The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 17, 1896, Image 4

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It dmi m a Tlla Raak and M Om Tim
Wm tha Poafarttea of Kw Mam It
I-Wallast Kanarianea Wa Whan It Sarrad
M a Ftball For aVadlaa,
There are enough of funny tuoldeota
reported of Mr. Lincoln's hat to make
It "fabled in aong and Illumined In
tor;." For example, it served as a
A Complleatart gystam of Buttons, Ban-
nara and Oaata of Arma Whleh An
Balrarla Want Wild Willi Jut Onr tlia
Vltlt of tlie Uaby l'rliiee. '
A man of 64 years and o hoy of a
many hours are the two most conspicu
ous figures in Europe today. One, It is
feared, must soon close one of the uicut
to naitgaat Bank Coofaslon Oeoa
loaad by tha PnTobai of Inslgnlaa.
"Nothing 18 more complicated than
Chinese etiquette," said Dr. Edward
Bedloe, ei-consul to Amoy. "A master
of Debrott and Burke is a novice beside
Vteil remarkable pnbliocareers of ihisoi any
otner age. me otner, born in n palace,
may some day sit upon n rather shaky
throne. All Europe has smiled Indul
gently over the extravagant welcome
with which Prince Ferdinand and his
subjects received the wee bit of human
ity at bona. The royal youngster must
football on the night of his election to ' Celestial master of oeremonies. Never- think this world an awful humbug.
the presidency, when the ladies at the
old homestead testified their glee over
his good fortune. The scene would have
done credit to the great game between
Yale and Princeton on Manhattan field.
This is the story aa told by an eyewit
ness:: "A few of as ladies went over and
helped Mrs. Lincoln prepares little sup
per for the frftnds of Mr. Lincoln, who
had been invited In to hear the returns.
Every half hour or to we would pass
around coffee and oakes. About 1 o'clock
in the morning enough had been learned
to warrant the belief that the rail split
ter had been elected. I think it was
when we heard the news from New
fork. The men rushed on Mr. Lincoln
and shook his bands, while some of the
women actually hugged him, and I
might aa well admit It-J kissed him.
"Then some one went into the hull
and took from the rack the old silk hat
that he wore, and which wasas long aa
a joint of stovepipe and about as shape
a ly to my mind, and it was tnrown np to
the ceiling. As it came down some one
gave it a kick, and then the women
joined in the fun, and we played foot
ball with that hat until it was an indis
tinguishable mass. We were simply be
yond control. What a ridiculous scene
it would have been to one looking in
without knowing what prompted itl
"It was all the more so, so far aa I
was concerned, for originally I bad been
a Seward woman. While the conven
tion was in session in Chicago we were
waiting to hear the news. It had been
arranged in case Lincoln received the
nomination to fire a cannon. , My near
est neighbor was a Mrs. Dubois, with
whom I had several friendly spats dur
ing the campaign preceding the nomi
, nation. I heard the cannon shot, and
the next moment I saw Mrs. Dubois
running across the street. Bhe had been
making a shirt for her husband, who
was about the size of the late Judge Da
vid Davis, so yon may have some idea
of the size of the garment she was wav
ing. Bhe rushed into the house and
flaunted it in my face. It made me
mad, and I sat down and began crying.
The good woman put her arms around
me, begged my pardon and kissed me.
and from that time we were Lincoln
women. She took part in the football
As if not content with his 6 feet 4 or
8 inches of gaunt stature, Lincoln had
his now historio hat made folly a foot
high, with a brim almost as big as s
southern aombiero. It seemed to have
been a combination of all styles then in
existence, and in this respect it reflected
his own early experience in having been
a storekeeper, soldier, surveyor and
finally a solicitor. It was a veritable
"joint of stovepipe." and its remarka
ble and romantic brim made it alike
serviceable in rain or shine. It might
have been called with propriety a "plug
ugly, "after the name of the mob in
Baltimore that threatened him in hit
journey to the capital.
During Lincoln'a great debate with
Douglas the hat fairly loomed into
apace. The sniallnesa of the latter')
stature caused him to be nicknamed
"The Little Giant," and when Lincoln
stood beside him with his hat on the
difference between the two seemed all
but immeasurable. Curiously enough,
When Mr. Lincoln came to be inaugu
rated at Washington and took off hie
hat on the stand preparatory to making
his inaugural address Douglas held the
high hat so that no careless person might
put his toot in it.
Representative Springer, who bails
from Lincoln's old home, knew the hat
well, and in speaking of it recently said:
"Mr. Lincoln's high hat was the moat
indispensable thing of hie whole outfit.
In it he carried all his valuable papers.
In fact, it was a sort of file rack. Here
weie all the briefs of his various law
cases. Curiously enough, he carried the
accounts in his head, and that is why
be lost so much money. Bad he re
versed the process and kept his accounts
in his hat and the cases in bis head, he
would have been better off. Bis hat
served for his satchel on a journey, and
all that was needed besides this were
his saddlebags and bis horse. It was
large and capaciona, and a great many
documents and data could be crowded
into it without seriously discommoding
the wearer."
But Mr. Lincoln had still a better use
for his valuable tile, which seems to
have had more virtues than those re
hearsed in the nursery tale of "Jack and
the Beanstalk." When he was post
master at New Salem, his hat became a
most important part of his office equip
ment. As soon as tbe mail was received
each day the young postmaster would
put the letters in his bat and take a
stroll through the village. The villa
gers knew that be was a peripatetic
poatoffice, and of course everybody was
anxious to know the contents of tbe hat.
which seemed to promise as much to
them as a hat in the hands of a sleight
of hand performer. Washington Cor.
St. Louis Republic.
theless thelatter'a system is definite, if f
elaborate, and he has many official land
marks whereby to shape his course. One
of the most important of these is the
button which is worn by every mandarin
on the top of his hat. Each of the nine
ranks has its particular button, and the
second degree of the first and second
ranks are also marked by separate but
tons. The official list is as follows:
"First Rank Fiimt degna, light coral red.
button; eecond dagrae, deep coral red button.
"Second Rank First degree, light crimson
bnttan: asoond dagrae, dark crimson buttou.
"Third Rank-Both, light clear blue,
"Fourth Hank Dark Prussian blue,
"Filth Quarts, glass or crystal.
"BUth-Opaque whlta.
"Seventh and Eighth-Qilded, yellow or gold,
"Ninth Silver or silver whita.
"It will be seen that a red button in
dicates high rank. The rank in general
is personal rather than official. Thus,
for example, a taotatship is an office of
the third rank, and its button is a light,
clear blue. Yet many taotatis, if not a
majority of the olass, are decorated with
red buttons. It even happens that a per
son of the second rank, through misfor
tune or political vicissitudes, will hold
an office of the fifth or sixth rank. In such
a case he would still wear his red button,
and in many official events would be
preceded by an official of a dark blue or
crystal button. For this reason it is
Often very difficult to tell the official
rank of mandarins by their buttons.
Nor is the difficulty lessened by the em
broidered insignia upon the wearing ap
parel. This is more elaborate than the
buttons, but, like the latter, does not
discriminate between rank and position.
"To overcome the difficulty the Chi
nese resort to several expedients, One is
the card on which is written a full state
ment of the owner's rank, degree and
position. Such a card in English might
read, 'Smith, baronet, judge of session
Devon.' Another consists of having the
same facts painted upon the lanterns
with which all ohairs are provided,
These can be read with equal ease day
or night. Tbe third is used for the in
formation of the public and consists in
having the name and all titles carved
in large, bold characters on long red
boards, which are carried by coolies.
Mandarins who have received many hon
ors will frequently have as many as 20
of these red boards. Where an official
has retired from service he is still en
titled to place these boards at the en
trance of his residence. A fourth mode
resembles the preceding and applies to
jnnks or vessels in which a mandarin
travels. The characters are written
upon flags, which are fastened to the
mast and elsewhere in lien of ordinary
bunting. When the present governor
of Formosa left Shanghai on the steamer
Smith, no lees than SO banners of this
class were flung to the breeze from the
masts and other parts of the boat,
"The embroidered insignias of rank
and position are placed upon the front I
and back of official robes. They must
be of the finest workmanship and so well
executed aa to show the design clearly
and accurately. The general design for
a civil officer is s bird, and for a mili
tary official a quadruped animal. The
civil list is as follows, ranks and not de
grees being discriminated:
'Flnt A Juantchoorlan crane. Second A
golden pheasant. Third A peacock. Fourth
A wild goose. Fifth A silver pheasant.
Sixth A young egret. Seventh A quail.
Eighth-A long tailed Jar. Ninth-An oriole.
"The military list rnns:
'Ftrst-A unicorn. Second A Hon. Third
A leopard. Fourth A tiger. Fifth A black
bear. Sixth A tiger cat. Seventh A mottled
bear. Eighth A seal Ninth A rhinoceros.
"These insignias have been used from
time immemorial, while the buttons are
a creation of the Mantchoo conquerors of
China. It is a singular fact that both
tbe lion and the rhinoceros are strangers
to the latter country. The limit of their
habitat seems to be the Ganges and to
have been so since tbe tertiary period.
The knowledge of these animals by the
Chinese was acquired long before the
Christian era, when large fleets of junks,
naval, pirate or commercial, went from
Canton to nearly every port in Hindoo
stan and often brought back these and
other wild beasts alive.
"A cause of confusion in the use of
buttons and insignias lies in the ever in
creasing power of wealth to secure these
honors by purchase. Originally they
meant pedigree, military heroism, gener
alship or intellectual ability, literary
culture or eminent philanthropy. Their
ownership indicated distinction of somt
kind to a high degree. This is so no long
er. Ambitious officials are permitted to
wear them in high honorary ranks. In
Canton and Hankow several magistrates
of the seventh rank have purchased the
right and now wear light blue buttons.
One, a very rich Cantonese, uncon
sciously reflects upon the decadence of
the lines by using as a button a magnifi
cent sapphire worth a kings ransom,
Before he had a chance to enjoy his
first meul he was frightened half to
death by the firing of 101 cannon under
his window. He had bardly donned his
swaddling clothes before he was con
demned to be "Bearer of the Collar of
the Order of St. Alexander. " The poor
child would have howled in protest, but
the royal decree informed him that as
the chief of three regiments of infan
try, cavnlryand artillery no such weak
ness would bo tolerated. Somo ordina
ry infant indulgences might be permit
ted him as prince aud duke, but as a
full fledged "Knight of the First and
Fourth Class Military Order of Valor"
he must preserve the stern dignity of
his rauk.
It was a hard week for him. In the
first place, tbe palace yard was thronged
night and day by his singing, dancing,
affectionate subjects. His royal daddy,
in spite of the mime's protests, persisted
in dangling him at a window several
times a day, to the frantic delight of
the cheering crowds. The whole prin
cipality took a week's holiday, and the
rejoicing was so spontaneous and unre
strained that the nation found the spec
tacle a welcome relief from the solemn
croakings about war, New York Sun's
London Letter.
M. A. Miller has a full and complete
line of cough syrups,
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedding ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, hue some liaiulsume ones.
All our woolen uiikrwnit sold at
prices to suit Hie times.
ItKAI), l'KACOCK lis Co.
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 ets and hi 'ached, all lliiuii table
ninth for 8" ot. n yard, hi t tic Racket
rStore, '
Laxative Dromn Quinine Tablets tin
not alt'ecl Hie liead ur produce nervous
nest, like tile Kulpliate of Quinine.
Mr. N. W, Suiilli Is nutluirhtetl to re
fund money in every ease where II
fulls to cure Couglia, folds und
LaUrlppo. Price, 25 cents.
When In Waterloo call on City Drug
Store for headache euro.
B. &H. are the Initials nf llucli &
Buhl hut llielr groceries ale A 1.
Overalls with aprons or without, 6Kj
a pair nt the Bucket Store. Also have
just received a large amount of new
aitltctr. Diin't full In' tlieoi.
t ft
Many thousand dollars f 1
worth of valuable articles H
suitable for Christinas j! J
gifts for the young aud j f
old, are to be given to S.'l
smokers of BlackwelPs M
Genuine Durham To- I
r eg on. Central
& Eastern,
I. II. CO.
Yaquina Bay Route.
Interest at the Government Ordnance Shops
Over the New Method of Assembling.
The force at the Washington ordnance
shops has nearly completed the asseni
bung of the first nickel steel gun for the
navy, and the result is awaited with in
terest. Tbe ordnance officers have been
engaged some time in the construction
of a furnace for beating the tube of
this gun, wbich is of 8 inch caliber.
Tbe furnace will apply the heat to the
gun in a horizontal instead of in a per
pendicular position. The jacket, the
piece of metal which fits over the base
of the tube and gives it greater strength,
will be forced over the tube while the
latter is leapt beyond the expanding in
fluences of the heat by the constant ap
plication of a stream of water.
The delay in assembling the gun, the
forgings of which have been ready for
some time, baa been caused by the dif
ficulty in securing a pyrometer, n deli
cate instrument for registering the fear
ful heat of the furnace. This instru
ment has been reoeived, and everything
is ready for the assembling of the gun.
There is naturally much interest among
ordnance experts over the result of the
new system of putting groat guns to
gether, for, if the proposed method is a
success, it will take the place of the old
way, which required a good deal of
shifting of heavy weights and the use
of a shrinking pit.
There is also much interest iu the
trial of the nickel steel gun. It is ex
pected that it will prove stronger and of
longer life than the simple steel gum
Washington Star.
Died While the Doctors Quarreled.
Here is the latest episode of Farisian
life. The cold weather of late has been
rather severe on the simian population
of the gay capital, and it was keenly
felt by Maurice, the oraug-ontong of
the Jardian d'Acclimatation, When
Maurice fell ill, it was decided by the
managers of the Jardin that inasmuch
as Maurice possessed far more resem
blance to a man than to an animal, a
regular doctor should be summoned,
and accordingly the services of a physi
cian were invoked. On bis arrival how
ever, the doctor declared that, as the
patient occupied an intermediary place
between tbe quadrumanes and the hu
manes, its treatment should devolve
upon a veterinary surgeon, who, how
ever, hesitated to assume the re
sponsibility on the ground that Mau
rice was more human than beast.
While the discussion was in progress
between the two medicos the monkey
died. Boston Herald. '
t'onneetiiiK at Yiuiuina Itav with the 8s
Francisco ami Yaquina Hal1 Bieaiuslii)
ft A ft MA rtl J Itl AlftllAVtl!
Sails from i aquma Hiiv every eijrm imvt-
tor fciun Pnuiciseo, Coon Hay, iJort Orfor
Trinidad ami Humboldt Bay.
Passenger - Accommoda
tions Unsurpassed,
Shortest ltoute Hetween the Willuuielti
Valley ami (Jaliioriuti.
Fare trom Albany and Points West to Bai
, Francisco:
Cabin 0 (XI
Steerage 4 00
To Coos Buy and Port Orfonl .'
Cahia 8 00
To Humboldt Bay:
Cabin i f 8 0U
Hound Trip (iooil for 00 Days Sper-nil.
Meanier Ai.BAXV. eloimntlv furnished.
lliclnditit! new iiano. will ran between
Uorvallis and Portland on the following
Ilotvn river: Tuesdays, Thursdays and
(Sundays, Leave Corvallis 6 a- m. and
Albany, j a. in. Arrive rortlanii, 6 p. nt.
Up river: Mondays, Wednesdays am!
Fridays. Iave Portland. fS a. in. uml
Albany, 0:20 p. m. Arrive Corvallis. U:'.D
p. in. j. (J. Mayo,
lioiviN btosK, Hup t Kiver IJtvi.iiou,
Manager, 11. 11. Bachy,
H. Walokh, Ag'L Opp Itevere House
Ageni, Depot Albany,
An Archbishop on Suicides.
The archbishop of Canterbury, at a
church convocation the other day, en
tered a strong protest against the grow
ing tendency to what is called "cod
dling suicides. "
He protested against the conventional
verdict of temporary insanity in order
to grant a Christian burial. In spite of
the repugnance to speak ill of the dead,
suicide is becoming too prevalent, and
a healthier public sentiment against it
should be encouraged, lie urged that
newspaper headings, instead of being
"Eomantio," "Pathetic," "Interest
ing," should to "Revolting Self Min
der." London Exchange.
Nnturo. liivA.n lnti.
News .ki?;,!:!.,'. Health
Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry
Enlarged and. Improved
Contains a Itirge r-'imlier of Hhorl,
Easy, Practical, lint. eating und Pop
ular, Kcleiitilic articles, that urn Is
Appreciated and enjoyed b any Intel
ligent reader, even though he knew
little or nothing of 8cience,
Profusely Illustrated aud
From Technicalities,
Newsdealers, 10 centa. m.00 por voar
'SiciiUon this paper for a snuiplo cony.-fctt
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
two ounce bag, and two
m coupons inside each four
U ounce has of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
jpg this celebrated tobacco i
0 and read the coupon
H! which gives a list of val
H uable presents aud how
p to get them.
IWMMM MMtUlfW Rfl m am
Albany Furniture Co,
D AT T1LIADC Dl A11.,,T n,,-.,
DttlliiViUIYC DLUUV, iUUdUJ, UlUUll.
Furniture, Carpets, LinolouiriH, malting, otc.
rioturee and ricturo molding. , ,
Undertaking a Specialty.
W J. . 7 T!P"a i
v iciors i-ire nesi.
... . . " . . p.. u riLi-at
Victor Non Puneturabio Tins No. 103, in Llu lightest
running wheel on earth. The bust in the cheapest in the
end. Lar-jroHt Block of Hecond-liand wheels on the nnnnt..
Everything as represented. Write for list.
Headquarters fur sundries and athletic goodf, Rid Sixth
Street and SI 1 Aider Street, Portland. Oretron.
W. li. K hunan, Manager.
A $65.00 Machine
Largest Circulation of nnv
Solontlflo Paper In the World
Ben.j. Lilliird, New York.
Albany Steam Laundry
Wante a Conrlot wife.
Warden Weyler recently received at
ttlA nanlfanf iun, a IbHm. ! .UnU tl
Even i privatecitizensareallowedtograt-; writer 8sked ..y fa , ,
in your prison the age of 16 or 17, 18
gwaat Childhood.
Tommy Europe's In tbe emt, lan't
It, papat
His Father Yes.
Tommy And yon can get there just
by starting west and going far enough,
can't you?
fiis Father Certainly.
Tommy Well, then, whereaboutson
the way round do you stop going west
and begin to got east aguirr Unicago
ify their vanity in this manner. A
wealthy tea taster in Tamsui, whose ed
ucation would not allow biin to become
an official of the lowest class, secured the
privilege of wearing a dark blue button
by paying a heavy sum of money to the
powers that be. He is said to have paid
down 130,000 for the bauble." Wash
ington Post.
An Aatnta Policeman.
Chicago Official I have proof that you
saw a man on the streets after 1 o'clock
and neglected to question him.
or 20 years who can bo taken out by
marrying, " xne writer asked an an
swer and signed the name of John Mob
ley, adding the names of bis father and
mother and tbe information tbat be was
born In Wilson, N. C. No address was
given to which an answer to the letter
might be sent. Baltimore Sun.
Preacott Fecnllarltlu.
Things are being ran with a rather
high band in not the best localities in
Prescott. The kicking in of doors und
Pnlim,nXr W I U him - " .I.IK . m UUOrS
..ltZ. w 7..rZrV!7Z! I" "e,zlnS against their wishes and
1mJi!1.X..1jZ I gB'ng around of women
him Uau Columbia for being out so late,
nv men
loaded down with six shooters is bound
aril rl k hif was a raaiMrthM. Hat. ' " ,u w.--k;Uk iA. m . 1
M.4tlWfrtl WMfcti
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
, Refunded.
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
J.eljiuion, . Oi'okoii
uain mm urqir ana u'oupon l:m k:.y ..ft
Free r imn
i tent C. 0.0. ftjg g
or on trial -
Shipped tontiyoiie,
unywlici c, on io
tlnys' fue triiil,
in your own
home, without :
iwkltiK one cwit .
it) fuivwiev,
10 years' wi.Uen
wiuraiity with
each wiHCtiine.
A strictly liiHli-prftilc (lew
lnf; M.iclmit- fniUtittl
tliiuiinlitjiiL la tliu bent utw
sible maimer. It pnew-w nil
IllOtWll llllpi-uVCllKllts.fitlllitS
ineclmtural cfiiiMnK'lwn is
imdi thu: in it are combined
nitiiptk'ity vvitliumttHticiitrtb,
thu nifmniif; thboo! ritmiiiiff.
tiiiiiiiiiiuy, mm mnkiiii It im
.yoHMblt? for the nwcliiiK' U be
put out of ui-cler. t Hum tint
nmt iiiiiltw n pnrkct at i tell
with all kiitttn of thread and
allcliimrio.' tiuilerhil. Aiwuvs
ready lor use unci unrivalled
for np?eil( diiifibMUy ml mni.
ily of wmk. Notice t!tt fnl
lowiujf poirttu ui' ttiiperloiily:
excent eve of needle. Shutn im,u,uUr -..
take out; bobbin holds s large amount of thmtd. Stitch Rcuufiiiiir it .
teTUlJIlrfbHl,bi,1(V1.e,V f d l,ItH a shiiwiiiif tbL. of Uit
beehiu.fft.V from 8 to U stijclws to the inch, l-ced h double mul extend
crel? it Jrfl2iflSuii,,S2?,M mlT T P1"1 KKet lli,lef, finillv held down by n thumb
jcrew. mrouy,BHt8ti..iU, neat and hnii.loitie t dvMirit. find beimtihillv o' in-menled in
inutile ittnyliijiler. otttiion l-ihI. phHiy-i,. flf.n,,.,.'.wi,.,.v , i.i '.
'( on trie ijcil nf tin' m:i' liiuc,
!.ttlclicn to Ui'- im-li, ,-tinl can
.,, r,; i , ;,,, ,a.rv;,v..:" " V' ? " cmeuus on miii tuies or ntftwt
hk n, rt ,Zi ni 5? Z ': liiovemtnl 1 pnait vrt no iiniif, l()
nlhni 1 hi iSl.i ,o?,7ifiiS'" b", miVl "l wl"' Aulamaifc Bl,l,l,i WlaJ.r-1'..r
rjilliig llic boDlii ii automatically mid perfectly stnool i witliottt hoiilmr llu- lhr.,ul M.i. liiiiV il,
ator, mnkes little name and Kwa rapidly. Stllcli in n double loclr slildi 111,,- vim- mi bo i ill
will not ravel, and ran be cliangMl nlopplnif tin; i,tcli.,e, Tcm, n 1-11 m mm '
sioii. an. II adml thread from H to IH) ,,! cotton wi.l.ont ,M,.i ,!," Kcvt, i 'U ol 1 ' V c '
Z ,! .' "it, . ""-Jardeiwd aleel. with oil cup at the i,tlom In prevci!: oil ,o, um l X
Il.Srh,.luS ,A"i. "l."iPn,ciill he taken up, and the machine will tat k lirf , , '
Attacbmenta-Mach niachinen lurnlhl with neceamry toolaaml nccewoii-a n ,'l iVl,l l l, , 1
ui tiiui an ej ra net ol allacliuienla in a velvet lined melnl unx. free of ehai
St?.?' i,r l'?k"l ""V"" ci. alio' mU'Zi
cut er. Woodwork of fluent qunl tv oak or walnut. miv..m .w- Uj ,.r. ... j .
IO nrhel u,l il,,ls I ..... , ' ' 1 '
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
Ripan Tabulos cure aypepsia.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Ripans Tabulw: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tahiilon oure tnrpitl Uvnr.
Ripans Tabulos euro indigestion.
Ripans Tabulos: pleasant laxative.
Ripans TaMlM oure llvtii- troublu.
to drawers, drciffl Kiiarda to wheel, and device lor renlacinp bell.
.... . . . acmnu BAunmiia uu I SAVE AGENT'S AKIl OEAI.Erl'S PHOflTS
lalJ?l?i!!PiT F, $23.60 laonr Special Wlioleaole lrlce,lmt go
in order to introduce thialiigh-Bi aile cwluK machine-, we make a special out. A t
pon offer, glyuig every render of thla paper a chance lo Kel n first-cliM ma- (. Cfainan 3
w. will Z ilr.f i fi , WC11" "' '"' c"" 'I'l'loai'"", A U 01
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