VOL. X. LEBANON, OREGON, DECEMBER 17, 1896. NO. 42. X TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. iuw y flir w (lf iM 111 aitvanoo. 1 M P"r year.) , 411 months i 1 IM,.,. mnlitll. -' BU STATIC OFMCKUH. . ""' W. McBridei Henaiow John II. Mitcholl.i Blngor Hnnnntin, tcupriwHiuun William I'. lnl Governor H. R, Klncatd Secretary ol Suits Phil Motsnhan,. Treasurer (1. M. Irwlr. Aatt. Public IiiBtruotlon H. W. Ucds,..', State Printer It. S Bean, J , , F. A. Monro, Supreme Judgos. O. E. Woolverton.l BOUNTY OFFICERS. Indue 0. I. Banon Recordor D. F. Hardman Olerk C. B, Montague Sheriff M. 0. (Jalnos School Biiierinteiident, Richmond Wheeler Treiumrer P. Morris Assessor B. A. Stafford Surveyor, E. T.T. Fisher Coroner, (!. F.Wright , , i J. M. Water Commissioners j j), j (jur CITY OF ' AL3. MAYOR .'. 0. K PlIOH tUCORHKR W. M. BROWN CITY ATTORNEY 8. M. GARLAND ritEASURER J.F.HYDE MARHHAL 0. W. TAYLOR fN. H. IIALGLF.IHH, 8. O. WALLACE, O0UNC1LMEN. 2: W:FMMJ.rr, J. R. SMITH, KS. R. BEAM AS. City Council meets tin the Hrt and third Tuesday evenings ofoaci month. Saorat Sooletles. LINN TENT, No. 7. K. 0. T, M.-Mcots ta 0. A. B. Hall on Thursday evening of each week. Tmiiautut Hlr Knwhts are cordially invited to visit the Tent meeting. T. C. I'arauR, Com, 010. W. Kiel, It. K. lICINOll LOIKIE, No. 118, A. 0. II. W,-Moot evory t'ucMlay evening at U. A. K. Hall. H. Y. KlIlKPATBICK, M. W. ,r. Hvire. Ilee. I.KBANON LODGK, NO. 47, I. 0. 0. F.-MscU very Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, al -'clock p. m. 4. k. DAVIS, N. Q. W. C. FKTliHHON, Buot y, PEARL RKHKOCA WIKIK, NO. 17. 1. O. O. F. lluolsatl. 0.0. F Hall Unit and third Woducs lay oveningH of each month. SAHAH BALTMAltBtt, N. G. HATTIB A.tlllUSUN, Beefy. l,KBANONI.01i(iENo,44 A. F. & A. M. Meet Saturday evening, on or before the full moon In men mouth, at Masonic Hall, Oir. Main and Qranl ts. Hojcmrnlng brcll.orn cornlidly Invited o attend. J. Wao. W. M, K. K. Hammack, See. JOHN F. MILLER V. R. C No- 15, meets 1st and 8rd Fridaja of each nimith al 2:80 . m. Anbik B. Rum, Vom.ii E. Sai.tmaos", Pres. Hcc'ty. UEN'LMKIUllBCAMP. No. Is, Division of Ore gon, Sons of Vctonians-Moet InU. A, K. Hall, every Saturday evening, except the third 1 Saturday of each niontli, meelhig tl third Frl 1 lay Instead. All brothers of the Sous of Vot arans and comrades of the U, A. R. are oordhtlly Invited to meet with the Camp. A. Bosua, Capt. , 0. PTl'lil, First 6cgt. BINA H. WKST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M. Meets on theft, 1th and alh Friday evening of each month at 7a p.m. at (. A. R. Hall. Tran sient Lady Miiccnlioes arc cordially Invited to attend. Hm.OAii 8. Mli.l.p.n, Lady Com. Uoi.uk 8aI.taiisu, Lady R. K. PROFESSIONAL. W. M. BROWN, Attorney xx Law, Will practice I" nil the Court of the State. LEIUNON, ORKOON. SAM'L M. GARLAND. TTORNEY-AT LAW. ',K1US"N. ilRKIIO Weatuerfori & Wyatt, TTO R N EYS - AT - LAW, .'U,BA NY. OREGON. , "..R ItriTEU, TORNEY - AT - LAW, The Champion Mills, 10 A.., General Exchansre and Mill Business. Flour and All Kind oi Mill Food For Halo at the Lowest Prices. We are prepared at all to pay Albany prices for wheat to those who store with us. Call and g t sacks and learn further paiticulars. Very Truly, G. W. Aldricii. BARBER SHOP ilcst Shaves, Hair Cutor Shampoo. Kirk& Evving's Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE -OF THE- Southern Paoific Co. Express trains leave Portland dally: ft:BO P. M.TJ ,V...I'ortliilHL..V.rArT 18:10 A. M 18:10 A, M. Lv...Allilinv.. ..A:. 4:60 A. II 11 :46 a. m. Ar.rian Francisco Lv 7rtlO p. M The above Irai'is stop at East Port Inlid, Oregon City, Wnodburn, Halctn, Turner, Morion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Khcdd, Halsey, Harrhjliunr. Junclion City, Ku- iretie. Crtwwell. Cottui e Orove, Drains und all atations from I'weliurg south to una Inoludlag AxUland Koseluirp niuil daily : 8:30 A. M Lv...Porllan l ...Al'. I 4:40p.M. 12:26 r. M. 6:20 r. H. Lv...Allianv Ar. 1:16p.m. Ar.,.Kosclni-t:..Lv. 8:00 a.m. Local iiasaongor trains deity (except Sunday. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar...l,ehano'i..,.Lv. Lv... Albany Ar Ar...Lebano t ...Lv. 9:16a.M. 8:86 A. M. 6:46 P. M. 6:06 P. M. 8:10 a. m. 4:00 P. M. 4:40 P. M. Dining Carson 0den Route. .Pullman Burnt Slkkpkrs -AND- econd-Class Slee ing Cars At tached to all Thr ugh Trains. Wont eido Ilvlilon. BKTW'KRN PoHTLANU .0 COKVAM.18. Mail train dnily (exci pt Stir day): T:.10 A. M. i LvV.rPortlan 1 Jr. I 8: 20 A. u. 12:16 p. M. I Ar.rorvnlha..bv, l:6p. M. At Albanv and t:orvnlbs coiineot. with trains of 0. C. E. railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday): 4:46 P. M. 1 Lv...Fortlaiiil ...Ar. ' 8:25 A. M. 7:26p.m. I Ar.McMinmllleLv I 6:60 a.m. THROUGH TICKETS?.11 1, listen States, Can ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from F. U. Hickok itftenl, Lebanon. R. KOE ILKK, Manager. I!. P. ItOO RRH, Asst. 0. F. k Pass. A(tt. "iTho om think Ann to iiatent? i.. it'-ii;, thov TP .y orm.- ytm wtjuitn. i" - M'itVuUlirtl' .t (10 ,'Pntont Attor i,.v.l, ifjtUt.rfNiii, D. C.ft-r (litilr 1,8UU prlH 00 tuu iiriC tout buiulna LtTmiUwu vrauwu STATE AND COAST. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the West. A curlew ordinance Is talked of for Grant Pans. The town of Hherlilen l out of debt and has $725 90 to throw at t.e birds or put whore it will do the most good. Dwiglit Reed, of Calapoota recently sold 800 bushels of wheat at the mill there for 80 cents a bushel, clear of sacks. There are still 1500 bales of hops In In growers' hands in Westtrn Oregon, mostly at Eugene, Sllverton and Butevllle, says the Guard. R. D. Hume Is both canneryman and editor of the Wedaerbui n Gazette, aud now he has been granted a patent on a optiheadtng machine. Wedderburn will have a shooting match on Christmas day, shooting off a beef, a fat pig, aMcKinley rooster and a coop full of other fowels. Jndge Fullerton has rendered a decision in the oontest of Geo H Harris against M Riley, for the county judge ship of Curry county. Th9 contest is dismissed, and M.Riley remains Judge. The plant of the Living Issue, a paper formerely printed at John Day, has been leased to W. A. Logue, who has moved it to Canyon City, and has there begun the publication of the John Day 8entinel, The case of the state V '. JumeB Dixon, for killing Charles Rice, In Douglas county, at a baseball game, June 14, was submitted to the jury at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. After four hours' deliberation, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Frank Whipple, aged 50 years, a member of the Arm of Chrlsman & Co. and ex-postmaster of Cottage Grove, died suddenly last week. He had just finished shaving himself, and was sit ting in a chair when be died. The doctor Bald he died from oppolexy. It has not yet been decided where Melson, who is charged with having killed Miner Perry, shall be tried. Curry county's Burveyorsays the crime was not committed In that couuty.and Josephine county, Or., aud Del Norte county, Cal.,will not decide that It was done within the jurisdiction of either. The county court of Lane county made an order directing the sheriff to make aud deliver In all cases sheriff's deeds ou execution sales. This will be a saving to the individual interested, 12 in each" case. The decision of the cour.t Involved the construction of sec. 9 of the act of 1893 relating to sheriff's aud clerk's fees. There is no doubt of the correctness of the court's ruling, Pague says the weather of November was the most phenouilnal ever re corded in Oregon. The highest precip itation was reported at McMinnville, 20.47 luches, at Roseburg It was 9.91, at Pendleton only 1.81. Th elowest was at Vale, J. 62. Tie lowest tern peralure was at Lakeview, 14 below, the lowest at Portland was 11 above The warmest at Portland was 60 above. The cold was beneficial to fruit trees. Edward-Shaffer, a 16-year-old boy of school district No. 75, in Linn county, has been serving a short Bentenoe in the county jail. He was taken to task by his teacher for being too familiar with the girls, when he left school, calling the teacher a vulgar name. He was arrested and taken before Justice Sbelton at Bcio, aud fined (5 and costs, which be re fused to pay, and served out his Bentenoe In the county jail. Two yojng men of the name or Wilson, of Webfoot, iu Yamhill coun ty, were driving a team the other day, loaded with a large iron turbine. While crossing the bridge at Meadow lake, the bridge gave way, and bridge and team went down with a crash. John Bateman and Neis Nelson were under the bridge, bailing out a boat. Wbeu they heard the crash, both jumped overboard and saved them selves, and It Is well they did, for their boat was smashed into frag ments. The destruction to the boat and damage to the bridge were the only serious results, the team and load being pulled out all right, and the men escaped without a scratch. K. B Trenholau, of Fall creek, near Alsea, had a narrow escape from drowning the other day, His little son Claire had found a small boat in a drift near Digger creek, aud asked his father to go aud help hint run it down to Fall creek. They both got in the boat, but as the river was high, when they came to Round Mountain rapids, MrTreuholan took the'precau Uoa to put th boy ashore, and It It well he did so, for when he got in the breakers there, the boat was soon swamped, and Mr. Trenholau found himself batleling with the current. He was sucked under twice, and had lost nil aticugth when, as he was about to go down again, his IW-t touched bottom, and hn plunged for the shore. A Clubbing Ofler. A groat many of our readers In Llni: county like to take the Weekly Oregon Ian. We have made arrangements whereby we can furnish It ataredii" tlon from the regular price to those who want both the Exi'rkss and th Oregonlan. The regular price of t.ie Oregonian is $1.50 per year, and of tl. Exprbss $1.60 when In advance. W'c will furnish both f ir $2. per year iu advance, a saving of one dollar to th subscriber. The Oregonian gives al' the general news of the country once : week, and the Exprkss gives all to local news once a week, which will make a moat excellent nes service for the moderate sum of $2. per yen' Those who are at present Bubscrlhcm of the Express must pay iu all arrear ages and one year in advance to obtain h is special price. Should be Extended. The railroad commissioners in their reviews of the conditions of the dif ferent Oregon roads, says of the 0. C. & E. among other things: "The road is In very fair condition, aud its equip ment is ample for the service required. The operating expenses, wbicb include the maintenance of way, exceed seven thousand dollars in gross earnings, so that there is no return In sight for the purchasers, even ot. their first invest ment. This road must be extended before it can be expected to pay; but where? The most promising field seems to be over the Cascade moun tains to the region of the Deschutes Bnd Crooked rivers, and perhaps finally to an Eastern connection. Look Out for Them, It Is reported that a party of fakirs are working the towns of the Wil lamette valley on the old, time-worn racket of enlarging family photos at $1 50 apiece, demanding, and invari ably getting, the preliminary advance of fifty cents, the balance to be paid when the "company's studio car reaches here just after the holidays." The chance for humbug is as great as ever and finds about as many victims who will wait many moons ere that "studio oar" arrives. The safest plan Is to buy pictures aud frames of local dealers, and steer clear of those fakirs. In order to put the Express iu the homes of many who are not now tak ing it, we have decided to offer it from now until March 1, 1897, for only 25 cents. If you are not taking the Ex press already, take advantage of this offer aud subcribe at once, aud if you are already a subscriber, send it to some Eastern friend for four mouths. You can order The Bulterick Pat terns of Read, Peacock & Co. Also Honetou braid and other lace maket'B supplies. I have money to loan at 8 per cent interest on good farm or personal security, J. M. Ralston, Mu j Ion Block, Albany, Or. Measure your rooms accurately and bring size in feet and inches with you. It costs you nothing to havo your car pets sewed by hand by the Albany Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon. Baker carries the best corset Feath erboue, $1.25; a good corset, 65 cls.;a cheaper corset, 50 cts. Featherbone corsets are warranted, and if not satis factory the money will be returned. It's ill town. It's the best; Won't burn or roughen the skin; Won't "yellow your clothes," You will be agreeably surprised. Sorry you didn't kuow it sooner. Thompson's Soap Foam large pack ages. Farmers, attention: do not forgrt that Pugb & Minify are always In the lead ou groceries, boots and shoes, hats and oaps, gents' furnishing goods &c. See them for prioes. To The Mothers. You have nice children, you know and not 111 n g pleases them better than a nice nobby suit of clothes that keeps them warm und healthy. Baker lias them and for but little money. Can you stand $1.00 for a suit of clothes, or up to $4.00? All these low prices you will find at Hiram Baker's. UjuuaJmkwMfriiwfMUei. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE COUNTY COURT. Petition for the appointment of J C Saliln I as justice of the peace, to succeed J E Carl wright, dismissed. Bill for fees in state vs Geo Jargensen, continued. P R Buckman was appointed justice of the peace at Harrisbuig. Bill of Dr Hunter, acct poor, disalowed. Petition for bridge at Gates placed on Hie. Application of E A Evans for county road, continued. Bill of C H Dalrymple, $5, continued. Bill of W F Deakins, assessor, for $788, continued. The following bills were ordered paid: C B Montague 160 65 166 55 150 00 100 00 83 35 50 00 60 00 60 00 6 00 800 900 8 00 800 3 00 6 00 6 OU 500 10 00 ' 4 00 4 00 800 8 00 600 5 00 600 6 00 500 MC Gaines D F Haniman Judge Barton , P G Morris R Wheeler R B Montague Asa Lewelling W E Savage, aid Cox family B White, aid Kenworth family W L Coon, aid Alberts 0 T Lubkcr Alma Vail Sarah Hfnes Robert Gilock, aid self Mrs G F Junkey, aid P M Smith, aid Watson Geo Wertz. aid Powers family Henery Meyers, aid Jas Laiew, aid Jas Lewis Mrs Adams, aid W H Booth aid Dobkius Mr and Mrs Bernard, aid Phebe Hendrickson Mrs Adoli French L Coleman and wife D E Cheadle, rent Albany Water Works W E Harden, bridges F A Powell roads W H Meranda acct poor Santiam Lumber Co, bridges J Atkinson aid poor C F Swank, deputy shiriff Geo D Barton bridges Miller & Turner roads and bridges V D Davis, surgical operation C F Rrnip, acct poor G W Willis, bridges E Rogers acct insane J C Goodale, bridges J C Powell, preliminary ex J N Duncan, fees Nettie McDonald, acct poor Mrs M F Taylor, acct poor J P W allace, acct poor Silver Imprint, printing G D Gray, roads Carl Roberts, deputy sheriff Wells Fargo, acct poor Fred Dawson, stationery 2 00 20 00 48 50 2 40 68 15 3 00 3 05 24 70 10 25 (105 100 00 100 19 20 75 65 10 5 40 15 00 8 00 10 00 17 00 60 26 9 25 5 00 2 26 9 60 11 16 2 00 20 00 7 25 1 80 20 00 Fred Dawson, acct poor VI rs Hatcher, acct poor Electric Light Co P Cohen, acct poor Scio Press, printing Portland, hospital, acct poor F M Reddeld, work on assessment roll 54 00 G W Rice, work on assessment roll 54 00 E L Umphroy, work on assessment roll 54 00 W F Hammer, work on assment roll 46 00 SWReeoe,iudigentsoldier fund 25 40 Mrs Peck acct poor 32 40 Stewart & Sox, bridges 80 65 C N Davidson, work oa assess ment roll 20 00 W H Kaltuder, bridges 26 2(1 Mrs Davis acct poor 8 00 J S Smith deputy sheriff 47 00 H F Archibald acct poor U 05 F W Cole, elections 1 60 Chas Davis acct poor 5 70 J W Newman, roads 2 40 W C Jackson, roads and bridges 6 00 H B Harkness, roads aud bridges 81 88 A Hulburt, roadsand bridges 6 50 8 B Tillotson, roads and bridgesl 72 79 G P Stires, elections 2 00 J H Turpi u onuges Mrs SE Becker Mrs Achenbach acct poor J C Harden acct poor H O Watson, acct poor May & Senders, acct poor B F Rump acet poor G W Mostou acct poor C M Davidson, acct insane John Usher, janitor State vs Wm Baker Slate vs F More State vs E Martin Santiam Lumber Co C H Dalrymple, dist atty Westeru Union Co P Cramer, bridges Frank Aikin, roadsand bridges P W Spink, roads and bridges Livingstone & Kintz, roads and bridges J LiviiiBslone.roadsand bridges 8 P Williamson, roads and bridges F Frisby, roads and bridges O V Stoker, roads and bridges P (i Morris, roads and bridges 1 00 0 oo 4 50 7 40 7 00 5 00 3 60 28 00 5 00 17 00 96 70 100 75 62 30 45 83 5 00 75 10 00 3 45 3 71 15 411 1 50 3 00 6 94 26 WdF W H Roberts, roads and bridges M 8 Cameron roads and bridges J A Smith roads aud bridges I,',, i 1,.- r i n 35 00 5 75 31 95 112 75 0 oo 7 60 2 60 1 00 3 00 75 18 65 2 00 1 00 I 00 1 50 8 00 29 64 39 00 6 40 1 () 21 00 8,00 1 00 2 00 13 30 2 75 2 50 17 25 1 50 3 00 5 00 10 40 0 00 II 65 .umci pi itc uuiimei o Mis I J Kirnottlriek. elections T J Stephens, elections, Ella Mendei.hall, elections O V Kump, elections J W Blayney, elections J W Bell, rebate tax S D Barnard & Co, statianery posnay a iviason, stationery B F Titus, elections Jas Elklus, elections Phil Ritter, elections I M Crandall, elections State vs Samuel Chapman K w neeier, supt 's olllce Telephone Co J R Gedder, elections i J Stites, postage M B Sturtevant, deputy sheriff Thomas Briud, C H. Tangent Grange, elections SintevsJohn soni, Jr J A Cumming, acct poor a c wtnuom auctpoor D L Curl, acct roads O W Warren, acct C H John Atkinson, acct poor ur j a ijamoerson, acct poor J M Waters, commissioner D L Curl, commissioner State vs F E Sherwood. Lynx Killed by Two Boys. There were two small boys In Ben ton county whose hair stood on end at the sight they met the other day, says the Coryallis Times. They were hunt- . lug In the vicinity of Sulphur Springs, on Soap creek. Their dogs treed u varmint. When the boys came up, the animal was apparently 10 feet from the ground and was glaring at the dogs. His head and body together were four feet long aud he looked awfully tall to Larence Stovall, of Corvallis, and Delbert Baker of Wells, both aged about 14. The Baker boy carried a rifle and the other a single barreled shotgun. The first took a shot at the varmint and wounded him in the hams. Out of the tree be jumped and the dogs tackled him, but ho slapped them over quicker than a wiuk, and then made for the Stovall boy. "You bet I was scared, when I saw him coming," said the boy "but I knew the time had come when I had to shoot; so I raised my gun and blazed away. He was then in six feet of me, with his mouth wide open and his eyes shining like balls of fire." The tine birdshbt took effect, and the animal halted. He had been blinded in both eyes, and he ran about aim lessly. As he drew near the, Bal; r boy, the lad fired again and the ugly varmiut was dead. It was a tussled eared lynx, and was a huge one us thu skin now hi possession of the boys proves. The Toledo Weekly Blade. Every intelligent family needs in addition to their local paper, a good national weekly. The greatest and most widly known general family newspaper Is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor In eyery part of the Union, and is well known at almost every one of the 70,000 postottlces in the country. It is edited with refer ence to a national ciiculatiou. It is a Republican paper, but men of all poli tics take it, because of its honesty and fairness in the discussion of all publio questions. It is the favorite family paper, with something for every mem ber of the household. Serial stories, poetry, wit and humor; the House hold department (best in II. e world), Young Folks, Sunday School Lessons, Talmage's Sermons, the Farmstead, the Question Bureau (which answers questions fur subscribers), the News of the week In complete form, aud other special features. Speuimen copies gladly. sent on application, uud if yon will send us a list of addresses, we will mail a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you wish to raise a club, write for terms, Address The Blade, Toledo, Ohio. There's more clothing destroyed by poor soup than by actual wear as the free alkali rols them. Hoe Cake is pure, aud only 5 cents. Baker has just received a nice line of ladies and gentlemen's Mackintoshes tosellufter McKiniey is elected ou 50 Nov. 8, i