The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 03, 1896, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The long looked for Utter of ac
ceptance of Major MoKinley Was
issued Aug. 26.
Ex-Governor Duvid R. Francis,
of Missouri, has been appointed
Secretary of the Interior, vice Hoke
Smith resigned. Mr. Francis will
probably take charge of the office
September 1st ' :
The democrat, free silver re
publicans and populists have
united on satisfactory . terms in
Washington. - The ; democrats get
two electors and the populists take
two and the state offices are divided
. among the three parties.
Gov. Evans, of 8. C, aixed up
the situation correctly when he
said: "It makes no difference how
many tickets are in the field, the
issue is silver or gold, and the dem
ocratic and republican platforms
makes the fight open and square."
An Eastern paper says that
Solomon wag . the original "gold
bug," for he "made silver in Jeru
salem as , stones." The same
course of reasoning would have
made him a free silver man, for,
although silver became plentiful,
it was still used as currency.
Harvey Scott, the "big medicine
man" of the Oregonian, talks a
great deal about Mr. Bryan's
"country-bred" wife. This seems
to suggest the fact that the "bigger
the Injun the more he beats his
squaws." Mr. Scott lowers his
dignity when he belittles a woman.
Ex. ..
The Harrisburg Review says
that at least two-thirds of the
hops in that vicinity will remain
unpicked owing to the low prices
offered for them. Eugene Guard.
And wonderful to relate, there is
a tariff duty of 8 cents a pound on
hops and the country has the
gold standard, tool Roseburg
Review. ?' "
Mark Hanna declares that the
financial issue should not be al
lowed to overshadow protection in
this campaign. Certainly not
from Mr. Hanni's standpoint, but
he will never be able to convince
the people of the soundness of his
position. Mark , may be able to
side-track candidates in republi
can conventions, but he cannot
turn the switch on the people.
The present indications are that
Senator Mitchell's name will not
be presented to the next legislature,
His support of McKiniey has alien
ated the . silver men, his silver
views has driven the sound money
republicans away from him and
his tariff ideas has hoodooed the
senator in democratic circles.
Hon. Binger Hermann will prob
ably succeed Mr. Mitchell Port
land Mercury. ,
It is said the hop crop of Oregon
will this year amount to 60,000
bales, which is about one-half of
the overage crop for the past year.
The farmers will get a price that
will hardly pay their expenses.
The small crop should make the
prohibitionists rejoice. It is evi.
dence that the consumption of beer
is decreasing; for surely it is im
possible to make as much beer out
of 60,000 bales as out of twice that
The greatest need of this coiin
try at present is a little more con
science. It jp needed in the pul
pits, in )he,pews, in the newspaper
offices',. at the bank cashiers' desks,
in the couting rooms, in the halls
of congress. We have done won
derful things in .this land and
century, but among our most re
markable achievements is the com
pleteness in which we have suc
ceeded in silencing the voice of the
inward monitor. Ex. .
Australia is the only country in
the world which never places a
woman in prison, no matter what
crime she commits. Instead of
convents, devoted to the purpose,
and ia kept there daring the time
for which she is sentenced. These
convents are anything but prisons.
The courtyard stands open all day-
Ions, the only bar to egress being
a nun,' who acts doorkeeper,' Just
the same as in the ordinary con
vent. An item is spiue the rounds of
the press to the effect that whisky
is now manufactured out of old
rags. We see nothing remarkable
about this. Everyone knows that
nearly all the old rags now in the
country are manufactured out of
whisky, and there is no apparent
reason why the 'process of conver
sion may not work one way as well
as another from whisky to" rags
and from rags to whisky. What
a beautiful business it is. St.
Louis Christian Advocate.
The Oregonian is getting anxi
ous to have the campaign opened
in Oregon. Why bless you, it is
open. It has been open ever since
the republican national convention
declared for a single gold standard.
If what you want is an old fashion
ed, enthusiastic republican cam
paign, you are certainly doomed to
disappointment. The masses of
Oregon are not in favor of a gold
standard. Many of them will vote
for it through party influence, but
they will not get enthusiastic over
it. Lincoln County Leader.
Jay Cook, of Philadelphia, the
veteran financier, through whose
effort a great part of .the bonds is
sued by the government during the
civil war, were placed, is a pro
nounced silver man. He seye that
the opposition to free coinage is
born in sordid greed, and that the
gold standard will ruin the coun
try, The hue and cry of the re
publican managers over the al
leged" 53-cent dollar is born in
hypooricy and deception, and we
must get back to. bimetallism be
fore prosperity will come again.
Senator John M. Thurston, of
Nebraska, who resurrected the
newspaper charge against Bryan,
that he was in the employ' ,df -the,
silver mine owners, has manfully
and completely .withdrawn the
accusation since Bryan's denial
He accepts the denial as the best
authority in the matter and will
refuse to believe that Bryan was
employed by the silver mine own
ers until proof is furnished. But.
will all the mongrel and contempt
ible sheets in the country accept
the denial in the same spirit?
They will not. Without the
slightest proof, without authority
of any one who understands
Bryan's affairs, they will go on
weekly and daily reiterating a
gross libel for which the owners
on prosecution could be landed in
the penitentiary..
Police courts in- Indianapolis re
fuse to stop street political discus
sions by fining those whom the
police bring up charged with in
terfering with the sidewalk ordi
nances, whose offense is that of
attracting crowds about the street
corners to listen to off-hand dis
cussions of current issues. The
court holds that the rigbt of free
speech is fundamental in our
constitution and must not be de
nied. This is a time when
perplexing questions are puzzling
-the people questions , of vital
importance to the common people
and it is only by discussion of
the questions that confront them
that they learn to properly exercise
the right of franchise. They have
aright as American citizens to
discuss these questions, insists the
court, and no police force can stop
them. Ex.
Jefferson Review: The tree silver
mn opened the campaign lu this city
last night The flrstspeaker was Hon
M. A. Miller, wbo delivered a fine ad-
drew of 40 minute duration. Hon
J.-K. Weatuetford was tben intro
duced. Mr. Weatherford Is a favorite
with Jefferson people, and It ia not to
be wondered at, for be ia a tine orator.
His address was a masterly one aud
will be productive of much good to the
free silver cause. Hon. W. T. Bigdon
of Salem, was the but speaker, mak
ing a good short talk. A Bryan club
will be orgauized next .Thursday
Sailor bate at SOo'at Miss Duniond's.
When in Waterloo call on City Drue
Store tor headache cure. -
Go to Peebler'i and get 40 pounds of
beans for $1. Vj-.s'-y '
When you want bargains go to the
raoket store.
Go to A. E. Davis for soda .water,
cooo-oola, and milk shakes. , A
New subscriptions for the - Weekly
Oregonian taken at this office.
Special sale at Bead, Peacock A C'o.'s
of all summer goods Lawns, Dimities,
India musllus. ' ' ' ;
Challiee 26 yards for II. Now Is the I
time to buy a cool wrapper at Bead
Peacock A Co.'s . , ,
During our closing out sale no goods
will be sold except for spot cash. '
Read, Peacock A Co.
Parties who were to furnish us wood
ou subscription, will please bring the
same in at their earliest conveulnce.
If the photos you have made by
Tinkle at Boyd's Gallery are hot satis
factory you need not pay for them.
Now is the best chance you will ever
have of getting fine photos so cheap.
Satisfaction guaranteed at Boyd's gal
lery. ,
The beat dressed men lu Linn coun ty
are those who buy their clothing
from Bach A Buhl. Good suits for
low prices.
Bead, Peacock A Co. is the I'laoe to
find the new and pretty style belt.
For only 25 cent you can get the
baby shoes at Bead, Peacock A .Co.'s
closing outsale.
Overalls with aprons or without, 50c
a pair at the Backet Store. Also have
just received a large amount of new
calico. Don't fall to see them, ,
I have money to loan at 8 per . esq
interest on good farm or personal
security, ...... J. M. Bamton,
. . .. Malton Block, Albany, Or.
Young man, you are thinking Some
thing about your sweetheart, and you
will want to look nice when 16 "her
presence, so buy the latest styles bf
clothing at Baker's. He has the prices
way down to suit your ready cash.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is a
perfect Malarial Liver Tonic and Blood
purifier. Removed biliousness without'
purging. As pleasant as Lemon syrup.
It is s large as any dollar tonic and
retails for 60c. . To get the genuine ask
for Grove's. . ,
.. ;
Kew Drug Firm. , .
AtMlller'aold staud we ore adding,
new goods, and hope by fair, dealing,
Bnd close attention to business, to
merit the confidence of the Lebanon
trade.. Our specialty will be pure
drugs and prescription wore. Lowest
prices ou paiuts, olio, books, stationery,
etc. O. C. McFabland.
One bay mare, about 4 years old,
and about 14 hands high; one bay
horse about same age and size; and one
dark brown mare about same age and
shse; have been running on my prem
ises. The owner will please call for
them and pay damage. -If not they
will be posted and sold.
A. Saltmabsh,'
near Lebanon, Or. .
8iaisoObio, CmrorToLiBO,! ss.
FaaiiK J UaissY , makes oath that he is
the senior pamter of the firm of F. .
Cbxsbt & Co., doing business in City of
Toledo, County and htate aforesaid, .and
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every cose of Catarrh that caunot be cured
by the use of Haus Uatabbb Oiiki.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D.
seal, , A WGLEASON, ...
, Notary Publie. .
Halls Catarrh Cure ia taken internally
and acts on the blood and mucous surhtces
of the system, Bend for testimonials, free.
F. J. OHENEY .Is CO., Toledo, O. '
Sold by Drajsists 76c. . '
Hall's Family Pills are the best. ' .
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., I
Aug. 22, 18TI i '
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that aaui prooi. will be made
before the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Qgn on Oct, 17th( 189S,'.vis:
Colbert 0, Patterson; II. E. 8632 for the
lots 1.2 and 3, Bee. 6, Tp. 128., B. 1, W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ot, said land, vis l-Ezra Cather; Jason
D. Breed, George Smith, - Ohsa. Oriiam,-
all of Lebanon, Or.
Robbbt A. Miubb, Register.
LandOtHceatOregon.Clty, Or.,1
- Aug. 22, lew. . .,
Notice is berby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intent
ion to make final proof in suptort of his
claim, and tbat said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn County at
Albany, Or., on Oct. 17th. 1896, via: Jason
D. Breed ; H. E. 8762 for .the S. of S, .
or Sec. 6, Tp. 12 S., R, ( E. He names the
following witnessea-td prove his continuous
jesidenoaupon awl-cultivation Df said laud,
lit; Jacob FltitfBtw and J, H. Lindlejt, of
Lacomb, Oregon , Egra .Cather,- Colhert G.
Patterson, of, Lebanon, Orii ,
Changed Bterj Week.l
WheaforWatshouafc 41oj mill, 41,o ,
'Oate-28to 26oi ,
Huy-fi to$8 per ton,
FlouN-IO 75H). per sack '
Bran 76o per bwt. .
Middlings 10 76 per owt
Potatoes 60o.
Apples Dried, 7c per lb 1
Plums Dried, e. '
Oiilons 2u.- .
Beef Dressed, 4 to Sc. -;
. Veat-3J4o.
Pork Dressed, 8,
Hams 12 per lb.
Shoulders 8o.
Bides 7o per lb.
Geese 18 60 $B per dos.
Ducks 14 $5 per dos.
Ohiokens-tl 608 00.
Turkeys 8o per lb.
Eggs 10c "lerdos.
Butter 10 16c per lb.
Hides Ureeu, So; dry, 6o.
Q aloe prorftd trf the staWmmU of lout
OaleS iaf dnifgliu ererjwliere,.triOW
that the people bin an abldlnj ouuMeuce
- la Hood's Barsapatfla. Qui
r prond by theveluntarj state
wUlBS aeats ot thousands of men and
women show that Hood's Baraaparllla a
tuallr does poiMta
Dauias ' PirtWos. s
rwITOl iteblai and Inrljoratlug Uw
Mood, upon wblek not only health but Ule
Itself depend!. The treat
inrAea " 1,00i'' UrM''llu ln
VJULtCaa earlnr otatri warrants
jouln beUerlnt that a falthtul use ot Hood's
Sarsaparllla wlU euro you II you Buffer from
any trouble earned ay Impure blood.
Is theOne True Blood mriler. AUdmaiiJtt. (1.
Prepared only by C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
u j.- mil. .
T1WJU riiu to operate. seems.
Is.better prepared to treat chronic dis
eases than any other physician in Iebanon,
he having a tine outllt of instruments and
the essentials to treat these diseases suc
cessfully, and his special reading on this
line has made him well qualilied to treat
these suecial diseases. Persons at a dis
tances can be accommodated witli good.
ruonig, ouaru, luiiunig aim exiwrieni-eu
nurse If desired. Jllice opposite Odd Kcl-.
lows hall. Main street, Lebanon, Oregon.
Charges reasonable. , , ., v . ...
. : BROKE! It,
Maston Xtloolc:,. Alliiny, Or
Money to loan on farm security, also
small loans made on personal security.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, at the low
est .rates. ...
Notice for Publlontlon.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,!
July 16th. 1896. t
.Notice is herehv given that tiie following.
named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make flnaLproof in support of
ms claim, anu mat said proof will oe maue
before the county clerk of Linn county, at
Albanv. Or., on SeDtember 7th. 1KIHI. viz:
W. H. Vail, H. E. iVH for the S. W. of
Dec. -a, l p. 12 B., u, 1 fi. lie names tne
following witnesses to prove bis continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of, said
land, vis: N. J. Hudelson, Wm. Todd, f)
A. Hudelson andB. 1. Burreil. of Water
loo, Or. Kobskt A. Mii-lb.
. Oai.avia. It.iji.. Na. u. in
PirlsliMllotaa Co.. 0t. Lbuli. Mo.
Gentlemen: -We old lut tmt, 600 bottle, of
perlace of H yert. In the drug baslnM, bs
BTr Mtd an utlele Uul ifT6 luea naiTn4U mUc
tuttw u ftnu Xoato. . xoun trnlr,
For ttle by N. W, SMITH,
WantedAn Ideal
Who cm think
of xiiw LiuiJla
tilling tO lUlftQW.
! We Are Not
v.n, - )
Protection and Prosperity.
" ' , .;.' s-V -J-
The great campaign is now on.
Mc'Kinley is sure to win, he wears
the Douglas shoe and Baker sells
the Douglas shoe.
J, W. GDSICK&CO., Bankers,
.- -
; Transact a general Banking business
Colltolloua. made, at all points on
favorable terms
Drafts drawn on' New York,' Ban
Francisco, Portland, Balem, Eugene,
and Corvallls, aud all .points iu Eu
rope. ...
B.usinesa sent by mall will receive
prompt attention.
Nature, Invention,
News 52 BMtli
Formerly Boston lonrnal of Chemistry
' Enlarged and Improved
IJOontainsa large number of Bhort,
Easy, Practical, Interesting and' Pop
ular, Hcientiflc articles, that can he
Appreciated and enjoyed by any intel
ligent reader, even though he knew
little or nothing of Hcieuce.
Profusely Illustrated and
From Technicalities.
Newsdealers, 10 eente- eH.OO par year
SWMenlion this paper for a sample copy.-st
Largest Circulation, of any
Solentlflo Paper In the World
Bon J. LUlard, Ne-va- York
Fire Insurance.
Insure Your Property with
IN , -
It oval, - '
Phoenix,' - ' !! :i
Fireman'si Fund,
..... Western, ....
Reliable old line companies
he reDreeeuls. All business
placed with him will he at-
lenneil to promuviy. unioo
on Main Bt., LEBANON, Or.
Candidates For
4,:...:rv" .
Free Silver, no Prosperity.
Thos. K. Oakea, Henry C, Payne, Henry C
House, Receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
f St. rani
tiraiiri Purke
HeleHa and
Wttihlngtun i .-, - - - -c
New tork ;'.
Boiton and all
Folnti Kant and flouth
For information, time cards, majw ntl
UckeU, cnll on or Write :
W. C. PETERSON, Agent,
or .
ID. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Oregon,
Ripans Tabules.
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.
Rlpana Tabules: at druggists.
Rlpans Tabules oure headache.
Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence.
Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Rlpans Tabula assist digestion.
Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief.
Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath.
Rlpans Tabules cure biliousness.
Rlpans Tabules cure lpdlgestqn.
Rlpana Tabules cure torpid liver,
Rlpsns TabuM: geutltutkarUe,