The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 01, 1897, Image 2

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    T 4 I
Editor - and - Proprietor
A bill making immediately
available $250,000 fur saving life
. , ,. ,,. . . .
and property along the Mississippi
has been agreed t in congress in
an amended form and goes to the
president for his signature.
The Daily San Francis Ex
aminer stateis editorially that Port
land ie to have a new morning
paper with full telegraphic service
and that it will he called "The
Tribune." This would indicate
that probably the Examiner will
be interested in the venture.
W. J. Bryan has decided to give
one-half of the royalties from tin
sale of his b ink to the cause o
uiim tiiiiiKiii, .titii ii a - upp.Uiiit'U
a committee whose duty it will b
to properly expend the funds re
served for that purpose. The first
month's royalties amount to $16,-
000, and he has distributed one-
half among the committee as fol
lows: $4,500 to Mr. Jones; $1,500
to Warner; $1,500 to Allen and
$500 to Teller, and certified checks
far these amounts have been sent.
Air. nryan based his division on
the vote he received from the four
parties represented by the gentle
men named.
Representative Hood, of Barry
county, has introduced a bill in
the Missouri legislature at Jett'er
mi City which is destined to re
strict flirtation. It prohibits rail
road conductors, brnkemen and
other employees from "intruding
attention and conversation upon
female passengers on any. pretext
whatever." The penalty prescribed
is $25 for each oflense, one-half of
which is to go to the informer and
the other half to the county in
which the offence is committed,
Hood ie a Populist and a school
teacher. He is in dead earnest in
the matter and declares that the
habit which railroad conductors
and brakemen have of flirting
with lady passengers must be
topped. Cincinnati Enquirer.
The San Francisco Call has dis
covered that the Examiner buys
convict-made twine . from Ban
Quentin and proceeds to chastise
the Monarch for this supposed
thrust at labor. The difference be
tween Mr. Hearst and Mr. Spreck
els is that one helps to support the
government while the other draws
tie support from the government
through the eupar bounty. While
Mr. Hearst withholds five hundred
dollars a year from the San Fran
francisco twine factories, Mr.
Spreckels and bis associates levy
tribute on the sugar consumed by
every man, woman end child in
the United States. The people will
one day awake to the iniquity of
this wholesale plunder of the many
for the benefit of a few. Fresno
(Calif.) Irrigator.
People will have to be very care
ful how they mutilate coins here
arter. A law has just been passed
which provides thnt the passing of
mutilated or defaced coins or de
facement of coin for any purpose
shall he held to be a criminal of
fense, punishable by imprison
ment for a period of one to five
years and a fine of $100 to $2000.
Under this law the practice of pre
senting ladies with coins of gold or
silver, with the initials of donor
engraved thereon, to be worn as
badges, will be a criminal oflense.
The law also drives out of existence
a number of people who have
mde a livii.g by purchasing rauti
hted coins at a reduction from
their face value ami plugging up
the holes' so skillfuly that the
original mutilation could not be
discovered. Even this kind of
tampering with money will be re
garded as an offense under the
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size in feet and inches with you.
It cost you nothing tn have your car
pet sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Alluiny, Oregon. .
Wash your white piothintf with
Soap Foam, aud they will uever turn
Leoanon express.
ITVn Kldar DdHM
Of hit Sheridan-like dealings with
tradesmen an anecdote ie told. During
; scarcity of ice a neighbor of Damaa
1 ftt'tst to a dealer for anuie and u told
that the limited stock on hand waa kept
lor the nae of the lemons author. Than
the gentleman tent again and bade Ma
servant aak for the ioa in the name of
; M. Dumas. The plan aocceeded. To,
I Ice was given, and the servant pat down
tte namj m ..Ah.. olia
the tradeaman, "give me back that icet
How I know that von are not from H,
Damaa. He never pays ready money."
"My father," said M. Dumas flu),
"once told me that it he could portion
out a new lite he would be a handsome
woman till 80, a victorious general
from SO to 50 and a cardinal in his old
age." Damaa, aa he related this par
ental desire, glanced toward Rossini and
added: "I should prefer to close my lit
as an illustrious cum poser . Hon char
Rossini, when yon enter a room, the vary
lacquer pronounces your nam with
pride as he announces you."
Then turning to the company he con
tinned: "Announce, for instance, M. la
Duo d'Aumale and Bignor Rossini at the
aamo moment and see on which side all
heads and all hearts will incline first
All eyes would be on the great musician
who created 'II Barbii-re de Seviglia.' "
And then we all filled our glasses with
armagnao of the vintage of 1 HI 1 and
drank the health of Rossini. The old
composer did not rise, hut his face broke
out into voluminous smiles as he shook
the hand of the author of "La Dam
Anx Camellias. "Philadelphia Times.
Whanged Kverr Week.1
Wheat 67c.
Oats 40 to "0o
Hay $10 to $12 per ton.
Flour $1 151.25 per sack
Chop $1 20 per owt.
Bran 80c per owt.
Middlings $1 10 per owt
Potatoes 35c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, Sc.
Onions lju.
Beef Dressed, 4 to 6c.
Pork Dressed, 4.
Lard 9.
Hams 12 per lb.
Shoulders Sc.
Rides 8e per lb.
Geese $3 60 $5 per dot.
Ducks $3 $4 per doi.
Chickens $2 503 00.
Turkeys olO per lb.
Efjgs 8c ner dot.
B itter 16 20c per lb.
Hides Green, 3c; dry, 7c.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedied. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube gen inflamed yon have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this lube restored to its
normal condiiion, bearing will be destroy
ed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam
ed condition of the mucous sortaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. 8enri for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY 4 UO Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Admtniatrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed has been duly appointed, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon, and
u now, the duly appointed, qualified and
acting administrator of the estate of J. J
Kozelle, deceased. All parties having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned, at So-
itavillc. Linn county, Oregon, or to Bam'l
M. Garland, at Lebanon, Linn county, Ore
gon, with proper vouchers, within six
months from the 18th day of March, 1687,
the same being the date oi the first publica
tion of this notice.
Dated at Lebanon, Oregon, this 18th day
of March, 1897.
J. 8. SIaHOS,
Sah'l M. GiRLAnp, , Administrator.
Atty. for Administrator.
travel for n-tpotulMe etublfsheit hotin In
Oreiswi. Salary S7S0 aud expenses. Position per
manent. Reference. Unclose MlMriremetl
Mamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance
mug., inicsgo.
Hoe Cake soap, hest on earth.
Bargains in clothing at Waterloo.
Late styles, up to date, guitars; Sue
tone, forfMO, at E. U. Will's music
A good assortment of men's, youths'
and boys' clothing is now on sale at
the Woolen Mills office at Waterloo.
You can get great bargains.
The Waterloo Woolen Mills are in
the front rank selling men's, youths'
and Imys' clothing at exceedingly low
pri. Buy your clotliee there.
travel for reioontMIe erlaMMicd Immt In
Oreiron. Salary ;so and expeiuw. Position
permanent. Reference. Kneloi elf-ailrtrefed
(topped envelope, Ifte National, Star luuinuioe
lild., cbicagu.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
Rtnana Tahnlps-nno riw flfef;
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness!
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Kip ana Tabules: tor sxmr stomach.
ROM !! Precautions That SkaaM Be
Strict!; Observed.
Heretofore the majority of cyclists
have laid their wheels "on the ahelf an
soon aa the autumn, winds commenced
to blow, but from present indications
it 1b evident that it will be e common
eight tosee numbers of eyolistsof both
sexes taking a spin over Hie packed
now or ice throughout the winter. If
one hi
properly fortlllwl against the
winds be Unas that in, no season is
cycling so exhilamting as in aha win
tar. "Provided we adhere to the laws
of nature," said a prominent phyeioian
the other day, "I see no reason why the
riding season should end with she fall.
The winters of late have been very
open, with but little snow, and the
roads have beau euch as to allow of
wheeling nearly the entire winter. But
those who ride during the winter
mouths must exercise a bit of caution !
and be particular to dress in windproot
costumes, which will be properly venti
lated and at the same time be of suffi
cient warmth, The most important
thing to bear in mind is to keep in mo
tion while out of doors, and in no case
should a person stand still in the open
air after exercising- unless one kt sui
cidally bent
"A heavy chest protector, covering
the back as well as the cheat, is almost
indispensable, particularly on windy
days. A newspaper buttoned under
the vest will be fond very comfortable
it ia not heavy and will keep the wind
away from one's person, at the same
time retaining the natural heat of the
There have recently been manufac
tured several articles of apparel de
signed expressly for the cyclist1 com
fort during the winter months. A
western firm Is advertising garments
of a texture which is said to be wind
proof. They make up skirts, coats and
chest protectors.
Innumerable complaints of cold
hands were made by last winter's rid
era, and indeed this has been one of
the chief objections to winter riding.
The cold steel of the handle-bars and
the lack of circulation in tbe hands
caused manv a cold fimrer. A amtv.
tight-fitting wristlet worn with a trlove
that will reach well over the coat
sleeve, will remedy the evil. A sort of
mitten of heavy felt covered with leath
er has lately been devised. It is about
IS inches in length and reaches over
the coat sleeve well up to the elbow;
a hole is cut in the lower end, which
allows the mit to fit over the cork grip,
incasing the hand very warmly.
Hoods, ear mufflers, or such a head
covering aa that used by skaters, while
perhaps not particularly handsome,
will be quite comfortable, and if one
wishes to be fully equipped he can get. a
felt gaiter which will pull up over the
entire shoe. A loose-fitting shoe is
preferable, as it gives the freest ventila
tion. N. Y. Journal.
It Always Cornea aa a BnipUM so
People. .
"I think there is something radically
wrong- with inc, doctor," said a middle
aged woman to her physician, and she
began to describe her Bymptoma.
"Alas, madam," announced the man of
science, "I fear yours is a complaint
from which maiiy of ua auffcr, and
which is, unfortunately, incurable. It
is a case of Anno Domini a disease
which is always epidemic." '
Age comes to us all aa a surprise. It
seema odd when our feelings are as
young- us ever that our bodie8 are no
longer as supple; thntwecaonolorurer
sit down on the rug in our old favorite
attitude before the fire; that in going
upauuxa we musi uute it. slowly; that
without feeling appreciably different
in any way, or recognising any chunee.
the elasticity and spring has gone out
of our bodies. We say of our contem
porary: "bo-and-So haa grown
much older!" and of another:
How she haa changed!" But in
ourselves we see no such alteration,
We fail to recognize the ravages of
time. Our muscles are somewhat
.stirrer than of yore and our figures are
stouter, perhaps, nut we feel no par-
lcular difference. A slight caae of
Anno Domini, undoubtedly, but not
nearly as pronounced as with others of
our age.
It is always funny to hear unmarried
sistersof ripeage talk to each other; the
lapse of time means nothing to them
In their relations one to another; they
are still "girls" together, and outsiders
cannot foil to be amused at their un
consciousness of change.
"I wish Delia would marry," said a
sister of 70 in speaking of tbe youngest
oi roe H-io a trouoiesome maiden of
(10. "I am sure she would be much
happier." .
This said in all simplicity by the gen-
ue ana dignified lady, with noeense of
incongruity or of the way it might
truce ner auoiior. ft. x. Tribune.
Afraid of Revivals.
first nmaii uoy There comes the
preacher to our house, and I'm going to
icu unu none or me routs ain't home.
Second Smell Eoy Wliatfer?
' -uause every tiir-e he comes he
starts a revival of religion at our house.
and that sets pop to pray-in' a dozen
times a day.''
"His prayin' don't hurt you."
"Yes, tt does, too. He wears the knees
of his pants so thin that when they is
made over fer me they don't last a
week." N. Y. Weekly,
Milt Caramels.
Prepare vanilla, maple or choco
late caramels. Have ready in but
tered tina a number of Englhm
walnuts, hickory mils, almonds or
filberts; pour half the candy over the
nuts, then add more nuts, and poor the
balance of candy on them. Cut with o
thin, sharp knife when cold. Straw
berry caramels mpy be made in the
tumc manner, favoring and coloring
with strawberry extract, Ladles'
Home Journal,
Edited by the Lebanon W. 0. T. U.
urnoiAi ihhkctoky.
President Mrs. W. A Bandera
1st Vine Vm , . .Mrs. Kemmyer
and Vice Pres Wuw AhVeOntuhtill
8l Vice Pre Mrs. Mnashnlder
4th Vice Pre Mm. J. N. Uranriall
. Ifceortllng Heo'1'y....Mias Alii Ambler
Cor. Kec Mrs. Hnttle Walters
Treasurer Alias Lisa Booth
The W. C T. U. will hold Its regular
meeting Tuesday April 6, at 2 p. tn,, at
the home of Mrs. Bryant.
Bridget's curb.
There Ib a notorious character In
big city who hits been six hundred
times In jail as "drunk aud disorderly,"
just long enough each time to sober up,
before he conies nut to wallow again
In the mire.
After years of fruitless leglslatlou,
people are beginning to find out that
inebriety Is a dlaense and cannot lie
cured on the Hiiliiieiiian theory that
"like oures like;" but that tbe patlam
must be kept away from the bottle, or
the buttle kept away from him
The Irish woninn knew this who
said the day she was expiating her
husband hack from a six months' stay
In prison, "I would never have got
him looked up, only drink had got
into bliu Ilka a di-yll; and the priest
told me It was the best way, with the
help of Ood, to get it out of him!'.'
To make ready for the return of
"himself," the "top-baok," in the
Dublin alum tenement house. Bridget
washed her children's clothes in a tub
at the wludow, while the five clustered
naked near the fire-place, which at
least reminded them of warmth,
Wet or dry tbe five must get hack
Into them In order to run down tbe
long stairs and bring: their father up.
Bhe tidied herself, drawing down the
hall over a long sear on her forehead,
therefore biding a "sorrow's crown of
The five brought him up In triumph,
An embrace and "It waa not
I that did it, Bridget, but the drink!1
"I know that, Put, aud it was the
drink 1 wentaguinst."
"Understand all, Is pardon all," ac
cording to the French proverb.
The exorcism of the six months has
proved a permanent cure so far.
When Baby waa sick, w cave her castorla.
When she wasa Chad, she cried for Castorla,
WlienalutbecaiiieUlas, clung; to Oattoria, '
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed has been duly appointed, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon, and
is now, Uic duly appointed, qualllM and
acting administrator of tbe estate of Martha
E. Powers, deceased. All parties having
olaims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to the under
signed, at Sudaville, Linn county, Oregon,
or to Sam'l M. Garland , at Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
within six months from the 18th day of
March, 1807, the same being the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated at Lebanon, Or., this 18th day of
March, 1807.
A. P. FwiBt,
Sam'i, M. Gabuso, Administrator.
Atty. for Administrator.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
ll;:kcj li.'e misery to thousand) of
pwplo. It manifests Itself in manv
different ways, like goitre, sweUinga,
ruiiiiiii;; sores, boils, salt rheum and
pimples and other eruptions. Bcarc
ly a nun ii wholly tree from It, in
some form. It cliuga tenaciously nntil
the last vestige of scrofulous poison i
eradicated by Hood'i SarsapariUa, the
One Truo Blood Purifier. '
Thousands of voluntary twtteoniali
tell of suffering from Scrofula, o&n
iuli jritcd tail most tenacious, positive,
ly, perfectly uidpenaMenUycnwdbT
Sarsaparilla -
frsparstl mrtrCLHoodAOa lunM, Kaav
b sura to (t hoop's and only Honrs,
Hood's Pills tSfitSSZZTz
oopvRioH-ra ato.
.HS''f to "Kl description mar
Kilk',!c"rt'U.,Mre. "hrtkar an IriTentlon l
K I? . ' ei.'l'Msnojorseciirlnii patent!
SSlS, Mmtt
SvtfS OS 1tiutts stat tree. AcIUtms
Ml U4wr, Mow isek.
a SMi'rtttft
II T 7!
we; .t?-
moMMammm f-wn ,i J
; J
EUackwell's Genuine
eii'LL DURiMlsl
You wilt itnil on ) ooupou Inside teb const
UiS a bug, rwa be coupon end ho how to
The New York
IT GIVES all important news of the Nation.
IT GI VES all important news of the World.
IT GIVES the most reliable market roportB.
IT GIVES brilliant and instructive editorials.
IT GIVES fascinating short stories.
IT GIVES an unexcelled agricultural department.
IT GIVES scientific and mechanical information.
IT GIVES illustrated fashion articles.
IT GIVES humorous illustrations.
IT GIVES entertainmont to young and old.
IT GIVES satisfaction everywhere to everybody.
We toisli tbe "Eipress" and
One Year
OitNh In
Address all orders to
Write your name and address on a
rrlluine Office Iew York titty, and a suniiilc cony of t tit New Vmli
Weekly Tribune wlll.lic mulled toynti.
Tlios. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C.
Kouse, K iceivers,
ecping Car$
Dicing C;
epi'ng Cars
St. I'aul
Oranri Forks
Through tickets-p
Boston and all
Points Kast anil Bonth
For information, time cards,
nia and
tickets, call on ni wrIU
W. C. PETER30K, Agent,
A.D. CHARLTOS, As: t. Genl. Pass. Agt.
Portland, OreiiOn.
Overalls with aprons or without. 80c
a pair at the Raekut Store. Also have
Just received u lare amount of new
ealtso, Dout toll au saa ttism.
Chios a-o
Maw Yorh
. This,,.-:
' is the -very,
bu and two oouimiw Irwldi mah 4 ounot bc.
yai your ittre of in trnu.
Weekly Tribune
EVERY member of
EVERY family on
EVERY farm, in
EVERY village, In
FOR Education, .-u
lUK ioble Manhood,
FOR True Womanhood.
"New York Weekly Tribnnf
for $1.25,
( , Lebanon, Or..
pusliil card, send Ii to Geo. W. Besl-
Ii II O K K It.
Mimton IUcMilt, AlVp
nuiwyto wan on lnn f..i. iHo
small loans mailt on nk-
ial security.
n!LT"ly "".""""-a.! "rr.,,t. bu.iRht.
uurvtiuui matte - . i. i ,U.,M
Kite (neurone
Oil lTUIUlllcwi
written ill three of the
largest Qomp'
jnios in tlie world, at the low-
est rates
GALATrA, KM,, Not. 18, 18M.
Ftrll Hwllotoe Co., ttt. Loi U, Ma
(ietitlttnuiii: Wo told list mr, W0 bnuiM of
QtUfVB'H '1'AHTHIjKI'H UllhWxONlV, find hRY
tHJiight tltrno KtxrM ttlrBiidy Una yttur. In nil our u
Htrifffica of U ynun. In ttie drtiu bnlrteni, hnvi
DHfttr mM fin itrttf l thutg to or:h utU7et-'ais
ItutUin m jruux 'i'witic. Kgurt tmly,
For fiule t.y N. W. SiMITK,
Wantfifl-lr. Irloa Z
Who rin think
' ' tlliluiniblt
uViXM? ii!") Jn "'it J"" wealta.
WtlUi JflllN WKllUBllBUllN (al, lnlnt MM
;. Wash nalon, I), g f ,r tholr ll.W pruui UHM
auu list ut two aunanxl Itiraatluiw w.tutetl.
Ripans Tabules.
Ripans Tabules oure nausea. .
Mpaas Tsvtmlaa; k qpumsW,