NO. 1. TliRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. iae i our...... - t H ,li iwUI In adnuim. 1 00 aar IX inttlli. ................. '! r ire in.iioli, ..,.... V" Itjitlvii'iiileK....... . .:- 'i , statu imT.t;. fl.-... . MrRmlvi Join. H. Mitchell,! Biiiimr lli?P'uRM y.."..,...,...A:oiigrenliii Wiltla'ii IV Lord,.;,..,. (Invprnnr H. I!. Kb, nod Secretary of State IMiil Mot. ha Tn-iwurw i. ,l. Iri. ..Snpt. Public Instruction 11. W State Printer (I. S beau, i F. -. M.mrfl, ., ........Supreme Judges. C K, 'A ookcrton.l 'WNTV OFFICERS. I i tpv , G. D. flariuit ItiininitT, -I'. F. Ilurdnian t'lerk, . C. B. Monrugue S ,enl ,., Mih,. SiiininuH'ii'li' treasurer,. rl('NMir, s .rvecr, ., ....... M. (.'. tiahies it, Ilictimo d Wheeler 1". G. Morris ., II. A 'Stafford . K T. T. Fisher l F. Wright i J. M. Wilier I l. 1.. t url .7 L. f ol.KY . V. RH F. t ,,.,ir, .illillH! . . fry Ai roiiNEY........s. m. garlash :KAl!UEK J. F. HYD1-. 4lhHAL. '....JOHN CARROLL J. fl. luiYI.E, IS. II. LONG, iirv.'ii MfiJ'' 0 PETERSON, I JOHN MoRKIS, I N. It. Bt AM AN. I'lly Council mhi nil li liret mH third Tuesday evening of each month. Secret Societies. 1.1 XX TEST. S-i. ". K. 0. r. .-iu In U. A. It. Ilstl "ii Thursday evening of net Wfl. rrniHit'itl Mir Knufhts are cunlta.'.y ilivlled In eiili th" Ti'lil meeting. , W. C I'ETEiwoir. Com. iHn. IV K. il'iXilK LDIKiE. No. W. i. O. C. W.-Mwlt pverv Von lay evmihm al ti.A.K.Hill. A. Cbphsiy, M, W. i. F. UvOK, llec. jr III S().V M)UUE. K0.17 . t.O. O. F.-Mevts wry autnrdar twain at Odd Fellow. Hull. al ,'elnpit p. m. i. I). BOYLE. N. 0. a. a. KEn, meet. mW.tB!C WMWE. HO. 47. L 0. 0. F.-4-!ts , I. 0.0. r Hull tint od third Wcdunn Uy vvonlnfti of eacli ninmh . bAKAll .I.TABBB, N. 8. HT'IE A.CBCIN. Bocfy. I.KBASUN UllK.ESo, 41 A. T. A. M.-MeoK 4atiirtlycvenliiit. on or before the ftill mono In ub month. Mmolile HU, Cor Main Hid Ornl . oojoiirnlm hrrlhem corulallif tarlted a nlten'l. K. E. HAXKAfS, W. M, F. U. Ukxok, Sec. JOHN F. MIIXElt W. It. C. No. 16. "! "! uf e''h 41 IM f. m. Mbh. Hattiie Citroos. . M,i,.Ai.ic-A.UvoE, rre. Hw'tf. UKN'LMKKKIBCAHP, o. 1, PlvinlonofOre- ton. Don" of Veleniil-Mt. In (I. A. K. Hall. evt the third Vinrd of each month, moetlog if 'rJ' ,ran id eomradeof the 0. A. B. are cor.n" Iniilcd to meet wlih the Camp. A. BoalA. Capl. . O. fcvri in. FlralScgl. ni'A M WEST UIVK. NO. 1, U O. T. M. JI,!et.oathe'Jd, 4lh and 6th Friday evening of eaoh month at 1 M r. u. at 0. A. it. nu'. "" ahoit Lidy Maeiwbeeii are cordially invited to tteud. lh'uuv 8. Maun, Hit Com. Col,u 8ai, l ady B. K. vjiOFESSIOXAL. W. M. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Will practice in all the Court of the State. . . LEBANON, OREOON. SAM't M. GAKLAND, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. LEBANON. OKEOO!. matter-ford 4 Wyatt, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, AX,BiVY, OSEOOIT. The Champion Mills, no a.. General Exchange and Mill Business. flour and All ICindu of MU1 Koed For Sale at the Lowest Prices. We ars prepared at all to pay Albany prices lor wheat to those who store with us. v an auci get sucrb ana learn further particulars. " Very Truly, G. W. Aldkich A Sou. BARBER SHOP Brut Shave, Huir Cut or Shampoo. J. R. Ewing's Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. Ladies H.iir Dressing a Specialty East and South VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF TJJE- Sonthern Pacific Co. Kxiikw trains leave Portland daily 8:80 r. M. , I,v...rortlan(t. ....Ar. ..Ar. 8:10 a. II 4:50 A. II 7:00 P. 12:10 A. V. Lv...Alhnny. 11:46 A. Ar.Han KrunciscuLv Tli aiinve frai' n hIud at Eaal Pnrl- lanrl. Orcirim Citv. Woodburu, Kalmi, Turner, Marion, Jelt'erwiu, Allwny, TaiiKi'Ut, Hhedd, HaUey, Harriahurir. Ju&vtton City. Eu- KHie, Crenwell. Cottage Grnve, Draiim and all vtatlnua frooi Rnaeliurg aoutli to and ini-ludlii J Auauu. lioseburgnii il dailyj 8:30 aT. I Lv. .. Portland ...Ar. 12: r. . Li... Albany Ar. 6:20 P. H. 1 Ar...Kopeburg.. Lv. 4 :40 P. 1:15 p. 8:00 A. H local Sunday. passenger traina daily (except 7:30A. . 8:10 a. m. 4:00 P. U. 4:40 P. K. Ii ...Albany Ar. Ar...lbanou.,Iv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar... Lebanon ..Xv. 9:15 A. M. 8:36 A.M. 6:46 P. M 6:06 P.M. Dining Carson Ogden Route. Pullman Burf 3,1 Sleepers AND 8ecorjd-Clae Sleeping Care At tached to all Through Trains, Went Hide Dlvlaion. BUTWEiS I'OBTUSO ASP COBVAIXIS. Mail traindaily (except Sunday) r."lTA;..PorUaiid ...Ar. I 6:20 A. M, Ai'.l.('orvslli..Lv. 1 1:36 p.m. 12:15 P. M. At Albanv and Corvalln connect with trains of O. C, ii E. railroad. Express tral i-daily (except Sunday): 4 .46 P. M. 7:26 P. M. Lv...Porlland...Ar. Ar.McMtnnvilleLv : A. M 8:60 A DDftTinn TTxTTS To all points in the ada and Enrol e can be obtained at lowest rates from F. U. Hickok, agent, Lebanon. K. KOEHLF.K, Manager. E. P. K0GER8, Asst. !. It Ps' OK1- "nted ftn Idea STATE AND COAST. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the Wast. The flue wealher lat week started many Henlon cnu'Uy funncra to plow ing fur Hprlnp tawing. At Hiding X. 1, ill Lit colli enunly, there 1 said to be a 7-year-old girl who plays t lie cornet very well. Home rascitls have been amusing themselves (hooting horses on Ten- Mile creek, in Wasco county, and tn anlinalu bare been killed recently. The Paradise Valley Fruit company is stilkii'ttlng out fruit trees by the thousai d in Douglas county, on a tract of land recently bought by the com pany. Twelve oarinads of cattle, bound for Omaha, parsed through La Grande one day last week. The cattle wre bought by Mi'Doiiald Bros., In Eastern Washington. II, lnw Klunialh Palls, In Klamath count)', Is a plain board at the head ot a mound, and it tells the public, so It i Slid, that "Thirteen of them flgbtin' 1 it J I lie ar' planted here." 1 lie Mrdfonl brewery and Ice works has been purchased by E. Merz, of Portland. He is now preparing for Hit season 's work. It is the only brew ing and ice plant in this state south of Albany. Farmers who have been living In hope of seeing wheat sell for $1 a bushel now have a chance to see how It seetus w hen they go forth in quest of seed for spring sowing, says the North Yamhill Reporter. John Andrews, an Indian and mer huntof The Dalles, who owns uearly nil of the Bturgeon lines used by In dians ill the vicinity of The Dalles, was arrested last Thursday for catch- tig saliuoo. After he wa iufoimed of the law, be pleaded guilty and paid his tine. The Medford Monitor-Miner la In formed that ersoiis in the vicinity of Evans creek, in Jackson county, are hounding" deer, driving them out ot that locality into the mountains. Hounding is unlawful at any time of t tie year, and an eflori will be made to bring the oflendero to justice. M. Hurst, of Medford, whose son was one of I lie victims of the Silver Lake holocaust, bus a gold watch that was (be property of bis son, who bad it on at the time of the fire. Toe crystal of the watch melted in the beat and pressed down upon the bauds, stop- plug them at the bour the Sre oc curred. China mustard la getting to be one of the worst pcttts the farmers of Sher man couuly have to contend with, says the Mo. -.Observer. Its most trouble some feature is In heading and thresh ing. Win n tender, cattle do much to destroy It, but when lef, to its own sweet will, Its roots take hold with a lirmness that battles the strength of a man. Dogs attacked a band of sheep owned by W.J, Oberiueyxr, of Tan:ent, last w-k and killed 24 of the flock. Part oft herr were killed outright and the others were frightened into Calapooia creek an4 drowned. Tht sheep were upon the farm of Mr. Brogk, near Rob erts' bridge. The dogs were caught In the act and recognized. Their owner, Mr. Joel Robinson, paid for the 24 sheep killed. C. W. Heiidrix, who owns and runs the sawmill near Bloomli.g, In Wash ington couuly, Bluce getting up steam in bis mill two years ago has not lost single day by idleness. His men have worked every day, eilber In the mill or in the forest. Mr. Heudrix boasts of the thrift of hia neighborhood and accounts for it by the dairying indus try that supports two creameries. He says he bus not a single account on his books that he would discount a cent because of a fear that it will not be promptly paid at maturity. It cost the city of Spokane H0,500 to settle with Belle Smith for the Injury that she received on accouut of negli gence of city otlicials. Shu was on her way to the Hotel Hpokane to attend the reception tendered the Hon. John L. Wilson and wife, upon their return from Olympia, after his election to the U. 8. senate. On her way she encoun tered a sheet of ice that bad accumu lated across the sidewalk. Sbe fell and one of her legs was brtketi lietweeu the knee and ankle. It is feared that auipututiou uiay yet be necessary in order to save her life. She sued for $2!),0(I0 damages and was a warded judg ment ft.r $tb,50Q. The city uppeuled the case to the supreme oourt, which suBtajued the judgment of the superior owrt, Hop Yards Around Scio. So far as wc can learn, every ono of the many hop yards in the vicinity of Selo, that was not plowed up Inst year, will be ciiltlvnied this season. Some of the growers are now busily at work pulling their yards hi older and will lie at work In a few duys, the weather permitting. Home of the growers have made contracts for their products, but llie most of them prefer to assume all risks themselves and oli taln all the advance lu price that all hope will occur. Wm.and Jake Bilyeu have leased the Marion Alexander yards. Ed Daley has leased the T. J. Munk ers yards and is now putting them in order. Some weak thief baa entered his hop house some lime during the past year and carried off all of the ropes and some of the pulleys. Ed does not feel in an overly good humor about the mailer and is on thejookout for the thief. Mr. Giant Davis, of Bilverton, has leased the Phillips yards and has com menced plowing the same. Mr. Davis is a snn in-law of G. W. Phillips, from w horn he leases. Should fur. ii ne favor our growers with reasonably fair prices, together with what will be paid for picking, Scio ought to experience considerable relief from the money lamlue of the last two or three years. Scio Press. Monthly School Report. The following is the report of the Lebanon public schools fur the month ending February 19, 1807: No. ronaiiilng'.t.." I 2SM3SZ Noiew pupils ss i sh pi No. reuiimitteiL. 50 c dumber exiwlleiLT, 1 j j "1 : Number susjiended.. : j ; Number dropieii j 51 S 2 S Av, daily atciiilance S f; 51 Sy! 5 Av. No. belonging... Total No. enrolled... 2 No. girls 2 NoJwyd enrolled.. time lost (munites) 2 No. times tardy t- if3 3 "OS sf No. jjuyB absence... No. days attend'nee f- t No. days taught. c a 8 8 2 3 S. is No. room.. L. H. Bakeb, Principal. When News is Scarce. The printing shop's a sorry place, When news is scarce. The very earih seems oft its base, When news Is scarce. The clouds take on a duller bue, Our souls absorb the deep sky'a blue, The storms of bell begin to brew, When news is scarce. Our peaceful dreams all vanished are, When news is scarce. Inhuman thought our reveries mar, Vv hen news is scarce. We long for riots, tights and brawls, For ships destroyed in sudden squalls, Fur children crushed 'ueath tailing walls. Wbeu news is scarce. A thief's a manna-feeding sprite, When news is scarce. Murderers' deeds seem strangely right, When news is scarce. The vilest deeds ot fact or pen, That ever came to mortal ken, Would welcome be to paper men, When news is scarce. Exchange. A Clubbing Oder. A great many of our readers in Linn county like to take the Weekly Oregon Ian, We have made arrangements whereby we can furnish it at a reduc tion from tlie regttlur price to thost who want both the Kxi'RKSs and th Oregouian. The regular price of tue Oregonlau is $1.50 per year, aud of the Expkehs $1.50 when lu advance. We will furnish both f r $2. per year in advance, a saving of one dollar to the subscriber. The Oregonlau gives all the general uewsof the country oncep week, aud the ExI'ukhs gives all tot local news once a week, which will make a most excellent news service for the moderate sura of J2. per yen' Those who are at present subscribers of the Exl'KEPB must pay lu all arrear ages and one year lu advance to obtain his special price. Use Hoe Cake soap. Children Cry for PitcNr'f Caatorla Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure Transacts Business Without a Quorum. The concluding article of "This I Country of Ours" series by ex-President Harrison appears in the March Ladies' Home Journal. It completes "The Senate and House of Representa tives" article. In It General Harrison gives tills interesting view of the work ings of Congress: "A majority of each house, under the constitution, consti tutes a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum Is not present, and that fact Is disclosed by a yea and nay vote, business must Btop until a quorum is secured. But the members present are empowered by tho consti tution to adjourn from day to day and 'to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each house may pro vide.' A great deal of business is done in both the senate and house when a quorum is not present, the absence ot a quorum not being officially disclosed by a roll-call. The sergeaut-at-arms is not an infrequent attendant at sot lei receptions and dinners, but always an unwelcome one when be comes to de mand the attendance of truant sena tors or members upon their re9pectiye bouses. One-fifth of the members pres ent may demand a vote by yeas aud nays, and the vote must lie recorded in the journal which each house is re quired to keep of its proceedings. This journal does not include the debates, which are, however, published in full daily iu the 'Congressional Record.' "The senators aud members are priv ileged from arrest, except for treason, felony or breach of the peace, while in attendance upon their respective bouses, and while going to aud return ing from the meetings of congress. A member may be 'punished by the house to which be belongs for disorderly be havior, and by a two-thirds vote of the house may be expelled." , Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween C. K. Pugh aud W. H. Muucy, under the firm name uf Pugh & Muucy, aud engaged la the sale ot groceries and furnishing goods, at Lebanon, Oregon, has been dissolved this day, by mutual consent, W. H. Muucy retiring. All debts ot the firm are to be paid by C. E. Pugh, who continues the busiuess. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to settle as suou as possible with either Mr. Pugh or Mr. Muucy. C. E. Pugh, W. H. MUNCY. Lebanon, Ore., Feb. 1, 1897. Land Opened For Entry, United Stales Land Office, i Office, ) regon, 25, 1897. J Oregon City, Oregoi January zo, Nol ice Is hereby given that the ap proved plats of survey of Township 13 South, Range 5 East, and 13 South, Range 6 East, the fractional plats of survey or lowusuips iz eoutn, rtuuge 4 East, Range 5 East, Range 0 East, and 7 East; and also fractional survey of Township 13 South, Range 7 East, have been received fiom the Surveyor General of Oregon, and ou MARCH 25, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said date, Bald pints will be filed In this olllce, aud the laud therein embraced will be sub ject to entry ou and afler said date. IvOllEHT A. J1II.LKK, XUiglStCr. Wm. Galloway, Receiver, Executors' Notice of Appointment. Notice is hereby given, that, by an order of the County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon , the undersigned have been duly appointed, and now are, the duly appoint ed, qualified and acting executors of the estate of Arthur Saltmursii, deceased. All parties having claims against said estute are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers anil properly veri fied, within six months from this day, to-wit : the day ot January, 1807, the date of the first publication of lliis notice, to the undersigned or cither of them, at tlie office of Sum'l M. Garland, in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, Josseu C. Haltmauhh, . Wiuiam A. Baltmassii, Ham'lM. Oakland, Executors. Atty. lor Executors, Call aud see Miller's new Block, New subscriptions for tlie Weekly Oregouian taken at this olllce, Save your Hoe Cake soap wrappers, they an wurtii a Sent autwaii Baking Po?dF , Denny Pheasants for Idaho. Dr. Maberiy and Hugh Fulton are busy raising funds for the purpose of stocking the Boise valley with Chinese ring-necked pheasants, says the Boise Statesman. It is their intention to send to Oregon for 100 of these birds, which they hope to have shipped by the latter part of April, us the birds : nest in May and June. Upon their ar rival In Boise they will be turned loose at various points over the valley. Until 1900 the birds will be protected by law. Dr. Maberiy and Mr. Fulton think that by that time the valley will be full of pheasants. Some two years ago an efiort was made to propagate them in Garden valley, but failed owing to the fact, that their wings were clipped, in con sequence of which they were captured by the coyotes. NOTICE FOR PULICATION. United States Land Office, ( Oregon City, Or., Dec. 28, 1890.) To Whom it May Concern: ' ' Notice is hereby given that the Willa mette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon ' Koad Company has filed in this office a list of lands situated in the townships described below, and has applied for a patent for said lands; that the list is open to the public for inspection, and a copy thereof by descrip tive subdivisions, has been posted in a convenient place in this office, for the in spection of all persons interested and the public generally. Willamette Valley and Cascade Mt. , Wagon Koad Company Supplemental List No. 9 "A" South of base line and East of Willamette Meridian Tp. 12 S., E. 3 E..-N W and N WK of S E H Sec. 25-S W i and E H of 8 E 'A of Sec. 27, S ' of NEJi and 8 k o( Sec. 33, and S of See. 35-T. 12 S., It. 3E. Within the next sixty days following the date of this notice protest or contests against the claim ot the company to any tract or subdivision within any section or part of section, described in tho list, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the Gen eral Land Office at Washington, 1). C. Robebt A. Milleb, Register. Wm. Galloway, Receiver. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, that, by an order made on the 26th day of February, 1897, by the county judge of Linn county, Oregon, in tlie estate of Eliza J. Duckett, deceased, the undersigned was duly appointed, and is now the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administrator of the estate aforesaid. All parties having clainiB against snid ostate are hereby required to present the same, with tlie proper vouchers, and properly sworn to, within six months from the date of this notice, the 4th day of March, 1897, tlie same being tho date of the first publica tion hereof, to tlie undersigned at the office of Sam'l M. Garland, in Lebanon , Linn county, Oregon. ' Dated this 4th day of March, 1897. . , , , G. Lovelbk, Sam'l M. Gablanu, Administrator. Atty. for Admr. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, WUea she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla. Whoa she became Miss, she clung to Caatorla. Whoa she bad Cbgdrea, she gave thorn Caatorla, Save the Wrappers. They are worth a cent apiece if taken from Hoe Cake Boap. The big sale has commenced at Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store. Send the Exi'Miss to your frieuds in the East for the next four montlis; only 25 cents. I have money to loan at 8 per oeut interest on good farm or personal security, J. M. Ralston, Mas ton Block, Albany, Or. We still have bargains iu shoes. Read, Peacock & Co. Money to loan, A limited amount of money to loan ou good farm secur ity. Call upon or write to S. N. Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon. Overalls with aprons or without, 50o a pair at the Racket Store. Also have just received a large amount of uew gaUeo, Don't fell to wt UMtn.