The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 12, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
NO. 37.
me. V tar $' "
,lf imlil ill advance. II Jo frnr year.)
t month,. I
T'H'H' iiiniuliK
Single l!ttilt". ; - . .
STATU i FF1'-K !S.
dun. V. Mcltridc,
John 11. Mitchell.;
...''( iator
Mincer Hermann Cohg-csmao
William P. Uird (Inventor
11. R. Kincaid Secretary of State
Phil Melsrhaii Treasurer
G. M. Irwii Sunt. I'ul.lio Instruction
11. W Leeds Stall Printer
Y. A. Moore.
..Supreme Judges.
C, E. iwlverton.l
''Itl'XTY oFKUT.nS.
1 tirbC
0. D. Hanoi;
11. P. Hanlman
r. 11, Montague
M. C. Gaines
SclloOl SllKTl!Mt!llllcilt, Itich.naod Wheeler
Treasurer P. Morris
Assessor B- A. Stafford
Surveyor B. T. T. Pislior
Coroner C.F.Wright
A , . . (J. M. Hater
D. I,. Curl
ayu ..c e. rrH
:!..SVI!i:i; J. P. 11YHK
vt,Yi.-.,, M .ti. W. T.YLt)ll
i N. S. i.u.:i.i:isi,
i S. (i. WALLACE,
...-Mii.MKsiJ; !S:y,
.1. I!. SMI' H,
V.V H. 111. MAN.
I'ii.v Council i.iecis mi the irst and third
rr.e .ia evenings of fiic li in itlt.
Secret Sooletl is.
LISS TENT. So. 7, K. 0 T. M -Meet In 0. A.
R. Ball cm Thursday evciitiift " wk Wr Kuurtin cur lally invited to
Tlult I he tern nieottnl.
T. C. 1 sssutfi. Com.
OBo.W. H1CE.E. K.
H'lKOU WViit. No, m, A. 0. U. W-MceU.
every Tuesday cvcliinu a' (. A. R. Hall
H, Y. Kjiiktatiuck M. W.
J. f. llvlir.. Rec.
Ll-aUKO LOHOK, NO. IT. 1. 0. 0. t .-Meet.
t y Saturday evening at Odd FelUmt Hall, at
o'clock .. A. e, DAVIS. S. G.
w. c. PETERSON, aeet'y.
PKARI.UEltErt A UHKiE, NO, 47. 1. (. 0. P.
Heel" at I. 0. 0. F Hall lint and tliirtl Wednes
day evettliiRt1 or each month.
SAkAtl 8A1.TMAR8II, S. 0.
BATHE A.CRl'SOS, Bect'y.
Saturday eveninir, on or below tH, full moon In
eich mouth, at UumiuIc Ball, Cor. Main and
Oraut tu. Joiiruliii liretliero cnniially Invited
o attend.,
J, Wiaaux, W. M,
E. E. Uamxack, foe
JOHN F. MILLE1! W. P. C. No. 16.
meets M and 3rd Fridays ot each month at
2:30)1. m. AMr. U. linn,
Dou.ll E. Hai.bu, Pres.
(IF.N'1. MEIOtlB CAMP, No. 1 Division of Ore
nou. Boiid tif Veteraan-Meet InCi. A. II. Hall,
every Saturday evralna. cueft Hie third
aturdy of ew mouth, mwitliw the third Fri
lay InMead. All Urothon. of iheHout of Vel
'BiiK .ud eomradeof theti.A. R are rordlally
invited ui meol Kith the t:mp.
A. Hosua, Pavt.
A. o. Mi na. Flint K.jrt.
BINA M. W'RT HIVE. NO. 1 t. 0. T. M.
MoelDou tlle2d. 4th and Sth Friday cveiiinlt of
each moiuh at 7:30 r. . at 0. A. R. Hal. Iran
llent Lady Hwalnti are eonllally Invited 10
HfUMH S. Mtl.1., Lady Com.
Dolue Baltmabbii. Udy R. K.
Attorney at Law.
Will practice In all Ibe
Court of the Htalf. . .
Sam'l M. Gauland.
Weatbertord & Wyatt,
Xl&JkXl, OfiEQOS.
The ChamDion Mills,
General Exchance
and Mill Business.
Kliur unci All Jilnilw of
Mill lcd For Sale
ut the
Lowest Prices.
We are prepared at all
to pay Albany prices for
wheat to those who store with
us. Call and get faek? and
learn further particulars.
Very Truly,
G. W. Aldkich.
Besl Shaves, Hair Cuto. Shurupoo.
Kirk& Ewlng's
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly treated.
Li'Iies Hair Dresninf; a Specialty
East and South
Southern Pacifl j Co,
F.icjrehH truiim leave Portia id dally:
H:f f. iif l.v7.Portlarid"r..Ar.' :10 A.
12:10 a. ti. hv...Alliaiiy.. . Ar. 1:60 .
Id :4S a. M. I Ar.fnii PramUci Lv I 7 (JO p. t
The above trai 'i atop at East Port
land, Oregon City, VVchhII urn, Halem,
Turner, Marion, J ft'eiD ,n, Albany,
Albany Junction, Tatipsut, rtbed'ci,
Hulaey, Hamnburc JuivliuD City,
Irving, Eugene, C'renwell, Draina and
all Kinti.iiiB from Jiebi,rtj .uth to
mid including Aahlaud.
KoHftiurtr muil daily:
:an Z m. 'bv...Portlaiid77Ar.T":40 if. it.
r. u. I.v...Albanv Ar. :1S p. .
6:5(1 v. n. ' Ar...Hoeh'urj!., by. j S:00a,ii.
Local nanaenger trains daily (eicept
": A. iTLvrAluaViy"!ArTin :ji i 7i.
:I0 a. M. Ar...U'liaiioii....I,v. I 0:40 . v.
4:311 v. a. I bv... Albany Ar. U:46 r. M.
S:20 P. u. Ar...U'lianon ...I,v. 6:60 P. .
Dining Carson Ogd'.n Route.
Pullman Buffst Sleepi rs
Socond-Cliiss Sleeping Cars At
tached to all Through Trains.
Wont Hide I1v1h1oii.
Muil train daily (except S'ltuiay):
7:30 A. M. ri,v..,Porlland .f. I H:IK)a."m,
12:16 r1x. I Ar...'Jorvalli. J .v. 1:36jh,
At Albanv and Corvalhs eonnect with
traina of 0. (.'. & h. railroad.
Iixprenii train daily except Htmday):
"i :4(l r. K. j "Lv.rPort land A r. J ' lis aT"
7:8S p. M. I Ar.McMinnvUle bv J:60 A. H
THROUGH TICKETS T,oal,1'oint8"nhe
aitn and Europe can be oblaMietl tit lowesl
rur from F. V. Hickuk, ap nt, a-a anon,
R. K0K1IIJ i:, M:gta;cr.
E. P. ROGKKH, Asst. G. V. & Pt.-m. AkI.
Wantedl-Rn Idea 3
Wrltit JOHN WilDUHHiltUN ( J, Pa mt AlW.r
iwyti. Wmiiiiiguiu, P. C,, Ut tliet J.Mw ii.-Ise ulltu
tufUM Ma huwtHd uiraUo -i wtutwu
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West.
Tin? Junction City creamery l now
tinning mil bitter.
Tom Rwd refiiRfd to atop at ra!cm.
Didn't have time.
Keeler H. Grtbbert baa started the
A valanchi Journal at Canyonville,
The lax levy for thia year will be
between 12 and 13 milli in Clataop
Oram county paid f 1699 89 during
the last alt montha to keep those who
were unfortunate and could not keep
A McMlnnvllle young man made a
wager with hie grandmother of two
new dresses against a new bat that the
republicans would win the election.
The outcome makes grandma very
It is said that the Oregon state fair
was unable to pay premiums in full
thie year except in one or two depart
ment. The fair was favored with
good weather, but the attendance was
very small.
The U. of 0. font ball team baa re
ceived a challenge from the Iowa Unl
veraity foot ball team, which is mak
ing a tour of the west and will prob-
ly be accepted. The Iowana will alao
play Multomah and the O. A. C.
A man, who waa walking in hit
sleep, fell from a third story window
of the Central hotel, in Astoria, last
week. He struck on an awning Bfteen
feet below, but besides disturbing his
tileep, the fill bad no effect upon bim.
Portland Dispatch: The election
last Tuetday waa strictly fair and
houest In this city. Mayor Pennoyer
deserves the th-nks of all good people
for making Portland reapectable on
election day, and wiping out the stains
of fraud and disorder left by his prede
cessors. T. J. Newman, who waa traveling
through Eastern Oregon in the early
part of 1695, organizing camps of the
Pacific Jurisdiction of the Royal En
deavor, baa sued the East Oregotilan,
A. D. Htillman, O. R. Lash and J. P.
Walker, for $70u0 damages, for an al
leged slander.
A number of quail and Deuny
pheasants have been turned louee on
Hie John Day river and Canyon creek,
in Grant county. A the law strictly
forbids their destruction in the coun
ties ot Eastern Oregon, it is presumed
these birds will be given a chance to
multiply and stock the valley.
The second trial of Theodore Cush-
Ing for the killing of Thomas King
will be oommeuccd in the criminal de
partment of the superior court, in
Spotane, thia week. By order of
Judge Buck, a jury of 24 was drawn
from the 600 freeholders, whose names
were placed iu the box by the county
I. D. Applegate'i old home place at
Hwun lake, Klamath county, waa de
stroyed by fire oue night last week.
The parties staying there were aroused
by the, eipli sion of cartridges In an
adjoining' room. The flames were
under such headway that all efforts to
extinguish them were lutile. But lit
tle of the contents were saved.
The city council chamber, in Oer
vais, came near being destroyed by
Are on Tuesday evening of last week,
while the election board was in session,
counting the vote of (iervale precinct.
The stovepipe becaiuedlsjolnted in the
second story and set the celling un
Are. It did no damage but gave a bad
scare. The counting continued.
A little babe in the home of Ed. B'
Horning, in Corvallis, begins its trip
through the world with but one hand.
The child, a wee girl, but a week old.
It is the left hand that le gone, and the
arm from the elbow down is missing.
The case is a freak of birth, and the
solace of Ibe circumstance is that
never having bad the hand is better
than to lose It, says the philosopher of
the Times.
Outside sheep have all left the
Greenhorn mountains, and most of
them are Bufely In their winter range,
says the Long Creek Eagle. Many
bauds respected the right of residents
of this county and kept a reasonable
distance away, while some followed an
established precedeut of herding up to
the rancher's fences, and if the rancher
happened to be absent, would allow
their band to go inside and destroy bis
(Jeor e Parks was arrested iu Eu
gene last Thursday for trying to pick
the pocket of Dock Reeves. Reeves
and another were discussing a horse
trade. Parks was pres' nt, utid was
alaudiug uear Reeves, The other man
stepped away to untie one of the
horses, and, while doing so, Parks
slipped his hand Into Reeves' pocket.
The latter detected Parks' movement
and seized him with both bunds. In
the serin, mugo that ensued, Reeves'
money was acnltered around on the
ground, but none of it was gotten by
Parks, who made his escape, but was
efrerwnrd caught.
A resident of Coos river, who is In
terested In the fishing industry, in
forms the Coos Bay Mail that great
numbers of salmon are wantonly
killed every fall in Daniels srock, and,
in fact, in nearly all the creeks which
empty into the main river. The sal
mon go up these creeks to spawn,
where they prove an, easy prey to
boys, who kill them with clubs or
throw them on banks with pitchforks,
Just out of pure "cuesedness," as the
fish are unfit for food. Everybody on
the bay is more or less interested in
the Ashing Industry, which annually
puts a large sum of money in circula
tion, and steps should be taken to see
that the law is enforced, and that the
salmon are protected during the close
Extra Session of Congress.
Washington, Nov. 6. An extra
session following immediately the in
auguration of Mr. McKinley is, in the
prevailing opinion, certain, No one
professes to have word from Mr. Mc
Kinley direct on the subject, but there
is good authority for saying that an
extra session is on the republican
Senator Quay believes an extra ses
sion 1b certain. That is what he haj
In mind last Saturday wh n he said:
"We shall have a new tariff bill with
in eight mouths after McKiuley's in
auguration." Senator Quay has the habit of
speaking by the card, and to get a
new tariff bill passed by that time
would require the calling of congress
together as soon after March 4, next,
as possible.
Eastern Oysters.
Tbe consignment of 25 barrels of
Eastern oyesters, designed for Yaquina
bay, arrived ill Albany last Friday, in
charge of Mr. C. H. Townsend, of the
United State; Fish Commission. Fish
and Game Protector, H. D. Meliuire,
Piof. F. L. Washburn, of the univer
sity at Eugene, came In on the Rose
burg local Mr. MeGuire from Port
land and Prof. ' Washburn from
Eugene, and all went to Yaquina bay
on the 0. C. A E. train, where the
oysters w ill te planted. Tbe plant is
hi go jd shape, and it the people of the
hay guard them carefully, the result
will, without doubt, lead to one of
the most important industries on the
Mr. Towuseud has already on this
trip, planted 25 barrels ot oysters at
Hutu bolt bay, as well as a quantity of
lobsters at Monterey, and terrapin at
the mouth of the Sacramento, as well
as borne other kinds of fish at diflerent
points. The oyster planting Is, how
ever, the most important act in the
tish planting line that has ever been
done on the coast; as the results will
show if the bivalves live and thrive,
and it depends considerably upon how
the people of the bay guard the infant
plant in its efforts to gain a Blurt.
A Clubbing Oder.
A great many of our readers in Lini:
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we cau furnish it at a reduc
tion from the regular price to
who want both the Expkess and th.
Oregonian. The regular price of trie
Oregon ian is 1,50 per year, and of tbe
Express f 1.50 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to the
subscriber. The Oregonluu gives al1
the general news of the country oncep
week, and the Express gives ulltn
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for the moderate sum of $2. per yen'
Those who are at present subscribers
f the Express must pay iu all arrear
ages and one year in advance to obtuin
his special price.
In order to put the Express Iu the
homes of many who are not now tak
ing It, we have decided to oiler it from
now until March 1,; 18!)7, for only 25
cents. If you lire not taking the Ex
press already, take advantage of this
oiler and subcribe at once, and if you
are already a 6ubcriber, seud It to
some Etstern friend for four months.
Ripa-is Tahules eri liver troubles.
Hi pans Tabules assist digestion,
liipana Tabules: one gives relief.
Kipans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Thanksgiving Day.
Washington, Nov. 4. The presi
dent has Issued the following Thanks
giving proclamation:
"By the President of the United
"The people of the United States
should never be unmindful of the
gratitude they owe to the God of na
tions for his watchful care, which has
shielded them from disaster and
pointed nut to them the way of peace
and happiuess. Nor should they ever
refuse to acknowledge with contrite
hearts their proncnoss to turn away
from God.s teachings and follow with
sinful pride after their own device.
"To the end that these thoughts
may be quickened, it is fitting that,
on a day especially appointed, we
should Join together in approaching
tbe throne of grace with praise and
"Therefore, I, Graver Cleveland,
president of the United States, do here
by designate and set apart Thursday,
the 28th day of the present month of
November, to be kept and observed as
a day of thanksgiving and prayer
throughout our land. On that day
ltt all oui people forego their usual
work aud occupations and assemble in
their accustomed place of worship; let
themVith one accord render thanks
to the Ruler of the Universe for our
preservation as a nation, and our de
liverance from every threatened
danger; for the peace that has dwelt
within our boundaries; for our defense
against disease and pestilence during
tbe years that has followed the labors
of our husbandmen; aud for all the
other blessingB that have beeu vouch
safed to us.
"And let us, through the mediation
of Him who has taught us how to
pray, implore the forgiveness of our
sins and a continuation of heavenly
"Let us not forget on this day of
thanksgiving the needy, and by deeds
of charity let our offerings of praise be
more acceptable in the sight of the
"Witness my hand and the seal of
the United States which I have caused
to be heretofore afflxed.
"Done at the City of Washington,
this 4th cay of November, In the year
of our Lord, 181)0, and the inde
pendence of the Uuited States of
America, the 121st.
(Seal) "Grover Cleveland,
"By the President.
"Richard Olney,
"Secretary of State."
Read, Peacock & Co, has sleevelis
under vests for ladies from 5c to 50c j
There's no clay, flour, starch or
other worthless filling In Hoe Cake
aud no free alkali to burn the hands,
One-half wool dress goods reduced to
10 cts., and bleached, all linen table
cloth for 35 cts. a yard, at the Racket
Baker has just received a nice lino of
ladies aud gentlemen's Mackintoshes
to sell after McKinley is elected on
Nov. 3.
You can get Prices Baking Powder
for ilOc. per pound, every can guaran
teed. Arm & Hammer soda 4 cents a
pound at Peehlers.
Ladies and gents, remember Pugh
& Muucy's Is the place to buy your
boots and shoes.
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap tluiii by actual wear as the
free alkali rots llieni. Hoe Cake is
pure, and only 5 cents.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring size in feet and inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your cur
pets sewed by bund by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
Baker carries the best corset Feath
erbone, $1.25; a good corset, 05 cts.; a
cheaper corset, 50 cts. Featherbone
corsets are warranted, and if not satis
fuotory the money will be returned,
Ripain Tabules.
Ripaus Tabules: at druggists.
Ripans Tabt'l-s cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
Kloai'3 Tubules cure constipation.
Ripaus Tabules: for sour stomaeh.
Ripans Tabules cure torpis liver.
((ieo.Br.tlon, county Judge; J. M. Wnten, D.
L. Curl, conimlfwioacrfl.)
Bill of W L Coon (4 60 acctpoor, dis
Bill of B C Windom, elections 3, con
Petition for aid Wm Schooling, con
tinued. Continued bill fees Oregon agt Geo
JorgciiBon, S8 80.
Petition otW H Davis etal for road,
Bill of R N Morris, $5 10, disallowed.
A S Hart resigned as justice of district 1,
and A Sti ainey was appointed.
Geo F BuWihart was appointed commis
sioner to exterpate Canadian thistles.
A H Yost resigned as justice of district
Judges and clerks were ordered allowed
2 days each and mileage for return of bal
lot boxes.
Tbe county treasurer waa ordered not to
pay any interest on account of slate tax for
1895, the court assuming all liability for
such non-payment.
Bills of W F Deakins. $445, continued
from October term, for $204, total, $648, were
continued until the December term.
In the matter ot tbe delinquent tax roll
for 1894, it was ordered that the sheriff pro
ceed to levy and sell all delinqnent taxes
for the year 1894 on or after December 10,
Bills allowed.
County officers Judge Barton S1C0, Clerk
Montague $166 05, Sberift Gaines, $166 65,
Recorder Hardman 1159, Treasurer Morris
$83 36, supt Wheeler $50, Deputy Clerk
Montague $50, Deputy 8berif Lewelling
Acct poor Aid Cox family $6, Kenworth
family $8. Albert! $9, 0 T Lubker $8, Alma
Vail $8, Sarah Hines $3, Robert Gillock $0,
John Dobins $6, Orin Watson $5, Powers
family $10, Mr and Mrs Barnard $5, Mrs G
F Junkey$6, Henry Myers $4, Pbebe Hen
drickson $5, Mrs Adams $8, Jas Larew $4,
T A Lewis $6, Mrs Adelia French $5.
Oregon agt Ella Thompson $ 5 70
Casper Kropp, acct poor. 2 00
N Peck, acct poor 9 00
G Miller, elections 2 CO
J C Saltmarah, lumber 44 21
Dr Hope, elections 6 CO .
G Lindley, elections 1 00
0 WWai ran, acct C H 60
J S Smith, deputy sheriff. 54 00
Heney Brogden, elections 2 00
John Usher, janitor 15 CO
C H Dalrymple, diat atty 5 00
Fosliay A Mason, statouary 19 08
I) L Davenport roads and bridges... 7 26
B B Butler, roads and bridges 6 60
Mrs S E Becker, acct poor 2 00
G 1) Barnard & Co, stationary 54 26
Tbos Brink, aectC H 1 50
U K Moore & Co, printing 2 12
Fees Oregon agt Mrs Wm Sloores 43 (15
Fees Oregon agt S Thomas et al 10 00
M A Miller, aect poor 14 90
O C MeFarland, acct poor 12 16
O C & 15 It 11, roads and bridges -10 CD
John Leedy, roads and bridges 38 00
D E Cbeudle, acct poor 2 00
Ashby Pearce, acct poor 6 C3
E E Davis, acct C H 3 00
Or Tel Co 4 85
Portland hospital, acct poor 26 00
B A Stafford, acct roads 14 20
S P Williams, roads 8 50
Mary E Davis, aect poor, 8 CO
J J Brown, deputy sheriff.. 10 00
Fosliay & Mason, acct poor 10 00
P J Smiley, printing 34 ft
.1 Hone, elections... G CJ
P W Spiiik-s, lumber 40 00
Alex Suniptor, acct bridge! 12 00
S V ltecee, indigent soldiers fund 10 00
Mrs,! Thayer 5 60
M J Cameron, bridges 141 73
(leo Willis, bridges 51 78
P Cohen, aect poor 12 00
Matlie F Taylor, acct poor 8 40
Miss Brenner, miscellaneous 1 00
M 0 (iainos, board of prisoners.. 35 00
J M Waters, roads 8 00
15 M Uurkhart, roads 10 36
F Dawson, stationary 13 C3
It C Hunter, aect poor......... 15 00
P G Morris, miscellaneous 4 25
Geo Alexander, printing Id 00
D L Curl, ruuds (I 00
15 T T Fisiier, survsyor 16 00
11 C Lehman, rebate tax , ..... 10 90
Struiney & Mitchell, miscellaneous.. 8 00
L Gollieb. acct poor 1 60
J IS Clark, roads 7 60
Silver Imprint, printing 101 75
F P Nulling, printing 8 00
J lUieddes, acct elections 1 80
J B Tillotsou, aect elections 1 00
Dun Harden, aect elwtions 100
-H F Itamp, acct poor 10 U?
Alljany Electric Light Co 511 00
Fees inquest Horace Laue 32 00
Court adjourned, p