Rheumatism that Cracked the Swollen Flesh. Ths Most Wonderful Cure from this Disease in Modem Medical Annals. Is There Anything ta Compare , in fery and ' Suffering With It. Frm (A Okronioit, Chicffi, JO. It wi torn ym a next month that Ta right montht past I had mS Km. SL H. Hon, who lira at SO Went- able to comb mr hair, hnm myteU or walk. rath Avsaat-. cum to CMcago. Sha wis at that tin Wd-riddn, nffering from in- Jummatory rtfumatuaa and aot able to rain her Srcn tha floor. On of tin best phj upiMs ta Chicago treated bar here three wceka trat wat unable to effect eren relied He gara ap her cue, faelieriDg aothmg could be dooc for her and that ihe hiid but a few dan to live. speaking of her sufferings and the re Kef and pf rmanent com eflvcted later the mve: " When 1 in fire yean old I vat taken down with inflammatory rheumatism, but after a comparatively abort time it pass ed on, ana l wai tree from all ita symptoms mil 1 was fourteen years old. Then I had another attack, of which 1 was cured, and did not hare a tick day until four Tears ago vur-sunas anemoon 10a. I had lived twenty-i yean in Lading ton, Michigan, and foarteen years in nfan fetee, Michigan, both towns being situated so the lake. The weather in both places m ven raoro damp, more raw and in winter older than it is here. In Manntee tor many yean I conducted a dressmaking establuh men! wfiioh 1 cumed on until I was taken nek. I knew all the nromuient townk in . Manistee and h was hard for me to close my buuneaa and leave all the people I had known there for years, iiy four children, all of whom are married, lived m other States. One daughter lived in Chicago and being advised to change climate I came here. The attack on tbat Christmas afternoon e without warnin?. I was suddenly taken with chilis and rheumatic fever, which grew www umj ut uay. jtantsiee paystcians am all they could for me. but I was heinless in bed until the end of Hay 1893. The phrsi mans advised me to leave the shores of the la and especially Manistee. I took their advice and canoe to Ciucaco. "KhmmkMism was in my hands, my fret and my head, in nut it was all over me be sides hiving heart failure. I could not think of tearing my chair. I was unable to comb ray tnur, 1 was practically helpless at the time I came to Chicago. Do you see all those wnite scare on my hands? Well, let ate tell yon bow I got them. My hands be nme rennunr swouen witn o9 rheuma tism and were smooth and shiny just like a piece of ttIi- The skin by the swelling was arret e tied to snob a point that it burst wherever yon see the sears and from the wnnnd came water for quite a lone time. My suftir'T. t were almost unbearable and J tried tu. treatment of one of Cbicae"'s oldest anu u -tt physician. I took his med cine tor tnive weeaa, bat only ere1 I bars To" n-TTTous that I could not sleep ad my atonvh became so weak, whether from the strong dmn or my general debili taid eoodniun I know not, but h was diffi cult for me to retain any solid food. He gave uo my case and advised me to send for my hmrhind. u I knew hr that advice, that he did not give me mn -h ionser to live. Instead I went to one of my daughters who lives in the sou i h -ra win of Indiana, in Elnora, Da via Coantv wh-re her husband. Asa Hair, was one of the nrominent merchanta. I believed the etiiMte there, twin away from the in-flat-nans of Lake Michizsn aught help me. T had been in Elnora about one week, not reeling any better, when one day I received from mv daughter in Chicago three boxes of U. Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale People, telling me in her letter that she had read in a newspaper of the wonderful cures they had effected. That she had gone to (he wo- wca Bi-wBwiffCT luuui tun ntusn then and tby told her every word said shoot thorn was true. She pleaded that I try Lose pills and perhaps I would find the avoe benefits. I did nnt hesitate, as aay ining time pmniiwri relief, let alone a cure I was only too glad to try. I commenced tak feg them, im pilis three times a day. A $65.00 Machine Yi with Ontr aad Coupon I-: I " j "s- - - rur Vit.-JU f p 1 - I-,' 2 durabl!,ly. nd m;ikiii(f U v , ' y "l pwiibfc for the machine t ano f , ' V V'l P"i oi order, .(sew or trot pCM mrP Jjrtlli00? n P"' hinges, firmly held down by s thumb screw Wrong, wrwaantial nil and bandwme in deii., anrf brautifully ornamented in gold. Bed plate has rMnacoraen and is iuiaid or counttraunk, making it flush with top of table. frtfgttc Arm-hpace under the am us o incbes high and inehes loog. This will admit th lar skiru, and o l quilts. It SH-f hreading-AHlcty uo holes to put thread through jxpt fyeofnedJe Shirttkiscjdiiider. open on end. entirety self -thread To p in or tat i,iit; ; b"hbta holds a large amount o thread. Stitch Kegufatw is (i the fed ofthe machine, rll iTfJ b"nln'm,tl fd has a scale showing the numierof stitches to the inch, and can I tmaiifM from o to Tt: Mitehes to the inch, feed u douUe aud ertewds on bolh sides of niie- OUmg tht.tnoulil untomMicaJly and perfcrjy Mtooth wittnnt tahhoc the thmul. v. aZL uot jn;i while v S1.11-. culc little n.iis ami rn.,.,t... (..-1, ZXMS.?A??'W'uVtmXhm. Teas. b a M .t( te.: an wilt adimt thteed lma to l epooi cotun wi.ituu ckaaKiw. A'everiMtsosioroaVr I he iHwOle a stntsht. erfm weedte. on out sMe. end csitaot ke r.m in .. tMfe T .tiTJL ' i''11 m;Jtl"tca? P. '"' toe machine will law a liliiime. .-h iJ? m " '""hi m!t ni"y ll.i.d accouorits.soit in addition we . 5 l Jichmeiits 10 a vel. lined metal tioj, tree of charge. a follow,: OM to I ?n'b''lCT- one "hirtinc plale, one t o, four henimer,. different widths up mito wJStS of S' m,-?UlxL """'f ' " 'ht foot, end one !hre outer. Woodwork of fmett quality oak or walnm. gothic ctmr sod drawera, nickel-nUted rinn to drawers. dre guards to wheel, aod device for replacine; belt. P ' DDN'T PAY ZXWL RI'Y whectly of hhmufactubsrs o UUI1 I 1MI iimm CHIS Dill SAKE GIS ASP ttALt PS0FI7S OUB CRFAT Orrra . mr. Lm- c u i r.-- i . . pon offer, (tmnif everyrearter of Ihu paper a change' to (ret t firi rcj. L Cowos ui.ne u loe MM price ever orlered. (m receiol ol wo w:ll snip the aooveiescn'oed machioe anywhere tureiy packed sod ei led. ano guaranleeaale delivery. A ten vera' wnlwu warranty aenl with each macnine. Money relanded if not ai reprexinied after thiny days' test trial. y,t will snip C. O. D. for !K50 wuh privilflte of twenty days trial oo reteiptorfi.lliasaKiiaraoteeof 'od faith ar.dehar.es. 11 von prer ihirtv nays inal oefore payine. send for our larjte Illustrated catalogue with ttati nonidl., explaining luliy now we ship sewina- machines aiivwhere to any. jm.-attnc lowest manuiamrer-ipn.i v.-itbootakin'OBe ocot in advance i he best plan i to send all cash with order, as you then save the HA) uis coiutt. kementber the coupon must be sent with order. adiw o fullj CA-W BryVERS' UNION. babe. Well, the first niils I remetuber di tinctlr, I took on a Saturday, and tlw follow ins Monday I found this improvement: namely, my nerves seemed to be rjruisr ana my pains less. I wish to state that at this time, for the last four months 1 had not tlfnt over an hour at a time, had suffered o great ly from nervous prostration, to the extent thai the least noise would completely upset it and make me shake like one having the apu. This Monday evening I was sitting in my chair, and bear in mind, my daughter's house was full of eompanv making: more or less none, all tending to keep me nervous, Wiih all that I commenced to feel easier, a strange and quieting feeling I had not experienid since that Christmas afternoon I was stricken down. I called to bit daughter and said, 'Ada, I don't know what has come over me, I feel so restful and actually feel sleepy, I think I will try to go to sleep.' I could sea that she was surprised and Bleated. Imme diately she undressed me and put me to bed. "I slept soundly from 9 o'clock till 1 o'clock in the morning, and ths! mind yon with a hoase full of people. 1 remained awake but a snort time, reeling better than 1 hsd tor months, and went into a sound sleep, never waking till 7 o'clock in the momkg. It was very hot down there in Angtat, but from that time I slept and rested well. Theu 1 frit and saw an improvement gradually go ing on. The first thing I noticed was, that the swelling in my hands was going down, and after several weeks assumed theu natur al shape, and the tightlv drawn skin, which looked like glass disappeared altogether at) joint, would track nd th mmt enckinj oondi 1 hrd whml beat my elbow, at mm to r.i qraa 6iCn u my itioui. dei. All this left aw and auo all the beret rh....i .11 tkri, m. kt. 1 came back to Chicago entirely cared, feel-j m)E aair ano nearry. ana toat aner uvita had ukea dnrinr thoe fcar monthi almui one and a halt' dozen boxu. j . "x " BO,1 "Jn mi that el j tbii happened, and I have ner Ml bcttel I in my life. Yon can e for yoanelf that ' I am pretty enry on my feet. I have no xaio. ami uw id dc icu uuniif au uiiH ume use a no aches nor annhinfr that would eugawt fic vantoe. the Pink Pille, which to me aizmnea a aycat j have an antipathy to cat, especially at dval. That ie when the weather ehanfres, i night. I am not aware that our neigh from Mtreme heat to extreme cold, or from j ,rhood was particularly beneficial m ID. ' as we bad the past two weeks, and have everv little wane m Cmcagoall the year arouml, I frel twinges and little pains in my ahoul ders or in my arm, or perhaps it may be in my side, all I have to do is to take a few td the pills for a day or so and they take every indication of those pains awsy. "With the xerpum of the periods when the weather is friebtfully miserable, I have not taken anv pills since I was cured. And the pills I have taken since have not bees for mr eld trouble, but simply for coi which have tried to settle in some part vi my body, and which the mh have iiunl driven out I also wish tostate that ihepila have cured my heart trouble, and in fact I am in perfect health in every respect." (rijnwu.j aiHs. si. a. liOTT. Sworn to and snhserih. Ivr.rr m thm 22nd day of April, Mm. A. i . roETMAS, Notary Public. Ut. Villiams' Pink PilU for Pale TW1 are now given to the public as an unfailing inowi buuuw anu nfrve restorer, eunng ail form of weakness arising from a watrr mw dition of the blood or shattered nerves. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent poet paid on receipt of price, 50 cents s box, or ail boies for (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), sddresstiig I. Wil liama'iledicine Company, bohemtadjt li, X "ftrariQion fids.' HtaB'Arai !mU,S5WLTS NEW HOST STYLC utTryr SET CHEAPEST Shipped to anyone, anywhere, on 10 iiya' Irce trial, in your ovrn home, without asking one cent inauvascv. ft) years' wtiilfo Warranty with each uutxtiiiie. A itrictlv btgivjfTade fcw ing Wackinc, ft oi shed througinHJt in tie btt pi? sibiemaainsr. It p-ff nil niotirri! imptweincmsndiu niwciiaiikai coo'iiuction is such that in u are comlrincd simplicity wiibgrtatBireiijfUi, inv tbe fart Much ano AlwavB rtariv for mu and unrivaled tot spenl, fiuntbiiit' ami qual i:y ot wjrk. Notice the fol lowing points of superiority: i . ' wi. "i. ' : .L '.I- u" -.i:uf:t icotwr- Sifc .n r.,h rf ,,.-. NbiltrM rtn nn UttMt J A VSeaim tent nir. mit Arlfftglca A Ho. 5 sHs4KJKJw tofrtwt, tM-HM M, m MnlN 7M IfltOASsS tii HOW POLLY HiOPOSED, "Hi! Hi! Ul right! AU right! Kow we aha'st be long! said the gray par rot. I regret to say that the irrepressible young man that brings the daily milk is the tutor of roy parrot in the latest up-to-date slang of the day. I am an old aea-captain-at least, not old, perhaps the word slipped out un awares. I am the right side of M. any- now; out being in receipt of a pension and a small private income to boot, 1 have cast anchor in mr preseutabodein the expectation of weathering many a winter storm yet. Being without a known relation in the world, 1 willingly tell in with the suggestion that J should pick up my moorings alongside my old friend and messmate, Capt. Tra-vers, Jate K. K, who, having left one of his tegs on the west coast of Africa while capturing a slaver, was pensioned off at an even earlier age than myscif, and now lived with his sister a most comfortable party, fat, fair and 40 or thereabout in the adjoining house to mine in the neighborhood of Ixindon. We had al ways got on well together, our tastes and dispositions were similar, and we had often met during our naval careers. His sister 1 had not previously been ac quainted with, but, being in many re spects like her brother, we were soon firm friends. Capt. Trovers and myself had each a favorite parrot-his the common Afri can gray, with a red-tipped tail, and mine the purer variety, wit hout a trace of color, but otherwise similar. I had not long settled down in my new quarters, and got everytiiing ship shape, or what seemed so tt me a very important difference, as I know to-day when, almost, unconsciously at first, I began to feel what a lonely old bache lor 1 was, and what a set-off to all mv I other belongings the figure of Hiss Eachei Travers w ould be by my fire side. But just here the curse of mv life begun to make itself felt. Inherent ! "as dogged my footsteps from my j enriieet recollections. Give me a rale ; f wjnd in the Bav of Biscay, a tornado ' . . . . , 1 , B nt" tropics, or hours Untyonowk, wet through to (he nk:n,and Capt.Man- i lev, late of the 1. and O eemce rrl'" worth livinp; but as dispenser of delicate attentions to the fair sex, in- tenselv as he inwartllv tulmirea their .,... r-m n ,i j P""-1 W0-V8' '"P5- -"Juley dK8 not, no, he certainly does nou snow no to ad- us aspect or otner tU3tiiics.ttona to feline constitution, hut I know that un til I was icbun:na enough, to start an air-(run cane onr; tie on my numerous nocturnal visitors. J was frequently an uble to ert a respectable night's rest. One iniemal blaok and white Tom de fied my fine. fTortfi, If .iverafje oats lave nine iivt-g. 1 am sure tui one must hare bad 19, and J iierron to wonder what sort of Uncanny being this was that- had no objection to letting-my bul lets pass, apparrntly through ita body without suffering acy inconvenience. Iut after all it must have been my had iniirkfcmanuip, for oce af teraocn 1 saw ray enemy quietly walking up the low fence that divided my back garden from : Capt. Travel'. The opportunity was too good to be lost, and qa.eily putting my air-gun, 1 took a meady aim and lired. There was no mUtake this time, and without a sound poor puss dropped on to my flower-bed as dead us the proverbial door uali. 3Iy exultation, however, was of abort duration, for to my horror and dis may, on proceeding to pick tip hifi un fortunate carcass awl give it decent burial, I saw that my .shot had parsed right through the uiilucliy animal and killed my neighbor's parrot, which bad been put out to bud itself m a little Hiimmer-houHe that stood at tlte bottom of the garden, I was staggered at my position; knew the parrot was a supreme favorite with Miss Travers, and how I could ever explain my careiessnefls I could not imagine. Suddenly a way out of my dilemma presented itself to my mind, and I baatened to put it into execution. I knew that the Travers were out. and wouid not be back for some little time, so hurrying indoomand takiogmy own parrot from its cage, I earef uliy painted the end of its tail with red ink in imita tion of its deceased comrade, and find ing no one was about, I stepped lightly over the feriee and substituted the liv ing for the dead bird, which I buried, 1 together with the oat, m my own gar den. I knew that my parrot would not readily talk before strangers, and 1 hoped that )y the time it had got used to its new surroundings, it would have forgotten its former aecompltahmentts; ut any rate, I must risk it, Ala! "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," sang some poet, who. I expect, never wore anything harder than a nightcap, but, true a? it may be. compared to the torture of my mind, now launched on a course of dupliutty, it would lie a bed of roses. It wai; towards the end of the follow ing week that I happened to be out in the garden and saw my old frieodeome stumping down the path of his ow; garden in his dot-and-earry-one style, and, seeing roe on the fence, lie cried: "Holloa! eaptain. you're quite a stranger. WJiat been up? Jiaebel hae been talkivg about coming in to in quire about your health, ps she wr; afraid something must be wrong." "Yes, I have been a bit poorly," said I. Oh! howeaeiiy thewontsalipped out, although I had been as right a nincpnee why that jmrtieular snim should tie endued with more rectitude than ita fellows I have never been bit to discover this by the v, ay. "A bit of cold, perhaps," said Capt. Tiavers. fcWeU come over the fence and have a flish f ten ;& ths lurnrntv- lir.iise, mil Ur.chel shall eolne in after w;:riis u'h! r. ii);c you a good glass of sciiicth:!'.g st:if for a uijrht-cap." rneeluaiiy at five o'clock 1 doiui mv .ri:i.t attire, and with a smart -.vr la my button-hole- gay dog that ' ww-l!ppe4 over the fence. i!is .a ; civax t-are, looking as fresh t i :.pri:.? cabhiife with the dew on it. .vl.ieli 1 nus der a very .retty eim ic. :nd she k.dc me welcome with one ol b'-aming smiles. There, too, v v.i, c imiitcky parrot in its ccge, sud S Jtwt otttsttt the sumn:sr .i c. i Lad noticed that it had been . t out to sun itself us usual on all fine tiiij s, and as far as 1 could see nothing had trunrpired to make me think they had acy cutis to an: ; -.'ft my iniposit ierr. I puriiottcly vir v 'th my back in it. and r.vo"di:.l taking notice of it in i-nv wry v.-i:i'-'r!'r. Tea wrat oiT all rajbt; :.v old fi x-"-! is iti i ry and V !, - , 1 i.!:,iwt.u ric rvciit iittentinn. I c u' Iieur i'.J.y :.;btir her Ica :r t'V.l .c: . rails uiul forwards in r.j luctai nni.'. A! ,rl. m-el dipt. Trreis v i ft'-iit'.t - . ''smi', d ticieta it f ' ''''! .ig. ntl. tiiniuig t in .uiss 'lr,: .crs Ljiiiincnnd: . "1 ' . 'ip .M:.')i.y, hi w . vet:- , : . ,t.; .' I have not Rcen it out 1! tic Niu'cn httcty.' 1 ft!. ii ; heart l.i utmg a bit taster, but v. .;:i every semblance of outwar'. ca;m, I o t..e tart is. it's not been at all tveh; ;iv f.,,. t. it's dead." ' i.,'.....' i-xt'!a;ml. Well, 1 never. , did it die of?" -l M ii u't l uow," I n'iilled. "it tliwl i 'i. '!.-. It it' ,)in a week ago " "I hr.:;e fi-.tr .Poily isn't ioi:.g t.-i In'-li-w s ,."!" i, i:.t i ,'ed. ; av h.j- l,er urv (W -.;,) ,pii. i ih f..v, dj ,K 1" t sh." l a i. t n'O-c l- 'v thi eici - ii'?. I liuii't t'itik she kua Bpoken a sort all tlvs week." "TlwiiU eooilnfas'."I intvanlly ejacti touil. Thinjrs were bitrSuniiir to look a bit an-kv.ard. cud 1 m-st aiiout for aon.e-tL-.nf; in ehmifye tlic course of converaa tio::. I ar.i not a rjuit-k thinker, hot-c-er. r-.r .1 UJor I tsmid coilwt my wits, Sims .svcrM eor,t:r.ticd: "Dear.iloar. to lh':nk your poor Polly's rleiit!: Wei!. I cm i-orryl 1 wiulti be sorry to lose j'fltt, l'nilv dear," alte tiaid, id. Cnanittp tlir parrot. "But really, Catit. .Warier." looking me atraiplit in the fj:-o, 'I eoii't inke our Pollyont. Sontetlmes 1 eoultl almost iM-liere site a different bird. She hasn't once aetcif d .IcatieU to see me ail the week." J ftit tlte blood rapidly rl-;ui(f to my cheeks find forelieatl, but 1 trusted tu n:y ttutned eomp.'exion for it not in tdiovr. J feebly replied: "I'erhapashe'it moultiiig." It a an ttnhi.ky slip. "Well, now I come to think," said Mis Travers, "J noticed that its tail looked roach paler after ita bath the other morning, and the water was quite red. la that a aifrn of moulting?" "Yes, I often used to notice it about my own parrot." "But I thought your bird had no red about it," she pursued. "Confound the woman's peraistena-" I thought, but 1 stammered: "I mean that is to aay you see I've noticed it in all red parrota 1 have ever codic across. They shouldn't be bathed at nil, it injures their constitution." "Oh ' I thought you recommended it," she said. So I hud, dozens of times. "Only for the gray ones,"! said, forming a con venient distinction an the spur of the moment. Misa Travers did not seem inclined to pursue the subject further, much to I my satisfaction, ond then, there was a dead pause. During the wbole of our conversa tion the subject of it had not ceased to continue its antics In the wire cage, j hetber it was the sound of my voice that caused it to be thus excited I do not know, ut at this opportunity it burst in with "Hi, hi!" I was getting desperate, and could tbink of nothing to change the subject ; ond yet if I didn't say something I was terribly afraid the parrot would A bicycle bell sounded down the rood. "Are you thinking of getting a bi cycle. Miss Travers?" I said. "So, certainly not," she replied; "bow can you ask such a question?" Another awful pause, during which. I mopped the perspiration from my brow. -a ita nactiei, i love you!" came in clear tones from behind my back. The wretched bird had caught the ex act tone of my voice. "Capt-llanley! Sir!" said Miss Trav-, ers, raising herself to her full flveleel one and ooe-balf inches. "Did you ad dress that remark to me, sir?" I had, however, utterly collapsed, and bury ing my head in my hands, I leaned down on the little round table. Wheth er the sight of the' poor old ship in dis tress touched her tender heart I don't know, bnt she added, in softer tones: "This is very unexpected, Capt Man ley." . I could hold out no longer. "Miss Enchel," I cried, "I'm a thun dering old hpyocrite. My parrot isn't dead at all; there it is in that cage; it's yours that's dead; I shot it I didn't mean to. Can yon forgive me for alt . the lies I told you?" "All right! All right!" said the sol emn voice of the parrot behind me. "It wus Polly that made that remark just now, not I; but, believe me, she sneaks the truth, if J don't. Bachel, I do really love you." I ventured to look up. Tears were standing in her eyes, and the expression on her face made me hope that I did not look quite such a big booby in her eye as I felt I did in my own. Moving nearer. I clasDed her hand. ! and as it was not withdrawn, I put one ' arm gently round her ample waist aow wt shan't be lonar." asM ths mftktTrtJUlJt.Blt., j ' i 1 ' 1 "nl ' ' "'' 'ii ii urn ! ; j I ; Blackwcll's Genuine BULL DURHM. Tou will flnrt one oaapon IntiOe saeb t Boy a Dag. wad the coupon and stw now to Albany Furniture Co., .(INCOKTORATl'.D) BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Orrgo Furniture, Carpets, I.iiH.letiiMS, limiting, ell'. Picture.-- and lcturj m Ktiitp. Unl,M'fnkinr Victors Victor Non Puiu-turalile Tire, No. 103, in ruining wheel on earth. Ihe hest is the elienjiei-l end Largest stork of secoml-hrind wheels on iht- Everything as represented. Write for list Headquarter ft-r siMidrieH Street and 311 Alder 8tr'H, 1' OVEHMAN Will W. !'. 0 regon Central hasten), 11. II. CO. aquina Bay Route. Conmctinp at Yaijnina Bar with the Han Kranc'.Ko and aquina Bar tJteuiiihii t.oni'i my, Steucsliip "Farallon" Ba;lt from Ywintna Unv cvnrv niviit Htivn fwfca-i Francisco, ( uo bay, fort Orlonl, Trinit ad and iiuinlxildl bay. Passenger Accommoda- lions Unsurpassed. Sho test Kotite Between the Willamette vane;, ana tsuianiia. Fare tram Albany and Points West to Han Francisco: ';" C Of) ateertiife oo To Coos Bay and Port Orford : Cabin , $ a oo To Humboldt Bay: Cabin f oo Round Trip Good for 00 DayHiecial. RIVER DIVISION. Mearuer ALBANY, eleKantly furnished, mcliuiiiiK new niatld. .ill run ixlu.. Corvallisand Portland on the following Mcitetbile: Oovn river: TueMlavs. Tlninuinv. ....i Sundays, leave (,'orvallis fl a. m. and Albany, 7 a. m. Amve Portland, 5 p. m. I P river: Mondavi, Wednesdays and rrirta-s. Leave Portland, 6 a. m. and Albany, 9:20 p. m. Arrive t'orvollis, 11:20 ?' 3. C.JUvo, ins w Stow, Hup't liiver Division. Manaxor. II. B. Sai bv. H. 1 Wiiors, Atr't. Opp Bevere House Agent, Depot Albany, Bl;ianj Tabules cure dyspepsia. Rl ani Tabules: for sour stomach. Ril ans Tabules cure constipation. SlptM MrUsTMn th tMttMM. 'S .1 HIS is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. ounce bag and two eoofwm Inside each 4 cwnos t got your aiuuv of Wu.ow in pruaots. m SjKM'iilllV f-. Res in Hit- and athlriir pn rlht d, iti-jimi. Kl. (OMI-ANV, K T" tios. f. Hakes, lleury r. 1'uj, v. llnliry C Ibillse. Ittifivrrs. Mb RT HERN iPui; man Sleeping: Cars Elefrant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars St. Pnal MIltit.siliMllt Uululh Fsrsu rua fork. O.ukaton Wlnnlp.1, Il.l.DS Sllll Butt. THROUGH TICKETS-f Cblono Washinirton fhlla.l.li.hTa K.w York Boston and all Il't" na Snutb Por information, time csrd,, tic.icts, call on or write flta and W. C. PETERSOB, LEBANON, - - OREGON. OR i.D.CHAELI0H,l5sUenl.Pasi.JUt. ilil) j R a