The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 24, 1896, Image 4

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    Cresting Informaiion thai Should Care
My Read by the Fair Sex.
n Treats of the Dangers of Procrastination. Points
out tie Way to Relief from Various Ills. The
Storj of a Mother and Daughter.
lold by tfn. Gwrge Argil which contains
mmti infofatioa wMck will be appreciated
by tiMuMtndi of wtM who suffering
H ahe did, ani Utey will find relief from ail
their trouble, so fdlj, ao quickly, and ao
yaraianeBUy tkat they will trader how Uw.
possibility mm about.
Mr. Gem Argile left his native home in
Yorkshire, Eftgknd, eifrht yean ago to em
brace the greater opportunities thii country
lie waa toi
brtunate in immediately
aeMring a retponaible position on n
arrival in Chioaso with the Chicago and
Book 1 aland Railroad Company, kaitht'ul
to his duties he received recognition by pro
notions and to-day is in sote eharge of the
tMH traeka of this neat railway system.
The poHlioa ia known in railroad circles as
foreman of the teams that load and unload
After ewe year and a half m the employ
of Urn road he start for his wife and children,
who armed safety here and in good health.
After some two veari reside noe here Mrs.
Argile eonuneweed to feel badly. Like
thousands of other women ahe bad womb
trouble of ever twenty years standiug. At
first this trouble, in Chicago, was not suf
fieifntlv intr to interfere materially with
her htmsebold duties, but in course of
months it developed to so eh a degree that
H peered exceedingly painful to her to at
tend to the many little duties required to
keep a house neat and tidy. This condition
eon tinned to grow worse and worse till she
was wren to reeognise wi ir sue urn hoi gei
skillful medieal aid, the would grow into a
eon firmed mraltd. Duriug tni period ft
neijrhbor whom she had known for quite a
while told her that ahe was using Dr. Wil
fens Pink Pill for Pale People with ex
ealieat results, and she believed that they
wowaa no nor 01 ati aer trouoree wihiouv
the aid of any physician. Having eonii-
m her neigftoors worus sue eom
1 to take the aills same ail months
i, aco and foaad that after taking tne nm dox
awe felt an imarovement, sot great, but
safteMitt to realise that if this better feeling
aontiDued ahe would be on the right road.
With the second box, she knew that she
was getting better, sa she gained both flesh
and strength, felt a buoyaney of spirit she
had not experienced in years, and the pains
freca which ahe had suffered so much were
matkry growing km. To-day it has been
five mootlM swee she began taking the pills.
She ie relieved of all her pains, has regained
her strength, ao that ahe ia able to work all
day, and it m only when she overexerts her
self that ahe has any indication of pains,
which wouM aleo happen to a perfectly well
Thin is the story of what Dr. Williams'
'Fink Pills for Pale People have done for her,
and of oawrse ahe is well satisfied with the
benefits she has received. But this does not
and by any means what she has still further
ta tell, and what is more she apeaks with the
same knowledge she has of hT own ease,
the case of her little daughter Emily who is
15yearsold. Rhe says in regard to hereabout
three years ago Emily in the summer months
when diphtheria was prevalent, was taken
down with it. She was very ill and had
serious time of H for weeks. Several times
I doobted whether she would pull through
but thanks to her strong constitution she cot
better and after many weeks was about
again. 1 noticed, however, that something
was left in her throat which seemed to effect
her. Then. too. she did not retrain her old
livery spirits. She was languid in her move-
tents, she complained of being tired and
anner more it became perception; uuu sne
Victors Are Best.
Victor Non Tuncturable Tir No.. l03, is the lightest
running wheel on earth. The beat is the cheapest in the
end. Largest stock of second-hand wheels on the coast.
Everything as represented.
Headquarters for sundries
Straot. anA 811 A 1 rlfii St.raat Portland fWfifmn. ..
. W. B. Kebnan, Manager.
MbaFmite Co,
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc. V
, i . . Pictures and Picture molding. ,
UmLertakiag a Specialty.
i growing nervowe. Her uwdhlsa oh
ing the lol lowing year aner ner skkbo on
not improve, in met, I thought it was little
worse, rne aeoona year, i xnowu was:
hut nroboblv beinc with her constantly did
not fully realize that she
decktally get- I
ting in a very oaa way.
'Mt was only in the forepart of last year
that 1 became seriously alarmed, as her laa
guiduew, her cottsout tiredness increased
and she became so nervous and ao fretful
that if any person spoke to her, it would
make iter crv. ner appemegoi poorer wuu
every month and I did really wonder how
the little thing could live on what site ate.
Her complexion became sallow and assumed
agreemsh hue, and she became what I called
'skin and bones' very thin indeed. This
was her condition some four months ago.
It was at this time that I had taken a few of
the pills, and commencing to get faith in
them I made Emily take tlieut. I say, im
mediately she felt better, porliaps that is not
?uite true, but certainly after the third week
could see an improved condition in her,
and this improvement continued up to tin
second month, slowly but surely. Then the
improvement of the child became marked,
her appetite returned and grew better with
every day, ahe commenced to fatten up, the
became more cheerful and lively and her
nervousness at times left her altogether.
"In the lsst two weeks her complexion
has regained the perfect color of health her
cheeks are fleshy and plump and the is as
livelv as a cricket. Her appetite well the
lew said about that the better, she is eating
all the time, and all the time is hungry.
When slie now conies home from school, in
stead of listlessly crawling into the house
lie down to rest, she u romping all over
the house and cries 'Mother you dont
know how good it feels to be full of life,
now gutu 1 (III MlUt 1 UUII l ItXI IIITU HJ
more.' She. has completely thrown off her
nervousness, and all those symptoms which
for three long years made me fear very
much that she hud not long to live.
"All this I know to be due to Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pilli because she has taken
nothing else, and I am indeed thankful that
Providence brought the tliotiirht to me of giv
ingthem atrial, know what a had condition I
was in before I took them, and I siw the
condition my daughter Emily was m. To
day both of us look and are well. I can do
tne-worK m my nouse every unyaviuia
formerly without any trouble and Emily is
one ot tueiireiiest.niosteneertuianupi
girla in our neigh Iwr hood, and tiiat fa say
ing a good deal as the children around us
are noted for splendid health nnd excellent
spirits. We hveat4790 Wentworlh Ave,
" The above is a correct stutemeut of the
facts concerning my case and that of my
dauphter Emily.
(Signed.) t. EMHT AKGILB."
Sworn and ubribed to before me thit
fourth day of .February 161X1.
Das. Gbkknr
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, hi a
condensed form, all the el'-mrnt nemwiry
to give new h'fr and riclim-Ki to the blood
and restore shuttered nerves. They arc an
unfailing specific for such diseases as loco
motor ataxia, partial paralysis. At. Vitus'
dance, setatieo,nennilinn, rhennr'tiMn, nerv
ous headache, the after effect of 1m BTirn
palpitation of the heart, pnle and will.iw
complexions, all form of wpaknew eithrr m
i male or lenufe. rinn misfire mu man
t dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt
i of price. 50 cents a box, or six Iwxes for
$2.60 are nevw soM hurt or by the
100) by addressing Dr. Willinms Medicuii
company, ocnenrcuuiy. rt . i . - -
Write for list.
and athletic goods, 130 Sixth
"I aaid I mi a prisoner, gentlemen,"
he went on bitterly, "but that ain't
all! I asked to aee Johnston, told him
what I had dona, and demanded to be
exchanged for a general officer. Be
aaid: 'You bed d." 1 then aent word
to the division commander in chief, and
told bini how I had saved Grey Oaks
when hia brigadier ran away, and he
aid: 'You be d d.' I've bin 'you be
d ded' from the loweat non com. to the
commander in chief, and when I waa at
last exchanged I wa exchanged, gen-
tlemen, for two mules and a broken
wagon. But I'm bare, genuemen, aa x
waa tharl"
Whv don't you aee the preaident
about itr asked a bystander in affect
ed commiseration. .
Mr. Hooker stared contemptuously at
the auc-geatiou, and expectorated his
scornful distent. "Not much I "he aaid.
"But I'm going to aee the man that
carries him and his cabinet in his
breeches pocket Senator Boompolnt
er." Boompointer's a big man," contin
ued his auditor, doubtfully. "Do you
know him?"
"Know him?" Mr. Hooker laughed a
bitter sardonic laugh. "Well, gentle
men, I ain't the kind o' man to go in for
family influence, but," he added with
gloomy elevation, "considerln' he's an
intimate relation of mine by marriage,
I should say I did."
Brant beard no more; the facing
around of his old companion toward
the bar gave him that opportunity of
cuping he had been waiting for. The
defection of Hooker and his peculiar in
ventions were too characteristic of him
to excite surprise, and, although they
no longer awakened his good-humored
tolerance, they were powerless to affect
him in his greater trouble. Only one
thing he learned, that Hooker knew
nothing of his wife being in camp as
a spy. The incidentwould have been too
tempting to escape his dramatic em-
lielli&hment. And the allusion to Sen
ator Boonipointer monstrous as it
seemed In Hooker's mouth gave hima
grim temptation. He had heard of
I .coin pointer's wonderful power; he be
lieved thut Susy would and could help
him, Clarence, whether ahe did or did
not help Hooker. But the next mo
ment he dismissed the idea with a flush
ing cheek. How low had he already
sunk to even think of itl
It had been once or twice in his mind
to seek the president, and, under a
promise of secrecy, reveal a part of his
story. He had heard many anecdotes
of his goodness of heart and generous
tolerance of all things but with this
was joined so said contemporaneous
history a flippancy of speech and a
brutality of directness, from which
Clarence's sensibility shrank. Would
he see anything in hia wife but a com
mon spy on bis army; would he see
anything in him but the weak victim,
like many others, ot a scheming wom
an? Stories were current in camp and
congress of the way that this grim hu
morist had, with an apposite anecdote
or a rugged illustration, brushed away
the most delicate sentiment or the
subtlest poetry, even as he exposed the
sham of the Puritanic morality or of
epicurean ethics. Brant had even so
licited an audience, but had retired
awkwardly amtwith his confidence un
Kpoken before the dark, humorous eyes
that seemed almost too tolerant of bis
grievance. He had been to levees and
his heart had sunk equally before the
vulgarcrowd who seemed to regard this
nan as their own buffoon, or the pom
iiousness of position, learning and dig
nity which he seemed to delight to
choke and disturb.
One afternoon a few days later, in
sheer listlessness of purpose, he found
himself again at the white house. The
president was giving audience to a dep
ulation of fanatics who, with a pathetic
simplicity almost equal to his own pa
thetic tolerance, was urging upon this
ruler of millions the policy of an in
significant score, and Brant listened to
liis patient, practical response of facte
imd logic, clothed in simple but sinewy
English, up to the Inevitable climax
of humorous illustration, which the
young brigadier could now see was nec
essary to relieve the grimness of his
refusal. For the first time Brant felt
the courage to address him, and re
solved to wait until the deputation re
tired. As they left, the gallery he lin
gered in the ante-room for tbe presi
dent to appear. Butashedidnotcome,
afraid of losing his chances, he re
turned to the gallery. Alone in bis pri
vacy and shadow, tbe man he had just
left was standing by a column in mo
tionless abstraction, looking over the
distant garden. But the kindly humor
ous face waa almost tragic with an In
tensity of weariness. Hvery line of
those strong, rustic features wo re
laxed under a burden which even the
long, lank, angular figure overgrown
nnd unfinished as his own west seemed
"to be distorted in its efforts to adjust
itself to, while the dark, deep-set eyes
were abstracted with the vague pres
cience of tbe prophet and the martyr.
Shocked at that sudden change, Braut
felt his cheek burn with shame. And
hewasaboutto break upon that wearied
man's unbending he was about to add
his petty burden to the shoulders ot
this western Atlas. . He drew back si
lently and descended the stairs.
But before he had left the hauM.
while mingling with Vas crowd la on
i ttai last sssMpt, ia im ibi
dentrenppeor beside uuuuportunt.pros-
nerous-looklng llgure, on -whom the
kindly giant was now smiling with hu
morous toleration. He noticed the di
vided attention of the crowd, the name
ot Senator Boomiiolnter was upon every
Hp; he waa nearly face to face with
that famous dispenser of place and pre
fermentthis second husband of Susyl
An indescribable feeling, half cynical,
half fateful, came over him. He would
not have been surprised to have seen
Jim Hooker join the throng, wbich now
seemed to him to even dwarf the lonely
central figure that had so lately touched
html He wanted toeacapeltalll
But his fate brought him to the en
trance at the same moment that Boom
pointer was leaving It, and that distin
guished man brushed hastily by him,
as a gorgeous carriage, drawn by two
spirited horses, and driven by a re
splendent negro coachman, dashed up.
It was the Boompolnter carriage.
A f aahionably-flressed, pretty woman,
who in style, bearing, opulent content
ment and Ingenuous self-consciousness
waa in perfect keeping with the slight
ostentation of the equipage, was its
only occupant. As Boompolnter stepped
into the vehicle, her blue eyes fell for
nn instant on Brant A happy child
like pink flush came into her cheeks,
and a violet ray of recognition and mis
chief darted from her eye to his. For
It was Susy I
When Brant returned to his hotel
there waa an augmented respect in the
voice of the clerk as he handed him a
note with the remark that it had been
left by Senator Boompointer's coach
man. He had no difficulty in recogniz
ing Busy's peculiarly Brobdingnagian
schoolgirl hand.
"Kla'uns, I call it real meant I be
lieve you just hoped I wouldn't know
you. If you're a bit like your old self
you'll come right oft here this very
night! I've got a big party on but
we can talk somewhere between the
acta! Haven't I growedl Tell me!
And my! what a gloomy swell the
young brigadier ia! The carriage will
come for you so you have no excuse."
The effect of this simple note upon
Brant was strangely out of proportion
to its triviality. But then it was Susy's
very triviality so expressive of her
characteristic irresponsibility that
had always affected him at such mo
ments. Again, aa at nobles, he felt it re
act against his own ethics. Wusshenot
right in her delightful materialism?
Was she not happier than if she had
been consistently trueto Mrs. Peyton, to
the convent, to the episode ot her the
atrical career, to Jim Hooker even to
himself? And did he conscientiously be
lieve that Hooker or himself had suf
fered for her inconsistency? Nol From
all that he had heard she was a suita
ble helpmeet to the senator, In her so
cial attractiveness, her charming osten
tations, her engaging vanity that dis
armed suspicion, and her lack of re
sponsibility even in her partisanship.
Nobody even dared to hoJl the senator
responsible for her promises, even while
enjoying the fellowship of both, and it
is said that the worthy man singularly
profited by It. Looking upon It merely
as a phase of Washington society, Brant
resolved to go.
The moon waa high as the earring
whirled him out of the still stifling ave
nues towards the soldiers' home a syl
van suburb frequented by cabinet min
isters and the president where the
good senator had "decreed" like Kubla
Khan, "a stately pleasure dome ' to en
tertain his friends and partisans. As
they approached the house tne nib
bling light, like fireflies through the
leaves, the warm nllence broken only by
a military band playing a drowsy waltz
on the veranda, and the heavy odors ot
jessamine in theair, thrilled Brant with
a sense of shame as he thought of his
old comrades in the field. But this wuh
presently dissipated by the uniforms
that met him in the hall, with the pres
ence of some ot his distinguished su
periors. At the head of the stairs, with
a circling background of the shining
crosses and ribbons ot the diplomatic
corps, stood Susy her bare arms and
neck glittering with diamonds, her face
radiant with childlike vivacity, A sig
nificant pressure of her little glove aa
he made bis bow seemed to be his only
welcome, but a moment later ahe
caught his arm. "You've yet to know
him," she said, in a halt whisper; "he
thinks a good deal of himself just like
Jim. But he makes others believe il,
and that's where poor Jim slipped up.
She paused before the man thus char
acteristically disposed of and presented
Brant. It was tbe man he had seen be
fore material, capable, dogmatic. A
glance from his shrewd eyes accus
tomed to the weighing of men's weak
nesses and ambltloiie.uDdufew hurried
phrases apparently satisfied him that
Brant was not at the moment important
or available, and the two men a moment
later drifted easily apart. Brant saun
tered listlessly through the crowded
rooms, half remorsefully conscious
that he had taken some irrevocable
step, and none tbe less assured by the
presence of two or three reporters and
torrespondents who were dogging his
mips or the glances of two or three
pretty women whose curiosity had evi-
dent ly been aroused ny tne .inguler ab
" kl. handsome, ols-
;,r ia?r I is the
J. very best
i Smoking
-roawulandoMWupootnsVto etch 1 osan ass sua twe ansoss luMt tub
Bar a oss, rasa tbs nupoa sad sm bo to stt fan sssie i mnav
gularly Interested,
A tall young womsn had just moved
into the center of the room with 1111 In
dolent yet simple graccfulnt't-H
seemed familiar to him. A cliunge In
her position suddenly revealed hoi itu-t,
It was Miss Faulkner, l'li-vluusly In
had only known her In the ridiiif huh
of confederate gray which she luul n'
first affected, or in the licht Inoruii
muslin Ureas she had worn lit tin,
Oaks. It seemed to him to-iii'lj', I '
the careless elegsnco ot her full iV
becume her still more; that the jiiei
willfulness of her chin and nhouk'
was chustened and modified W i :
pearls round her fair throat, Su-.M n'
their eyes met; her face puled visibly,
he fancied that she uliuost IcamV
against her companion fur supporl
then she met his glafice again villi u
face into which the color hud us sud
denly rushed, butwitli eyes tliiitseemrd
to be appealing to him, even to the
point of (win and fright. Brant was
not conceited; he could see that the
girl's agitation was not the effect of
any mere personal Influence In his
At U bSd of U MSlfS StMt SMST.
reeocuUioi,, but in Hoiiteluiiigclse. He
turned )i:isiily awuy; when he looked
around ii-nin she was gone.
Nevertheless he felt tilled "with a
vogue iiriliition. Hill she thin'i him
such n fool us to imperil her safety by
0ienly recognizing her without her
consent1.' Did she think thut lie would
dure to prestune upon the service she
had done him? Or, more outrageous
thought! had she heard of his dis
grace, known its cause and feared that
he would drug her into a disclosure to
suve himself? Nol no she could not
think that! She had perhaps regretted
what ahe bad done in a freak of girlish
chivalry; she had returned to her old
feelings and partisanship; ahe was
only startled at meeting the single
witness of her tolly. Well, she nee'd
not fear! He would studiously
avoid her hereafter, and she should
know It. And yet yes, there was a
"yet." For be could not forget in
deed, in the past three weeks 1 1 had been
more often before him than he cared
to think that she was tbe one human
being who bad been capable of a great
act of self-sacrifice for him her
enemy, her accuser the man who had
scarcely treated her civilly. He was
ashamed to remember now that this
thought had occurred to him at tbe
bedside of hia wife at the hour of her
escapeeven on the fatal slope on which
he had been struck down. And now
this fond illusion must go with the
rest the girl who had served him so
loyally was ashamed of itl A bitter
smile crossed his face,
' (To be continued .)
Debility, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite,
Indigestion and Constipation. Grove's
Tasteless Cbill Tonle, removes the
cause which produces these troubles.
Try It and you will be delighted. 60
cents. To get the genuine ask foi
drove's. For aale by N. W, Smith,
Lebanon, Oregon. -
RIpansTabules: pleasant laxative.
ana asasiirA.
tor inionnsuon ana nw iuquixwk writs to
MUNN A CO., Ml BsoiDWlt, Msw Von.
Oldit txireia for securing pstenu In America,
Evirr patent taken out bjr un u brcught before
tbe pabUo by a notloa stven rreeol obarts la Ue
of snr einntlflo psrwr in ths
VOi.d. bulentlliily HlUatrnUiil,
jut! lilicnurrai
ehlv. ai TWi a.
WltliMlUraootl AdM, MUSIC OO.
' 4 Boltntlflo Amsrlwtn
Rummer excursion tickets, uimiI i
return until OiMulsr Huh. in Yeipiiiis
Uuy, are nuw on side by Oi u-ui
Vntrul & r.usteru It. It id Albany
Hid CorvalUs ul tin- uiml r".iu nl
rates, vis: ,
Allmiiy toTuqiiliiaand r turn $M J
Onrvullis 8 SS
III tills culllieetlilll Hrillllgt-lllt'tllK
have been niude whereby th log
Resolute" lias been plaii-ri In n trulnr
service between Yaqtiiliu uud Newport
for the ncconitiiiidutiiiii -uVxeurKioiiIsi.
The "Resolute" Is one of the litrgHit
und most caiiiinnilh-lis tugs nil the .
Puulflc const mid will tube Mulling pur
liesinsessnd " turn !. r. i'
the weather permitting.
Beginning with Buildup, .lin e 21st,
and oil each sueeeeriii.i! -in.ilnr. '
special excursion truh- ulli h.i
Albany at 7 a H., Cni-v -l!i- 7:30 a at.,
iirrlvlug hi Yii(Uiiui at 11:16 A M.
Returning, hunt leuve- Ni w port M fl:fl
P. H. Train leaves Yaquln ul 7 H
arriving at Cnrvullis ul HI P. M m!
Albany t 10:30 p, H.
Fare, good n this .ruin unit. ( i-r
Cnrvullis, All'iu-y mid IMiiIxmihiI, lu
Newport and return, (10
Cokvm.MR, Jtr 17 1811
H L Wamikn, 11.1! I i-wma '.
Agent, Ail-any. Aitehl .1 i-i w.llls
EnwiN Ktiink.
Uanager, Ourvnllls
To The Mothers,
You have nice children, ynu know
und nothing pleases them better tliun
a rile? hobby suit of clothes thut keeia
them warm and healthy, linker lias
th-ni and for but little money. Can
you stand fl.00 for a suit of clothes, nr
up In All these low prim you
will Mud it Ulnitn Baker's,
New subscriptions for the Weekly
Oregonlan taken at this office.
Measure your rooms accurately and
bring else in feet and inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your car
pets sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Allmny, Oregon.
You can get 25 lbs of good rloe and
40 lbs of beans ut Peebler's for II 00;
and 100 II of the best dry granulated
sugar fur t& 06 spot oasb.
During our closing out sule no goods
will be sold except for spot cash.
Bead, Fkaoouk & Co.-
regon Central
& Eastern,
B. R. CO.
Yaquina Bay Route.
Connecfiue. at Yuqtiiua Bay with the Ban
Francisco and Yaquina Hay Steamship -(
SteaMip "Farallon"
Balls from Yaquina Be-'. every eight days
for bun Francisco, Cous bAy, Fort Orfoxd,
Trinidad sud Humboldt Bay.
Passenger Accommoda
tions Unsurpassei
Shortest Route Between the Willamette
Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and Feints West to Ban
Cabin .,, 6 00
Bteerage 4 00
. To Coos Bay and Port Orford:
Cabin , 6 00
To Humboldt Bay:
Cabin , ,.$ 8 00
Round Trip Good for 60 Days-Special.
Steamers "ALBANY" and "WM. M
HOAG," newly furnished, leave Albany
daily, ejcent Saturdays, at 8 a. ., arriving
at I'nrtlaiul the same day at 6 r. u.
Returning, bouts leuvo Portland snnie.c 5
asys en snove at u a, m,, arriving ot Allmu
Eowih Stons, Bup't River Dlvlstri,
. .Manager. ' H. B.Sauav.