The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 14, 1897, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
All the Braall pieces of Dross
GoodB, Ginghams, Outing
Flannels and Calicos are on
the Remnant Table at Rem
nant Prices. All Good Bar
gains... S. E. Young's,
Good produce, good as oath.
Our Oreat Clubbing Offer.
From now until Jan. 81, 1807, we
will make the following clubbing ofter:
Exrams and Weekly Cincinnati En
quirer -II 00
' " and Toledo Weekly Blade 1 00
" " N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 00
" " W'kly National Itccordor. 1 01)
" " Now York Tbrto-a-Weok
World 1 60
" and Weekly Orcgiiilun 2 00
" " Leslie's IlluHt'ted Weekly 2 60
41 " Modes Monthly Magazine 1 00
VTIila offer will positively close on
Vyi. 31, 181)7.
J. H. Johnson in very III.
Bead our grout clubbing nfl'er. ,
Call and Bee Miller's new stick.
Hirnm Baker buys all kinds of hides
and furs.
Dr J. A. Lamiiersoii left Monday
for Suleiri,
Tlii.ik of It! The Express one year
for only 50c.
O VV, Willie, of Albany, was in
the ollv yesterday.
W. F. Reud, of Albany, spent Wed
nesday in the city.
A. TJniphrey made a buslm-as trip to
Yaqulua this week.
Groceries quality excellent prices
low at Bach & Bulil'a.
Ouuty J j.lite Barton is In the city
looking after some roads.
H.C. Mnran, of Salem, was in the
city a couple of days this week.
Moss Walker Is spending the week
with his parents, mar Tullinan.
B. & B. are the Initials of Bach &
Buhl but their groceries are A 1.
The big sale has commenced at
Bead, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store.
When in Waterloo call on the City
Drug Store for line periuuiery, drugs,
The finest Hue of dress patterns in
the city Is to be found at the Backet
B. F. Kirk and wife rem rued home
last Friday from a trip to Beutou
Wash your white clothing with
Soap Foam, and they will never turn
H. Suminerville and W. J. Snod
gmss, of tlurrlsburg, were In Lebanon
Tjohnn.v O'Neill and family relumed
Inline Monday froiu Their visit lo
O. R. Keebler and wife have moved
on the hop ranch formerly owned by
Mr. Thew.
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, is (lie wny
they are selling at Reed, Peacock &
Co's big sale.
Miss Mary Roberts, of Springfield,
It in the city visiting h.'r sisier, Mrs.
F. A. Nlckersou.
Look at Read, Peaeook & Co's new
display ad. It will pay you, ns they
mean bunlness.
Rend Wilson R. Blnh 's new ad in
this issue. He's talking ulrnut good
clothing at low prices.
II. J. Boyd moved into the residence
thai he recently purchased from Mr.
Burkhart, on Weduesdey.
Are you looking for an eiijmneiiieiit
or wedd'ug ring? Fremiti tin Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
There's no clay, flour, stiirch or
other worthless filling In Hoe Cake
and no free alkali to bum the hands.
Miss Ella Hose, who been visiting
her sister, Mrs G. W. Cliendle, left
this morning for her home in Portland.
There will be a meeting of Indian
war veterans in Albany January 20, to
organise a camp of Indian War Vet
erans. One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 nts., and bleached, nil linen tulile
doth forfjootn. a yard, .it the Racket
The hest (I rested men In Linn county
are those who buy their clothing
from Bach & Buhl. Uood cults for
Dr, Cheadle Is glad to see the
children and examine their teeth.
Ho extracts temporary teeth for
ohlldren free.
Wllmer Biggs, who lias been visit
ing B. Cheadle and family, left Mon
day for Oorvallls, where he Is attend
ing the O. A. C.
C. O. Peterson returned home Mon
day from a visit to Portinnd and
Oregon City. His wfe is still in
Oregon City visiting her parents.
It will pay you to ttke the entire
family to town and get them a new
outfit while the big sale is going on at
Bead, Peacock & Co's Lebanon store,
Lebanon has been visited by more
tramps this week than ever before In
the history of our city. Six of these
characters camped here for several
Bev. McKinley's wife being 111, he
will not be here to preaob in the Pres
byterian church next Sunday, and
instead Rev. W. A. Smiok, of Albany,
will occupy that pulpit.
Miss Una Baker, who has been visit
ing her parents, Prof, and Mrs. Baker,
In this city, left tills morning for
Yamhill county, where she is spend
ing the winter with her grandmother.
There will be a grand skating eon-
test, for ladies and gcm lemeti, at the
skating rink, on Filduy evening, Jan.
22,1807. First aud seccud prizes will
be awarded. For further particulars
inquire of the manager, .it the rink.
The memorial service oftho A. O.
U. W. will be conducted In the Bap
tist church next Sunday morning at
11:06 o'clock. All mentors are re
quested to meet at the halt at 10:30
o'oloek and go la a body to the church.
The .'Ellis Insurance Company
adjusted, Jan. 7, the loss on Mrs. C. A.
Craft's property which was destroyed
by fire Sunday morning, Jan. 8, and
Instiucted W. B niohardson, their
agent at Albany, to pi.y Mrs. Cruft
whenever she calls for it,
In order to Increase the circulation
of the Exi'RtSH, we ba e divided to
offer it one year for on y 50 cents, in
advance. Tills idler vill positively
close January ill, 181)7, I ut is irood for
all old subscribers who my up to date
and pay one year in adv nice.
Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets do
not affect the heud or produce nervous
ness like the Sulphate of Quinine.
Mr. N. W. Smith Is authorized to re
fund money In every case where It
fulls to cure Coughs, Colls and
LaUrlppe. Price, 25 cell ts.
The Daily Delta, of January 7, puli
ished at Vlsaliu, Ca Ifornia, siys:
(Several additions to tin Cumberland
Presbyterian church xicuned lust
Sunday. Rev. A. Me vin Williams
has become a power for good since the
commencement of hif ministry in
this, city."
Mis' Bice requests us to announce
that tile Choral Union will meet In
the academy chupel next Tuesday
evening at 7:30 o'clock. All singers
are Invited to be pawn . This union
will meet every Tuesday evening for
the purpose of practising songs and
glees. FREE.
The following citizens of Lebanon
have been druwu on the jury panel for
181)7: Henry Kluin, Johu Witliers, E
F Taylor, Jos Buhl, W F Moist, John
McNugle, Eb Keebler, C has Pugh, T
G Feebler, Geo Cheudle, UT Cotton,
N S Dulgleish, H Y Kirkpatrick and
J W Scunhvud.
J, E. Adcox, a first-class jeweler aud
wutch aud clock leaker and repairer,
will soon he locuted In our town to
carry on business in ti e above line.
He ins a nice stock of w itches, chains,
Jewelry, spectacle", eto. He will re
main in the city sever il weeks und
may locate permane itly should
business justify his d ling no. Seio
Messrs. Andy Jennliig' and Jasper
Bellinger were tried y a jury iu
Justice Lovelee's court ci Tuesduy, oil
it charge of keeping open their saloon
at Waterloo on Sunday. The case
wue very interesting and att 'acted a
large orowd. Mr. Dairy uple appeared
for the state and Mr. Garland for the
defence. Both defend tuts were ac
quitted. In the case against Cbas. Wood, for
inwault und battery, the defendant was
lined $16. Tn the cosh against Walter
and David Wood, the defendants were
releiiHud, In the five cases in the
Jimlice's court here during tile hint
week, there was one conviction, with
a $15 fine, and two uequ (tills and two
diHcharges without trial:. The coat to
the state will probably be over $100.
The revenue derived is $ 5.
We Inive decided to rei luce the sub
scription price of the Hxprkhs from
$1.50 lo $1 per year when paid in ad
vance. Tills price may be raised to
the former price of $1.60 when times
get better. We wish to .Increase our
subscription list witli 1,'iflO additional
names during the year 1 OT, and with
that object in view, for .he n.onth of
January we will make he low price
of 50 cents per year fir this paper,
strictly In udvuncs. Th s ofti r Is good
for old subscribers who imy up all ar
rears and a year In iidvmoe. Remem
ber that subscriptions th it an not paid
in advance will remain 1 1 th rate of
$1.50 ner year. Be sure and read our
akaUing u(br IB this Issue,
Lebanon lodgo, I. O. O. F received
a fraternal visit from Scio brothers oh
the 9th. There were two initiated end
also firet degree conferred. Come
again brothers; visitors always wel
oome. The visiting members were:
Geo. W. Morrow, J. J. Barnes, B. I.
Shore, 8. D. Titus, R. D. Calavan, P.
O. Smith and L. W. Pomeroy.
The residence of John Cox, situated
near Lacomb, with its entire contents,
was destroyed by tire last Sunday, at
2 a. in. The fire originated in a wood
box which was near the fire plaoe. The
Are caught in this place once before on
the same night, but Mr. Cox discover
ed It aud put it out, but it evidently
was not entirely extinguish d. When
the fire was discovered the second
time, it had gotten under such head
way, that he could do nothing towards
saving the house. But little of the
contents were suved. There was no
Insurance on the house, and as Mr.
Cox and his wife are getting old and
are in poor circumstances, it leaves
them almost entirely on the charity of
the people.
The revival meetings that have been
going on in our city, conduoted by
Rev. Lindsey, closed Sunday night
with a union service at the Methodist
church, Long before the hour for
service to begin, the church was filled
to overflowing, and a good many had
to return home, not being able to find
Heats. Rev. Lindsey bos done a gieat
amount of good in our city, among
both sinners and christians. As a re
sult of these meetings, about forty
persons have joined, or have expressed
a desire to Join, the various churches
In our city, The churches are more
united than ever before. Rev. Lind
sey and bis wife left Monday morning
for Brownsville, to couduot a series of
meetings in that town. From Browns
ville they will go to Scio. Rev. and
Mrs. Lindsey made many warm
friends in Lebanon.
Won't Raise" the Assessment,
In the matter of the raise of the
assessed values of property of Linn
county us returned by the stale board
of equalization for the year of 1896:
The order having been presented to
the county court, by the secretary of
slate, as authorized by the state board
of equalization, raising the assessed
valuation of all city and town lots 10
per cent, merchandise and aoeounts 10
per cent, and cattle 25 per cer.t,. from
t he assessed values as enumerated on
tiie assessment roll for 1800, as lawfully
made and returned by the county
assessor, and it appearing that this
arbitrary and unjust raise of assessed
values is not warranted by fact, justice,
equity or law, and It further being
shown conclusively lo the court that
the property affoted by suid order is
usseased by the county ussessor as by
law required at their cash value, also
realizing that it is the exception to
find a net productive piece of property
among the enumerated city and town
lots on the basis ot present assessment,
also having evldenoe that the cattle of
Lino county are assessed at fully
their cash value of today, and farther
believing that the legally elected and
qualified assessor of Linn county is a
man more competent to judge of the
true caBh value of : the property he
views add assesses, than the state
board of ssssesors, many of whom
never set foot in Linn oounty, and
also realizing that a compliance with
this unwarranted aud Illegal order
from the state board of equalization,
would cause additional work on the
assessment roll to the oost of $500, all
of which would be wrung from the
already heavily taxed property owners
of Llnu county. It Is therefore order
ed that the county clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, be, and tie Is hereby
directed to make no changes lu the
values ot the properly enumerated iu
the assessment roll of Linn county for
the year of 1896, as wus equalized by
the oounty board of equalization und
Die county court.
Geo, D. Bartom, J. M. Watkrs,
Judge, D, L. Cum,,
The first term of the Lebanon public
schools will close January 22. The
last week of the term will be devoted
to reviews and examinations. The
examinations will be mostly written
except iu the 1st, 2d aud 3rd grades.
On Thursday and Friday public re
views will be held lu the principal's
room, beginulii'! at 1 p. m.
A cordial Invitation is given to ull
interested In educational work to be
present during these reviews. A
speciul Invitation Is e tended to pat-
roue of the high school, the board of
directors und rejireseutativts of the
city newspapers.
The 2nd term will begiu Juu. 24,
promotions will be made and new
classes formed on that date. All
pupils who expeot lo euter school
dining the term should be present at
the beginning, us they can be more
satisfactorily classed than later lu the
term. L. H. Baker, principal.
Save your Hoe Cuke soup wrappers,
they are worth a oent apiece.
Send the Expkkss to your friends in
the East for the uext four mouths;
Public Installation.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. united
In a public installation, which was
given Tuesday exenlng In the I, O. O.
F. building, A large crowd of in
vited Mends were present. The qew
officers Installed in the G. A. R. ate as
I Saltmarsh, P O; Jacob Houk, Sr
Vice C: John Dell, Jr Vice C: S A
Randle, Adj; E Boslar, Q M; R Hull,
cnapiT A Swan, O D: Geo Rilea.
Surg; -Hatton, Guard; G H Simons,
Q M Serg; Steve Cochell, Serg MaJ.
The new" officers installed lu the
W R C were:
Hattie C'ruson, Pres; Flora Brown
S V Pros; Faith Beynolds, J V Pres;
HilldaS Miller. Treas: Alice A Hvde.
Bet, Annie B Eeed, Chap; Josephine
epurnng, Conductor; Lizzie Swan,
Asst Conductor; Etta Cochell, Guard:
Mrs. C I Craudail, Asst Guard.
G. W, CrusoB was Installing officer
for the G. A. R. and Miss Halt marsh
for the W. B. C. After the installa
tion, an excellent program was render
ed. After the regular prepared
program, short speeches were made by
some of the members of the order.
The remainder of the evenlim was
spent in social coversation, ete. All
present had an enjoyable time.
Johnnie Beed.
Recitation Flosiie Spurliug.
Music Mr. and Mrs. Asa Baker
Recitation Charley Cochell.
Solo-Miss Ilda Elkins.
Becitation Miss Alta Davis
Recitation Ora Baker
Recitation Grace Swan.
Recitation Viola Goan.
Music Mr. and Mrs. Asa Baker.
Reading Miss Abbie Fry.
A recitation and brief history of the
W. R. C. aud its advantages Mrs.
Hattie Cruson.
' Educational Meeting.
A local teachers meeting will be
held in Lebanon Jau. 29 and 30, 1897,
The meeting will begin Friday even
ing, Jun. 29. A good program, con
sisting of addresB of welcome and
response, music, recitation and a
lecture by some prominent educator of
tbe state.
These educational meetings are of
inestimable value to teachers aud may
tie of great good to patrons and school
officers. Tbe effect is also elevating
morally and socially in the community
where they are held.
There is a wholesome sentiment In
Lebanon for popular education. Let
everyone feel the responsibility of
making this meeting a success.
Following committees have been
Committee on arrangements Prof.
Baker, M. A. Miller and Miss Griggs.
Committee on reception and enter
tainment Mrs. F. M. Miller, Mrs. 8.
P. Bach, Mrs. J as. Boyle Mrs. John
Beed, J. B, Thompson. Dr. Booth and
Joseph Elkins.
Tbe committee on reception are re
quested to meet in the parlor of the
St. Charles hotel, Monday, Jan. 18, at
2 p. m.
Railroad Incorporated,
The Albany, Lebanon, Sodaville and
Waterloo Railroad Co. has filed articles
of incorporation in the office of the
secretary of state. The company will
oonstruct aud operate a railroad, tele
graph arid telephone line from Albany,
via Lebanon and Sodayille to Water
loo; aud also a line of steamboats to
curry passengers aud freight to ply the
Willamette river. The principal office
of the new company will be located at
The capital stock is given at $100,000
to be divided into 4000 shares of the
par vulue of $25 euch. M. W. Wllkins,
W.W. Parrish, P. Cheshire, T. J.
Cheshire, J. H. Turpiu, 8. W. Gould,
J. S. Hughes are tbe incorporators of
Tbe grading of tbe road is well ad
vanced and the promoters of the enter
prise expect to have the road from
Lebanon to Waterloo and Sodaville
finished duriug the present year.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Lebanon Odd Fellows lodge has
passed the following resolutions:
Whereas: The Supreme Ruler has
seen lit to call to Himself our well be
loved brother, Arthur Saltmarsh, lie it
Resolved, That the community bus
lost a good citizen, and the family a
kind father und husband. Be it further
Resolved, That the members of Leb
ttiiou Lodge No. 47 I. O. O. F. have
lost an esteemed brother, und that they
will cherish his memory, aud extend
to the fumily their heartfelt sympathy.
And be it further
Resolved, That the charter be draped
for thirty days iu memory of our de
ceased brother, aud that a copy of these
resolutions be published iu the loeul
papers, and also a copy presented the
family, and also spread upon the
Lodge records.
W. C. Peterson,
A. A. Kebs.
Some parties were arrested and
pleaded (julliy to a charge of disturb
ing public worship, mar Lacouib, lust
week. They each were tlued $ 10 aud
Read, Peacock fi Co,
Boots and Shoes,
Jackets and Capes,
Men's Gloves and
Are the Items
Our prices on these goods will surprise you. We
have cut them far under Manufacturer's cost so
that they may go at once in order to close
these lines
Bead, Peacock fi Co,
Oliver ( Superior I
Chilled Stoves j
I Plows. I Ranges.
These Plows are A 1. C ) Superior in every way. i
Hopkins Bros.
Albany, : ; Oregon.
Worth of Clothing
Almost Given Away.
Albany Woolen Mills Clothing.
All WOOLEN SUITS, former prices ranging from $10.75
to $27.50, 1 am now selling from $4.50 to $8.00. Boys'
Clothing and Mtn's Odd Pants at equally low figures.
If you want to take advantage of these remarkably
Low Prices come soon, for at the present rate they will
last only a short time. .
0"Tviq Doors North
Muston Block, Alban y, Or.
Money to loan on farm security, also
small loans made on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, at the low
est rates.
No one would drink poor
tea if he or she knew the
difference in tea.
Good tea is not costly.
Your grocer will sell you
Schillings Best, and return
your money in full if you
don't like it
C Has commenced.
Will only last a short time.
Hats and Pants,
Groceries, .
Furnishing Goods,
wo Include.
' i i t tittTTMTt
of the Opera House. JCt
Of all kinds done at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work guaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co,,
J. S. HUGHES, Propr. and Mgr.
Don't Forget
Thut Hoe Cake soap wrappers are
worth a cent apiece iu valuable pres
ents. M. A. Miller has a full aud complete
litis of uough syruui.