The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 11, 1897, Image 2

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    Lebanon Expiess. j
-' -T
h,iiur - arid - Proprietor
How do you li President Mc
KinK'T and hois's Hantier?
Roseburg Review.
FKMt,ir Mitchell will likelj
receive a good appointment under
f resident Mciume.T.
Corbett, the senator, and Corbett,
the pugilist. i" subjects for
general discussion at present. '
Ex-Senator J. N. Dolph died in
Portland on Wednesday, after a
brief illness. Mr. Dolph wag ODe
of Oregon's most distinguished
The Rwehurg Review "hits the
nail n the head" as follow: "Con
sul beneri-1 Lee is made of the
stuff that American presidents
used to be composed f."
Vonitn in Canada will soon
practice law as barristers. The
OnUrio law school some time ago
passed rules to this effect, with the
following regulations as to drees:
They must bB bare headel, wear
block gowns over bla;k dresses,
and white collars and cuff's.
President McKinley will find
but six members of the house of
representatives of the 35th congress
who were nieniliers of the 44th con
gress, when he began his congres
sional career. Tbey are Speaker
Read, of Main, Cannon and Marsh
of Illionois, Danford of Ohio,
Harmer of Pennsylvania aud
Ketchman of Sew York. Portland
The governor has appointed H.
V. Corbett to fill a vacancy in the
U. S. senate, caused by the failure
of the legislature to elect. There
i some doubt as to the seating of
Mr. Corbett. He is a man of great
energy and wealth, and is a
001.BBU6 with plenty of gold. He
is evidently not the choice of the
people of this state, but this ap
pointment is the result of the dis
graceful legislative h4d-up.
While the greaier powers are
preparing to spank Greece and
Turkey, a danger, common to
many families of le-ser prominence
than the European powers, comes
to hand and is met with a full
stop. Many a youth has gone
through his early years unscathed
because the parents could not de
termine just what offense he
should be punished for and which
of the two should do tbe spanking.
In sending the senate his veto of
the bill to pension Maria Somerlat,
u remarried widow of a volunteer
soldier, President Cleveland said:
"Tbe rule governing the operation
of general pension laws which for
feits a widow's pension on her re
marriage seems so reasonable and
just, and its relaxstion must neces
sarily lead to such a departure
from jut principles and to such
vexatious pension administration
that I am convinced it ought to be
strictly maintained."
Governor Lord has Tefused to
approve tbe bonds of the railrojd
e mmissioners Messrs. Coropson,
Macrum and Eddy on the ground
that there is a vacancy. The gov
ernor maintains that a certain de
cision of the supreme court doe
not justify a further extension of
their term, holding that, to give
the statute this construction, its
effect would create perpetuities in
office, which is against public policy
and against the spirit of our insti
tutions. Telegram.
The governor is undoubtedly
right, and the public will be greatly
pleased in knowing of his action.
How's This?
We offer One Hiindmi Dullara Reward
for any case of Catarrh Iliat cannot be
cared by Hall's fatarrli Gore.
r. J. OHCSE'f 00., Toledo. 0.
We, the undersieiiMl. base known F. J.
Cheney for the last IS yean, anil lielieve
lilm perfectly honorable in all husineo
tranaactiona, and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their firm.
Vest i Tai-Ai. Wholwale tmwim,
Toledo, O. Waldiko, Kisiuii M tis.
Wholesale DruUt. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cureia taken internally,
ertln? directly nnon the blood and mnemm
urfatwoftliesystem. Pn75c. per bottle.
Hold by all Prnpiri'U. Tealimoiiials free.
Ball's Family Pill are the beat.
Tta toik.bouti.ntuginnorf
mrtrmta- on the irovernment'K
! portraits - on the government s
: pjper money has uot been gratify
ing to inventor McCormick, in that
it hae brought out an assertiun
that he did not invent hie reaper
or binder. Many an inventor is in
oblivion while some richer man is
getting tbe game that belongs to
A copy of tne Pierce (Neb.) Call
found iU way to the exchange
table of the Review office a few
duys agu, says tbe Roseburg Re
view. It is one staunch republican
paper of that state that is glad that
the populistB secured control of the
state goveri.ment because of the
rottenness they have unearthed.
The republican, ex-state treasurer
is short over $500,000 in his ac
counts, and is now under arrest,
while the ex-.uditor is over 125,000
behind. The Call says that it still
believes in republican priuc pies,
but the startling disclosures made
are proof positive that the party in 1
Nebraska has need of new and
honest leaders.
The Albany Herald, a staunch
republican paper, says: "Governor
Lord has appointed H. W. Corbett,
vice president of the First National
bank ot Portland, and a millionaire
uf that city, as United States sena
tor. Mr. Corbett is a feeble old
man palsied with age. He was
born on February 18, 182", being
now 70 years of age. If Governor
Lord had appointed Geer, M. C.
George or any good active repub'i-
nmn tkn aft wnii ! .1 Ti nt Ko anvliirino-
. . . , I
He is a mm the people of Oregon ,
do not want. It was generally
undeiBtood at the recent session in
Salem that Corbett was tbe nun
who was' furnishing the sack for
the hold-up, and this ap,oiiitment
certainly looks like confirmation of
that belief."
A case was tried in the circuit
court of this county on Monday
that illustrates the foolishness of
people who go to law about noth
ing. A msn sued another and got
judgment for eight dollars in the
justice court. The defendant ap
pealed. The judge, jury and all
the court officers, assisted by seven
attorneys and a clouJ of witnesses,
after working diligently for several
hours, produced a verdict for
sixty-eight cents in favor of de
fendant. In this matter the connty
bas been put to great cost, and
seven attorneys have neen em-
uloved. witnesses paid and much
hard feeling engendered all for a j
verdict of sixty-eight cents. They
- !
were litigating for principle, they
say, but theie is more downright
pig-headeduess than anything else
in the whole case. Not the state,
hut the men who let, their obstina
cy run away wun tneir Drains,
should be made to pay all costs
that accurnmulate.
Preiidcnt McKinley'a Cabinet.
On March 5th the president sent in
the following nomination):
For Beeretary of Stale John Sher
man, of Ohio. &
ForSeeretHiv of the Treaaury Lv-
mtn J. Gage, of Illinois.
Far riecretary of War Rua-ell G.
Alter, of Michigan.
For Secretary of the Isavy John
D. Long, ol tlasHaclinwIia.
For Hecretarv of Hie Interior Cor
nelius N Bliaa. of New York.
For 8-crelaay of Agriculture-James !
Wilson, of I"wa.
For Attorney General Joseph Mo-
Kenua, of California.
For Po-tniaater-Geiieral James A.
Gary, of Maryland.
lOunged KTerjr Week.)
Wheat 70c.
Oata 10 to :0c
Huy-8 to M perton.
Flour $1 15(S,1. 2- per sack
Chop fl 00 per cwt.
Bran 8()c per cwt.
Middlings tl 00 per cwt
Potatoes 35c.
A pples Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, He.
Onions lie
ilee, Dressed, 4j to Sc.
Veal 34f.
Pork Dreaaed, 4.
Lard 9.
Hams 12 per lb.
Shoulders ic.
Hide-Sc per lb.
Geese 13 50 So jier doz.
Pucks $3 $4 a-r doz.
(:hickens-t2 00r 2 50.
Turkeys ell) per lb,
Ekrs 10c terdoa.
.Ntfe4JMM Hit Hry, Trf
Circuit Court.
Tbe March term of circuit court con'
veiled Mouday at 9 a- 111.
W. C. Tweedale and W. H. Warner
were appointed baililt, and A. B
Woodlu bailiff of tbe grand jury.
, Tue fullowiii); oum were disxaird at:
Sarah J Elilt r v J A MoBride et al:
partition; continued.
Amiitiimeut of Bauk of Oregon; con
Jag Nanny t-t al v tinuitia I) Suitle-
mire et al; partition; continued.
Lur A Caldwell va Ella C Cald
well et al; paniuuii; continued.
Stale va Joint Iaoui; dlamissed by
diatrii't attorney.
Will A Link va W H Maple et al;
rec tuiiney; continued.
The J M Rui-sell Co, a enrpnratinn,
vb J A CumiiiiKhaui etal;reo money;
The J M Busaell Co, a corporation,
va alynm Alexander et al; rec money;
attat'liiuent; nettled,
HouMtia Brna va V J Snyder; tec
money; altauhmeul; uouaiiil by (Ham
lin. The ) M Ruawll Co, a mrporatioii,
va Jtu A Calavan et al; rev nioney; at
Ueliuieut;aetlled. Tile J M Btttwell Co, a eorratiin,
va Marion Alexander; rec money; at
tachment; settled.
C Swnard. a guardian nf the per
son anil rotate of L.ira D Hale et al, vs
W T Cochran et al; rec money; allauh
nteiit; contttiued. I
ilnrlin Johnson vs John Anderson;!
uppeal fmm juatlrp court; verdict for
68 rents for defeudaot.
Jatiib UarniHii vs G W Rodgem; rec
personal property; titled.
R W Fisher v Harvey and Ella
Stewart; rec niouey; atlaehiuetit; Bel
lied. K E Young v A J rtmltli ; rev money ;
delimit and judgment
Thos Carinan ft Son va W J 8nod
gnue; rec tinmey; continued.
(toriwtt, Failing & Roltertann vs J C
Roe et al; rec nioney; atlaelmient;
judeiiient for plaintiff with order lo
wll tiMched property.
Sunin Zeisrler vs J P Carter; rec
money; attachment; settled.
R W FMier v H Stewart et al; lo
wl aBile dmi. g.ttii.
E F Wyalt va E J WillouEbby; rec
money: attachment; default and judg
ment with order lonell attached prop
erty. M F Turner JN Rice; rec money;
altaehinent; default and juilemenl,
with order to.wll attaehed property.
F R Kelley vs W E Kellev; rec uton-ey;Htiaehiiit-nt;defult
and jiidgm lit.
Wm Cams va E J ,and E T Wil
Imichliytrw money; attachment; de
fault and judgment, wild order loaell
attached property.
J 8 Hoff nan vs Jns Bllyett nl al; rec
money; altaehinent; default andjudu
uietit m to Perry flilyeu; continued on
oilier defendants.
F L Dodge va Perry Bilyeu et al; rec
money; atiiK-hnient: default and juili;
ment as to Perrv Bilyeu; continued on
oilier defendants.
L Flint), receiver, vs Adam Brunt et
al; rec money; attachment; euilinued.
The Pioneer Stone Co, a Winrntinii,
va E W Aebewot 4 Co: rec money; at
tachment; settled.
Foshay & Mawin vs Geo W Lttperr
rer monev; aUa..'liilienl; default and
RownHeld. Hmilh ft Co v. T A How
ard; ree money; attachment; defnult
and jutlgment.
J F SleCarnev vs E J Willnuvhhy et
I; rec money; attachment; default and
judgment, with order lo sell atiached
u...itl, 1, L.tiiMi va fwrta Miller' ree
money; attachment; default and hide
me'it aa lo Maria Miller, with order lo
ell attached properly; continued as lo
A K Miller.
J W Geary vs Raroh Pearl; ree mon
ey; attachment; default and judgment,
Willi order to Mill atlaeheil properly.
W h Vance vs A M Hammer et al:
rec money; attachment; default anil
judiraienti with order to aell attached
pmpertv a aipiiut all defendants ex
cept L F Hammer, dectaaed, and ac
tion afe to him almted.
John Conner va L E Blnin and E A
Hohifflcr; rec money; attachment; de
lault and judgment, attorney fee lim
ited to -XI
A Bu-h. tru-tee, vs A F Knnirei; rec
monejjatlaehiHent; default andjudg j
Braiinisweyer ft Co va J L Hanaard; :
rec money ; attachment; default and I
Mm J M Mover va Mis M A Cnlnway;
rec money; continued
Wm Fatier va Mary Hi e and le
Moduli; rec nioney, attachment; ael-
MonrF. Feririwoii ft Co va W F Croa
hy et al; injunction; iionaiiit by plain
tifl. The greater part of the day Tncedny
a-as tnken up with the cae of Pi Z Tay
lor va Chan Pfeiffcr. J"lm Imiiii, ar ,
and John R rjiockimiu, in u iiich it
wan annght to hold Mr Pfeifler for
fiaiO due Mr Taylor from (lie R-d
Crown Mill Co. of which prei'lon In
its fuihire Mr. Pfciffer was notninally
a aiia-kholder, having li ken one ahare
nf alnek for the purp.te nf perfecting
the organization of the company. The
forenoon waa iKi-unied ill oliiainiiig a
Ijurv, compriaing the following named
men: J M Barton, Tin" Turner. J Y
! Mc'U), G W Arnold. E A Hitr, J
W lh holla. E E Kcndig, rjain'l Nixon,
iJ T ilt. O W Tin lor and 1 B Kcnip.
I The evidence for the plaintiff waa
) heanl. 4'hcn a motion was iiinde for a
!nonHi,ii, there ling no evidejice to
Ishowthal Mr. I'feifT r waa lialile lie
l yond the i.oiimiihI value ot his one
share of anwk, tor the debts of the
company, he having had mulling to
dn Willi its management, The case
j waa thereupon dismissed by Ju 'ge
i Burnett.
I The other ca"es diapnwd of were:
' Kmi'li 4 Geary va Hariih Pearl; rec
' money; attachment; Judgment for
i plahiiill.
i H'lite va John Ianm, ir, aasiiult with
I inawi fcmickl uiion K iaicr Vmnlraii;
i ttniuNl,vry jawl im. HU. mi
upon pleading guilty the defendant
waa fined too, which waa promptly
On Wednesday the following cases
were dipaed of:
Wm lleering 4 Co, a corporation, va
W I, Wlliion et ul; reo money; attach
ment; coinlnued icndiug aettleiuent.
It I. Hatilii va J u Gross; rec money;
atlaehiuetit; continued.
J A Crawford vs N B'Fry; present
shi rifl ordi-red to make deed.
Itolit Crawford vs the Linn County
Ag Aasn; present sheriff ordered lo
make deed.
Flate vs Ellis E Allen; aiwault with
dangerous, weapon; indicted and arraigned.
Slate va John R Morgan; Indicted
for cerrying a concealed weapon; ver
dict nf gtiiltv; sentence set for Thurs
day at 9 a. in.
DolonB Qrmt Scheme to Hptqt to tbe
AhMnt UoatK'virt' Vcucc at aiuiu.
Th resources of niotleru civiliaation
are capable of meotinir nearly all the
I e Liu u (1b of Uio woman who wants to
o into the i-i?"n;ry fn the summer
w it h free ciu-j., ubs- Viiy devoid of
earc fiir the home slie leaves behind
her. There ai-o, ssy, the Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle, wtorne ware
houses where she may safely bestow all
her house's furnish huffs, snfe deposit
vaults for her valuables, places where
iicr doff, her eat, ber parrot or her
canary can enjoy all the comforts of a
Hut in one most Important and es
sential point modern civilization fails
this woman. For if not the most vatacd,
certainly the most important aud frail
est object in hor urban entourage, the
sour je of more anxiety and care than
nil the other accidents of ber environ
:iaits liombbed, no plaee of safe be
.nwal is provided. To ber question:
' tViuU 'shuU i do with my hnsband?"
torn civilization returns no answer.
cannot take him along. In the
-ji plaee, he won't (ro: in the second
uac, she doftint want him. liut there
; ao Kttfe place to put hiiu. She must
;ve hira kuockin? about, entirely out
: riow of his lawful piumiiun anf?el, the
,nrt of fate and bachelor acquaint
ances, subject to all the risks aainst
which her presence bv hut sile ordi
narily insures him. Tbe result is that
manj a woman who really needs and
deserves a long summer rest abandons
her cherished project, and the pro
prietor of some summer resort loses her
We are pleased to learn that In Bos
ton, whence all pood things come, this
want has been recognized, and an ef
fort that promises to be successful bas
been made to Biipply it. A cold storage
warehouse for husbands has bees es
tablished by a "refined widow lady."
who offers to ontract with wiven ribout
to depart for tbe sea shore or the moun
tains, to store their husbands during
their absence and return them in as
good condition as when received, at the
end of tbe season. Her establishment
has some slight resemblance, it must be
confessed, to the ordinary boarding
house of commerce, but the resem
blance is only superficial. The great
feature of her plan is constant super
vision of ber charges. Every care will
be taken to interest and amuse them,
but the atrict'8t di&eipiine will be ma in
tuited. Ko latchkeys will be a!lmvc;l
an efficient corps of 'e:wKrt niftfar.
jt Ll-.ots-vviU to 7ri:nt?!r.c.I. au l, i
;he tar. i?r:d sijruUiion'. k.)ir'u:i--i (
the pros ;-e. ton, "no iuuay bsln-vi
will b-' ml.H 'ed.
If tii': "reiined widow lady" is of r.u
eientorsudhiueousneswto :ri i
ninftCtJuSdea?, if sue tiUrf1u";o .'OT-ii : ,,
.lains as a stem and aii'joiTirorjisin
!;;o!;ag(ir of Iiusi'an'Ls. tuAcl kww
at tae reai:;3 l-vjU'ntsid uy i.a,vib;
may aniicirfcle an unu-maiiv proi.t.ial
scmoier. There uuv lh- tt.vre I' ,i i
Hcu.tyin luring a lutHWiitd u'a m
uiurn, butcnuc she basgot,himtn i.:
his wife may depart for her "viiit iu
tura" with a mind free from anxiety a
to bis safety.
Many insects can fly faster than
birds. The common houw fly cn or
dinarily fly 2S feet a eecoud. But v, hen
it hi alarmed it bas beca found that it
can increase its rate of speed tu over
ICO feet per second. If it could con
tinue such rapid flight for a mil? in a
straight line H would cover that dis
tance in exn.nly 33 seconds.
X Ray cona-tii, 60 els,, at T. Van
dell's Cash Slorc, Albany, Or.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Bargains In clothing at Waterloo,
Do people buy Bood'a Sanwnarilla to
preference to any other, in lact almost
Ut lie exuluaion ot all otheraT
Tiwy kuow from actual use that Hood'i
la I he beat, L '., it cure when otuera fail,
n-ml'i BorMoarilla is itill made under
the peraonal nuperriilon ot the educated
pi.oniwcijU who originated it.
Tao ijueif.loa ot bett in just u poaltively
dw!dcd in favor of Hood a the iiueetiuo
of comparative oalea.
Another tbing: Every advertisement
of llcKMla Banutparllla la troe, la boneat.
Ij ttioOne'Triie Blood Punfler. AlldruirslstJ. It
rmixir!wily byC. I. now! t Co., Lowell, Maaa.
p.,,. aw the only puts to uki
2i'F?it il J
rr 1 if?' ft
Th Best
Smoking Tobacco Made
The New York-
i af
Y .i)pjaas?A
all important news of the Nation,
all important ni-w of the Wo Id.
the most relialile market reports,
brilliant and instructive ulitorials.
fa.icinatinp short Maries,
an uiifxcfllnd asriiculturil dt'partiiii'tit.
HcitMitific and iiit'chanicn! infcriiiittioii,
illustrated fwdiioti arlich s.
humorous illustrations,
entcrtainnient to young end old,
satisfaction everywhere to everybody.
We furnish the "Express" and "New Yorli Weekly Tribnce"
One Year for $1.25,
C'umIi in AilrniK'V.
Add ess u!l ordem to
Write your i: rnie ind aililnna ti a kmIiiI curd, mud It tn Oin. W liinl,
Triliuii'j ORW, KfW Yiirk City, iind a aauiilf uipy i f t Jit New Yitk
Wei kly T Ilium will W muili d toynu.
if WV, ,,'HiSi.V.wfak.' ,,.
liuak yvu an fei m Ihck mt"i?, n-ft:n .j-.
tartimnmw!. Ilnrfmn p-v il;. trr
tint jjvv win-di! r.'wi;;i j.i :,r i .Arm
Tlwii uif'i i" in thr, ,f (i jt f.i', .' t,l!t
fa furtuwrl"! w-ri-vi ilntnWI'i i .'
tfSf.flin'f'iwf ri'-fl, tCllUlY If . 'ai
Mi mHiiirnnpfty1;a (il.i(M it. .T . i.,-
WRJTt Jii ciici;i Vr.
The 8e? ten Serfe KidiW a.
Cii'.i'-'JL', ; ,,-:.t r:-n
bA.lii'aJV't'ru,'. -t ..i.j-
-.Jrijri' 1 tf auk mmnwmt
Vf 1
and flwwrltrtitm mT
f tlitfr m tnvontiirii la
1 tmuiiictUKum ntrktlf
. Wtt-tliiimtcii ufli'tj.
t lluim ii U- rewtif
prolm'ilr Ptfitt..a. i
d-iimitjntnl. iiU.uf.
I'altjiil TiiKn t itouj
l UOtlCl- III '.PB
camtf'lllr lUnrmtM, I int';t mrrulatlon of
, .j, jvaz
i l!l iMPii MDfl kLAXD
1 true. AdilruM
t. CO.,
361 Uroadffav
, Hew Vork,
Children Ciyfor
Pitcher!s Castoria.
Rlpana Tabcina cm e billonanms.
ttilians Ta'j i'ee co bad brcatli.
I Rlriana Tabu' w: M i Klvfa rdixf
j UipanB Tabiilw: (! ntle cathartic,
ftipftna TuliwatWi Uwr UkiuMm,
ill, tO YEARS
To is
Gfen iway
this year iw valuable
articles to smukers of
B!ackv ell's
y Hi am
Yon will Cad one ennnon in
side each stmnce ag, and two
coupons ith itkt ci ch 4-011 oce
bog. Bityatuig, rcnuthecoupon
and sec hut, to pet yortr share.
Weekly Tribune
EVERY member of
EVERY family on
EVERY farm," in
EVERY village, in
EYERY state or territory
FOR Edncati m.
FOR Noble Manhood,
FOR True Yomanliot$.-
Lebanon, Or.
U It O K K It,
MumUmi lll.fkf Aitiiii' Or
Mnn?y to luti! fin 'ami wurit,v, nlco
luauri ntftf iui n hmiiibI wenrity.
('try. wumty e n) i.rh.I wBrruitic litmclit.
( tilli'f.tittii it'ii lftiu nvnrtttjlc irriiiN.
Kire iiiHiiran wntim in Urn of the
liiriifnt ,j(iih(mh n t! wtirlit. al thp iow
CI A L ATI V, 11,18,, NOT. K. 1C03.
: ParteMwllrlneOo., bi. i,io.
Vnrillcnmn; Vf wild lit .t ytjar, COO Utttlo of
QHUVIS'H TAf-Tnr.KH C II LL TUNir mid Imvu
i xttmui ilirf?e Rruc-t ,ilrcattr 'bwyrar. IrtfiiMmroji-
pviwwfs hi it j'-!pnt, m i o iinitf mini mm, ttnve
bHTffrmlfl fill art' Ihitg; venut'li untt onwi wiUt
UtlUuu M Juuf lutllc VimM (rtiljf,
AllM.V.CAWl O0- m! by N. W. KAii'l H.
Who ran think
nf ft.i.i..
thiiirf tn ia;
1 ' ":' 1 I." '., i. -nl iiiMr.
imy, a-litogui. . 1). I!.. I, thflr Jl.-in ijtlw.ouar
auu lut K,t tno 1. ii lral tii-'vittituii wuuuu.
nipam Ta! uU:a,
i;.ilinii TiiN' let en e n.nwca.
KllliUU TttbiaB', ftt (ljMlggiaifl,
aUTJii: v., lA,, ti