Lebanon Express. THURSDAY, MAR. 11, HOT. Every Department Is Receiving New Goods. Bliom, Lata mid Embroideries, Unfit GihkIh, f-lwi, Lllll'llH, Drniiery Goods, UttMi)Nlfr,Y Unials, Wull p. r, . - Ctiriiiliw mid piirilir, Trlwcupi-H, Canvas urn' Biixket, Trunks. Grooerlrs. H. 13. Yomigr, ALBANY, OR.! Our Great Clubbing Offer. Exi'wrj ami Weekly Cincirintttl En quirer $180 " and Toledo Wwkljr Hlaiio 1 26 " N. Y. Wwkljr Tribune... .. 1 25 " ' tt 'kly Nulioiml Uwnrdcr. 1 & " " New York Tlirico-u-Weck Woild 1 60 " and Wciikly OroRoiilan 2 00 " " Unlit' llhiM'tcd Wiwkly 2 75 " " Mwlttn MunHily Miiuozine 1 25 grprr&simts. lEx8fiiiitorlMili died Wedi'twduy V'Mrii W. E Chandler bus been quite ill. Hc Cake aniip l pure, and will imt itKlrny fltillilug. M or mi n Warworn la quite III, at hi hmiie in I hi. vily. Gmeerle qusilli; excellent prices low bt Bach & liulil'i. Claud Crimoii and Hilly Harnett K fl yek'ichiy for California. T.iiiiMiu'a Knap Fuam will not burn or rmilicn the kiti. 'i'hfif are very lew turn t he tried at Ibis term of the elrei.il court. Mrs. J. L Allen and her leu-year-old duugbter are both dangerously III. Up-ToDale corsets, GO els., at T. VV.,,t..llV('ub si, ire AlllllllV. Or. B. & B. are the Initials of Bach & Hsihl-but their groceries are A 1- ( al. B.irkhnrt, Albany's poi"""'' . mayor, was In town lust Saturday. ! Full-blooded Brown Leghorn chick-1 ens fni sale. Inquire ut this ortlce. j KKM-vohime library. It always pays Fred Bnslar left for California last to increase tin means of Intelligence Thursday, will) Mr and Mrs LaForge. j and good cltiwnship, and good books You can make nice soft soap with j placed in the hands of our young peo- Hoap Foam, directions on each pack- j pie will surely be a step in thut direc- agc. ' !''"" AndvJ IngsKiidOllo Martin are! At the bcIiimiI cUtIIoii in Albany, contemplating nieiilng a subsui Inlield last M. inlay, there were 408 votes ; jeust. L. M. Curl was lected director, i-i.m. I'uitu nn u-riniiMr- are worth a ! rcelving a majority of 18 votes over ,,.,.i.i,, Ie.,recni 'hve!J 1 them. i There l mueli sii'kness In Salem, ! due, It Is claimed, to its bud drinking waler. , i Rev Lamar Is assisting Rev. Limi ne' In conducting a revival meeting in Albany. Chcrp, Cheap, Cheap, Is the way they a'e selling lit Head, Peacock & (Vs big sale. Evi iybody get uudy for the musk soeiiil to lie given about March W. by Hi'aily Mawnlieee. At I lie Seio Bchnol elecllo'f Dr, J. W. Cn.e was elceti d director, and R Kin I tou was elecied clerk. Cull on W. A. Handera for Jewelry. He also dues repairing. First-ehiBs work in every resiieot. The ciiy Is repnlriiig I he bridge over the euniil neai the Hardin pluce a much needed Improvement. Alty. Frank Hklpworlh was in Leb anon a few days visiiing tils parents and attending to legal business. Rev. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, will preach in I he Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Are you looking for an engagement or wedd ug ring? French the jeweler, Albany, has some handsome ones. Miss Llrcle Morgan, a sister of Mrs H (J. Watson, of AlliHIiy, was tile guest of Mrs. S. M. Garland this week. J. (1. Reed has some first-class spring wheat for sale. Those who wish spring wheat for seed will do well to see him. One-half wool dress goods reduced to 1(1 '!., unll bli'iielicd, all linen table cloth f ir 85 cts. a yard, at the Racket Store. ' he best dressed men III Linn county are those who buy their clothing from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for low prices. Joe Buhl has accepted a poult ion in C. E Pugh's store, lid Kelleiiberger Is working In the meat market in Mr. Buhl's place. Rev. J. A. Longboltoni, of Eugene, nreu.-hed two excellent Sermons In the Cumberland Presbyterian chur-.-U ut UusiiitwskstBwudsy, It will pny you to t.nke the entire family to town and get them new outfit while the big Hale Ik poltig on at Reml, Piwcwlt & Co's Lelnuion store. Rev. J. A. Lonuhiiltora Iras accepted a call to the Cumlierlaud Presbyterian chinch In till city, and 'ill ot'eupy the pulpit in tht church ue:(t8unlay. Last week's 8clo Prin said the cream ery there would commence operations in ft few da.s. The management in tends manufacturing chese this sum uier. A rvtreat of the most ancient order of "Reindeer" was instllutid at thin place Monday night. It In highly B.nken of an a social and fraternal order, A, W. Howard, who hud been visit ing C. 0. Pitcrnnu fur aeveml da.va, relumed to hla home In Oregon City last Hiiturdny. Pmf J 0. RiKilli, piliii lpiil of the Wati-rlmi w'hool, Iihs reivlvvrl a Hrt grade atate certiHcnte. Prof. Booth has taught a i;ood achool at Waterloo, and every out has only words of praise for him. Mr. and Miv, 0. H. Ralston came up from Fnrllind last Friday to vit.il their daughter, Mra, H. Y. Kirkpal rif'k, who wai quite 111 hut la now con val, HCt nt. Mr, Riilatou returned hoHie Monday. Rev J. R Ehrrt, of Sweet Home, , walked from that pluce to Lebanon Monday morning, arriving In time to lake the morning train, w hich leaves Lebanon at 8:35. He evidentlyeis quite a walker. D. Andrews received quite a severe full at hit. home, early yesterday morn ing Dr. Booth was nulled and pro nounced no hones broken, hut stiys Mr. Andrews h 111 he confined lo his house for some I hue. Patronize home liidutiy, hy buying your clothing from the Waterloo Woolen Milk It will be doubly to your advantage It wilt keep the money at home, and will save you money as the prices Hie ery low. A slated communication of Lebanon Lodge No. 44 A F. t A. M. will dh held at the Miisniilc Hall Butiirday evening, March ISIh. "Work." Visit ing M. M. cordially Invited to attend. F. V. Hickok, Bec'y. A. 8. McDonald, of Brownsville, stale agent of the Piirmelee Library Co., 1- In our city. Mr. McDonald has jsoiiielhiiig very meritorious in the 11- hrary Hue, and should lie given the hearty co operation of all our citizens. The esse of J. C. Bllyeu vs J. O. I l.yiicil, III justice ijtiyvifr it coun, net !, , ' , , , jfrndanl paying the claim. Mr. Bllyeu ! f. . I7r i .. .. 1.... l..u.n U..,,l..I 1... (I.AU- was represented by At loiuey Garland, mA Ml. Lvlll,u by Allorney Queeuer. Co onerute. and let ub secure the K. Went hei ford. F. E. Allen w. l....i.l ..l,. VI io.I, iol..pi.Ht u-!tw lukeii in the elect ion. Rev. John Parsons, I), D., presiding elder of litis district will preset) In the M. E. church in this city next Satur day evening and Sunday morning. The Bacramenl of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the sundry i morning sen ile. Luxalive Bruno Quinine Tablets do not affect the head or produce nervous ness like the Sulphate of Quinine. Mr. (C. W. Smith Is authorised to re fund money ,u every case where it fails lo cure Coughs, Colds and Ladrippe. Price, 25 cents Representative Kruse, of Cluckaiuas county, died at the Salem hospital Sunday, of t, (.hold fever, He had been confined to Ins bed for three weeks. Mr. Kruse belonged to the populist party slid was a uieiuls rof t lie Davis Douse in the recent legislature. David Sylvester, of Laconjb, was taken to Albany Monday morning and after examination la-fore Judge Ballon was committed to the insane asylum. Dr. Hill was the examining physician II, Welu..Mlee'M loMtinltv was caused bv ' , . f-'n i .. ., u superabundance of religious Zeal. j Dol Boslur relumed to Lebanon lust Friday, after being aleni nearly a year. He was in Montana tiie great er part of the time, isut has been iu Portland he past few moot lis. Dol. stales that he was lieuteli out of a lulge amount of wages due liiin for street work Iu Portland. Laxative Brnmn Quinine Tablets move the bowels gently, relieves the rough, cures the feverish condiiinii and heiiiliiehe, making II I he best and quickest remedy for Can ghs, Coll s and JjiiGrlppe. Cures iu one day. "No ;0uie, no pay,'1 Price, 20 cents, m? ,y j$, W. Smith. For Al the regular annual election of Lebanon ICng'neCo. No. 1 the follow. Ing nillei-ni were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., tnum Ienny;sec., wiu. Lewis; assistant see., W. W, Elslns; chief, W. C Peterson; tissisiailt chief, Asu Baker; f.r.inan of hose denrt .bent, Joiiu Uujcr; treas , W. C. Mat- Ittwwft. Mr. Frank Woodcock,, formerly of Albany, who, has rewenily been in Portland, was committed to the insane asylum Saturday.- Excessive drink to supposed lo I the cause of his trouble. He wrote to John' Howard, of the 8t Uiailes hotel, few days ago, and his letter then showed' k derangement of mind. He claims to have lieeii wronged uut of an estate of $11,000 by ft brother in the Fast. Herald. The Y. P. S. E. field their regular moutnly bueiness meeting at the resl deuce f O. H. Everett last Monday evening. Tin following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Pres., Maud Aldrlch; vice pri., Kate Chea- ldlescc., Moss Walker; lreas.j Annie DuMond; organist, Nona Miller; assis tant organist, Kate ('headle; chorister, Ed Aldrlch, After the '.business was attended to, the remainder of theeveu ing was devottd to a social time. Among the cculiar documents on tlleiu the county clerk's office 111 Alba ny Is the following, recorded In volume 1 of miscellaneous renords, which the Albany Dcmwrat gives witiiout the names, as nothing Is known of the pres ent residence of the parties. Sweet Home, Sept. 21, '79. This certifies that I did circulate slanderous report against Rev. -, which was told me on Williams creek, Josephine county, a report which I do not propose to prove to I a truthful report. I know noth ing myself against ssid and ought not to have said anything and hereby ask pardon." Oervais, Marion county, has a genu ine niniai.ce. Thirty years ago David Barnes left Ireland for Oregon. As he bade g.ssl-bye to his sweetheart, Cath erine Welch, h promised to return fir ber. They corresponded faithfully for twenty-six yii.rs, when tin correspon dence ..stopped for some reaBon. On February 21st a lady arrived in Ger-vai- and Hie first thing she did was to attend church at Father Blancbet's. She was Catherine Welch. She told the reverend gentleman her stoi y. He brought Mr. Barnes and Miss Welch togei her, t he recognition was mutual, they were both true to each other, and on March l-l the knot wns tied after a thirty years engagement. Long live Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes. A Yerdiet for Suty-Eight Cents. A eiiBe was ti kd Monaay before Judge Burnett which had a ludicrous side to it. The title of the case was Martin Johnson vs. J hn Anderson, being an appeal from Justice Han kins' court nn a i-uit to recover money. Eefore Judge Hawkins Johnson was awarded (8, Anderson appealed the case, and tb jury jefterduv awarded AnderVm 68 f .. an account for farm work performed by Mr. Johnson for Mr. Anderson. They could not agieu and went to law. When the case came up before Judge Burnett there were seven attorneys en gaged, H. C. Watson and Elkios & Caunou for Him plalutifl and Kelley & Curl and Weal lit rford & Wyatt for the defendant. As Judge Burnett noted this array of legal talent he said lie was ( qUjie SUre but lie should fluelhe attorneys to o ver the amount involved anci t ny It, but the case was tried ) Ltt-ror- a jury, resulting in a verdict, as L. A r.. , l.u ,l..ru.,lut I,. , I, -., ,.r U8 cents. -Heu.ld. L. 0. T, M. Mask Social. A musk social will be given by the Lady Maccaliecs, at the Band hall, March 19, 1897. Every laxly wishing to have fun should attend, as there will be plenty of It. Eichlady is te qiiested to brin a luix, with lunch for two, and Invite some genlletaau to take lunch with her. There w ill be a lunch table also, where coffee, cocoa and let cream mav tie obtained. Ad mission, gentlemen masked or not masked, 1!3 cts.; ladies masked, free; not masked, 10 cts.; children under 15, 10 els. Remember the daie and place. N. B. Each masker is requested lo write his, ol her, name on a slip of paper, enclose It in an envelope and hand the envelope to the disir-keeper Public Protest. Whkkkas, The weather sent us for a week or two . liuving been of that detcription which i would uiuke a saint fci-1 blue, I With gloomy cloinis day after day, and lutnllv HIIV sltV. We now present a protest, and by us it is ,m,bf 1 ttcsnlved, That our Importance as a place of public trade Deserves that special eflbrts by the weather clerk he inaile, To gire us more of sunshine in weather which lie se i Is, Or elso give up li e job he bold), Citizsns. Letter List. Following Is Ihe list of letters re maining uncalled for in the Lebanon poslottice, for the month ending February 128, 1197: Boyles, t'has. Riidra, (jh'anvllle Harrison, W. M ' Thomas, J. F. Stewart, James Sowan, Michael C A. Smith, P. M. M. A. Miller lias a full ai d coriplete line of cough syru)H. The Waterloo Woolen J ills are In j the from raul.-eelliiig mei's, youths' unil boys' cloUi ing ut exceedingly low Ijuiwas JJuy jkjuc iuUM4 tbr. Secure a Qood Library. Our people have now the opportu nity to secure an excellent library. A. S. McDonald, agent for the H, Parme- lee Traveling Library System, Is In nui city with a view to establishing a section of this system here, The plan is certainly a commendable one, A 1000-volume library of standard bisiss Is divided into twenty sections of fifty volumes each. These sections are shipped III Iron bound boxes, one to each of twenty different towns on a system of railway. After the sections have remained three mouths they are forwarded to the next towns, the sec tions being thus linen-hanged In such a manner as to give ench the 1000 vol umes In Ave years. The 1000 volumes comprising each series a'e In every way desirable books. They are the outgrowth ot ten years' experience, devoted exclusively lo the library business. Each flfty-vnlume section is composed proportionately of biography, literature, history, historic fiction, general fiction, poetry, travel, religion, physical science, wit and humor, translation, and juvenile. As to the style of binding and quality of paper, we can safely assert that the books are sufficiently attractive for the largest libraries, being mostly bound in leather bucks. The company contracts to furnish the 1000 books, keep them bound and lu good shape, replace any that may be destroyed by fire or accident, provide a librarian and keep the books circu lating for a period of five years, The company is thoroughly reliable, being highly endorsed by ex-governor Larrabee, of Iowa, and a large number of well known educators. There is nothing to fear from this source. Takiuj it all in ill, we believe this to be the very best plan of providing libraries for the smaller towns that has ever before been gotten up. Our citi zeiiB should not uiiss thU opportunity of securing an excellent library at a very small cost. The Durrant Case. Sax Francisco March 8. The su preme court this afternoon affirmed the decision in the Durrant case, so that the murderer of Blanche Lament can now tie sentenced to be hanged, by the superior court as soon as that tribu nal desires. When Durrant was informed that the supreme court refused tognnt him a new trial, he burst into tears and said "this is a very cruel world." He said that some day truth would pre vail, and he would be vindicated. He seemed to take some comfort from the report that Chief Justice Beatty would, iu a few days, file a dissenting opinion. THINKS DtlKKANT WILL HANG. Sam Francisco, March 4. District Attorney Barnes, who conducted the prosecution egalust Theodore Durrant, for the murder of Blanche Lamont in Emanuel church, thinks the murderer will lie hanged wi'hln 120 days. He says the remit, ur will be handed dowu within 30 days, Then Durrant will be taken before the superior court for sen tence. The defense will probably ask a rehearing before tlie supreme court, but the motion will likely be denied. The defense will then be compelled to go to the governor as the court of last resort. It Is considered unlikely that the governor will interfere with the ex ecution of the sentence. Durrani's attorneys have threatened to carry the case into the federal courts, but upon what grounds cannot la? guessed. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, DeHth has removed from us our brolher, R g. Roberts, P. a., and our lodge has sustained the loss of a g'SKi and esteemed brolher, l it Resolved, That we humbly submit to the Divine will, and that we will cherish the memorv of our deceased brother, and extend to the family our heartfelt sympathies; that our charter be draped tor thirty days; and be It further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread over the minutes, a copy fur nished the family, and published iu ine local papers. Fraternally submitted, 8 A. Nickkrson, P. G. A. A. Keks, P. G. G. W. Ckuson, P. G. Hoe Cake soap, nest on earth. The latest III corsets, 60 cts., at T. Wandell's Cash Store, Albany Or. Hoe Cake scap contains no free al kali, and will not burn the hands. A good assortment of men's, youths' and boys' clothing Is now on sale at the Woolen Mills office at Waterloo. You can get great bargains. If your tea. is not good, why don't you drink water It is cheaper and better for you than poor tea. If it is good, your stom ach is glad to get it; does its work better. Schillings Best is good j tea at grocers' in packages, j Read, Peacock fi Co, LEBANON, OREGON. mHHUiiiiiHaiiillliiimiA'""'"" tmini '" uiiliiiiiiiuiuuiiiiuiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii 'TTTTTTTTTTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTH rTTTrfTTTTTTTTTl tTTTTTTTTtTTTTT! TTff M! tTftTtntMfffttfM OUR GREAT SALEvvmoXlasTasiiorttime. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Pants, Jackets and Capes, Groceries, ... Men's Gloves and Furnishing Goods, Are the Items we Include, Oar prices on these goods will surprise you. We have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so ' that they may go at once in order to close these lines WWTmWmWHWWmWtHrHHtHIMiltiillilillilllilMitltiitimHffHWtttitHTliimi Read, Peacock & Co., LEBANONOREGON. Oliver c ? Superior c Chilled f oves i I Plows. I Ranges. These Plows are A 1." I ) Superior in every way. I Hopkins Bros, Albany,, : : The place to buy of good quality lowest possible prices is at the omce ot the Waterloo Waterloo, Oregon. Never before have prices licst.W. J. Bryan's Book ill wlio lire liiteiexUfl tn furthering the ule .t Hue. W.J. BruaH'ttitwbintk elioiild correspond nomenieuilr mm ice publiahere. Tliework will oonteiD . . . Miasm or eu uutkia wn. El! BIOGRAPHY. W1UITK1. BY HI8WIF1 Bit HOST mPOSTAJT SHiiHtS THE RE8DTT9 OP TH1 ClUfiiiS OF 1196. 1 MY1E1 OF til Kj!.i-ji iL siTL'irijS. ACENT8 WANTS'!) .. Mr. Bryun baa an ii .mi'ixxl hie lolontion nf devoting one-half of ell fyalii.::. lo furthering; the cenKe of bimetulllem. 1 utaH ere ul reuriv ludicatlonsofeu enormoneeel. Udreu W. H, CIMttl V COMPAIiV. Publisher. 34M!ll Uuilra Sl... lilOOO Feed Sheds. I have erected in Albany (on Baker street, bot een First mid Second) new feed sheds. My prices are: Teivra, 10 cts.; single rig, 10 cts.; Buddie horse, 5 cts. Horses kepi nights at a rea sonable rate, also by the week or month. Feed alwiri on hand. This was built especially fur fanners, but all are ii vited to patronize nie l.mlli's' t'lili't and waiting rooms in cuiinrcllon D Bussard, AlWuOt. : ; Oregon. clothing at the t t Woolen Mis and quality been made so satisfactory as at the pres ent time, and by this com pany. Give them a trial. CONCRETE and CEMENT WORK Of all kinds done at Lowest Prices. Cement Sidewalks and Curbing a specialty. All work guaranteed, by Lebanon Electric Light and Water Co., J. S. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr. LEBANON, OR. Good clolliliiK at u low price at Bach & Buhl's. The finest line of drees patterns in the city Is to be found ut the Racket store. Wash your whlto clothing with Hoap Koiiui, and they will never turn yellow. Measure your rooms accurately and bring size in feet and inches with you. It costs you nothing to have your cur pet sewed by hand by, the Albany