The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 28, 1897, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
All the small pieces of Dress
Goods, Ginghams, Outing
Flannels and Calicos are on
the Remnant Tablo at Rem
nant Prices. All Good Bar
gains. ... .,
H. 13. Young's,
Good produce, good as cash.
Our Great Clubbing Offer.
Krom flow until Jim. 81, 1807, we
Will make the following clubbing often
Ixmn nd Weekly Cincinnati En-
quiror 1 1 00
" md Toledo Weekly Blade 1 00
" " N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 00
" " W'kly National Recorder. 1 00
" New York Tliricc-a-VVoek
Woilcl . 1 50
,ii jind Weekly Oregonlan 2 00
. " Leslie's Illust'ted Weekly i 00
" " Modes Montlily Mugiizhic.i 00
tlFTlii" itfllf will positively close on
.'"Jan. HI, 1807.
Express tsm0.
Read our greut clubbing offer.
Teachers' institute, Friday and Sat
urday. Thl.lkoflt! Tlie Exi'KKSB one year
for only filte.
Born, to the wife of J. VV. Meiuslt,
Jan. 24, a girl.
Frank Hkipworth relumed from
Eugene Sulurday.
Dave Smith ie seriously III at his
Imnie hi Talluiuu.
J. 11 Wil t has oK'ed a real estate
ifliee In Lebanon.
Groci ri iiuilily excellent prices
low ill Barli i!i Buhl's.
Muss Waiker relumed home Tues
day from a visit lit ISuleiu. .
Have your Hoe Cake soup wrappers,
they are worlh a cent apiece.
U 4 11. ure the inilinls of Bach &
lluhl but i heir groceries are A 1.
The big sale Inis cumim Ifed al
Hind. I'eack & Co's Lebanon nl re.
When in Waterloo call on the City
Irug Wore for Hue perfumery, drugs,
Ed O'Neill and Win. Royoo returned
home ycateiday from a trip to Port
lunil. The Ducat line of dress patterns In
tlie oily is to be found at the Racket
Wash your white e'otliing with
Konp Foam, and they will never turn
Geo. Alexander returned home Mon
day finui a visit with his parents iu
, This school district voted a levy of
I three mills at the special meeting held
VTuenilay, .
f Rev. J. W. Craig will, preach ut
Tennessee suhoolhnuse next Kuuiluy,
ail B:a0 p. iu,
Rev. E. N. (Jondil and family, for
merly of Albany, are now living at
Walla Walla.
. Look at Read, Peacock & Co's new
display ad. It will pay you, as they
mean business.
Rev. F. S. Doughton will preach at
Crabtree church next Sunday morn
ing, nl 11 oMock.
Mrs. Keudrlek and Mrs. Martin, of
Albany, are visiting this week with
Mrs. John Donaea.
Head W. R. Blnln's display ad In
this issue. He's talking about good
clothing al low prices.
Miss Ada Miller relumed home last
Friday Bom Albany, where she has
4ieoi for the past two months.
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedd tig ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
'J'here'B no clay, flour, starch or
other worthless filling in Hoe Cake
and no free alkali to burn the bunds.
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
loots., and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 85 cut. a yard, al the Racket
The Job bank assignment has oonie
to an end, and the assignee has been
.discharged and his bondsmen exon
erated. The Degree of Honor will give a
uncial eiilcitainmenl Friday evening,
Ji'cb 6.
jRev D. W, Yoakum, "f Baker coun
ts will preach In (he M. E Church,
(ioulh, yiat Sunday morning and
Edward Huston and Miss Doreua
Marshall were married In Albany
There will be a masquerade skating
party at Ihe Band holl on Saturday
evening, Feb. 18, "Full particulars
next week.
Tlie 8. P. company are having their
depot In this cily newly painted
W. I. Vawter, of Medford, Grand
Master of the l.O. O. R, noide tlie
Lebanon lodge a fraternal visit last
Friday evening.
A. D. Barker, a prominent member
or the A. O. TJ. W. lodge, of Albany,
assisted Iu the burial of W. H. Keed
in Lebanon, last Sunday.
Mrs. C. O. Peterson returned Mon
day from a visit with her parents iu
Oregon City. Her mother, Mrs. Slew
art, accompanied her home,
' It will pay you to take Ihe entire
family to town and get them a new
out 111 while ihe big sale is going on at
Rend, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store.
Hou. C. 8, Dustin, a populist repre
sentative from Grant county, and one
of the hold oyts In the legislature,
spent Saturday and Sunday In Leba
non. Rev. M. C. Aldrldge is conducting a
successful revival at Sodavlllo. There
have been about fifty conversions, and
iwonlyflve additions to ihe C. P.
In another column will he found a
notice, advertising for a wife. This is
no fake, but is by a man that lives in
Lebanon and he means business, Here
Is your chance, ladle".
J. B. Wirt wus circulating a petition
in Lebanon this week, asking for a
dally mail service between Lebanon
and Lacomb. There were only a few
wiiii refused to sign the petition.
William VV. Moore, who occupied
Ihe position of foreman In Che Eugene
Guard composing rooms for tlie last 1(1
years, has urelUsed the Harrisburg
Review, and will take charge Febru
ary 1.
Willie Booth is canvassing for W. J.
Bryan's new hook, "The First Bui lie."
Willie is doing well with tlie hook, and
Is talking sliver doctrine right ulong.
He hiui already sold over twenty
The Degree of Honor are making
extensive arrangements for an enter
laiiimc nt and social, to take place Krl-
day evening, Feb. 5. This promises lo ) presume) ouiil this week. On Christ tnus
be Ihe best of Ihe seusou. Full partic-; ,v (; -vy. Aldrich gave his son, Ed, a
ulurs nexl week. ! half interest in ihe Champion Flouring
Recorder Lush, of I'eiidleiou, W'ib ' Mills, including the mill property. Ed
last Monday r, ned , $4,(KM and sen- j Aldrich litis now been working In the
tenccd lo Hie penitentiary for three mill for lie past loree years and thor
und a hull' years. Lash has always I "Uglily understands the milling bull
horn' a good reputation, and tlie em-1 ness In all its branches. We are glad
beuleiuent was a great surprise to j to see him become a partner, aud feel
many. i warranted In saying that Iu the future
Rev. Hniiek, of Albany, will preach j
in 111" Presbyterian church in this
.-if y uexi Kaiuiday evening and on
Sunday, both morning and evening.
He will also curt nut the sacrament
and receive all who desire to unite
with th- church.
Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets do
mil ufl'eet Ihe head or produce nervous
ness like the Sulphate of Quinine.
Mr. N. W. Smith is authorized to re
fund money iu every case where It
fails lo cure Coughs, Colds and
LnUrlppe. Price, 25 cents.
Tlios. H. Pillsbury has started for
H"t Springs, Arkansas, for tlie pur
puss of bathing Iu Ihe medicated
waters of th' t place. The ex-mayor
will be greatly missad by Brownsville I
riltiOtS. MIS lamny win remain ueie, ;
for the present, at least. Brownsville ,
There will be quarterly meeting ser
vices, at the M. E. Church, South, oil
Feb. 6 md 7, Business session of con
ference at 2 p. m. Saturday, Feb. 6.
Preaching Iu the evening. Usual ser
vices on Sunday. Rev. H. 8. Shaugle,
presiding elder; Rev, J. W. Craig, pas
tor iu charge.
A meeting will be held iu Union
hall pn Saturday, Feb. 0, at 2 p. m.,
for the purpose of considering the
establishment of a Co-operutlve Cream-
ry Co. Farmers aud all persons in
terested are requested to be present.
It means good butler, mora butter aud
a good price for It.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
movo the bowels gently, relieves the
cough, cures the feverisli condition
and headache, making It the best until
uuickeat remedy forda glis, Coles and
LaGrlppc. Cures In one day. "No
cute, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For
sale by N. W. Smith.
The will of Arthur Saltmarsh wus
admitted to probate on Monday. The
signatures of the witnesses were hard
to be proven, as both of lien, uie
dead. The will names J. C. and .W.
A. Siiltmarsli, Ihe two sons, as execu
tors without bonds. 8. M. Garland Is
attorney for the estate.
The Moderator, of Eugene, edited
by H. W. Ross, has ee' M'd to moderate. .
At the birth of the Moderator Mr. Uoss
secured eouirot in tne uroao ax mine-
rial from one of the owners, and It bus '
been rcplevl nert by another owner, u1
condition of ufluirs which Mr. Rims
could not control. The ownership iu '
Hit- meantime will be decided. Foi !
Hie present a small dally will be lsued
The Corvallis Times says: "Since
nulling the body of Rockelt, and the
discovery that, though It hud been 20
days in Ihe water, It still would not
float, all hope of Aiming the other miss
lug man (Kglln) except by dragging,
has, for the present at least, been given
up. Discussion of the matter has
about coated in Corvallis, but many
people anxiously await the day when
there may come a discovery of the
body and a final solution of the
G. L. Rees and Jas. Hunter, of
Albany, were in Lebanon Monday to
see about establishing a skimming
station In this city in connection
with "the Albany creamery. These
gentlemen will return again one week
from Saturday and' lay the matter
before the farmers and business men
and if I hey meet w ith the proper en
couragement they will put In the
station right away, This is a fine
thing for this community and we
hope it will succeed.
Lebanon Home Forum, No. 725,
installed their officers last Tuesday
evening, into their respective places,
by Past Grand President, B F Kirk.
The following officers were installed
O. 0., J C Allen; Pres, Alice Hyde;
vice pres, Dorothy Morgan; sec, Anna
Gatchell; tieas, Alice Kirk;, orator,
Hulda Miller. After transacting the
regular ijnsl lens the memoers had a
general good lime, all feeling better
for having been there, and are taking
more lutentt jo the order and will
try to bring it np to the high standard
where It belongs.
We have decided to reduce the sub
scription price of the Express from
$1.50 to $1 per year when paid in ad
vance. Thin proe may be raised lo
l lie former price of $1.50 when times
get bolter. WTe wish lo Increase our
subscription list with 1,000 additional
names during the year 1897, and w ith
that object iu view, for the month of
January wo will make tlie low price
f 50 ccnlc per year for this paper,
strictly In advance.. This otter is gisid
lor old subscribers who pay up all ar
rears and a year tn advance. Remem
ber lliat sobneript'ons that are not paid
in advance will remain at Ihe rat'i of
tl 50 per year. . Be sure and readout'
rfreat clubbing offer in this Issue.
It Is rather late to mention Christ
inas presents, but unfortunately the
news of tlie follow iug present was not
k. 'low n by us (or by many others, we
he will do, as he lias done in the past,
all in his power to keep tlie quality
of their flour up to tlie present stand
ard Ihe best flour in tlie county.
Teachers' Institute.
A teachers' institute will be held in
Lebanon next Friday aud Saturday,
Jan. 29 anri 30. Following is the
fbiiiay, mh. 297:30 p. H.
(At Methodist Cliurch.)
Music Public School
Address of Welcome.... Mayor Foley
Mi; ..7ii:;z public school
Iledtatiun Miss Gertie Davis
Rccitution Wise Kflie Alidiue)
; ""';;; m"
...Pres. Miller, of Corvallis College
satchiiw, j,vtf. 30 9:30 A. H.
(At Public School Building.)
Address Prof. Tyree, Albany School
Address: "Teaching as a Profession"...
,.; Prof. Truelove
Address Prof, (.'rawibrd. 8cio
Address Prof. Handle
HLslory . ....Miss Lanibson
Geography... Mian Dunham
Tlio exercises will be interspersed
with music. Everybody is iuvited.
The people of Lebanon should attend
these meetings.
Attend tht Teachers' Instituie.
As there is to be a county teachers'
institute iu our city next Friday and
Saturday, Jan. 29 and 30, it Is to be
hoped our citizens will avail them
selves of lh-3 opportunity to attend,
and allow their appreciation of tlie
S. O. Wallace,
M. A. Mil.. Kit,
J. C. Hilyku,
Wife Wanted.
Must be a irood cook and know how
to make good bread; must be of good
temper, and a Christian lady, with no
children; must know how to take care
of chickens, aud love to see a good
irurden and flowers. Tue man's age Is
i5 le ta 8t,,.,. and Industrious,
,llld US.,B no toliuoco or whiskey. In-
.p,,.,, ofi (ir wriie to, Peler La Forge, j
i.ui,,,(, fir
' -
'I he best dressed men in Linn county
are I hone who buy their clothing
from Biicli & Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
1(),H TXnt ,. airiness.
Joint Installation of Officers.
On last Thursday evening a goodly
crowd congregated at the Odd Fellows
hall and witnessed the installation of
the officers of Linn Tent, K. O. T. M
and also the officers of Biua West
Hive, L.O.T. M.
After the installation the audience
was favored with a solo by Miss Ilda
Elkins, and a piano duet by Misses
Llkins and Carson, ofter which an ad
dress iu tlie interest of the two orders
was delivered by Hon. M. A. Miller.
The address was an able one, full of
fraternity and Instruction concerning
the benefits of Ihe two orders.
Tlie Ladies of the Maccabees fur
nished a delightful lunch for the
occasion. Taking the affair altogether,
It was a decided success, we believe, iu
sociability among members of tlie dif
ferent orders in Lebanon.
R. N. Beaman installed the officers
of the Tent, and Mrs. D. F. Hardiuall,
of Albany, was installing officer for
the Hive. The floor work of installa
tion was excellent, and was very enter
taining to the inyited guests.
This is the fifth time that Dr. Lam
berson has been elected to I lie highest
office of the Tent, which shows that
they certainly appreciate his work.
Tlie K. O. T. M. and L. 0. T. M. are
both good lodges, and the Exi'RKSS is
glad to see them thrive as they are do
ing in this city.
Following is the list of officers in
stalled: K. O. T. M.
T. C. Feebler, past commander;
J. A. Lamberson, commander; W.
C. Peterson, lieutenant commander;
Geo. W. Rice, record keeper; J. F.
Hyde, finance keeper; I. Saltmorsh,'
chaplain; W. E. Lewis, ser 'eant; Joel
C. Mayer, master at arms; F. TJ.
Hickok, 1st master of guards; A. Eg-
gleton, sentinel, Jos. Mayer, picket.
L. o. T. M.
Huldah Miller, past commander;
Sarah Saltmarsh, commander; Eliza
beth Beaman, lieutenant commander;
Rebekah DuMoud, record keeper; Alice
Hyde, finance keeper; Anna Reed,
chaplain; Ida Mayer, mistress at
arms; Mclvina Booth, sergeant; Mar
garet Thompson, sentinel; Josephine
Spurting, picket.
Another Pioneer Has Passed Away.
W. H. Reed died at his homein this
city hist Saturday, after an illness of
several years. He wus 60 years of age.
Mi. Reed was boin iu DesMoines
county, Iowa, Dee. 23, 1836. He came
to Oregon with his parents iu 1852
crossing the plains. They made their
home live miles south-east of Albany.
Iu 1855 Mr. Reed enlisted In Company
H., Linn County Volunteers, for the
purpose of suppressing the Indian hos
tilities iu Yakima, Washington Terri
tory, and served six rronths, being in
several battles during that time. In
183!) he was married to Miss Perrina
Parrish. Three children were born to
Mr. Reed bad a very severe attack of
la grippe In the spring of 1889, from
which he never fully recovered, aud
hid been confined to his room for the
last five years. He passed to spirit life
Jan. 23, 1807.
Deceased was a member of tlie A. 0.
U. W., in good standing, having been
one of the charter members of Honor
lodge, which wus organized iu this
c"? 1,1 1880' and he waB batM b'
Deceased was a Ksideut of Lebanon
for twenty years.
Mr. Reed leaves a wife aud two chil
dren, Mrs. T. C. Peebler and C. A.
Reed, of this city. X.
Prof. McGee Assaulted.
The news comes from Oakland that
Prof. McGee was knocked down and
kicked severely by Ed. Settle Monday
evening. The latter conducts u curd
aud billiard room in connection with
a burber shop, aud it is alleged that
some of the public school boys gamble
there in a small way. Prof. McGee's
attention was called to the matter by
patrons of the school aud reprimanded
those accused of this conduct, and
meeting Settle on the street afterwards
was attacked by him, almost without
warning, so it is said, t ho prolessor
being no mutch physicully for his as
sailant. Settle could not be found
when Deputy District Attorney vislten
Oaalai d, but it is reported to-day lhat
he appeared and paid a line of about
$20. itoseburg Review, Jan. 21.
Prof. SleGee was principal of Ihe
Lebanon public school a few years ago
aud was well liked by our citizens.
Save the Wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece if taken
from Hoe Cake soup.
Your grocer will sell you
Schilling's Best tea, and re-
turn VOUf money ill full if
. . . . '
you don't like it.
He is our agent to this
extent; and we want no
better business.
Read, Peacock & Co,
Boots and Sloes,
Jackets and Capes,
Men's Gloves and
Are the Items
Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We
have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so
that they may go at once in order to close
these lines
Read, Peacock & Co,
? Oliver Superior c
Chilled Stoves A
I Plows. I Ranges.
) These Plows are A 1. i ) Superior in every way. (.
Hopkins Bros,
AJimny, ; ! Oregon.
Worth of Clothing
Almost Given Away.
Albany Woolen Mills Clothing.
All WOOLEN SUITS, former prices ranging from $10.75
to $27.50, 1 am now selling from $-1.50 to $8.00. Boys'
Clothing and Men's Odd Pants at equally low figures.
If you want to take advantage of those remarkably
Low Prices come soon, for at the present rate they will
last only a short time,
JfTwo Doors North of tlie Opera House, fit
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., I
Jun. 7, 1(M. i
Notice is hereby given that tlie following
numed settler lias tiled notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk ofLiiin County at
Albany. Or., on February 11, 1WI7, viz:
H. 15. 8820, for the N. of N. E. yt of Sec.
24, T. 13 8 It. 1 W.
She names, the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz; William II.
Cooper, Albert E. Cooper, Thomas Furgi
sou, and Clarence McAlister, ail of Sweet
Home, Oregon.
Robert A. Miti.xa, Register,
Good clothing at a low price at
Bach & Buhl's.
Send the Exi'kks to your friends in
the East for the next four mouths;
only 2d cents.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity, Cull upon or write to S. N.
auoio & Jdb&uy, Orugou.
CHas commenced.
Will only last a short time,
Hats and Pants,
Groceries, . . ,
Furnishing Goods,
we Include.
Of all kinds done at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work guaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co.,
J. S. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr.
Don't Forget
That Hoe Cake soap wrappers are
wortli a cent apiece iu valuable pres-
M, A. Miller has a full and complete
Hue of uotigu syrup.