The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 18, 1897, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Yards ol the well known
Droadhcad dross goods, in
mw styles ntid color combi
nation. These goods are
the best medium priced
goods in the market for
durability. They uro made
of American material, by
American capital and Amer
ican labor
IThe Fedor Brush Shirt
H. IS. Young:,
Mist Annie DuMond returned borne
yesterday from Porlluod. While III
ilmtelty Mta DuMond purchased a
new alock if rlii( inillinery.
The next regular meeting of Ihe W.
C. T. U. will he held at the home of
Mrs C. E Pngh, Mareh 23, at 2 p.m.
All ladlea liit.-reated are Invlied.
It will pay you in take the entire
family to town and ft them a new
outfit while the big sale is going on at
Read, Fcucoclt i, Co'a Lehanon store,
M. W. W.lkins, president of the
Lebanon and Waterloo railroad com
pany, pawed through Lebanon Mon
day on hi way home from Portland.
City Marshal Carroll in entitled to
much credit (or his efficient work In
keeping the principal cross-walks of
the city clewed of mud during the
wi liter.
Rev, J. A. Longbottnm and family
arrived In Lehanon this week, and
now reside in the Cumberland Presby
terian parsonage, Rev. Longbottom
having accepted a call from that
church for half hit time.
The school board hcs hired Prof.
McUliee, of Oakland, a Linn county
man, as principal, und Miss Lucy
Hay, of Riweburg, as assistant for the
spring term of public school here.
School will begin Maich 22ud.-Myrtle
Creek Beacon.
Laxative firomo Quinine Tablet" do
not affect the head or produce nervous
ness like the- Sulphate of Quinine.
Mr. N. W. Smith Is authorised to re
fund money in every case where it
fulls to cure Coughs, Colds and
LaOrippe. Price, 25 cents.
Mr. Hubert Chambers has bought
farm In Llutl county, near Lebanon,
and will move out there soon and rent
uracil bis place here. We will lose
one ol our law neighbors when be
wipes i fl thi Yaquina mud. Eddy
ville eor. Yaq Jilia News.
E. K. Muusev and Anna Blaeklaw
of the TeniiMJce neighborhood, J. &.
Swan, of Allany, and L. K. Brooks,
of Toledo, lien granled i.ate
diplomus. W. A Calder, f Browns
ville, and Lai ra Myers, of Scio, have
been gi-unli'd jtale certificate...
Mrs. Elvira 1). l'etlooa, of Portland,
slate preside'!! of Ihe Kebrkan a
si nibly, I. 0. 0. K, was in Lebanon
yeeternay ana inei wiui me iveueKtui
Our Great Clubbing Offer.
Kxi'KBms and Weekly Cincinnati En
quirer 41 80
" and Toledo Weekly Blmlo 1 26
" " N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 25
ii ,i W'kly National Iteeorcler. 1 26
" " Sow York Tbrice-a-Week
' Woild 1 W
- " and Weekly Oregoiiian .. 2 00
" Lesliu's lllust'ted Weekly 2 76
" " Mutlet Monthly Magaiine 1 26
Hoe Cake soap, nest mi earth.
J L. 0. T. M. mask social to-morrow
Hoe Cake soap Is pure, and will not
destny clothing.
We - re glad to report that Miss Rice
Is able to In- out again, ' .
U rn a-r ie qua illy excellent pr Ices
low it Bach 4 Huh IV.
Tomson's Soap Foam will uot
burn or roughen Ihe skin.
Thru. Kay paam-d through Lebanon
Saturday on his wuy to Hlt iu,
Up-To Dale corsets, 60 cIb., at T.
Wendell's Cash Store, Albany, Or.
B. A. H. are the Initials of Bach j,,,. n lliiM iiy In the aflcrniion, anil
llubl-but tlieir groeerles are A. 1. t lieu aent to Biownsville to meet with
Full-blooded Brown Leghorn chick-! flit, lodge theie In the evening,
There will be preacliing servleea at
the Cumberland Presbyterian church
next Sunday. Rev. 1. A. Longbottom,
the pastor, will preach both morning
and evening.
Patronise home Industry, by buying
ynur clothing from the Waterloo
Woolen Mills. It will he doubly to
ynur advantage it will keep the
money at Home, and wdl save you
money as the prices are ve -y low.
Liait Thursday J. V. Hyde, recorder
of the A. 0. U. W. lodge III this city,
i.aid Mrs. W. H. Heed 2o00, the
amount of the policy which Mr. Reed
held in that lodge. Mr. Reed had been
a member of the A.O.U. W.for six
teen years, and had paid Into that or
der the sura of f.KW, in return for
which his widow now receives $2000.
Dr, J. A. Lainberson bin applied for
the appointment as consul to Osaka,
Japan. The doctor has the endorse-
ment of foriy-three or oir nesi ana
most prominent citizens, regardless of
party. Dr. Lemuel-son would oe a
good man fur this position, and the
Exprrss hopes President McKlnley
will favor this section of the country
by the appoiutmelitof Dr. Lamberson.
Fit. KznockedCorbettOut in 14 Rounds.
Tli' re will I e a called meeting of the
W. C. T V. a, the M. E. parsonage to
iie.rron, ni 2 ti. 111. The object of the
meeting Is to iIIm-uw the expediency of
Inking charge of the circulating libra
ry. AH members, and any others In
terested In the maiter, are requested to
be present.
have! Willie Boot a receiver! nisnrsmroer
!of W. J Bryan's book, the "First
Battle," Monday. Those who have
received copies of the book are well
pleased with them, and Willie will no
j doubt aell mil ;iy more copies ill Leba
' lion and vicinity. The flrt shipment
ens to' sale. Inquire 11 1 this office.
You can make nice soft soap with
etoap Foam. Directions on each pack
age. Be sure and see the bargains In
mandolins, for til, at Will's musio
Hi" Cake soup wrapper- are worth a
Cent aoiece In valuable presents,
J. M. Wiley left Tuesday for Port
land, slaving business to attend to In
that eity.
Mrs. Fred Forlmlller, of Portland,
visltec relatives in un. coy u.,. , C(llllm,d ,.ok,
this week.
J. R. Smith left yesterday for Turner
andHaleiu He expects to return home
Cheup, Cheap, ('heap, is the way
itheynrc sei.'iog at Bead, Peacock &
i Vb big sale.
Miss Maggie ilurkhart returned
home Tuesday from u several weeks'
visit in Albany.
Mrs. R. B. Roberts, of Springfield, is
In the city visiting her daughter, Mrs.
F, A. Klckerson.
A. T. Orugett, deputy assessor
for tills part of the county, Is in the
rJLtU-mmUg property.
Misa Abide Fry commenced teach
ing the spring teim of school In the
Denny district last Monday.
Frank Alexander and family re
turned h e last Saturday from a visit
with relatives iu Lane county.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bryant, of
Tangeut, are In Ihe city visiting their
daughter, Mrs. C. O. Harmon.
Mr. Mrs. W. E. Chandler were
in Albanv a ooupl of days tills week,
vblting Mrs Chandler's parents.
Are you looking for an engagement
or weed ug ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
J. 0. Reed has some fiist-ehiss spring
wheat for sale. Those who wish spring
Wheal for seed will do well to see him.
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 els. and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 83 eta. a yard, at Ihe Racket
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
move the bowels gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverish condition
and headache, making It the best and
quickest remedy forCoi.ghs, Coil's and
LaOrippe. Cures In one day. "No
cure, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For
sale by N, W. Smith.
An athletic association has been
organized at !.be Albany college. At
a recent meeting of tile arsociaiion the
f. Uowltig officers were elected: Presi
dent, L. A. Wiley; vice-president, Joe
Slef'ibcrg; secretary, M. B. Mareellua.
Active Cork has begun and will con
tinue until f!"W 'lay-
The paper mill shut down Monday
night, caused by breakage of some of
1 11,0 i.nii.,iiierv. Ed. O'Neill lell on
Tuesday morning's train for Portland
to make arrangements for replacing
St. Patrick's day dawned beautifully
clear at Carson and at 7 o'clock the
sun was high over the p;aka of the
Sierre Nevadas.
By 10.30 a. ol. the great arena was
rapidly tilled up and the streets adja
cent were black with people. All the
notable sports of this continent were
gathered together to see the battle of
the century. John L. bullvm ap
peared resplendent ill a shining silk
tile. The noblest Roman of them all
was greeted alth tuniultuousclietring.
Fully 5IHKI ople were seated 111 the
great arena when the fighters entered
at 11:50. Filzsiinmons came In first and
the crowd cheered him lustily. He
was barehetded and wore a Japanese
hath robe, pompadour Jim came In
Itali a minute lau r. The vast multitude
greeted him with applause.
following .la a couueiiseu (ictscriputui
of Ihe tight:
First mund.-Called at 12:17. Fills
became aggressive. They exchanged
several blows, and clinched twice,
breaking without damage. Corbett
punched Fltiwiuiiions in ritis as gong
In second, third and fourth rounds
Corbett hit Fiti twice to one blow re
vived. In fourth round fighting was
declared lobe beautiful. Corbett was
doing much the cleverer fighting. In
fifth and sixth rounds Coroett rushed
Fits, getting the first blood, Fitz being
literally covered with blood, but fight
ing like a demon, Corlielt slaughtered
him wiili uppercuis, hitting him In
the face.
In 7th round Corbett forced fighting,
but Fiiz fought like a lion: at end of
round Filz looked like a stuck bullock.
In Sih round Fitz forced fighting at
beginning, but had worst at end.
In (till round Fill landed below belt.
In this round he lauded more often
than Corbett.
Iu Kilh round Filz showed up much
cooler and stronger than Corliett, but
IkiiIi fought Inird, Corbett cautiously,
llth round, Fitz had much the
lielter, crowding Corbett to his comer
as gong sounded.
12th round fill rushed cornet! rrotn
tile Hart, but got the worst of h. This
was Corbett's tound.
Iu 13i b round honors were about
even, hoi li fighting terrilicnily.
In 14th round Cornell was knocked
out, as follows: ' F'itz laured terrible
left hand jab on Corbet t a stomach,
and Corbett went to knees tflth fright
ful look of agony on his face. Seconds
tailed by time keeper, including 10,
but CorU'tt comes to feet, and rushes
to Fitz trying 10 strike him. Terrible
uproar. Kouiki laslea I minute v
seconds. Siller gave decision in favor
of Fitz. The knockout blow landed
over Corbett's heart alid he collapsed,
after one of tlie greatest fights In history.
Corporal Punishment in Albany Schools,
(From Albany Herald, Mar, 17.)
An aggravated case of corporal pun
ishment has occurred iu the Central
school, of this city, which la likely to
result in the arrest of the teacher who
did the whipping, Misa Harden, who
Is in charge of the sixth grade.
ThedcUilsraa learned from the di
rectors, are as follows: On Monday
one of the pupils. Miss Neva Tralnor,
aged nearly 15, was seen with a note
In her hand. The teacher, Miss Bar
den, requested the girl to bring the
note to her, which she started to do,
but on the way to the teacher's desk
crumpled It up In her hand, When
told not to do so, she tore the note In
two. The pupil was then sent to her
seat, and the teacher asked her why
she disobeyed her and tore the note.
"Because I wanted to," was the reply.
Thereupon the teacher slapped the girl
several times. She then struck her
with a ruler across the shoulders, and
atterwards whipped her severely with
a rattan. The girl was then sent into
another room, and was there whipped
again by Miss Bardeu. The whipping
must have been unusually severe, as
when In the evening a physician was
called, her shoulders were fouud to be
black and blue from the blows, some
of which bad started' the blood. Dr.
Ellis, the physician in attendance,
stated last evening that the girl could
hardly raise her hand to her head, and
was confined to her bed. She was ill
at the time of the whipping, Dr. Ellis
having prescribed for her and recom
mended that she remain out of school
for a day or two.
Tbe board of directors were notified
of the affair. They adopted a resolu
tion reprimanding the teacher for her
action, which was a violation of the
rules of the school and the directions
of the principal. The parents of tbe
girl bave applied to tbe district at
torney for a complaint for tbe arrest of
the teacher, but as yet no legal action
has been laden.
The occurrence is to be regretted,
and Ihe teacher no doubt realizes her
mistake. Heretofore her teaching has
been entirely satisfactory. While cor
poral punishment in schools, which
too oft, 11 results in severe beating of
children, should have 110 place in the
civilization of to-day, and should be
prohibited, it is doubtful If prosecution
at law would help matters in this case.
Teachers who expect to conduct their
school-rooms successfully must learn
to maintain order and discipline with
out the whipping post, and the quicker
teachers accept tbe idea that parents
wid not tolerate the beating of tbeir
children, that it is a practice belonging
to tbe dark ages, the better for our
schools. The extreme resort of suspen
sion or expulsion Irani school is prefer
able to such exhibitions as this.
Read, Peacock S Co.,
Ll llllllllllltllll 111
OUR GREAT SALE only last a short time
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Pants,
Jackets and Capes, Groceries, . , .
Men's Gloves and Furnishing Goods,
Are the Items we Include.
Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We
have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so
that they may go at once in order to close
these lines... t .-
U iiii liiliiiti Hi U
Read, Peacock 1 Co.,
? Oliver I ? Superior c
( Chilled StAJDes 7
( Plows. I Ranges.
) These Plows are A 1. I Superior in every way.
Hopkins Bros.
Albany, ; ; ! ! Oregon.
Again Starching the River.
The Willamette river is igaln twin
rirajrged Mow Orvallis in the lmic of
tlndiu: either or both of the bodies
siiiiosed o he lying somewhere along
its bottom, j lie searcn ior jaiiii
KkIIii, iiipiwfd to bave gone Into the
The Next State Fair.
President Looney, of the Oregon
state board of agriculture, from Jeffer
son, was 'in Saleui last Friday to conlei
with the governor relative to the con
dition of the funds for the next state
fair, and, incidentally, meet with
Secretary Gabrielson ami tbe local
members of the board.
On being interrogated concerning
tlit prospects lor a fall exhibition, he
said ill part: "The law creating tbe
board makes provision for all annual
appropriation of $.5000 to be used In
the payment of premiums awarded by
Ihe state board of agriculture; we ex
pect to proceed Immediately in the
matter of negotiating for the advuuee-
iiieut ol the necessary money and
meeting ol the board will be held about
the last of the month to prepare the
premium list and arrange such other
pri limary business as Is necessary Iu
holding such a fair. We will make the
next, fair the lineal and largest one ever
seen In this state."
The place to buy clothing
of good quality at the
lowest possible prices is at
the office of the . . . .
tlie broken parts, and the mill will j river January jind, was recently ma
intain start up as soou as the needed continued on account of a rise In the
repairs have been uiaae.
There will i ot In) any preaching at
llieM. K Chircb, Koulh, next Hun
day, Sunday school and Epworth
League at uual hours. Prayer-meeting
on Thursday evening. - The pastor
will preach all'rahtree chapel at 11 a
m.. flpicer clarch at 8:3(1 p. m., and at
Tennessee school house at 7:30 p. ill.
('ha. Whitney had the misfortune
In receive quite u n. vere wound yesier
day while riding home from Albany.
ihe' wound lieluir caused by his
state of Ihe water. Wednesday after
noon it was rnewed, when Art Henkle
and Louis Zeit charu-red a boat and
beyHii a new reason of seeking. Tile
renewal Is din-to the arrival iu Cor
vallii of Mrs. Dueller, of Millwaukee,
h sisior of rim-leu Snyder, the bout
hand who fell from the Kleauier Gypsy
inio ihe river along the C'orvallis front
und was drowned iu the gray dawn of
Ihe morning of February Will last.
Mrs. Dweller came to Corviillls to insti
lute a search for her brother's body,
und ihe heginiduir of a new hunt by
Henkle and ' is tor the bodies of Kg
lin and Snvdir Is llie result of an ar-
Imr'xf ruiiKeniHiit of the Kitliii family. The
HeUICII Will oe UOIIIioueo io, at a
bucking with him. He came to Ibis L,,,, f ww,t-, Heimle and Miller
city and I)r. Lamlierson and Bnoili., ,uih rlnwn In a small boat to Albany
dressed Ihe wound. Mr. Whitney was ' vvsierday, and to day will proceed in
1 he bo. dressed men Iu Linn county ,,,,. , , , ,,, across the river, ( J v 1 1 1 iTi'.' tir va 1 1 i'sT'
are those who nuy iiieir rw k
from Bach & Buhl. Good suils Ur
low prices,
On recount of his brother's Illness,
Ad Hartrton will not ailend Ihe
Corbell-Hltslnin s melee. Rose-
burg I'hdndealer..
Hljili grade sewing machines for $Ju
at U. U. Will's music emre; Albany
Prof. W. W. Alllmrhani left last
Friday for Ills home iieart'oliurg, being
compelled lo .ive up his school for a
few days on account of illness. He
will reltirn and resume his achool
work as soon ns his health will penult.
Miwi Fannie Huulies Is teaching 111
Prof. Allingliioi's place dur'ng his
reluming on the Kuth
L. O. T. M. Mask Social.
Hend for descriptive circulars. Old i absence,
machines repaired. - Poslnia-ter-'-b-iierul Gary has made
Mis. J. I'. Allen has in iirly recovered , ,. ,1. t) i ii U- loitiouncenieiit that the
from laic Illness, nut her daughter ; u.imliil.tratio'i has decided to adhere
Je-sle la still very III, with but slijhl j in the four ye ir tenure-of olllce policy
hones for her recovery. i for nil ismlniiislera, except in a few
Pianos and organ sold lo,,-r cases where leii.ovnl for cause Is re-
by am "i her uni-on iinreii on aeeouoi ,,
E U. Will's. ; uo npeleiiey or unsiitislactory conduct
margins than
house in the slate, at
M. A. Miller has a full and complete
line of cough syrups.
The latest In corsets, 50 cts., at T.
Waudeli's Cash Store, Albany Or.
Hue Cake scap contains no free al
kali, and will uot bum the hands.
A giuai assortment of men's, youths'
and boys' clothing is uow oil sale ut
tlie Woolen Mills ofllce at Waterlca).
You can get great bargains.
The Waterloo Woolen Mills are in
the front rank selling men's, youl lis1
und boys' clothing at exceedingly low
pi'ieee. Buy your clothes there;
A mask social will be given by the
Ladv Maccabees, at the Hand hall,
to ni'orrow. Everybody who wishes
to have fun should attend, as there
will he plenty of It. Each lady is re
quested to bring a box, with lunch for
two, and invite some gentleman to
take lunch with her. The gentlemen
"will tnvlle tlie ladies for I he, grand
march. There will be a lunch table
where eoflee, cocoa and ice cream may
be obtained.
Admission, cciitlemeu masked or not
masked, Ii5 o-'i.; ladles m-isked, free;
not masked, It cts.; children under lii,
1(1 cts. Kenieuber the din? and place.
K It li:.!,.!! masker is reouested to
write his, or her, name oi a slip of j packages.
"It is a startling fact that, almost
without exception, tlie adulterated
teas are daneerous to health. Some
of them are actually poisonous."
N. V. Herald.
TTT i 1
moo wooien 11
Waterloo, Oregon.
Tin-' n
Never before have prices
and quality been made so
satisfactory as at the pres
ent time, and by this com
pany. Give them a trial.
Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book
Ulrlioara intaraited In furthering th. Ml.
at fill.. IT. J. lirvan't tino bvak lunula oouelpond
uuwmiiuuiiy hi. a .u
publUhura. Ihsworll
will contain ...
eiMniGH term.
bis most rapoaiUT
ClSrilGH OF lilt,
Mr. Brjun h.. .n
Boaiiwtd his Intnntlon at devoting one-hall of all
royulliee to furllibrlue th. cairn of bimetallism.
There are already indications of en onormoouaala,
address W. R. OMI V COMPANY, Publittwra
341-331 UMflMir. S.U..IHIOIUI
Feed Sheds.
Yes; some not all. But
that isn't the point. You
drink tea because you like
it not because it is good
for you.
The wholesome tea is
also the best-tasting: Schil
ling's BestaX grocers' in
I have erected in Albany (on
Baker street, bet" een First and
Second) new feed sheds. My
prices are: Team, 10 cts.; single
rig, 10 cts.; saddle horse, 5 cts.
Horses kept nights at a rea
sonable rate, also by the week
or month. Feed always on
hand. This was built especially
for fanners, but all are invited
to patronize me
IiiirLatilea' toilet ami waiting
rooms iu coiineetioji
Of all kinds done at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work guaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co.,
J. S. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr.
D. Bussard, AlUny.Or.
Good clothing at a low price at
Bach & Buhl's,
The finest line of dress patterns In
the city i8 to Lie found at the Racket
Wnah your white clothitiK with
Soap Foam, and they will never turn
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size in feet and Inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your ear
pels sewed by hand by the Albany
Vurultur Ooq Altwuy, Ocaeoo.
Call or writ fair prion.
1 or aduiiulsltadoju uf oiUoe,
" i.u'.vr " ' aun