The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 24, 1896, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
and Jackets
and (foods for making thorn.
Fluent linen I linve ever had and
very reasonable In price too.
Hnuules, astrachnns, olievlots and
other novelties besides the staple
brnadolottuj and otber smooth finished
Dress Goods
Nearly all of fall line on sale.
French serges and mixture, bouole
and other suitings. Fine line ot .black
gmids. Nearly oue hundred pieijh of
tuedlum price goods,
S. E. Young's,
bcuool opeua Monday,
Hop picking la about over In this
We are glad to report Mrs. R. C.
Miller convalescent.
Juke Busier has returned from East
ern Oregon.
The state fair opens at Salem on
Oct. 7, ana runs un uoi, la.
Mr. John Mayer returned from a
visit to Portland last Monday.
R. B. Montague and M. Marcellous,
of Albany, spent Sunday In Lebanon.
The - Oregon Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian oburob, will
meet In Albany today.
Miss Pet Smith returned borne last
Friday from a visit to friends and rela
tives in Portland.
Major Peter Gallagher, U. S. Indian
ugcnt at Warm Springs reservation
died a few days ago.
Judge E. 0. Potter and wife, of
Eugene, who are at Sodavllle, were In
Lebaneu Tuesday.
Dr. Dudley left last Baturday for
Umatilla county, where be goes to
visit his Bister.
Miss Emma Tivey will leave Friday
for Crawfordsville where she bas ac
cepted a position In tbe publlo school.
Mr. R. Hull will soon opeu a fish
market In one of Mr. Settle's buildings
tbe one formerly occupied by Mrs.
Prof. W. H. White was In Lebanon
last Saturday and Sunday, visiting
friends. He will teach the Shedds'
public school tbiB year.
License to wed have been issued
recently to Fuauk Cleavli.ger and
Miuuie Leslie, Onus W Simons and
Josia A Wllsou, Elbert B Small and
Flora A Palmer.
Hon. M. A. Miller spoke to a large
and eulhusiunUe crowd at Shedds
Tuesday evening upon the politloal
Isbui.3 of the day. Mr. Miller makes a
Hue speeeb.
(In uni'DUllt of sickness Prof. W. S.
Muyberry has resigned as teacher of
the Sweet Home school. Miss law
has been elected to till the vacancy.
She commenced teaching last Mon
day. Mr. John Sounek, who Is visiting
bis nurents In Minnesota, wbom ne
bus mil seen ibr 17 yean, writes to his
wife I al be guve them a genuine aur-
prise, ami that be was having a Hue
ii.d. ua tor of tlwM. E.
church, left lr conference at Rose-
burg. Mr. Harmon bas sei vea ute
here iii a most aoceptable man
ner and we hope he may be returned.
Tne chicken pie social glveu at
Mill, r'a bull lust Saturday evening by
in.. Uibes ol tbe Meibudls' cburuh
was a success In eveiy paiiluulury,
und esuevially the pb pull, lor ye
hungry editor never a c better pie in
In bis life.
R r.. MuClure. one of Salem's popu
lar tousorlal artists, U in Albany as
sisting In a barbershop duiing the
temporary absence of the proprietor.
Mr. MuUlure Is on his way borne from
the seaside where he has spent the
summer. He expects to arrive in
Salem the latter purl of this week.
Halem .louruul.
At a recent meeting of the public
school board the teuclieis w. le ussleu
ed the following rooms: Prof Baker,
Principal, No 6; Prof. Vv. W. Ailing
ham, No 6; Miss Ward, No 4; Miss
Elklus, No 8; Miss Griggs, No 2; Miss
Carothers, Nol. The janitors for the
couiiug year are: Gene Beamau,
Walter Miller aud Bert Cottou.
The members of the Portland Cen
tenary Methodist, ohiiroh tendered
their pastor, Rev. Thou as P Boyd, a
farewell receptlou Tuisday night,
prior to bis departure to the Otegou
conference ut Roseburg. He has sig
naled his Int. ution ot enteriug the
evangeliBtlc Held, and his congrega
tion desired to send him forth Into the
Held Willi the seal or their encourage
uteut and approval." A large uumber
tailzied In the lecture room to bid
Wheat is now 47 oen la,
Groceries quality excellent prices
low at Bach & Buhl's.
Whenyou want bargains go to the
racket Btnre,
Miss Sada Foley, of Waterloo, left
this morning for a visit at Sllverton.
16 to 1 that Is you can get 18 bar
gains at Peebler'a store, to one any
where else.
All who need new shoes look over
the stock foi sale by Read, Peacock &
B. & B. are the Initials of Bach &
Buhl but their groceries are A. 1.
The finest line of dress patterns In
tbe city Is to be found at the Racket
Prices away down on groceries at
Peebler'a City bakery and grocery
Any one desiring rubber stamps or
stenolle of any kind can get them at
the 8. P. Oo.'s depot.
Dr. Cheadle is glad to see the
children and examine their teeth.
He extracts temporary teeth for
children free.
A meeting of the teanhers of the
Lebanon public schools will be held in
the publlo school building at 2 p. m.
Saturday, Sept. 26.
Miss Griggs and Miss Libbie Carotb-
ers arrived In Lebanon Wednesday
to be present at tbe teacbers' meeting,
and also to get ready for the opening
of school.
Furmers who store their wheat at
the Lebanon mill this year will re
ceive Albany prloes for same when
they wish to sell. See ad. of the
Champion Mill.
Farmers, attention: do not forget
that Pugh & Muncy are always In the
lead on groceries, boots and shoes,
hats and caps, gents' furnishing goods
Ac. See them for prices.
Preaching at the Prest.yterlaa
church next Sunday at 11 a. m. by tbe
pastor. The Bervioe will close bis en
gagement with tbe church at Leba
Hon. J. N. Davis, of Portland, spoke
to a good audience in the Bund hall
last night on the politloal Issues of tbe
day from a republican stand point,
Rev. W. V. McGee, of Albany, and
bis mother from Texas, who le visiting
him, and Mrs, Kirkpatl!: and a lady
Irlend of Albany, were in Lebanon a
short time Monday.
Prof. W. W. Allingham, of Coburg,
was in Lebanon a couple of di.ys this
week. He will return again Sunday,
ready to euter upon bis school work
for the ensuiug year. " ; '
Prof. W. S. May berry and -wife are
iu the city visiting wltll Mr. May-
berry's parents. They expect to move
to Lebauoti as soon as Mr. May berry's
health improves sufficient tor him to
make the trip to Sweet Home. .
Mr. J. V. Keebler aui family ex
peot to leave the first of next week for
Oakland, Oregon, where Mr. Keebler
wllUgaln lake charge of a stock much.
We regret to see Jim and bis family
leave our midst.
Editor Geo. Alexander entered suit
uguinst one of his delinquent subscrlb
ere this week, for back subscription.
The dear subscriber "dug up." If
more publishers would follow Mr.
Alexanders example there would not
be so many "dead heads" on our lists.
at Salem Wednesday, Oct, 7th; closes
18th. McKinley-Bryan debate. Pio
neer barbacue. A gnat stock, poul
try and agricultural exposition. Fast
horses; great races. Gra-id music by
Parsons. Excursion rates. 1110,001) iu
premiums, purses and primes. Admls
rlon 25o.
Preaohing at the Biptlst church
next Sunday at 11 a ui. and 7:30 p. m.
Morning subieot: "Ho ior for Ser
vice." Evening subjeo1: "Consecra
tion and Enthusiasm." The evening
subject will be of special Interest to all
young Christians. To tlioma cordial
Invliiition is extended to attend tbls
service. C. R. Lamar, punter.
Allen, aon of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Mayberry, died alter an illness of 12
days, at Sweet Home, Tuesday, Hept.
22, of dysentery. Aged 2 years, 8
months aud 27 days. The remains
were brought to this city yesterday
and hurried in the Masonic cemetery.
Rev. (J. F Crow, of Swei t Home, con
ducted the funeral exorcises. The
Express Joins with the many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. MaylnTi In extend
ing to them their heart-fell sympathy
In this their sad bereavement.
The farm reBldenoe of Mr. A.
Umphrey, situated about 4 miles west
of this city, was consumed by fire last
Saturday forenoon at ab tit 11 o'clock,
The house was occupied by Mr. Wal
ters, but he and his family were away
from home at the time. The fire was dis
covered In time to save some of his
household goods, as a threshing crew
was working near by and all turned
out and did their best to remove the
things Irom tbe house and to save the
barn. The wind wus blowing
toward the barn and It took heroic
work to save It. The residence cost
about SIKOO when It was built several
years ago, and was Insured for $1600.
The fire originated from defective
When in Waterloo call on tbe City
Drug Store for fine perfumery, drugs,
Go to A. E. Davis for soda water,
ooco cola, and milk shakes.
When In Waterloo call on City Drug
Store for headache cure,
Rev. J. H. Cornwall and wife left
this morning for Albany on a few days
Go to Peebler'a City bakery and
grocery store for your groceries; prices
away down.
We will take any kind of feed that
is good for ye editor, or hit cow, on
Ladle and gents, remember Pugh
AMuncy'sIs the place to buy your
boots and shoes.
You can buy a nice, large arm, hand
carved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for $2.65.
Parties who were to furnish us wood
on subscription, will please bring the
same In at their earliest convenlnoe.
Are you looking for an engagement
or wedding ring? French the Jeweler,
Albany, bas some handsome ones.
N. W. Smith, the druggist, has Just
received from tbe East a large line of
stationary and school supplies. 1
For only 25 cento yon can get the
baby shoes at Read, Peacock & Co. 'a
olosing out sale.
The best dressed men in Linn county
are those wbo buy tneir doming
from Bach & Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
The long want Royal Worchester
oorsetsls the oue to buy, 65cts., "Sets,
and $1. Sold by Read, Peacock & Co.
Pugh ft Muncy have Just opened up
tbe nicest line of ladies and genta
Mcintoshes ever brought to Lebanon
and the prices will suit you.
There's no clay, flour, starch or
other worthless filling In Hoe Cake
aud no free alkali to burn tbe hands.
You can get PriceB Baking Powder
for 30o. per pound, every can guaran
teed. Arm & Hammer soda 4 cents a
pound at Peeblers.
Baker bas Just received a nice line of
ladies and gentlemen's Mackintoshes
to sell after McKinley Is elected on
Nov. 8.
The Harrisburg Review says that a
poll was recently taken of all voters at
Davis' hop yard. Out of a total of 61
votes 11 was for McKinley aud 60 for
Mr. John Unger and family, Mr.
John Kellenberger and sod John, ex
pect to leave next week for Arizona.
Tbey go there with the intention of
locating If they like the country,
Tbey intend to go through by private
A large crowd went from bere to
attend the republican ratification in
Albany Monday, in honor of Wm.
McKinley, their nominee for presi
dent. There were 83 excursion tickets
sold from this place, besides many
drove down. It is estimated
that there was at least 160 Lebauouites
in the city. All ttat attended report
having had a fine time, and it was an
orderly and well behaved crowd.
Some say the procession numbered
over a thousand, while others say there
was not, over 300 in the line of march.
Tbe Lebanon McKinley Club marched
in a body with several banners of their
own, and made a nice appearance. It
was the largest visiting olub present.
Our boyB report that Mitchell made a
flue speech, but he was very hoarse
aud It was very difficult for him to
talk. Other speeches were very com
mon. The Minnesota Lake Tribune says:
The brothers, Frauk and John Son-
nek have returned to their parential
home, from Oregon. Many of the
older people of this vicinity will re
member that John left home about 17
years ago, and, therefore, as "Father
Time" has not been idle, it is not
strange that he was not known by hie
relatives and friends. Frank went
away last fall In company with Frank
Petrock and Wm. Bretchet, and will
remain at home for tbe present.
John is married and is comfortably
settled at Lebanon, Oregon. He will,
however, remain iu Minnesota this
fall and winter and tend threshing
machine separator for his brother
Albert. If the climate agrees with
him bere be will return to Oregon in
the spring, dispose of his property in
that stale and return to Miunesota
with bis family to reside permanently.
The public Bchools of Lebauon will
open Monday, Sept. 28. Teaohers and
pupils will report at the public school
building at 9 a. m.
The school will be thoroughly grad
ed and the uumber of classes reduced
to the minimum as rapidly as possi
ble. Parents aud guardlaus are requested
to see that pupils report promptly so
that a thorough organization may be
effected at once. Tbe importance of
uromnt attendance cannot be over
If possible every pupil who expects
to euter school during tbe first term
li,,nld reirlster at the Queuing.
Patrons are cordially invited to be
preseut at tbe opening exercises.
L, H. BaKBR,
A Fatal Quarrel.
Oakland, Or., Sept. 21. Saturday
evening at 10 o'clock Ed Sutherland,
Geo. Nolta and Henry Bruso went to
the residence of James Brown for tbe
purpose of having a chicken supper.
Nolta proposed that he aud Brown
take a drink of liquor. Brown bad
bis baby in bis arms, and Nolta aaid
after Brown had drank, "Give the
baby some." Bruso remonstrated, a
quarrel ensued between Nolta and
Bruso, and Brown- ordered them out
of the bouse. Southerland followed,
tbey renewed tbe quarrel when
Sutherland secured a large club and
struck Bruso on the back of the head,
fracturing his skull and knocking him
senseless. Sunday two physicians
were summoned and trepaned his
skull. Bruso never regained con
sciousness and died this
evening at six o'clock, Sutherland
was arrested and had his preliminary
trial today and was bound over to ap
pear before the next grand Jury.
Ibis promises to be almost a similar
case to that of Sam Brown, who
murdered Alfred Kincaid two years
ago, and another trial to test tbe valor
of Douglas county officers, who have
quite a reputation for letting crimi
nals escape.
The Riot at Leadville.
Lbadvillk, Col., Sept. 21. The
miners strike which began in June
last and bas paralyzed business and
caused suffering and hunger in hun
dreds of homes, bas resulted In blood
shed. It it Is known that five lives
were sacrificed in the fighting thia
morning. Tbe miners had struck tor
an Increase from $2 60 to $3 00 per
day. The rioters began firing into tbe
Coronado and Emmet mines and at
tempted to blow up the former with
dynamite. More terrible even than
the holocaust of flames was the loss of
life. Jerry O'Keefe, foreman of hose
No 2, was turning on the water when
a bullet entered his side. He is mor
tally wounded in a hospital. An un
known man was blown up with dyna
mite. Another man is on the point of
death, being mortally wounded by
At 3:30 a. m. an attack was make on
the Emmet mine. There were over
100 shots fired, but a telephone mes
sage from the mine states the attack
was repulsed, and that thus far no
lives were lost and no damage to prop
erty had resulted.
The Clambake.
A correspondent of the Salem
Journal gives tbe following account of
the clambake at Newport on Sunday
in bonor of Senator Mitchell and
others, of whom only Mr. Mitchell
was present:
"Saturday's McKinley-Hobart rally
was concluded here yesterday, with a
clambake. An excursion was run
from Albany, Corvallis and interme
diate points, by the O. C, & E. rail
road, numbering 160, and river excur
sion by steamer Richardson, from
Toledo, brought an additional crowd
numbering about fifty. All residents
of Newport and surrounding resorts
were out, as well as farmers in that
vicinity. The entire crowd was est!
mated at 300. Shortly after 2 o'clock
the afternoon eatables were
served to the very hungry
throng. The bake was a success,
Tbe eatables prepared for the occasion
consisted ol 20 bushels of clams, 100
crabs, 6 bushels of potatoes, 6 dozen
chickens, 16 dozen ears of corn and
about a half dozen salmon. Following
tne dinner, senator M Renew made
short address, commenting on the
success of tbe affair.
Political Situation at Lebanon.
A corresbondent from this place to
the Albany Democrat writes as fol
Lebanon, Or., Sept. 21
Free silver people are numerous at
Lebanon, reports to the contrary not
withstanding. We have a large and
enthusiastic Bryan club, and we are
doing all that is within om power to
carry Llnu county for Bryan. Speak
era are greeted with large audiences,
and, Judging from the enthusiasm
manifested, the people are tired listen
ing to tbe dictates of Wall street,
syndicates aud silk-stocking corpora
tion lawyers.
Tbe people of this county are deter
mined to emancipate themselves from
bondage by casting their ballots for
the ablest orator, and advocate of the
free and unlimited coinage of silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1.
Lebanon is doing her part towards
helping this great cause along. Let
otber towns throughout the state fol
low her example.
Messrs. B. F. Kirk aud J. R. Ewing
have consolidated their barber shops,
They have leased the St Charles shop,
but for the present they will occupy Mr.
Kirk s old shop until they get the
other one repapered and otherwise
fitted up. They have reduced shav-
iug to 10 cents aud hair cutting to 16
cents for cash only; but will charge
tbe old prices on Sundays' aud boll-
days. Messrs. Kirk aud Ewing are
tiotb good barbers and no doubt will
do a good business.
Special sale at Read, Peacock & Co.'s
of all summer goods Lawns, Dimities,
Here we are, un nana
Fall and
Plain and Fancy The Very Beet Goods,
price considered, found in any
Jackets and Capes-un to date
style and fit, cheaper than ever
betore. . .
Misses' and Children's Jackets.
Mackintoshes and
When we say we want your trade, we mean it.
Read, Peacock & Co.
Shoes and Notions.
Having again opened up a general merchandise itora in Lebanon,
I respectfully solicit tbe patronage
and the public in general.
Term, strictly
Osborne Mowers, Binders and
Hay Rakes.
Extras for Osborne and Deering
Hopkins Bros.
Insist on ysssji
in packagesj
Costs no more than inferior pi&age soda f I yX.
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is f jjjj
versdly acknowledged purest in tbe world. V
LKale only fey CHURCH fc CO., Hew Tart. aLajr 1
tola y trocaa svai j whtw. sSi' 1
Writ, to Ana mi Buuuc look at ioU Iim TBXM, r'-
w m a m lim of
. .
Head wear. . .
' . ; Oreum,
of my friends and former cnttomtri
caib or produce.
D. Andrews.