The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 22, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
1 ' 00
,If paid In advance, $1 So per year.)
Six monthh , , , i no
Throe months ,. , n
9"UHet'"llt ... , OA
Gen. W. MoHridei
John H. Mitchell.!
Binpnr Hermann t'mijrrmsman
William P. Lord flivernnr
H. li. Klocaid Secretary of Slate
Phil Metsnhan, Treasurer
Inrtr. Supt. Public Instruction
H. w State Printer
R. Pi Dean. i
In' k' iv""!' I Supreme Judges.
In,,cl' 0. D. Barton
bonier I), p. Hardman
0lerk C. B, Montague
M. I'. CUilKIS
School J :,.erinieii.lcnt, lilchmo .d Wheeler
liw-'wr P.O. Morris
A.'n 1). X U,.,,,.,!
8"n'-."r,... K. T. T. Fisher
CiM'.cr. it
ilsin em,
) J. M. Waters
D. L. Curl
.0. E. PtroH
MARSHAL.... i). w. TYi-OK
r. s nb i.kis i,
l. . " i,i,m:b.
councilmen j.hV'kv
'.I K. s'mi'i It'
City Council meets n the irst at
i third
i urnday evenings of each mo'ith.
8aoret (oolatlet.
LINN TENT, No. 7. K. 0 T. M.-Mcet. in a. A.
R. Hull ull TtiurMittV evenlnir nf each
Trannmnt Hir Knnrhta are cordially Invited to
vim me ran meetinf .
T. C. PEioi.Elt.Com,
Qn. W. Kick, B. K.
HONOR LODCIE, No. ID. A. 0. 0. W Mecti
every ruuHday evening at 0. A. A. Hall.
, " H. Y. Kiiixpatrice. M. W.
I.KBANON WVr.e. NO. 47. I, O. 0. F.-Mert
very SalurclBy evening at Odd Fellowi- Hall, al
u num. p. m.
u , A. . DAVIS, N. U.
, v. ucuun, WH!l J.
r EAKI, RKBE'ICA LOhGE. No fl.tnnr.
Moohatl.O.O. FHall llr.t and third Wedae
aayevealngvofeoch month.
LEBANON I.OP0E No, 44 A. P. & A. M.-Mecti
Saturday evening, on or before the full inoou In
each mouth, at Mitnonlc Hull, Cor. Main and
Oram Ma. Sojourning brethorn rarolntly Invited
v atiuuu.
J. WankiM, W. M,
r. MILLER W. R. C. No. J6,
meets 1st and Srd Fridays of each month at
i:ip. m. Ankie B, Kebo,
Doiiie E. Baltbakbh, preB,
OENX HEKKW CAMP, No. 1, Dlylslon of Ore
ton, Bom of Veteraans-Moot In 0. A. K. Hall,
wry gatnrday evening, except the third
Vi,tlltflAV rtf amnh n.nnK .... n .
, .. , i llra rn.
day Instead. All brotlicrs of tlieSons of Vet-
rani and Anmrnitnfcnfthi. n A o - . 11-ii
. .. . . vuiumiiy
n o.... .. . Capt
Jleetaon the2d, 4th and Sth Friday evening of
vaea month at 7ao p. u. at Q, A. R. Hall. Tran
lant Ijuiy Maceaboes are cordially Invited to
Hui.nii s. Vihwn, Lady Com.
AttOmey at Law,
PP 111 all thu
"Will praclirje In all the
Court of the State. . .
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatherfori ft Wyatt,
Tli a flu1, waul a 1 Al AND coast, ibnutu ta..othVlbu.h.h . : -
i n ii m v s -
.. DO A...
General Exchange
and Mill Business.
Flour and All IHikim of
Mill Feed For Solo
at the
Lowest Prices.
vVe are prepared at all
to pay Albany trices for
wheat to those who i tore with
us. Call and get sicks and
learn further particulars.
Very Truly,
G. W. Aj.dkich.
Best Shaves, Hair Cittoi Shampoo,
Kirk & Ewing's
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
limlies Hair Dressiug a Specialty
East and South
Southern Pacific Co,
Express trains leave Portland daily:
K;fiUp. if I.v tn.ti0, a. i u.iaT:
12:10 . . i,v... Aihany.. ..Ar. 4:50. M
10:4n A. H. I Ar.San Francisco Lv 7:00 r.
I'Iim uiiMvu fUi..J ur,"..t t....r firr
. .... v u, -,a m. jaai iori
innrl. Oroi'nn fitv VVnHhi,P., b:nin.
... , v..j, .. ..uuum .1, IIIICUJ
Turner, Marion, Jeflenmn, Albany
HatMf'V. HH.'iutiilir l,ii it...
JrvM,K Eugene, urmwell, Jiruins aud
all Htatiotia from eoutb to
..1.1... n
Irving, Eugene, Crtwwvl, JJruina and
hiiu iuuiuuiuj AHUIUIIU
Hoseburg mail daily:
8:80 A. M. I I.v ' P.m',....! li
i '10 P. M
1 16 p. M
8:00 A.M.
12:26 P. H. Lv...Altmnv .Ar.
6:60 P. M. Ar...RoseburK .. I-V.
Lnffll (dMMiulr
... rwuw..t,t..
trains daily (except
8:20 a. m
f):lt! A. M
Lv... Albany r.
Lv... Albany f r.
Ar... Lebanon ...I v.
10 40 a.m.
9 40 a.m.
6 46 p. m.
6.50 P.M.
4:80 P. M.
6:20 P. M.
Lining Carson Ogdm Route.
Pullman Bukfst Si kepkhh
Second - Clasa Sleeping Carg At-
l.L J .11 mi i m
wimeu to tui inrougii Truiis.
West Hide 1v!h1oji.
Between Poutlano and CoavAtija.
Mai Urain daily (pjcept 8iinday) :
7 :80 aTm. Lv. ..Portland TT.A f. i f): 9(u7i
12:16 p. m. Ar...Corvallis, .Lv, 1 :.'I6 P.
At Albanv and Corvalhs connuct with
trains of 0. C. & E. railroad.
Eipross train daily (except Sunday):
4:40 p. M. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. J
7:36 P. M. I Ar.McMinnvilleLv
T:25 A. M.
6:60 A.M.
jai.oir i i uiir.i.rn, van
ada and Europe can be obtai wd at lowest
rates irom F. U. Hickok, ane it, Lelanon.
U.KOEHLEll, Mfciiager.
E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Q.I.& Pass. Agt.
Wanted-An Idea S ymir liiwwi: tliw nifty bi'.ha ylhr WMtUth.
Wrl... l6H WKDMSltlimiN C I . V.tjlit Alt,.":
ni.B, Wimhlnsuiii, D. O..for tholr l,sul pclse nffw
ad Jim or loa liuaitMil luMLimu w;miL
NO. 34.
Clipped from our Exchanges
Throughout the West.
About f.OO rnrda of match wood is
awaiting shipment at Ihtndou.
The cannery atAlarabny will put
up nearly 10,000 caws this season.
Most of the sheen In Gilliam
around Fossil, have been driven out of
vne mountains.
County Judge J. M. Chiles, of Jose
phine county, was fined recently f 100
for buying a small piece of Josenhine
oounty scrip.
The Palace hotel In Hi.nnnr h.
been sold at public auction to William
rentnna tor 10,000. The building and
lots at one time cost $30,000.
The building used by Lincoln
county as acourlhouse Is leased fur a
monthly rental of $20. A two-year
lease has recently been made.
As the cannery at Marsliflcld was
overstocked, the tug Triumph took
over 2000 salmon from that ,.u i
the (Joquille cannery last week.
BlttCBtem wheat, from Klickitat; l
largely sought by ' buyers In The
Dalles, and as high as 62 cents a'
bushel was paid there last Friday.
The new quartz mill machinery has
all been put on the rrronnrf at n,
Bluek Butte mine, with the exception
of one wheel, weighing 4500 pounds.
Benjamin L. Handlev. who nlutiriai
guilty to larceny from a warehouse in
rain county, last week, has been
titeticed to one year In the nenitn.
Last week, Lee Mitchell, whilo
ihlng near (Joint's Pass, wna hltto,,
on tile legjust below the knee by a
large salmon. A painful but uot a
serious wound was Inflicted.
N. McDonald bas hauled from Roto..
and sold iu Dallas this season 200
bushels of tomatoes, and 10.000 nrainrt.
of watermelons, all of which could
lave been raised iu Polk.
City Marshal Lt gan, of Watson, In
Ists that boys under 18 veari. of nm
must keep oftjhe streets after 7 o'clock
ihe evening, and warns tmrents
hat he Intends to enforce the curfew
W. J. Vandervert. who h
n Hilling in the hills in the
Jacksonville, In a demented condition,
w is arrested last week, and after an
examination, was Adjudged Insaue
nuu inaeu to n;e asylum.
The seini-aunuiil renort ofthe
clerk of Josephine county shows that
nere were, on September 30. not.
staudiug unpaid warrants to the
amount of $04,504 87, the estimated
merest on which is $7000,
There puKsed throuirh Athetin. Inst
week a family that. Dronoaea trmkino.
an eulire trip to Florida by team.
They make their exnenses of thu tH
oy giving musicial performances, the
entire family being musicians.
ShetiffHiaU. of Josenhlne nnniv
has gone to California to extradite
Meisom, me man that is In tail at TM
Norte, Cal., charged with the murder
of Charles Perry. Melsotn will be
taken to Orraut's Pass for trial,
The marshal and recorder of r.utm.
view, iu looking over the llOOItfi nuort
during J. H. Ruggie's lnarshalsuip,
find that be was not a rl,.fHiiii0,.
reported, but had given receipts for
inses paio, aua uaa failed to credit on
the roll.
A. M. Simmon, owner of tha N.n.h
Bend mill, on Coos bav. nririreaaaii ti,
citizens of Marsliflcld last Saturday,
on "The Cause of Hard Times." Mr.
Simpson is also largely interested in
saw mills on Gray's and Wihapa
harbor, Iu Washington.
Friday night. October 2. l.lin.t
squaw living half a mile below Len
nox stuge station, iu Klamath county,
was fatally burned. Hha I lad Ivian liv
ing 111 a shanty on Klamath river for
tlie last dve or six years, and was
alone when the accident occurred.
The fishermen of Cons
to make good catches of Chinooks, and
a number of Silversldes are aiHO hplno
caught. The Alert brought down a
bur lot or sultnon from Coos river,
Monday, and some of the boats In the
lower buy nearly reached the hundred
During the summer much Improve
ment was made in the rnnHa i,,o,ti,,
Cottage Grove. The Moderator says
about $20,000 has been expended on
roads alone, leading to that place.
Private subscriptions, together with
oounty appropriations, made this
The burus on Barry farm, north of
North Yamhill, burned I o the LM'mmd
last Sunday afternoon, Iu tlie barns
were about 12 tons ot bav. m 1,,, -
or wneat, a) bushels of cheat seed, and
a seeaer. i he fire caught from a stub
ble field where they had been burn
ing straw.
A South Sea Island rntn hnr. Ii,wn
imported by the Baldwin Sheep &
Land Co., and Is now on ih .,..
ny's farm on Hay creek, Wasco
county. The ram has as fine uni .
any thoroughbred Merino, and the
staple Is fully 10 inches In length and
as fine as silk.
Thursday the Pendlctcu woolen mills
delivered to customers the first lot of
blankets and Indian robes that the
mills have turned out. The blankets
have been inspected bv men who .r.
experts In such matters, and are said
to oe me nest or their kind ever seen
in Pendleton.
Scoggins valley has some notable
hunters says the Forest Grove Hatchet.
The first party brought down an elk
and nine deer, the second, two elk and
deer without number. The latest
hunters from there walked from the
Trask country and had to buv hac
on the way to live on.
While Mrs. Gamble, of Kenhmbu
slough, in Coos county, was removing
a Kettle ot boiling water from the
stove, last week, her little son. Frank
aged 8 years, ran against her. The
child as badly scalded on the fu.
ana cnest. the burns, though serious,
win not cause permanent in ury.
Tlie Willamette is so low at the falls
at Oregon City, that the dam above
the falls turns so nearly all the water
into the basin on the south and the
locks on the north that footmen can
walk dry shod across the river on the
brink of the falls below the dam. It
is said that such a condition ha ,.i
often existed in the history of tlie Wil
lamette in the knowledge of white
men. ,
It is now supposed that Cy Fitz
hugh, tlie Joseph bank rohher that
escaped with tlie momy, is in the
nanny or Lookout mountain. Two
men of Enterprise who were after him,
claimed to have tracked hitn to that
section. They had to abandon the
eesAcli account of running out of ,
provisions. The posse that left Enter
prise last Thursday has not been heard
L. W. Covell, United States civil
service examiner, Jield an examina
tion of applicants at the postoffice in
Pendletou, last week. There were
Ave candidates in Pendleton, three for
the railway service, one slenrarranher
and type writer and one compositor.
me canaiaates ror the railway mail
service are eligible for nluces In O.
gon only, while the others are lor the
government service at Washington.
A bill for $909 75 was presented to
the Benton county court, al its recent
term, Dy ex-Uouuty C erk Hunter, and
the vojcheis accompanying Ihe bill
indicates that, durinir Mr. Hunter's In.
cttmbency that amount had been paid
out oy ami lor deputy hire. He de
sired to be reimbursed for the outluy,
but the court concluded that Benton
county was in no way responsible for
the amount, and the bill was rejected.
It is understood that Mr. Hunter pro
poses to institute legal proceedings to
recover the claim.
Jury List.
Following is the list of jurymen ap
pointed for the term of circuit court
which convenes in Albany Oct. 26:
Halsey B A Stafford," Thos Bean
don, TF Smith, J R Bone.
Scio Win Youug, Jas Sheltou.
Oakvllle Clarence Stockton, Chas
Crawfordsville Geo Finley.
Browusville C L Jackson, Clyde
Foster, G A Dvson.
Waterloo T L Rice.
Albany T J Butler, E W Long
don, C C Hogue, Ed Chambers,
Morgan Hanshaw, Mark Hurlbnrt,
Wm Fry.
Tangeut-L B Luper.
Lacomb Wm Loofborrow.
Hoi ley-A King.
Lebanou-JIJ Reed. BM Donaca.
J W Bland. G M Weatfall.
Larwood Artimus Gaines.
Shedd-E Dow.
Foster-Green Sphiwn.
Another Pioneer Gone.
Mr. Thos. Holt, an Oreiron nioneer
of 1847, died at the home of 'I.J. lint..
ler, iu this city, Friday evening of
aropsy. He was born iu Laueashlre
City, England, on April 5, 1815. For
many years after coming to Oregon he
lived near Jefferson, and built up a
good reputation as a citizen and neigh
bor. Mr. ArthurHolt.thewellkuowu
butcher of this city, is a sou of the de
ueased. Democrat.
Highest of all in Leavening
Absolutely pure
Southern Oregon Mining Notes.
A $2800 gold brick was lnin
Grant's Pass the other day by King
andMcComber from their William's
creek mine, the Oregon Bonanza. The
treasure was the result of crushing 27
tons of rock, and they netted over
$100 to the ton.
The Rocky Gulch .Mining Company
has completed a new ditch a mile
long, and will be ready to run a stunt.
day and night this winter.
J. H. Hoehn is one of the miners of
Rogue river that has been makln.
wages with a rocker this summer on
tne river bare near Galln ceci- ti
says the rise in the river will drive
him to the uplands'near by, where the
pay gravel is supposed to exiat. ht
waier is scarce In the dry season.
Greeu and Younglove will have
their pipe in position on their Louse
creek placer by the time fall rains set
in. Au800-foot tunnel will have to
be flumed aud the finishing touches
put on the reservoir.
Kremer & Kiessling are in 136 feet
on their prospecting tunnel on Will
iams creek. This is a nlanep mln
but the owners tee fit to thoroughly
prospect the gravel before laying
pipe and putting up a giant. A ditch
tapping a neighboring creek has
already been dug and this will furnish
lols of water durli.g the wet season.
The ground thus far prospected provos
rich in colors.
Linn County Horses. -At
the state fair Linn cmntu hn.
carried off some of the best honors.
llie following will show the facts:
I. C. Mosher's Coeur O'AIene received
1st prize for standard bred trotters 4
years old; Mr. Mosher's Susie S, the
second prize for brood mare 4
years old, and colt; Houston Bros, first
pren ium for Percheron stallion 4
years old and over; Houston Bros.,
first premium for Clydesdale stallion
4 years old and over; Houston Bros.,
first premium on French and English
coach stallion 4 years old aud over
John Houston, first for draft horse of
any age, pure blood, Corbett; Worth
Hustou, second, "Galloway;" Chas.
Burkhart, first for gelding roadster 4
years old and over.
High-Handed Outlawry.
The Crook County Journal gives
the following account of a transac
tion that occurred in the South Fork
Country, in Grant county; "Some
sheep from the Mitchell country,
moved in on territory which the cattle
men say shall uot be herded by sheep.
One day last week, 14 armed men
visited this trespassing band of sheep
and one of the men, who was masked,
relieved the herder of his gun, at the
same time giving him some pointers
as to the advisability of his remaining
In that section of the country if he
placed any valuation on his life. Tlie
whole party then fired Into the hand
of sheep, killing and wounding from
mi to aw tiead, burned the camp out
fit aud departed: Drouilslnir to return
again if tlie sheep were iu that locality
ui a given time."
A Poor Bank.
Henry Davis, livinsronMuddv. start.
ed to a social gathering Sunday night
witli sume $140 on his person. He
considered it too much money to carry
with him and deposited It by a stump
aud covered it over with dirt. On re
turning, ills money was gone aud
tracks much resembling those of a
neighbor named Lundberg, were to be
seen on the ground round about.
Davis had Lundberg arrested, aud in
stituted a search of the premises, but
found no clue to the money and no
evidence fixing guilt on Luudherg who
was therefore released. McMiunvlile
T, R.
There's more olol hinit destroved hv
poor soap than by actual wear as the
tree alkali lols them. Hoe Cake is
pure, aud only 5 cents.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Rlpans Tabules: at druggists.
Rlpant Tabules cur beadacht,
PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report
They Bungled Things.
The name of the republican vice
presidential nominee will appear on
the ticket in Oregon as J. G. Hobart
whereas his initials nre G. A. It is all
due to the bungling of George H.
Williams, once attorney general of the
U. 8., president of the state conven
Hon, and 8. B. Eakln.
each of four separate certificates thev
nooarc. mot only that, but the
election would occur on Monday, Nov.
2. These mistakes are immaterial, the'
Public voting merely for the electors.
New Conductor.
Sam Veatch, who has for several
months been conductor on the
Salem local, -has been transferred to
the "south end run" of ih .:... ,.
. , - vaiiiurma
overland, between Roseburg and
Ashland, to take the place of fon
ductor Wall, who was discharged as a
result of the serious Roseburg collision
two weeks since. TM pih. .i ,.
--- v., u)uc, ( iuo wen.
known railroad man, will act as con
ductor oa the Salem cannon ball -Salem
A Minister's Mistake,
The Eugene Guard tells if "A
prominent young minister of this cilv
was standing in close proximity to two
young men at the speaking this after
noon, when he suddenly missed his
purse. Hastily jumpins
el usion that the young men had pick
ed his pockets, he seized both of them
and called to Marshal Day who was
near at hand. The vn..
, "-"6 "icu were
taken to headquarters but objected to
beingsearched. Marshal Day retained
the young men in custody while the
minister went home to see if a search
would reveal his purse there. He
found It in another pair of Jeans.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great manv of
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
u, uwue arrangements
whereby we can furniai. u .........
- ..... tuureuuP-
Hon from the regular price to those
who want both the Express and tb'
Oregonian. The regular price of the
Expkess $1.50 when In advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a saving of one dollar to tlw
subscriber. The Oregoniau gives al!
the general uewsof the oountry ce ?
week, and the Express gives all to
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent news service
for.the moderate sum of $2, per yeni
Those who are at r,.i ...i.....,,...
r ... ouuncrilierS
ef the Expkess must nav In all
nKll?' '" udv'"1 " obtain
Head, Peacock & (w i,na ,,..,..,..
under vests for ladles from 5c to 50c
1'here's no clav. flour uii.
other worthless filling i Hoo Cake
and no free alkali to bum the hands.
One-half wool dress ooi. j....j
o--"" ".-iimjeu to
lOnts., and bleached n n.,
I -" .men UIOIU
cloth for 3o cts. a yard, at the Racket
Baker has lust rnmlvni ,,!.. n
v. (tD UI1B ot
ladles and gentlemen's Mackintoshes
to sell after MoKinlev u t. a
Nov. 3.
You can set Pric itnu.,.. u
for 30c. per pound, every can guaraa
teed. Arm & Hummer soda 4 cents a
pound at Peeblers.
Ladles and gents, remember pugh
& Muncy's Is the place to buy your
boots and shoes.
For only 25 cents you can get the
baby shoes at Read. Pem
dosing out sale.
You cau buy a nice. Ian , i,j
carved rocker of the Albauy Furniture
company rorjia.uo.
The now world noted DxMnu fami
ly, will give one of their famous
musical entertainments In Hil- ,.,( -t
the Opera house on the Bird of October.
They have just returned from a very
successful trip in Europe. This
promises a rule treut for Lebanon
Ripaua Tabules: pleasant laxative,