The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 08, 1897, Image 1

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NO. 6.
;ifiaii In aitvailtio, II DO jwryoir.)
MX in(inths.,.,...H........
i'liree mnnlliH .........
h'ntleoophJB ............ up
state officers.
Geo. W. Mcllridm ....Senators
John H. Mitchell. I
BiTiper Hermann, Congressman
William I. Lord Governor
11. K. KiiHuM Secretary of Stat
Phil MotflioM,: TrenRumr
!. M. Irwin rinpt. nblic Instruction
H. W Leeds Suite Printer
II. H Mean, i
F. A. M;m. ! SupremcJlldges,
I. .. K. iVonlvertuu.l
l.ilm,... .....O. D. Itoniin
Recorder,,, I'. F. Hanlmaii
Clerk, y C. B, Montague
Bbi'rlll,,, , M. C. Gaines
School Superintendent, Richmond Wheeler
1'reasuror,. P.O. Motrin
Assessor, H. A. Stafford
"irveyir, j, K. T, T. Fisher
'.miner . F. WriKlit
i J. M. Waters
" " . i I). I., rurl
" t' rV " -
' .', '. it. it.'r.l i;
i ...s. M. t tiili v.M
. ... ;i .. . i.F. IIYlii:
i .'. ill, -...JOHN I'Aliltol.L
J 'I. It'iYI.K.
Si. 1.HXII,
1 ' ri;;t,i:3 N,
. J tl ,KY
s '.in::., IS, .
lib tl AX.
i'rl H-.i! third
, ... ..i Hi. '
iet Booietlee.
...SIS TKS'T v I. K.U f. M HmflnU. A.
it. IMI on Tlmriliiv bvuiiIiik of each week.
f'HtMim I Hlr Ktnalll are eiirillall)- llivllwl to
yHI: Hip Ti'iH uii'rttng.
W. C. PRTF.lttwN. f'om.
I, .. W. Itli'l H K
ililNMIt 1.01)11 B, No. Itt, A. O. U. W. Mimlt
iviti M.m luv oveiilllil at U. A. It. Hall.
A. UMI'ltitKV, M. W.
j r Hvim. ttw.
. I VOX I.OUiiK. S'l. t II. O. P. Mtii'tk
ri -n-lMtty ..v..jtitfai 'lil'l rVllmv.. Hall, w
, ' ' it. ui.
A. . KKV.B. N'i'l
B'lYI.K, ft. II.
I'KAItUtMIW I A t.Olnili. So. 47. 1. 1. O. K -i,.uw
iii I. ini. f Mull iltt win third 'iIih
ny i-vt'iilnifi-iil'i-aitti mimtli.
i.K.liASON l.tlillKNn. A. F.4 A. M.-MooU
fttnrila) eviillliiK. ml r before the fill! lamin In
h.'Ii in in i Mi . at Manoiilt! Hull, Cur Main and
dram si. UoJoiiriihiK hrwthern ciirltlally IiiviiihI
it aiteiid.
' I.K. Hakhack, W. M,
It. V. Ilicmn, Hoo,
JOHN F. MILLER W. R. 0. No. 16.
moats lit and 3rd Friday ill eih month al
2:30 p.m. Mm. Hatiie Ubdwiii.
Mii. Auui A. Uviih, I'rea.
IIEN'I. MKKKIBCA.MP, No. ID, DrvMim of Ore-
. HfliiH or ViiuratniH-Miiet In 0. A. R. Hall,
ry Haturday evening, einopt the tltlnl
Haturday of aaoh month, muotliiK the third Frl
tay lnead. All urothom of the Hdim of Vet
aranii and comradoHof the U. A. K. are cordially
Invited to moot with the Camp;
A. Uohuh, Oapt,
. 0, Hrt1 an , Flrnt Scgl.
BINA H. WKST HIVE. NO. 1, h. 0. T. M,
Mtntaon the'Jd, ttb and fith Friday evening bf
eaeh month al 7:30 r, . at 0. A. It. Hall. Trail
gloat Lady Macnahoea are conlially Invited lo
Hui,hh 8. Millkr, Ladv fioin.
Diil.1.11' 8l,TltAlwn, Lady B, K. ,
Attorney at Law,
Will p.-atilini' In nil I he
Cnurla of lltti Hlnte, , .
IjEUANON, oreuon.
SjimX M. Garland.
Weatherford 4 Wyatt,
The Champion Hills,
no a..
Ceneral Exchance
and Mill Business.
Flour and All Kiiil at
Mill IJ'oed For Sale
at the
Lowest Prices.
We are prepared at all
co pay Albany prices for
wlieat to those who store with
us.' Call and get sacks and
learn further particulars.
Very Truly,
G. W. AwmicH fc Son.
ii. i .Iiiivi, Huh Cut or Bhuuiiii.
J. R. Ewing's
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
I,iifin I it i DresnitiK a Specialty
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
ExpreNR truina leave Portland daily :
Ti'MI p."i.l,'vri,(irtland.A. 8:10 a. a
l!!:IO A. M. Lv...Alliaiiy.. Ar. U:(iOa. M
11 :16 A. . Ar.Sun FraneiBMi LvJ7:00 PB
Tlie utnive trulMH Mtnp at Enal Porl
Inuil, Orcxoti Oily, Wiwriliurn,
Hulrm, Turinr, Murir.ii, Jctlcranii,
Allniiiy, TmiKt'tit, Hlit'dii, Hnlxey,
HuiTiBbui'K', Juni'liiMi t'il.v, Eu
Irene, Oeawell. Goltnire Gmve, Dniiim
and ull KLallm lYnm liiwelitirgsiiulli to
and Including Ashluml,
Itnmilnirir ninil ilnilv :
H-snT u I l.v P..Vri,ri,i .. Ar
12:'.'6 p. M. Lv...Alliany Ar.
0:20 P. H. Ar...Koeutlln..LiV,
Local naasei irer traina dailv (except
7:30 "aTm. Kr.Tliiiiny.Ar. j pTl5 A.W.
4 :IW p. M.
i;W P. M.
Xr t.ui....,.. l. a.. IK 1
Lv...Alliany......Ar. 6:46p. u.
Ar... Lebanon ...Lv. 6:0o P, M.
Dining Carson Ogden Route.
Seooiid Cliisi: Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Truing.
West snide Division.,
Mail train d lily exipt Sunday):
7:30 A. M7TLv,rportinVidAr.'T t:ib A. B.
12:15 p. M. Ar...(,urvallin. .Lv. 1:86 p. M.
At Albanv and Oorvalhs connect with
trains of 0. 0. & E. railroad.
Expreab train daily (except Sunday):
4:46 p. H. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. j
7:26 p. H. I Ar.McMiniiville Lv I
8:26 a.m.
6:60 a.m.
Direct connection or. San Francisco with
Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail
steamahip line for JAPAN .and CHINA.
Sailiiifc dates on application.
Rates and tie cots to Eastern points and
Eurnpe; also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO
LULU and AUSTRALIA, can bo obtained
from F. U. Hic'tok, uisont, 'Lebanon.
K. KOEHLER, ManaBer.
E, P. RliriEF.S, Asst.. 0, F, A Pass. Ant.
Upon Tatiulw our dyiw(la.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West.
Baker City has something of a build
ing bourn.
The Philomath Journal has sus
pended publication, and there is one
less newspaper in Benlon county.
The school superintendent's report
In Curry county for the years 1806 and
1R07 show a krIii of Just sl children of
school age in the eounty during the
year ending March 1, 1807 live male
and one female.
. More tramps have visited Heppner
(his spring than ever before. The
marshal bus, (luring I lie last two
months, ordered about 40 to "move on
or work the streets," with the result
that Ihey haye "moved on," without
One crooked $20 gold piece has oome
Into the possession of the Lane county
tHi eollector four limes this season. In
other words, It has already paid the
taxes of four men, and promises to pay
many more before the rolls close, says
tht Eugene Guard.
The A. O, V. W. lodge of La Grande
lias about completed arrangements for
what Is lo be known as the "sick bene
fit fund." Each member of the order
will be required to pay 25 cents a
month to this fund, and, in case of
sickness, will receive $5 a week. ' .
The Vale Advocatf says that In
Mulheur county there hits been a con
siderable loss of cattle, that were being
fed, ami wbiie 1 heir death Is ascribed
to unknown causes, it was probably
caused by too much economy, and not
enough hay in the early part of the
Bert Koliert, a young man who has
lived at Rogue river, in Curry county,
for two or three years past, and was
reecnlly carrying the mail between
Gold Beach and Mussel Creek, drown
ed in the river while attempting to sail
across one night last week. His body
has not been recovered,
Johnny Pritie, on old-time Linn
eounty boy, was accidentally killed at
Colusa, Cat, hy the accidental dls-.
charge of a pistol which he was re
pnirjug. The shot took (fleet iu his
side, and death resulted in a short
time. This is the third boy of this
family that bus met death from acci
dental causes, Johnny was the young
est sou of Martin Prlne.
The Ashland Building & Loan As
sociation proposes to disincorporate.
The association was organized in 1889,
and has done considerable business
during the time ijtervenlug. The as
sociation has accumulated Borne prop
erty by default during tl.e close times
of the past few years, and while the
stock has not fully matured, it !
deemed best for the Interest of the
remaining stockholders to wind up
the aflairs as soon as possible.
While Jasper Patent was crossing
Row river, uear Harrisburg, last week,
atloalingsaw log struck his wagon.
Wagon, horses' and all were Bwept
dowu the swift current and lodged in
the middle of the river, a considerable
distance below. Mr. Patent, after
working for over an 'hour, succeeded
in getting his horses loose and swim
ming them to shore. He atterwards
got a rope, fastened it to the tongue
and pulled the wagon out ol the river
with the horses on shore.
Lust Wednesday night, iu Hood
River, some miscreants took from the
yard of Mr. Joseph Maguire a stand ol
bees, and taking the slum! down the
street a short distance below Mr.
Bakus's residence, roblied it of its
boney. Two persons were evidently
engaged In the theft, as it could
be seen next morning where the hive
had been handed over the fence. A
man who would steal a hive of bees
would steal a red-hot stove, and is a
dangerous man Iu the community,
says the Hood River Glacier,
Thos. Simpson says that while at his
home iu the northern part of Ashland,
last Tuesday, a deer was seen to cross
the Helman field towards Bear creek,
and the household and the neighbors
were called together to see this unusual
sight of a wilt deer within the corpor
ate limits of town. The animal had
probably strayed from a deer paih
that leads from mountain to mountain
across Bear creek through the Myer
farm a abort distance below, and tbe
deer appeared frightened and ill at ease
in making its way over fences and
amidst u number of horses whose at
tention It ult.i'iicteu,
: i 4 ":n Uinr, lo can tfclalt
..iftuhan idea
' i ! ; t'..M- bi' UK y,,H M'nillli.
, ' . . I'T.j rjIWJilt'.N ft a I'tiU'lll Atcor
.."'.r. . I. e.. lvr Uii'ii' lU.euo p.'Ue oll'or
' 1 'I'll.. ..i.Coi).
Rlpau TatmlMieaeglvai relief,
Albany Will Not Have To Pay Interest.
Last Friday's Issue of the Albany
Herald contained the following:
Judge Hewitt yesterday rendered a
decision in the injunction suit of D. B,
Monteitli vs E. A. Parker, city treasur
er, which was brought to restrain the
treasurer from paying a warrant for
(9000 and Interest amounting to $3600,
Issued to the King Bridge Co., in pay
ment on the steel bridge which spans
the Willamette river at this city.
The court dissolved the injunction as
to the principal of $9000, but held that
the charge of interest was made .with
out law, and the treasurer is restrained
from paying such interest. The costs
were taxed to the King Bridge Co.
The attorneys for the city were
Wealherford & Wyatt. They did not
expect to secure an order for a per
petual injunction as to the principal
but contended that the contract for the
payminl of Interest was illegal, as the
city charter at the time the warrant
was issued contained no provisions for
the payment of interest on any war
rants, and they attacked the validity
of the issuing of the warrant on the
ground that the city was already In
debted to an amount exceeding the
limit prescribed by the charter. The
court held that this was true, but Hint
the subsequent Issue of $20,000 city
bonds legalized this indebtedness.
Had it not been for this actiou the en
tire amount would probably have been
declared illegally issued and not a
valid debt. The findings of Judge
Hewitt will release the city from the
payment of tbe $3500 interest, but will
require the payment of the $9000 prin
cipal, which was the point originally
contended for.
The King Bridge Co. was represented
by Cox, Teal & Cotton, attorneys of
A Clubbing Oiler.
A great many of our readers In Liur.
couuty like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish It at a reduc
tion from the regular price to thost
who want both .the Express and th
Ort'iioiiian. Tbe reeular Dries of toe
Oregonian Is $1.50 per year, and of tV
Express $1.50 when in advance. We
will furnish both f ir $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregonian gives all
the general uewsof tbe country once p
week, and the Express srives all tin
local news ouce a week, which will
make a most excelleut Mens service
for the moderate sura of $2. per yen'
Those who are at present subscrlliers
f the Expbesb must pay in all arrear
ages and one year iu advance to obtain
his special price.
A favorite remedy for many of the
Ills of this life is Simmons Liver 'Regu
lator, the most popular medicine yet
discovered. It is a searching cleanser,
and by Its action frees the system of
all impurities, producing a sound,
healthy liyer, . It is the standard
household remedy for liver and
stomach troubles, and has tbe unquali
fied endoisement "'of thousands of our
best citizens throughout the country.
Having been before the people for
many years, its long and honorable
career is a sufficient guaratitee of
purity and reliability. Simmons Liver
Regulator is manufactured by J. H.
Zeilin&Co., Philadelphia, and is read
ily distinguished by the red Z on each
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed has been duly appointed, by the
county court ol Linn county, Oregon, and
is now, the duly appointed, qualified and
acting administrator of the estate of Martha
E. Powers, deceased. All parties having
ciaiiuB against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to the under
signed, at Sodaville, Linn county, Oregon,
or to ISain'l M. Garland, at Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
within six months from the 18th day of
March, 1897, the same being the date of the
first publication of this notice,
Dated at Lebanon, Or., this 18th day of
March, 1897,
A. P. Flory,
Sam'l M. Garland, Administrator.
Atty. for Administrator.
Hoe Cake soap, nest on earth.
Bargains in clothing at Waterloo,
M. A. Miller has a full and complete
hue of cough syrups.
Late styles, up to date, guitars; fine
tone, for $4.50, at E. U. Will's musio
A good assortment of men's, youths'
and boys' clothing is now on sale at
the Wooleu Mills office at Waterloo.
You can get great bargaius.
The Waterloo Woolen Mills are in
the front rank selling men's, youths'
and boys' clothing at exceedingly low
priow. Buy your clothes there.
Law on Compulsory Education Denned
Superintendent Irwin Wants
the Statutes Enforced.
Slate Superintendent Irwin has had
a circular letter Drenared Hint lirln tft
to be forwarded to the various county
school superintendents and school
ooarus calllnar the attention of ilmaa
officials to the law prescribing com
pulsory education for child ren of a
certain school age, which law is so
needlessly violated In everv nart. of tl,
state. Following Is the letter In full:
to County Suner iitendenta mj
Boards of School Directors: The nlten.
tlon of the county superintendent,
and through him, the attention of the
boards of school directors, is called to
me following law pertaining to com
pulsory education:
Sec. 35. F.verv mirant n.,nv.n..
., , " i"'"-"1! simi'iiau, ui
other person, in tills state having con
trol or chnri'e of o mim n u..
tweeu the ages of g and 14 years shall
.to icquueu in ocna sucn cuild or chil
dren to a public school at least twelve
weeks in every school year, of which
at least eight weeks school (shall) be
CORgeniltiVf 11), iaaa tl.,. k,lll.. L
- , j , , i - ""c u'ltniji ur lueu-
tal condition of such child or ohildren
una ueeu sucu as to prevent his or her
or their nftroiflniinu at ani.,.i
. ......ut nv aviiuui in appli
cation to study for the period required,
...cao Dti.i i ciinu or cunaren are
taught iu a private school, or at home
in such branches as are usually taught
iu primary schools or have already ac
quired the ordinary brandies of learn
ing taught in the publio schools; pro
vided, in case a public school shall not
be tautrht for tim nuri,, nc
weeks, or any part thereof, during the
year, within two milts by tbe nearest
traveled road of tbe residence of any
person within the school district, he or
she shall not be liable to the provisions
other person having control or charge
of auy child or children failing to com
ply with the provisions of this act shall
iiouic w n hub oi not jess man $5
nor morn than fa iKo apd n;
; vo ui on uiiciiac,
nor less than $25 nor more than $50 for
no oeooiiu sua eacn sunsequent of
fense, besides the cost of thA
tlon. r
SeC.H7. ft ftlinll ha tha lt., nf IK.
directors and clerk of each school dis
trict to make diligent ettort to see that
v,ni m ia uuiurceu in ineir respective
Sec. 68. Jnstinpa the r,oa nv.,.M
have concurrent jurisdiction with the
Circuit COUrt in all lirmu.i.nHAni, ,milQ.
this act, .
This office has become aware that
little or no attention is paid to the law
compelling children to attend school,
at least twelve weeks durlne the vear.
To look over the statistics one is im
pressed mat tliere must be manv chil.
dren of school age who do not attend
our public schools. This law was en
acted ior a purpose, and it is apparent
that the purpose contemplated was to
have the children attend tha
schools 111 order that illiteracy and
ignorance may be reduced to a mini
mum. The safety ond welfare of the coun
try depend lorirelv unon the efHciennu'
of our public schools, wherein not only
Knowledge of books and literature ia
considered, but where good govern
ment, loyalty and love of countrv ia
The law is on the statute book, and
should not remain a dead letter. The
duty of seeing It enforced rests with
me boards of school directors, aufl the
clerks of the several school districts.
The clerks of the several districts
having the number of nunils on the
statistical roll, and the teacher or
teachers of the districts having the
ages and numlier enrolled as in at
tendance at school, some knowledge
may be gained as lo how nearly this
law of school attendance Is observed.
This Is also one of the duties of the
county superintendent, that he should
acquaint himself with the attendance
at school and give direction to the
board of directors iu regard to the
matter of school attendance,
Bring this law before ttie people, ac
quaint them with its requirements and
penalties, and it is believed titers will
not be so many children, of the age
included bv the law. who do not. nn.1
will not attend the publio sohool. The
state does not get near the value it
deserves for the support of the common
schools, because of the fact that so
many do not avail themselves of the
privilege. The state cannot afford to
allow this neglect and indiffeienoe of
the publio schools to exist, but must,
in some way, see tliac the children
have some education.
travel for rospoiisihle established hoiibe iu
uregtm. sunny (nu ami excuses, rosnion per
nitUiiMit. Kt'ttTeuce. Eneliwo Beir-mlrirwiK.'ri
slumped envelope. The National, Siar Iusuraiiue
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Ripaui Tabulae eure bad bmti.
. mM '
Absolutely Pure.
Oelfihnit.Pfl fnr Ua aroat lootunlnn
strength and healthfulaess. Assure
the food against alum and all forms of
adulteration commnn in tha Mi Ann
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that, by an order
made on the 20th day of February, 1897, by
the county Judge of Linn county, Orcftoo,
in the estate of Eliza J. Duckett, deceased,
the undersigned was duly appointed, and ia
now the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing administrator of theestate aforesaid. AU
parties having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same,
with the proper vouchers, and properly
sworn to, within six months from the date
of this notice, the 4th day of March, 1897,
the same being the date of the first publica
tion hereof, to the undersigned at the office
of Sam'l M. Garland, in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of March, 1897.
Sam'l M, Garland, ' Administrator.
Atty. for Admr.
Eand Office at Oregon City, Or., I
March 17, 1897.1
Notice 1b hereby given that the following-4'
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the countv clerk of Linn county, at
Albany, Ogn., on Hay 8, 1897, viz :
H. E. 8810 for the Lot 1, N. E. a of N. W.
ii of Sec. 24, T. 12 S., R. 1 West.
He .names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Ross W.
Humphrey, Grant Bellinger, L. M. Taylor,
John Simons, all of Waterloo, Ogn.
Robkrt A. Miller, Register.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1
Feb. 27, 1897. t
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or., on A pril 17, 1897, viz :
H. E. 9737, for the S. E. A of N. W. X, 8.
W. M of N. E. X. N. W. M of S. E. M. and
N. E. 4 of S. W. yt of Sec. 32, Tp. U S., R.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz; J. K. Chari
ton, of Lebanon, Ogn., A.J. Laton, of La-
comb, Ogn., L. C. Rice, of Lacomb, Otn,?
C. L. Raines, of Lacomb, Ogn.
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Save the Wrappers.
They are worth a centapieoe if taken
from Hoe Cake soap.
Toinson's Soap Foam will not
burn or roughen the skin.
The big sale has commenced at
Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store.
We still have bargains in shoes.
Read, Peacock & Co.
Look at Read. Peacock & Co's new
display ad. It will pay you, as they
mean business.
You can buv a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.65.
Bargains in mens', youths' and
boys' clothing, at the office of th
Waterloo Woolen Mills.
I have money to loan at 8 per cent
interest on good farm or personal
security, J. M. Ralston,
MaJtou Blook, Albany, Or
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size iu feet and inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your oar
pets sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Patronize home industry, by buying
your clothing from the Waterloo
Woolen Mills. It will be doubly to
your advantage it will keep the
money at home, and will save you
money as the prices are very low.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Rlsasi Tabules gurf duUlueM.