The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 03, 1896, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
THUfiHDAY, BKPT, 3, 1136.
Summer Soeclalties.
SummW Dress Qoodl In many varieties,
particularly Orsandr ind Dimltv.
Btrsvr hats for nun and bovs.
Ballon, trtiuiuad or not trimmed, for
Mum H jniSM..
Parasols In whit and black, nt striae.
Coach paranoia also.
Shirt waists from Wo to tW, nswsst
atylei, and tUy fit.
Oxfords for ladita and mlaeee, larm Var
iety, black, tan, patent laatliar, kid, oloth
ton, no. ) to till r pair.
Call or aand for Aniuat Metropolitan.
H navy Duck lor making hamster draper!
42-incb and W-lnob.
S. E. Youn ,;'
I'lill Kilter it tlii' uw itunlial.
Speaking In tbti Opera House lo
Mr, J. W, Bell, of Tallman, la re
port0 quite 111. .
Mis Jessie Balstou left Wednesday
for her home Id Portland.
W. J. Boyee returned yeeterday
from a trip to Portland.
Prof. J. B. Marka will teaoh the
Tangent arbool ttau year.
Mr. Geo. itaudle will teaob the
Happy Home nebool thlt fall.
H. B. HbUiU'a race bone, Bcatup,
"Vim a (100 raw, lu Balem laat Friday.
Mr. Thus. Kay pasted tbrough Leba
non Tueaday on ble way to Waterloo.
Mr. J. F. Hyde bat been confined to
but room thit week, but I Improving.
Attorney tj. M. Garlaid and family
.returned . Mouday from a vlatt to
Newport. '; ;-:, 'i'
MarshalTeylot resigned I laat Tun
day nigut. The work Mi too labortoui
for George.
Mlaa Nellie Elklni, of Albany la In
the oily, tuegumlof her ooutln Mlw
Mlaa Mabel Canon luva been engaged
to teach the Laoowb aebool for the
oomlug year.
W.W. Wealtnerhe sold, his farm
on the canal to Mr. M. M. Calloway,
Fullniae cabinet photograph $1.60
to 12 per I'oaeu for 10 day only at
Boyd'a Gallery.
Mr. Joseph Ullleapy baa traded hi
rwldence property here to Mr. Qaluea
aoroaa the river.
Heverel Lebanon cltlwns expeot
to attend the tree ellvef barbecue In
Balem uest Saturday.
Cburob aervloee In all or the churoh
et will begin at 7:80 p. m. lnatead of
o'clock a heretofore.
Mr. Frauk O'Nell who uae been in
California for tome time, arrived in
Lebanon laat Saturday.
Ueo. L. Alexander, editor of the
Advance, returned Monday from a
visit to lilt pareuti iu Kugeue.
J. B. wiug Spent but Sunday In
Albany. The boyi aay tbey know
what take Johnny to Albany.
Mm. H. Y. Klrkpatrlok and chil
dren and Mate Jetele Balaton returned
Tuesday from a three weekt' ttay at
Kewport. ' ,
One-half wool drew gnodt reduoed to
10 nta., and kleaobed, all llben table
oloth for 86 Ola. a yard, at the Backet
J. O. ilowltud and two tone, Wll1
and Fred, apeut Iwt night 111 Lebanon
Ull mvil w mj tiuiuv iiwiu mnvmrn tuv
Mm. M. L.' Pipes, who baa been
visiting her parent, Dr. and Mrs.
Hkipwiirtb, left Mouday for Eugene
to visit relatives.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loau ou good farm nemir
Ity. Call upon or write to 8. .
Htoele k Co., Albany, Oregon.
Mlw Emma Tlvey cloned a tucceea
ful term of school on MoDowell umk
Monday, and it attending the leach
era Institute iu Albany this wee. ...
T. 0. Feebler and Alvlu William
left yeeterday for the mountaina on a
deer hunt. Graoger MoCune la clerk
ing tor Mr, Feebler durlug hie absence.
Meaara. John Iaom, Frank Wood
and Morris Orlffln of California patted
through Lebanon today on their way
to the mouutalut on a bunting expedi
tion. ' 1
Kellenberger A Hlatt told their en
tire band of abort horn thoroughbred
cattle this week to Dick Morria of
Salem, and left todaywitb them lor
that place.
' E. Keebler, who Hvet 4 mile below
Lebanon, brought ut In tome of the
fluent peaches that we have ever
teen . r or navor tuey were aupenor iu
California peaches.
J. M. Wiley hue let a contract lo
Albert Crandle tor the erection of a
realdenoe on Ills property on Bridge
Avenue in tills oity. Work will begin
on the siime in about a montn.
Married, at the residence of 8. M.
W Hlnriiimn llimn Polk f'nmk
Hty, Mr.Johu L. Morgan and Mlw
Oatohell. Elder i A. B. Wad
Dr. E. H. Read, phytiolan and
surgeon. Offloe t family rwldence.
Have your Hot Oak toap wrapper,
they are worth a cent apiece.
W will lake any kind of feed that
it good for ye editor, or bit tow, on
N. W. Smith and E. M. Boelar rod
to Albany and back tblt morning on
their wheel.
You can buy a slot, large arm, band
oarved rocker of the Albany Furniture
Company for 12.65.
Any elyle, butt, full figure or group,
beat arlato finish oatilnet photw only
l2,worth 8.60 at Boyd'.
An you looking (or an eijjagemenl
or wedding rlngT French the Jeweler,
Albauy, hat aome handsome one.
Shaving lOo. and bair out 15c. at the
new barber shop In the old ban k build
liitr. ' . W. H. Ltwz, Prop.
Whrniu Waterloo oall mi the City
Drug Store for fine perfumery, drug.
The Hunt line, of drew pilterni in
the city It to be found at the Backet
Bring the children low. You can
get a dinen fine cabinet photo for only
12 for 80 day at Boyd'.
Mr. Randle and two daughter left
thlt morning for Lyont, where they
will tprnd torn Urn vlelting relative.
There' no day, flour, ataroh or
other worthlew filling In Hon Cake
and no free alkali to burn the band.
There' more clothing destroyed by
poor toap than by actual wear at tbe
free alkali rot them. Hoe Cake i
pure, and only S oenta.
The long want Royal Wtirohester
oortet it the one to buv, (Set., Toot,
and 1. Hold by Read, Peacock Co.
Wanted.-All girl to know that
"Hoe Cake" will not make their
hand red Ilk common soap. Bare
the wrapper. They an worth a otnt
Only 80 day left to have your
photo at almost half price at Boyd'a.
Going like hot oakw. 18.60, 84 and
85 pboto going for only (1.60 and 82
for a abort time at Boyd'.
nunc, tne Artiat, dm bought a
gallery In California and will leave
here in about six weeks. You should
have bim make yout picture before be
The Waterloo mill being able to fill all
the present order of the Tboa. Kay
Woolen Mill Co., tbe Salem mill will
not run for aome time, say tbe
Statesman, substantially.
Dr. Booth Inform lu that the 9-
year-old child of A. F. Ayera, which
was kicked by a bone, It fast recover
ing, but It bad a narrow neap. Tbe
child lay unconscious over T6 hours.
Measure your room accurately and
bring site In feet and Inches with you.
It cost you nothing to have your oar-
pet tewed by band by tbe Albany
Furniture Co, Albany, Oregon.
Prof. Randle Inform ua that be it
having new sills put uuder the Acad
emy and a new floor put in one of the
rooms, and otherwise fitting up tbe
C. H. Moran bat closed tbe trade
witb G. W. Wheeler and baa token
puasewlou of the property, but on ac-
oouut of Mr. dforan't wifea health be
will nut move to Lebanon for tbe
Dr. B. H. Curl, of Brownsville, will
visit Lolnuou on Mouday, Sept. 7, and
reuiaiutix day. Paiulew extraction
of teeth a specialty. Tbe doctor I a
Brat claw deotiat. If you need any
work done give bim a oall.
JauM Stewart and Geo. Campbell,
of Springfield, Lane county, were
fined 860 each for killing Cbluew
pheatanta out of teuton. Tuey gut In
a hurry, and Deputy Game Warden
W ilklut hurried them before a Jualioe.
. The uuiou wrvlew at, tbe M. E.
church Sunday evening wat well at
tended, the house being comfortably
filled. Bev. Harmon and Bev. Lamar
wen' the only miulttert present. Both
gave interesting addresses.
Capt. Geo. Pope and Judge J. W.
W bailey, of Portland, arrived In Leba
non Monday and on Tuesday went
out pheasant buullug with several of
our sportsmen. They suooeeded in
bagging 42 pheasants. On Weduesday
Judge Wballey left forStayton aud
Capt. Geo. Pope left this morning for
Hone. Geo. E. Chamberlain, of
Portland, E. Hofer, of Balem, and J.
S. Smith, of Albany, willaddrew the
oltlieiM) of Lebanon and vicinity, to
night, in tbe Ojiera House, on the
political issues of the day. These
gentlemen are great advocate of free
liver and noted orator. Come out
aad hear them.
The republican of our city rulaed a
hind and had a nice and appropriate
brtiotir painted with the picture of
MuKinley aud Hobart ou it, and also
the ' following motto: "National
Honor, Protection, Industries, Sound
Money, Prosperity, Indepeudeuoe."
Tbe banner la stretched across the
street from the St, Charles hotel to
Mr. Guy's building. The painting
uas done by Mr. Wblttlng aud I good
work. One end of tbe rope was cut
Go to Peebler's for your grooerle.
We want tome wheat on tubtorlp
tlon. Dr. J. C. Griffith and wife, of Salem,
waa In Lebanon Tuetday. '
J. C. Bilyeu and W, B. Dontcy will
begin to piok their bop next week.
Farmer who ttore their wheat at
tb Lebanon mill this year will re-
oelva Albany pricet for same when
tbey with to well. Bee ad. of tbe
Champion Mill.
You can get Prices Baking Powder
for 80c. per pound, every oaa guaran
teed. Arm A Hammer soda 4 oenta a
pound at Feebler.
About 120 men are now employed
on tbe government work at the fa
cades. Twenty-five an stonecutters
and the remainder laborer.
Necessity demanda that we lnalat on
all thine Indebted to us on subscrip
tion, r.r otherwise, to call and settle ai
mica. We will take wheat, oat or hay
at the highest market piloee,
Upon close Inquiry we find that over
half of tb hop yard In this vicinity
will not ut picked thlt year and a
chance of not even that much,
some an yet undecided whether to
pick or not at tbey don't tee much en
couragement in tbe price.
It 1 unlawful to tell or offer for tale
China pheasants now. Tbe only time
they can be told it between October 16
and November 16, and as there are
several deputy game wardens around
here It would be well for our sports
men to look out
The Lebanon baw ball nine will
play the Albany Colt in Albany next
Saturday afternoon. The Lebantn
boy will most hard opponent and It
I very important that they get in and
practice all that It is possible between
now and that time.
Kareful, konslderate kontumert kon-
ider konsiderably koncerning klothea
kleaning kemical kompounds. Beg
pardan, but the Idea we wish to oon.
vty is that then Who use Soap Foam
washing powder find it doe not make
the bands tore, nor "yellow tbe
clothe." It It unequalled for the
laundry, kitchen or bath.
Jefferson Bevlew: Hon M. A.
Miller, of Lebanon, was a pleasant
visitor at the Bevlew ofBoe yesterday,
Mr. Miller wu a delegate to the
Chicago convention that nominated
Bryan, aud is an enthusiastic free
Silverman. He 1 a member of the
democratic state oentral committee
and was en route home from Portland,
where be had been helping arrange
the electoral ticket
Mr. J. M. Denney and Dr. Elisa
beth H. Reed were united In marriage
at tbe borne of tbe brides parent, in
this city, last Mouday night, Bey. C.
G. Harmon officiating. The wedding
waa a very private affair, only tbe
families of the contracting partle and
one or two guest being present. Mr.
Denney it the son of John Denney, of
this county, and a nephew of Hon. O.
H. Denney, of rortlaud. He ia a
young man of aterllng qualities and I
esteemed by all who know bim. . Dr.
Beed Is tbe daughter of J. G. Reed, of
this city, and bat recently graduated
in medicine, rjne it highly ac
complished and greatly respected
young lady. Mr. Denney Is to be
congratulated on winning such
partner and help-mete through Ufa,
The young oouple have a host of
friends here who extend their best
wishes. They left Wedueday for
Portlaud where Mr. Deuuey will outer
tb medical school, this being bit
laat year. They will both enter into
their life profession together. We ex
teud congratulatlont.
Will Ratify at Albany.
At at a meetlug of tbe Bryan execu
tive committee arrangements were
made for holding probably the biggest
ratification meeting ever held In
Albany, ou Friday, September 11,
devoting the entire afternoon and
evening to It. The beat free silver
speakers iu Oregon have beeu invited.
Among those who will probably be
present being; Hons H L Barkley,
E Hofer W J D'Arcy, of Marion coun
ty, Judge Stewart, of Portland, N L
Butler Harry Watklus, M. L. Om-
stead, Judge Burnett W S HvFadden,
Ed Kllteather, Geo E Chamberlain,
W D Hare, T J McClary. Alto Mayor
Peunoyer, whom it it hoped to be
perauaded to be here, and Senator H
M Teller. The afternoon and evening
will be devoted to speeoh making.,
At ft o'clock a big barbecue of beeves,
sheep, pig and cltma will be given.
The committee in charge of tbe barbe
cue is Mart Pdyne, Wm. Emerlck and
Harlan Hulburt, whose experience
will Insure its euooeis. Mr. Arch
Hammer was appointed a committee
on vocal ruutlo.
Lot the voters of this part of Oregon
generally prepare to atteud this big
demonstration in honor of tbe great
commoner. Albany Democrat
To The Mothers.
You have nice children, you know,
and nothing pleases them bettor than
a nice nobby suit of clothes th.t keeps,
them warm and healthy. Bake hw
them and for but little money. Can
vou stand II .00 for a suit of clothw, or
The cltyoounctl met last Tuesday
evening In regular session, with Mayor
Pugh in the chair and all of tbe ooun
oilmen present
Minute of previous meeting read.
corrected and approved.
The committee on account and ex
peniw reported favorable on tbe bill
of J. M. Wiley for lumber to the
amount of18 70. By motion the bill
wat allowed and a warrant ordered
drawn for the same.
A petition asking that a aldewalk be
built south from tbe bridge at the mill
was read to tbe council, and by motion
was referred to the committee on
street and publio property to be re
ported on at the next regular meeting.
The resignation of G. W. Tavlor,
marshal of tbe city, was then read to
the council, and by motion the same
was accepted. Phil Bitter was elected
to fill the unexpired term.
Moved and seconded that the com
mittee, on ordinances be instructed
to bring In an ordinance raising the
saloon license to 880 per year. Tb
motion waa c rricd and the committee
was instructed to bring in the ordl
nance at required by the motion.
Moved and carried that tb mlw be
uepended and a warrant be drawn for
tbe following bills: Umphrey A
Dodge, 81 00; Umphrey A Bilyeu,
12 00; Lebanon Electric Light A
Water Co., 892 63; Phil Bitter, 2 00;
U W Taylor, 820 03; S M Garlaud,
17 60; W M Brown, 87 70.
Moved and carried that G W Taylor
be allowed I0 C) for extra work.
Council then adjourned.
Following it the litt of letter re
maining uncalled for in tbe Lebanon
postoffioe, for tba month ending
Aug 81,1896:
Armstrong, Oliver Brown, F M
Benjamin Bros Cole, Maud
Cullla Mr Jas Davis Mrs E
Franc A B Haven Geo E
Hammer Mitt M C Miller B S
TaloottWH TJmsteadDS
Wick Mlw Love Willis Mlw 8 A
C. A. Smith, P. U.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,)
Aigust 4. 1883. (
Notice la hereby given that the following-
named aettler baa filed notice of hit InUn
lion to make final proof in aupport of bia
claim, and that said proof will bemads
before the county clerk of Linn county, Ore
gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct 12, 1886,
vis: John E. Carlton, H. E. No. 10741, for
the W, X 8. E. H, 8. W. X N. E A 8 E X
N.W.Xof Sec. 2t, Tp. 10, B. K. 6 E. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his contiauoui reaidenoe upon and coltira-
tion of, nid land, Tit: Wm. Krietel, B.
C. Krietel, Thomas Kiley, Simpson Pear,
son, all of Detroit, Marion Co., Oregon.
Bosurr A. Millie,
and Office at Oregon City, Or.,1
Aug. 411898. f
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler hu filed notice of bit Inten
tion to make final proof in support of ins
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county Clerk of Lino county .Ore
gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Oct 12, 1896,
vis: Thomas Kiley, H. E. No. 10740, for the
W". S. W. ii. Sec. 28 and W. X,N WK.Sec
36, Twp. 10, a K. 6 E., W. M. He namesUie
following witnesses to prove his continuous
reaidenoa upon and cultivation of, said
land, via i J E Carlton, R O Krlesel, Wm
Krieael, 8 Pearson, allof Detroit, Marlon Co.,
Oregon. Rosiar A. Miuta,
Notice it hereby given that the under-
eigned administrator of the estate of A. V,
Otroutte, deceased, has filed with the clerk
of Linn county, Oregon, his final account in
the above named estate,and that the ouunty
court, of faiii county lias fixed the lltlt day
of September, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock
r. x. of mid day at the court house thereof,
for hesring objections, if any there be, to
said accauut and for the settlement of said
estate. All persons having any objections
to said final account are hereby notified to
file the same on or before the 11th day of
September, 1898.
Dated, this 8th day of August, 1896.
Phil Kirrta,
W. M.Baowx, Adminisarator.
Atty. for Admr.
Rlpant Tabule cur duudnew.
Ripan Tabule: pleasant laxative.
All who need new (how look over
the stock foi sal by Read, Peacock k
HlfhMt HMm-Werid't Pair,
0U Ml, MUvlaUr Pair,
To know there can be found no better line of
Silks, Linens, Woolens, Blankets, Prints,
Ginghams and Domestics.
We can not afford to relax our efforts to please the
trade we have already gained,
See us at your convenience.
Read, Peacock & Co.
Lebanon, - - - . - Oregon.
Shoes and Notions.
. t .
Having again opened up a general merchandise store in Lebanon,
I respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and former customers
and the public in general.
Terms strictly cash or produce.
: : : : To
Where theJBest are Sold
If you carry out this idea
you will buy
Tbe L,
Osborne Mowers,' Binders and
Hay Rakes.
Extras for Osborne and Deering
Hopkins Bros.
Boots & Shoes
Dress Goods
or to make new customers.
R. Andre-ws.
Buy Your
Clothing Co,
! : : )
v KMiOfl JU! turnip
slehdt.4tlft.svlils Wilt.
t i i