The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 18, 1897, Image 1

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    LEBANON, OREGON, MARCH 18, 1897.
NO. 3.
im s eir r. - 1
ill' Mill 111 MlVMlM. II 00 Wf Jt. .
mroiih.. ..................... .. .." - ;
r-iree month ......... ........
4' mlemmlev ... '
'''" .V,''",r",'r- Senator
Jiilm rl. Mltnhelt.l
RlnciT Hermann coiitnniiiaii
William P. Lord Governor
H. K. Kbicald Seereuiry of Stale
Phil Melaohati Treasurer
i. M. Irwlii, Snpt. Public Instruction
H. W 'Lewis', Owe Printer
!t. 8 Bean, i
V. A. M.iore, ! ........StipreineJude;e8.
C. K. Woolverton.)
Indue,. . .......i ..... 0. t. Banon
Recorder,.,.,. .'. ...I. F. Ilunlman
Clerk, '. C B. Montague
Sherif.,.. M. '. 'iuinCB
fr-limi Huiiemitetideiit, Hichtno d Wheeler
.Tiwwwwr .- P.O- W"'"'
,: " A.fllMrd
. Surveyor a, T. r. nlmr
'o'r..'er .-' F. WrinW
" ' ' i 1. M. Waters
O-l tillUKHi'MHTtt, J J), ur
A "mi:.
: ;( HSI.KI!. ....
, .....I,. FOLEY
.. (1. W. KIi'K
, ,.,.J.F. HYDE
.. .
, J. (). IIOYLE,
M. t). l.tlNO.
s . " .N. it. IlbAMAS.
City ("WW1 """" " "d ,tird
Tuesday e"c"lf of each mouth.
Seoret aoletles.
linn van. K. 0 T. H.- A
u n.n Thiirwliiv evenlnE of each week,
rranaieul Hit KmKhw are cordially iuvlled U)
vlali the runt meeting.
dm. W. K
.KINIIR IftllUT.. No. an. A. 0. C. W.-MceU
every Monday svenliii lit 0. A. R. IIU.
A. CaraatT, M. W.
J.F. Ik Rec.
.rtHANON LOlrtlK. NO. 47. 1.0. 0. F-Sleiit
vnrySmimlay evcutiigal 0(W Fellow. HaU. lit
o'eloci l. m.
A. A. KEHH, Socl'y.
J. a. BOYLE, K. 0.
aeotaa'.I. 0.0. f Hall Una and third Wedtien-
lar evening" of each mouth.
HATTIE A.CEllsON.lleot'y.
i rtiANiiv LOfMIKNo. M A. F. 4 A. M. Meow.
aiitimlar uveniiiK. nn or tinlore the hdl moiiii In
...h tnimtll, at JJanonlc HaU. Cor Main and
Oraut t. wilonrnlnlt ba'thom wniUlly Invited
tt attend.
E. K. HAtx. M
F. V. IlK'KnK, ec.
JOHS K. MILLER W. R. 0. No. 15,
meet lt and 3rd f ridnya of each niont'i at
3:80 i. m. Mrs. JlATitBf Btisoii.
AIbs. Auc A. Hvnt, P
WKinooCAMI'. No. U, DlvWon of Ore.
UEN'L. , Veteruanf Meet l0. A. R. HaU,
ron. Hons o. wijlnK. except tlie third
tMnrr oatumay cetlne the third Frl
ilatnrday of each mo. Sw, f ,h(, Hm of Vet-
lay liwlead. All biou . i k. re cordially
9rans ann comrnoeroi me k..
Invited to meet with the Camp. 4uk, &et.
A. Do
. 0. BirHi.FlnitSegt.
BINA M. WENT HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T. M.-
MeelKO i thc'Jd. 4th and Mh Friday evening of
each month at 1S P. . at 0. A. K. Hall. Trail
aiont Ltdy Macitnheeft are cordlutly Invited to
IUM.DAH a, MtixeR, Lady Com.
Dol.UK Bai.tma.imii, Lady R. K.
Attorney at Law,
Will prncllw In all the
Court of 111 State. . ,
SamX M. Garland.
Weatterford 4 1 yatt,
Tlie Champion Mills,
General Exchancre
and Mill Business.
Flour ii ml All KIikIm ol
Mill el For Sale
at tlio
Lowest Prices.
We aw prepared at all
to pay Albany prices lor
wheat to those who store with
us. i;an ana got sacKs ana
learn further particulars.
Very Truly,
G. W. Aldkicii & Son.
Hint Shaves, Hair Cutoi ShauiiKio.
J. R. Ewing's
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies fl.ur Dressing a Specialty
East and South
' OF THE r
Southern Pacific Co.
Expresu trains leave Portland daily :
T:fiOfri.Ti.vTorllaVld Ar. I 8:10a
12:10 a.m. Lv,..AIlmny.. ..Ar.
4:50 a
11:40 AM
Ar.San Francisco Lv
7 :W r. H
The above iral'.a lp at Eaal Port
land, Orciron City, wraidiiurn,
Salem, Turner, Mario", Jt-flireon,
Alhaiiv. Tuiiirenl. Sliedil, Halwy
Hairialiurit. Jtmcliou t'ily, Ku
(telle, Creewell Collair Grove, Drailm
and all vtationn from lioaeliurgaoull) to
and iueludliig Asulanu.
Kosetmrft mail daily j
THllO aTT. I Lv...Porllaiid ...Ar.
4:40 p. a
W:26p. a. Lv.
b-:JU p. a. I bf.
.Kuaeb'urn.. Lv.
1:15 p.
K :00A. a-
liussentier iraiiin dally (except
Lv..,Alliany Ar,
j AiJ''ttiioii....Lv,
t,,.AIUiny Ar.
I . .Libation ...Lv.
I Al... "
8:16 A.M.
fi:45 P. a.
P:06 P. a.
8:10 A. h.
4:00 p. a.
4:40 P. a.
ifden Route.
Dining Carson i.
Pullman Bufp st Sleepek
Second-Class Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
Went Hide OlvlBlon.
Brtwken 1'ohtland asd Cobvaijjs.
Maij train daily (except Sunday);
7:30 A.a. riX.rPortliid.A. I 6:20 A. K.
12:10 p. x. Ar...l'orvalli. .Lv, 1:36 p. a.
At Allianv and Corvallis conneot with
trains of O. C. & E. railroad.
Exprest train daily (except Sunday):
4:46 p. a.
7:26 p.m.
Lv... Portland ...Ar.
8:25 a. ,
6:60 a. a.
ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest
rates from F. U. Hlckok, auent, Lebanon.
R. KOEHLEH, Manager.
K. P. ROGERS, Asst. O. F. & Pass. Agt.
Wanted- An Idea I
Who can think
ef uiue nlinple
thing to patent?
o.,....t IAii.. Hie tnn. lirlnu V..U wealth.
7riU' .l6HM WHjPKKBL'UN A CO., Patent AUor
walbl W WtamU.4 favtulou waBUd.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West
A. L. Strove expects to put In on
electric light plant In Stayton soon.
Six hundred head of cattle were
shipped from Ontario lust wek, Ly
Mr. Yeast, a Mull.eur county stockman.
The bill to appropriate $10,000 to
represent Nevada at the Nebraska ex
position was killed in the legislature.
The proposed ordinance prohibiting
the selling "! pools on horse races at
Ban Joxe, Calif., was defeated in the
Growers around Hervals are setting
hop poles and purchasing twine. The
prices for supplies are higher this year
than last season.
John VYallace brought a load of bay
into La Grande last week, with four
liorseB. The liny weighed 2200 pounds,
and the wagon and mud 2660 pounds.
The little son of Mrs. Wade, of New-
berg, disappeared about the time a
liHini of gypsies left, that town, and
nothing hue since peep seen of the
A would-! burglar, while attempt
ing to break Into J. W. Wilhrow's
saloon, in Eugene, hst Thursday
night, Wi.s frigluened away by Night
watchman Croiier.
The new finh wheel being put in by
Charles Stone a few tulles below The
Dalles, when completed, will be the
largest wheel on the river. It is 12
feet wide and 60 feet deep.
Pasadena, Calif., is getting much
satisfaction out of the news that a car
of Dratiges was recently shipped from
that place to Jacksonville, Florida,
where it was sold at good prices.
Mayor Taylor, of Astoria, has signed
the ordinance making it a misde
meanor to expectorate on sidewalks,
floors ef public buildings, or on street
cars. The penalty IB nne or from tz
to $10.
The Bandon Herald says that a
whale forty feel In length came ashore
on the beacb at Sand Beach last week.
The residents of that vicinity tried out
500 gallons of oil and secured a lot of
San Francisco business and working- j
men are clamoring for work to com
mence on tlie poslofflee Wuildlng to be
built there, and have sent resolutions
to tlie secretary of the treasury request
ing Imuiediste action.
A. Thornburg, of Greenville, Wash
ington county, had $210 in a canvas
shot sack the other day, out of which
he paid a K."ull bill, returning the
sack to bis pocket as be Fuppnaed, but
it must have missed the pocket and
slipped between his overalls and panta
loons, for when he went to bis room at
the hotel his money was gone. His
diligent search since has not been re
warded. During the fore part of last week
Pendleton was ovirrun with hobos.
No fewer than 16 were lodged in the
city jail Wednesday on the charge of
vagrancy. Most of these were freed
Thursday on the condition that they
leave the city that day. City Marshal
Vau OrBdall dogged their movements
during daylight, and Nightwatcbman
Rusaell saw that a number of them got
out on the evening train.
Geo. R. McKenzie, the expert ac
countant appointed by Judge Fuller
ton, to go through the books of Lincoln
county, is how busily engaged at his
task. He says that his instructions
from the eourt are to go through the
books and amounts of (he sheriff,
C'erk and treasurer, checking up the
same, tnct find out how much money
has been received by these officers, and
-hat disposition baa been made of it.
' -yegr-o!d son of Mr. Herman,
A fiVv on the Clonlnger place
who uvea
Hillsboro, received an
northwest of
it week, The lad
unusual wound la.
'.a wood whleh
hadan armfullof kitidli. ae. Thus
he was carrying Into the ho ' nM o(
burdened he tripped and fell on , ,
the stlcka which struck under thechi.
and penetrated behind the jawbone as
far as the root or his tongue. A doctor
dressed the wound and at latest advice
the boy was doing well.
On Wagner creek, In Jackson coun
ty, a dog,1he favorite pet of a family,
got into a fight with a panther the
other day, and the outlook was not
bright for the dog. Mrs. J. P. Cotton,
Mrs A. B. Kerby and Mrs. Kerby'e
12-year-old sou sided with the dog, and
with stones and clubs, joined in the
fight, and suoceeded in killing the
panther and saving the family pet's
life. The panther measured 7J feet in
leuirth, and was not more than 100
yards from the bouse when the dog
I lint attaeked it,
' A Mail Carrier's Experience,
(From Albany Herald, Mar. 12.)
The snowstorm, which has contin
ued in litful gusts over Oregon for the
past few days, amounted to a heavy
snowfall in the mountains, piling up
drifts to enormous depths. .
Gerald Heath, who carries the mail
and runs a pack train from Gates to
the Lawler mines at Quarlzvllle, had
an experience in the storm which he
would not care to repeat. On Monday
he left Quartzvllle for Gates with a
pack train of seven horses used In tak
ing supplies to the mines. He also
had the mall from Anidem which Is
the name of the poetofllce at Quartz
vllle. But little snow comparatively
bad (alien at the mines, but when he
reached the summit he found that a
furious suowstorm bad been raging
and the trail was almost impassable.
To turn back, however, was almost as
dangerous as to proceed. So he con
tinued forward. He managed to reach
the half way cabin and spent the
night there. The next day the storm
continued with unabated vigor, and
the trail was burled in places under
15 to 20 feet of snow. He found, it
would be impossible to take bis pack
horses further, and after much hard
work he succeeded in getting them to
a sheltered place in a ravine, where
they, could live. He then made a pair
of snowshoes and started for Gates.
In the meantime the people at that
place had, become ajarmed tor his
safety and two parties had started on
snowshoes to search for him. Yester
day morning they met him on the
trail, and returned with him to Gates.
He was nearly exhausted, having
spent three nights in the storm In the
mountains with scant provisions. The
mail carrier is a man of remarkable
nerve and endurance, who has bad a
lite-long experience in the mountains
in all sorts of weather, and Is familiar
with the use of snowshoes, otherwise
be would certainly have perished, as
several others have done in a blinding
suowstorm in that lonely mountain
As soon as the storm abates the
bones will be brought out.
The Santiam Mines,
There is every indication of greater
activity than evei In the Santisra mm
inir district when spring opens. The
Alliany Mining and Milling Co., com
posed of business men of this city who
have expended some $30,000 or $40,000
in developing their properties. In the
Quar'.zville district, have consummated
a deal with W. F. Robertson and
others, of Portland, whereby they have
contracted, leased and bonded to the
Portland company, their mines in
eluding seven claims, a ten stamp
quartz mill, saw mill, engine and min
ittg machinery complete and ready for
work. The sum of $1000 was paid on
the contract yesterday. The Portland
company has, by the terms of the con
tract, one year in which to complete
tlie purchase. They also agree to pay
the Albany company $1 per ton fur all
ore worked. The total price to be paid
for tbe mlues bas not been divulged
A force of men will be put to work at
once placing tho machinery, which
has been Idle for a year or more, in
readiness for operatiou, and about
April 1st It is announced active work
will be resumed In these mines. At
baiiy Herald.
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that, by an order
made on tho 26tli day of February, 1897, by
tbe county judge of Linn county, Oregon,
in the estate of Eliza J. Duckett, deceased,
the undersigned was duly appointed, and is
now the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing administrator of tbe estate aforesaid. Alt
parties having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same,
with tlie proper vouchers, and properly
sworn to, within six months from tbe date
of thjs notice, tlie 4th day of March, 1897,
the same being the date of the first publica
tion hereof, to the undersigned at the office
of Sam'l M. Garland, in Lebanon, Linn
county ,' Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of March, 1897.
(i. Lovblib,
Hab'l M. Garland, Administrator.
Atty. for Admr.
Children f'y 'or
Pitcher's 3astoria.
Send the Expkkss to yonr friends in
the East for the next four months;
Seventeen hundred feet of sewer
pipe was received at Grant's pass last
week, aud is beiug used to repair
ditches and drains
Children Cry for
Pltohr' CMtorla.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Absolutely pure
A Counterfeiter Caught. ,
On Monday, February 15th, Harold
Marqulsee, of Utlca, N. Y., wus arrest
ed In Syracuse, N. Y., on a warrant
sworn out by tlie Dr. Williams' Medi
cine Co., charging him with forgery.
On the 15th, of pecember Marqulsee
visited a photo-engraver in Syracuse,
saying he was the representative of tlie
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,fand ar
ranged for the making of a full set of
plates for the direction sheets, labels,
etc., of the famous Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Palu People. News of this
reached the home office, and no time
was lost in arranging for bis arrest
when he should return for tbe plates.
He returned on the 15th, and was ac
cordingly arrested aud placed in jail In
Syracuse to await examination.
This arrest proved to be an impor
tant one. In addition to various plun
der, such as medical books, typewriters,
rugs, etc., found in Marquisee's trunk
when arrested, the police also found
counterfeit coin both in tlie trunk and
on hia person; and in a sonrch of bis
apartments at Utica found a complete
outfit for counterfeiting, consisting of
crucibles, bellows, nickel, lead, bis
muth, antimony, a small blacksmith
forge, a charcoal furnace, and several
piaster-of-paris molds. The United
States marshals want him just as soon
as the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. are
through with bim, and, no doubt, he
will be sentenced for a long period.
In selecting Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
for bis counterfeiting operations, be
showed his knowledge of the proprie
tory medicine business; for these pills
are In such great demand that they
are easily sold at any drug store in the
United States. His Bcneme was to
work the country druggists and Bell
his imitatious at a discount of from
3 per xul to 5 per cent, explaining the
reduced price by the fact that he had
picked them up in small lots aud at a
discount from dealers who were over
stocked. By working fast and making
long jumps, he would have secured
many hundreds of dollars in a short
time. The proprietors of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are most fortunate to have
caught tbe rogue, before he had fairly
started, aud to have thus kept these
spurious goods out of the market.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in LiuL
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduc
tion from the regular price to thost
who want both tbe Express and tb
Oregonian. The regular price ot toe
Oregonlau Is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $1.50 when In advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregonian gives all
the general newsof the country once e
week, and the Express gives all tin
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2, per yent
Those who are at present subscribers
ef the Express must pay in all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtain
his special price.
Land Opened For Entry,
United States Land Office,
897. J
Oiceoii City, Oregon
January 25, 1897.
Notice is hereby giveu that the un
proved plats or survey ot lownsuip
South, Range 5 East, and 13 South,
Range 6 East, the fractional plats of
survey of Townships 12 South, Range
4 East, Rango 5 V.ust, Range 6 East,
and 7 East: and also fractional survey
of Township 13 South, Range 7 East,
have been received nom tne surveyor
General of Oregon, and on
MARCH 25, 1807,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said date, said
plats will be tiled In this office, and
the laud therein embraced will be sub
ject to entry nn and after said date.
Rouert A. Miller, Register.
Wm. Galloway, Receiver.
Bina M. West Hive No. 1 are work
tug under a special dispensation for a
few weeks, at the very low rateot $1.50
initiation fee. Any one wishing to
unite with the Lady Maccabees, and
take advantage uf this low rate, please
call on the undersigned for all infor
mation regarding tne ortier.
Alice A, Hyixk,
Hlpui TabulMi pltaaut taxtvtlTi,
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Invitation for Proposals to Execute
Government Surveys,
(Notice No. 2.
Office ot U, S. Surveyor General , I
Portland, Or., March 10, 18l)7.
Notice is hereby given that scaled propo
sals will be received at this office up to and
including April 6, 18B7, for running, meas-
tiring and marking, according to law and
instructions, the following described sur
veys, to-wit:
Description of Surveys Est. No. Miles
Ip 8N, R42E 72
To 10 S. It M W m .
Fractional Tp 20 8, R 29 E 3
f ractional Tp 21 B, It 29 K ., 7
Fractional Tp 21 8, R 3E 35
Tp 23 8, R 46 E 72
Fractional Tp 23 8, R 47 E IS
Fractional Tp 32 8, R 15 E .23
Bids must be at stated prices per mile for
each and all of tbe above classes of suryoys
and no bids will be considered where the
prices exceed $20 per mile for subdivisional
and connecting lines, $23 for township and
range lines, and $25 for base, standard,
meridian and meander lines.
All bids most be made in writing, sealed,
and marked 1 ' Proposal to Execute Govern
ment Surveys described in Notice No. 2,
dated March 10, 1897." Proposals maybe
left at this office in person or enclosed in an
envelope and forwarded by mail.
Bids for the surveys described in this no
tice will be opened on April 7, 1887, at 9
a. m. , and notice forwarded to the success
ful bidder within reasonable time there
after, accompanied with contract including
said surveys, and bond, which must be
properly executed and returned to this
office immediately.
Only responsible, reliable and competent
surveyors will be employed, who must exe
cute their surveys in person, and will be
required to give bond in double the esti
mated amount of contract in each instance.
It will be required that the surveys here
in described be completed and returns made
to this office on or before December 31, 1897.
Surveyors may submit bids under more
than one notice, but the bids must be sepa
rate under each, and this office will limit
each deputy to such an amount of work as
can be properly completed within the time
The right is reserved by this office to re
ject any and all bids, and no contract will
be binding on the part of tlie United StateB
until approved by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office.
(Signed) Robert A. Habsbsham,
U. S. Surveyor General for Oregon.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., I
Feb. 27, 1897. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or., on April 17, 1897, viz:
H. E, 9737, for tbe S. E. of N. W. M. S.
W. M of N. E. X, N. W. H of S. E. i, and
N. E. '4 of 8. W. M of See. 32, Tp. 11 8., R.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vizi J. K. Charl
ton, of libation, Ogn., A.J. Eaton, of La
couib, Ogn., L, C. Rice, of Lacomb, Ogn,,
C . L. Ruines, of Lacomb, (hn .
Robkht A. Miller, Register.
Save the Wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece If taken
from Hoe Cake soap.
Use Hoe Cake soap.
Call and see Miller's new stock.
The big 'sale has commenced at
Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store,
We still have bargains in shoes.
Read, Peacock & Co,
Look at Read, Peacock & Co's new
display ad. It will pay you, as they
mean business.
You can buy a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.05.
Bargains in mens', youths' and
boys' clothing, at the office of the
Waterloo Woolen Mills.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good furm secur
ity. Call upon or write to S. N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon,
Overalls with aprons or without, SOo
a puir at the Racket Store, Also have
just received a large amount of new
calico. Don't fail to see them,
I have money to loan at 8 per cent
interest on good farm or personal
security, J. M. Ralston,
I Maltou Blook, Albany, Oti