The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 01, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Tarn. O'Shanters.
100 different kinds for ibIrhcb and
ehlldrea. Over ninety kinds at Hie
two popular prices, 60o. and 75.
Jet Trimmings. '
Pnn8anienterlu, ornaments and drees
fronts now on eule.
A drive. No. 9' to 22, all silk, 100.
No. 40, 25o. Fancy ribbons too, plaids
and stripes.
8. E. Young's,
Wheat In 60 cents.
Bpcakiug Saturday night.
The Misses Illhlgu left this morning
for Balciu ou a visit.
Rev. Clark Is quite sick with
Have your Hoe Cake soap wrappers,
they are worth a cent apiece.
Go to Feebler' City bakery and
grocery store for your groceries; prices
uway down.
It Is reported there will be two mar
riages In Lebanon next week.
J. !. Thompson has sold his horse
and buggy to J.R. Ewlug and Moss
Mr, Geo. Handle will begin teaching
his II rot term of school next Monday
In the Happy Home district.
Mrs. Day, who has been visiting
frieuds and relatives In Washington
Btate, returned borne today
L. A Wiley will commence a term
of school lu the Grlsbam Beliool house
next Monday.
L. A. Wiley returned last Saturday
from a trip to Portland and. tibjui.
He made the trip on his wheel.
Mr. Frank Settle mnd wife loft
yesterday Tor Portland on a few days'
visit with friends ana to attend the
Eliert Thompson returned last
Thursday from a trip to Olympla,
Wash. Eliert says he thinks Oregon
is good enough for blm after all.
Hon. Thos. Kay, the Salem woolen
mill man, passed through Lebanon
tnls week ou his way to and from
llev. A. S. Foster, a Presbyterian
minister of Medford, w 111 occupy the
pulpit In the Presbyterian church in
this city next Sunday.
ltev. Bummervllle was returned to
McMiunvllle for another year. Rev.
Obcrg was sent to Corvallls und Rev.
Abbott, formerly of Albany, was sent
to Eugene.
Commencing with today the train
will arrive in Lebanon at 9 a. in. and
leave at 9:U0. The evening traiu will
run on the same old time.
The M. E. conference wb oh has just
convened at Roteburg, appointed Rev.
C. U. Harmon to the Lebanou church
for aonther year, which will be very
pleasing to the members of his church
at this place, as Rev. Harmon Is well
A Twenty-fourth street young man
gave bis best girl a neat explanation of
-the IG-to-l business lust Tuesday morn
ing about 2 o'clock. He told her that
It meant she should kiss him 1(1 times
In one minute. And she accepted two
theory at once, Portland Suuday
Mr. J. S. Hughes has organised a
Band of Hope which will meet In the
Baptist church every Suuday, at S
o'clock p. m. The object of this band
is to help each other in building up
good moral character He cordially
invites all the children of Lebanon,
with their paicnts to be present next
We had the pleasure of visiting Mr.
M. L. Forster'e nursery at Tangent
lust week. Mr. Forstcr has a fine lot
of trees this year, which are in first
class shape, and he is selling them at
, greatly reduced prices. Mr. Forster
presented us with some flue Concord
grapes, In fact they were as flue as we
ever tuatcd.
Hon. A. 6, Bennett, a noted lawyer
of The Dalles, will address the citizens
of Lebanon and vicinity on the politi
cal Issues of the day at the Baud Hall,
on next Saturday evening, Ootober 8,
at 7:80 p. in. Mr. Bennett is au able
and eloquent udvocutor of free silver
and Is a warm supporter of Bryan.
Mr. Bennett 1b a One orator. Let
everybody come and hear him.
The MoKinloy club of this place now
numbers 228 member. Lost Friday
they held a rousing mneting and after
the meeting was over some of the
members felt so euthuniustlo that they
cume down on the and did some
ioud cheering for IV'.cKlnlcy. The
uekt day there was some talk of hav
ing twitu arrested, but better Judg
ment prevailed and the inultw was
(UojHWlt. .
Groceries quality exoellent prices
low at Baoh A, Buhl's.
Born, to the wife of Dave Gentry,
Oot.l, a son.
Hon, M. A. Miller delivered a politi
cal speech In Brownsville Monday
evening. ,
10 to 1 that Is vou oi.n iret 10 bar-
gains at Peebler's store, to one any-
wnere else,
J. R. Ewllie is Vlsltlliff old frinil
ataoott'sMill, near Mi. Angel, this
All who need new HhnMi ionic over
the stock fin sale by Read, Peacock &
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. CUndi er drove
over to Alhanv Haturd.iv nii'lit nnrl
spent Sunday with relatives.
The finest line of dress natterns in
the city Is to be found ui, the Racket
Mrs. N. W. Smith returned home
from Solo Tuesday where she lias been
visiting frjeuds.
Prices away down on groceries at
Peebler's City bakery and grocery
Speoial sale at Read, Peacock & Co.'e
of ull summer goods Luwub, Dimities,
India muslins.
Any one desirlne rubber alamos or
stencils of any kind can get them at
the S. P. Co.'s depot.
A. J, Nichols, who has been quite ill
with typhoid fever at tile St. Charles
hotel, is convalescent.
Careful consumers say : "One bar of
Hue Cake is worth two of common
soap." It only costs 5 cents.
Born, on Saturday morning, Sept.
20, 1896, to the wife ofE. E. Monta
gue, a 10 pound son. All doing well.
Don't fail to hear Hon A. 8. Ben-'
uctt, the free silver orator, ul the Bund
Hull next Saturday evening ut 7:30 p.
in. ' .
Tuifl O'Shanters for Mimes and
children in all the newest cloths and
styles, and from25cts to$l 6(1, at Miss
Dr. Cheadle Is glad to see the
children and examine their teeth.
He extracts temporary teeth for
children free.
J. H. Boyd and wife spent last Sun
day with friends in Lebauou. Mr
and Mrs. Boyd say they are anxious to
get back to Lebanon.
Gen, H. B. Compson, one of Oregon's
railroad commlsslonefs, woe lu Leba
non a short time Tuesday, visiting his
old friend, Mr. O. C. Mctfarland.
Mr. Geo. W. Harris and Miss Lena
Kennoyer were married at the home
of the bride's parents, in this city, last
Sunday, Rev. C. R. Lumur officiating.
Ladies', Miss Dumour calls your at
tention to the new fall millinery. A
handsomer line has never been brought
to Lebanou, and as usual at the lowest
Farmers, attention: do not forget
thut Pugh & Muuuy are idwtys iu the
lead on groceries, boots and shoes,
hats and caps, gents' furnishiug goods
Ac. See them for prices.
Grandma Gore returned Tuesday
from Harrlsburg where the has been
visiting relatives. Her daughter, Mrs.
Levis accompanied her home.
The Lebanon McKinley Club are
talking of having a big relificutlon
and barbecue In this chy in the neur
future. Wo hope it will materialise.
Married, ut the home of thi bride'e
futher, Mr. Robert Miller, neur Scio,
ou Friday, Sept. 25, 1890, Mr. "Boxer"
Neeluud, and Miss Muggie Miller.
I hey have the best wishes of muiiy
Mrs. C. D. Montague, her little boy
Bruce, of Portland, and Miss Ada Mil.
ler arrived iu Lebauon last Friday,
having been culled here on account of
tue lllue s of the ladies' mother, Mrs.
K. O. Miller.
Mr, O. C. McFarlaud has sold the
Chy drug store back to Hon. M. A.
Miller. It seems that Milt, doesn't
waut to leave Lebanon neur us much
as he thought ho did.
Died, at his home near Mt. Pleasaut,
iu Linn county, on Tuesday, Sept. 22,
Henry Shanks, Sr., aged 80 years.
The deceased was an old aud respected
citizen of Linn county. His death
was due to paralysis and other com
The now world noted DeMoss fami
ly, will give one of their fumous
musical entertainments in this city at
the Opera house on the 23rd of October.
They have Just returned from a very
successful trip in Europe. This
promises a rare treat for Lebanou
On account of Oregon State fair, at
Sulem, theS. P. Co. v. ill sell round
trip tickets between Oct. 5 and 13,
to Salem aud return, at the rate of
$2.25 each; good to return uulil Oct. 10,
1890. Children, half above named
Theoaseof Mr. Cheadle agiinst Mr.
MoCulliUTi, for refusal to vnoate the
farm of the former, was tried In Justice
Lovelee's oourt before a jury last Tues
day. Mr. Cheadle won. He was
represented by 8. M. Garland and W.
M. Brown, while the defence was rep
resented by Mr. Percy Kelly, oue of
AlUwiy'i liritlitsit lawmen.
When in Waterloo call on tlie City
Drug Store for fine perfumery, drugs,
Go to A. E, Davis for soda water,
coco cola, and milk shakes,
When in Waterloo call on City Drug
Store for headache-cure,
We will take any kind of feed that
is good for ye editor, or his cow, ou
Ladles and gents, remembet Pugh
& Muney's Is the place to buy your
boots and shoes.
You can buy a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.63.
Parties who were to furnish us wood
on subscription, will please bring the
same in at their earliest convenince.
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedding ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, has some handsome ones.
N. W. Smith, the druggist, has just
received from the East a large line of
stationary and school supplies.
For only 25 cents you can get the
baby shoes at Read, Peacock & Co.'s
closing out sale.
The best dressed men iu Linn county
ure those who buy their clothing
from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
The long want Royal Worchester
comets Is the one to buy, 05cts., 75cts.
and $1. Hold by Read, Peacock & Co.
Hoe Cuke! 1 1
What is Hoe Cake?
Hoc Cake Soap, nest on earth.
Pugh & Muncy have just opened up
the nicest line of ladies and gents
Mackintoshes ever brought to Lebanon
and the prices will suit you.
There's no clay, flour, starch or
other worthless filling in Hoe Cake
aud no free alkali to burn the bands.
You can get Prices Baking Powder
for 80c. per pound, every can guaraa
teed. Arm & Hammer soda 4 cents a
pound at Peeblers. ,
Baker has just received a nice line of
ladies aud gentlemen's Mackintoshes
to sell after McKinley is elected on
Nov. 8.
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soup than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots them. Hoe Cake is
pure, aud only 5 cents.
The furmers who have been holding
their wheat for 50 cents per bushel can
now get that price as the warehouse is
paying 50 cents and the mill 51 cents
Gov. W. J.McConnell of Idaho, will
speak on the political issues of the day
at Lebanon on Wednesday, October
7th 1890, at 7:30 p. m. The Governor
is acknowledged to be oue of the best
speakers of the country, and will
doubtless draw an immense audience,
us the republicans of this place intend
on making this the event of the cam
paign, Remember the date, come and
bring your friends with you.
The public schools opened last Mon
day with 190 students, and now 208
are enrolled. Prof, Baker, the new
principal, seems to thoroughly under
stand his work, and has everything in
good ruuning order. Prof. Allingham
and Miss Ward have charge of the two
rooms at the academy.
On account of the Oregon Industrial
Exposition to be held at Portland, the
Southern Pacific Company will sell
round trip tickets on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Frid ys, between
Friday, Sept. 18th and Friday, Oct.
lOlh, at the rate of $5 0 from Lebanon
to Porthuid and return. Tills includes
two admissions to the Exposi tiou.
Important Injunction Suit.
The Southern Pacific R. R. Com
pany have brought a suit by their at
torneys, Weatherford & Wyatt, asking
for an injunction restraining the city
of Albany from improving Ninth
street ou Iheir property where the rail
road truck crosses the street, just
northeast of the depot, also asking for
an order decluring a lein of $51 15 in
all on the property of the road, con
sisting of several specified lots, for
assessment, null and void.
In the onmplaint the plaintiff de
clares that the property has never
been dedicated to public use except for
right of way aud for depot grounds,
and thut it is private property. One
defense Is that the city has falsely and
maliciously and iu fruud of the rights
of the plaintiff was without luw. The
complaint covers about twenty type
written pages. The suit means a big
expense to the city. Democrat.
Crook County Catties Sales.
Cattle transactions have been quite
lively for the past mouth. The
Sichel Cuttle Co., Howard & Stearns,
Frank Johnson & Co., G. W. Wiley,
Jessee Bros, and others have sold their
beef cattle to Frye & Bruhn Co., of
Seattle Wash. Messrs. Logau and
Hampton have sold their cattle to the
Union Meat Company, of Portland,
and deliver on November 5th at The
Dalles. The Beaver creek cattle men
are this week delivering their cattle to
J. L. Kelley, of The Dalles. Alto
gether there will be somewhere near
8000 head of cattle tuken out of the
county this full, aud $50,000 will be the
amount left lu this county. This
Ib quite an item during these hard
times aud shows that financially Crook
chilly Is on . a par with auy county lu
tto4at, JivU.
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bond Kills Herself by
Taking Poison,
(From the Albany Herald. Sept. 30.)
The citizens cf Alhanv and T.lnn
county were terribly shocked yester-
aoy morning to hear that the aged
widow of Mr. Nathan Bnnrl. Mm
Elizabeth J. Bond, had committed
suictaeat the residence of her son,
Albert Bond, seven miles east of
Albany near Knox Butte. The par
ticulars as learned are that the seed
lady had been in the habit of going to
me wooas near a neighbors for leaf
mold for her house nlants. and there
tore her absence from the house was
not particularly noted by her daughter
-in-law until it had srrown dark, when
the neighbors, heded by Mr. G. W.
Kutne, whose residence Is the closest,
the others taklne nart beinir Messrs
Joseph Wilson, John Bell and Mr.
rowncr, proceeded with all haste to
make search, hut it was 1 o'clock in
the morning before the body was
found. At about 10 o'clock Mr. Albert
Bond returned from Albany, but was
in sucn a staie or intoxication that be
was incapable of realizing the serious-
ness of the situation, and was put to
uea witnout being informed of the
absence of his mother.
When the bodv was found life was
extinct. Mrs. Bond was lying about
200 yards from the house iu an oak
grove near a leaning oak tree, under
wnicn stood a bucket, having a board
laid across it. .Around her neck was
noosed one end of a small sized rnnn. It
apparently havine been her Intention.
if the poison she had swallowed failed
in its ratal work, to fasten the other
end of the rope to the leaninir tree after
stepping upon the Bucket, kick the
uucitei to one side and thus hang her
self. But it was unnecessary, as the
noison had done ita work effectually..
The poison used was supposed to be
arsenic contained in wheat prepared
to kill squirrels, some of which waB iu
the house, and it was found, ton. that
a paper of arsenic kept in the house,
nad neen opened. A few grains of
poisoned wheat were found on the
ground where she lay, and also a phial
containing some liquid.
A messenger was sent to Alhanv
and a telegram dispatched to Coroner
c. tf. wrignt, at Harrlsburg, catching
him In time to take the overland train '
for this city, where he nrocured a team I
and went to the scene of the tragedy.
Dr. M. H. Ellis was also called, and
word sent to the two daughter of thej
deceased, Mrs. Lewis Cox, of Waits
burg, and Mrs. Dr. John Reed, of Leb
anon. A jury wasemoanneled conslatlnir of
Mart Miller, foreman, Frank Trites,
J. R. Carlisle, Smith Cox, Lewis
Zullsdort and Ed Chambers, and a
thorough lnvestieallon was made.
The verdict of the jury, after hearing
the evidence, was that the deceased,
Mrs. Elizabeth Bond, came to her
death from poison administered ru
ber own band with suicidal intent
Linn County Republican's.
Jos. N. Davis returned yesterday
Irom Linn county, where he deliver
ed four speeches last week, under the
auspices of the republican state cen
tral committee, in the interest of sound
money. He says the republicans of
Linn are earnestly working to carry
their county for McKinley and,
Hobart. At Lebanon he was unable
to find any Bryan men who were out
spokeu and aggressive In the cause of
populism and free silver. This may
be accounted for by the fact that the
paper mills are being run by the
O'Neil Bros aud Calahan, who have a
monthly payroll of (1200, and have
paid to the farmers in the last year
more than 10,000 for straw, to be
made Into paper. However, the
people in Lebauon say that the foot
hills east of there are full of populists.
-Monday's Oregonian.
We publish the above clipping from
the Oregonian to let the people see a
sample of the pretentions of the gold
bug press. This gentleman oume here
and spoke, That was all he did. He
made no oon verts for McKinley. His
speech was the poorest delivered here
during this campaign, and our repub
lican friends will admit the fact. The
majority of the voters here are un
doubtedly for Bryan. O'Neil Bio's,
don't ruu a political machine at their
mill. They are strictly businessmen.
If a poll of the mill employes was
had, a large majority of them, would
b for Bryan.
Ladies' McKinley Club.
The republican ladies' of Lebanon
met at Q A R Hall, Sept. 29, aud
orgauiied a Womans' MoKinley Club
with 88 members, aud elected the fol
lowing officers; Presideut, Dollie
Saltmarsh; first vice president, Hulda
S Miller; second vice presideut, Alice
A Hyde; secretary, Anna Gatchell
sergant-at-armB, Rebekah Dumond.
Be it resolved that we, the ladies of
this club do hereby pledge ourselves to
no all in our power to assist iu electing
Major Wm. McKinley for Presideut of
the United States, aud the protector of
the Amerlcau People. Signed, Leba
non Woman's McKinley Club No. 1, of
Linn Coudty.
B.dfcB.are the initials of Bach &
wium tuwf grwiarw A,
Here we are, On Hand
waa U1AU
rlai n and ' Faney-The Very Best Goods,-
price considered, found in any
' "' ' -i
J '; L- '
Jackets and CaDes-iin VhftlatA
style and fit, cheaper than ever
oeiore. . .
Misses' and Children's Jackets,
Mackintoshes and Head wear. .
When we say we want your trade, we msan it.
Read, Peacock & Co.
Lebanon, - - .
Shoes and Notions.
Having again opened up a general merchandise store in Lebanon,
I respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and former customer,
and the public in general.
Terms strictly
. , uuuoon.
Osborne Mowers, Binders and
Hay Rakes.
Extras for Osborne and Deering
Hopkins Bros.
aft rift f ; -trfk
i JL
bbwabx I h the whole story '
...... ..wo t ,
lift I
I ill IWrfwOC CostSBOB!f''anotherpackagesod3-no..'c:'sroi!s $
S U fiour vcrsalljrackaowledgidsiiresilntiiewld. (i
Eafle t&fy &r CEUltCH t CO.. Ksv
witn a Pun Line of
. . . 0rp(far)
cash or produce.
. A-r. ivnurews.
. Oretron.
Yoi S. Saia by grocers ererywte. ft
" ID