The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 17, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
anfl - Proprietor
The New York World, a gold
standard paper, opposing Bryan,
addressed the following to Mo-
1. You know perfectly well
that when Mr. Harrison came into
oflice Mr. Cleveland turned over to
him a treasury full to repletion,
with a surplus of more thau
hundred millions of dollars, and
witii revenue laws producing vast
ly more money than the govern
ment needed,
2. You know that at the end of
Mr. Harrison's term the surplus
was exhausted and that there
would have been a deficiency op
parent but for the juggling of ac
counts in the treasury department
and (he wrongful conversion of a
trust fund to illegitimate uses.
3. You know that this result
was brought about in part by the
reduction of receipts created by
your own tariff billunder which,
in the name of protection, the
customs revenues were cut down
from 1229,000,000 in 1890 to $177,-
000,000 m 1892 and $131,000,000
in 1894.
4. You know that it was in
other part produced by the reck
less squandering of a republican
congress of which in the house
you were the chosen leader. That
' body not only swelled expendi
tures to a .billion dollars but
fastened so many unjust perman
ent ebarges upon the treasury as
to make it impossible for succeed
ing congresses to reduce this ex
traordinary and extravagant
5. You know that whatever
deficiency there has since been in
thereveuue, whatever embarrass
ment to business and whatever
prostration to industry are in large
part the fruits of recklessness for
which the republican much more
thin the democratic party is re
sponsible, and in which you your
self bore a commanding part.
Why not tell the truth about
these things? Are honesty, can'
dor, fair dealing and truth telling
less imperative obligations to a
candidate for president than to
ordinary men?
Whht is the matter with Ar
kansas? There is nothing small
about Arkansas except the repuh
lican vote.
The Express predicts that
Bryan will carry old Linn county
by 1000 majority.
If this country belongs to the
people' let the people rule it. If it
belongs to Hanna and his million
aires, let them have Hanna for
king and be done with it. -
Senator Mitchell is now being
complimented by the Oregonian
for his good work in behalf of Mc
Kinley. The people have all
ways thought very well of Senator
Mitchell, but it will now be in
order for them to look a little out,
as the great Oregonian never com'
pliments a true friend of the
Thebanksare mating a small
charge for cashing Eastern drafts
This fact is being used by some
gold bugs as an argument against
free silver one of the evils that
Bryan's magnificent canvass is
bringing upon the people. School
boys used to stick pins in their
fellow students and then point to
some innocent youth as the guilty
party. So the banks will continue
to pinch the people and charge it
up to Bryan.
It is amusing to hear the re
publican gold press and politicians
saying such nice things about
Palmer and Buckner, and especi
ally about . Buckner, who was a
Confederate brigadier. The ez
pected help that this ticket will
give to McKinley is the reason for
all these nice expressions. The
radical portion of the republican
press must be very hard up when
they turn to an old Confederate
soldier for help.
The republican papers are try
ing to make an unfavorable com
parison between Bryan and Mc
Kinley, from the fact that Bryan
travels over the country to speak
to the people, while McKinley
stays at home and has the people
brought to him.: Upon reflection
there is a strong argument in favor
of Bryan in this very circum
stance. McKinley, representing
the money aristocracy of the
country, is not permitted, by his
managers, to mingle among
the common people. He stands
for the wealth of the millionaires,
and must mingle only with these
high-toned personages. He stands
upon the door-step of his palatial
home, and, like a king, receives
the homage of his visitors. This
is too much like the crowned
heads af Europe to suit the citi
zens of a free republic. On the
other hand, Bryan, the champion
of the common people, goes forth
to meet and talk with his fellow
citizens, not as a petted child of
aristocracy, but as a plain Ameri
can citizen. This incident of the
campaign is the whole thing in a
nut shell. The one, the pet and
champion of millionHires. The
other, the favorite and defender of
the people. A vote for McKinley
is a vote for Wall street with its
net-work of combines. A vote for
Bryan is a vote for the people with
all they hold dear.
The democrats may have learned
a few things from the populists,
as the republicans charge, but
the republicans hate certainly
learned one very bad habit from
the pope. They ire now doing all
the calamity howling, as they see
strong hopes in Bryan's election,
and the populists have quit howl
ing, while the republicans pretend
to see only the day of judgment
coming. By the way, it will be a
day of judgment for many of the
gold bug republican monopolists.
The workingman who votes for
Bryan volunteers to turn half his
wages over to millionaire mine-
owners and speculators in silver
bullion. Oregonian.
Yes, and the workingman who
votes for Bryan is now being
hounded to death by his employ
ers, whose ready tool Hanna is.
His wages are being pinched by
"voluntary contributions" to the
McKinley campaign fund, and his
family is being threatened with
starvation. Oh! yes, Hanna is the
friend of the laborer, just as the
card shark is the friend of his
green victim.
pennoyer;s points.
(Continued from fourth page.)
If the gold bugj keep on con
tracting the currency, there will
not be enough to pay the millions
in pensions due every month,
and then you will see a large in
crease in the free silver shoutere.
Bryan it gUjnfl stronger every
Bryan is a firm friend and be
liever in the people. For this
reason, it is hinted that Bryan's
election would encourage domestic
disorders, strikes, riots and the
like. Such a charge is ridiculous.
The people would know that the
president was their friend and
that the rights guaranteed to them
by the constitution and the laws
would be given them. Their con
fidence in Bryan would teach them
patience, while with McKinley as
president, they would strongly
suspect that the corporations that
elected the candidate would con
trol the president, and their des
pair and their desperate condition
of poverty and oppression would
likely end in riot. W strongly
favor peace and order, and we be
lieve that Bryan's election would
do more to inspire the confidence
in the people than anything that
could happen. A man may be a
friend of the people and still be a
bitter enemy to riots. The people
never had a bitter friend thun
Lincoln, and none was ever
closer to the very heart of the na
tion, yet be was no triend to riots
and strikes.
var nalntain it at par. It will ta,
wkea treated like gold, be juit w good
aa gold, The niononietaliais deny thai
the bestewment of legal tender qnalttiw
will affect lis Tlue, and jet they takr
verj good care that gold ahull be a full
legal tender and endeavor, in order to
enhance ita value, to have it the only
legal tender money. Their actions com,
pletely belie their assertions.
The most atrocious persecutions and
bloody butcheries of the Christians by
the barbarous Turks in Armenia tor the
last year or two have been more than
sufficient to enlist the sympathies of the
civilised world, and to demand the
prompt and effective interposition of
the Christian nations of Europe. And
yet that interposition has been with
held and those butcheries have been
allowed to proceed without the Inter
vention of European governments, for
the sole reason that such intervention
might interfere with the value of Otto
man securities. The power of Roth
childs' gold has outweighed all human
sympathies, and Christian blood has
freely flowed in order to nrevent a fall
In Turkish bonds. And right near onr
own shone, the gallant sons of Cuba
have for about two years maintained a
moat heroic struggle for freedom against
tne cruel despotism of Spain, fully
equalling ia self-sacrifice and valor the
achievement of onr forefathers while
straggling for oolonial independence,
and yet at the domination of the gold
owner of the, world, fearful of disturbing
tin single gold standard, the President
of our gnat republic turns a deaf ear to
the appeal of the heroic Cubans, the
demand of a patriotic Congress, and the
outspoken expressions of universal Am
erican sympathy and serenely bobs
tor oaaa.
Gold is the great vandal of the nine
teenth century. Through its power, it
has nfused among the leading nations
of the earth the recognition of silver, its
equal yoke-fellow of the oenturies, as
full redemption money, narrowing for
its own enrichment the legal tender
money or the world, and in just that
same proportion dwarfing the ener
gies and checking the growth and
progress of the nations. A writer
in a recent number of the Fortnightly
Review gives a graphic picture of the
result of the single gold standard in
hug-land when he says, "Farms are
abandoned, the green fields of former
days, peopled aa they wen with thriving
flocks and handsome herds, converted
by the rude processes of nature into a
dismal, unproductive waste, from which
even the cottager has fled as if from a
plague; country mansions closed or
occupied by caretakers, their owners
no longer able to sustain the charges
which an establishment entails, while
rural laborers, flocking into towns swell
the already swollen ranks of the un
employed." The same results are wit
nessed to some extent in our own
That the value of gold may be en
hanced, its devotees apparently reck not
the ruin the fatal policy biingn upon the
country. Professing opposition to sil
ver aa standard money, they have
already really placed the country on a
silver basis, as their continued forced
loans of gold to maintain the treasury
reserve incontestibly demonstrates. Pro
fessing to favor sound money, thoy have
prevented the coinage of silver, thus
leaving the country in a pitiable uliirht.
without gold unless borrowed, and with
out silver, It not being coined, and with
its currency of bank notes and clearing
house certificates spasmodically issued.
Professing abhorrence of repudiation,
they have forced upon the country a pol
loy which has already absolntely com
pelled the debtor to yield up his prop
erty to the creditor, who then finds half
his claim repudiated, without hope of
redress. F: ofessuig to give the laborer
good money, they deprive him of any
money by enforcing idleness npon him,
compelling his sons to tramp for work
anl his 'aughtera to seek a life of shame
for bread. The crusade for the roslom
tion of silver money is one in the inter
est of humanity, morality ami civiliza
tion, and one on the result of which
hangs the destiny of seventy million
of people,
Three years ago I wrote a Christmas
letter to President Cleveland, in which
I truthfully stated that two-thirds of
the people of Oregon were out of re
mnuerative employment. If I were to
write him a letter to-day, upon my con
science I would be compelled to increa
the proportion. To stand where I hnvi
stood as Mayor of Portland for more
than two months and listen to the an-
peals of stroug. able bodied men, with
tears in their eyes, for a chance to earn
bread for their wives and children,
almost enough to melt a heart of iron.
hands of receivers."
t he Cleveland administration haa fol
lowed exactly the financial policy of the
previous Republioaa administration,
an as a result the country has been
gradually and aunly sinking in the
treacherous quicksands of mono
metalism and now, while our gold
standard friends, sunk to the armpits,
are vainly struggling to g' mt of their
dilemma they refuse the aiu of our solid
plank for the restoration of silver as
standard money, insanely outlining that
this plank of relief is the sole cause of
their trouble.
There is a story of a spell which a
fairy once placed upon a castlo and its
Inmates, suspending life entirely until a
certain prince should come and kiss the
lips of the sleeping beauty. At length
tlie prince came, put a loving litis upon
her rosy lips, and the spell was ttten
broken, and arrested life toot up its
tnreaus and moved on as If nothing
strange had Happened. That is a urettv
fairy stay, but now comes a hatifnl
real story, 'ihe hideous ofrre of mono
metallism has placed a spell upon our
country, almost completely paralysing
ita industries, but with a iitudi.iiuers
utiparalle'ed it has not suspended tin- ani
mation of our people, thus compelling
countless thousands to shiver for lavk of
clothing and hunger for lack of food.
But thank heaven, that hateful spell is
soon to be broken, 'iuo youiig prince of
standard silver money will soon kiss onr
fair Columbia's brow, now sleeping
uncier tne speu of monometallism, and
then life will be restored to our indus
tries and hope and prosperity to our
people. Way tiod speed that welcome
Read, Peacock A Co. Is the plaoe to
find the new and pretty style lielt.
We Are Not Candidates For
Statwop Ohio, City or TolidoJ ss.
Lucas Couhty. (
Funic J Chihby makes oath that he l
the senior parnter of the firm of F. J.
CnntiY & Co., doing business in City of
Toledo, County and Mate aforesaid, ami
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED D0LLAKS for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of IIallr Oatahbh CnKi,
Sworn to before ine and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D.
seal. A WOLEA80N,
Notary Public.
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, Bend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
1? A Saf , Ml I
t LA V
J it
Protection and Prosperity.
Free Silver, no Prosperity.
Notice of Appointment or Administratis
Notice is herebv Riven that the under'
signed has been duly appointed adminis
trator ot tne estate oi J. 1, Mcuailister,
deceased, late of Lion county, Oregon. All
persons huving claims against the said
estate are hereby notified to present them,
with the proper vouchers, wttnin six months
from the date of this notice, to the under
signed, at Albany. Oregon.
Listed, this 1st day of August, 1898.
11. M. Payki.
Eucins Si Cannon, Administrator.
Attys. for Adinr.
Land Office at Oregon Oltv, Or.,1
August. 1806.' f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that si. Id proof will be made
before the county clerk of Linn county, Ore
gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct. 12. 1880,
viz: John E. Carlton, H. . No. 10741, for
the W, H 8. E. S. W. N. E M & S E
N. W. Ji of Sec. 21, Tp. 10, S. K. 0 E. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his contiauous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Win. Kriesel, R.
C. Kriesel, Thomas Klley, Simpson Pear-:
son, all of Detroit, Marion Co., Oregon.
Roam A. Millrb,
The great campaign is now on.
Mc'Kinley is sure to win, he wears
the Douglas shoe and Baker sells
the Douglas shoe.
" A child will weep a bramble's smart,
A maid tosee bar sparrows part,
But wuo awaits a country wliun
It seas the tears of bearded rum!'
The friends of McKinley assert thai
au this evil has some npon the country
since the election of Cleveland. This is
a great mistake. Four years ago last
May, in a speech which I made at Al-
btaa, I then truthfully stated that " the
entire Lndustnes of a great nation are
ruthlessly sacrificed in order that the
value of gold may be enhanced," and in
the Oregonianof January 15th, 1893, be
fore 01vland'sinnguration, tbere was
published the following from (be Rail
way Agei " Dnring the year Vt;i thjtro
were sold under foreclosure 28 railways,
having an aggregate mileage of 1922
miles, and hi apparent papitalujation,
bonds and stocks of SJ,87S,ooi), iiqch
mora alarming than the record of fore
closure is that of railroad liuwlvenoies
in the past year, for it wonld seem tliat
in 1898 a new era of bankruptcy, more
disastrous than that recorded for sev
eral roars previous, had been inaugu
rated. In twelve wnf't, no less than
thirty-six companies, having 10,003 miles
of road and representing the prodigious
Land Oflico at Oregon Citv, Or.,1
Aui. 4. m. t
Notice is hereby given that the (bllowing-
named settler has tiled notice of tils inten-
lion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the countr Clerk of Linn county (Ore
gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct. 12, 1898,
v: Thomas Klley, H. E. No. 10740, for the
W. 8. W. X, Sec. 23 and V. ,N WK.Sec.
26, Tp. 10. S. It. 0 11, W. II. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of, said
land, viz: J E Carlton, KO Kriesel, Vt'm
Kriesel, S Pearson, ollof Detroit, Marlon Co.,
Oregon. Robkht A. M11.1.IB,
Land Oflice at Oreaon Cltv, Or.,1
Aug. 22, WW. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
bis claim, and that said prool will be made
before the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Ogn., on Oct, l?th, 1808, vis:
Colbert 0, Patterson; II. E. 8S:2 for the
lots 1,2 and 3, Sec. 6, Tp. 12 S H. 1, W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ot, said land, viz: Ezra Gather, Jason
D. Breed, George Smith, Chas, Orlsham,
all of Lebanon, Or.
Hobekt A. MlLLsa, Register.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,1
Aug. 22, 18U6. (
Notice is berby given tliat the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intent
ion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said "proof will be made be
fore tlie County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or,, on Oct. 17th. 1898, viz 1 Jason
D. Breed: H. E. 8781! for the 8. K ofS.
of Sec. 6, Tp. 12 8., K. 1 . He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
jesldenceuponand cultivation of said lend,
viz; Jacob Fltswaterand J, M. Lindley, of
Lituonip, Oregon , Eire Cather, Colbert (J,
0 HI i EaiLi
Gautu, lus,, Nov. M, ISO.
FarUUedlehMCo., 8t.Lrala.alo.
Usntlmea:-We sold last rear, 800 boulas of
oouf oi um groat atraaar una rear, loan oar si
Thos. F. Oakes.pienry C. l'eyne, Henry C
Rouse, Receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
parlaiKa of U yaara, In lae drug btulonM, bare
, trn
Asiiar, Oaaa 600.
Km sold an artlota tbat save suoa ool renal aaua
xoura innr.
affUea as your Teolc
For sale by N. W. SMITH.
You can get lbs of good rlee and
40 lbs of beans at Feebler' for 91 00;
and 100 lbs of the best dry granulated
sugar for 95 06 spot cash,
I Fire Insurance.
Insure Your Property with
IJurtf'orU, k '
Fireman' Fund.
w emorn,
Reliable old line cmnpuiiles
he renreeeuts. All hualiiMA
placed with him will be at
tended to promptly. On oe
on Main til., LEBANON,
lice 9)
CI rand forks
Helena and
Hew York
Uostonjind all
I'nlnta Bast and Hontta
For Information, time cards, niape and
tickets, call on or write
f. C. PETERSON, Agent, ".
ID. CHARLTOH, Asst. Genl. Pass. igt.
Portland. Oregon.
MivHtun lilook., Albany, Or,
Money to loan on farm security, also
small loans made on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terma, , yjf2.
Fire insurance written In three of; th6
gioJblir'i and pt Jh? pound of
musnisi la lbs world, II lb