An lop rOSOuGUaC! IflH 1 WOI lit TV !ned Nurse Gained Fifty-three Pounds by Using a Nerve Food. 2 CF THE I.10ST REflMfiBLE RESULTS OH RECORD. Frnm rt Motto, Ytmktr 7T, F. s mnvh like ft liring skeleton . i v3t two yetn ago I weighed uuls," said lira. J. W. - '-bunion Arenue, Yooken, vrrfr. And we agreed with fri ' ; ... .;uly looked anything but a ::. u. rather bore the appear mi uud attractive lady in ex- awl apirin. Continuing the i had nwt my appetite and wai wasting " :,r U, losing aome fifty pounds in a IMckmi aaid I waa threatened -uinption. I was under what was a first-class medical treatment, udti feniuremly little or no effect, for r W.iw worse until I was so weak ! vu iu not attend to my household , f s -iir! f-iiifd hardly walk. My husband n . . Ty.ti.iy who saw me thought surely ii.ii 1 would die, and there seemed no help tor inc. "Tonics and stimulants and medicines all seemed useless, and I grew worse and worse until at last I resolved to seek some new remedy one entirely oat of the usual line of nauseous drugs and dosee of stuff which seemed to take away what little nlish I might perhaps otherwise hare had for food. A friend told me of some wonderful eures effected by Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and I bought a box. The effect from their use was noticeable from the first and soon appeared almost miraculous, for H peemed pretty nearly like the raising of one "I soon commenced to eat, something I had scarcely done before for weeks, and soon ne$n to gain in flesh and strength. I went cne day to the doctor's office and he was sur prised at the change in me for the better. I hud to confess that 1 had been taking the pills, and he was broad-minded enough to idvise me to continue what was evidently coins e so ranch good. 2 took, in all, six toies, and increased in weight from 72 to impounds, which is my regular and normal weight" "Are you sure the eure k permanent t " "Well, yes. My work is that of a trained nurse, which means, as you probably know, irregular hours and at times great exbaua Tion. During the two years sinee my re covery I have had many engagements, and Knmh them all have continued in good fceaUh. I take pleasure in hearing test.. Tiionv to the remarkable power of this great medh-al discovery. I know of other cures etiwtea oy it. A friend of mine Buffered neatly at her monthly periods. One box relieved and three boxes eared her. But I know of no ease equal to mine, for my situ tion was critical, dasperace and almost hopeless." Mrs. Coffey has lived in Tonken for six teen years, and for twelve yean has followed the business of attending the sick, excepting only the period of her illness. She has hundreds of acquaintances and friends who know her to be capable and trustworthy. Miny of them know how very ill she was and how remarkable was her recovery. The pills have a large sate in Yonkers and West fthetter County, which will be greatly in creased as their merits become better known, for they seem to be one of the medical mar vels oi the age. AX tnriOLICITCD TKwTIAONIAIm from the Democrat, Atlanta Teztu. "Being constantly asked by many of my friends if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People were doing me any good, I offer tliii unsolicited testimonial and answer. Never having seen a well day since I had typhoid fever last summer, I could retain scarcely CHICAGO'S FISH SUPPLY. How It Is Affected by the Flnnn. clal Strlncoaoy. Hard Time. Eton Ckuaad the People to Beoaomlio on Their Uwt HlUa Winn the riah Are Piln. clnally Obtained. The report of a shortage of 18,000,000 bushels ia the oyster crop of Chesa peake bay does not disturb the equa nimity of the Chicago dealers. "Our business is mostly in fish this winter," one of them declares. "Hard times have caused people to econo mize on hiph-priced oysters and meats and turn to Ush as the staple food. Fish are very cheap and plentiful. Chicago cats 20,000,000 pounds of lake fish and 5,000,000 pounds1 of ocean fish annually. The lake fish were caught and frozen last fall, and so long as they remain in ice continue as fresh as when token from the water, How ever, if anyone demands a newly caught fish, the Mackinaw fishermen are sending down choice trout daily taken from the straits. "As to oysters, the crop of Balti more and New York might totally fail without embarrassing the public in the least or raising the price of the bivalve. "The Gulf of Mexico produces fully as fine flavored oysters as are taken any Boa, my lunM and Joint, achrt and , any where. Many people like the gulf ui ..we i. - miwr, n . oyster best Hew Orleans could easily rise up in bed and my mind was clouded, in j 8uppiy the world with oysters, as its &et vraa a physical wreck and I felt that my j coast environment is enormously pro life was drawing to a close, and I muat con. liac in oysters, delicious crustaceans, few it was without regret on my part as my I and fishes. These gulf edibles are sufferings were almost unbearable. ; sent north in refrigerator cars which Since I commenced to take Dr.Williami' hBve conveyed dressed beef south. Pink Pills, at the solicitation of my wife, I They also come by express. The fail have taken fbar boxes, and I feel like a new , tire of the fish and oyster crop would man. ky appetite if good and I now retain be a great boon to the gulf coast what I eat oiy limbs and joints are free of , i tm and 1 nave gained ten pounds in weight. , , v life feels renewed and while not vci en. The fishmonger mentioned that the tirel; well, I feel so much better that I nn-! Pacific codfish had invaded the Chi hejitstingly assert that I believe Pink Pills cae0 market to the detriment of the for Pale People a Rood medioine for what they are recommended. Knowing that no ledicine will save life under all circum stances or in all eases, yet 1 do honestly be lieve that they have prolonged mine, or at least, where all wss dark and gloomy and full of suffering h has been changed for the Kiier. , Maine-Massachusetts' namesake. There : is no difference in the appearance of the rivals, but epicures think the Pa cific cod the choicer. The Pacific cod , is now shipped to Massachusetts, salted i and sent out as Atlantic cod. No one The manufacturers of this medicine do can tell the difference. Jk?Ti.-f J"T "H HS"2r ,"m I : A Popular fish in Chicago is the red paid for this statement, but give it free y in . i i tu n w .. . answer to friends and tie editor of this ""PP" a,ken in the G of Mexico, paper." . ana caiiea oy many in gun cod. It is (Signed.) John Batjokxss, Atlanta, Texas, a handsomer fish than the cod and of Bworn to and sntecribed before me thk 37th day of March, 1SS6. B. II. BlAYDra, Koton Public. Regarding the above testimonial of John Baugrees, I beg to say that no man stamls higher for honestv and veracity in all this section than John Baegreaa. W. H. Wright. Editor and proprietor of the Democrat Atlanta. Texas. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Psle People are prepared by the Dr. Williams' Med icine Co.. of Echenectadv. N. Y., a firm whose ability and reliability are unques tioned. Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, bnt as a prescription, having been used as such for years in general practice, and their successful results in curing various afflictions made it imperative that they be prepared in quantities to meet me uemana or tne puonc, and place tnem in i reach of alt They are an unfailing specific 1 for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial j panuyaw, oc. vims' cmnee, sciatica, neo- much finer flavor. Large fleets engage in the catch of this fish and it is forc ing its way into all the markets of the world. Brook trout weighing from two to five pounds are plentiful in the local markets. They come from private fish ponds where they were taken out and frozen last fall. The finest yellow perch are taken in the Detroit river Bt the St. Clair Flats. Muscaliongc reach the market from the interior lakes of Wisconsin. The lake trout varies in color, both of skin and flesh. The flesh is yollow from the southern to the northern waters of Lake Superior. In the northwest corner of Lake Sunerior the flesh becomes red and the skin a fac- lalgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the j simile of the brook trout. This latter after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the ircan, pnio aim miow complexions, aDQ US I tired feeling resulting from nervous prostrs-1 tion, all diseases resulting from vitiated hn mors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppres- ; sions, irregularities, and ail forms of weak- I nees. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to psle and sallow cheeks. In men tbev enect a radical cure in all eases ; arising from mental worry, overwork, or ex- ; eaes oi wnaiever nature. i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all tbeele. : meats necessary to give new life and richness ! to ins oiooo and restore slisttered nerves. variety, which is the finest of trout, is believed by some to be a brook trout from the Nipigon river, which in times past left the stream and bred a deep water variety of itself. It is scarce in the local market. There is a suspicion that the local dealer sells it as a large brook trout. Eels mostly come from Fulton, N. T., where, on the Oswego river, is the largest eel industry in the world. Ocean hah are not popular in the THE AMERICA'S CUP. Il Waa First Nailed fur Over Forty Years Ago The first race for the cup, now known as the America's cup, waa sailed around the Isle of Wight on August ::a, Bays the l'hilii.lolplila J'ross. Of the ynchts that suited tho seas in those days the gallant old ! America, full of years ami honors, la I probably the only one now in commis- n'on. Tho Koyal yacht squadron hod offered a cup open to competition by yacht1 of ultiintions. The Araurica was lying ai Cowca, and her owner wore anxious to get a match raeo with a reprciotitntive ltritish yucht. Com modore Stevens entered the America in this open race. There wero six schooners, one a three-master of three ' hundred and ninety-two tons, uud eiijlit cutters in the race. The Ameri- ' ca wn.itl:c last yacht to get off. Sho ran viiir-nml-wiug, her mainsail out cn one kUIo and her foresail out on tho other, and very soon hud Railed grand ly through the fleet, vouching the schooner llcatrico and the oui tcrs Au rora, Volnnto ami Arrow, which wero loading. Finally the America, by very siaHf".! dodging, managed to got into th'l.'wl. i .;o Yankee bout with tho wind free had shown superiority over the Eng lish ve.' sols. And when it came to : windward WLfltshe proved thatnhe was equally rupevior. Sho worked to the windward so speedily that by the tinio tlu point viw reached there was not a jncht in hi;-ht from her docks. The wind now died down and a stron? head tide was encountered, against which the America made little head way. This gave the fleet, which had not yet eanght the full strength of the tile. a cliunce to orccp up on her. The lit:!e euttetr Aurora aud Hie cutter Arrow nearly cuught up with the America, but tho rest of the fleets wore miles S itern. At Bt. Catherine's the Arrow went aground and was out of the race, but the little Aurora olung to the America admirably. The wind now freshened again and the America drew away rapidly from her plucky little rival. After getting by St. Catherine's the America had a leading wind, uud easing oft her sheet tore tluou,")i the water in magnificent style, uad swept toward Cowcs, are nni..;.Uc winner. The defeated Eng lish yaelits wore two days altogether in gottiiiT into port The dismay of the Lnrrlinh yachtsman and all Ureat Britain ht the terrible defeat given by the little black Yankee is almost a matter of international history. Commodore Stevens had tried be fore tho big race for a match very hard aiid had posted in the Royal squadron's castle a challenge to sail ugainst any yuo'it for from one thousand to ten tlious.n',1 guineas, but the English WL-rc tiraid of tho Yankee from hit first appearance and the challenge was never accepted. X 0 1 Tx X" i m-im-TrassssijjL !jjp'ii. I 1 T Jti I. Jl hi 1 Cm y 1-1 $ The Best I S SmoklneTobaoco Made Ghreo Awa this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Cenulne Durham Tobacco Von will find one coupon in ide each 2-ounce bnc;, m.d tw. coupons inside cadi 4-1 u u : bag. Buyabug, rcndthrcoiUHix and sec bow to got yam tfitu t Albany Furniture Co., (INCORPORATED) BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Orcn Furniture, Carpets, Linnleuins, matt inr, e'l'. 1'icturep and I'ieture iiioldiiip. Undertaking n Special! v.' Victors Are Best. Victor Non Puncturable Tire, No. 13, i. the ligl.t.iBt running wheel on earth. The best i8 the cheapest in the end. Largest stock of second-hand wheels on the coast. Everything as represented. Write for list. Headquarters for sundries and athletic goode, 130 Sixth A $65.00 Machine" $18.o CasbvfltiOrdsftnit Coupon r v - -X home 1 STYLE tevisj JllaslsiiiS LATt3T EST CHEAPEST anywhert, on 10 uaya iree in in vour on home, without askins; one cent in aa Tance. 10 yotrs written warranty with each machine. A strictly high-grade Sewing- liaclune, fintslied throughout in the best pot si We manner. It posstssM c!l tuoderti improvemetits.auiiii. fflecbautcal construction is such that in it are ojtnbined simpticjtv with great strtnalli, thus iDFunngetuwof ruuuitiir, durability, and mnking it iiii yosible for the macltiiie to be put out of order. Itstwsfast and makes a perfect atitcli with all kinds of thread autl allclassesol material. Always ready for u and unrivalled for speed, durability and qual ity o( work. Notice the fol lowing poiuta of superiority: The Head 'of the "Arlington" MniatehSfSi?;!3'"!1 K'"!rlne ' dcs'". "" tiatHlly oriMmeuiid in gold. l!J!L. V.tlI2. T? aud '. "l'"! or comittrsunk, making it flush with lop of li ule. 2MSS.?,ff?, ZSHZ hig,Vam' 9 . TW. will Unit the MceDt e'dle cng''i't's'l,-f''i'n?-Alluldy o holts lo put thrad tltrouBh f?w!.?'i?ii!! i ,a 8l"u,0"l'ndT,oiuon end, enlirely Kll-tl,readi;. ay to put in or ueneaui Ule bobbin w nder. and baa a Kale iliowiiic t he number of jtilrhe. lo the Inoh neve. !i!lV tSK .a "he "" double and eat-nua on toll, sides of needle, hklnrf f "T ",,hrouKllJ new atop, at Kams; is pwlive: no ,,,riii to ? ?iffit ' ""'f ; f? "5 M a'l lowered at will. Automat c Bobbin Winder-Kor tfJISZiftm" "" Ml.Rta-lwr-4lacine h eaav lo rim, duea m laUgiietbeaper. tnCl l??,'KWS'?,"?uy- SHcHUadouble lock uitch, the Mine 0,7 both , US, Sm X!i?t,Vl ""'fontMwpiaif Uie machine. Tian i a Hat aprmf ten !S'J 1 ' .l-"'. to VII ocl cotton wiuW ci, .nrin. Never nu out of or'lir ' j j e,,-eu,bK neeaie, !la'. on one ,de, and cannot bepul in wrung. Neuk I L H round, made o eaae-haniened aleel, w,lh oil dip at Ihe bofon, .o prevent oil from e,a Ti ; ,h .S'"MU,B,""?-A11 bearings are cw-harc-ntd ateei and ea-ily df, ile3 i Ti'.ir. d2vT- ". !",motion can be uSen np. and the machine will lut I liiithn? They are for le by all drnpri or maybe. . ' f i U tm had by mall from Dr. Wlfliama- Mediiin. eat' condition is natural. Company, Schenectady, N, Y., for 60 centi a ' Crawfish come from New Orleans, ; wnere tiey are the staple food of the ; French people. The crawfish makes the moat delicious bisque known to the epicure. box, or lix txuec Ibr fCO. Caupon.H nntCO.D. ran trial STYLE No. IS. "ARLINGTON." The nuiry ur a llnne. About twenty years ago there was a malpractice case tried in this court against a Danttor physician. He per formed a surgical operation on a pa tient and removed a piece of diseased bone, an this was the subject of the suit. You know, In such cases, if the patient doesn't recover as quickly as he thinks he ought to he becomes an impatient and goes for the doctor with a lawsuit. There was a big fight in that case, with lots of witnesses, and the bone came in with the rest of the evidence. It smelled worse than a slaughter-house in midsummer when it came into court, and it gathered ad ditional smell constantly afterward. The jury disagreed or there was a new trial granted, so that the case hung fire from April to October, and the clerk was directed to preserve the all important bone by locking it in the office safe. Both parties tried to get it but the court would not surrender it. It generated such odors while in cus tody that It nearly drove us out of the office altogether, and if you want to realize all about "the scent of the roses" that still remains here after all these years, although we have done everything to get rid of it, just put your head into that safe. Lewis ton A TERROR TO BANKERS. The Fraud Who Come In the UalM of Unmble UoriMty la Moat Dreaded. N. A. l'aiubolt.of Norfolk, Keb., who was present nt the world'B conrrress of linance at Chicago, said to a St. Louis tllobe-Dotnoerat: "I am more fearful of the m;tu who makes a good appearance than o' tiie other kind. .Mou who ex pect to deceive bunkers understand limv much we havo to depend upon tooka, They prepare themselves ac cordingly. If a man comes to me with a certain amount of timidity and want of couinlouce, I am more inclined to .uo mm uv uut wuru ana eive aim,, n, r.. what h-. wants than if he is ready of HUU Oil AKHT Ml'eet, .Portland, Oregon, speech al eutirely self-possessed. As nvcinr ur for the theory that the conlldenee man UVJiKMAN WHEEL COMPANY oetrays inmsult Dy h is manner I have tny doubts. It hasn 't been my experi ence with them. Dickens is considered an authority on human nature. Dick ens said something like this: 'The genern! impression 1b that a dishonest man cannot look you in the face. Let me dibabusc your mind of that, for I promise you a dishonest man can look yon out of countenance every hour of the day if there is anything to be gained by it.' My experience in the banking business confirms that view of it." J. M. Dinwiddie, of Cedar Rapids, said: "Let me add my experience. A, man came into my bank with a check for fifteen dollars his warns as a car penter, he aaid. lie was diersed like W. B. Kernax, Manager. 0 rugon Central cm, If. If. CO. Yaquina Bay Route, Connecting at Ynquiiia Ilav with the Sun Krauciaco anil Yuiilina Hay Steuiimhil, iXunpany. aworUingman. He looked like one. CtnflTMftrlin 1 1 EnTinll An " in every way he had the appearance of JlCCLiiJ OlllU ' til U.11U J an honest man. I hadn't the least r doubt he was what he claimed to be 8ails from Ya(iilna ltuv everv night duvs and cashed his check, lie. had forged f"f San KranciMn, ( iw buy, purt onWd the sisnature. He cashed six others ; '''""''lail and Humboldt Buy. ' like it in our city that dav. Wo ant i . him and I looked him over carefully, I but I couldn't sec anything about him raSSenfJCT ACCOmmOCla which conflicted with my first judg- . tions unsurpassed. mcnt that he was an honest working. man. Even after he was In prison he was just as honest looking as when ha came to the bank window." a1Ju2-.. o .. - . . , . ,ra? o "P. n the machine will hst a furoiVh m ruav of ' T"V SP"" """awl accessories, and i,: additica. we nut? vlZZLZZ S'"; oue under braider, one short or allaehnient foot, and one fore" i culler, weaalwwk ofjaeatqaalityaafcorwatntit, KOthie covet aad diawen. Meael-Dlated rlnr lo drawers, dress auarda lo wheel, and device for ref lacinK belt. ul"el P'"lM ""K'' DDfl'T PAY WtiXBIS!. RHY S'6CTLY MANUFACTURERS WO ,r" tWIlB MACHINES CUI SAVE AGENT'S AND BMLES S PRUFIT .r.?.r;S"iT v?.r 23.B0cr Special Wholesal. Prke.btit trOrl in order to inlroduce this hn(h-grade sewing machine, wenulkea special cou. f' S wucr oi mia paper a chance to ireta firailfl ma. L. tauaan No. 'JtiOi -Ml v,n nilr &i- - un.,nuc, ncHUKti special COU' S7 ,,'u i ? paper acnance to get a hratlaas ma- i.. -in .m .t. f J ouerea. wn receipt oi cash and coupon, j p aboveeacrlbed machine anywhere securely packed and ??jFZ?!!!"'T'''aC'?','?'iy; A len years' written warranty aent with rS?J ... ! tP"? refuI1,ied if not a repreaenled after tinny days' teal iecViwt of tTm.""P C - P' fcrr$WJ!i 7ilh P'irii'8eof twenty day a' trial on receipt ofj.faa a guarantee of good faith aud chare-en. If von preler ihirtv aya trial before payinij, aendforonr large illuatrated catalogue with teal,. . .i e?Plal'"g fully how we ahip aewlng machinea auywbere to any. one at the lowest manufacturer'a pricea wilhout askis one ceni in advance, lue beat plan la toiendallcalh wilh order. B you then aave the JUOdis eount. Kemember the coupon niuat beaeat with orde """" awm w pulu CMHl BUYERS' UNION, u,m, RMM wi nn urin it,, chicmo, ill. aooa II utt win, oriUr farArlinfiloa SelnMachln No. 65 'l WAGES IN EUROPE. A Swiss silk ribbon weaver regards himself as fortunate if he averages 48 cents a day the year round. Clbbks in wholesale and retail stores in Dnsseldorf receive from 80 to 814 a month; women clerks from 87 to 810. Gebhah editors receive an average of W.T1 salary per week; proof-readers, 86.M; compositors, 83.00; the devil gets i.4.- An Italian miner receives 8 shillings a week; a cotton mill hand, 10; a dyer, JS; a stonecutter, 13; a mason, 14- a tailor, U. ' ' Vummm and reapers in Bohemia are paid 80 cents .a day; females em ployed at the same labor receive JS0 cents, neither board nor lodging beinir furnished. B Tim wages of farm laborers in Eng land in 1850 were shillings a week; in 1680, 17; in Germanv. at tho date, the wage we reataxrUrelv I and IS atuilin.. TF.ixi'ifoMtMETEfi ia the newvfortl naming an instrument to register the time of each innvei'sation at the tele phone from the time of ringing up the exchange to the rlnging-off signal, Such a system would reduce rentals of telephones to a ws ilu according to the eCTvke, Instead of a fixed charge to t ktfttnuSK firm or ovcaslonat user aUka. lit a suit for divorce by an unhappy husband in Kent county, Mich,, one of the reasons given for his action is that his wife makes life a burden tq him, I by keeping a revolver in the house "for ! the express purpose of showing him who is boss," A wedding took place the other day In a picture gallery at Paola, Kan, While the preacher war, performing the ceremony the artiht turned his camera upon the happy couple and photo graphed them justvas tliey were -regia-tyjring their nuptial vows. A IIawi7Ko bachelor who died recent ly got even with a woman who jilted him by leaving hoi' a legacy oi twelve thousand marks and tlm following let ter: "Madum Seme tliirty years ago I was a suitor fur your hnud in mar riago. You refund iny niter, und us a coDseqnoiicc my dry;; have been pained m pcau: and quietness. Now I requite your goodness." Shortest Homo Iletween the Willamette Valley and California. Fare Irom Albany and Points West to San Francisco; '" i 6 00 Steerage , 4 00 To Coos Buy 0111I Port Orfurd : Cabin 1 fj 00 To ilumbolilt Bay : C"in ,.s a 00 Round Trip Good for 6Q (Jays-Special. RIVER DIVISION. steamer ALBANY. iIov.,,hv f.....iui..i including new piano, will run Iwtweeii Uirvnllia and Portland on the followiiiir schedule: Downriver: Tuesdays, Thnrsilavs aH Sundays, Iuve Corvallis ft a. in a"1 Albany, 7 a. m. Arrive Portland, ' ' """ I n river: Jlomlays, Wwlnesi) ,. '!1' "'j Fridays. Iave purtlanrl, ft . "J"1 ' Allny,9:2fp.,n. Arrive' jj SWn"&t. """'fei. . H.L.Wau, A n't o,"' , ?' "V,- Agent, l)Ck Ahmny;1 U"'m . Tims. F. (lakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C House, llccoivers. s ORTHERN PACIFIC rr; R U Pull man Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars t. Paul it rand Porks Crtiokatnn Winnipeg Helena and Ripani Tabules cure dyspepsia. Rlpan Tnbules: for sour stomach. Rlpana Tubules cure constipation. Hip,M TaimlM m urr trou.lss, THROUGH TICKETS-p TO Olilcnsin Wnahirigtiin I'lillntlelphla Nc,wVurk B"at,ianil all Kt and Noullt For information, HniT canfs, maps and tickets, coll on or write W. C. PETERSON, Agent, I LEBANON, - OREGON. 011 jlD. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. Portia., oriim,