1 Lebanon Express. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, ISB7. 1216 Yards ot the wall known Broad head dress goods, in ntw styles and color combi nations. These goods are the best medium priced goods in the market for durability. They are made of American material, by American capital and Amer ican labor fThe Feder Brush Shirt Protector S. E. Young, ALBANY, OR. Our Great Clubbing Offer. Expaua and Weekly Cincinnati En quirer 91 M " and Toledo Weekly Blide...... 1 26 " " N. Y. Weekly Tribun 1 26 " ' ff'kly National Recorder. 1 " " New York Tbrlce-a-Week World .ISO " and Weekly Oregonian 2 00 " ' " Leslie's Illuit'ted Weekly 2 75 " " Modes Monthly Magaiiiie 1 26 Millinery opening April 6th and 7th. W. . Guy and wife visited in Alba ny Tuesday. Hoi' Cake snap Is pure, and will not destrcy olothlng. W. H. Worrell visited relatives In Albany last rjunday, Grooerieo quality excellent prices low at Bach & Bulil'i. (Jut-lice Lovelte and wife visited rela. tivesatHalciu this week. . Hun. M. A. Miller was doing busl- oem in AHiany yesterday. Frank Alexander and family have jnoved Into the Bennett house. Phil. Ritter returned to-day from a itrip to the front of the U. 0. & E. B. oil), sre the initials uf Bach ft Buhl-but their grmwries are A. 1. Bom, Sunday, Maroli 28, In Albany, to the wife of Mr. Chaa. rjcntt, a aon. Dr. R. H. Curl and wife have been -visiting in Lebanon the past few days. You can make nice soft soap with fioap Foam, Directions on euob pack--age. Be sure and see the bargains In mandolins, far $3, at Will's music lure, Hi Cake soap wrapper are worth a cent aplws In valuable present, Have them. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, is the way they are selling at Bead, Peacock A Co's big sale. Pnf. J Whiiehorn.teaoher of physi cal training, organized a class In this city last Buturday. Hon. B. R. Bklpworth, of Eugene, visited over Monday night with his -parents in tills city. Miss Edna Allen, of Albany, spent irtundi.y and Monday In Lebanon, the of Miss LIUbit' Carothera. Are you looking for an engagement or wedd'ng ring? French the Jeweler, .Albany, has some handsome ones. One-half wool drees goods reduced to 10 nle., and bleached, all linen table cloth for 85 ota. a yard, at the Racket Store. 'J he bestdressed men In Linn county are those who buy their clothing from Bach A Buhl. Good suits for low prloes. Prof. O. L. Calavan and wife passed through Lebanon yeaterday on their way to Hndavllle, on a visit to Mrs. Calami's parents. High grade sewing machines forfc!6 at E. U. Will's music store, Albany. Betid for descriptive circulars. Old machine repaired. . Seventeen hundred feet of ewer pipe was reaelved at Oram's Paas last week, and Is Mug used to repair ditches and drains. Frank 8klpw .i th oame home laat Thursday for a few days' visit with his parents, But lias prolonged his stay on account of poor health, Pianos and orguus sold on closer margins than by any oilier music linos. Jn the slate, at E. U. Will's. Tall of write for prices Money to loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good furmsecur Ity. Call upon or write to 8, N. Steele A Co., Albany, Oregon. It will pay you to lake the entire family to town and get them a new .outfit while the big sale Is going on at Bead, Peacock & Ve Lebanon store. G. Byrou Mllloy and Miss Stella 'JBankin were married last Saturday, at. the borne ol the bride's mother, In Al auy, C. . Hawkins, J. f. 0fl)ulaiiu. Miss Myrtle Springer left Medford Sunday for Ijebanon, Oregon, her erst while place of residence, where she will remain permanently. Medford Mall. J. M. Settle returned home yester day from Wheatland, where be bad been to visit his nephew (a son of Silas Settle), who Is dangerously 111 with ty phoid fever. The Ladles Auxiliary of the M. . ohumb, South, will serve cake and coflee at the residence of Mrs. Klepper, Friday, April 9th, from 7;30 to 10 p. m. Everybody Invited. S.D.Titus, of Solo, will preach In the Baptist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Mr. Titus was converted during Rev. Llndsey's meetings at Sclo, in February. This will be bis first ser mon, . Ladles: You are cordially invited to attend Miss DuMond's spring open ing of millinery, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 6th and 7th. All the latest styles tor ladles, misses and ohildron. Dr. Jones, of Sodavllle, was in Leba non yesterday on his way to Salem, to attend the graduating exercises at the medical school In that city, bis son be ing one of tho number who will gradu ate this year. There will be public exercises at the public school building next Monday afternoon. Prof. Baker requested us to announce that the patrons and friends of the school are oordlally invited to attend these exercises. S.E. Young, of Albany, has united his sou P. A. Young with him in bis business of general merchandising and hereafter Unit business will be con I In ued under the firm name and style of S. E, Your g A Son. The front of Bach A Buhl's store now presents a very attractive appear ance. The at tractiveness is due to the fact that painter W. E. Harden has painted the s ore front this week and he did an exielleni job of woik. A good many Albany people have had the measles recently. The measles haye also been general In western aud southern Ore,;nii. In Ashland nearly everybody got spotted, including one old gentleman, seventy yars of age. Maron Correll and Jas. Cowan, of Wain county, Ky., arrived lu town this week, and are now visiting their old friend, W. J. Hcanland. Both of these geiitlemeu are out here for the purpose of locating Bomewbere In this valley, A new star mute bas been established from lbanou to Lacomb. The stage Will leave Lebanon dally, except Sun day, at 1 p. m., arriving at Lacomb by 4 p. m; leave Lacomb daily, except Sunday, at 9 a. m., arriving at Leba non by IS a. lu. No preachl ig at the M. E. church, South, next (Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. The pastor will preach at Spiceratlla iu.;at Crnltree church at 7:30 p. in Union services of young people's societies in church at 6.80 p. lu. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets move the bow els gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverjsb condition aud beauacbe, making it the best and nuiukest reuudy forOoi.ghe, Colts aud LaGrlppe. Cures lu one day. "No cure, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For sale by N. W Smith. The Suio roller mill uow has the largest stock of Sour on baud ever ac cumulated there. After having filled the liourliouse aud all of the available space In the mill, a track or truck way has been constructed from the mill to the warihouie, the lower story of which Is now being filled. A. B.NIckerson, who' has been work ing lu a planing mill at Ainslle, Wash., spent Tuesday night In Lebanon with his parents. Al was on his way lo Cottage Grove, having accepted the position of foreman of a planing mill at that place. He says his wife will move up to Cottage Grove ill a few weeks. Services as usual at the C. P. church Sunday morning and evening. The theme at 11 o'clock will be "(Sabbath Observance." Sunday school meets prompt ly al 14 o'clock. The Endeavor society will u lite with the other socie ties In a union service In the evening. All are Invited. J. A. Lonobottom, Pastor. George M. Bilyeu has during the pat month r six weeks lost about twenty head of cattle despite all that he could do to prevent their death. Mr. Bilyeu lias pl.'lily of feed aud his cattle are all In fair winter condition. He is of opinion tin t his losses are caused by a sort of dry murrain, which will be abated as soon as grass Is sufficiently ad vanned to furnish pasture. Sclo Pros,. Ji sale, the culy daughter of Mr. unci Mrs. J. C. Allen died last Saturday, al their homejuit si uth of the city, after several weeks' Illness with typhoid fever, together with brain trouble, Jessie was shout -ten years of ae. Rev. 0. G. Harmon conducted I he funi'iul services In the M. K church on Sunday af eruoon, afier whl.-h her remains were laid to rest in the Ma sonic ccineterv. The bereaved fauill.v have the sympathy of the eullre com Uiuuity, Last Tuesday Surveyor Flsber and Messrs. E. Keebler, E, E. Hammaok and P. Lewis, as viewers, surveyed and viewed the new road that will prob ably be opened from Main street to the Sweet Home rosd, near John Bland's. This road should by all means be opened. There are several families along the route completely shut In. W hope the county oourt will open the road. Ed Hatch arrived at Gates Sunday night from the mines wlib the news that L. E. Lebarre, an old miner, was drowned last Friday when crossing the north fork of the south Ssntiain at the Anidem mines. Being unable to control his boat while crossing he was carried Over the falls into 23 teet of water and was never seen afterwards. His body has not been recovered. The deceased was a resident of Portland and leaves a wife and two sons. Alba ny Democrat. A large crowd of the members aud friends of the Cumberland Presbyte rian church gathered at H. J. Boyd's residence Tuesday evening and marched to the C. P. parsonage, where they tendered a surprise and donation party to the new pastor, Bev. Long bottom, and family. There were be tween sixty and seventy persons lu the party, and the table was heavily loaded with their donations. Refresh ments were served during the evening. All present speut a most enjoyable evening. The flue residence of A. Becker in Albany caught fire at an early hour yesterday morning, and was burned to the ground, together with most of the contents. It is supposed the fire originated from a defective flue. The bouse Was Insured for (1500. The loss was about $2500. The alarm was sounded by Lair Thompson, who was returnig home from work in the Her ald office, but before the fire engines could reach the scene the house was in ashes. A piano and some furniture down stairs was saved. Enforcing the Memory. At one time East France is said to have bad a law "that the children should be taken to the limits of the district aud there soundly whipped, in order that they might forever remem ber the boundary line." So on Tues day evening the members of our church, together with quite a number of the members and fr lends of the other churches of the town, concluded tbey would cause us never to forget our moving into the town by coming ou us unawares and giving us a sound "pounding." We wish to say to you, friends, that we heartily appreciate your kindness to us, and we assure you we shall uot forget the thus of our coming into your midst. J. A. LoNOBOTTOM, A. V. LONG BOTTOM. Notice, Lebanon, Or., March 29, 1897. To the Editor: In your last issue my attention was oalled to a certain notice wherein some good people claim that some one Was trying to slander J. J. Sawyer. If this notice has reference to what I bave said about Hie above gentleman, I will say, for those good people's benefit, I bave written statements in my poses sion to bear me oat In what I said. To give justice to all concermd, please in vestigate a little before making any more assertions, J. L. Hansakd. "T and Test Social." The following program will heglveu at the "T aud Test Social" to morrow evening, at the residence of J. W. Meuziee: Quartette "We'll All Take T" Kecitatlon .' l'lie T Par.ty Solo Revolutionary T iteuitatioi Selec-ted Duct Cbari-ty Paper Originali-ty Solo belec-ted All are cordially invited to atteud. Refreshments, 16 cts. Laxative Bromo Quiuiue Tablets do not affect the head or produce nervous ness like the Sulphate of Quinine. Mr. N. W. Smith is authorized to re fund money in every case where it fails to cure Coughs, Colds aud LaGrlppe. Price, 25 oeuts. Hoe Cake scap contains no free al kali, and will uot buru the hands. Save your Hoe Cake soap wrappers, they are worth a cent apiece. Call aud see Miller's new stock. Use Hue Cake soap. We can afford to have you try all five flavors one . after another of Schillings Best tea, and get your money back if you don't like any. J Your tea -trade for the next ten years is worth having. Circuit Court, Circuit court, department No. 2, convened last Monday with Judge H H. Hewitt on the bench. The following cases were disposed of: P J Porter vs J C Elder; partition continued. Assignment of Albertlna Krlesel; oontinuea. Assignment of Oriental Tea Co; dis misses. Assignment of R N Thompson; con tinued. , W T Cochran vs John Cushman; foreclosure of mlge; continued for ser vice. , Assignment of FM Kilter; continued. Sol Holdea vs T W Tillman et al; foreclosure; settled and dismissed. Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co vs Geo A Hicks et al; foreclosure; Judgment for plaintiff. ChasGill vs Wiu Workman et al; foreclosure lien; settled and dismissed. W P Elmore et al, admr, vs A P Talent et al; foreclosure: judiiment bv default, Dundee Mtge Co vs Jas aud Mary Crabtree; foreclosure; judgment by de fault. J Gurney Fowler and W J Carson vs W G Morgan, admr; foreclosure; con tinued for service. D Simons vs Henry Stewart et al: settled and dismissed, Mary Joale Miller vs Eliza Brown et al; parti(lon;ooutiuued for service. Frances D Murnhv vs S Thomneon et al; foreclosure; settled and dismissed. Mrs Alice Richards vs H F Merrill: confirmation; confirmed; deed to be made in 4 months. John Conner vs Jas Hunter et al: confirmation; confirmed. J H Kerr vs D M Roberts et al. con firmation; confirmed; deed to be made In 4 months. D S Smith vs KasDer Vandran et al: confirmation; confirmed; deed to be made in 4 months. W J Vanscuyer A Co vs G M CofTev et al; confirmation; confirmed; deed to oe wane in montns. Annie G Spinney vs O P Card et al : confirmation; oonflrmep; deed to be made in 4 months. W E Curl vs M L Ramsey et al; con firmation; confirmed; deed to be made in 4 mouths German SAL 0 vs Portland Con struction Co; motion for sheriff to make deed; present sheriff ordered to make deed. Sachs Bros A Co vs R N Thompson et al; confirmation; coufirmed; deed to be made in 4 months. Board fieh Fund Com vs S E Youne et al; confirmation; confirmed; deed to oe oiaae in montns. Board Sch Fund Com vs Caroline Groff et al; confirmation; coufirmed; ueea to oe maae in monins. Wm Coy vs Philip Langtry et al; foreclosure; juugmeui oy ueiauit. CC Jackson vs Sarah J Moore et all to quiet title; continued. Margaret Mady vs C E Hawkins et al; foreclosure; judgment by default. J W Pugh W J Drinkard et al; non suit on motion ot plaintiff. a G Galloway vs E D Moyer et al; foreclosure; continued. C J Howe vs Mary D Howe; contin ued. W L Arnold vs C M Jarsted et al; present sheriff ordered to make deed. Bank of Brownsville vs R N Thomp son et al: sheriff ordered to make deed 4 montuu after confirmation. v H Swank et al vs J W Swank et al; sale confirmed. F Kraschnerchkie vs W H Roberts. sup road diet 4; writ of review; writ sustained; judgment of lower court set aside. G W Loltis vs Geo Westenhousen et al; rec money; tried and submitted. 1 hoe Heading vs John Powers et al; foreclosure; judgment by default. Assignment of E J Wilioughby; con tinued. WmLanevsE J Willoutrhbv: fore- closure; jiiagmennor piainiin. w f Jiimore et al. aamr, vs wm xi Pearl et al, foreclosure; judgment for planum as per stipulation, Henry Suesens vs Gussie Suesens: divorce; default, aud divorce granted. M M ana jn m uweti vs B w and U G Marks; foreclosure; default of 8 W Marks and cause consolidated with Howe vs Marks. Assignment of A M Hammer; non tin ued. O 4 C It R vs Linn county; decree of lower court annulled and set aside. N H Allen vs John Berry et al: pres ent sheriff ordered to make deed. J W Cusick vs A B Seal et al; pres ent snerin ordered to make deed. Assignment of Propst A Butler; final account allowed aud assignee dis charged. Assignment of G W Drinkard: final account approyed and assignee dis charged. Eohraiin Haner vs John P Donana et al; confirmation; continued. A sua is f rum vs A n rum; par. tltlon; continued. J W Morgan et al vs A C Morgan et al: partition; sale confirmed. Laura E McLaren vs Wm H Queen er et adjudgment by default. Mlasourla Tyoer et al vs Eveline I ycer; partition; decree or partition; W R Kirk, H H Kirk and N G Rice ap pointed to partition property. Sarah P iilakely vs Susau D Keeney et al; foreclosure; continued. W W Howes vs S W Marks et al; foreclosure; deoree on pleading. Nancy J Githeue vs Maud Wagnou et ai; continued When You Want Shirt Waists Do not forget I have the Latest Styles, with Detachable Col lars and Cuffs, at $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. Yours tor good goods and low prices, T. Wandell's Cash Store, First Door East of Ousick's Bank Albany,. - - Oregon. Read, Peacock & Co., LEBANON, OREGON. OTTD PDEATCAT EHas commenced. U U 1 1 OlLDWill only last a short ti Boots and Shoes, Jackets and Capes, Men's Gloves and Are the Items Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so that they may go at one in order to close these lines ,. . . . iiliii I Hill I ii 1 1 1 ttTTTtTtTTTtttTtI it Hiialiiiaailitl '"uniniiiiiiii Read, Peacock I Co, LEBANON, OREGON. ? Oliver ? Superior c V Chilled Stoves I Plows. I Ranges. ) These Plows are A 1. Superior in every way. C Hopkins Bros. .A-llmny, ; ; The place to buy clothing of good quality at the lowest possible prices is at the office of the . . . Waterloo Woolen Mills Waterloo, Oregon. Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book All who mi. lnterarfd in farthering- th. Hi. fio.Hr..Srvun-nKi6oflibould oorreipond 1U1U1DUIUUM7 ""A tn. publisher,. Thawork wiU oontni. . . . JIUCCOMTOf W WttUHI BiH. . IIS BIOCKIPET. vamuBiaisYot IISSOSTMrWTUt ncm OImHIGH 01 IBM. urnsw ortBi PMinnLsmiiTiuv. ACENTS WANTED Mr. Bryan on. tn Bonnoed bis intention of devoting one-belt of ell rorulties to furthering the canie of blmetelliem. There ere el ready inil ioationi of an enormous ealo. Address W. B. comfy COMPANY, Publistnrs 34MJI Uurlwa iL..CtltCAG0 Feed Sheds. I have erected in Albany (on Baker Btreet, between First and Second) new feed sheds. My prices are: Team, 10 cts.; single rig, 10 cts.; saddle horse, 5 cts. Horses kept nights at a rea sonable rate, also by the week or month. Peed always on hand. .This was built especially for farmers, but all are invited to patronize me (9 Ladies' toilet and waiting rooms In connection D, Bussard, Albany, Ol, HWHHHWM time. Hats and Pants, Groceries, . , , Furnishing Goods, we Include. miiiiiini ii rTTTTTTHTTTTI Oregon. Never before have prices and quality been made so satisfactory as at the pres ent time, and by this com pany. Give them a trial. CONCRETE and CEMENT WORK Of all kinds done at Lowest Prices. Cement Sidewalks and Curbing a specialty. All work guaranteed, by Lebanon Electric Light and Water Co., J. S. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr. LEBANON, OR. Good clothing at a low price at Bach & Buhl's. The finest lino of dress patterns In the city is to be found at the Backet store. (irove's Tasteless Chill Tonio is a perfect Malariul liver Tonlo and Blood purifier. Removes biliousness without purging. As pleasantas Lemon Byrup. Tt is as large as any dollar tonlo and retails for 50c. To get thb genuine asls for Grove's. For sale by N. W. Baiitli, Lebanou, Or.