The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 17, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor and - Proprietor
The election of young Crisp to
succeed his father in congress is
the latest proot of h latent Ameri
can f indness for some of the hered
itary usages of our ancestors
though, if we go back far enough
we find that the kings and lords
were elective, not hereditary.
Generally, however, in this coun
try, selection of the son to succeed
the father in high office has been
due to the son's own worth, or to
the fair promise of tallents equal
to those of his sire. Thus the
Adamses of New England, and the
Salisburys and Bayards of Dele-
ware, have kept front places from
one generation to another; and in
some instance almost whole famil
ies, for more than one generation,
have been men worthy of high
places and honor such as the
- Winthrops, the Danas, the Lees,
the Fields, and the Washburns.
Far more frequently, however, an
illustrious sire begets a compara
tively degenerate son. The fires of
true genius do not follow any
lines of hereditary. Robert Lin
coln and Fred Grant would never
have been heard of outside of their
own counties except for their
fathers' reputation. Young Gar
field has worked his way into the
Ohio state senate and young Crisp
is to be sent to congress, largely, it
is presumed, because of their
fathers' ' prominence though
neither of them were great men.
Indeed, the yonng Georgian may
outshine his father, without rising
to the plane of great statesman
The county judge has an inter
esting article in Monday's Demo
crat, giving the public an insight
into the useless and enormous ex
penses that the justice courts of
the county entail upon defenceless
taxpayers. The fault is with the
law rather than with the officers.
Thousnnds of dollars is squandered
in frivolous prosecutions, under the
sanction of the law. A radical
change should be made by the
legislature in this matter. If
necessary, jurisdiction of justices
in criminal matters might be taken
away, and the county judge be
empowered and directed to hear
all such Cases. Some aspiring
legislator should introduce such a
measure and his return to the leg
islature would be assured. The
fee nyatero results in great costs to
the taxpayers and much annoy
ance to the public from frivolous
law suits.
Some of the winter oats in this
section is infested with myriads
of curious little creatures. They
are hardly visible to the naked
eye, but loom up with fearful pro
portions under a magnifying glass.
They are yellow, with long horns
and jointed body. Many of them
will appropriate a sprout of oats
and soon eat its life away Leav
ing a dark, withered blade. They
seem to thrive well in both rain
and cold and' are an undesirable
addition to our pests.
The Chicago Civic Federation
will make a fight on a portion of
the button fad. The association
thinks such mottoes as "If You
Love Me, Grin," and ;'I -Will Meet
You at Eight O'clock," are evil
and have a bad influence on the
youth of the city. The federation
is quite right, and aside from hav
ing an evil influence upon the
young, the button fad is decidedly
silly. Mail.
Lake county dims the distinc
tion of being the only county in
Oregon that did not cast a vote for
the prohibition electors at the re
cent election. There is hardly
glory enough achieved by it to
make any great amount of noise
over and we don't presume but the
people over the way are keeping
hi HMtwr M (UMft as fuuibl
A gentleman who has had much
to do with steamships and who
does not favor a boat railway at
The Dalles, but insists that a canal
should be cut around the r apids,
suggests a plan by which this canal
might be cheaply built. He fovorB
the passage of a law for the em
ploying of convict labor to build
the canal. Not only would he
have the convicts in the peniten
tiary employed on this work, but
all persons sentenced to the county
or city jails. When a hobo or
thief is sentenced to 30 or 60 days
or more imprisonment, send him
off nt once to work on the cannl,
and keep him at work till his term
expires. In this manner, not only
would the canal be built, but a
a large class of persrsons would be
kept out of mischief, and the re
sult would be that there would not
be so many loafers and bummers
hunting for quarters in the jails,
to be fed at the expense of the tax
payers. The scheme does not
appear impracticable. Oregonian.
The Oregonian says that "the
president improves with practice,
as a writer of state papers." The
president has improved of late in
the good opinion of the Oregonian,
which probably accounts for the
improvement of his state papers.
Cleveland's messages have always
been good, but radically wrong on
the financial question, on which he
has succeeded in disrupting the
party which honored and trusted
him, and no doubt it is this fact
that has caused him to rise in the
estimation of such organs and the
republican party, and he stands to
doy higher with them than those
who placed him in the position ho
occupies. Dispatch.
Senator Mitchell is between the
devil and the deep sea. The gold
republicans are trying to smoke
him out on the money question
and they demand of him the un
conditional endorsement of the
St. Louis platform. To do bo
would be the loss of every free
silver vote in the legislature. He
holds at best only a small portion
of the gold republican vote in the
legislature, and his only hope is
the populist vote and a bolt from
the caucus. He will not dare to
submit his chances to a caucus.
There is no danger of his getting a
single democratic vote. Ex.
The following from Washington
is significant: When asked to ex
plain the moti e of his motion in
the senate to take up the Dinglcy
tariff bill, Senator Allen replied:
"I bad no motive, except, as we
used to say in the army, 'to feel
the enemy.' I want to satisfy
myself and the country as to the
attitude of the republicans towards
this measure, which they have
professed to be so anxious t have
become a law, and I think I have
at least succeeded in demonstra
ting that they have no intention of
trying to do anything."
A man was brought before a
magistrate in Portland tlvs week,
and adjudged guilty of a crime, for
an alleged misrepresentation of
four pounds of coffee. But cre li
tors of the defunct Northwest
Loan and Trust Company were
buncoed out of something like
$500,000, and there never was, is
not, nor never will be, any hint of
their prosecution. But then, my
lords and gentlemen, the cases are
quite different. Welcome.
The United States can't afford to
let the Cuban war continue indefi
nitely. Our commercial interest
have been badly damaged and our
sense of justice has been outraged
by this war. The time fur de
termined action has come and it is
to be hoped that the influence of
our government will be brought to
bear upo Spain in order that
peace may soon come to this
wretched island.
The historical treachery of the
Spaniard has been repeated in the
murder of Maceo. The United
States should take immediate steps
toward bringing this murder of
innocent people to a speedy end. .
There's no clay, flour, slurcli or
other worthless filling in Hoe Cake
and so trm alaall to buru th baudf.
CombuethHi TOileh Excited th KUIblll
tlM of Borne Street Uellway M.n.
Two Italians wore trudging down thu
Btreet-oar tracks under the South side
elevated rood is Chicago during tin1
blizzard the Other day. Great clouds n.'
snow were swept by them by the wind,
so that halt the time they were invisible
or only dimly outlined two bloolcu
away. The tracks were covered faster
than the sweepers could elear them
and the ears had a time of it in getting
along. Kadi Italian had a huge basket
of bananas on his head, protected from
the unfriendly elements by a piece of
oilcloth, and trudged along in the teeth
of the blast as serenely as if he were un
der the skies of Italy, and the howling
northwester was a summer zephyr from
summer seas.
An employe of the street ear compa
ny, a strapping big fellow with seven
league boots on, faced about for a mo
ment to let his back stand the brunt of
the storm for awhile, and in doing so
caught sight of the two banana mer
chants. Immediately his half-frozen
features relaxed into abroad grin, and,
turning to the other men who were
at work with him, he shouted:
"Say, boysl look at them Eyetaliana
with their banana I guess we ain't
got no kick comin'. "
All the men joined in the laugh, and
after a few moments returned to their
work much relieved by this little di
version. Would Be Mote Land Than Water.
If old ocean's waters were lowered
three miles more than half its great
depth would be taken away. All the
great seas, such as the Mediterranean,
the Caribbean, and those of the China
coast, would vanish or be reduced to
small baisins Inclosed within a rim
separating them from the shrunken
deld of waters. The lnnds, after a sub
sidence of two miles, would rather ex
ceed the ocean in oreu; with a subsid
dence of three they would occupy more
r,han two-thirds of the earth's surface.
The seas which would remain would
form, not a connected ocean of consid
erable size, but separate basins, the
largest gathered around the south pole.
A Spring That Bona Up Hill
One of the few instances of a stream
running up hill can be found in White
county, Ga., says the Cincinnati En
quirer. Near the top of a mountain Is
a spring, evidently a siphon, and tin
water rushes from it with suflicien'
force to carry it up the side of a very
steep hill for nearly half a mile. Beach
ing the crest, the water flows on to the
east, and eventually finds its way into
the Atlantic ocean. Of course, it
is of the same nature as a geyser, but
the spectacle of a stream of water
flowing up a steep incline can probably
be found nowhere else in the country,
and appears even more remarkable
than the geysers nf the Yellowstone. .
la Farts the Rest I'o-s Actually Carrj
No matter what the drees may be, the
Indispensable companion of the woman
who walks is hor little dog. Short
haired terrier or lony-haired toy, it 1
of no moment, provided that it be very
At the moment it is, perhaps, the ter
rier which Is the most popular, as he
furnishes a further excuse for the ex
hibition of fur in that his smooth coat
does not appear to his kind hearted mis
tress a sufficient protection from the
cold of this season of the year.
So the little dog has his tailor as well
as his owner, and Ledouble, of the
Palais lioval, may be called the Worth
of the kennel. With garments of vel
vet, trimmed with fur, or of cloth strap
stitched and embroidered, the clothing
of the little creature harmonizes with
that of lira possessor.
Socsc Mi:-s provide mackintoshes lot
tl.cir for rainy days, and have then
ii'-idc wiih a full hood, which covers the
ear?. Others there are who choose tar,
tan. having flbints turned bock at the
shoulder, and fastened with a strer
around '.he body. For those believed to
be partieuinriy chilly, the coats arc
provide.! with, collars of quite Medici
stvlc, lire! m-e lined throughout with
Arr;d.;L;i, nutria, or even beaver, us
tlit:;;' !)0rt furs are not too cumbrous
for the petted animals.
There lire wine which actually have
umbrellas of dark blue silk, which they
have been Uoght to carry Quito stralcht
and steadily between their teeth in the
event of u sudden shower.
They are also provided with handker
chiefs in cases of accidents, a tiny pock
et, m wnicn 10 carry uiese being placed
on one side of the coat.
These handkerchiefs, adds the Paris
correspondent of the London Daily
Graphic, are found useful when madame
stops a few minutes at the confection
er's, and can wipe her pet's nose and
paws after hta enure in the delicacies
she buys.
A photograph twenty-six and one
fourth feet long and three and five
sixths feet wide, giving a view of the
recent annual show of the Royal Agri
cultural society at Sydney, has been
produced by the government printing
office of New South Wales. It wan
taken on eight plates, fifteen by twelve
inches in size, and enlarged on bromide
paper. The picture is good, and the
photograph is claimed to be the larg
est ever produced, succeeding a view
of Sydney, twenty-four feet long,
which the same office exhibited at Chi
cago, as the largest.
Subscribe for the Expbess.
Have your Hoe Cake soap wrappers,
they are worth a cent apiece,
The best dressed men in Linn county
are those who buy their clothing
from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
M. A. Miller lias a full and complete
line of photograph alliums, autograph
albums, scrap albums, which will be
sold at a bargain.
Ripans Tahules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Rlpans Tubules: for sour stomach.
Changed Kvery Week.)
Oat-3.j to 88c
Huy $fi to $7 per tun.
Flour $1 00(S1.10 per sack
Chop $1 00 per owt.
limn 80o per owt.
Middlings Jo 86 per owt
Potatoes 23c.
Apples Dried, 7c per It
Plums Dried, Be.
Onions IJc.
Beef Dressed, 4 to 6c.
Pork Dressed, 3J.
Lurd 0.
Hums 12 per lb.
Shoulders 8c.
Hides 8c per lb.
Geese J3 50 (Ss 6 per doz.
Ducks M $5 per doz.
Chickens $1 602 50.
Turkeys 8c porlb.
Eggs 22c oer doz.
Butter 12 loc per lb.
Hides Greon, lie; dry, 6o. '
Deafness Cannot be Cured
hy local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
hy constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by nn inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Kustaclnun Tube.
When this tube gets iniliimed you have ft
rumbling sound or imperfect hcarhiK, anil
when ll is entirely closed deafness is the
result, and unless the inllummation can lie
taken out and tliU tube restored to It?
normal condiiiun, hearing will be destroy,
ed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused
hy catarrh, which is nothing but an inlluin
ed condition of the mucous surluco9.
We will give One Hundred Dollars lor
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circ ulars, free.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO,, Toledo, 0.
Hold By DriitfKistf, 78c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Good clothing at a low price at
Bach & Buhl's.
Read, Peacock & Co. Is the place to
find the new and pretty style belt.
Ladles and gents, remember Pugb
A Muuuy's is the place to buy your
boots and shoes.
. Dr. Cheadle is glad to see the
children and examine their teeth,
He extracts temporary teeth fir
children free.
Do people buy Hood's Bsmaparllla )n
preference to any other, In fact almoet
to the exclusion of all otherat
They know from actual use that Hood's
is the best, 1. e., it cures when others fall.
Hood's Sariaparilla Is still made under
the personal supervision of the educated
pharmacists who originated it.
The question of beat is Just ss positively
decided in favor of Hood'sss the question
of comparative sales. '
Another thing: Every advertisement
of Hood's Sariaparilla is true, is honest.
000 s
IstbeOne True Blood Purifier. All druggists.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
U..J1. mil.. iH oniy pun 10 law
for Clothing,
for Dry Goods,
for Bocts and Shoes,
for Ladies' and Gents'
Tlios. F. (hikes, Henry 0. l'nyno, Henry C
House, Kecoivors.
i ,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
ill htiiftnitolU
Urntid l-'.trkN
Now Vttrk
It dm ton anil all
ViiintM Kant anil Hnulh
Fur information, time cants, majts untl
tickets, cull on or write
W. C. PETERSON, Agent,
A.D. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Oregon.
Of all kinds done at Lowest
Prices. Cement Sidewalks
and Curbing a specialty. All
work guaranteed, by
Lebanon Electric Light
and Water Co.,
J. S. HUGHES, Propr.and Mgr.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of some aliiiple
thluir lpait-nt?
... . wiuiijh
i.!31."1" ': tliT may l,rlutf v ,u w-uiih
wnu JUIIH WBUUBUUURN CO., Piu-nt Alior
ml lilt ol Iwo liuudtea toulou wauwu.
For only cents you cun get the
buliy nlmes ut Read, Peuuook & Co.'s
closing out siile,
Rlpani Tabules.
Ulpaus Tabules cure dizziness,
Rlpans ThIiiiIcb cure flatulence.
Klpans Tabules cure had breath.
Rlpans Tabules cure biliousness.
Rlpuns Tabules cure constipation.
Save the Wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece if taken
rem Hue Uke soap,
Furnishing Goods.
(UI.ATIA, Ills., Rot. W, 133.
Pari. Modlclno Co., St. Iiila, Uo.
onllcmon! Wo lrt ln. roar, m) fcottlo of
bmlulil iinjiiH already Itiln ynr. In alloer ox.
onrmin'O of II yunre, In Urn drug biMlneM, hare
mtvnraolil nn nrti.-lo Ihutsavo inch unlvonaluU.
aeUou w yuur Toulo. Your, truly,
For sale by N, W. HMITH.
Fire Insurance.
Insure Your Property with
1 In rt iorrt,
J 'il-l'lllllll'M lund,
Hcllahle old line ninipuules
he r.'iimwnlri. All business
placed with him will lie at
tended to promptly. Ollloe
on Muln HI., LE11ANON, Or.
J. M. RAstoN
""Ok io it,
Miintoi. 1JloUi Alt.mij.o
onny lo bran on farm security, alio
sinull loans made on personal security,
Olty, county ami school mirrunls bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
I'ii? insurance written In three of the
largest companies in the world, at the low
est rales.
For lew. . ,r,7. . . l
IIIINN cu, 911 BaotDWAYTllkw Yolk.
Oltat bureau for ccurlnB paumtj i In America,
Win pulillu by a uotlue glTon too or charge lu the
I 5S Fat ArTn LwsfwJ?
irt American