The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 11, 1897, Image 1

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    LEBANON, OREGON, MARCH 11, 1897.
NO. 2.
f tar ...... ,
,ll i.l ! .
0 . '". i.--';i i '
J i If. .Imii.-ll.i '
Bin rii-r .sunn. gre-. -i'
Wi Ml t.,t t..ecr nr
H. K i '.in i ... ..a-a-relnry ..I ' Sinn
Ph.l irii.iin , rreiisurcr
U. M. Ir" t .'ulilir Instruction
II. ( I.i v i Ktatf I'rii tcr
K. '..! ,
K. il .rt-, Mirrcint Judges
C. K V-oolverto .1
nrSTV FFti,Ri;8.
I ft,
. .Ii. r ilur .. .!
. i . i' M.. tun: i
. . I- it
. J ill-; .;.,:til.l.
.1 ,. . ' 1.!..
'I. , iM. .
I :i ri.'i i : s -N.
I V il . K
V'ii. I'.k -i .
f-- . Societies.
n:M . 'i' . 1 Meet. In l), A
1 . T .'I'.- t ii- i-v- .tinir f earli week,
i- . Mw ly litvlien hi
- I ,. 1 . ,
IV. c. I'mnwiK. num.
V. Kicll. B. K.
I PS iR UI:K, So. I. A. 0. r. W.-Meeli
n-uri Moll lay evening It G. A. R. Hall.
A. I'urniikV. SI. w.
J F. B in. Roe.
iKnS ..'ilioli X0.4J ' 0. r. M
I'.nr 1 1 v.miIiib l odd Fellow Hall, at
J :. B IVI.S-":. H. .
-. sn ij. I ii i. r.-
- ' l.lnt W .-.Inc.
. i .v ,.le.'i.
' '.t- mil m H In
a ii I'.ir M.iin ami
!' ' h. nt t'lTlltlll ItiVIt .1
t. t. w. M.
f I'. U.CK'iK. it'll.
JOHN F. MII.I.EK W. K. f. No. 15,
meets HI "tl 3rd Fri.layi" of each month 41
2:S0n. m. Mm. lUTTiil'niinw.
Man. A. Htm. Pres.
liKS'L .VWtHiBl'AMI'. N.i. III. Division iilore
tun. aoi or Volnin MtMrt In 0. A. R Hall,
every Baturrtay irenliig. eicept the third
Mtunlaj'Dfeivibmuiith. tuvettiti the third Fri
ay tnatewl. All brother of the Sous of Vet
. .inn nj ctimrallmuf the 0. A. R. are oordtall;
InTlMll Ii mwrt wlib the Camp.
A. Bmiupi. Capt.
n. 0. tfB. Firal B'gt.
B1XA i. KT HIVE, NO. 1, U. 0. T. M.-
Meetnon UieAl. 4tb and Hb Frklajr evening of
eachfflontb at 5) r. . at 0. A. R. Hall. Tran
sient Lad; Maorauoea are eonllall; Invited Ui
Hn.f vH a. Mll.Lta, Lal!'''oro.
SHAW AI.liH. Udf R. K.
Attorney at Law,
Will prmdliw In nil lh
CnurtH of I he (Slnif. . .
Sam'l M. Oakland,
Weatheriord 4 Wyatt,
The Champion Mills,
General Exchange
and Mill Business.
JFliiur and All Kinds of
Mill Food For Salo
at the -
Lowest Prices.
We are jiivjiaivd at all
in ay Alliiiny prices for
win at. t tli.iM' w .'i st-re witli
u-. ( ail .tptl gci ruck? and
li-.ini i'n -. i i-r ji.ii ticular.
'cry Truly,
(i. W. ii-uir.fii A .Si.N.
l, i -tin,.!., II. il I'll! I Sl)liiu'.
J. K. Ewi rig's
Shaving Parloi.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies I nr Dvessiuti a Specialty
East and South
Somlicrii Pacific Co.
Kirei truiiia leave Punland daily:
HMr. . l.v. .lVirtlaud Ar. 8:10a.
I2:lt)i. . I l,v. .Alliany.. .-Ar. 4:fp0a. M
11:46 a. . KrancincuLv 7:(i0 f. ii
The alKive I -ai' a amp at Eunl Pnrt
Ituiil, Ori'ifiiu City, ttimdliurn,
Snit'iii, Tuitrr, M hi nil. Jrilerwin,
AlLany, iaiiKiJil. Mituil, Hal-e.v,
Hairip.i.urir. Jutii'liiiii Cil.v, Kit
Iteiie, l'refli Ctillaite Gr.ive, Drniiia
and all KtaMmii. from Kiwt l.urgaiiulh Ui
and iut'ludlng Aauluuu.
UoaelmrK mail daily :
8 :80 A. M.
12:28 t. .
6:20 r. at.
l.v. .Portland ...Ar. i 4:40 p. h
Ij'...Allian.v Ar.
1:16 P.
Ar...ltoeliurif.. Lv,
laical iiaasenger iralna daily (except
7: Ml ZH. lA3"lliany Ar. ; 96711,
8:10 A. at. Ar...ll.anon....Lv. 8:36 A. X.
4:00 a. at. i Lv...Alliany Ar. 6:46 r. H
4 :40 p. a. I A r. . . Leiianuii ...l.v. 6 :05 e. u,
Dining Canon Ogden Route.
Set:ond Clu8f- Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
West stltlo Division.
BrrwESf Pbti.aid akd Cobtaliu.
Mail train" d lily (except Sunday)
TTSO A . at . T 17v. I .' P.) i-t in 1 1 ri ... A r. I 8:204.11.
12:15 V. I Ar,('nrvllia,,bv. 1:35 p. u.
At Alhanv and t'orvalhs conned with
trains of 0. C. ii K. railroad.
Expreati train daily (except Sunday):
4:46 p. . I Lv... Portland ...Ar. ' 8:25 a. .
7:26 p. at. I Ar.Mi'Minnville l.v I 6 :60 A. M,
, , Kaatern Htatea, (ar
ada and Enrono can ho obtained at lowent
rare from P. U. llicknk. aitent, U'liannn.
K. KOKHLUK, Manaircr.
E. P. ROfiRltH, Aat, (1. F. PaaB. Aet.
Who can think
: some limine
i'icv moy you wwit .
'U:.' si-, Viivnt Attnv-
. .... v ... ,r tl.' (imwlMC
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throuijhout the Wast.
Tin- aheep ra (n ra uf Gnll iiii county
taw pnH "U J123 for !!. ecalps "f 57
! TheO-i'ln i, on h"f Indnt trip nut,
took l: 00 Inn- of coal from Cnne hay,
lh, lurg ; cnrun jet taken front Hie
The Ahland woolen mill haaatrain
etarted up, with full force In all the
driiartmenti. The new weter wheel
furnWiea ample power to run all the
The fl'at numlper of the Sumpter
pultljahed in Huniptor, Baker
enuntv, la i full of artvertiaenienta
Urn tlii-rv la only Just r.aini left for all
fine local new.
It i- not nniny inliiiiK niachlma
that turn nut minted iioiil; liut the
Kneel .uru- Review aays that, George
F.irlv, ho I niininn on Orfurd beach,
rntii.d a t2i0 M coin in hia niacliine
in- 'lay lart e. The piece waa
olnid in lHtil , '
IWrt I'hlldeta, of Table RiKik, in
J -.fkaoii eunly, liwt a viiluaUle home
reit-iitly by a peculiar accident. While
the I am whm eitawiux alounh, tlie
foot of me pf lite animal cauuht In
tin-collar of -he other and held the
liitb-r under the walcr until he waa
di owned.
H. K. Puiiinm, who nurehaaed 160
In ail of Kniiii-fe.l aleeta "i J.L. tavl
ii.w, at Eiil-rpri-e. in Wallowa coun-
taat uei-k bud t In-m welched and
l hey avcrafcd a little over 14H pouinla
a hi ad, which al 3 cents nrougbt Mr.
(; in.aa the auii Ullt of alaul $08011,
or over $42 a bead.
Win. Davla, of Thirty-Mile. In Gilli
am county, nairowly escaped burning
lo deal Ii lost week. He is a cripple,
and bin bouse i-aught tire from a pot of
pitch. Hia mm, who waa attracted to
the house by the noise, reached Ilia
la'her Jnat ill lime In drat; him trom
the burning buildini;. Tha house and
Pa w.-tv entirely destroyed.
The city attorney of Pendleton has
given It as hh opinion, lief re Hie com
mon council, that the dog taxes can be
collected. He thinks the city would
lie aafe in prnvetding to collect the tax, j
and, if recewary, In killing any dogs
upon which the taxea are nut paid.
The council iiislrucled the city treaa
urvi and o'b.-r city oUlcera accord
ingly. Alia rl Ruiilh, who fell asleep at Co
burg lust huturday afternoon, and
failed for eighteen hours to respond to
any effirla to awaken him, has reoov.
ered hie health and teen discharged
by tin ailetidlng physician, says the
Eugene Guard. Mr. Smith's involun
tary nap was due to .nervous proba
tion. After waking, Mr. Suiiili was
threatened for a time with typhoid
fever, but can fill attention prevented
any seriinia n p-uhs aud be is uow iu
his usual good health.
A resident on ctotith slough, iu Ca
cojuty, wa caught in his own bear
trap the other day. He had set the
trap a day or two before, and ao well
did be coyer It with leavea aud moss
that he was unable to locate it when
he went to look for it. While hunting
for the trap, he put bis foot in it and
was held fast, remaining there for a
day and a night, until rescued by A.
Nichols, who happened to lie looking
for cattle III the uelghb orhood aud
heurd his calls for assistance.
Last week Itlchard Zahn, who Uvea
in Alaea valley, had occanioti to pass
through the wiaids iu his neighbor
hoial. As he passed along his foot
slruck what heat flrxt supposed to be
a root sticking out of the ground. On
examining il, he found tint it was I lie
point of an elk horn. He got a spade
and excavated the autleis aud they
turned out to be fourteen. pointers. A
fourteen. poinl antler is called a "royal
antler" aud they are very rarely
found. These are very even aud beau
tiful. "J)oc" Johiuon trapped a beaver of
unusual size near Juuctlm City the
other day. II weighed about 80 pounds
and the hide is worth $9 or $0. This
beaver was an old-timer, and bud fre
quently been seen on the river of late
years, and ail attempts to capture it
failed. It was seen a few dayt. ago and
word was sent to "Doc" Johuaoti, who
caught it without difficulty. "Doc" is
an old hand at the business and ill
speaking of pioneer days, said that iu
one day In 18!, while going irom near
Junction on the river to Kuirne he
caught 76 beaver aud sold the hides fur
$1 apiece.
Children Cry for
Bridge Contract Let,
(From Albany Herald, Mar. 8.)
A nnmla'r of liri.lgcmen were In Al
bany yesterday, It laing the dute for
the npt'iilng of bids lor the erection of
a wagon lufilge nttiates, to rcpiuce Hie
one washed out by last winler'a flood.
It was a joint nu-eiing of the county
couilanf Linn and Marlon counties,
the North Santluin, the stream to be
bridged, being the dividing line be
tween the two couutlesi Judge Barton
and Commissioners Curl and Walters,
at Linn county, and Judge Terrell and
Commissioners Davis aud Watson, of
Marlon county, met at 1:30 and opened
bids, which were for botli steel and
wood. The bids were as follows, the
larger amounts being foi steel:
Pacific Hridge Co., $3100, J3000, $4000,
Ift'iOO; $1.80 per foot.
H.M.Htoiie, $1450, $1040.
8au Franclscu Bridge Co., $2050,
$3977; $1 76 per foot. .
C. K. Royal, $1700, $1650.
J. E. McCoy, $1237.
R. M. Giltwrt, $8, $7.50 per foot; 98
cents for approach; build bridge, $826.
L. N. Roney, 12 propositions, $1195
tu $2335.
J b. Tillotson, 10 propositions, $1280
to $1440.
Oregon Bridge & Construction Co.,
F. E. Woodward, $1680, $8 per lineal
hait, $1 for approaches; tor whole
bridge, $14&5.
The various plans and bids were dis
cussed during the afternoon, aud at an
evening session the contract was
awarded to J. E. McCoy at $1237.
The bridge is to be a standard Howe
truss, 174 feet long.
The bid at $826 was not considered,
It being loo low for satisfactory work.
The Mill City people are anxious for
the rebuilding of their bridge, and the
two counties should consider that
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in Liuu
couuty like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it atareau
tiou from the regular price to those
wbo want both the Express and tb
Oregnnian. The regular price ot t.u
Oregouiaii is $1.50 per year, and ol ti,
Exhkksm $1.50 when iu advance. ve
will furnish both f r $2. per year iu
advance, a saving of oue dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregoniau gives all
the general news of Hie country oucep
week, aud the Express gives all toi
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for the moderate bum of $2, per yen
Those who are at present subserilarr
f tne Exfkesh must pay Iu all arrear
ages aud one year iu advance to obtaii
Ii is special price.
Ho much litigation baa grown out of
the attempt of Mrs. Delia Frazier to
horsewhip Emmett Hnhnan, that
Crook county is threatened with an in
crease of taxes. The Prineviile Review
says; "A halt is demanded by ttie
citizens, not only of this place, but of
the entire county, In reference to the
cases now pending, aud those which
haVHoecurred during the week. The
start Iu the first case was trivial, but
airesbs and rearrests have been made,
auu our city aud couuty have been put
to useless expense, and It is time to
call a bait."
Executors' Notice of Appointment.
Notice is hereby given, that, by an order
of the County Court of Linn County, State
of Oregon, the undersigned have bten duly
appointed , and now are, the duly appoint-
ed, qualified and acting executors of the
estate of Arthur Sal mmrsh , deceased. A II
parties having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present tiie same,
v. ith the proper vouchers and properly veri
ibed, within six months from this day,
to-wit: the 28lh day ot January, 1897, the
date of the lirst publication of this notice,
to the undersigned or either of them, at
the ohice of Sam'l M. Garland, in Lebanon,
Linn county, Oregon.
Joseph C. Haltkaiisii,
William A, Baltmausii.
Sam'l M. Gablamd, Executors.
Atty. for Executors.
Call and see Miller's new stock,
New subscriptions for the Weekly
Oregoniau taken at this office,
Have your Hoe Cake soap wrappers,
they are worth a cent apiece.
Uina M. West Hive No. I lire work
ing under a special dlspeusullnii for a
few weeks, at the very low raPiol $1.50
initiation fee. Any one wishing to
unite with the Lady Maccabeus, and
take advautuge of this low rate, please
call on the undersigned for all Infor
mation regardiug the order.
Alice A. Hyde.
tUfaiM XfcMAltntwt"lQlli4l aivtajr,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
County Court.
The following road supervisors were
appointed: Dist 18, Isaac McElmurry;
28, C H Bogart; 29 J N Wright; 36, Jas
Fullhriglit; 39, D (I Swann; 43, B E
Grimes; 45, M Cunningham,
Lot 5, bite 7, Woodles addition, or
dered transferred to Louis A Miller,
account delinquent tax sale.
Application B S Martin for rebate
tax, disallowed.
Bond of I Bultmursh, commander of
John F Miller Post, was approved.
Resi nation of F M Grohorq, J P,
dist 9, accepted.
In matter of application of F E Tay
lor for county road, E Keehler, P Lew
aud E E Hammack were appointed
viewers, to meet March 30 at 10 a m.
Application of C B Long et al for
county road, A Blevins, E L Bryan
and J J Beard were appointed viewers,
to meet March 20, at 10 a m.
The following bills were allowed:
C B Montague $166 55
MC Gaines 166 55
D F Hardn an 150 00
Judge Barton 1 100 00
PG Morris 83 35
R Yv heeler 60 00
R B Montague 50 00
Asa Lewelling 60 00
Cable & Stauurd, aid J M Ar-
rlugton 7 94
8 P Barger, bounty 2 50
T J iStites, postage 22 50
W C Stellmacher, aid John Poll-
man 9 00
W F Hammer, work on present
ownership book 55 00
P JKmlley, printing 39 40
J C Powell, drawing jury 3 00
C F Swank, deputy sheriff 2 00
J P Queener, account roads 10 00
J A Finch, printing 289 00
Albauy Electric Light Co 10 00
J P Galbraith, aid indigent sol
diers 30 00
John Usher, janitor . 10 00
Read, Peacock & Co, aid poor 1 35
W W Howes, aid poor 13 66
Crawford & Haruish, surveys
and maps 4 50
Albany Water Co, account court
house 15 00
M Ludwlg, acct court house 4 50
Phil Bitter. iDut.v sheriff 24 00
Bred Arnold, roads and bridges 3 07
DDCheadlerent'MrsHiues 2 00
Sclo Press, advertising 1 65
Geo D Barnard & Co, stationery 9 55
Fipsbay & Masou, stationery 6 80
R Wheeler, teachers' exam, eto 49 50
ProfTorbet " 18 75
A Wheeler, " 6 00
E T T Fisher, surveying 0 00
Gibson Myers, acct poor 6 00
FP Nutting, printing 8 50
Louis Iilumauer, miscellaneous 1 00
Oregon Telephone Co, mlscel
neous 5 40
Mary E Davis, acct poor 8 00
May & Benders', acct poor 5 00
8 E Becker, acct poor 7 00
B F Ramp, icct poor 7 00
Hainan Hhelton, deputy sherlfl 5 00
T J titephcus, deputy sheriff 3 00
B A Pitt-fiord, assessor 101! 00
Acct insane, ex Bennett 27 10
Carl Roberts, deputy she-riff 13 00
Kilns Gentry 8 00
Fred Dawson, poor and station-
cry 11 00
H E Young, acct poor 7 80
Mat lie Taylor, aid H'oust 8 10
B R Murtlu, miscellaneous 2 50
C W Watts, printing 40 00
W E Savage, aid Cox family 6 00
W L Coon, aid Alberts 8 00
0 T Lubker 8 00
Alma Vail 8 00
Sarah Blues 8 00
Robt Gilock, aid self 6 00
MrsGFJunkey, aid 6 00
P M Smith, aid Watsou 5 00
Phehe Hendricsou 6 00
Mrs Adelia French 6 00
Henry Meyers, aid 4 00
Jas Larew, aid 4 00
Mr and Mrs Bernard, aid 5 00
B White, aid ICcuworthy family 8 00
Mm Adams, aid 8 (10
8 Keith ' 0 00
1 Coleman and wife 5 00
Henrietta Dcvine, 2 months 10 00
M Hockenherg 5 00
Send the Exi'uuss to your ft lends In
the East for the next four mouths;
l ouLy 25 twuU.
H va m
Land Opened For Entry.
United States Land Office, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, 1
January 25, 1897. J
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved plats of survey of Township 13
Houth, Range 5 East, and 13 South,
nangu o lasi, tne fractional plats or
survey orTownshlps 12 Houth, Range
4 East, Range 5 Jtiost, Range 6 East,
and 7 East; and also fractional survey
of Township 13 Houth, Range 7 East,
have been received fiom the Surveyor
General of Oregon, and on
MARCH 25, 1897,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said date, said
plats will be tiled in this office, and
the land therein embraced will h sub
ject to entry on and after said date.
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Wit Galloway, Receiver.
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that, by an order
made on the 28th day of February, 1897, by
the county judge of Linn county, Oregon,
in the estate of Eliza J. Duckett, deceased,
the undersigned was duly appointed, and is
now the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing administrator of the estate aforesaid. All
parties having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same,
with the proper vouchers, and properly
sworn to, within six months from the date
of this notice, the 4th day of March, 1897,
the same being the date of the first publica
tion hereof, to the undersigned at the office
of Sam'l M. Garland, in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of March, 1897.
Sam'l M . Gabland, Administrator,
Atty. for Admr.
Land Offlco at Oregon City, Or.,l
Feb. 27, 1897. I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or., on April 17, 1897, viz:
H. E. 9737, for the S. E. of N. V. H, 8.
W. 14 of N. E. M, N. W. X of S. E. V and
N. E. yt of S. W. H of Sec. 32, Tp. U S., K. .
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz: J. K. Chari
ton, of Lebanon, Ogn., A. J. Laton, of La
coml), Ogn., L, 0. Rice, of Lacomb, Ogn.,
C. L. Raines, of Lacomb, Ogn.
Kobbkt A. Mixlbb, Register.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When Hhe waa a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Whea sue bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
Save the Wrappers,
They are worth a centapiece if taken
from Hoe Cake soup.
Use Hoe Cake soap.
The big salo has commenced at
Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store.
We still have bargains in shoes, '
Read, Peacock & Co.
Look at Read, Peacock & Co's new
display ad. It will pay you, as they
mean business.
You can buy a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.65,
Bargains in mens', youlhs' and
hoys' clothing, lit the office of the
Waterluo Woolen Mills.
Money to loan. A limited amouut
of money to loan ou good farm secur
ity. Call upon or wrlto to H, N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon.
Overalls with aprons or without, 50o
a pair at the Racket Store. Also have
Just received a large amount of new
oulico. Don't full to see them.
I have money to loan nt 8 per cent
Interest on good farm or pcrsouul
security, J. M. Raloton,
MiuUon Block, Albany, Or,
Glove's Tasteless Chill Toulo Is a
perfect Malarial Liver Tonlo and Blood
puritier. Itemoves biliousness without
purging. As pleasant as Lemon Syrup,
It is as lurge us any dollar tonic aud
retails for 60a. To get the genuine ask
for Grove's. For sale by N. W. Smil h,
Lebanon, Or.
Bljyum TUh.iUum.ia. tnjlgaajlun.
ifV '' i ' 'J ' ' " ' '"' '.'."''.':. ' ''.' ';.''