The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 27, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
:' LEBANON, OtffiGPN, AUGUST 27, 1896.
NO. 26.
Olioymr - ft! 00
,lf imiti li, itflvitiii, 81 3d i" r j'nr.)
HlK mmilii,.,.., . I "
Tlirro niuuthiv.,,.. G(l
HhiiU-mipk'K , v- Jl
lien. W. McHndei . ,-,,.,
John 11. Mltilmll.i Ne.istois
Hinder Hermann Oongnwsman
William 1. Ijinl ....Hovornor
H. K. KlurniU Secretary ol Htatp
I'iiii Metnihan Tri-aHtm-i1
U. M. irwh hup!. Public liistructluii
H. V, l'tiiii, ...State Printer
It, "8 fioan, i
P. A. .Moure, . Supreme Judgnii.
C, F.. Wuolvertoli.l
JiiiIko ("i. I). llurioii
ftucorder Jl. F. Uardlnatl
Olork .,U, It, Montague
Slioriir, M. !. (MUCH
Helmut Superintendent, iticlmiond Wlicclor
't'n u-nrm I'. U. Murrij
AHi'.wui',,, IS. A . Htiillout
Burwyot IS, T. T. Fisher
t.'iiT.nKit, ,..;. F, Wright
(.OMimiMuiwri .... j i. 1,. Curl
i Villi . C. E. ram
llKriiliDUU W. M. BKoWN
, N, 8. hai.m.f.ihu,
I H. 0. WAI.I.AOii,
.1. k. KMITll,
K. i'liAMAN'.
I'itV . Uiun.-il iminU H i.iif and Ullld
Tiiir'tUiv L'vi'iuctr.'i il yitcli month.
Souiot Societies.
1,1,': s l.'.NI'. '., It. (J T, .M -.Mc.,1 mt. A.
k. 'Ml: i;: ''thiirxt:,;' i".'i:ltii.,( ui :ij v.iA,
T '(!t ... n. -li: KnKlUv pre ,' r.;;. !'.y lv.'!;i..; It.
'. 0. I'iiU': (.!,. t.mi,
w. Brcr.R. I...
iTON.jh L'.'iH.i; Ki. it, 'i I". IV, M.itf
91-1;'.-,' tll: Wvi'llir.;-, ; 0
li. V, Klimi inner., Al. W.
I. f . nvut, H.uv
LliiUNON LOlim, NO. . I. 0. O. F.-Mfert
vrySatiti'duj ovimtiiK ill Odd Fellows Hull, Al
.,Vluck p. m.
A. E. DAVIS, N. a.
V. C. I'tl'UWON, SCIH'y.'.iiw'ca uwuk, no. it, I. o. o. r.-
Mcotf. al 1. 0, 1). F Hull lint anil third Vi'i'ilm.
, i!y oviMiinKh "! eftel. montli.
kAK,.li S.vLTMnKall, N. t,
HATTtlS A.L'RiiSU.N, S-.r-ff.
l.i'l'.AN'l.r I.OlK.h Nl), 41 A. I'i4 A. .M.-Mi-ets
KftUi'Uv ovenlllfc im or lii'filK '.lie All! In'Klii in
'i:ii iuiinu,. t,'. lu.ll, ur. Mhiu mill
Ui'iMi' uu. Si,,(f tjr.;ltmu ffuu.lliy U'Vili:,!
i: t".,'iit'-.
J V ium.W. M,
V. I'vjm .en, &(c.
)1IS F. MIU.KR W. U. C. No. 15. l-it ti'-u iii'l Fiiiln,r: ui liiouLii hi
::. p. hi. AxtilB B. I'.mi',
Dui.lii K. Rai.thaiwh, Praa.
IIKN'L MtllllOB I'AMP, No. 10 DlTlnlon of Ore
Hull, Hum nl VcluriUlnH Mcnt In U. A. K. Hill
every HuliinlHy .-vonllig, eiaipt the third
riAllmlHj- iil'vaiib itmulli, muettiitf tho third Frl
liay Hutrad. All lifu'lii-ri. of thvfloiu f Vd
jrmii iuiiI toiiiiwli-Ki'filiL'd. A. R tm nirrtlully
iiivitu'l to mi-lit vl:li t In aimp.
A. iAUK, t 'lP'-
. li S-'-ii it!'., rhi,U-q',l.
UltiAJl.WtM III V : NO I. 1- 0. T, .
MocHo.i lu'V."!, 4iti mill h:h Fridny i-vtnlufi ol
iwih mimlli .It 7:90 r. V. tt 0. A. H. Hull. Vtm
sirnt M.iiTHbMs rc oordlally IuvIUkI tt.
Ill'LUAll 8. MlLLKR, Ully ClIU.
110U.1K tjlLTKADBX, Ully R. K.
Weatherford 4 Wyatt,
VT":;0-,:r:' hT- LAW,
The Champion Mills,
'io A...
General Exchange
and Mill Business.
Flour and All Kinds oi
Mill Feed For Sale
, at the
Lowest Prices.
We are prepaveil at all
tq pay Albany priwa fr
wl.oat to those who store with
uh. Call and get sacks and
learii further particulars. '
Very Truly, ,
G. W. Aldrich.
Albany Steam Laundry
jLlbuny, Orf-'jrou
All Orders Receive Prompt
t AUex:tion.
Special Rates for
Family Wasting
SutiufiU'-tiuu Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
ljeliation. Oi'ttKon.
East and South
SoDitetn Puilc Co.
r.xj.rt'w tiainh Iwm' l'-ui-i-lttii'i Uuily :
8:M) f. V ri7vl'ortliiii(l'......A'r. ; 8:10 a."ji
12:10 a, k. Lv,,,Allmiiy.. ..Ar. i 1:60 a. M
10 : a.m. Ar.BanFrmiciicoLT 1 7:00
ThlvetrRlniiiii,opt SSSPm
Inud, Oroiroti City, Wiiodburu, HAlem,
TurtiM, MHrlon, Jrirewon, AIuhii.v,
Alliatiy Jiiiictliin, Tttiiftciit, BIihU),
Jliilmy, UfirrlHtiurx, Junctlmi City,
Irvitig, Jiuci'iii;, Cr-KWill, Jiriiins mul
all ftniloim finni Hwclnn souih ti'
will liirludlug Aitliliind.
l?ot'i'lmr)r umil Juily :
T:,'io a.'m', ' ' i a'.. , IV' 'I 1l Vui".'"1 VH T3o 5V
I'Jr'.'fi f. M. i Lv..,aIIii,i Ar. 1 :lfi I'. M
5:Wv. H. Ar,..uiic(iuri:..L. .iOi.M.
Uiiil iirtiisaiJKuf tfitinn-.-daily (ext-pt
H-:jfi a. . ' Lc,.Allatiy Ar, 10:40 A.M.
0:10 A. M.
4:.t0 p.m.
5:20 P. V.
Ar...lrfiba:iin,...Ijv, i 0:40 A. H,
Lv.,.AIUany Ar, 0:45p.m.
Ar.. . Lebanon ...I.v. 5:60p.m.
Dining Carson. Ofden Route.
Pullman Buffst Sleepers
Second -Claw Sleeping Caw At
tached to all Through Truins.
Wvt HUlu IlvlHlon.
, Bmrmit Fohtunb aku Cobvaiub,
Mail train daily (cxwpt Sunday) :
7:90 A. M.TXv..JPortliHid...Ar! I !X) a.m".
12:15 p. m. I Ar...i'urvnllis Xv. Ij86 p. nt.
At Atliaiiy aml Corrilli1? i:o!-m'f f, ivdl:
traitisof 0. 0. A raili-Mtd.
Kxirr;i train diilly (c06i,t SuiilIiij ):
TiC5rrf.T...P'rfliiiil ....'r. j f&Ci
7:35 p. M. I Ar.Mi-Vi; "tlllpU ' 5 5CA.M,
F.aptern States, tan
adaand nt-oiipcau bp oiitalnod at Unveut
raios from F. V. Bipk'.ik. agent, Lebanon,
K. KOEHLHK, Manamr.
B. P. BO0ERS, Asst. 8. F. Pi Agl.
' plf f"Mi fmimmmimx, S?
Clipped , from our Exchanges
Throughout the Wast
Tbtrt wn d ight front. In pQifloni
of Btutern Oieon ' laxt Tueaday morn
ing. ., ....
A large whalu it reported uhurapn
the twtach a thori dUtanoe below Blk
oreek. . .. , ; J '-
rne renaietoa Drawer; nu oeea
mid to Henry gbultt nrt Henry
Rlcka, of tliilolHown, Wwih. ,
The biactamlth of Oregon City have
tunned a union and adopted: a
ohndule of price to be ebarged 'for
their work. - . -
Tho Vf:Iwt.'or a motor lilio Iwtweeu
IudepenUtjiiQe and Fall City ia Bow
being agitated, with norne prospects of
uccess. . . " .
Tjbe Clackamas county school toach
MB .will meet at Viola next Saturday,
aad ry ltuereatiu J prtigmtume
bpen arrangid.
The teleptooe connecting 8beriilau
and Bullnton with McMlnnville. and
the rest of the outalde world, was coot,
pleted Monday. It will be exteuded
to Willanilna. . ; 4
For diaturbing a Balvatton Araiy
meeting at Oregon City laat Sunday,
William Edgeomb, Joseph Cartwu
and Jaoiec Barney were Sued $10 and
. , ,
The third annual district fair for
Jackaonvllle and Joaephine counties
will lie lit Id at the Central Point fair
grounua, for five dayi, . bagbiuing
Sf-pteniijerSa. i
At Midas tor t the big bend of
buakc river al 19 day'i run of a pump
ing jjiaut cltaued np $1 per hour for
eaub man ,-i;iloyeU.
Aoujaling to Iho Eicljool land com
miwtonen' apporlionuient,, r Curry
uiiiuty reoelvea J7S0 15,, .Jttnm the
-. In. fin,;!, basin of ailowaiioe
h l OS per sliild. ; ',
J." J', .Vi!ibouM-ti, a war vawtn,
uictl (it Corvallii i.;mt lutcday. Jo.
litis been for ihany years nuflerur
riitii -wounds reieived in battle. He
au buried at (lorysllis Tkuraday.
Bait Lake parties, who are operating
he Crystal I'alace niiue, Hear Sparta,
have let the contract for the construct
ion of an 800-foot iunuel. Which will
tap the ledge 400 feet below the sur
face. During Die post two years C.lnglas
ocuniy Iish paid as bounty on wild
aniinals killed the sum of $-!8fi7 an.fol
lowe: B"?ar, SWi, bouuty SM7; coybte,
U12. mm, panther, 670, 12010; total
w-iiia, 1844; bouuty, $3837.
Lantburu Bros., of Wasjo, met with
afliOO kwa after leaving a 'setting"
where they had been threshing one
day law week. Fire broke out and
burned two stacks, derrick, wagon,
feeder, straw carl and belling.
The California Construction and
Equipment Company has oommenced
oiH'rattuns on the new cieamery,
mtiieh they will build at Ashland.
The lumber has been engaged and
carpi'ub'n, secured. j
A cousiileialilo number of piles have j
been received at Port Ortor from Coos j
bay, to be used in constructing (he
wharf there. They will be coated
with con' nu- and sand to kwp out the
tei-ido, and then will bo enoitmd In
redwood slats. .
.W.J. Smith, lle uewly appointed
p,t master at Oleiiora has been uuiho
rizi d to appoint a mall csril -r on the
Wilson river route. There will be a
mall every other day between Tilla
mook and Forest Grove.
The La Grand Chronicle states that
au extensive quarry of lime rook has
been discovered near that city. It is
the Intention ot the labor exchange
to burn the rock and furuUb a first
class grade of lime for the market.
The mining boat which has been,
working on the bars of Suake aud
Clearwatej rivers Is proving a success.
Home of tin) . poorest bars worked by
the bout haye paid as high as 27 cents
to (ho yard. .
Southern Oregon buyers are still
shiplng thousands of sheep to San
Kraiiolsio by Hie coasting, steamers
Alice Wimi'lmrd and Empire, The
steamers take down about 1000 each
trip. v ,,; . .
W, S. Byirs, of Poudlelon, Is mak
in? p, shipment of three car loads
of flow for Africa. It is put up in
Vr and 49 pound sacks of the
ordinary Ulud, and these sacks iu
turn are packed lu burlap sacks.
The Burns Jockey Club will con
duct a live days' race meeting com
mencing September 1, Some very
miod horses are raised lu that vicinity,
and there will probably be quite au as
yMblajpuf flt Sleedli froui fcUlUcy,
Itkili' uai sUMiutk' MirfiM
A fir log was hauled to the water
from James Cowan's camp, on north
Ooos rlvr, Friday, which measured
128 fi.vt In length, and was 22 Inches
thick at the top,
Slnne July 1, there liavp been 84
migrant aagons pass Ihrouirh Vale,
their (wcupants Intending to liKate In
this state. As each of them had about
six people, Oregon has gained about
500 population from this source alone
during that penod.
The residence of Hev. Mr. Plummer,
of Corvallis, was robbed a few days
ago during the absence of the family
on their summer vacation. . Among
other plunder, the robbers secured
some pieces of silver plate that were
highly prized by the family as heir,
The beshows, or coal flab, as they
are generally called, which visited
Coos bay in Immense numbers two
years ago, have again made their ap
pcarnce there. The coal fish, while
not regarded as a delicacy in their
fresh state, are said to be equal to
mackerel when salted.
Isaac Rudolph, who had so much
trouble over a charge of robbing the
malls Is again In the tolls, this time
on a charge of erabeulement of school
funds. He maintains his innocence
and threatens to spring a sensation
when the case comes up for trial,
claiming he is the victim of persecu
tion. While looking after his cattle on the
John Day breaks, some time ago, H.
Bmitu discovered three antelope lu the
band. The Moro Observer says that
these are probably the last of once
large herds of antelope roaming this
regiou. A few years ago Lloyd Hmitb
saw a band of 12 in Pine hollow, aud
it is thought these three are the rem.
uautsof that band.
Rattlesnakes arc more numerous in
the Malheur valley this year than !
ever before known and ranchers have
killed great numbers of them. All of
the snnkes are from 6 to 10 years old,
and !r presence ie accounted for by
retmon of a scarcity of ffiod in the hills
as they have Increased so fast that
they have killed oft all the rats,
squirrels, etc., in the immediate vicinity-
industry on the Silelz,
The opening of the Silet Indian
reservaUon to settlement by the In
dlaus their having taken lauds In
severalty has also opened the Biletz
river to caimeryineii, and the first
steamer which ever eutered the river
was sent in by the Kern Bros. Pack
ing Co., - of Portland, a lew weeks
slow, says the Oregonlan, aud the
towti of Keruvllle, with John H. Kern
as puetmaster, has been established
about 4 miles above the mouth, ai d a
caunery with a capacity of 400 cases
per day has been built aud is iu opera
tion. The cannery started up last
week on a fine run of Chinook salmon,
averaging 28 pounds in weight, and
some of them running as high as 65
pounds. The company has gone in
to the Siletz to stay and propose to
put In a sawmill before long, as there
is some fine,, timber in that section,
aud Major jgastwiok, under the direct
ions of Captain Fisk, United. Htates
engineer, IS making an examination
of the entrance to the river, prelimi
nary to a report on the practicability
oflmprovitig it for navigation. The
8iltlz is a beautiful stream, but might
have properly btieu named the Mean
der. By its windings from the Indian
reservation to the sea, It Is over 40
miles, while in a direct Hue the dis
tance Is only 16 miles, The principal
drawback to that section is that the
best lauds have been tadeu by the
Indians, and will not be out of their
hands for 25 years at least. When
Kern Bros, started their caunery they
offered to employ Indians at fishing
aud other work, but no satisfactory
arrangement could be made with
them; so white men were sent in.. It
is expeoted they will turn out 10,000
cases this season.
Full-size cabinet photographs $1.60
to $2 per I'oaieu for 30 daya only at
Boyd's Gallery.
Measure your rooms accurately aud
brlug size in feet and inches with you.
It costs you nothing to have your car
pets sewed by hand by the Albany
Furniture Co., Albany, Oregon.
During pur i;loelug out sale no goods
fl-il be sold except for spot cash.
. Kuad, Peacock & Co. '
Kead, f eacook & Co, has sleeveless
uudtu' vests (or ladles from 56 to 6(16.
You cau get Prtes Baking Powder
for (SOe. per jjound, evtry ena KUifW
't4l 'liiajlliii-f sidin i sViits'i
Higheit of all in Uavenuig Powa. Uteit U. S. Govt Keport
ion j-' :'i"ri'.
A Counterfeit $5 Piece.
(From the Albany Democrat.)
A alxteen yeur old boy residlmr be
yond Scio, was in the city Saturday
evening and bouirht 35 cents worth of
things of Parker Bros., handing Mr.
Walter Parker a 85 niece In navment
It was a very nlaiu counterfeit, and
the attcution of Chief of Police Lee
a o:i!led to the fact. He took char
of the coin aud the boy who claimed
to have received the money for work
With a threshing: crew. He was imn.
aequently discharged. At the time he
had only 25 cents whioh he had paid
for part of the things bought, not
taking 10 cents worth of candy.
About an hour afterwards he returned
and throwing down 50 cents called for
some tobacco. He was asked if he
was eighteen years of age, and being
told that be was not was refused the
tobacco, Then he boldly said, With
an oath: "All I wanted was to oatoh
you, and have you arrested for selling
tobacco to a boy so I could get even
with you for putting the officer on
The whole affair Indicates that he
was deliberately trying to pass the $5,
aud no doubt for a confederate,
The Government Works at Yaqiiina.
A correspondent of the Corvalll.
Times from Yatmlna says the plans
aud Bpei Ifications for the big million
dollar Improvement on the Yaqulua
bar have Just been completed by Mr.
HoKomb, engineer iu charge, and
have been forwarded to the office 1 of
United States engineers at Portland.
The act does not iu any way imply
that work on the contract Is to be
commenced at once. The question of
the advisability of proceeding with the
contract is in the bowels of the secre
tary of war and the president of the
United Htates, for approval or disap
proval, and with ample authority to
hold the matter over for another con
gress to adopt or reject at pleasure.
Sending forward the plans and specifi
cations is merely a part of the prepar
atory detail, so they may be handy for
use should the powers at Washington
conclude in their wisdom to cause the
contract to be awarded and the Im
provements pushed.
Darling Gets His Deserts.
John Darling, arrested and held to
answer In Albany on a charge of per
sonating au Internal revenue officer,
and taken to Portland and committed
to Jail, was arrigned before Judge Bel
linger Friday, says the Oregonlan, and
011 entering a plea of guilty, was
sentenced to Imprisonment for one
month in Mullnomah county jail, and
to pay a lino of $1000. As it Is not
supposed he lias any property, he will
be able to pay his fine by serving 80
days In jail and then taking advant
age of the pauper convict law. But
little is kuown of Darling's antece
dents, but it is said be belongs In Port
laud. This fellow appears to be a
daisy as well as a darling, and from
the ready manner in which he puts
up the job on the man he blackmailed,
it is probable this is not the first time
he has impersonated an officer.
Must Progress.
The state superintendent of public
instruction has ruled that any person
having received a first, second or
third grade county certificate in one
county shall not be grauted a second
paper of the same grade lu any couuty
of the state, aud said certificates are
good only iu the county where issued,
A person having received a third
grade couuty certificate and going Into
auother county to teach must pass the
examination for the next higher
grade, namely, a second grade certifi
cate. This ruling ia very important
to teachers. It means that they must
progress. It means more to be a
teacher than it did ten years ago, aud
ten years hence the standard will be
still higher. The world is progressing
and the teacher must progress with it
or full out of the muks.. .-
Htraw bats! straw htitsll from 5 to
50c at the Racket Store. Lace curtains
70 cts., $1, and J1.25 per pair. Eiht
spools of best thread for SSc, 8 for 10c,
Qagd tiotl.iuB-j,l low U'km.t
Aa.1 W).
, , Death of an Old Resident.
: A telegram to Mr. W. H. Goltra on
Saturday bronchi (h .. .i.
death of Mr. Hugh Nickeraon at the
ymom Balem. Mr. Goltrs waa in
Portland that day so the news did not
become known until his return when
the message was delivered. The re
mains were broueht to Alhi, .,i
interred in the city cemetery., Mr.
i-nuKBrson was one of the old and
prominent residents in T.lnn ,,i
having come here from Ohio in 1852.
n was anout 78 years of age, and
from the eflfactnFdiHAnaA v,a v,...,.
" u.v. www.
deranged in mind and taken to the
asylum for treatment. A wife, from
whom he had separated, survives him.
four cnuaren are living. Mrs. Valln-
da HoUBton. Mm. TCIIn Pmkat T?l
Nickeraon and Nettle Nickerson. He
was an uncle of Hon. O. N. Denny,
John Denny. Mrs. W. H. Goltra and
Mrs. Wm. Balaton. Herald.
Jenkins Heard From.
A few weeks ago Virgil Jenkins, of
Prlneville, started across the mount
ains with a band of sheep for the
Willamette valley. When near Bweet
Home be disappeared and the sheep
were found scattered about. It was
flret feared he waa a victim of foul play
but finally it was coucluded he had
become demented and wandered away
Into the mountains. The following
from the Prlneville Review will throw
some light on the affair: "Mrs. J. A.
Jenkins showed us a postal card from
the post master at Mabel, Linn county
stating that Virgil Jenkins was at bis
grandfather's near that place and had
been there for a week. This settles the
matter as to his whereabouts but does
not explain the cause of his leaving
his sheep in the mountains. "Herald.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers in T.lnn
county like to take the Weekly Oregon
tan. we nave made' arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduc
tion from the regular price to those
wno want both the Express and the
Oregonlan. The regular price of the
Oregonian is $1.50 per year, and of the
Express $U0 when in advance. We
will furnish both for $2. per year in
advance, a savins of one dollar tn tlm
subscriber. The Oregonian gives all
the general news of the country once a
week, and the Express gives all the
local news once a week, which will
make a most excellent nests service
for the moderate sum of $2. ner
Those who are at present subscribers
i tne express must pay in all arrear
ages and one vcai In urlvanra In nKian
this special price.
Tinkle, the Artist, has bought a
gallery In California and will leave
here in about six weeks. You should
have him make your picture before he
Necessity demands that we Insist nu
all those Indebted to us on subscrip
tion, or otnerwlse, to call and settle at
once. We will take wheat, oats op hav
at the highest market pi ices,
Notice or Appointment or Administrator
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed adminis
trator of the estate of J. T, McCalliater,
deceased, law of Linn county, Oregon, A II
.uu.. iin.uip lamina BRaiita. tne earn
estate are hereby notified to present them,
with the proper vouchers, within six months
from f. hn rlnlA nf ll.iu i
signed, at Albany, Oregon,
Dated, this 1st day of August, 1898. ,
, ' if. M. Payns,
Elkins i Casbos, Administrator,
Attys. for Ailrar.
$3, $4 and $5
for only $1.50 to $2