VOL. X. LEBANON, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17,1896. NO. 29. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Out y tit ........ M. 92 00 ilt pid lo mAtuum, 91 Au per year.) 4tx month - H 1 00 Three montlu , W Bltntenoplei.. .... 06 8TATK OFFICERS. Geo. W. McBridel Jolm H. Mitchell,' . Senator Binder Hermann Oongreaemen William P. Lord, Governor H. R. Kliicatd, Secretary o( State Phil Metschan Treasurer U. M. Irwin ..Supt. Public Instruction H. W Lead Bute Printer K. 8 Bean, I F.A.Moore, I ....Supreme Judges il. K. Woolverton.) COUNT? OFFICERS. Indie O. D. Hanoi Reeorder, , D. F. Hardnien Clark 0. B, Montague Sheriff,... M. C. Galnei School Buparlntandent, Richmond Wheelei Treasurer P. Q. Morrb Alienor, I). A.Btaffon1 Surveyor, E. T..T. Fiahei Coroner C.F. Wrlghi i J. M. Waten uoninuesioneri, i jurj OITV OFFICIAL8. MAYOR C. E. PCOli ItEOORDElt W. M. BROWN CITY ATTORNEY 8. M. GARLAN1 fKEASUKEK J. F, HYDi MARSHAL U. W. lAYLOl. fN. 8. DjiUiLKIBH, b. o. Wallace, oouniulmen ; fAr, J. R. 8MITH, N. R. JUtAMAS. lilty Council meets an the flrat and thin Xui"lay evenings of each month. Qyrtt tooletlaa. LIMN TENT, No. K. O. R. 11.11 . Wanday svenh." TnusMfit Sir Kami, are cordu" ""Mad " vlUt the hat tint. T. O. PaaaiaR, cm' Oao. W. Rioa.B. K. , HONOR LODGR, No. H. A. O. 0. W.-Meeti ivery Puaada)-arcnlnf at 0. A.R.Hall. H. Y. KlKKFATBIOK, U. W. J. F. Hyde, Rec. HKBANON LOW NO. 47. 1.0. O.F.-Meet very Saturday evenuii at Odd Fellow. Hall, a w. C. FETMUON, Heot'y. .ABLRKBHOOA LODGE, NO, 47, 1. 0. 0. F.-Haeuau- 0 0 ' 8,11 " "d third Wediaw a,.i' or eeoa monin. lay evenly habaH HALTIIAR6H, n. a. HATTIE A .Crf WN, aMt f. LEBANON LODGE No',' 44 .F.4A. M.-Meet. Saturday amdat. oo orb."""- """"" ", aoh month, at Maaonle L'. a "" Grant He. Hojonndnf brether.'' " o attend. R. K. Hammaci, See. . Wa,, ff. M, JOHN F. MILLER W. R. C. No. nieeta let and Srd Fridays of eami month ' 2:80 n. m. AR.iicB.Raan, Dolus E. Saitmabsh, Bec'ty. Prat. I GKrTL ME1GGBCAMP, No 1, Million of Ore- Bona of Veteraan Meet In G. A. R. Hall " Saturday evening, except the third .0aoh month, meetlni the third Fri ttturtare. , A ,, of theftoui of Vet day Inmaad. eaof the G. A. R. are cordially eransandcomrau .. Invited to meet with. A. Bosub, vapi. n. 0. Stviw, Flint Sett. 0. T, M.- BINA V. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 'veninff 01 Mwleon Ibeld, 4tb and 9th Friday e j,,,,. each month at 1M r. u. at Q. A. R. Hall. . lent Lady tlawabeea are eordlally invlteu ' attend. - - HOua S. Miuaa, Lady Com, Dom'.ii Saltxamh, Udy R. K. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Garland, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON. Weathertord 4 ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W. M, BROWN, Attorney.at-Law. The Champion Mills DO A.., General Exchange and Mill Business Flour and All Kind of Mill Feed For Sale at the Lowest Prices. We are prepared at all to pay Albany prices for wheat to those who store witl iib. Call and get sacks and learn further particulars. Very Truly, G. W. Aixrich BARBER SHOP Heat Shaven, Hair Cut or Slit dpoo B. F. KIRK'S Shaving" Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. i lies Hair Dressing a Specialty East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific-Co. Express trains leave Portland daily:. 8:60 P. at. 12:10 A. M. '0:46 A.M. Lv... Portland Ar. 8:10 a. v 4:60A. m 7:00 r. Lv...Allany.. ..Ar. I Ar.San Frauciaco Lv The above tral'ia Wp ut Kast Fort iKud, Oregou City, Wnuribprn, Salem, Turner, Marlon, Jerti'iicn. Albany, Allmtiy Jutiotlon, Tutigent, Bbcdd, Hnlaey, Harriaburg, Juucliou City, Irving, Eugene, Creawll, Brains and all Matiuna from fioaoliurg south to and tneludiiig Aahlaud. Roaebure mall-deily : 8:30 A.M. 12:26 P.. 6:60 p. M. 1. Portland . - r- Ar. 4:40 p.m. 1:16 p.m. 8:00 A.M. Lv.,.Albany Ar. Ar...Koaehurf..Lv. Ix)cal .passenger trains daily (eoer.t unuay. 8:20 a. m. 9:W. M, 4:00 f, M, Lr...AllHny Ar. Ar... Lebanon. ...Lv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar... Lebanon ...Lv. 10:40 a.m. 9:40 A. M. 6:46 p. M. 6.-60 P. M. 4 Can on Ogdeip ffpute. Dinin fjt Sleepers Pullman Biu AND- 'rg At- Second-Class Sleeping C tached to all Through Trains West Side Division. Bktwkbn Poktlaks and Ooiivallis. Mail train daily (except Sunday) : 7:80 A 12:16 P. ILv. .Portland ...Ar. 6:20 A.M. 1:36 p. M. 1 Ar .Corvallis . .Lv. ' At Albanv and Corvallis connect with trains of 0. C. & E. railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday) : 4:40 p.m. 7:86 p. M. I Lv... Portland ...Ar. ' I Ar.McMinnvllleLv I 8:29 a. m. 6:60 a. m. THROUGH TICKETS """tf . ... , Enstern States, Can ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from F. U. Hlchok, aent, Lebanon. R. KOEHIJSR, Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Asst. C . F. ds Pass.. Agt. Wanted-An Idna Who oan think of tonic liiijii tlullbT lO DaltJttt? ma onug yiiuiwtjatiwii STATE AND COAST. Clipped from our Exchanges Throughout the West, The name of the two young mei who drowned at the mouth of lb iiletz last Monday were Marloi Painter and Rufus Whiteman Moro enjoyed something of a build' ing boom during the past summer. .Six buildings were erected. A brick kiln is now being burned and a Are proof building is now talked of. Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, of Thi Dalles, has been notified of her ap pointment as member of the national executive board of the Woman's Re. lief Corps. The Alderman hotel in Tillamook nas been closed by the foreclosure of a "hattle mortgage on the furniture. I'lie hotel will probably be refurnish. ed and reopened, God's Regular Army was represent d at Yaqulna bay last week bv William Purdy and wife. Tbe army is visiting the towns of the Coqullle, and expects to get to Marsh field in about six weeks. Wallace Bishop of Phoenix, one day wet week hauled 120 bushels of wheat 10 the Ashland mills in one wagon load, which it is claimed was tbr argest four-horse load of grain ever irougbt to tbe mills there. Chris Peterson and Nelse Rasmus- sen caught a salmon in Coos river last week which weighed 78 pounds. A large number of cbinooks being caught this season weigh over 40 pounds, and are in excellent eoudi. tlon. Several taxpayers of Harm county wbo paid their taxes to ex-Bherili Uittinge, the defaulting sheriff of thai county, are anxious to know if tbe ounty court will regard the receipts is regular. E. C. Bmlth, of Eugene, has bought tbe William Miller lot of 47 bales of hops at 6-2 cents per pound. He has Uso contracted for about 800 bales, in luding some of the best growths In Lauo county, in each Instance furnish ing money to secure the crop. Wheat is coming into The Dalles at he rate of about 100 wagon loads eacb day. Most of that coming from tbe Washington side is No 1, while a con siderable amount of the Wasco county wheat is more or less shriveled and is regarded as No 2. Hon. E. R. Sklpworth this afternoon received an invitation from the Mo- Klnley Club to stumb Benton county for McKinley and Hobart, euggestiug hat he speak at as many points as possible. Mr. Bklpworth Informs us that be must decline as he is not sup. porting McKinley and does not desire bis election. Guard. Donald McKay Is at the Umatilla agency after a trip in the Wallowa country. Tbe scout, who has been sent for by Indian Agent Harper, ex pects to lie appoiuted Interpreter to ucceed the late John McBean. Mo- Kay says the Umatilla and Lapwai Indians are encamped on Wallowa lake, having a big time horseracing and gambling. Tbe county court of Baker county, Thursday, iu accordance with au order barring the payment ef county warrants not presented for payment after seven years, and which had been advertised according to law, canceled (17,219 26 of these evidences of In debtedness agaiust Baker county. H ns. R. M, Veatch and 8. F. Floed visited Cottage Grove Saturday, where the latter addressed a Bryan meeting, making a forcible speech. A oampaign club of 68 members was organized, 17 of them beng former republicans who will vote for free silver, The McKinley club organised there a few days before bad but 20 nieinbprt, Roseburg Re view. A Salem merobant yesterday re- '"d a bill forasbippraent of goods from a ew or'E Jobbin8 flrmi wltn ihe follow.'",1 P'10 bill: Payable ,preae", standard and welg.""" K':a The gentleman statt .M last evening that lie would not receive tie goods, as that was not one of tbe Ci. . editions when he gave the order, States!8"' For the past two or three days the hop pickers In the Cheshier yard, near Springfield in Lane county, have been indulging lu considerable politi cal excitement, says a correspondent of the Eugene Guard. The camp was divided luto two precincts, known as No. 1 and No. 2, Speakings were held on Monday and Tuesday eveu lngs, Mr. Bowman representing the McKinley forces and Mr. Dinwiddle the Bryan adherents. The discussion IftltliaitlttylUtWllut, A car load of hops were started East from Eugene Wednesday. A crew of Western Union linemen was at work the latter part of last week taking down the wire which f rmed the loop connecting Jackson vllle with the main wire. The office was out out at Jacksonville some time ago, put the pole line was left stand ing, the company evidently thinking that the citlseus of that city would put up a guarantee sufficient to justify tbem in re-establishing the office, bnt sucn nas not been tbe result. Mrs. Warren Merchant has sent to the Yamhill Reporter, in McMinuville a bunch of ripe flgs, Oregon growth and some very fine specimens of egg plums. The figs, she says, are from a tree planted 11 years ago, this being its first year of bearing. They are ot the black variety commonly known In California. While the fig is not strict ly hardy In that part of Oregon, and probably could not be profitably grown for oommeioe, the few experi ments that have been made so far -uggestthatitis worth growing as a home luxury. The property of the Springfield Power and Improvement Company, sold In Eugene Wednesday, by the iberiff at mortgage sale, was bid In by A. c. Woodcock, attorney for the plaintiff, for 13649 69, the amount of the claim. Tbe suit was brought and the sale of the property ordered to satisfy the claim of the state, which through Governor Pennoyer, Secre tary McBride and Treasurer Metschan, comprising the board of commission ers having in charge all state school funds, bad loaned to the Springfirld company $10,000. Of this sum, all but the amount sued tor has previously been paid. Recovered fiooo Damages. Drummer Stephen P. Hart's $25,000 damage suit against tbe Southern Pacific Railroad Company was de cided by Judge Sbattuck in depart ment No. 1 of tbe state circuit court. The case, which Involved many points of especial interest to railroads and passengers; was tried before the court a Bhort time ago. Hart claimed damages for being ejected from a Southern Pacific train, He had a difficulty with tbe conductor over his ticket, which was of the identification class, and resorted to tbe law for satisfaction, monetary and otherwise. The decision of tbe court is that Hart was wrongfully ejected; that be bad as much right to be on board tbe train as he had to be at bis own fire side, and tbe company's represents. ves were at fault in the quarrel. The court assesses the general damages at xioov. Speaking of tbe charge of conspiracy on the part of tbe plaintiff the court said: His conduct In regard to this ticket does not seem to me to indicate any such purpose or design on his part as is attributed to him by the de fendant; therefore I lay the matter out of the case. ' In summing up the court said: I have come to tbe conclusion that the plaintiff should recover nothing for the damages which he received by be ing ejected from the car, inasmuch as he resisted; that he should be allowed, however, for general damages,- result ing from such a transaction as I have described, the sum of $1000. Tele gram. A Coffee Man in Oregon. Charles T. Manning, formerly of this city, but now of Matagalpa, Ni ioaragua, arrived at 11 o'clock from business trip to the East. He is domiciled at the home of his father, Elmer William Manning, on Winter street, where his wife bad preceded him about one week. Mr, Manning has been absent from Salem and the Uclted States for four years, haviug left Sau Francisco for Coriuto, Nicaragua, on the 15th of September, 1892. He entered the southern re public in company with his brother, Isaac Manning, and together they prospected the state of Nicaragua for a suitable location for a private venture Coffee, tbe great staple of that country, and finally settled near tbe city of Matagalpa, where they, and tbe companies they have since organ ised, control the heavy product of 7000 goTes. Statesman. Necessity demands that we insist on all those indebted to us on subscrip tion, or otherwise, to call and settle al once. We will take wheat, oats or hay at the highest market pi ices. Good clothing at a low price at Bach & Buhl's. Call and see my new stock of station it. N. W, ftftiT. Highert of all in Leavening 14 wsszsai ABSOLUTELY PURE COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Barton, county judge: J. M. Waten, D. L. Curl, commtalonera.) Petition for appointment of John H Ulass as J P of Precinct 7 dissallnwed, S P Barger was appointed to succeed Justice Chance. F. M. Graham was appointed J P of ui8t a to till vacancy. Bill of John Jenkins, road sup. 1217. continued. in matter of petition of A A Kees for bridge, further consideration ordered pogponed. BUI, 8awyer Bros, $18.81. continued, 8 S Myers resigned as supervisor of uist 24 and W B Githens was aDnoint ed. : , , Bills allowed: Salaries-Judge Barton, $100; Clerk Montague, $168.65: Sheriff Gaines. tfo.6o; Recorder Hardman, $150; i reasurer Morris, $88.30; Sunt Wheeler. m; Deputy Clerk Montague, $50; uepuiy emeritr Levelling, $60. Aid Mrs Clark $6. Cox famllv $7. Kenworthy family $8, Alberto $9, O T Liuoaeris, Alma Vail $8. Mrs Sarah Hlnes $3, Robert Gillock $6. Dobkina family $6, Orm Watson $6, Powers family 10, M and Mrs Barnard $5. Jas Lewis $8, MrsGFJunkev $6. Henrv Myers, $4, Jas Larew $4, Lawrence fiper$i2,MrsAdms$8. John Usher janitor. io 00 E T T Fisher acct poor 1 k b i Allen " " SEYonng ' ' I W Roberts " " j,'.!.! Thos Mirander" ". Mrs Eva Hill aid Powers family..,, J C Hardin " poor. BFRamp " " Ors Beers acct " ... 6 60 666 76 ,7 86 13 60 3 70 7 60 26 00 W B Washburn acct poor , 6 00 i m Keever roads. j g J M Evans roads and bridges 22 60 Marlon county roads and bridges 7 60 Lee Brown & Co roads and bridges... 8 44 Harrisburg Lumber Co roand and bridges g 63 Geo Henshaw roads and bridges 6 26 J P Stevens roads and bridges, 13 T6 L'ari Roberts roads and bridges 2 00 Mary E Evans acct poor g ou Mrs Ella Mendenholl elections 6 60 E T T Fisher surveying 24 00 C H Dalrymple pros atty jo 00 K Wheeler teachers ex 16 so D Torbet teachers ex w (in J 8 Smith teachers ex 16 60 l J otites postage ul no Smiley the printer g 86 Scio Press printing i jo Lee Gray coyote scalp 2 60 Uuisa Derrick rebate tax a 96 Bancroft, Whitney & Co Hills code... 11 00 M Ludwig C H a as Geo Fish C u 75 rrel ex in Justice Loveless court 0 on Jas Brown deputy sheriff 4 06 Or Tel Co on F Blount pre ex 2 m r Nutting pnntiiiK x on J S Smith acct sheriff , 6 30 J H Turbin bridges and roads 4 06 FredDawson acct poorand stationary 18 46 aiuuny m ugut uo., 23 00 Ramp Aikin and Lee C H 2 60 Santiam Lumber Co roads aiid ' bdges 1 is Dr G W Maston ex insane 6 00 Dr J L Hill ex insane 5 00 Oregon agt Maggie French ,. 41 16 Finch & Campbell printing 36 00 Geo D Barton acot roads 21 06 P Cohen acct poor., 9 go R B Montague acct clerk 20 00 J E Clark roads and bridges 6 50 Gross SEastberger roans and Bridges 4 26 Harrisburg Lumber Co roads and bridges 4 go M C Gaines boarding prisoners 38 66 A Frum rebate tax 5 10 N Needbam work on assessment roll 60 00 Dr W C Hawk acct coroner s 00 Henry Stone roads and bridges 6 60 Mrs M L Taylor acct poor 36 46 W E Savage roads and bridges , 24 00 W F Deakins assessor 878 00 B Smith roads and bridges 7 48 Phoebe Henderson acct poor 6 00 D 0 ourl roads and bridges 4 00 W W Howell acct poor 1 00 Oregoa agt R M Hulburt fees 7 80 Oregon agt Sohn Jones and Jos Smith ,. i7is Straw bate! straw hats!! from 6 1. 60c at the Racket Store. Lacecurtaiht 70 ots., $1, aud $1.25 per pair. Eig. t spools of best thread for 2oo, 3 for 10c. Save your Hoe Cake soap wrappers, they are worth a cent apiece. Read, Peacock A Co. has sleeveli a Uflttjf VMM fet taalW (tm kVibk, Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Looks Suspicious. There is everything to cause a num ber of Corvalllsltes to believe that couple of gentlemen (boys rather), reached this city Thursday with a couple of bicycles that were not their own. Early in the morning they passed a farmhouse seven or eight miles north of town and offered to sell their wheels, stating that they were from Portland. As the name plates had been destroyed on the wheels they failed to sell them even at the low price of $10. They were several hours in reaching this city which proved them to be very poor riders for boys who bad ridden from Portland, a fact that condemned their statement. Be that as it may tbey sold one of the wheels for $10, a ridiculously low price for a good wheel, and tbe bike was good. 1 he fellows were only 18 or 20 years of age, and It is generally believed that they appropriated tha silent steeds somewhere without per mission. Corvallis Times.' Ho Ran Away. A Falrvlew correspondent of the Brownsville Times says: A few even- . logs ago as Johnny Horn was out after the cows he saw two little black cubs run up a tree about 20 yarda away. Johnny this is a fine chance f "' bear meat aud a thrilling "bear story.'' !k he raised his Winchester and fired. At the crack of tbe gun. one of tha cubs gave a pitiful cry and both came tumbling to the ground, and at the same time the old mother bear came out of the brush near by and made a dash at the hunter, who, thinking that "he who runs away may live to light another day," took to his heels and reached the house in lust 2) jumps, since which the bears have not been seen. A Hundred And Two. Last Saturday's Statesman save; "Grandpa" John Durbln will, tomor row round out 102 years of his Hie. and notwithstanding his extreme senility, he is In very good health. Mr. Dun bin became a resident or Marlon (.ounty 1845 and has lived here ever since. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, on the 13th of Sep tember, 1794. In 1820 he was married and he has been father to ten ohll. dren, one of them being Solomon JJurbin, who resides at the "red barn" crossroads east of tbe peuitentiary. Tbe centenarian is at tbe home of Duncan Ross on Howell prairie. He will, very likely, be one of the voters in this county at the presidential election In November. The Snagboat. The wreck of the old government snagboat Corvallis, which has done good service on the Wlllamettee and other rivers for years, was sold by Captain FiBk, United StateB engineers, R. Wakefield, of Portland, being the purchaser for $460. The wreck, whlon now lies on the bank of the Willam ette river, some ten miles below Eu gene, is of no value except for the machinery It contains. Mr. Wake field has sent a man up to examine it to see if It can be patched up so as float it down to Portland, as this will, if practicable, be the cheapest method of transporting the machinery. Captain Fisk Is having a new snag boat with more powerful machinery built and of lighter draught. Guard. A Clubbing Offer, A great many of our readers In Linn county like to take the Weekly Oregon lan. We have made arrangement whereby we can furnish it at a reduc tion from the regular price to those who want both tbe Exfbjsb and th ' Oregouian. The regular price of tae Oregonian ia $1,50 per year, and of the Express $1.60 when in advance. We will furnish both for $2. per year in advance, a saving of one dollar to the subscriber. The Oregonian gives ail the general news of the country oncee week, and the Express gives all In local news once a week, which will make a most excellent nevts service for tbe moderate sum of $2. peryeai Those who are at present subscriber! ef the Express must pay in all arrear. ages aud one year I auu uue year iu advance to obtain