The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 11, 1897, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
A Mitchell democrat is t specie
that ought not to l propagated
any lunger in Oregon. Dispatch.
Let ue have some sugar beet
culture in Linn county. It is much
preferable to dead-beat culture, of
which there is too much. Demo-
The legislature has done one
thing and done it well if noth
ing else. It has split the republi
can party so wide that it will be
bow-legged for many years.
Eight hours f jr a day's work is
not likely to lie universally adopted
until there are les than eight men
pplyinit for every day's work there
is t He done. ('"op Buy News.
It looks like there was "a nigger
in the lence" in the arbitration
treaty between England and the
United States, but the "nigger" is
no less a personage than the king
of Norway and Sweden, one of the
urouosed judges and a very warm
friend of England.
, By selecting Lyman J. Gage for
secretary of the treasury, President
elect McKinley is pursuing the
course that was expected of bim, to
connect as closely as possible the
banking interest with his adminis
tration. Mr. Gage is president of
the First National bank uf Chicago,
and closely connected with the
banking interests of the nation.
Dispatch. ' -
The Cleveland Plain Dealer hits
it exactly when it says: 'A, trust
never he'pa the producer of the
raw material. It increases the
prices of manufactured products
just as high as the people will
stand. It is a cnife that cuts both
ways, it cuts the man who pro
duced the raw material and it cuts
tlie life out of the consumers who
must purchase the product of the
trust." '
Oregon is receiving much unde
sirable advertising from the mis
c inlir.-t of btr legini tture. The
at ,!- wfini to be at the mercy of
an irreinsilile' rabi-le who are
n-w emigre hted in and about the
capitol. The man is lucky who
was not elected last June to the
legislature. It matters not how he
stands at Salem, the fact of. his
being there this winter will hang
arnud him as a disagreeable odor
fur rears to come.
Charles A. Pillsburv, the big
wheat man recently wrote a letter,
of which the following is an ex
tract: "In re rd to our ideas of
the wheat market, would say we
are firm lielievere in higher prices,
una the situation is very strong the
world over. In fact it is the strong
est ft has ever been. Receipts are
rapidly falling off, until they are
now about down to milling de
mand. Our Mr. Little is now on
tlie tb . aidevjind cables that
..((.icks are very iow, anbrioreigners
mufti soon .be liberal buyers of
American flour."
The Bosebufg Review, one "of the
ablest democratic papers in Oregon,
says: "As to the minority, the
senatorial contest should be a mat
ter of indifference. They should
devote their efforts to securing leg
islation in the interest of the
people, to the full extent of their
ability. Their places are in the
seats to which their constituents
elected them. Let them make
gisid records there and the people1
will ntiirn them. If they persist
in a hold up, which, no matter how I
plausible the excuse, is only engi
neered on account uf 'he senatorial
struggle, their course will been.
demm-d. When the free silver
forces find themselves patted on
the back by Joe Simon and the
Oregonian, It is time for them to
realize that they are on the wrong
Ripans Tabules. .-
Rlpans Tabules care nausea.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
. Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tahnles: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic
Ripuu TattAar; iOsaawat kttfrt.
The Portland Tomahawk pub
lishes the following encouraging
item concerning an Oregon indus
try;, "'Mr. J. A. Yoakum, of this
city, is causing agents for Wash
ington, British Columbia and other
outside coal a good deal of trouble
these days. He has established an
agency here for the Beaver Hill
Coal company. This coal is mined
at about 20 miies from Marsh field.
Coos county, this state. It is re
markable for its large per cent of
fixed carbon and combustible mat
ter, snd for the small amount of,
moisture it contains."
The Kansas legislature, in its
election of a successor to Senator
Peffer, has shown signs of marked
improvement Senator-elect Harris
is spoken of by opposition papers
in the highest terms, as a man of
culture, energy and talents, far su
perior to Senator Peffer. In his
fl jction, it is quite evident that the
state has cunt aside its wilrl-evwl
slate has cast aside its w Ud-eyed,
mg-moutued, rattled-Drained lead'
ers, and has seen the wisdom of
sending to congress a man of
brains. The new populist senator
will doubtless take rank with the
best and will do much to' lift
Kansas from the low plane upon
which her irresponsible representa
tives have placet! her.
The rottenness of politics is well
illustrated in the appointment of
Lou Payn as Superintendent of
Insurance in New York state. The
World savs that the Governor has
placed a notorious, confessed and
branded lobbyist at the head of the i
bureau having in charge the largest!
and most sacred trust of any de
partment of the state government.
He has set to supervise the hun
dreds of millions of dollars held or
controlled by insurance companies,
a defaulting official, a man once
indicted for perjury, a bankrupt
who could not eveu keep bis own
ill-gotten gains, a corruptionist
whose practices were condemned
by a republican, senate committee
and whose contaminating presence
was ruled ofPthe floor of the assem
bly by a llpubjican speaker. . It is
the most brazen defiance of public
opinion since Boss Tweed ruled
and robbed, and asked the people,
"What are you going to do about
it?" If the senate shall advise and
consent to this outrageouB appoint
ment it will share equally in the'
$ioo Reward, Sioo.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease tbat science has been abUMo-Cnre
m au its stages, ana ttsit a catifrjgirtiiairs
uaiarrn jure is tne only positive -cure amn
Known w ine nwucai iraieniuy. fjaarrn
being a constitutional disease, reduires a
constitutional -treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, actinic directly up
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith cura
tive powers, that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case tbat it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, f. 3. CBzan & Co., Toledo, 0.
-Sold by Druggists, 76c
Hall s Familj Pills are the best.
rchsnged Every Week.)
Oats 33 to 30c
Hay J8 to $9 perton.-
i'our-$l OfMSUJO per Sick
Chop $1 00 per cwt.
Bran gfe per cwt.
Middlings-41 On per cwt
Potatoes 30c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, 8c.
Onions I jc. ,
Beef Dressed, 4j to 6c
Veal 3j4c.
Pork Dressed, 8j.
Lard 9. ,
Hums 12 per lb.
Shoulders 6c. ,
Hides c per lb.
Geese 13 50 fij, to pr doz.
Ducks i U per doz.
I'liickeus &! 006,2 50.
T u rkeys clO per I b.
Eggn lBc lerdoz,
E .Iter 16 20c pr lb.
'ides Green, So; dry, 7c.
Save your Hoe Cake soap wrappers,
tbey are wortb a eeut apiece.
Send the Expkess to your friends in
the East for the next four months;
only 25 oenfa.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good furm aecur
ity. Call upon or write to 8.
Steele & Co., Aioany, Oregon.
Rfpans Tabula vura flatulnc.
k. Unique Farm In New York for
Cvarrtklac Imp far b Cw
flam iMUtmaak
In the heart tot New York state, be
yond the reach of the merely curious,
yet open to all of a scientific turn of
mind, is the only Inventors' farm in the
world. There to doubtless no stranger
plat anywhere, for H to a farm where
balloons are "rataed," aerial schemes are
hutched md air ships are born.
So far as the place at Frankfort,
Herkimer county, N. Y., to surrounded
by fields and proves which give no siur-
B ration of city life, it is a farm, but its
products are those of which the or
dinary Jaarmer knows nothing. For
these products are Dying machines, bal
loons, stranpe ships that in theory at
leastdart through the air or skim the
ground like a bird.
Prof. Carl E. Myers, who has estab
lished the unique farm, is like most
men of purely scientific mind in thatbe
most conservative in his ideaa of
publicity, and is content to live in the
j midst 01 wondere with hi assistants
" 1 " "me, are
associ,, if , jnventorhas
an idea that he will be able to overcome
the forces of nature and construct a
mechanical bird, it will no longer be nec
essary for him to spend fortunes to
work, out has ideas or die without ao
eomplishinjr his life's object. All he
needs to do will be to go to the inven
tors' farm and find there willing hamls
una rruitiui Drains, as well as all an
pliances of this electrical age to assist
Almost in the center of the big firm
s a modern country house, standing
.mid many smaller buildings, in which
.re to be found the materials for every
form of experiment connected with
aeronautics. The lower portion, of the
'arge house to given over to living
rooms, while a third story and attic ex
tending the length of the building and
occupied By balloon apparatus, acces
sories and wonderful devices for the
'onstmction of air ships.
The farm was especially selected for
its natural advantages. Them are
stretches of level ground, gently ris
ing slopes and strong declivities. Thus
it does not matterat what stage of work
the inventions may la', a suitable grade
can always be found on the furm at
which trials can be made. If it be an
air ship that hns been constructed
where there is a doubt as to the exget
nature of its workings, it con be tested
mi the slight grades, so that there will
be as slight a risk as possible to human
life or to the ship.
Close to the main house, in a glen, is
situated one of the most important fea
tures of the farm. This is the spot de
signed for the making of fabric for all
manner of fiyingmoehinesand balloons,
tin this half acre of ground, which is
skirted by the higher ground and trees,
the fabric is suvU'hed to receive the
coatings of gasproof varnish. For this I
application of varniuhB special machine
has beeu invented and constructed by
Prof. Myers, so contrived as to supply
u complete coating of thick varnish and
u.en to remove the coating with the ex
ception of au exceedingly delicate film,
dinicult to he-measured bv instruments.
One section of the attic of the big
house is a workshop containing all tools
necessary for the construction of an
tral us from wood, metal or textile, in-lulling-
lathes of various and oritrinal
designs, steam engines, all classes of
lod-worKing machinery and kindred
apparatus for making comparative
tests. 5 his is the section in which is
constructed the material for the full-
siaed machines of the air after working
models have been tested. Another sec
tion of the attic is given over to space
and machinery for the construction of
models especially of kites, aeroplanes,
wind-borne or self,propelled motors,
winged apparatus worked by hand and
feet, gas vessels propelled by screws or
serving to suport other devices for
safe trial by their inventors.
In the little buildings scattered over
the farm are located t he gas engines and
temks for practical experiments, the
chemical chambers and several furnaces
and retorts. Some of these last ore so
strange and unusual that their ap
pearance suggests the laboratory of yomc
oiu-ume alchemist rather than a . iix,-
teenth century workshop. 8. X. Her
Astronomical DUcoverics.
That the beat attainment are not the
result of chance was exemplified in the
discovery of the planet .Neptune, the
fiftieth anniversary of which event was
recently celebrated in trance. Tele
scope bad long- awept the aky without
diacovering tbia ahy outer planet ; but
when aatronomera noticed how Uranus
hastened In one part of it orbit and
moved with leas rnpidiay in another,
they knew there must be an attracting
body that held him in check. Ijever
rier, therefore, after minute calcula
tions, wrote to the astronomer of the
IH-rlin observatory, renucstini? him to
lioint his telescope to a particular nixrt
i. .ire jr im an evening- indicated, and
sam: -iou will sec a planet which I
have not seen, and which no humane ve
liaa ever aeen, hut which nevertheless
must be on the spot." No one would
venture to can it discovery that night
an act of chance. Youth'a Companion.
FaeU About Keiiim.
The maximum numbcrof eclipses that
can take place within a period of a
year is seven, and of these five are aolar
and two are lunar, and the minimum
number of eclipses is two, which mint
both be solar. The year 1807, the aec
nnd of the last semidcende of tlie Nine
teenth century, will present thit mini
mum number of eclinses. which, of - i
cessity, must be solar and central, and
will be annular. The first takes place
on February J, and the second on July
51). Both will be visible to soma extent
in thu mupuat tnmt
k, Railroad hniUkus say the building
this year will be uiaiuly for the pur- ,
poae of developing lumber tracts, eoul j
mines and other freight-making dis ;
triels. i . )
laborer are flocking to Liberia to
work on the great JLiberian railway. !
This is the route that will ploy havoc '
with the eastern question, destroy the !
lawfulness of Constantinople ss the key
to Europe and enable Americans to go
to the Japan sea in 17 days.
A very low tomperature,, 400'di- )
greea below icro, has been show n to j
have a remarkable effect upon the color
of many bodies. The brilliant scarlet
of Vermillion and mercuric iodide is
reduced, under its initnence, to a pule
orange, the original color returning
with the rise of the vmnerature. lilnes
are uuaifected by cold, and the effect is
comparatively small upon organic col
oring matters of all tints.
The movement for the industrial
education of the southern negroes. i3
about to be advanced by the building
of a cotton mill at. Concord, X. C, for
the special employment and instruction
of negroes In this line of work. It. is
being built, by V. C. Coleman, a wealthy
colored man, and will be the flrst cot
ton mill in the country to employ col
ored operatives, although there is a
spinning mill nt Columbia, S. C, where
they are employed.
In so dry a region as central Austra
lia frogs ore fouud in fair numbers,
oreeks and clarpuns "swarming" with
them. Am the waters dry up the frogs
disappear in their barrows, remaining
till tht rains come again. "Certainspe
cies of them," says Spencer,- "gorge
themselves with water before they go
into their retreats, and in times of
drought the natives dig them out Bnd
obtain enough water from their bodies
to satisfy their thirst.
It appears that as the earth be
comes overpopulated all men must be
come vegetarians. A recent estimate
shows that. 2 acres of land are neces
sary to sustain one man on fresh meat. I
while the same area, it devoted to wheat
culture, would feed 42 people; if to i -oats,
SS; potatoes, Indian corn and rice, r
170, and if to plantain or breadfruit, J '
over 6.1100 people. Ere the dire prophecy j
of Mnlthus is fulfilled, however, we may i
reasonably e.iect the chemist to pro-
vkic artihcial food for the multitude.
As to the age of the Niagara falls,
geologists differ widely in opinion. At
first it was estimated that the Niagara
river came into existence through
changes in the level of the land around
the great lakes, about S5.000 years ago.
Later thin was reduced to only 12,000
year. The celebrated geologist Sir
Charles f,v-ell, increased the estimate
again to 3u,000 ytars; but more recent
ly others have lowered it to about 9,000
years. The latent estimate is that of
Dr. J. W. Sjicnccr, who, basing his con
clusions on the most recent investiga
tions, places the ape of the river at 32,
000 yean? and thatof the cataract at31,
CW) v-cors. At one period, manv thou-
Riinrt innnt arm IU ll.
fT. ' m'f
was 420 feet.
No Putins BeeoaulllOD or ma Vaaw la
in the Whole C ami try.
I have mentioned the circumstance
that it lu never occurred to the town of
lioviton to erect a monument to Poe
v, ho, next to franklin, probably ha the
most world-w ide fame of all the men of
letters native to that town, and Poems
connected with Boston not alone by the
important accident of his birth, but
by the commencement there of his lit
erary career, itaelf an event worth com
memoraiing. So far as I am aware,
Boston never awarded to Poe the honor
which, in the case of her dead literary
men of eminence, she sometimes deemn
worthy to be taken in lieu of any fur-
ther monumental .attention, namely, :
the calling of a public meeting by tin '
mayor, at which addresses are made 'J(i
complimentary resolution adp,,
The name of l'oe is, indeed, ,'
the outer walls of the public library
at Boston; so are severar)ia1(lredotner
names. Their purnr- j, chiefly deoo-
rative. -
ilowever, Baton's neRlcet in respect
of Poe waa but the neglect of alllie
rest of trie country. Ui kindrcd left
1,18 ffr'jvc at llaltimorc unmarked and
tuvid of ahiout, $i,m hod to lie raised
oy public aubacrintion to place above
liis ashes the t:nl"nutiiul mortuary
monument which now bears his name.
If an enterprising' commercial person
had not hired the cottage in which Poe
lived at Fordhnm. just outof New York,
and put up obovc it:, door Hie larue
sign 'Toe's Laundry," surmounting it
with the fijrure of a raven, thereby
arousing the wrath of
eluding the owner of the cottage, and
shaming them intoa protest, it is pron
ouns iuui. me (Met s lame would still
be quite deetitute of any public memo
rial. Atlantic.
Sign of Longevity,
The primary conditions of longevity
are that the heart, luntrs and diirestive
organs, as well as the brain, should be
large, if these orj,aii ore large, the
trunk will be long and the limbs com.
paratively short. The person will ap-
urn nt mums; ana snort instand
ing. The hand will have a lone- and
somewhntJieavy palm and short fingera. '
The brain will be deeply seated, a
ru,. ujr UK onnce ot tne ear bo'jij,
low. The blue bawl or brown '4mzc
eye is a favorable indication. T'ne nos
trils being large, open and -h-ee indi
cates large lungs. A plnchf .fl ,1(J lmlf.
closed nostril indicates s:ma or weak
iungs.-San Fmiicisco Argonaut.
Fait! f's7riar;iTO '
Burp ars arc the ,1 terror of me
L 'rUrai-n castle, a,sl,c
has bad al her window shutter,. f tZ
r'T11'' lh martrig g
at the ahghtewt touch, while bv the
...,..,,, K,m 1B , j
rou TrV'r '-' l in "h
frounds. Special watchmen are told
New York
' '
i lie
With the close of the Trcsidontial wmipaijm THE
TRIBUNE recognizes the fact thai the American people are
now anxious to give their attention to home and business
intt rests. To meet this condition, polities will have far less
spae and prominence, until another Stale or National occa
sioi. demands a renewal of the fisrht for the principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored fi oni its inception t
the present day, and won its greatest victories.
Even' possible effort will be put forth, and money frcely
speut, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
of the family.
We furnish tbs "Express" and "New York Weekly Tribune'
One Year for $1.25,
OtiMh in Advance.
Address all orders to
Writ! ynur n rnic and addrewt on a
Tribune OKlee, New York City,
Weekly Tribune mailed to
11 11 o u e rt,
Miiu,ii Hlock
Allmny, Or
Jloteyto loan on farm senirity, also
smali uans made on iieminal Mrurlty.
City county and school warrants Imuclit.
Coll -ctions made on fuvoralile terms.
Fire insurani written in three of the
larcel companies in the world, at the low
est n es.
Vnitcd 8titc Uml Olll, i
Omron City, Or., Ilea 2H, lKsl.i'
To W ion rr Mat Cuscrk:
Not: is hereby given that the Willa
mette Valley anil Cascade Mountain Wuiton
iioail i .'ompaiiy has lileil in this oflicv a list
oi lan-'S situated in the lowiishii,!, deserilai'1
' ' I ' j
lands: that the list is niwn to the
iii91iec.loii.aiidacopy tlieref by ,!,!
live ibdivisions, l. wn mmM ' i
Mmve'.ient place i u,j, oBicCi fr , ,
Icti, n of all person, itere,tj 'mtl the t
(.nun,. Hciiemuy. ;
Wllilnielle V'Kllev ...i !
.No (1- "A" :'HMiiuntal l.iat
uSS'rt"-."'-! ofWillamette
I Hot. 83, tu.U 6 ut fec. n H., U.
M'iEliiji the next
sixty day following tiie
uate of il. is llur .
ttmtfit or (tinti'KtH
against the olair , of a, , ,.
m.v oi HUIXUV
ision xithin any Mfction or
iar! u :rr
.1. (lesi-rltM-iI in tin- hNf. on t,r
'""'"'"'.tlicsanieis more valuable fur
"'m"- v , (r sgrfcuUund purpu, will
' rx' r cd and noted for reimrt in the Hen
'eral k'-nd Oflire at Wusliiiiition, I). C.
JIoiikbt a. M iueu. Ki Kiier.
'. Wh . Gauowat, lleceiver.
! ,
I Wrappers.
! T':ty ar! "r11' a eeutapiece if taken
Trom Hoe Cake soup.
Pafonize liunie Industry, by buying
your clothing from the Waterloo
"Woolen Mills. It will be doubly to '
your advantage it will keep the
motie; at home, and will nave you
money as the prices are very low.
The big sale has comnienred at
Read, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store.
Tin Wuterloo Woolen Mill are in
the flout rank selling men's, youlhe' I
and boys' clothing at exceedingly low I
pricw. Buy your clothes there. !
G a fi 5 Pro,el'. iy the statements o( lead
, 7 'SIil everywhere, ;i'--.'
tin the peo- ooufckaie
In lood's (sarsaparllla. Great
Q II f s.c provod bv the vnlinilary ilau-
menta of tbomand of mrtii a.iit
wJtien siiow tliat IIchiu's barsi.arilla w i
ma iy aoss possess
,MO,m over dli
dlsea- ,y purifying, cn-
faisl iuv'uiaUii:: t,.
W t upoa nliteh n-it only hcalUi but li.o
H e ( depends. The great
5l!rrree ","'' Barsaparnia In
tVMJl eiirint otters varia.:U
" ynr la bellevlnt tliat a laltaful use ot 11,.,. J
-fsv i&parilia will cure yoo If jou slider liom
an) trouble caused by imiiuii blood.
It !b. nieTniB Blood Purifier. A TJnranBHtv ft.
in SfloiilyliyC. ,1. HooilfcCo., Jewell. Mass.
li-Ja 8 PUIS to saaiaM. WwaU.
B m to
Weekly Tribune
Farmars and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters, '
All The Family.
THE "EVprprr"
Lebanon, Or.
piwta1 card, Bend It to Geo. W
and aaniple copy of the New
Yrti ,
ft "nLN fv. ,
cai.atia. Ills.. Nov. IB. IIOL
Psrls M.Mtliiliin Co., St. Uihw. Mo.
Ciflnll- niun:-Wi IA liwl yuar, Son biHtles of
Iniuulu ri, snjiw nlronilr tbis r'iir. In all oitr us-Iwrivn,-,-
r II yitnn, lit thn ririiii biuitmM, liavv
Dcvur v ,ltl mi nrt -lo that ua ve Rii.:ii uiiivunal saur
I juur luiiti. kuunirtnr,
AllKSY.CAlta aCO
sale by N. W. HMITH
Minn Jim cii l u bn looJi, tnm. lltiuti nil
Sti.hi "ilftrnrmuiioii lr lirui.-t hilars
to MiM ?,i,...,ucllor,. iml,illi" If W S
pnrtiiilli1r,-(lf rt,lwlife,4ntTln fl " i
mt ibaiit lnipn,Teipiit M tliu hrw Wfiki.'
Tin Hew Home Sewing BacMoe Co
6Hujicieo,c1i. in.;-u,iii ,
bo rKAna
,"n 0OPVRIOHTS 4o.
An? m-p mniHng a Rketoh unci denorlpiion atay
HU.k--fumutUiin, (roe, whtttliitr an irtvmitiori l
proNa If imuiiitntita. (;i.ii.iiniiiitttlini UU;Uy
Otfillif mtlHl, ulil.'il riflHiioy fi-rn't-urltiK ,iittiint
Ui Ai.,rii.a, Vu hnvti a W fiflilitMlon oltlcfl,
I'at.ritB tnkftn tliruuKb Muim A Co- reuj.f
tywiul iKilien in ttio
scientific mmm,
bpantifiill? Illiintnitod, Ummt nlrf-nluttoo of
nnvaf oiitltlr i.nirimt.wtMfk'j'.ti.rnutjiUJUttyoari
f I J0 1- x miniChfl. HimuliiiPn ctiplm itinl iU0
iiuoii on aunt frue. Adttruai
301 Uroiiitway, Nvw York.
Wasited-An Ideas
Who can think
of titiiT tiiiiiiiie
IhlriK Ut I'ateiitf
Writ :
rroiuoi your Iiimw; thov innv i.riiiir i ,n wi.iii.
mT ; X
FAT j)itSiw fsmV 3
mmm m sb mm immm
Eg Ij2 f if P
j BSSS 51 II
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iSaMS'Klilri "r!" Ufl
nvww mmt-wuttvum vTsUiMTU.