The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 04, 1897, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express,
and - Proprietor
Peffer's whiskere will adorn the
aenalc chamber no more after the
4th of March. It is to be hoped
that the same may be said nbout
Mitchell's. Dispatch.
The new governor of Colorado
outdid Jefferson in simplicity on
his inaugural day. He walked
At the eonclus:on of the ceremonies
it was announced that the whole
affair cost less than five dollars.
One of the first acts of Gov,
Black, of New York, was to estab
lish a permanent board to regulate
the uniforms of the state military
officers, but be reserves the right to
veto what the board decides on.
is understood that this is a hit at
the profusion of gold lace and
An exchange says: "The Amer
ican people are patient, long-suffer
ing and slow to change, but it is
our opinion that they begin to feel
that as to senatorial elections by
legislatures 'patience has ceased to
be a virtue,' and they will demand
that this prerogative be placed in
their own hands, where it rightly
The democrats in the legisla
ture owe Senator Mitchell noth
ing. He should look to his federal
office-holding contingent, wnich he
carried over into the McKinley
ranks, for assistance. The demo
crats in the legislature got there in
spite of their opposition. They
owe it to their party and their con
stituents to use all honorable
means to secure his defeat. Dispatch.
Members of the Washington leg
islature are true bimetalists. They
talk for silver, but vote for gold.
The above has reference to the
election of Turner as U. S. senator
from Washington, that gentleman
being interested in a valuable gold
mine. However, it is a well known
fact that nearly all gold miners in
this country are in favor of free
coinage of silver.
A common idea among cane
sucking dudes, and, unfortunately,
among a higher class of the
residents of big cities, is that the
farmers throughout the country
are not very intellectual. On the
contrary, it is a great mistake to
suppose that nature 'capped the
farmer's spinal column with
head for no other purpose than to
support a pair of ears with which
to hear the dinner horn. In actual
labor the head is just as useful as
the hands, and the great majority
of farmers fully realize and take
advantage of this fact. The brain
is the greatest of labor saving, as
well as labor directing, instru
Mayor Foley's Able Address.
Senator Mitchell no doubt real
izes the tact that Oregon' has
grown too big for him to carry in
his vest pocket any longer.
During his 18 years of residence
in Washington things fiavechmg-
ed somewhat in Oregon and the
population is too large and inde
pendent for any man's ownership.
Let the Benator come home and
get acquainted with the new order
of things. Dispatch.
$100 Reward, Sioo.
The reader) of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all Its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Dure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, reduires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, actinn directly up
on tbe Wood and mucous surfaces of tne
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the iiatient
itremtth by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers, that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F. J. Chuhky 4 Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
(Changed Every Week.)
Oats 33 to 3oe
Hay $8 to $9 perton.
Flour $1 00UO per sack
Chop $1 00 per ewt.
Hran Sue per owt.
Middlings $1 00 per ewt
Potatoes 30c
Apples Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, 8c.
Onions lju.
Beef Dressed, 4 to 6c.
Pork Dressed, 3J.
Lard 9.
Hams 12 per lb.
Shoulders 6c.
Bides 8c per lb.
Geese 13 60 5 per doa.
Ducks 13 W per doz.
Chickens $2 002 50.
Turkeys clO per lb.
Eggs 16c nerdoz.
Butter 16 20c per lb.
Hides Green, 3c; dry, 7c.
Notice of Dissolution.
Big sleeves blocked an important
Paris thoroughfare the other day.
A young woman was sailing down
the Rue Richelieu by the Bilili
otheque Nationale, taking up most
of the sidewalk, when a polite old
gentleman, to make room for her,
stepped into the street directly in
front of a passing cab. Tbe driver
pulled his borse up to avoid run
ning over him, when the beast fell
down, and in two minutes there
was a solid block of omnibuses,
cabs, bicycles, and delivery carls,
filling the street for oyer an hour.
A drummer passed himself off
for Bryan along a Georgia railroad
the other day, making speeches
from the rear platform, shaking
hands, etc. The rumor got abroad
that Bryan was really on board the
train, and. when the train pulled
in at a station the crowd would
yell for Bryan, out Btepped the
drummer and gave them a speech.
It all passed off well till the train
reached Carlersville, where the
crowd caught on and greeted the
festive commercial tourist with a
salvo of eggs. Then he got mad
and wanted to lick somebody. Ex.
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. K Pugh and W. H. Muncy,
under the firm name of Pugh &
Aiuncy, and engaged Ij the sale of
groceries ana furnishing goods, at
Lebanon, Oregon, has beeu dissolved
this day, by mutual consent, W. H.
Muncy retiring. All debts of ihe firm
are tn be paid by C. E. Pugh, who
continues the business. All persons
indebted tn the firm are reniMiHl tn
settle a boom m possible with either
nr. i"ugh or Mr. Aiuncy.
C E. Phoh,
W. H. Mlncv.
Lebanon, Ore., Feb. 1, 1807.
. Land Opened For Entry.
United States Land Office, )
Oregon City, Oregon, I
January 26, 1697. J
Notice is hereby given that the an.
proved plats of survev of Tnwnshin la
South, Kange 6 East, and 13 South,
Knge 8 East, the fractional id a Is of
survey of Townships 12 South, Range
4 East, Kange 6 East, Kange 6 East,
and 7 East; and also fractional survey
of Township 13 South, Kange 7 East,
have been received fiom the Surveyor
General of Oregon, and on
MARCH 25, 1897,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said date, said
piatewiii De men in tins ollice, and
the land therein embraced will be sub
ject to entry on ami after said date.
Eobkbt A. Miller, Kegisler.
Wh. Galloway, Receiver.
An important feature of the pro
gram of tbe teachera' institute, last
Friday evening, was an address by
Mayor Foley. That bis audience ap
preciated It highly, was shown by the
olose attention given. Fur the benefit
of those anioug our readers who could
not attend, we publish it In full, as
Ladles and Gentlemen of the Teach
ers' Institute:
The people of Lebanon deem It an
honor, as well as a pleasure, to wel
come you In our midst. We are not
unmiudful of the dignity and
usefulness of your profession. We
know that to your care Is left the train
iu of the minds of the future citizens
aud voters of ' the nation. Where
every niau has the right of suffrage,
no possible voter should be permitted
to reach the voting age ignorant of the
fundamental priueiples of our govern
ment. The ouly way to prevent ibis
misfortune is to educate the youth of
the land.
Now, to educate, we must have
competent tenchere. At a glance, the
dullest intellect can Bee the great
importance of duty that is laid upon
It is hardly nrcessary for me to
suggest to you how important educu-
tlou is to a niau in bis dally life.
Success and failure on all sides have
lung ago Impressed this fuct upon
Your very presence here tonight
proves that you do not think that
you have reached a state of perfection.
lnu are here, If I am correetly in
formed, for tbe purpose of learning, in
order that you may better qualified to
pursue your noble calling. I bavo
thought that the true secret of teach
ing was told In (he classic school of
Athens, many hundred years ago,
when tbe great Socrates said to bis
pupils: "Know thyself." Indeed,
this knowledge Is as essential us book
The two together, with a thorough
knowledge of the pupils, make the
good teacher. Every pill-peddler is
not a true physician; neither is
every book-worm a good teacher. The
work of the teacher is to mould and
form the mind, to settle iu his pupil
good habits aud the principles of
virtue, and give him little by little a
knowledge of mankind, aud instill
into him a love and veneration for
what is excellent and praiseworthv;
and in the prosecution of it, to give
him vigor, activity and Industry. The
studies set before him should be such
to exercise his faculties and employ
his time, keeping bim from idleness.
Teach application, aud accustom him
to take pains, and to give bim an idea
of what his own iudustry muy accom
plish. It is not to be expected that every
boy can be made an accomplished
orator and logician, or
A Museum Man's Scheme
Gulling tho Public,
tb row contorted Imto a Sot of
Fanunbolatlnf Lawn-tirta-ht Onu
. ttUdsa Winn Urutlai Oaf bit
to tirow.
Save the Wrappers,
They are worths cent apiece if taken
from Hoe Cake soap.
Patronize home industry, by buying
your clothing from the Waterloo
Woolen Mills. It will be doubly to
your advantage it will keep tbe
money at home, and will save you
money as tbe prices are very low.
' Mow Tabula.
Land Opened for Entry.
United States Land Office, y
Oregon City, Or., Dec. 2tf, 1886.1
Notice is hereby given that the approved
fractional plat of survey of Township 13
South, Kange 8 East, has been received
from the Surveyor General of Oregon, and
February 8, 1897,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, said plat will
be bled in this office, and the land therein
embraced will be subject to entry on and
after said date.
Robert A. Millkb, Register.
Yiu. Gauoway, Receiver.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1
Jan. 7, 1SU7. (
Kotice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said ptoof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany. Or., on February 11, IS7, viz:
H. E. 8820, for the N. M of K. E. w of Bee.
24, Tp. 13 S E.1W.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz; William 11.
Cooper, Albert E. Cooper, Thomas Furgi
on, and Clarence McAlister, all of Sweet
Home, Oregon,
Robbbt A., Register.
Blgus Tabula iwiit alfiaUoa,
master of metaphysics, natural
philosophy or mathematics, though
something of each of these is to be
taught him. But of good breeding,
knowledge of the world, virtue, in-
dustry and love of reputation, he can
not have too much. And if lie have
these, he will not long want what he
needs or desires of the others. And
since it cannot be hoped that be
should have time and strength to learn
all things, most puii.s should be taken
about that which is most necessary,
and that principally taught which
will be of most frequent use to him
in the world.
"How dear to my heart are the scenes
of my childhood,
When fond recollection presents
them to view."
These lines remind me of my boy
hood days and how dearly I loved my
lady teacher. And the fact is, i bave
not gotten entirely over admiring a
pretty school-ma'am even yet.
Our little city has a fine class of
teachers, and our citizens appreciate
the good work done. In fat, Lebanon
has always been regarded as a seat of
learning. It was a common Buying
in pioneer days that every man who
achieved greatness In Oregon, either got
his stiirt in Yumhlll county or bis
education at the Sautium academy.
(I here wish lo remark parenthetically
that I got n.y start in Yamhill
county). The Hantiam academy has
done a noble work, aud I hope Its use
fulness will increase.
We, as citizens of Lebanon, feel a
great interest in this institute. Its
success means better teaching next
year and the years tn come.
In conclusion, ladles and gentle
men of the teachers' Institute, I again
bid you a cordial welcome lo our city,
and extend to you the hospitality of Its
citizens. We hope to make your visit
so pleasant that yon will 1 willing to
come amongst us some future occa
For tbe insignificant sum of ten cents
the curiously inclined might have had
the privilege of seeing recently In a
little museum way down in the French
quarter no less a curio than a hog
snorting a complete and bona fide crop
of grass all over his body "in de place
whar de ha ought to grow."
This sounds like the most prerjoster-
ous thing oh record, writes a corre
spondent of the Philadelphia Times,
and so your correspondent conceived It
to be until he came to the pointof sacri
ficing a dime on the altar of his in
credulity, and lioheld with his own oyeB
tho wonder. The animal appeared to
no a wen-grown nine or ten-mouths'
snout of the Essex breed, with the
usual broad back, chubby neck and
short legs, but from the tip of his nose
to the end of his tail he was bristling
with as perfect fresh green grass as the
finest lawn mixture is warranted to
i ne exhibitor from time to time
clipped a Btray bit of grass from the
hog's abundant crop and passed it
around for inspection. I am willing to
testily on oatn tliat it was the genuine
article and no mistake, and the more I
gazed the more the wonder grew that
one short hog should wear so strange a
hue, till finally my curiosity got the
oeiier oi my purse strings and I
chipped in with some other fellows and
got the man to let us on to the fake.
"Easy enough cxplaiuedV'said the ex
hibitor, as he begun tosproy the animat
ed grass plot with a small rubber bulb
which he held constantly in his hand.
"Just step behind here and take a close
look at the hog. Mind how you hBndle
him, though, or you may break him all
up. Seems to be a pretty good thick
ness of earth 'twixt him and the grass,
dont there? Yes. Well, that's just it.
Grass grows in dirt and nowhere else,
so all you've got to do is to got enough
of it to stick to a hog and he'll moke you
about as good a lawn as you'd find any
where almost.
"That's straight so far as it goes, but,
of course, there is a pood deal more to
uwure .yuu m wnra up sueu an ar
ticle as this here. In the first place
you have got to get the right kind of a
hog. I generally use a llcrkshire or an
Essex, because they ore good and bronri
and you can feed 'cm up to be pretty
lazy. This is necessary, of course, as a
frisky hog is not liable to hold mud or
Water either for a long time. The next
step is to get the right kind of soil.
"Now, I always use dirt collected
from ant hills, but this is an old dodge
borrowed from t!i-.i Indian jug
glers, who can make a mango sprout
and grow six or seven feet in as many
minutes. Scientists say that it is the
formic acid in earth which causes seed
to burst and the germ to develop when
placed therein, and this acid is freely
generated bytho ant. Poura cnpfulof
hot water over a handful of the insects
and it will become as sour as vinegar.
"Of course it is easy enough to get a
biyor of soil about an inch thick caked
np on a hog, and a little training will !
i teach bim to keen it there all rirrht I .
become a i put a ring in this fellow's nose and tic No -'
The New York Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
n - j r
ouus dim lAiujsjmuis,
All The Family.
With the close of 'the Presidential campaign THE
TElBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are
now anxious to give their attention to home and business
int '(rests. To meet this condition, politics will have far loss
space and prominence, until another State or National occa
sio i demands a renewal of tho fight for the principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has lalorodfi om its inception to
the present da', and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money frooly
spent, to make THE WEEKLY TUIBUNK pre-eminently
instructive, entertaining and indi.-ipensable to each member
of the family,
We furnish the "Express" and "Kew York Weekly Tribune"
One Year for $1.00,
t'llNli In Alviui-.
Lebanon, Or.
Adtkess all orders to
Write your n.ime and address on a postal card, send
If In (In W
Tribune Office, New-York City, mid a sample copy of the Kew' Yolk;
Weekly Tribune wlll.hc mailed to you. - fW
11 11 O It K U,
Muxtou Itlo. k.. Allmu-v.
Money lo lonn on (arm security, also
small loans made on iiersonal security.
t.'ltv, county ami school warranto bought.
Collections mailo on favorable terms.
Fir; insurance written in three of the
large t companies in the world, ul the low
est r.tes.
t'nitecl States Land OIHre, i
Orcifun City, Or., Dec. Hi, IMJil.i
To Witoii it Mat (.'osctici:
Notice is hereby given that the Villa
mctic Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon
Hoad Company has tiled in this oltlce a list
of lui.cla situated in the townships described
below , and has applied for a putent for sail!
lands; that the list is 0kmi to the public for
inspection, and a copy thereof by ilecrii
live subdivisions, has been posted In a
convenient place in this olllco, for the in
spection of all persons interested and the
puhlii' generally.
Willamette Vallev and Cnsru.l,. Mr
Wapi a Hoad Company Supplemental List
him np short so that he can't skirmish
around, and that's about alL I plant
iy owu, wuiuu miroui ann pnmi un in i ,.(-u i
about a week's time, for I haven't quite ' ot Hei . SI, and H
Hoi th of base line and Knst of Willamette
Med. iaii Tp 12S.. K. ,' K..-N W H nnd
N W ', of S E Sec. 26-S W 14 anil V, (
fnl I LBwn
(rotten np to the juifjvlers' minute per
fonnnnccs yet. tio there's your hog as
uik as me anu as green as crass.
1 nave several hogs which I use at
. H U of N I..' 1 V.
of es-c. Sj-T. 12 B., li
Y1 bin tho next sixty days follmvius; the
date :f this notice protest or contests
acaiint the claim of the rnimnmv 1..
u"'"' umco, b u woutu not ao toliruct ir aumiiviston within any section or
keep one with his pores stopped up too j part i f section, described in the list, on the
long. Sometimes, too, I vary the mo-1 grout d that the same is more valuable for
notony by planting small, low-growing mine al than for aBrieoltral purposes, will
flowers instead of grass, and once 1 1 be meived and noted for report to the (Ion
ngged up a 'awry w h , 8prig of ami- j eral l aud Ollice at Washing,,, 1). C.
lax for the tad, little coleus plants ' ,,,, , ,
king tne stars and stripes on Either 0a JZ Teti '
ide.andarazor-backofpausiesrunnine ! .,
between. Uutthatdidnotgovery well, j 'Ml luriul produces wen knees, general
t 1 i, u vuviuus, unu 1 luati! debility, blllottsnesH,
..., j iw umKe muu x navecouuneu
loss of appetite,
myself almost ntimlinm. ,,.i..u ' ""'"l,"u""u '""nation, drove's
seems to go somehow, perhaps' owing " Chi" T""ic r,,luovi the
to the general greennessof the public." leMm wllicu Pr"luw these troubles.
i Try it and you will be delighted.
Qaxa Victoria'. Or o win, rmnr. I centi . To get the genuine n8r for
Knowledge of the interesting fact Grove's. For sale by K. w. k,Kh
that within the current year the qneen i Lebanon Or ' '
expects to have the number of her j -
great-grandchildren increased by four ! Hecently mention wi', ,n,.,i ,
suggests that at tbe rapid rate at which ";luin-is that iMra. M vUiig, of
omK r ulaJ0Bly may; ., ... ...u., n completed a iiullt
expect to see the number of her direct tamiiiK 1470 pieces. As amatir
18 JUST AS COOn FOB anm t.
p., Mm,,,.ro.,,Hf,ijr,;;ir m-
J.eiillomenr-WH sold hut year, m boulM nt
b".Wli' Uirs,.n,nlra,flyi,i,. "ll7,re,!
"'"" "t U Kl. Ill llle n,I biwnJi ' ""1
never ,ol,l .nloie tbm ,,, aaivSZiSJ
tocuul. aa yuor Tualc Vuim inilv,
AuxBv.C'AHa 4C0.
or Mile by N. W. HMITH.
vf s'vr
descendants exceed one hundred.
cnuuren were ten in number. The
grandchildren up to date are thirtv-
Aa Tl J
Her '.' "": aia very well for W'ood-
nut js entirely too slow for
Wov-lisv e. Mrs. John K..,...n I,...
five. The latter are now growinir un w'lich "1,e """lo huf'"'e entering
and marrying off, and their offsnrL 'h "!'"""mul state, that contains
constituting the fourth r,.,i:' ; ''"'" P"" wwiisvllk- Times.
will, of course, show a greatly acceler- i " "
urn rauo oi increase say as thirty
five is to ten. The royal mothers-expectant
this year are the duchess of
York, the empress of Eussia, and the
two daughters of the duke of Edin
burgh, the crown princeusof Eoumania
and the duchess of ilesse-Darmstadt.
uSSlf. ' ""''I r sllnrii
m needed dj poor, tired mothers, ovr-
worked and burdened with caro, debili
tated and run down because of poor, thin
and impoverished blood. Help is needed
by the nervous sufferer, tho men una
womin tortured with rheumatism, ih-u-
Card of Thanks.
' fowu in rnutt.
It la stated that there arc In France
46,000,000 of hens, which, at an average
price of 2 irancs AO n
represent a value of 112,000,000 and 6,000 ,8le'-l dwepsla, scrofula, catarrh. Help
irancs. une-nitn oi the stock in An. i n . ,
nually consumed as food, and issold OST.eS JUluKl
for about
lion of cocks, worth 6,000,000 of francs
are sold as food. The number of lay
ing hens is put down at 85,000,000, aud
the annual value of their eggs is 188,
000,800 francs. A million francs equals
for mr , m,r -,,.7,. . "'"V"'""
V,i,n mini
that fuvu Kiilneri reimutl.m
FOR oiroolJh.
Tne Kew Home Sowing Maciiine Co
auici,cc,u atL i t'i iK4A
Whe 1 Ilood'a Barsaparilla boeina to on
rich, purify and vitalize tho blood, and
end i It In a healing, nourishing, invlg
oratl.igatreamtothe nerves, musclen e;id
or('a.iB of the body. Hood's Barsarcrilla
bulk s up the weak and broken dowi i j-a-tern,
and cures all bluod diseaaea, bceau,i
We wish to extend our heartfelt
tlmiiks to the kind friends who so
nobly assisted us during the sickness
and burial of our beloved mother, and j
inr ttieir sympathy In this, our sad
Mb. aud Mrs. C. E. Loveall.
Rlpana Tabula : at druggists.
be taw tba Rattle of Watorlo.
There has juat died in Whitechapel a
Mrs. Todd, who was present at tho
battle of Waterloo. Bhc was then only
ten years old, but vividly remembered
to her dying day many of the scenes of
carnage. Her mother was a woman
employed to work fur the army. Her
latner was a British soldier and he was
Is the One True r.looil I'urlder. All rliii:';!its. ;i,
I'roiK.n a only Iiy c, 1, lloml & cjp,, jna jlli
trilled near the tent ia whluh tlu, ii . w ,i . n?i . a only pills to tnlca
aaahoaMther w "- iiwut I ut& wtttUwu'iiW'iiwMiua.
Wanted-fin Idea -v
Tho big sale bus conttneiiced at
licud, Peacock & Cn'a Lebanon are.
Have your Hoe Cake soap wrapper
tlicy arc worth u oonl niii)cc. '
'-'heap, (Jhuap, Cheap, ir
tui-y are selling at JiemJ
t'o's big sale.
the way
J'cncouk i.
Don'l lei Hie ot lie', ,T, ,
miik, nlcesoai, '""W'liut
Tahulw; pia,8lU g,,