The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 11, 1897, Image 3

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    Lebanon1 Express.
The Corset
Is having an extra boom.
The 60 ot. corset in black
and drab ie excellent value
for the money and shows it
at first sight
The 75 ct. and $1.00 linos
are extra values, too.
H. 13. Young,
Our Great Clubbing Offer.
Kximums mid Weekly Cincinnati En
quirer f 26
" mid Toledo Weekly Blade...;.. 1 28
" ' N. Y. Weekly Tribune.... 1 26
" ' W'kly National Recorder. 1 26
" " New York Thriee-a-Week
World 1 60
11 and Weekly Oregmilan 2 00
" ' Leslie's llhtst'ted Weekly 2 76
" " Modes Monthly Magazine 1 25
C A. EIon Is dangerously III.
Valentine soolal next Tuesday.
Bargains 4n clothing at Waterloo.
Mask skating carnival to-morrow
Daw Smith, nf Tallnisn, I still seri
ously ill.
Good clothing at a low price at
Baeli & Buhl's.
Atty. Garland was In Albany two
days this week.
Prof, Allinghani visited friends In
Albany last Suturduy.
Groceries quality excellent prices
low at Bach 4 Buhl's.
Mrs. B. F. Kirk Is In Albany visiting
her sister, Mrs. Hodges.
The legislature has not accomplished
anything during the week.
The paer mill wan shut down Mon
day and Tuesday, for repairs.
Mis. . M. Dotiaea Is visiling he'
ItiiH her In Albany thla week.
Dr. Dudley returned yesterday from
.'; vlil with relatives at Sllverm.
A II, are the Initials of Bach
tiijl ihi irgnan-nesaie A 1.
xafM Hn.ii Leghorn chick-
Full bl.
Imjuire at iblx otlh'e
ens for mile
The II nest 11 tit
the city is to la; fi
,M nrem P""" !wi eave uet week for Los Angeles
))f the Kartell 0ulrr,))tl, Mr. Kellenlierger
I having decided to koale In that
Crnimerv ineclllig It
vinorrow jn
Ml should
Union hall, at 2 o'clock.
Mm I) U Purl mid little daughter,
of Albun.v,,are the gueeti
t of Mrs. J.
Wash vour fchltu
c'othlhg with
Hoap Foam, and they ''" "evt'r tur"
, A. P. Morris has bniitfht l?,, including four i
psound. -
Miss Abhte Fry attended the oratori
cal contest a Albany hist Friday
Dr. I. p. Wallace, of Albany, was in
Leba nou yesterday, oti professional
Ed. Kellenberjer and J. C. Msver
returned yeslerclay from a trip to Inde
pendence. For sule, 4000 first clafB heart shakes
will lie sold at a bargain. Inquire at
this oflice.
Mrs. G. W. Cruson returned Mnn
duy evening from a visit Willi friends
at Jefferson.
V'Gorporul Bimglesleln" in dot
"Hour Krout" brigade, at the Band
hall Feb. 22.
Look at Read, Peacock & Co'e new
display ad. It will pay you, as they
mean business.
Rev. Crnlg left Monday for Coburg,
to assist Rev. Cross In couduclliig a
revival meellng.
Rev. Harmon Is recovering from his
illness and expects to occupy his pul
pit next Suinluy.
Lebanon I. O. O, F. lodge will make
the Bcio lodg" a fiateruiil visit next
Wednesday night.
Attend tin Valentine social to be
given next Tuesday, by the Woman's
Missionary society.
1'hll Rllter left last Thursday for
Southern Oregon, to visit his uncle,
who Is dangerously III. j
Bargains In mens', youths' and !
hoys' clothing, ut the office of the purging. As pleasaiitas Lemon Syrup. I and the government steamer Mathlo
Walerloo Wooleu Mills. , j is as large as any dollar tonic and j ma were lihely to collide, and this
Are vou looking for an engagement ' relails for 60c. To get the genuine usk man, in Ihe cfloi t to feud them apart,
ir wed'd ng ring? French the jeweler, ! for Urov. 's. For sale by N. W. Smith, j fell belween the. two boats aud was
Albauy, has svuie oaudtouie obtt, I Lebanon, Ort ' 1 mwu no more.
Protracted meeting commenced In
tlie4J. P. church Tuesday evening. All
arc Invited to attend these meetings.
Judge J. J. Whitney, of Albany, has
been appointed deputy district attor
ney, to succeed 0. H. Dalrymple.
There's no clay, flour, stnrch or
other worthless filling in Hoe Cake
and no free alkali to burn the hands.
The Old Kentucky Colored Jubilee
Singers will appear at the opera house
next Saturday and Monday eve.iings.
Geo. Elkius had the mlstnrtuue last
week to get his left hand crusheo quite
seyerely In the machinery at the paper
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
lOcts., and bleached, all linen table
oloth for 85 ota. a yard, at the Backet
Miss Abble Fry Is teaching school at
Tullnian this week during the Illness
of their regular teacher, Mis. Mary
Williams. ..
rtieKpworlb League will give an
experience social a week from to-morrow,
Feb. 19. Particulars will be given
next week.
J. R. Smith returned home Saturday
from Salem, having been a spectator
at the "biggest show on earth" tbo
Lost, on the streets of Lebanon, on
the evening of Jan, ' 21, a black fur
cape. Kinder please leave the sime
at this office.
Miss Mary Roberts has relumed to
her home In Springfield, afier a quite
lengthy visit with her sister, Mrs. F.
A. Nickerson.
Miss Annie Bryan left Monday for
her home in Tangent. Miss Bryan
had been visiting her sister here, Mrs.
C. G. H'Tuion.
S. L, tioan returned to Lebanon
Tuesday from a visit with hi brothers
in Idaho He saya be prefers Oregon
Instead f Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. LnForge intend to
leave next month for Southeru Cali
fornia, and make their home in that
land of sunshine.
Mrs. A. E. Williams has contracted
for E. B. Crouch's residence. Mr.
Crouch and family intend moving In
Southern California soou.
Mr. Price, the electrician, returned
Saturday from Portland, where he had
bieu to purchase some new supplies
for the electric light plant.
A good assortment of men's, youth'
and boys' clothing Is now on sale at
the Woolen Mills office at Waterloo.
You (tun get great bargains.
The Linn county pourt- will soon let
the contract for a wagou bridge tube
i ullt at Gates, ill the place of the one
washed away by the winter flood.
It will pay you to take the entire
family to town and get them a new
out tit while the big sale is going on at
Keail, Peacock 4 Co'a Lebanon Btore.
Jra L Campbell, editor of lheEu-
gene Guard, and Mrs. N. K. Fraxier, of
that city, were married luel Saturday,
ndjift for a Wedding tour in Mexico.
Mrs. J. Kellctinerger and children
A, L. Black, a young minister who
i attending college at McMinuville,
...II ,, reach lii Mm church ill
1 ihiM city next .Sunday, morning and
Mrs. Cruson, of Lebanon, was 111
Aliiny Monday looking up parapher
nalia ir,,r a military drama which the
relief corps ot that city are patting on,
Mrs. Berry James died Tuesday at
I the home of her son, Richard James,
'the age of about 75 years. Her re-
u - were iuterred yesterduy In the
main -ometery.
Lebanon vn will never regret it if
Gentlemen, clothing from the
you buy your Mills Company.
Waterloo Woolen ovy .and the
The prices are very
quality is very good.
We jre glad to report that Miss
the music teacher, Is Improving n.
health. Her two brothers, John and
William Rice, have come from Hille
boro to be with their sister.
L. H Griggs, who lives three miles,
line side or bcio, is oaugerousiy in wnn
congestion of the braiu. The attending
physicians say the chances for his re
covery are greatly agaiust hlui.
Rev. H. 8. Shangle, the presiding
elder of this district of the M. E.
Church, Soutli, preached an eloquent !
and forcible senuou Sunduy morning
to a large and attentive congregation.
The warehouse of the O. C. & E., lit
Lyons, was broken Into one night last
week aud a quantity of merchandise,
amounting- to about $75, being the
property of Oibsoti Myers, was takeu.
Rev. Lamur returned from Scio Sat
urday and preached ill hie pulpit here
ou Sunday. He say that the meeting
at lliat place, which Is being conducted
by Rev. Llndsey, IB progressing nicely.
(Jr0Ve.B 'pa8pi1.88 Chill Tonic is a
verltKt Mllttrja Liver Tonic and Blood
nurilier. Removes biliousness without
Flunk Slilpworth left Tuesday for
Junction, where he will engage in the
practice of law. He has formed a
partnership with his brother, E. B.
Skipworlh, of Eugene, and will open
a branch office In Junction. We wish
bl in success.
The Old Kentucky Colored Jubilee
Singers, consisting of a sextette of
America's sweetest singers, will give
two of their fine minstrel performances
in the opera house in this city next
Saturday and Monday evenings, lie
sure and see them.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets do
not affect the head or produce nervous
ness like the Sulphate of Quinine.
Mr. N. W. Smith is authorized to re
fund money in every case where It
fails to cure Coughs, Colds and
LaGrlppe. Prlno, 25 cents.
Tomorrow eveuing, Feb. 12, there
will be a maiquerade skating carnival
at the Band hall. Lady maskers, free;
gentlemen maskers, 35 cents; specta
tors, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. The
carnival will conclude with a grand
ball, at Union hall. Tickets, 50 cents.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
move the bowels gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverish condition
and headache, making it the best and
quickest remedy for (toughs, Colds and
LaGrlppe. Cores In one day. "No
cure, no pay," Price, 25 cento. For
sale by N, W. Smith.
In the orauirical contest at the Al
bany college last Friday evening W.
Edgar Stewart, of Albany, won and
will represent that college at the state
oratorical contest. His subject was
"The Fanatic." Bert Wight, of this
city, won second honors. His subject
was "Puritan Principle."
Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, national re
cording secretary of the W. C. T. U
and alsn"W. C. T. U. president of the
state of Missouri,, will lecture in the
Meth'idist church Tuesday evening,
Feb. 16. Everybody come and hear
her. She comes highly recommended
second only to Miss Willard.
"Eli" Lee, representing the Fred T.
Merrill Cycle company, is in Lebanon
looking up the bicycle business for his
company. He is a swift bieyole rider,
and probably knows the good poiuts of
a wheel as well as any one in the state.
Mr. Lee will stay with relatives at the
Arthur Baltraarsh place for a few days.
Dr. R. H. Curl, the dentist, is in 8o
daville this week. He will go to
Waterloo Monday, Feb. 15, and remain
7 days, and he will come to Lebanon
.Monday, Feb. 22, and remain 7 days.
Dr. Curl is a skillful dentist, and It
will be to your advantage to give him
all the work you need in the dentistry
Hue. ... -
The Woman's Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church will give a
Valentine social at the residence of
Mrs. Hughes, Tuesday, Feb. 16. A
prize will be awarded the lady and
the 'lentlenian receiving the ugliest
Valentin?. There will la? games and a
luncheon will be served. All are in
vited tnattwid.
J. O. Douthit, a prominent stockman
of Crook county is dead. His death
was caused by severe injuries received
hy being thrown from his horse. Mr.
Douthit was born 57 years ago in Ham
ilton county, Ind., and crossed the
plains In 1853 with his parents, settling
In Linn county. Since 1887 he lived
in Crook county.
In the oratorical contest at the Mc
Minuville college J. Sherman Wallace,
whose !)Bie is in the Tennessee
neighborhood, near this city, won the
honor of representing that college at
I he state oratorical contest. His sub
ject was "Patrioti6m--Our Present
Need.1' There weie seven contestants,
five gentlemen and two ladies.
A Urge crowd gathered at Union
hall last Saturday, to consider the
proposition of the Albany Creamery
company to ustabllsb a skimming sta
tion in this city. Much i merest was
manifested. Another meeting will be
held to-morrow, at 2 o'clock. Every
body shnuld attend, as this enterprise
would be of much benefit to Lebanon.
"he people of Lebanon will be given
' finest treat Feb. 22nd that
one oi i. ihoi. nriv leae to hear for
it has beu
military drama to
many years. i nc , tne i)(,ai of
t. then presented is tu . f.
military pi.V" "u
sented on the coast. The best talent
of ihe city are uow engaged in the en
terprise and the finest ot costumes and
make-ups have been secured.
In refereni to the recent pugilistic
encounter between President H. B,
Miller, of the Corvallis agricultural
college, and J. Fred Yates, the Sc'.o
Press says: "We suggest that there be
a uew professor's chair established for
the benefit of the O. A.C., aud that
oil her Corbett or Fltzsimmous be In
vited to fill It. President Miller's
pugilistic education, we fear, has been
sadly neglected." k
Word was brought to Albauy yester
day, says this morning's Herald, that
one of the bunds ou the steamer Ruth,
by the name of Snyder, had fallen in
t he river at Corvallis, just as the boat
was getting ready to start, and was
drowned, It appears that the Ruth
A Prineville Lady Uses a Whip,
The Prineville Review relates an ex
citing Incident on- the streets of that
city, the main features of which are
contained in the following: "On Sat
urday evening about 4 o'clock Mrs.
Delia Frazler met Emmett Holman In
front of the Reception and asked that
young man about certain conduct of
hit. Not receiving a satisfactory an
swer, we suppose, she drew a genuine
cowhide and proceeded to lay It on
Holman with ail her might. She was
doing a good job and Holman was try
ing to either take the whip away from
her or prevent her from hitting him,
and In the scrimmage Mrs. Frazler
backed some 15 or 20 feet away and
was caught by Holman, when about
this time Theodore Cadle rushed and
caught Holman, and floored that wor
thy aud got on top of him and was
proceeding to do Holman up, and In
the melee several parties interfered
and the disgraceful affair was brought
to a close." Several arrests, fines and
trials are growing out ot the aflair,
which promises to cause considerable
litigation, according to the Review,
Passengers on the overland train
yesterday morning, as the tralu was
stopping at Junction City, diecoveied
that the Arlington hotel was on lire,
aud they gave the alarm, awaking the
inmates. There was apparently but a
small portion of the contents removed.
When the train left the fire was under
such headway that there was no hope
ot saving the building.
Mrs. W. C. Read, who has been vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. W. E.
Chandler, for a few days, returned to
her home in Albany Saturday. Mrs.
Chandler accompanied her, returning
to Lebanon Monday.
Seventy -five farmers in Jackson
county have agreed to devote a quarier
of an acre each to raising sugar beefs,
the coming season. Medford mer
chants have subscribed to purchase the
necessary amount of seed for the farm'
era. -;
The Toledo Weekly Blade.
Every intelligent family needs in
addition to their local paper, a good
national weekly. - The greatest and
most widly known geueral family
newspaper is the Toledo Weekly
Blade. For thirty years it has been a
regular visitor in every part of the
Union, and is well kuowu at almost
every cue of the 70,000 postofllces in
the country. It is edited with refer
ence to a national circulation. It is a
Republican paper, but men of all poll
tics take it, because of its honesty aud
fairness in the discussion oi, all publio
questions. It iB the favorfte family
paper, with something for every mem
ber of the household. Serial stories,
poetry, wit and humor; the House
hold department (best in the world),
Youug Folks, Sunday School LesBous,
Talmage's Sermons, the Farmstead,
the Question Bureau (whicbv answers
questions for subscriliers), the News of
the week in complete form, and other
speeial features. Specimen cooks
gladly sent on application, and if you
will send us a list of addresses, we will
mail a copy to each. Only 1 a year.
If you wish to raise a club, write for
Address The Blade,
Toledo, Ohio.
Land Opened for Entry.
United States Land Oflice, I
Oregon City, Or., Dec. 28, 1896.f
Notice is hereby given that the approved
fractional plat of survey of Township 13
South, Range 8 Kast, has been received
from the Surveyor General of Oregon, and
February 8, 1897, '.
at 10 o'clock a. ra. of said day.said plat will
be tiled in this office, and the land thereiu
embraced will be subject to entry-on and
after said date.
RosesT A. Miller, Register.
Wm. Gilloway, Receiver,
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1
Jan. 7, 18U7. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or., on February 23, 1897, viz:
H, E. 8830, for the N. pf N. E. 4 of Sec.
en, 14 a., K. 1 w.
2-, - (he following witnesses to
She na,.. residence upon and
prove her contu... - viti William If.
cultivation of said lai,u. -ma Furgi-
uooper, a inert a,, t-oopcr, in 'Sweet
sou, and Clarence McAlister, all o.
Home, Oregon.
Roskut A. Millkb, Register.
The present state of the
tea-trade can't ' continue.
Americans drink the worst
tea in the world, and pay
double for it.
Proof: the
your money
don't like it.
Best is the
grocer gives
back if you
Read; Peacock A Co.
Boots and Shoes,
Jackets and Capes,
Men's Gloves and
Are the Items we Include.
Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We
have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so
that they may go at once in order to close
these lines . ..
Read, PeacocK 1 Co,
? Oliver I r Superior C
Chilled ' 7 Stoves : 3
I Plows. VI Ranges, i
These Plows are A L C " ) Superior in every way. i
Hopkins Bros,
Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book
All vlio hi. lntorMtod In fnrth.rlnff tb. Mil.
of Hon, B'.,r.flriF(in'jnekolr ihould oorraapond
,u,ww,bu,i7 "i.
publisher.. Thwork
wul oontala . . .
bis Bioomm.
Mr. Bryan ha. .&
iiounm his Intention of oVotlnp: piw-half ol all
r.j)-Alnee to furtherlLK tl,e uaasa of bimetallism,
Then .re already lndlcatlonsof an enorinonaaal.
Udress W. II. I IINK1V C0MPANV, Publisher.
341-31 l)e.rboroSL..lllk00 .
Probate CPV't.
In estate of Thos TJtnphrey, citation
set for March 5.
Inventory filed 'In estafe of M M
Lewis; personal property sot nslde for
In estate of J H Mcercher, Peter
Hume appointed administrator; bond,
In estate of Jos Nixon, citation for
sale of real property ordered Issued.
Will of Arthur Saltmarsu filed; In
ventory filed; toial property, $4,962.50.
in estate of J F Price, final account
approved. (
IueBtateof MGHIII, objections to
final account filed.
Iu estute of Win Kinder, citation or
dered issued for sals of real estate.
Iu estate of H A Hot'artuey, objec
tions to final account filed;' final ao
ooutit approved.
Iu estute of It C Fludley, 60 per cent
of claims ordered paid.
In estate nf J H McNeil, final ao
t fur Anrll 9: guardian of minor
count , . ,,r(iere(j t turli over In
children was . . ..nnr, nf miors.
terest money for sutl . .
Chean. Cheao. Cheap, Is
they are selling at Bead, Peacock
(Jo's big sale.
Don't let the cat lick the dishes, but
make nice soft soap with Soap Foam,
Directions on each package.
We still have baigalns in bIiqcs.
Rkai), Peacock & Co,
Ripans Tabulee: at druggists.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breatn.
Ripans Tabules cuse indigestion.
Kipans Tabules cure blllousnesa.
Ripans Tabuleeur tntpid Uvr.
HHaa commenced.
yWill only last a short time.
Hats and Pants,
Groceries, . .
Furnishing Goods,
Of all kinds done at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work guaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co.,
J. S, HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr.
Land Opened For Entry. ;tJ"
United States Land Office, 1
flee, V '
897. J
Oreaon uty, Oregon,
January 25, 1897..
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved plats of survey of Townshipl3
Houth, Kunge 5 East, and 13 South,
Range 6 East, the fractional plats of
survey of Townships 12 South, Range
4 East, Range 5 East, Range 6 East,
and 7 East; and also fractional survey
of Township 13 Soutli, Range 7 East,
have been reoelved fioin the Surveyor
General of Oregon, and on
' MARCH 25, 1897, '
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said dnte, said
plats will be filed in this office, and
the land therein embraced will be sub
ject to entry on and after said date.
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Wm. Gallow ay, Receiver,.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby, given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tweeii C. E. Fugh and W. H. muncy,
under the firm name of Pugn &
Muncv, and engiiged In the sale of
groceries and furnishing goods, at
Lebanon, Oregon, has been dissolved
tills day, by mutual consent, W. H.
Muncv retiring. All debts of the firm
1 are to be paid by C. E. Pugli, who
WIHUlUeH Ultt imaniCTM, ... pw.o
'niitMl t,n th firm are leoueatea to
llMit. aa with pilliPl-
Mr. luuv (f, j;. pita it,
,,.. W. H. MUNCY.
Lebanou,'Ore., Fe.'1. 1. l,l)7'
Don't Forget
That Hoo Cake soup wrapper -aw
worth a cent apiece Invaluable pres
ents. ' ".
M, A. Miller has a full " wllel"
line of cough syrups. ..