Lebanon Express. THUB8DAY, DEO. 10, 1808. The Shoe Department has a remnant counter full of bargains. You might find It out Accidentally. ' The object of this to oall your at tention to It as a special feature. Odd and emlti of our shoe stock and shoes tliut are not the latent, and old style shoes, but the price more than balances that. Unity Shoos, J1.00 kind, for .80 Misses' " HUM " " 1.2fi Hovs' " 2.215 " " 1.60 Ladles' " 4.00 " " 2.00 S. 13. Young's, ALBANY, OR. Good produce, good ai cash. Call and see Miller's new Block. Hiraui Baker buys all kinds of bides und funi. Born to the wife of Adolp Aycr, IJeo. 8, a bod. Burn, to Mr. and Mrs. Enos Ciherfy, Deo. 8, a Hon. The Weber Dramatic Co., at opera lionso to-ulght. r -I.... ,.i .,,, j.vn..ll..itt nftniiu low at Baoh A. Buhl's. Bud Thompson returned to his home ut Hubbard yesterday. When you want Xmas candles, fruits or toys, go to Davis'. Mrs. L. Foley and Winnie are visiting relative in Albany. Mr. J, C. Bllycu was attending to holiness In Albany, Tuesday. New BUbsnrlptiouB for the Weekly Oregoniau taken at this office, Mrs. Frank Parrlsh ha been denger iiusly 111, but is now Improving. We still iiave bargains In shoes. Bead, Fkaoock & Co. DlptbeiJa has been raging In Port land, but it now under control. Mrs. Eaton and family are thinking r.f returning to Lebanon to reside. A little money will go a long ways If you trade with Read, Peacock & Co. When in Waterloo rail on the City Drug Htore for line per turnery, drugs, tile. ftuuie one Is going to get an elegant dressing case free, of feiulth, the drug gist. About every day, a wagon load of dressed bugs comes to the butcher fdiop. The finest liiw of dress patterns In Hie ufty Is to lie found at the Racket mure. Then Is to be a masquerade ball in Union hall, in this city, Christmas lilglit. Think of It! When Boyd gives you picture you don't huve to have auy fra' w l) your white' clothing with ' . , '-ni, and they will never turn Snap t yellow. , Mr. jal'w artthuJ".1" Albany, last Dec, 8, wltu' consumption. Dr. Parsons deli Ted an Interest'0? lecture in Hie Melirodlst church, last Mouduy evening. You can buy a nice,, large arm, hand carved rocker of the i"Uuauy Furniture Company for $2. Bo. . ' E. M. Bonier and w ife left last week for Kansas, where they expect to re side In the future. Remember Fronob, the Jeweler, Albany, when you want something uloe for Christmas. ' Oo to Davis1 store when you want toys for Xmas. He Inn the best selection Hi the city. Norman Hmith is becoming an ex pert photo-urtlat and has many beau tiful pictures to show. A large proportion of the potatoes left in the ground after the last cold snap have been damaged. Don't let the cat lick the dislies, but make nice soft snap with Heap Foam. - Dilutions on each package. The Infant son of W. W. Well rjer died last Monday, and was burled in the Masonic cemetery Tuesday. See the elegant crayon at the foot of the stairs, given away Willi each dozen piutures without extra charge. N. W. Smith, the druggist, Informs us he will have the finest lot of holi day goods ever brought to Lebanon. Mrs. R. H. Curl, who has been visit lug Mis. J.'C. Bllveu for several days, left yesterday lor her home lu Albauy. From now until January 1, 1897, Boyd will give you a crayon or It) cabinets all for the price of one down. Dr. J. A. Lamliersoii was called to : Albany to asBisl lu the burial of Mr. Jos, Myers, who is to be bulled today by the Maccabees. W.J. Uliy inieiins u open a cigar 1 ...I.. In II, u t.,,U,H,..r vliii'iiierly occupied by the Gem salooli, lu tbwrfuwr, John Morgan arrived In Lebanon from Eastern (Dilegon. He crossed the the snow on snow shoes, and walxed the rest of the way. . J. C. Mayer and Ed. Kollenbergor expect to leave the that of the week for Southern California, where they expect to go into business ' Blankets, . Blaukets, Biankels, Vv here? do you ask. At Read. Peacock A Co.'s. Are sold for 753, 8Co, $1.00 up to 110.00 per pair. Jim Arnett left this city last Friday night on the train and has not been seen since. It Is supposed he is in Portland visiting his sister. . ' Money to loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm secur ity. Call upon or write to 8. N. Steele i, Co., Albany, Oregon. Mr. H, 1. Booth, the life insurance agent, who has been worki.ig in Leba non for the past three weeks, expects to leave tonight for Brownsville. F. M. French, the Jeweler, Albany, has a very large stock of Rogers Bro.'s silverware for the Ihristinae trade, and cash will buy them very cheap. Messrs. Goo. Rice and Ed. Umphrey returned home Monday from Albany, where they have been for several weeks, working on. the assessment roll., ' Mrs. Lucia H. Addliou, of Portland, will deliver a tempeiance lecture in the M. E. church, lie). I Friday even ing. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. Mr. O. C. McFarlanil, who recently went, to California, has located nt Hauford, where he ha rented a build ing and will open a general merchan dise store. Read, Peacock & Co. will sell for the next 30 days, capes, jackets and coats, at prices unheard of before. Now is the time to save your money. Call and look over the stock. Mr. J. K. Charlton returned to Leb anou Tuesday from Salem, where he has been visiting his sou. His son and three children have been quite sick, but are now Improving. Do you want a first-class watch and chalu for Christmas. French, the jeweler, Albany, has some bargains. Borne gold filled ones as low as $10.00 warranted. drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is a perfect Malarial Liver Tonic and Blood purifier. Removes biliousness without purging. As pleasant es Lemon Syrup. It is as large as any dillar tonic and retailB for 50c, To get the genuine ask or Grove's. Rev. Llndsey, who was to have com menced a meeting here this week, is still at Independence and the Interest is so great that he has decided to re main there over Sunday, but writes that he will be here for next Tuesday night, Bure. Mi's. Dr. J. M. Powell, who IniR been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cbeadleaud old frlent'e In Lebanou, for several weeks, left yesterday for Monmouth, where she will visit a week or two liefore re liming to her home In Bpokans, Was a. Laxative Bromo Uuluine Tablets move the bowelB gently, relieves the oough, cures the feverish condition mid headache, making it the best and quickest remedy for Coughs, Coles and LaOrlppe, Cures In '.ne day, "No cure, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For sale by N. W. Bmlth. W'a received a copy of the Sunday Gazetteer, puli8l,ed Ht I)t'nllteo' Texas. In wbfcU it announces the dt. Mtl of Chas. H. Tinkle, a pioneer . of that Plane. Ho I" the father of F. B. i"Huk1' l,M I "08raPuelr 'h0 -in sevdfrel niP'iths. Mr. was in Lebnu (, the time pf hi" Tinkle was there father's death. At il,u ru.r,,lur nu.ol,,. ' of the De- .,.f W,.,?,,, Irt. I,.'.. "'KM tlie following officers were eteoted ' "l eiiBUiug term: Mrs Annie Eol. lady chief; Mrs Hattie Cruson, lady o, honor; Mrs Bellroie Garland, chief of ceremonies; G W Crus m, usher; Mrs Alice Hyde, recorder; J F Hyde, financier; Mrs Nellie Pbler, reoeiver; Mrs Rltter, Inside w .tchnian; Wm Robins, outside watchman. The farm residence fG. Williams, situated 4 miles west of this city, was consumed by fire about (I o'clock Wednesday morning. The lire org! nated from a defective flue in the kitcbeu and the entire roof was In Humes before the fire was discovered. But little of the contents were saved. Among oilier valuables that were lost was a flue piano and a trunk contain ing several silk dressos and $125 In in cash. There was some Insurance on the house and contents. Little Joe West died last Monday i light, at the home of. his grandfather, ; r. Jos. Elkius, after -a lingering 111 vi ess of about two ye irs. He was 5 years and H months old. His mother, M.rs. Annie west, wno nas ueeu in Montana, reached be e lust Friday unnrii.'.ng and was with her child con stantly until death came. Little Joe was a u unusually brigl t child aud will be greatly missed by his loved ones and associates. Rev. C. G. Harmou r.,,i,rlil etna l ie UlueilM wmu'o u, - residen ce, after which his remains were la id to rest in the Masonic ceine-,..r,- "i'Iih bereaved family have the lynapaftby of t halt of friends, Theatrical Entertainment. The Weber Dramatic Co. will enter tain the people of Lebanon, at the opera house, to-night and to-morrow night and perhaps a night or two more, - It will be remembered that Ibis com. pany was here about a year ago, and their audiences were very well pleased with the entertainments. The play for to-night is entitled, "Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags." "The Little Detective'1 will be played the following night. ' - The very name, "Weber Dramatic Company," is a synonym for excel lence, as their reputation for ability is well known. We advise our readers to take advantage of their appearance here, for it will probably be a long time before as good a company comes to this city. Popular prices. ' A Message. As I beheld a procession of twenty or thirty men en route for the saloon, after voting for and sustaining It, this day lu Lebanon, I write: 'Wherefore hear ye the word of the Lord, ye scornful men that rule this people which is in this city. Because ye have said, 'We have made a covenant with Death, and with Hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under false hood have we hid ourselves.' " A pro vision Is made. "Therefore thuBsayelh the Lord God: 'Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. He that belleveth shall not make haste. Judgement also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the bail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place, and your covenant with Death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with Hell shall not stand, when the overflowing scourge shall pass through then ye shall be trodden down by it; from the time that it goeth forth ti shall take you; for morning by morn ing It shall pass over, by day and by night. For the bed (refuge) is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it, and the covering (safety) nar rower than that he can wrap himself In it. For the Lord shall rse upas in Mount Perazim, He shall be wroth as in the Valley of Gibeon, that He may do His work, His strange work, and bring to pass His act, His strange act. Now therefore be ye not mock ers lest your bands be made strong, for I have heard from the Lord God of Hosts, a consumption even determined upon the whole earth.'' This was the Judgment threatened upon the city of Epbruim, for ber pride and drunken ness. So beware to-day and repent, for the hand of the Lord is not shortened that be may not punish the wicked for their oppression, even Jn this cily of Lebanon. Read Isaiah 28th. Contributor. Social at Sodaville. On next Saturday evening an enter tainment and Weight Social will be given by the Sodaville Concert Band, In their new hall at Sodaville. An interesting program will be rendered. After the program supper will be served at the Chesblr hotel, which will be conducted as a Weight social. Each gentleman will weigh bis partner, and one-half of her weight, minus fifteen, will equal the amount to be paid in cents for the couple's supper. Those not wishing to take part In the Weight social can have supper for 25 cts. each. 'Ibis event is to be the dedication of the new Band hall. Everybody is cordially Invited to at tend aud haye a good, social time for a few hours. Admissiou to entertainment, 10 cts. v, M. Smith has purchased a new piano. 'iho. do clay, flour, starch or other worthT'"'"5 H" and nofreealka.:,louurulue uuuu' TheI.O.O.P.an.4aebfkHh Mgl'" are contemplating b.,,J',uf 8 "ew niauo. Bonrf tl.o fvcscu t imr fi 111 tUa TT.Hut. far th npYt four mo.. lu0' only 25 cents. A. E. Davis has received a fine as- sortment of candies and fruits for the holidays. Call and see them. A grand opportunity. Sixteen oab inetsfor adozen, from now until Jan 1st, at the Lebanou Art Gallery. The bestdressed men in Linn county are those who buy their clothing from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for low prices. The World on canvas, produced by a powerful instrument, was presented at the Baud hall last Tuesday evening. This was the brat show of the kind ever produced in Lebanon. Mrs. A. E. Davis received a letter from her husband this week, ill whieli he said that their crowd is now at Los Angeles, where they will probably locate. He wrote that Rufi'Hiatt bad been quite sick, and Tom Parker has also been sick, but both are able to be up aud around. . City Election. Pursuant to a largely signed call from all parties for a mass meeting of citzenB for the purpose of agreeing upon a ticket to be voted upon at the coming election, about one hundred and forty citizens assembled in Uuion hall Friday night. S. O. Wallace was elected chairman and W. ft Peterson secretary the following tioket was nominated: For mayor L. Foley. For councllmen J. G. Boyle, 8. O. Long, N. R. Beaman, C. O. Peterson, A, Umphrey, John Morris. For recorder G. W. Rice. For treasurer J. F. Hyde. For marshal John Carroll. Upon motion of J. A. Lamberson, the convention agreed to support the ticket as nominated. The meeting wb largely attended and harmony preavlled. The contests were spirited and the vote for mayor was very close. There was no other ticket printed, but the regular ticket, after being generally scratched, was peddled Out aud received the vote given below. Mayor: L Foley 122 C E Pugh '. .' 81 Councilmen : J G Boyle 130 8 O Long 131 N R Beaman 193 . C O Peterson 130 J, A TJmplirer. ; 121 John Morris ......198 J R Smith ,. 75 J Wassom 75 W B Donaca. 73 J Hickman ; 74 Recorder: O W Rice 134 W C Peterson 70 Treasurer: J F Hyde 201 Marshall- John Carroll 27 R Thorn 75 Dr. Foley, the mayor-elect, has served lu that capacity before aud will doubtless give great satisfaction. The councilmen are all worthy men and will give good account of themselves. The recorder, Geo, Rice, has served before and his record is inferior to noue. Treasurer Hyde has held his office for several years and can't be beaten. Marshal Carroll is a new man. He will make a good marshal. The new officers take their places in January. The retiring officials have seved the city in a most worthy man ner. Member of the De Moss Family Dead. The friends of the De Moss family through America and Europe will be grieved to learn of the untimely death of Minnie De Moss-Cochran, at Wheatland, Cal., December 1. She was born in the state of Wellington, December 5, 1869. She was the second daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James De Moss., early Baptist mission aries to this part of the country. The family has alwayB claimed Oregon as their home, begiuuing their career as sacred singers in Oregon, in a log school house, 25 years ago. Minnie was called by the family their sweet singer, having a contralto voice of great compass and power, yet of rare sweetness. She had sung with the family In all their tours throughout the United Slates, Canada aud Europe, for the past quarter of a century, having made her first public appearance at the age of two years. Her death seemed the more peculiar ly sad in that she was a bride of but three months, having been wedded to Martin Cochran on September 10, 1806. They had been engaged four years. While on a recent visit to her moth er's grave, Mrs. Cochran was very badly poisoned with poison oak, aud this no doubt was the primary cause of her death. This event breaks up the quartette and ends, perhaps, the public work of the lie Moss family, Academy Notes. Finnegan's Fortune, a comic drama, by academy students, on Dec. 23, 1896. Several new pupils have been added to the art department during the last two weeks. The normal class took their first filial examination of the year, Tues- (ja' It was iu book-keeping. Miss Purcuased a new, organ for the niu',1! department, of Joseph Muiller, agen ft" Wiley B- Alle" Music Co. Saturday evening, Dec- 19i ' the date of the recital to be ,lveu by the pupils of the musio department. Pro gramme will appear next week. At the regular meeting of the Pla touiau Literary Society last Friday evenlug, the society decided to post pone meetings until after holidays, lu order to give the students more time to prepare the drama. Ruoui.au. Bead Baker's new ad. Subscribe for the ExPRtss. Baker pays, the highest market price for lurs and hides. During our closing out sale no goods will U told Moept for spot oajta, Fa Season Some people can sell such good such little prices. why we do so, why matter little, so the tact re mains. We'll say this, however, this business has ent proportions by doing just one thing,selling good articles at low prices. We are still doing this. If you are not now our customer come and see us and be convinced. Read, Peacock & Co. Lebanon, -' - -" ? Oliver c Superior c Chilled 7 V Stoves I Plows I Ranges I These Plows are A 1. i Superior in every way. Hopkins Bros. -Albany, Holiday Goods Bargains Prices Down Low H.J.JONES, ALBANY, Don't Forget That Hoe Cake soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece in valuable pres ents. Necessity demands that we Insist on nil those indebted to us on subscrip tion, or otherwise, to call and settle ul once. We will take wheat, oats or hay at the highest market piices, Dr. Cbeadie is glad to see tho children and examine their teeth. He extracts temporary teeth for children free. Wanted ! Your tea trade from now Oil. Schilling's Best wants it your money back if you don't like it. IS! 11: wonder how we merchandise for Others wonder The how and the grown to its pres - - - Oregon. Oregon, Books in Toys Novelties OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Oregon Cilv, Or.,! Nov. 24, lsiHJ. 1' Notice is hereby given that the following limned aettler bus (Heel notice oi his iiittMi lion to make final .root' in support of his cluim, and that saiil proof will be niaiie before the county clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, 011 January U, 1807. viz t O. 11. PICKENS; H. E. WJ, for the N. V. M ot Sec. 12, To. 13 8., K. 1K. " He naiues the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: .1. I). Kolf, J, A. Stilt, J. ltienhart ami James lwis, all oi Foster, Oregon. ItOBSBT A. .MULKB, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Otlice at Oregon City, Or. ,1 Nov. 2i, lBUu. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has liled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that suiii proof will uu made be fore the County Clerk of Linn County at Albany, Or., on January 11, IX'JJ, viz: 11 111 AM 1. I'll KENS; H. E. 8177, (or the S. a of 8. IS. i and E, W of s. w. of sec. a, To. 13 a, it. 1 is. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. 1). Kolf, J. A. Stilt, J. Kionuart ami James Lewis, ail of Fuster, Oregon, Koskih A, Miuas, bttiiteti