THE NIGHTINGALE. Sole slaum tn the worli at dreams, Whose voice, outran w oleax tod tar Into the empty itarknoM. seems An echo Iram a dUunt star, Thoh eomeet, as God's aafrals vrtU. Wheu day anil ell Its noisier mirth. Clone put us like a iod. ere etllll The aura in Heaven aad thou Oh earth. Thou alnjrest yet In all the yean, lo alltue years the stars arise. When sleep has dulled our heedless earl And weighs Use death upou our eves. And ah! outworn with sordid cares, We drowse In other glooms supine, ' mind oven to greater light than thelri, Aud deal to lottier songs than thine. i'.ut allll they shine though none should SMI And slngeet thou, unheard, forgot, Save in lone nlght-tioes. It may be, When they and thou shall know U aok Thotr shining mskes some pathway bright; One hears thee as he tolls along. And passes onward through the night, Glad In thetr splendor and thy song. A. St. J. Adcock, In Chambers' Journal. STORY OF SHELL AMU. An Incident of Sherman's March to the Beav Nobody expected Gen. Sherman to come into Atlanta, from the south. Oh, no, in the natural course of nrenta he must hare certainly shoul--.1 red his nay right straight on from . -e north, and accordingly the grim ,. id grimy, frayed out fragments of :.',.mI's confederate army wallowed in f stilling trenches all along the . t semi-circular line of outworks i faced the valley of the Cliatta fi'chec and commanded the ap- - uches from the AUatoona hills be ad. i'.iit he of the eagle eye was a strate , -i. He wanted to cut off and coop . t ! he gray jackets in the city, and for reason he quietly marched the :..i.r part of his army up the west- banlt of the river eight or ten .,!, flung them across the river, and .. i. mighty swing of that ponder- - ti ip-hammerof warhestruck them jx the south, thus cutting off their '. :' .-s of supplies by the Georgia rail ; i i. Then followed those terrible a.v s which wound up with the fierce or rluught of July S8, when the hope- - . i. half-starred southern men, the .', i. limit men of the west, met in a " ,.-hty gladiatorial contest which re s' : : ,d in the fall of Atlanta. ' nese are matters for the historian, '"tit what I am going to recount is one ' those wild, weird romances with this terrible conflict was so ".iii ,ht. and here is the strange story: " ii to the sua," was the watchword " nerman'a armies, and the sullen dogged retreat of the confederates i uoneuboro was the first movement r, the defeated and despairing conied rules. Jonesboro wac a little inland town, iK-stled amid field and forest, inter spersed with beautiful undulating' liills and grasBy valleys green with the i nne of the harvest, but little suited . u .'tensive pomt lor the Drawn 11 '-tuia-a lupous who wore recoil : ' iowiy towsrd the southern sea. llreastworkshad been hastily thrown up flanking the line of the Central railroad, and in the ditches behind ..Hero the straggling remnants of obsti nale confederates were entrenched. it was a gloriously beautiful sum mer day when the skirmish line of the northern hosts debouched from the "-jricB and took up position in front of breastworks.. laen by surprise after relying in on the ability of the southern u-'.mps to check the onflow of the le of the conquering hosts, the inea and children, led by the lame . Jie halt and the aged men of the '.jimtry, were fleeing for life, panie .'u'.ci.'Q and utterly demoralized. As the snn rose over the swelling .'. Ives the eyes of the soldiersof either u.iiiv caught the gleam of a little v .iiiie tent, half hidden in a wood just :i utile to the left of the line of attack, uu'i uiKire it fluttered atiny white flag, no bigger than a man's hand. it wni a woman's handkerchief, and all the chivalrous feelings of the American soldier were aroused as the .mm veterans caught sight of that lit- e appealing bit of cambric floating iero through the uprising mists of ar. The order was passed to respect uat flag, and when the great guns be- :n their work and shot and shell ore hurled blazing and crashing j jroMS field and wood from either di t. it ion, never a gunner trained his i ce toward a point near that little -viiite honse. The battle was fiercely fought, but sit combat was of short duration, and .a tue shadows lengthened eastward ..m southern troops were seen in full v.reat, leaving the field to the tri umphant viator. As thoy swept forward a drummer Otto Barden, of a Pennsylvania auout, passed by the little white it in the wood. Guards in blue uniform surrounded iind while the smoke of battle tried above and around there was a ..intive cry from the tent, and the lalwart snrgeon lifted the flap of the .ittlc tent and emerged followed bj an ild Depress, bearing in her arms a liny, white bundle. "Please God, maris, is you gwinter take us off ter de norf ?" wailed she, with the big tears coursing down her withered face. "It'll sho' kill Miss Annie ef yo' does." "Not a bit of it. old lady, not a bit of it," replied the good-natured sur geou, with a smile. "Ilello. Otto, yon're the very boy I want. This h your prize, as you are nearest her age, and we are going to detail you to take charge of this wee prisoner and see that the little reb . don't escape." The rough soldiers came crowding around for a peep at the prisoner, and many eyes filled with tears of tender ness as they gazed on the baby that had first seen the light lh auch grew aome surroundings. , "Ain't it a wonder that she and the mother were sot blows to piaees?" Mid Mm MrfMnfc "It is. Indeed," replied the corporal, "for look there where a stray shell cut I Its way through the bushes as clean as a knife." "Well, boys, she is our prlss. Let us christen her, for time is up, and the Johnnies are waiting for us behind some bush heap down the road. Come, Otto, speak up Yon shall have the honor of naming the little miss," sail, the surgeon. "Call her Shell Annie," said the boy, as his mind reverted to his own or phaned days, "because she was saved from that shell." "Good!" cried the surgeon. "Shell Annie," chorused the sergeant and the corporal in a breath, "Here, give mo- your canteen, Otto," aaid the surgeon. "Uuhl her head up auntie," and, sprinkling a few drop on the tiny head, he continued: "Sholl Annie, I baptize thee in the name o the Father, Hon and the Holy Ghost, and may Thoy cverprot'jot thee as ho', the God of battle to-day. Now, Otto, the sergeant will remain with a file o men until morning, and you may re main with them, for you look tired and worn out, my boy." At the word of command the other soldiers took up the line of march, and faint and fainter grew the roar and rumble of departing legions, rolling on irresistibly to match their blue bil lows with the blue waves of the dis tant sea. Twenty years after the furling of the flags the battlefield of Jonesboro was a corn field, and the rustling rows of the crested corn hid from view the al most obliterated traces of strife. Peace and plenty reigned, and the one-armed veteran of the north was hobnobbing with the peg-legged veteran of the south as they laughingly recounted the experiences of the war. Ashevilie has become a great resort for summer visitors from all sections on account of its quietude, its health ful air and water and its splendid scenic surroundings As the train slowed up at the little station a man, apparently blessed with all the activity of youth, but bearing about him that unmistakable air of maturity that indicates intimate knowledge of and rough experience with life, stepped on the platform and atrolledup the hill towar 1 the hotel. The dusky twilight of the dying summer day softened the rugged out lines of the gloomy mountains, and the tinkle of a crystal stream made music in the thickets below. Suddenly the stranger was startled by a wild cry, and around a turn of the road came a horse at full speed, and in the buggy, swaying to and fro at his heels, there wu a flutter of white. Springing forward and dropping his belongings, the stranger clutched the reins of the frightened animal and ar rested his mad career, but the shock was so suideu that the occupant of the buggy was tossed Into the bushes by the roadside. Releasing the horse, which stood r.mbling with fear and exoitement, ' ite. ntrangor lifted the prostrate form, (ti-ernwd from the hotel came rushing to the spot sue opened her eyes in a dazed and startled way. "Are yon hurt much?" asked the stranger. "No, thank you; I was only fright ened. I had just gotten into the buggy and was going for a ride when he be came frightened and ran away. Oh, how can I ever thank you?" "Best by not mentioning it again," said the stranger, brusquely, handing her his card as he resigned her to her friends and walked away. On -the following . morning the stranger arose late after his fatiguing journey, and when he went down to breakfast beside hiB plate wai a little perfumed note, and he opened it and read it, half amused and half in won der. "Otto Babdex: Permit me to thank yon and to convey to you the grateful feelings of my friends for your brave action in rescuing me from my peril ous position yesterday. As a partial recognition of your kindness, I wish to extend to you an invitation to en joy a picnic excursion with us tc-day. It is my birthday. Please do not fail to come. Gratefully, "Ankii Foktaij." On a blank leaf from his notebook Barden wrote a line accepting the in vitation, and then leisurely finished his breakfast The day was perfect, and, as the special guest of the heroine of the day, he thought he had never felt quite so near at peace with himself j and all mankind as he did while loung ing on the green grass beneath the shadow of the tall hemlocks at the foot : of the mountain with pretty Annie f Fontaine. I Chatting in a desultory way, Barden j suddenly recalled the day and the j drama of twenty years ago. j "Dajjou know." said he, "that I was ; one of those Yanks that marched with ; Sherman to the sea?" I "Indeed? Why, you must have been a very youthful soldier." "I was a drummer boy, and this day twenty years ago I was In the battle of Jonesboro." "And so was I," said she with a saucy smile, "for that was my birth day and the place of my nativity." "What!" he cried, springing to his feet oxcitedly. "Then you are, you must be" "Shell Annie," she replied. There are some stories that ought to be concluded before they are begun, but this, which is as true yes, truer than most history reached its nat ural conclusion then and there, and the Pennsylvania drummer boy now owns one of the finest fruit farms around Jonesboro, and the mistress of that southern home is "Shell Annie." Atlanta Journal. he Was a Uidlcalom Old A o-nnftn with rprnnrlrrLlifa malAmnl instinct has been found near Berry, in Harrison county, Ky. Iler brood wax recently drowned and an old sow, with n litter of twelve pigs, died about the name time. The old mother goose hai adopted the little orphan pigs and pe-si-its in her attention toward Umu tW&aUey k deb Wtii PONY PENNING. A. Favorite Sport of the People c Ohlncotoaguo Island. Bow Baadreds ef the Little Anunsala A Booaaed TJp and Oaptursxl by the SUa and Boys a Data Chincoteague and Assnteagne have had their hundredth annual pony pen uing. Chincntengue is a small islund in the Atlantic close to the shore of Ac- lomnck county, Va. Assatencue Is a long, narrow peninsula lying outside of Chincotcaiiue and protecting it from he assaults of the Atlantic. Chln- wteague Is a glittering llttlo island, brilliant with sand and suit water, densely peopled, well wooded and haunted by mocking birds. There is wither poverty nor crime there, drunk nness is almost unknown, and doors :re always unlocked. It Is the boast if Chincoteague that no slave ever lived ipon ita soil, and that tho island re tained true to the union throughout .ie war. There are no better sailors ny where than the people of Chin otcague, and there are. no stoncher ittle boats than the Chincoteague ca noe with double leg-of-mutton sails. Nobody knows positively the origin of :he Chincotca,Tue ponies. It Is only "mown that they havo roamed tin marshy pastures of the Islands for at jast a century, and there is a tradition .hat the ancestors of the ponies cairn ishore from a wrecked ship in the ighteonth century. Xheso: doubtless, .vero full grown horses, uud the Chin oteoguo pony of to-day is a degcuer ilc, through droughts in summer and xposure in the open paaiureB through ong winters. But degenerate as le is, the Chincoteague pony is i fine, hnrdy, and ofton beantl ul animal, with strenUi out of rnportiou to his size, and, when well rokon, has strength, agility and :iced. He is from ten to twelve hands ighand iim six to eight hundred lounds in weight From two hundred nd fiftv to four hundred of these little rcatures rram the island pastures. .'here are, perhaps, half a many on the owor end of Assnteagne. A stallion leads upon the pastures a -roup of from ten to twenty-five marcs nd colts. The leader is on the con- tant lookout for danger, and at his nort his whole polygamous family take o their heels. The ponies are really ar from wild, and one may easily rip roach within fifty or twenty yards of i group at pasture. The older stallions income fierce and quarrelsome, and tave to be removed from the pastures i'rom time to time, lest they should de stroy one another or the younger stal- .ions. Theyareall excellent swimmers, and when the pastures become bare on Chincoteague they frequently swim to the neighboring islets, where the salt grass is still green. It is not uneom men to see from the top of Ausateugui' tight a group of horses bathing m the surf. The colts are born and nurtured in the open pastures, and the aunuul pony penning is for the double purpose of branding these colts and selling some of the older horses. Pony-penning day is still a fete day on Chincoteague. The pen for the horses is built near the center of the village, and on the morning of the pony penning men and boys mounted on swift and well-broken ponies ride out to the pastures to drive in the wild creatures. The groups of ponies are slowly driven together on the pasture and then started townward. As the pen is ncarcd the guards thicken, m Uiat the whole band is easily driver mo the iuclosnre. Branding irons ar. ie:ited; men with rope nooses on tin . nd of long poles leap into the pen&. Tho colls are thrown to the ground am1 ncld there while the iron is applied. The branding done, the auction fol lows. Unbroken horses fetch from Lweuty-uVe to forty dollars each. Oth jrs, broken to harness, fetch as hfl. js sixty dollars. Well-matched pain omctinicn fetch one hundred and nu, (ollars. The ponies havo long beci ho pets of children of well-to-do fan? lies on the mainland, and of late year avo been sold over a largo part of tin. Iniled Kiatcs. They are larger thun hctlund ponies and more beautiful. .-(. Y. Press. STRANGE AND CUT.10US. I TnEiiE is n doctor liv tho nm" of Mi, icr in nearly every town in .ouri. . The county (Chi.) juil is said to be invaded liy f poikfi, tvlio keep up no end of d row ar.d repp.iif" nt ui;,iit. Jeiiry Wallace, a farmer of I'.ivcr dale, Ga., was carrying a sael: u apples from his waon to u store, when the sack overbalanced and broke his neck, killing him instan'Iy. Tnp, bnya bird of Indin ingeniously Ilium instcn its nest. ltcatchc:i tire-Hies and, without killin:.' thera, with moist clay sticks them to it3 nest. On a dark nieW the baya's nest is like a bright beacon. In the reform school at Jaraesburg, N. J., there is a phenomenon, in the person of a six-year-old boy named Herman Hofl'er, who has a heavy mus tache, and is so strong that he can lift two hundred pounds. A whole bottle of wine was drink, just before un important race, at Kemi ion Par!,-, Tinr;., by Grcywell, : 'mrse which theretofore had not iV .yed iiiiK-h endurance of apeed. It tv m the r;n;e, badly beating several crack ncrs. ' iwr-KTv-pouB postmen, mounu-d on bicycles, daily collect the mails in Washington, I). C. They arc on duty from ft a. m., to 0 p. m,, in phalanxes of twelve, so that no man has to work more than eight hours a day. A i.:;cti.-i;i'.ii upon the English lan guriffc has predicted that before long Englfeh grand opera will be pe rm ncnt ly established in this country-, says that the Cnglish language cm l.t-, sung witJ--i:! in any way clhsturuiii;; liv.; sus tainc! h-rrato flow of voice and the ktuuty of tonei THE YOUNQ QUEEN VICTORIA. . Bar Majesty's Af Hons on tiring Yfotlnel ol the King. Uelnlsv. William IV was dead. The arch bishop of Canterbury and Lord Conyng bsm were dispatched to inform the Princess Victoria of the tact. It was a warm nighl In Jmio, The princess wsi Bleeping In her mother's room, her cus tom from childhood, and bad to be sum moned out of bar Bleep. The meeBitu pore awaited her in the long, anlofty (noni, separated only by folding doors from that which was inhabited by tin Duchess of Kent and bor daughter. The Joniift girl entered alone, in her night dress, with some loose wrap thrown hastily about her. The moment she wu ddressed aa "Your majesty" she put out her hand, intimating that the lords who addressed her were to kiss it and thereby do homage. Her schooling and bar instincts were admirable from the first. Sell possession combined with perfect modesty eame naturally to her. A few hours later, at 11 o clock in the morning, the child queen met her council. In the corridor at Windsor there is a picture which oommein orates the event. Never, it has been said by au eyewitness, was anything like the first impression she produoed or the chorus of praise and atliuiration which was raised about her manner and be havior, certainly not without justice. Iler extreme youth and inexperience and the ignorance of the world concern ing her for alio had lived in complete seclusion exulted interest and curios ity. Asked whether she would enter the room accompanied by the great officers, j of Btate, she said she would come in lone. Accordingly when all the lords of the privy couucil were assembled tbs folding doors were thrown open, and the queen entered, quite plainly dressed and in mourning, out! took her seat for j tbe first time, a young girl among a crowd of men, including al the most ! famous and powerful of her subjects. ! She bowed mnl read her speech, handed : to her by tho prime minister, Lord Mel bourne, in a clear and firm voice and then took the oath for tbe security of the Church of Scotland, Immediately tho privy councilors were sworn, the royal Dukes of Cum berland and Sussex first by themselves. It was observed that as these two old men, her uncles, knelt before her, swear ing allegiance, she blushed up to the eyes, as if she felt the contrast between their civil and natural relations, tier manner was very graceful and engag ing, and she kissed them both, and ris ing from her chair moved toward the Duke of Sussex, who was too infirm to reach her. Fortnightly Review. 0 regon Central & Eastern, n. it. co. Yaquina Bay Route. (YitinectEiiu at Ysnuina Bav with the Han trancisro and Yuquiua Bay Steamship company. SteaMip "Farallon" Sails from Yaquina Hay every eight days tor ban r runeineo, loos imy, run uriuru, Trinidad uud Humboldt Hay, Passenger Accommoda tions Unsurpassed. Hhortest ltottte Between the Willamette valley and talilnrmo. Fare ironi Albany and Points West to Han rrancisco: Cabin f 6 Oil Hu-erage 4 00 To Coos Bay and Port Orford : Cabin 6 00 To Humboldt Bay: Cabin 8 00 Uound Trip Good for 80 Days Special. RIVER DIVISION. Meamer ALBANY, eloimntlv furn.H.iwI, mcliHlinu new niano. will run between Cirvllis 'and Portland on tho following Down river: . Tuesdays, Thursdayi and Sundays, Iuve Corvallis fi a. m. and Albany, 7 a. in. Arrive fori land, 5 (. m. I'l- river: Monday. Wediielttyn and Fridays, Ifive i'urtlflnd. 6 a. m. and Albany, 9:20 p. m. Arrive Corvallis, U:'20 p. in. .i . v . 3i ayo, Kdwih Ktonk, Hup't Ki'ver Uivhion. ManuKor. H. B. Bachy. H, L. WaIjJkn , Ag't. Op llevere House a win, ucpoi AJuany, IB! Wm 1 l4 rMiMlndsstfrsllnillnrinfr wtTsKla-simlasas BAlak vouusu setlavWraiuls, UUMtSiilitk sad WIOST POPULAR tCWINO MACHINI J"', "'", Burrrom Rllibls luiwfwtgn-n Jtaat lmejrtliiiiU reputation by honi..i.taii.l Man., Tiler. lannoniR tbe world Miat rin mual I mecnanlaal wmrtructloii, durability of trains p.rta.fln.nt.a of ( beauty In r.niHiarnrji.or bai aa too NEW HOME. WRITE FOR OihOULARS. Tie lew Home Sewing Machine Co, U-'TW If i . r,.,., . WVII lieia Ml if, WBW i, sfcaaifllalafes fgtmmMB ft c-irr A'cgcbblcPeparalionror As similating tlx! toodatulRcgula ting the Siomaris and Bowels of PrMotosTif;,esuon,CheeTrul nessand Rest Contains neither Simin.Morphtne nor Mineral. otNahcotic. AtnHwim flpwTsiisfir . ftiaMt.asV. ApcrfectHenvidy frit-Constipation, Sour SK-mach.Diarrhoca, Worms .ConvulsionsTewnsh ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimils) Signature of NEW YORK. f Irj UV DIRIOT HAtiONH, Shtpotd Ma lis Top Buoot iprini(Of bel quality. Body UMH iu. wide by Mlu. lunv. tn'Uie of uet miummcu Imu" er. Mh (rtnio una iioplur peneU, tliorouurlity Kled, screwed and uud. I'outiH re null irtitit-d full laartrrtll All .Mr ntfn Clllii. IrOltH. KlO.. IliUlp Of llBrlt NOfVUV IfOlt I'fl I tit til f ft till fllitub flrHt-olftSH'.hroiiahoirr, limlteM-abited: a rich btnolt. iienrt lln Writcrc-crti. liluck ui (mimHio, hnndriome.jr n-ritml. Kcb btiuuy oumpleto wltli aimlts, leather dnnb, bootniorni aprnn. oarpet, cull-raUlen, its. A written warranty with each liufctij. MA.UO In our HPKiJIAL WHOIAHAI.I PRI ! for tllld tint hliaUV. Oonpoo Kit S91H GOOD jon S5.00 U nnt wlto Order for Nt). 120 top Bum or No. S45 flmi Wag. paonea ruu urumti ROAD W VOftNB V e ba all styles, but this one if tin most popular. Any doalor Will ana you V.(V H c h- uur wuuif ic price in KW.uo. Bend us W.oo and ooupon and It is yonro tiuai uiteert to be mado of selected iiati"tal t lorouithly senHoned, bent end ft nile an liiKH, Harreu patent wheels, do tib or Rvai a leather trimmlntn, double reach ironed full lenirtb, U-lfi In. drop axles, piteut hathor daub, painting bodv blk Krt Breiv titer Bwen oroamilno nicely striped, and tn sly tinlHhed tlirouh out. A writtfii warn nty with eaob wiwon and money refunded ,f nnt as represented. Order at onoe. Prlcei. will be higher next teaaon, Aditrcti (in full,) CASH BUYERS' UNION, m W. Van Syren St., Bx. 2994, Chlooge, IIL Headquarters U''B3331W3'B' f ' , Mixed Varieties per pound 40 cents, () for Sweet Peas ""fp a .. g . .... THIB ONLY Quarter found 18 cents. Jk ) NbW DOUBLE SWEET PEA Erido of Niagara 3 True to nEtne. Packet 25 cents, half Packet 15 cents. (S) Twomiorfui Crimson Rambler Rose Piyia, W. ;) VIOK'S IX0:UL 0U1D1!, 1896, ' THE PlONEEIt SEED OATALOQUE. Clironio-litlifroplu of Unulilc Sweet S Tea, Rosci, Fuchsia While Phenome j! nal, Blacklwrries, Ranplierria, New Leader Tomato, Vegelables. 1 Filled wilh good tilings old and new. W Full i;.i f Pl,,. V-...l.l O ii i T V I"B""ura,i.'"l"'.c., vrnn ancriplion and prices. If j Mailed on recei)t of to cts. which may be deducted from nut order-reallt tREE or free with an order for any of the above. fgj , !?1 i ROCHE8TER. NEW VnPf. Ifiii JAMES VICK'S SONS. Albany Furniture Co (INCORPORATED) BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon. Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, malting, etc. , Pictures and Picture molding. .. Undertaking a Specialty. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OP- IS ON THE WRAPPER CP ETEET BOTTLE OF Oaitorla is put up la m1js sotiks ssly, It U ul.1 in hnlb. Ttnr1 .llnSf SAVABS to Salt &' 1 vau anvtfahur alas SB tha nlaa af DrOmlSS that it li "Jaii as food" and "will smwst srtrr pur. pasi," sTBes that jm jtrl O-i-B-T-O-E-l-i. OP MNUFADTUiB HUKUEVH VtlllULtu oi Ar, 'U - animNri to inyont it WHOLESALE PRICE' cm ONI QP OUfl MTIMOHDINAflV Mliajltht i4D O-i0RIITIQH CtJfiSPo V PlANOOrCOHrnNO BODT. EN! or IlKlCn'RTKK prhi 'f . 9 or i bow jKatiikh wuAnrk.t 'iut. I'ttum. cin! lu flwtciierM.heiwt ltlilnir v- bent vool ny-1 -..tuiu. tm il NoamHiiml oIimviI iiUHbiritlii tiunrWTH, titiAn Camj. Bpuino ItAuK, uloth ar taxivi IrHtirii f,TitmmitK wtiiK oushiuus, Hnrven wbueb, witti id iK(rth. ut 111. trcftil 15-10 lu. douiiit unit i.) ntftel i.xl swrdavd Kin) (ftutmll fld. i km i tout oil-Utinwrtii Never before old for lean, but in lutro urt? our work lu vmtt locality we have deolded to make a ieoiril uouitun oiler. iitvliiR every reader of thin iai-or au oi'tn rtuntt tn n a utriotly lirnt olaftn $7fl.t buuiry at tlic loweni prlt e evi-r nflaretl. On rntiniii of $441.00 and oonjKiti wn will ttbiti tide hiuimonii- kvwftv. iennrly nuu upuvoreu u iwnru 'un, no not miSti Cilia opiwTtntiity to icet a tltorouylily likli OrRdv tijv-to-Dntc Hnuuy at. the lowest price ever offered, litiiuetiilici wr donuL offur it aa a "cheap hoiotv," but aa a strictly hintinrailt tohtijlc, If you wsub aetiftAMr ouutry or nom otlmr style wtlteioi oiirlanrelHuHtrstCil eatalotriie sliowum uo dilTerciit stvlrtof 'ehlelt-s. liarnenn, rtr Wo cmi hpII you a top bunny ai low ita tii.i totter ones 1r (a i and tin wards. Mouoy refunded If unta.1 re -renenit'tt attvarriyi aiKloxamlnatlou. Coupon must pisttlvflt. aucomuiUty tb'JiB. to obtain thia ipeolal price. " oni9t Ttilt Elegant Road VUgon $25.00 WITH COUPON No. sit Rom Wauok IB) Tried and True Novelties, (g) Fuchsia doufcie white Phenomenal (g) Blackberry, The Rnthbun. IgJ To2l"toJ-Y'c,i'" E"-'J' Lender, U tca, anniuto snows. f ,1 f ' Vw