The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 14, 1897, Image 4

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    !HE0 Hi
A Now dure tor All tho 111b That
Flesh Ib Holr Ta
Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of the
Indianapolis Board of Trade,
is About Once More.
A Cass of Weighty Interest ta Jtnyene Suffering With
Hemus Complaints, for ths Pationt was Curea
"Feeding" ihe Esrves. This Is a
fist Term In Medicine.
JrVcw O Ntu Indianapolis, Ind.
One of the fcwt known men about the In
di&napolii Board of Trade is Carlos F. Shep
ard, who for several yean has been con
nected with the house of H. E. Kinney, grain
broker. Mr. Shepard ts a bluff, hearty, old
gentleman of medium height, gray-headed
and with a mustache like a French veteran.
He is a man of very decided views on all
subjects and is especially orthodox in poli
tics and medicine. Notwithstanding his firm
ness in his convictions and the vigor with
which he maintains them he isainan of many
friends for manly men, even though some
times obstinate in their opinions, hare the
force ot character that win admiration and
friendship. ,
80 a few months ago wfaen the news came
t his old associates on the Board of Trade
that Mr. Shepard had received a stroke of
paralysis and that the probabilities were that
his days of usefulness were over, and that
perhaps, his hours were numbered, the deep-
Its Votaries Believe In the Building Hp
and Development of the Spiritual
Together with the Physical
Parts of Man.
Here is another new science. Its vo
taries call it heartlcuro, which is under
stood to be a word invented in contra
ilistlnution to manicure. Manicure, or
tlm culture of the hand physical, is ac
knowledged to be well enough in its
way. But as heart and hand must
work together to effect any permanent
good, the hearticuriats aim to begin at
the beginning with the unseen, the in
ward and the spiritualiu contradistinc
tion to the outward and visible. Since
the hand is powerless to nct unless the
pendulum of the body, the heart, keeps
even stroke and swings in harmonious
time, they propose to open a school for
the culture of the heart spiritual.
Physical culture, to which so much
time and atention have been given, is
considered as of but secondary impor
tance, Why ? Because tiie spirit alone
in man is thnt which animates.
It is proposed to ojwn clauses for the
heart spiritual, having for a motto:
"Do as you would be done by."
Most of us know this motto by rote,
3 ...... . .....
with the aid of ante. About home t 4o
not use a flan, now but Trlwn I come out on
tho slippory piw.menra I feel that I need a
little support to make my tooting snre.
"I am (till using Williams' Pink Pills,
but I have reduced the dose to one after
nrj; st.ta r r le,ameA maay oi?m le8sous
my doctore thanks to the pilli. Theysakl I nt school, when we crammed uurbmins
could never walk aawin but here I am, and with book knowledge of a dead past .
I think the credit must be given to the pills. ,vhicn KoulA of liMle u,c to U8 ac.
It u said the pdls are sturmlatinff, but I can- .,,,, ,n, 1 . .1
not say that they give me any stisations that tkMi - rllc hearticurists point to the
I am aware of. They merely cure and that "lot that too much brain work, over-
ia quite enough for me. study for the cultivation of the brain,
"j"08 a J? bteI1.0t tr!? rJ. f hs uh-vaya been in excess of the cul-
walking advertuemrat for Williams' Pink . . 1 . . .
PUlsTl suppose I have recommended them 'nation uf the heart, aa is evidenced by
to at least a hundred persons. What! You the henrtrendiuR heudinpa of our daily
want to print all this f Why, my dear sir, press news,. such as: "Suicide of an
l'lS&ZXSSiS'VS. 'T taphter. brought on by over-
haps it may not be a bad thine to do so this study, btudy of whui? they ask.
time if tt will help any sufferer to regain liool, HhilristUeansver,i'.'.;tuil,y which
health and bodily activity." ' ,vm bc of litUe vaille w a wolunn a(tor
InSjisK tea'rs'nletel " -
at No. f 20 East Ohio Street. He has alwuvB w"c. niother and homo. Does book
est svmpiuhv went out to the smitten man j been an active, enterprising man and his lore, does schoolroom lore, make all
and hit family. It seemed to all his friends 1 many friends will rejoice that he has liter- tilat js required of wife, mother, com-
not only ifell-known locally tut to grain Pamon or fnend? No' wer the
B.K?per3ll over Indiana sud Illinois, heart iculturist; a tliousand times no I
lr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People So they say let book learningtoe sec-
an ucfuliiis reined; for all diseases aris- ondnry to the cultureof the heart. Let
mg poor and wstery condition of the bo!rin in thB UmUmmrton with (.!,
rcoa. vcn ai -Mie anu Bauow arniD exion. -
almost impowiibtethst thisraRRed old man,
HlwJiyn to wnoiesomsiy nmnyaou coeanui,
alwuyi picture of health for
could hrc hwn tutMrely l"1d Iw. Bnt
his wi'll-kuown m wiU hirlly ftc re-turn-'d
to i:is fornstr eod hatni. Bia
tv-hhik: 1 ss -?-de uie om' .'"i of t
hearty w w.t' (iid tii? ry o Hi illrew
and riwovcrv i v-di vy.h i'r.t lii tjf.
"1 waa hkva ck,M aid l-s. lfa-rv,
"on the 17i!i"f An:L V.$. AfilKJal.
Along h',?!? tf t.'-1 omi'T ii3i w r-t v"''e oj
iron, yon m-ivwH ue.MT. !t was han
w;i iru a.wl many weefnt mwed befow j (rfi fral ntiiwalar wfakiiesa. lose of appetite! cultivation of the heart. Then, indeed,
L'.cpreasicH 01 piru, jsck 01 amomon, ante- anuu we navo a new race of men and
ait, cUorciio or rraen aicknns, palpitation wonien, and our children in the next
rt ihonwrt oliortntas of brecth on slight ex- . . . , ... . .
coidfw of hnuJs or feet, Bwellinff of generation, at leaat, will rise up and call
I1-.-; :ct a'i. i-u-.'tw, pain in the baek, nervous us blessed because we have planted the
Aitv-aa, lo of memory, fteble- seeds of tenderness nnd loving- care for
:?i? f SAeskS; uttS. to the elusion of self and all
i?ni: ov L.Tjffuaf iBwruds. snnnreMion ai that 18 pross and worldly. It ia for us
for me toer.'. r!ir, iha tliopfa. iiiat i wse to i vw'zt,, Jrsteria, vB.'ilys, locomotor ataxia, now, in this our day and frenemtion,
be laid un l.u' more than ft day sr ta. i rhtr .",. .:iR.ici. all oisetses denendinir n. :.. , .,
am 6S yr old, and m- yra m . . vitir-wS hamcia in the blood, causing ,' , ' , , , , ,. ,
the time of tub attack, I M M a ii yV. i sailed s-n:j, fever sores, rickets, W shamelessly defying public weal,
sickness. The doctors 1 !ajrer! it" : ai;, !c;r.( dis-wu, huctiibtek, acquired de- aeekiup only its own. To what are we
case saw atonea that it wi ttarM-r, :u-i-; taA-x, ioeytA bosw. chronic erysipelas, to attribute all this crimcnll this wick
ons. Th.y at fire, nid that H ill tt'-rbi"-. a.s.r... rj'inci 0f';ie ootrelsand Tunes, ,j, in hih i,.,,.o i.-i, .
then Kiatht rii-nm !.. "V,y -.:.v iuvigon,..(:i., the Wood and system edl,es,8 , gh ? 8? Wh-V' to our
came to the eoncli'siou they i-ii not fcor ! rote Vrcken d:o-n bv otst'cm, worry, dis- own fundamental error mglecttocul
what was the matter with en. X .'-wri- j c;4te, circ&iuM nd iutfiEifeiii..? of living, re- tivate the heart of the youu while in
eneed no min, my Iwad ras c?-tr, rv r- rovjr? from ect? di33a,svch as fevers, etc., I ha nrprv
petite mod, but I lost the use of ayadl ftea ! bas .'riut povsrs, swaatorrhsn. early de-1 nursery.
my hips down. This was a bard stre1"- j :r.y, 5?;j-.tun 5M Thens pills are not a ' It ua work toffether, they cry, ahoul
10 an active man who has al-rays ii ai: 1 1 irftivo med'ciae. Th:r contain nothing der to shoulder, to emancipate ccnera
euy roin'i pair of legs, jij b'ctar.-i-iar, 1 4 ii cr-'e injv'i too mast delicate eysiem. ;. . llnimrn t.. .,, hemn mm
who is a physician, cam. from aa-gMwr- Thsrt directly oil tin blood, supplying to , y" . , ! f , M
inu city to see me. He nroncuu.vsd my tf, n'mil its iife-.eiving quslities by assistins 0180 """ principles into the hearts
diction to be locomotor stasia. Jar 0; th;:! to absoro caygen, that great supporter of all of our young men and maidens of mar-
opinion mat ne aiasnosea me o:e corraTii 1 crwuc lire, in uim way tne Dloou, becom
for I was absolutely paialyxei fi-om th i7.v"bniHnp"and being supplied with its
hina llnvn 'antrlir Anna!' n.n.i luMm. h.I, ...1 I
''Before he eame, however, a dey err s-1 no"risa the various orrans, stimulating order of nature they slrnll become par
fore 1 had begun toldngDr. Vil'ianio' F?nk I them to activity in tie performance of their ents. Is it not high time to inquire into
XAt O"""' cause, while .hitherto we haveonly been
Mianapdii Nan and teatinonials de- These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. stl'almllST n,er effect?
ecribing cases cured that were similar to I v711iian,s' Medicine Company, Schenectady, In wluit avails the culture of the
mine. It struck me thai the remedy conld N. Y., sad are sold only in boies bearing the phvsical body of man that shall perish
tint rin ma onv hnrtn and T rwct i in tnlra thi i fiwm'o kiwAo marlr a.iH -nnniuM u Cft a 1
hor r mix hT. for jw fin and return to the dust whence it came ?
in bulk. They may be had of all druetrifto,
or direct by mail from Dr. Williama'
Medicine Company. The price at which
these pills are sold makes a oourw of treat
ment mezpenaiTA M compared with otha
riafeable aire whicJi shall urinff forth
fruit almndantly when in the divine
not do me any harm and I begf.? to take tho
PilU. :
' Before I began tVnrg t.3ra T rmU not
tir a peg. bot aiy? to be eariiet: from place
to place. I had not ?nt far into the first box
when I felt thai deliverance from my en
forced inaction hud come. Before I finished
the tecoad bus X wu able to walk alone
A $65.00 Machine
vssh with Orosr and CoaeM
ft The ImnrotM
y tr Ibreadino
Nil. rC- .... 'TJilM
I t : -
Shipped to anyone,
auywhere, on 10
days' free trial,
iii your own
home, without
asking one cent
in advance.
10 year' written
warranty with
each machine.
Coupon. II jr
tint C. 0.0. h3
A strictly hieh-trrade Sew-
iuk Machine, finished
throughout in the befit pos
eibif; nianuer. It possesses ftll
modtrn improvement s.aiiuiw
Liechanicsi construction in
such that in it are combined
simplicity with great strength,
thus insuring easeof njumutf,
durability, and making it im
possible for the machine to be .
put out of order. It sewn fast 1
and m.ik a perfect stitch I
wjui an miins 01 toreso and
Let us relegate all save heart culture to
the nlat'P whence it belongs. Too long
have so-..:llf (1 mental and physical cul
ture man , t'd the drat place, the place of
honor, to the exclusion of the cultiva
tion of the heart spiritual; too long
have we made clean the outside of thi!
platter, the external, ignoring the cul
ture of the heart, the motive power of
our existence.
"Oo unto others as you would have
them do to you" must be imbibed with
the mother's milk, instilled from
earliest infancy, if we would haveaseif-
I forgrtliDfr racte, if we would have the
brotherhood of man . exemplified on
earth. Good will bring peace to man
andplorytoGod. So let us begin at the
beginning. Teach good will and peace
will follow. Wars and rumors of wars
will cease. Wars domestic, wars social,
wars political and wars physical in
fact, no war, no cause of war can exist
when the golden rule becomes a living
factor in our daily experience. Chica
go News,
HUfortua. to a VrlnMr Ci.iued Confusion
at a Dinner 01v.p to Stanley.
Mention of the present visit of Henry
1. Stanley to this country brought for use and imricaiini about tne narration oi an amusing.
Mlti for speed, durability and quai. ; though somewhat annoying, incident in
3BWa.'fv ity ot work. Notice the fol- .. .it JV.. u ..
"ARLINGTON " 'owing: points of superiority:
A allclasaesof material. Always
Tbe "f'be 'Arlington" swinfrs on patent socket hinfef. firmly held down bva thumb
screw. Wrong, substantial, neat ami handsome in dtsign, an.I beautifully ornamented in slcl
fied plate has rounded eoroers and is inlaid or couuieisunk, m.,ki,v it flush with top of t?l le
HlelMt Arro-bpaee under Hie arm laches hiajii and II inclirs lo,.i. This will i.huit the
largest skirts, and even omits. It u Stll-Thresding-AosoluUly no holes to put tliresd through
wcept eye of needle Shuttle is cj-liuaer, open on ,:!, t,rel.e If threa JiJ . easy to p "t To or
Jiti,1 :, bV1""0"? a,U,ge a.m',u"t kea-ufslor is on the Li of the raachiiie.
SSh 1irr'"'", '. "iV"- i" has a 'he nuSher f stitehes to the inch, and can
hrZfJ i "to,ukf thronah: nevr SIOJ.S at stains; is positive: no spiiiies to
t&VSlW!.!'?' u" . ""P1 "'"t'o'ercl at will. Aniomntk Br,hbin Wird.,--l.'or
fill na; the bobbin autamatically snd perfeclly smooth without ho HiitliellncaO. Msctiiicdoe.
not run while winding bobbin. L.yllt Wunnim -Kncbiuf is to n.ti, d. , s,u.t ftlli,"t,.01Jf!
tSiW?"f,Mef K,ird,"!, V"1".1 S"Kb'adohl.r.ltt:tch , the same in y S
JT-Ii WS' ?d-?.? ih?'' m,h,M t",l! lemiiu. T.iu U. flat S
ion, and will admit thread from S to m spool cotton .itht.ut eter.we. Kcr ttt outof frSe,
1 1 Needle isa slrawht. self-ettin needle, flaton one side, and amntt be put In wronV NeeOlo
r01"id' c"'iard'"e1 "' llh "l! "P t the Mlom to prexut oil fr "i, geU.n a
S.K!2S; JAd,l"ta.h f ,B'"-A1I bearing:! arc cw.harrsd ert and easily aSjus lea
I .l,".rr7KV,!!;- Al' !"u" e akB P, ail tho ,.,achin; l last I lirfti, ,
AllKOmenU-Kach niachmeis fnnushed with neeeararytwtsaud a Bsor;es,au.!ioa.'dilV,ii we,,liane rasetof attachment, in a velvet liu-d mil no. Irve of ciisrg Ml. m- One
roffler and gatherer, one binder, one stlirriag plate, one set of four heuinie . , d.3' r, nl . j h- ,m
w!!tZ'J"f"T; O"'1""1" b"1". short or attachment fool, aud one thrill
cutter. Woodwork of hues! quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, uickel-Dlaf d riuna
to drawers, dress guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt. """"' P"1 - 1 "l'-
DON'T PAY RIIY Bmo' 0f mmmmt w
i. S)f P.W!7 v 23-0 lor Special Wholesale Price, but 9tOa
In order to introduce thusTligh-grade sewing mach.oe, wemake a special cm- A . J
pon offer, giving every reader of this paper a chance to gel o first-class ma- h Ccupos 3
.ii u Ts r r u? receipt oi cash au.lcouprM, A No, 291)
we w 111 ship the above-described luach ne anywhere .f-,lv ,.i,l C
crated, and guars nteesafe delivery Ateu years' wHltcr wnrrsntv sent ith 1 O0OD P ' fiA
each machine Money refundedlfnotssieprwiited after tfcirly days' tcsl fiU llil ilii
trial. Wewm6hipC.O.D.IbrtW,)wilhpririi,.f-oofl,veulyuays'trialo-! I V'
receipt of .OOfls a fniarantee of gorsl failh andrharL-es. if vou urel-r Ihiriv L If Bl "hJer
iT. i f "r '" """" r"iriteinuirauiical10ge wltn uli- A I9ta!,Mgtm t,eiplaininBlul(y how weslnp sewing macllines snvwhere to any. L s,.;,,,,.! "h; I)
one at the lowest manufacturer's prices without asklur one cent in advance. A W1a"-'K," V
rhe best olan is toseud Allottsh will, ,vi KO- i .u.. i ttc.&'i A I
count. Semembcr the coupon must be sent with order.
i ww mm r tmm, it-u
connection with the "American dinner'
that was given to the explorer in Lon
don on his return from the Kmln
Pasha relief expedition. The incident
also serves to show how a very slight
accident may precipitate confusion in a
dinnerparty. The American dinner to
Stanley was the idea of Henry S, YVell
conie, an American business man ot
London, who was not only a personal
friend of Stanley, but a member of the
firm of druggists who fitted out the
Emin Pasha relief expedition. Through
Jlr. Wellcome's energy almost every
American in London subscribed for
tickets to the dinner, and on the night it
dime off covers for over three hundred
people were laid in Evans' assembly
rooms. One table, on a dais, was re
served for Stanley and the more dis.
luh'uiaueu guests, anu more were a
dozen other long tables facing this one.
Mr. Vellcome attended personally to
tne arrangement of the seats, and each
man who bad subscribed to the plate
that was to lie presented bo the guest
of the evening was given a place at the
end of one of the subsidiary tables, and
others were given seats near each other
who had expressed preference. Hr.
Wellcome gave minute attention to
these details, and, ths first thing on the
muralut H tut alffUi trt tu dlnaw, k
took his completed plan of the tobies
nntl seats to a printer In order to have
the usual diagrams ready for the guid
ance of the diners in taking their plat es
When the honr of 8:30, which had
been fixed for dinner, had arrived, the
;iKI hundred guests were assembled In
the reception-room. Stanley was there,
nntl so wag Consul General John C
New, who was to preside, anil so were
some of the most distinguished men In
l.ngland. Hut there was no diagrams
of the dining-room, and the recaptiou
commute were anxiously wafting for
Mr. Wellcome to arrive with t;iem. At
8 : 3S o'clock Sir. Wellcome flew In, in his:
business clothes, with a smudge of
printer's ink on his nose and more on
h is hands. He agonliinly informed the
reception committee that the printers
hud pled thctypeorthediugramsof the
tables at the last moment, and that
tnoy would be compelled to do without
It inny seem an easy matter for 300
men to find their places at tables, when
their numeB are at their pint, but it
brought about so much coufusiou that
everybody was turned from the dining
mom back to the reception-room and a
br 1 1 1 inn t scheme was suggested . T here
was the original list of the nnmes of the
timers, with their respective plniTS,
that Mr. Wellcome had rescued from
the printer, in the possession of the re
ception committee. The tonntmaster
was stationed on a chair at the door of
the dining-room and instructed to read
the Hat of names, each ninu to pass out
anil take his place at the tunic when
his name wu called. The toustmnstcr
was a flue, big Englishman, with u
stentorian voice. He did as he was told.
"New Consul (Icneral John C," he
shouted, and Mr. New went tlirough
the door. "Stanley Henry M" bel
lowed the toastninstcr next. There
was a ronr of laughter and that scheme
for seating the guests was dropped.
Finally everybody went in again and
searched for his place and found it or
otherwise, as best he might. Several
of the guests designed for the principal
table were rescued from inferior posi
tions below, and some ambitlnus ones
were degraded from the table of rank;
but the dinner went on merrily and
ended similarly, though Itbeganan hour
later than the time it hud been set for,
anil all because ot the accident to the
diagrams. Ji. Y. Telegram.
Don't Write When Angry.
Never write a letter' to a man, wom
an or child when you are angry with
the person in question, or perhaps, 1
hud better qualify my advice by beg
ging you, one aud all, never to cmd an
ungry letter for 4S hours after you have
written it, and then 1 would suggest
rending it carefully, aud, as the Irish
man snid, "burning it be fore soutliiig it."
We have many of m: c:b;iusti'il all our
rage in the fire of the letter-writing,
and have felt all the ik'liglitKofabnltl.i
won by the prowess of ourpcni. without
the hackneyed formality of posting the
epistle. Who is there who bus nol
w ritten hisimgcroutin this wholesome
way I Do not, 1 pray, send a cruel let
ter to anyone you bnvc ever loved. You
will but live to regret the act, and pos-
sitiiy wuti the puiiiti silence of death !
between you and the wounded one. If running Wheel Oil earth.
mortals were, in these prusi.ic days,
gifted with invisible powers, I would
wish to be thnt spirit endowed with a
force which would arrest every angry
word at the tip of each sharp pointed,
hmrt-hreiiklng pen. St. Louii Kepub-
A Hsusglsg That Was Condueted Under
Rale, of Society.
"The most polite man 1 ever knew,"
said J. D. Ewans, of Mississippi, to a
Star writer, "was a colored mnn down
in my county. He belonged before the
war to Col. White, one of the most cul
tured and polished gentlemen in the
south. During reconstruction duysTom
was elected sheriff, and the flrat year he
held the ofllce a white man was sen
tenced to be hanged. I know the
doomed prisoner, and at his request
was with him for several hours a day
for the last week of his life.
'Tho sheriff came in the first time I
was there, and addressing the prisoner,
said: ' "Souse me, Marster Bob. I jess
cum fur jess n little advice. Yo' see, we
aln neither ob us as used ter ceremoni
ous occasion ob dis kin', an' I jess
wants ter know how yo' would libe ter
hab de gallows, facia' de sun, or de Oder
"The prisoner told him to have his
face away from the sun. J
" 'Thank yo', Mars' Bob. I done hab
it dat way. We don' wan' to make no
exposition ob oursefs by not doin' what
is propah on sich events.'
"Upon the next occasion the sheriff
come in;
" 'Mars' Bob, 'acuse me one moment,
gem'nian. I Jcs wants ter hub yo show
me once mo' how you done tic tlat knot.
Mos' ouriousest knot I eber seed.'
"Upon the morning of the tidal day,
as I went in, the sherlfF had the doomed
man's foot thrown over a chair and was
blacking his boot, the other one hav
ing already been polished. '.Mawnin',
sah,' he said to me. 'Mars' Hub jes
gittin' ready. IdoneborrcrcdDsuitan'
necktie from de cunnel an' jess slicltin'
'im up. Den I gibi inter my own drens
suit dot I hud made a puppus, an' Mars'
Bob aii' me, we gwine ter be de bes'
dressed ob anybody.'
"Arrayed in full evening dress, the
eonvicted man and the sheriff niouiito'
the scaffold when the time came. 'A!:
right now, Mars' Hob,' said the shcrif.'
as he adjusted the con. ' 'Beuse me.
jess a minuto,' snd ho touched the fa
tal spring." Washinrrton Stnr
Spiced Apples. Eight pounds of
apples pared and quartered; four
pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar
one ounce of thick cinnamon, one-hul '
ounce cloves; boll the vincrfnr. suifi
and spice together: put ta the app!
while boilingnnJ hit thorn remalnnnti
tender (about twenty minutes); thm
put the apples in a jnr, boil down, tli
sirup until thick aad pour ovor thorn
JfttrBwra' Voloa,
iM-"; 'i,ifftHiailiiSii.isif.biiiMlT'iYiiifialisii.aiiTia.ris w'-ittftissii V. i - r.
EH I' wuti ft I1k li. UluokwelVfl OpuuIdq UlUI
Dnrlmin In u i by lu-eir. Ynu will nua one
KniiiHiQ h. Ml tin riuolj Ufit on lire biB. ttUli tWO OOU
y- j pous Uittidv euvtt lour imneo hue of
Smoking Tobacco
Huy abajr of thin wtl lnttd HibHAnofttHt road t ho donpon
ahtfili iriWaMla.ltail.ftrVHllia.lilM lirftMMflLM HI til llflW tfl (JHL LllllIU.
,Tasgil ' " T7
mm hi
Albany Furniture Co,
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, oto.
Pititurop and Picture moldino.
Undertaking a Specially.
Victors Are Best.
Victor Non Punc-turalilo Tire, No, 103, iB the lightest
I'lie liest is the cherjjH'bt in the
Largfisl stock of soconcl-hand wheels on the coast.
Everything as represented. Write for list
Headquarte-s for sundries and athletic good , K5() Sixth
Street and 311 A -der Street, Portland, Oregon.
W. H. Kkknan, Manager.
regon Central
& EavStern,
It. It, CO.
Yaquina Bay Route.
Thus. I''. (Hikes, Henry r, 1'iiync, U'liry(
House, Itet'olvur.
PACiFir.R rT
ronnecllitu at Vfliiii)in Hwv with (ht Hjiii
Kruncisct) unci Vmiunm ilw HituniHiiip
Stear hip "Wlon"
Bailf from YHinin Uy i-ven ci)it in vm
lor Bun Krttin'iH'n, i tw ilav, Tort Oruml,
Triiiiilii'l find Itiimliolilt Huy.
Passenger Accommoda
tions Unsurpassed
Shortest Hwite HHvvecn the Willaiiiclli
Vulley anil (.'ulilimiia.
Fore from Allunv iiml Points ffust toSui
Cabin , f (i
HteeraKO 4 IW
To Coos Buy ami Port orfonl :
Cabin 8 DO
To lluinbiilill Buy:
Cabin 00
Hound Trii (iooil for fK) Days Siicciul.
Mramier Al.DANY, clcitnntly (urnlalieil,
inclinlinir now niiino. u ill run l,iiu,.
Corvnllis anil l'ortlunil on the following
Down river: Ttiesilnvs. TlnirdnvH mt
Slirnlnys, Ive Corvallis f) a. III. and
Albany, 7 a. m. Arrive I'lirlluiiil, 5 p. in.
lip river: Moildnvs. vYiiiIimHilvh n,.,l
l-'riilays. Leave Porthmd, (j a. 'in. mid
Albany, B:li0 j. ni. Arrive (,'orvnllis. U:20
I'-'"- J. U. Mayii,
hum Stonb, Snp't Hiver Divim'on.
iMiinaxer. II, II. Saciiv,
H. L. W auikn, Au'l. Oo, Hevere House
AKeut, D(!iot Albany,
RIpami Tnbulen cure headache.
RIpmiH Tubules euro flntiilonco.
Rlpans Tabulep cure biliousness.
Sheping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Itl ltiiiunii..lU
(Jrmol Korku
llAleitA and
, TO
I'll H nl ni phlir
Nw York
'lntM Kit Nt niwl H iith
For ii.fommtion, rim CBnIS( ftn(J
ti(!ltetH, cull on or write
W, C. PETERSON, Agent,.
; or '
A.D. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt..