Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor A PLAIN STATEMENT. We might as veil be plnin. The forces of the Hanna ring are now at work in our very midst. Active but secret work is being done. The weak-kneed republicans are being encouraged in every possible way. Influence is being brought to bear upon democrats and popu lists to coax or to frighten them to vote for MoEinley. The Hanna crowd is well organized. The cen tral head supplies all the rural Tirecincts with braiuB as well as -money. A Bhrewd, active and persistent campaign is being waged, with plenty of money for hall hire, badges, emblems and ex cursions. The money for all these things is not contributed at home, because the participants can't af ford it. The money is being dis bursed from Portland to different clubs. The money, corner from outside parties, trusts, corporations and the like. This distributes considerable ready money among the people. Thus far it is all right. But there is food for serious thought in this matter. The free will of the voter is thus influenced by fear or by reward. The money of the trusts, wrung from the people at first, is being used to in fluence the peoples' vote. All of this pernicious activity has its effect. But few men can be reach ed bv actual bribery. A large number are influenced by party organization backed by a full treasury. In this way, it is hoped to elect McKinley. Bryan men cannot hope to offset this work by similar effort. They have no money. The centers of money are locked tight against him while they open freely to McKinley. But there is a way to circumvent Hanna and his shrewd and un scrupulous healers. Let every man who favors -the people rather than the corporations, be himself active and ceaseless in his efforts from now till election night. Do not be coaxed or bullied into vot ing for any man who is the recog nized champion of monopolies and who is groomed by such an arch enemy of the people as Marcus Aurelius Hanna. COLD PACTS. Th New York World, opposed to Bryan, publishes the following letter by its great correspondent "Bryan may be defeated,. but the influence of money and of Mark Hanna's methods upon the voters of Wisconsin, in common with the voters of other states, will not die appear after election day. ' Let me give one example. I speak of a matter I know and understand: The Reliance ma chine works, owned by the Edward P. Allis Company, are situated in Milwaukee. There are employed in this establishment something like 1800 men. Here the Bryan sentiment is very strong. It is an absolute fact that 18 working men in this establishment are at thin moment on the pay-roll of the republican state committee as secret political agitators. Their companions are ignorant of this fact and do not suspect it. The result is that these men have an influence which they could not possibly wield were the truth known. - The republican committee has also, I am informed, upon its pay rolls a large number of men in another establishment, which em ploys about 2000 workingmen. In several of the factories here gold standard arguments are pinned each week to the envelopes con taining wages." Will the time ever come when the common people will know the truth, that their bitterest enemy iB the republican party now bossed by Hanna and Quay. McKinley's idea of protection and of money, if put into practice ttltf toMfUM, nsourigs strike THE COUNTRY MORTGAGED. The great corporations of the country have contributed several millions to Hanna's campaign fund, as is generally believed, cor porations have no souls, therefore these financial gifts were not from the goodness of their souls. It wiib a business investment. Corpora tions don't place their money without good security. There is but one security that could be given. Hanna has mortgaged the republican party to these corpora tions. These millions will find their way back into the coffers of these corporations by legislation and executive favors. The people will have to pay the mortgage by increased burdens, and the trusts will tighten their grip on the in dustry, energy and labor of tiie masses. Such is republicanism. Possibly unwillingly, but never theless tightly bound to trusts and corporations, Wm. McKinley is the leader of the enemies of the people. Left to his own better judgment, he might favor the peoples' interest. Bound as he is, he cau only do the bidding of the men who are giving their gold that he may be president. McKinley is a good man, but his umbition and the counsel of his friends, have forced him forever in the ranks of the oppressors of the people. Cleveland, during his first term, was a sturdy champion of the people. He has changed under the burden 'of bis great honors. Hence today, his name is dear, not to the masses, but to the trusts. He and McKinley differ only in name. They are conspiring to the same end. Let the one go and the other remain forever in retirement. The name of neither can ever bring hope to suffering mankind. The one has betrayed his trust, the other would do it if the chance is ever given him. Old party lines should have yery little bearing in this election. The people should combine their forces, regardless of politics, and vote for the man whose life proves him their friend, William J. Bryan. The people would like to know something more about Mr. Mc Kinley. They would like to hear him talk about the issues of the day. These little delegation speeches that he makes from his door step to excursion parties, hat too much of the secretiveness of Hanna. . Let him get out among the people and talk. A joint de bate in New York City, for in stance, between McKinley and Bryan would greatly enlighten the people. Neither would lose his dignity, and neither would be thought less of for mingling with the people. If Bryan is the rattle brain fellow that Hanna says he is, why then McKinley ought to be glad of the chance to prove it, May be the gallant Major does not want to monkey with the buzz- saw. He might get laid up for repairs. Senator Mitchell thinks more of his seat than he does of his head- More of his return to the senate than of the success of free silver, the conviction of his life. Senator Mitchell's political somersault into the gold camp was graceful indeed, but the many converts to silver made by hie eln quent and logical speeches hereto fore, will not so easily change. The American people. still love a circus. Several hundred went to Albany Monday to see a United States Senator turn a political somersault. Politicians are said to have their price". Senator Mitchell's price was rather steep a seat in the U. S. senate. Mitchell republicans defeated Dolph for the senate two years ag' Dolph Culd have then been elect ed, if be had been political acro bat like Mitchell. The trusts are for McKinley be cause McKinley is for the trusts. The Mode are . for Brvan. lie- Intimidation of workmen is still being done by Hanna and bis The laborer and farmer hnv nothing to hope for in Hunna'fi triumph. Doluh is a cold, selfish man, but he is not of easy political virtue like Mitchell. If Bryan is elected prosperity will return. BUSINESS LOCALS. Go to Peebler'e and get 40 pounds of beans for $1. Challies 25 yards for $1. Now Is the time to buy a cool wrapper at Read. Peacock & Co.'s Money to loan. A limited auinuul of money to loan on good farm secur ity. Call upon or write to 8. Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon. Overalls with aprons or without, 50Y a pair at the Racket Store. Also havi Just received a large amount of new calico. Don't fail to see tliem. I have mouey t o loan at 8 per cell Interest on good farm or personal security, J. M. Ralston, Mastou Block, Albany, Or Wanted. All girls to know that "Hoe Cake" will not make their hands red line common soap. Savi the wrappers. They are worth a cent apiece. drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Is a perfect Malarial Liver Tonic and Blood purifier. Removes biliousness without purging. As pleasant as Lemon Syrup It is as large as any- dollar tonio and retails for 60c. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. Young man, you are thinking some thing about your sweetheart, and you will want to look nice when lu her presence, so buy the latest styles of clothing at Baker's. He tiae tue prioet way down to suit your rerdy cash. Notice. You can purchase round trip ticket at the Southern Pacific Co's. ticket office to Portland and return at $8 86; to East Portland and return $6 78; good for 30 days. This saves you sixty cents of regular fare. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKEt. Chanted Every WMk.l Wheat Warehouse, 47c; mill, 47.0 Oats 25 to 28o Hay $6 to t7 perton. Flour 0 7685. per sack Chop 10 80 per cwt. Bran 75c per cwt. Middlings 1076 per cwt Potatoes 60c. Apples Dried, 7c per lb Plums Dried, Be. Onions 2c. Beef Dressed, 4J to 6c. Veal-Sl4c. Pork Dressed, 3j. Lard 0. Hams 12 per lb. Shoulders 8c. Bides 8c per lb. Geese $3 60 $5 per doz. Ducks $4 $5 per doz. Cliickens-1 502 50. Turkey-8c per lb. Eggs 12je nerdoz. Butter 10 loc per lb. Hides Green, 3c; dry, 5c. WANTED- To trade fruit trees for lumber, oats, wheat, hay and dressed pork. My stock of trees for this year is very fine and will be sold for bed rock prices for cash, Send bill for prices to M. L. Forster, Tangent, Ore. POPULAR SCIENCE Nature. 1nTntlin. News 52sa; "assaa Health Formerly Boston Journal of Chemistry Enlarged and Improved Contains a large number of Short, Easy, Practical, Interesting and Pop ular, Scientific articles, that can he Appreciated and enjoyed by any intel ligent reader, even thougu lie Knew little or nothing of Science. Profusely Illustrated and F From Technicalities. Newsdealers, 10 cents. S1.00 par year 49-Mentton this paper for a sample copy -'TO Largest Circulation of any 8oientlflo Paper In the World PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Ben J. Jillurd, New York WantbJn Idea Protect your law: tbr may Who can think of touw Imple tbloK to lteut? owing vim ffwtiiu. Write JOHN W&UOEHDURN ft CO.. . .. - nays, WaAbiogton, D. C, for tnalr $i,SUt wile v. eud hit of two Juindfad tnvantloaa wautai. , RlpansiabU Read, Peacock & Co. Is the place to find the new and pretty style belt. Stats or Ohio, City of Tolido.J as. ulICAB BOUNTY. . FbahkJ Cubkby makes oath that lie la the aenlor parnter of the llroi of F. J. (:hknby & Co., doing business in City of Toledo, County ami Mate aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of 0N1C Hl.'NDllEI) DOLLARS tor each and every case of Catarrh tltat cannot be curat! by the uae of Halu Catarrh Curk. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before ine and subscrllcil in niy presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. 18WI. aoal. A WOLEASON, Notary Public. Hulls Catarrh Cure ta taken internally and acta on the blood and mucous aurfacea i)f the systom, Head for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Soul by Drtifrgista 7fc. Hall's Family Fills are the beat. Notice of Appointment of Administrate. Notice it hereby given that the under signed has been duly apKinte(l adminis trator of the estate of J. T. Mcl'ullister. teceaaetl, late of Linn county, ureirnu. All persons bavins claiiua airalnst the aatd t-stnte ure hereby not ilied to present them, .vun tneproper vnucners, witiunsix mounts Iroiti die ditte of this notice, to the under signed, at Albany, Oregon, Hated, this Istduj of August, t8!W. 11. M. l'AYHI. Elkinb A Cannon, AdmiuUtraror, AttyB. for Aduir. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., I August 4. 1S. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of lua Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Linn county, Ore gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct. 12, INK), viz: John K. Carlton, H. E. No. 10741, for the W, X 8. E. , 8. W. Vi N. E K 4 B E K N. W. H of Bee. 21, Tp. 10, B. K. (I E. He names the following witnesses to prove his coutlaucus residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wm. Krlesel, It. C. Krlesel, Thomas Kiley, Simpson Pear son, all of Detroit, Alarion Co., Oregon. Kobkst A. lllIXIR, Kcgisler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1 Aug. 4, lsj. I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the county Clerk of Linn county ,Ore gon, at Albany, Ore ton, on Oct. 12, 1896, viz: Thomas Kiley, H. E. No. 10740, for the W. 8. W. , Sec. 2) and W. tf,N W.Sec. 26, Twp. 10. S. K. 6 H W. 51. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, (aid land, viz: J E Carlton, RG Krieael, Wm Krlesel, S Pearson.allof Detroit, Marion Co., Oregon. Hobirt A. Milim, Register. NOTICE FOR PULICATION. Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Or.,1 Aug. 22, 1896. I Notice la hereby given that the following named settler lias tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that said prooi will be made before the County Clerk of Linn County at Albany, Ogn on Oct, 17th, 1886, viz: Colbert O, Patterson; H. E. 8532 for the lots 1,2 and 3, Sec. 6, Tp. 12 8., It. 1, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot, aaid iand, viz: Ezra Catlier, Jason D. Breed, George Smith, Chas. Grisham, all of Lebanon, Or. Kobkbt A. Miu.hr, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1 Aug. 22, 18UU. ( Notice is lierhy given that the following named aettler has filed notice of bis intent ion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tbe County Clerk of Linn County at Albany, Or., on Oct. 17th. 1880, viz : Jason 1). Breed: H.E. 8702 for the 8. 'A of 8. M of Sec. 6, Tp. 12 8., R. 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous jesiilenci upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Jacob Fitzwaterand J, M. Lludley, of Lacomb, Oregon, Ezra Gather, Colbert G. Patterson, of Lebanon, Ore. Robikt A. Millm, Register. Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS 4 PHILLIPS, Proprs, AJbany, Oregon All Orders Receive Prompt Attention, Special Rates for Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. J. F. HYDE, Agent, Xebanon, Oreyqiii J, W, CUS1CK&C0., Bankers, ALBANY, OREGON. Transact a general Banking business liolleotloiia made at all pom to on lavoraDie terms. Drafts drawn on New York, San Francisco, Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Corvallls, and all points In Eu rope, ,; . Business sent iy ball will iWvt We Are Not M'KINLE Y Protection and Prosperity, President. The great campaign is now on. Mc'Kinley is sure to win, he wears the Douglas shoe and Baker sells the Douglas shoe. Lebanon, TASTELESS IB JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 ott. Oil.iTU, 111, Hov. M, MJ, ParUMrtlolne Co., St. LouU, Mo. UlUem.n:-W. Mid Uat TCtr, SOD botUM of OHOVU'H TASTB1.KKK CHIUi TOXIC ud b. boagltt tbrae arot. already Una rw. InalloaraK prltice of II jtn. in tb. drug btuloaat. bar. D6TrwdananlGlataatsaveaaQB unit .raal aata XMUoo aa iwj Tunic, xoara trulr. Aaasr.GuBtOO. For sale by N. W, SMI TH. Rlp&ni Tabulei cure dlulnew. Rlpans Tabulea cure bad breath. Rlpana Tabulea: gentle cathartic ireousnoiiiq aJtio seinqvx iirediH Ripens Tabules cure constipation. Fire Insurance. Insure Your Property with GEORGE RICE ) Boyal, Hartford. Phoenix. Hamburg-Bremen, Fireman's Fund, Wetstern, 0 Reliable old line companies (h . lie represeuia. aii ouBiueae V placed with him will he at- 0 tflideil to promptly. Office ) gj on main oi., wttanun, ur. ERQVES CHBLL TONIE Candidates For Ml fit BRYAN . Free Silver, no Prosperity Oregon Thos. F.,(lakn, Henry '". raynu, Hrtiiry C Rouse, Deceivers. ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist oieeping tars ( Ht. I'.ul MliiueftDHlla Ouliith F.r Grniifl Vurk iriM.knti.il Wliititjipg Helena and THROUGH TICKETS-p Ohleafo Washing-ton Phllad.lplil. W.w York Boston ntt all Point. East and Booth For information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write W. C. PETERSON, igent, LEBANON, - - OREGON. or ID, CHARLTON, Asst. Cenl. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. J. M. RALSTON, BROKEB, MuBton Block, Albany, Or. Money to loan on farm security, also small loans made on personal security. CitV. COUIltV anil Hnhnnt umrrAnhi ltf'F . r'nllotl,.,,. ,,,,! .. r.,.....l,l. ..i It ' Fire insurance wrlttnn large wuiuauies iu tut Verlii. a! iht la