f Lebanon Express. THUBHDAY, DEC. 8, 1806. The Shoe Department lias a remnant oouuter full (if bargains. You DilKht And it out accidentally. The nhjoct of this In to call your at tention to It an special feature. Odd and end ofourshisa stock and shoes that are mil the latent, and old style shoes, hut I he price more than balances that. Ilahy Shorn, $1.00 kind, for I .50 Misses' " 200 " " 1.26 llovs' " !.' ' . " l.0 Utiles' " 4.00 " " 2.00 N. IS. Young's, ALBANY, OR. Oond produce, good as oash. ( all anil an Miller' new stock. The clly election comes oft next Monday. Where are you going to spend Christmas? M. A. Miller has a full and complete line of eough syrups. Groceries quality excellent prices low at Bach i, Bulil'i. John Hope will shortly open s katlugrluL at this place. TIT... u..lu,....lnltniia fit. Illlt WW.lllv , ilCW Buumu ij'vn.. .... ..- .,-v Oregonlan taken at tills offli. Y '1T- ...tit ,..... I. .In. In l.na Bead. I'bacock & Co. Rev. C. G. Harmon preaohed an excellent sermon last Sunday evening. A little money will go a long wuys if you trade with Head, Peacock & Co. When in Waterloo call on the City Drug Wore for Hue perfumery, drugs, etc. Home one Is going to get an elegant dressing case free, of Hiultli, the drug girt. Wash your white clothing with Hnap Foam, and they will never turn yellow. The finest line of dress patterns In the city is to he found at the Backet store. Think of Itl When Boyd gives you a picture yi.u dou't h ive to have any frame. Bend the Expkkss to your friends in the East for the next four mouths; unly 25 cents. Eev. W. V. McGee, of Albany, )K'it Monday night iu Lebanon Willi jd friends. Born, to the wife of Ljle Parker, Dec. 1, 18IK), a sou. Mother and baby doing well, You oau buy a nice, large ami, haud carved rocker of (tie Albany Furniture Company for (-.03. Kememlier French, tho Jeweler, Albany, when you want something nice for Christmas. Many nines were damaged by the late cold snap aud the plumber has had a rich harvest. Miss Dumond Is selling millinery cheaer than ever liefore. Call aud nee the hats aud prices. Br. Parsons, of Salem, will preach fn theM. E. church, next Sunday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Don't let the catllok the dishes, hut make nice soft soap witli H iap Foam Directions 11 each package. A grand opportunity. Sixteen cab net for a dozen, from now until Jan . . -I Hi- Illinium Art Lxallerv 1st, HI looking for an engagement Are or weddlug rr'T Albany, has . handsome ones. See the elegant "'tofootot the stairs, given fV " dozen plctuii without maWge. N.W.Smith, the dro Wrm" us he will have the finet b'" 0,i- day goods ever brought to ' All our woolen tuiderware 8011- J at priees to suit the times. Kkad, PkaooCK A Ci.'- From now until Januuiy 1, 1897, Boyd will give you a crayon- or 16 cabinets all for the price of oue d,W' You can order The Bulterlck Pat terns of Rend, Peacock & Co. Also Honeton braid and other lace makers supplies. The council recorded a unanimous voteof thanks to Mr. Hughes for his ge'ierous donation of several electric lights to the city. Mr. B. F. .C'wlwell, well end favor ably known In this ontrmunity, is comfortably located at his home In Mnntesann, A .cross-walk Is badly needed at the Baptist church. The council has In atrueted thesfeet committee to look after the mailer. M Mart Klum left Tuesday for Le I, Southern Oregon, where he j gnei ,o work In the mines with his; father and brothers. It win reported In Tutwlay'a Ore-1 gonlun that a hardw .re st rc at I ills' plane had been hurt larizeil. fiueh a Blttt.'Uiititl i fii Imi. Kn tiiifilvvHI'i, store n Jjcuuuon nas titau euterea uy lMt Blankets, Blankets, Blankets, Where? do you usk. At Read. Peacock ft Co.'a. Are sold for 76:, 8Cc, 11.00 up to 1510.00 per pair. Bud ' Thompson, who has . the management of a hop ranch for Capt. Geo. Pope, just this side of Portland, arrived In Lebanon Monday. F. M. French, the Jeweler, Albany, has a very large stock of Rogers Bro.'s llverware for the Christmas trade, and cash will buy them very cheap. Ladies, Miss DuMond calls your at tention to tho new fall millinery. A handsomer line has never been brought to Lebanon, and as usual at the lowest prices. On the 2Sth the I. O. O. F. elected the following officer-: J. G. Boyle, N G; J. W. Bland, V U; A. A. Kees, R Sen; G. W. Ouson, Per Sec; C, 1 Walters, Trea. The Lebanon train has changed lime again. The morning train now arrives at 8:10 and lei.ves at 8:36; aud the evening train arri ves at 4:40 and leaves at 6:115. Read, Peacock ft lo. will sell for the next 30 duys, capes, jackets and coats, at prices unheard of before. Mow is the time to sae your money. Call and look over the stock. Little Joe West is vary low and is not expected to live but a short lime. His mother, who is In Montana, has been Informed and is expected to ar rive in Lebanon in a ft w days. The Plutonian llttrary society of Sant.lam academy, will not hold an In vitation meetlug next Friday. Mo one but constitutional members will he admitted to the previous meetings of this society. A letter received this week from J. E. Adcox, of Bandon, Oregon, says that his wife died at. that place on November 28. He suys lie will take his children to Albany about the 10th, where he will leave theui with rela tives. The reception given last Tuesday evening by the Rebcki U lodge, of this clly, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buhl, was an eujoyabli affair aud every oue reported a good time. (James aud conversation was indulged lu until a a late hour. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets do not affect the bead or produce nervous uess like - the Sulphute of Quinine. Mr. N. W. Smith is uutborizedto re fund money lu every case where it falls to cure Coughs, Colds and LaUrlppe. Price, 26 c;tits. Dr. John Parsons, of Salem, will deliver his popular lecture on the "General Confereuce," iu the M. E. chuich, next Mouday evening at 70 o'clock. Those who have beard the lecture report it as helug a very tine oue. Everybody is cordially In vited lo utteud. It is free. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets move the bowels gently, relieves the uough, cures the feverish condition aud headache, making it the best aud quickest remedy forOughs, Coles aud LaGrlppe. Cures lu one day. "No cure, no pay." Price, 25 cents. For sale by N. W. gmlth. At the regular meeting of Honor Lodge, of the A. O. U. W., laBt Tues day evening, the following officers were elected: A. Uuiphrey, H. W.; Phil Illlter, Foreman; J. F. Hyde, Recorder and Financier; Wm. Robius, Receiver; G. W. Crusou, Guide; G. T. Cottou, Overseer; Z. T. Bryant, Inside Watchman. Mr. H. G. Colton, of Portland, general manager of the Massachusetts Mutual Life lueuruuee Company for Oregou, was iu the City a couple of days this week, asslst.ng HVT, Booth lu getting business for their company We understand they hae written several policies in Lebanon. Mr. J. W. Seuft, ageut for the In euruuoe Company of North America, paid A. Umphrey tji600, full face of policy ou his bouse, which burued on the lth of September. Mr. Seuft eu Joya an enviable reputation in this community for the promptness anu honesty of his companies." Claud Crusou found a large Arctic owl on the Lebauou eunal last week. Ti.'e bird seemed to he paralyzed, but showed uo signs of wounds except au inini-i-d eve. It afterwards died. It will be tivell iito the bauds ofauex TerttaiiderullstWU" siuueu. ins a pe,"toot beuuiy aud WW be handsome ori'iai.1"' A ooo V .'.' Eugeu, by mistake, used , . , , , t ol sage iu the dressing Jiuisou lu'slea1' " , ,, , -..I ,t ..I. -'uk' Inner. Thedoc- for tht tha.'iksirii. u 1 Jong eon tiu tied tors by active au,. the family effort seved the lives t,. Will not aud Invited guests. Jiuisou lie recognized hereufU r lu the a superior flavoring even turkey dressing. Mr. Charles Russell, of Eugene, and Miss Emma Hering. living on the Siuslaw, rau away rom the young ladies' home and vere lu.urried in I Florence, and Blurted mi the stage for j Eugene. The girl's f..lher intercepted 'the stage with a Win. heater rifle, but the driver talked him outof the notion of stopping the youig couple, aud they a cre allowed to go ou tiieir way ri.tnlnilii Thut riii,rut liuu viluaurl hid catling, tie siiouiu take up thve busiuess ofurgiutf tUM WMjtdje The Stockman Case. The supreme court Monday handed down Its decision In the case of the state against John R. Stookman, who was convicted upou trial In Marlon county, of violating section 4, of the aotoflS85, commonly known as the warehouse act, by shipping wheat stored In a warehouse, of which ho was manager, without the Written con sent of the holder of the receipt there for. The evidence showed that at the time of the commission of the alleged crime, the defendant was manager of the Red Crown Roller Mills, of Albany, a corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing flour and other products for sale. A part of the mill building was used for the storage of wheat belonging to the company, and such as it might receive from the neighboring farmers. The wheat so stored was all mixed In oue mass, from which the company drew from day to day for Its own use. Iu September, 18D4, E. D. Barrett delivered to the company 2198.25 bushels of. wheat, taking a receipt therefor. The wheat was mixed with other wheat, manu factured Into flour and sold by the company for its own use and benefit. The company failed, aud, iu March, 1896, Barrett demanded the market value of the wheat, which, being re fused, he teudered the storage and de manded the return of the wh .at, In order to sustain acriminal charge, the supreme court says It was incum bent upou the state to prove that the grain was placed in a warehouse and, in addition thereto, to prove that it was placed there on storage. From the evidence, the higher court finds the mill company did not receive grain for storage or safekeeping, but, as was known by Barrett, received the Wheat, manufactured it into flour and sold the flour. Its obligations to de positors were satisfied by paying the market price or returning wheat of like quality or quantity. There was au implied contract, says the court, that the wheat deposited by Barrett should be so disposed of, and that the state law In question Is plainly Intend ed to apply to warehousemen only, and its piincipal object is to make warehouse receipts negotiable, secur ing the depositor by making the bailee liable to criminal prosecution. It Is therefore held that the case should have been submitted to the jury with a direction that they could not couylct uulees satisfied from the evidence that the place where the grain was deposited was in fact a warehouse for the storage of grain, and that the grain in question was receiv ed ou storage aud not on agreement, express or implied, that the mill company might use it in the course of Its business. For the reasou these questions were not so submitted, the case is reversed and a new trial ordered. A. O. U. W. Entertainment. The entertainment given by the A. O. IT. W. aud Degree of Honor iu this city last night, was a success m every respect. The A. O. U. W. "Shake 'Em Up" quartette, of Albany, consisting ofD.V. Poling, M.S. Aokers, S. N. Steel and A. M. Luudell, rendered some choice music. This certainly Is the finest quartette that has ever visited Lebanon. The orchestra, consisting of W. W. Crawford, Geo. McKuiglit and wife and Frank McKnight, entertained the people with some spleudid music. It is seldom the people of Lebanon have the pleasure of listening to such music, either vocal or instrumental. (Jraud Instructor, D. C. Herren, made au able address, which we be lieve added many uew members to the A. O. U. W. lodge at this place At the conclusion of the entertain- meut at the Band hall, the members of the two lodges went to their hall, where a banquet wasser .'edin honor of the grand instructor aud visiting brethren, A good time was bad and the best of feeling prevailed. Municipal Ticket,) The following city ticket has been put before the citizens to be voted on next Mouday: CITIZENS' TICKET. For Mayor L. Foley. For Couucilmen J, G. Boyle, B. Burtenshaw, 8. O. Long, N. E. Bea mau, C. O. Petersou, W. B. Donaca. For Recorder G W. Rice. For Treasurer-J. F. Hyde. For Marshal John Carroll. Do you want a ti rat-class watch and chain for Christmas. French, the jeweler, Aibany, baa some bargains. Some gold filled ones as low as $10.00 warranted. L, L. Burtenshaw, Esq., a promi- ut attorney at Myrtle Point, Cooa 'y, Oregon, aud a sou of B. Bur- " js visiting Ins parents here. lensuavi, . yy the supreme court """ , Bnrteusbaw is ao at Salem. V- , comuauled by hi wife. liev. A. MarceUus, at """ pastor or me j-reiu "" "ni(. Ibis place, died at hfs home iu O. . land last week, from a stroke oi paral-sia. He leaven a devoted wire and two sons to mourn his departure. He has a host of friends - in this city who extend their Bvuntby to tue Usnavtd family. From Tennessee. Mrs, Farrier had tiie misfortune to lose a flue horse recently. An entertainment will be given at the school house some time in the latter part of December. At the shooting match last Wednes day, Fronk Bro'a won two turkeys, Davis Bro'a two, and Thomas Mo- Knight one. Mlsa Tessie Weddle, of Sweet Home, has been visiting friends In Tenii., and Dame Rumor has it that the Sweet Homo lassies are more attractive to some of the Teuu. lads than the "Belles of Tennessee." A literary society was organized in this Dlst. on last Saturday evening. George Davis was elected president, William Fronk vice president, Thomas McKnight secretary, J. D. Fronk marshal, audChas. McKnight critic. This society will meet every Saturday night. The questiou for discussion next Saturday night Is, "Resolved, that Intoxicating Liquor is a Greater Curse lhau War." The publio are cordially invited to atteud these meet lug". I see in the last week's issue of the Express that Caesar takes his peu and with oue fell swoop completely annihilates me, (lu his mind), Come again Cae ar, for as my name Indi cates, I am with you. Now, Mr. Caesar, you say In your communica tion last week, "tonight, as usual, ruin fastens its mighty arms around this little neighborhood of scrambling soles." What do you mean by spelling souls, "s-o-l-e-s?" Do you want to give out the impression that the people of this 'community have no I souls except such as are put on from! time to time by the shoemaker? Some of the people here have feelings if they have no souls; aud if, as you say, you do not want to mar thelrfeelings you should be careful. Theu you say, "we bad one of the grandest little times," aud all of us supposed we had a big time. You also say, "the choir sang Sweet Oregon and were called back." They ought to have been called punk. Then there is an error in your basket statistics. Instead of the receipts .be ing $8.76, tbey were $8.25. Now, Mr. Caesar, you say in one breath that one would think from my looks that I would be a fit subject for a museum, and In the next that I Lave taken a cowardly advantage because I know you and you do not know me. Very contradictory, is it not, CaeBar? Now, Mr. Caesar, as to your little kick on my "blowing my lotten republican slang up against the untarnished principles of true Bryan democracy" as represented by yourself au3 your distinguished accomplice from New York, D. B. Hill; I have nothing to Bay only this is the off year for such democrats. You say you are not a poet. 1 with many others am glad of this, for if your poetry should prove as rotten as your prose it would be bad Indeed. Once more Caesar, I would warn you that many years hence the manager ot some museum into whose handB the fossil remains of yourself or D. B. Hill have fallen, will point you out to bis gapiug audience and tell them that these were in times long ago Democrats of the long and short species, who, like the buffalos, roamed the plains in great herds, but are now extinct. This is a sad picture to con. template and I hope you may. be warned ill time, And theu if I must scour my brain pan for quotations, I will not have to carry my brain around iu acocoauut as you do now. Stayer, Last Tuesday night as Mr. D. Andrews was going borne frem his store, bis attention was attracted by a noise iu the alley. Looking arouud, he was surprised to see a mau stand ing near him with a big club lu his hands. Mr. Andrews turned his lantern ou the man and demanded what he wanted, at which time the man dropped the club and ran. Mr, Andrews thiuks it wrs au attempt to hold him up, but the lantern flustrated the man. This was the first time that Mr. Andrews bad carried a light with him. Twice before wire had been been stretched across the walk at this point, as it is very dark there. Other attempts have been made lately to hold people up. Our citizens should be on their guard. Buhscribe for the Express. During our closing out sale no goods will be sold except for spot cash. The best dressed men in Linn county are those who buy their clothing from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for low prices. Dr. Cheadle is glad to see the children and examine their teeth. He extracts temporary teeth for children free. Tarn O'Hhanters for Misses and children in all the newest cloths and styles, aud from 25ots to $1 50, at Miss Dumond's. Pugh & Muncy have Just opened up the nicest line of ladies and gents Maukin toshes ever brought to Lebanon and the prices will suit you. nipa" Tabulea ewe liver troubles. Rloans Tabulea cure indigestion. Kipans i'aDHles: pleasant laxative. g yBllhjtOTtMllf ,'lr"T Fa Season Some people wonder how we can sell such good merchandise for such little prices. Others wonder - why we do so. The how and the why matter little, so the tact re mains. We'll say this, however, this business has grown to its pres ent proportions by doing just one thing, selling good articles at low prices. We are still doing this If you are not now our customer come and see us and be convinced. Read, Peacock & Co. Lebanon, - -, - ' - Oregon. Oliver Chilled Plows. These Plows are A Hopkins Bros. Albany, Oregon, Holiday Goods Bargains Prices Down Low H. J. JONES, ALBANY, Don't Forget That Hoe Cake soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece in vuluable pres ents. Necessity demands that we insist on all those Indebted to us on subscrip tion, or otherwise, to call and settle at once. We will take wheat, oats or hay at the highest market pi ices. You know coffee is used fresh -roasted. Tea ought to be for the same reason the taste. Ours are the only tea firing works in the United States; Schilling's Best is always fresh-fired when it leaves our hands, filling fcConujaw V 1 96 ) Superior ( Stoves Ranges. Books. in ToyS Novelties OREGON. Miss DuMond Invites the Ladies to call at her Millinery Store and inspect her NEW FALL STOCK, The nicest goods ever brought to Lebanon. gtfTHiU'd Times Prices. LEBANON, OHKCtON. Money to loan. A limited amount of money to loan ou good farm secur ity. Cull upon or write to 8, N, tHauia A Co., AHauiy, Onajoii, 1. v S SnneiTior in everv wav.S