgeSeoy Cove Lauru Higgius ei at; loreouwuro; Judgment by default aud decree. Mary A 8 Knox ot al vs H C Brlggi e! al; suit to set aside deed; continued. Olive Templeton vs Catherine Coch ran etal; pluiutin" given to May 15to amenn complaint; ouiitinuen. DBMnuteith vs E A Parker, city Ireusuree; injunction suit; finding Hied; under it the treasurer will have to pay the warrant held by the bridge compa ny, but without the interest. . Assignment of Clark lirog; contin ued. Jos B Beck vs 0 C Marshall; fore closure of mortgage; continued. i M Moyeretal vs Alluniy Woolen Mills Co, L Kllun receiver; claims of laborers as filed November 6, lKUU, al lowed as preferred claims. Adam Grant et al vs L Fltiin, re ceiver Albany Woolen Mill and Book British Columbia, Interpleader; contin ued. U A Clark vs Gen fsertllng; suit for deed; decree for plalutllf, each party to pay Ills costs. A M Hyatt et al vs J L Hollida et al; foreclosure; continued. Pacific S 8 L 4 B Co vs Horatio Nel son et til; present sheriff ordered to make deed. Pacific 8 8 L & B Co vs John Isom et al; present sheriff ordered to make deed. ' Adjourned to April 1C, at 9 a, in. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. rchiuiged Every Week.l Vheat-67e. Oats 40 to oOo Hay $10 to $12 pertou. Flour $1 lS1.2o per saok Chop $1 20 per cwt. Bran 90c per owt. Middlings Jl 10 per cwt Potatoes 350. Apples Dried, 8c per It Plums Dried, 8o. Onions lju. Beef Dressed, 4 to 6o, Veal 3J4c. Pork Dretsed, 4. Lard 9. Hams 12 per lb. Shoulders Sc. Hides 8c per lb. Geese $3 50 (S) $5 per do. Ducks $3 $4 per doz. Chickeus $2 503 00. Turkeys olO per lb. Eggs 8c ier doz. B itter 16 20c pr lb. . nides-Green,3c; dry, 7c. ; Alleged Poetry, To Sndftville I wandered In the early part of May. was bent on tilling a gallon Jug from the spriug " that the poets say "Is a fountain of rare renown." Twill bum j-onr gullet like toe genuine at you try to swallow it down. To describe the place In truth unbiassed Can't be done by a preacher, no matter how pious. The mountains hp speaks of are nothing bat hills, And the showerJIIk-d gullies he designates rills. The fields and Uh meadows and Held of grata Take a fertile mind to see real plain. Tall Peterson looms up brown uud mate; By residents around it is only a bntle. The well kept homes to be. seen in the gien Is enchantment which only the distance can lend. And Lebanon, the poet's busy town, is not of eyes afraid. But buzzards they are fearful of, the town is so near dead. And if you wish to be counted wise, the ramble do not lake, For the urnd about our poet's home will surely you iiomesics maxe. One church for u- Instead of three, To my mind stand for economy; And as the times are pressing hard, One preacher is alt we can well aflbrd. The band yes. the band is good; They meet each weekall saw wiusl. The doctor, he is all right, unless you are extra sick: Then, of course, you should go to Portland, where hik uneion Know mom incus, And to those who seek a quiet home, don't come without the dough. Far our friendship to a needing man aio' t counted woruia sou, X. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed administratrix of the estateof Alonzo Ames, deceased, has Hied her final account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the County Court of said county has set the 8th day of May 1807, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room of said Court, at Alba ny, in 1 -in ii county, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All parties are notified to make their objections known, if any, to said final account and settlement at said time and place. Dated April the 8th, 181)7. Hestkr Ann Amis, Sam'l M. Gaklahd, Admrx. Atty. for Admrx. Administrator's Notice, Xotice is hereby given, that the under signed has been duly appointed, by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and is now. the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of J.J. Kozeile, deceased. All parties having, claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, at tin ilavillc. Linn county, Oregon, or to Batn'l M. Garland, at Lebanon, Linn county, Ore gon, with proper vouchers, within six mont'is from the 18th day of March, 18OT, the same being the date oi the tirst publica tion oi this notice. Dated at Lebanon, Oregon, this 18th day of March, 1807. J. 8. Maiiok, Sam'i, M. Gaiiiahd, Administrator. Ally, for Administrator, Send the Expkkss to your friends iu the East for the next four mouths; only 2ocent. wash your white clothing with Soap Foam, aud they will never turn yellow, W. C..T. 0, DEPARTMENT. Edited by tho Lebanon VV. C, T. U. OFFICIAL DIREOTOHY. President , 1st Vice Pres 2nd Vice Prea...... 3rd Vice Pres....... 4th Vice Proa ,. Recording 8ec't'y ( 'or. 8eo Treasurer Mm. W. A. Panders . . . . .Mrs. Kemnner ..MuwAlln-Uiitcheli . .Mrs, Mnssholder ..Mrs. J. N. Crandull ...MIss Alice Ambler Mrs. Hattle Walters Miss Llxn Booth The meeting of the W. C. T. IT. was postponed until Tuesday, April 13th, when it will meet with' Mrs. Bryant, at 2 p.m. TKMHERANOE WIVKS OF PBRBIDKNT8 Some very remarkable women have Illustrated Neul Dow's principles In the last thirty years. It is not as well known among temperance people as It ought to lie, that Mrs. General Grant made the first move against Intoxicat ing liquor at the White House, she hav ing secured its banishment from the New Year reception of the president. Mn, Grant wb succeeded by Mrs. Hayes, who was an Ohio woman, and a warm sympathizer with the Woman's Crusade. A life-long teetotaler, she never offered wine while at the White House. Next came Mrs. Garfield, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Cleveland, all total ubstalners aud none furnishing wine to their own guests, though, Inciting tho co-operation of their husbands, they could not prevent Its use at state dinners ub could Mrs. Hayes, because the president's views and practice coincided with her own. Mrs. Mc Kinley is well known to he a total abstainer, so that the six wives of presidents (President Arthur was a widower) since 1808, have perhaps dealt more telling blows against the drinking habit and per consequence, the liquor truffle than any other women who have lived. For "where McGregor sits Is head of the table," and what is dune at the White House sets the keynote of social observances for millions and sends lis hopeful In fluence out Into the gn at and thought less wurld. "It Is not for kings, O Leiiuel, It Is not for kings to drink wine," says the beet of all books, and yet no king ever lived who was not a wlne-blbber! But when the people become the king, they must hold themselves steady of head und hand, or abdicate. I . W. A police officer in San Francisco, while off duly, but on a spree, shot to death a friend of ills hi a licensed uttloo.i in that city, lust after mid- night, Hunday the 7lh ull. B well pleased were the cltliens of Oakland with saloons in general where such deeds ure ofteii done, that on the fol lowing day, Mondav, at its city elec tion, with ull the morning papers re cording tills common tragedy, the noble saloon won overwhelmingly en dorsed, over 6,000 people voting for it while less than 4,01X1 voted against it. Surely there is no accounting for tastes. One of the best ways to got rid of the nppetiloof chewing tobacco is to eschew It. When Bahy was sick, we garo ber Castolia, When she was a. Child, aim cried for Caatoris. When she became Mlas, the clung to Cattorta, When she had Children, she gate them Caatoria. Letter List, Following is the list of letters re maining uncoiled for In the Lelianon postolllee, fur the month ending March 31, 18117: llrlnihonever, Will (Jruwfonl, VV H Jones, Miss Lollie Keen, JO Lanve, Charles March Hros. Slunnw, H F Wilson, Geo C. A. Bmitii, P. M. Good clothing ut a low price at Ha.-h & llulil'e. !rvs Art (M Itmmtm StnMVM TlejTpa System of Uw buna body. None eitend from the brain to mrj part of the body and reaeb r;oriaa. Nerval an like On-good sen aula but bard master,. Nerve are ted by the blood aid are therefor Jlke It In sharacur. Norves will b weak and eihnuited if ths blood la thin, pala and Unpurs. Norvee H surely be strong and stead; H the blood la rich, red and vigorous. Nerve and a true friend In Uood's Saraapa- rilla because It makes rich, red blood. Norves do their work naturally and well, the brain Is unclouded, there are no neuralgic pains, appetlts and dlgot. tlon are good, wlwa you talu Oarsaparilla The One Trtw Blood Purifier. All drupfrlsts. 01. yrtiparwl only bj 0. L Hood A Co., Lowetl, Han, hood rtiss uie oest tainiiyeaiiuiriiQ FillS and kiaiitoutai n flood's " 1-1, n1-1 tl frail .tt-aiaJ-ssaaifa'-V u, jyj ..!.(., yt jfr"r'"' i. 'T, W.,l' Jr ,M ST'',' ! " f 'V v-v.ii . ... - ...... T. I i-vKtf' with big B. niaonweirs uenuine iiin 'j-.J K nullum It in a class oy itself. ou will Una -Tl l- is upon Inside suitb Iwo ounce bug, uud two ooif p ins It lids each four ounce bag of B i jiuyaDairoi inisminiiniMi .... .."...... - . ----- jr, ftu ! ......... .....,....i.,.l.l.t..r.uiH,it.alllUltlOWUli:UL ilUPa jS f.a ffsKuii""'"" i- Si'.. I:"! ..-KIP iaMis lav-'ai 3fiiinii' rvasiin IT IT IT IT IT IT IT -IT IT IT IT GIVE? GIVES GIVES GIVES GIVES GIVES GIVES GIVE j GIVES GIVES GIVES Ad reus all ortlern to Thus. V. Ouites., Hetir;' C. l'uyne, Henry C. lti-usc, Heceivers. N ORTHEKN PACIFIC R. R. R U N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dir.ing Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars Kara., Oi-nuil Porka Winnipeg THROUGH TICKETS-p T'i Cli Ion go WAllllllfttfill Ihllftll)lilu Nw Ypk Ufmtfiii nml nil 4a;: Point Knit nml Houch For informatkn, tii to cariln, iiutptf and tickatff, call on or writ- W. C, F STEf SOR, Agent, LEBANON, - - OREGON. - " .-o i A, D, CHARLTON, As it, Cenl. Pass. Agt. Portland, Orairon, Overall with n i Hie or without, 6(k a pair at the H ick. I Hlnre. Also have just received i luu amount of new MMo, lAiO't Mi! to m Uwui. a Blackwell's f, sJ m Smoking Tobacco a .. . .....i . .... i., ...is psu.t i.lm 1,1111 non .f The New York Weekly Triburu FOR EVERY member of EVERY family on ' EVERY farm, in EVERY village, in EV ERY stab; or terrto FOR Education, v "T FOR Noble Manhood, FOR True Womanhood. all important news of .tho Nation, all important news of tho World, the uioHt ruliuhlo market rcjiorts, brilliant and imttructivt; editorials, fascinating short stories, an uiiHxeelled agricultural department, scientific and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articled, humorous illustrations, entertainment to young und old, satisfaction everywhere to everybody. We fornisli fbt "Express" and "New Yoik W-jekly Tribune One Year for $1.25, C'mmIi tu AdruBito, THE "EXPRESS," Lebanon, Oi Write our n one ami ntltlress on a postal enril, h -nil : to Geo. W. Ui-s Tribune Oflloe New York City, mid a sumjile copy of the New Yoi Weekly Trlhui.e wlll.lie mailed to jou. J. M. RALSTON 11 It UKE II , MllHton IHoi-U, Altmil y, Oi Money lo loan on farm aet'tirity, oli mall loans inmle on ominnl seenrlty. Oily, county anil sol ool wnrruuts Uinuli t'ollcotioiis niiiilt on favorulilp tortus. Klro iusnraiiK! wriiten In three of tl largest eoinpanios in die world, in the lot est rates. i fic f. i j" i TASTELESS 13 J UST AS COOn FOR ADU LT9. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 ctfi (iu.ATiA, 11.13., Not. 16, 1893. Paflu Medicine Cf Ht. U Is, Mo. (Jfiiilmuuii: Wo wilrt )mi yenr, flOO botllai , OHOVB'H 'J'ASTHI.KKH ( HlhL TON 10 aud Iwi boimlit tlircu uru nlroudi itiln yur. In nil on re prliico ut U yiunt, In 'liu drug buHliuiH, hni UcUuu m yuur Imlo, fuurriimly, AllNUV.CARft AO For milehyN. W. SMITH, Wanted-An idea SHS Protect your 111. nn Hist muv lirlinc v.-n wesli Writ.. JOHN WU,Dl',ltllUHN Co., fat.-nt itK nnys, WaAiilna;ua. II c, r .r tlslr (i.sio ,irlaa ott aud list of Ino liuaarsd loveulioua waaleU. ftlptina Taouloa, Rlpans Titlinlea cure nausea. V Rkoeoj Tabulwi; u dPUggiaU. GROVE! r ii -i'laaris """'SW 4W''